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1.TS Consultants has been asked to investigate the issues underlying the underperformance and low staff morale of the Finance Department in YR Hospital.

The consultants have access to various sources of information such as the recent staff satisfaction survey which shows that staff morale in the department is low. In addition, statistics from the HR Department reveals that both absenteeism and staff turnover are exceptionally high in the Finance Department. There have also been many complaints from other areas of the hospital about both the management and staff working in the department. However, staff enjoy competitive salaries and other excellent working conditions such as free car parking, a subsidised canteen and access to sports facilities.

The consultants have run some focus groups with members of staff working in the department to try to gather more information to help them better understand the causes of underperformance and low staff morale. The findings suggest that there appears to be very much a “them and us” culture between management and staff, with the managers in the department exerting power based on their position and status. Staff say that they are only allowed to undertake the specific activities included in their narrow job descriptions and feel unable to fully contribute as a result of the chain of command in the Finance Department. Staff also say that they are not involved in decisions regarding the department’s activities, and many say they have not had any training.

They mentioned that there are very few career progression opportunities because of this. They feel their contributions are not recognised by management and that they never receive feedback on their performance. Staff characterise the leadership and management of the department as task-focused, with tight controls and close supervision.

Having undertaken the review, the consultants are preparing the recommendations on how to improve the poor performance and low staff morale.


With reference to theory, discuss the recommendations TS Consultants could make to help improve performance and staff morale in the Finance Department of YR Hospital.

(Total for Question One = 10 marks)

2. M is a business that sells custom made computer-based information systems. Each customer order is for a unique system, which will involve experts from many functional areas within M. Each customer expects a high level of individual attention. Some systems take only four to six months to design and produce and cost less than €50,000, whereas other systems cost several million Euros and can take up to three years to complete. Projects are continually being completed and started.

A Management Consultant's review of M's organisational effectiveness has concluded that the matrix structure is the most appropriate for M.


Identify the characteristics of the organisation that make it appropriate for M to have a matrix structure.

(Total for Question Two = 10 marks)

3. JB has recently joined the Finance Department of P Company as a trainee management accountant. As part of the Company's induction, she has been offered a mentor. However, since JB has not had any previous experience of mentoring, she is unconvinced of the benefits. She has asked LC, the facilitator of the induction session, to explain what is involved in the process of mentoring and how it might be a benefit to her as a new member of staff.


Explain the points that LC should make concerning the process and the benefits of mentoring for new members of staff.

(Total for Question Three = 10 marks)

4. PRC Company, a retailer of baby clothes and toys, has been in existence for 20 years. Its approach to strategy has tended to be informal and emergent rather than planned. However, the company is facing uncertain times and at a recent Board meeting, one of the directors suggested that the company should adopt a more formal approach to how it develops its strategy. He has suggested that the use of strategic management tools and techniques could help and, as a start, has recommended that the company should undertake a corporate appraisal.


Explain the purpose of corporate appraisal (SWOT), and what would be involved in PRC Company undertaking a corporate appraisal.

(Total for Question Four = 10 marks)

(6 marks) (Total for Question Three = 10 marks)



In making their recommendations TS Consultants could refer to Hertzberg’s theory on motivation. Essentially, the two factor theory proposed by Herzberg suggests that there are hygiene factors which need to be in place in order to reduce staff dissatisfaction. If they are absent this can lead to dissatisfaction and consequently impact on performance. For ex ample, factors surrounding the job context such as pay, working environment, company policy and interpersonal relationships. These factors tend to be extrinsic to the job itself and whilst they are unlikely to motivate staff, if they are not right can cause dissatisfaction and de- motivation. The other set of factors are those, which if present, can motivate individuals to superior effort and performance. They tend to be related to the job itself, in other words are intrinsic factors and are referred to as motivators or growth factors.

Applying this theory to the Finance Department based on the Consultants findings, it is apparent that the hygiene factors such as competitive salaries and good physical working conditions are in place. However, there are some hygiene factors that need attention, specifically the nature of supervision. The consultants should recommend that action is needed to address the nature of supervision by management and the poor relationships suggested by the 'them and us' culture, which would involve a shift in the approach to leadership in the department.

Another set of recommendations should be made which relate to the potential motivating factors, such as those relating to recognition, challenging work, responsibility and advancement. This could include reviewing job design to determine possibilities for job enlargement and job enrichment. This would involve exploring the design of job roles in the Finance Department to widen the scope

of jobs, providing more interesting and challenging work for staff. The benefit to employees would be the development of new skills and being given greater responsibility through empowerment. This would, however, require the managers to adopt a more participative leadership style, with junior staff given greater responsibility for their own areas of work and encouraged to participate in decision making, but with managers providing constructive feedback.

Another recommendation would be to look at how improved prospects for career development could be achieved. This might mean providing opportunities for lateral moves to enable staff to gain new experiences and competencies.

A recommendation could be made to introduce some kind of recognition scheme since recognition is an important motivator. This could be achieved, at one level, by simply encouraging managers to thank members of staff for their contribution, acknowledging extra effort and performance. More formal recognition systems could also be considered.

TS Consultants should make a recommendation which highlights the training and development needs of managers in the Finance Department. To resolve some of the difficulties, it is likely that the managers will need to adapt their leadership style to a more democratic approach. Reference to the Blake and Mouton managerial grid would help identify the focus on the training needs for the managers. It would seem from the scenario that currently they have the characteristics of authority-compliance management with a high concern for the task, but low concern for people. Leadership training and development should be designed to help the managers to understand the need to balance concern for the task with the concern for people. Development interventions should focus on helping them to develop better working relationships with their teams, perhaps using team building techniques.

(Answers could develop with reference to alternative theories on motivation and management/leadership styles).


The characteristics of M that are appropriate to it adopting a matrix organisational structure are as follows:

?The business of M consists of a series of projects which are custom made, which are complex and require staff from a number of different functional areas;

?The projects undertaken by M have different start and end dates, so the organisation is continually reassigning resources from project to project as one ends and another begins;

?The projects undertaken by M are complex so the staff benefit from also being assigned to a technical function (such as finance or procurement) where they can share knowledge and experience with colleagues in their functional teams;

?The projects undertaken by M are often expensive, so having resources controlled by functional heads should lead to improved utilisation and reduced duplication across the different projects; ?The projects undertaken by M are customer facing and customers expect a high level of customer focus. Therefore, the customer will require a single point of contact (the project manager) to deal with customer requests and problems.


LC could start by explaining to JB that the purpose of a mentoring system is to provide new employees with a forum to discuss development issues in a relaxed and supportive environment. A mentoring

system would be useful to JB, as a new member of staff, in helping her socialise into the culture of the organisation and facilitate quicker learning about the way the organisation works. LC could go on to say that the mentoring relationship is not based on authority but, rather, a genuine wish by a mentor to share knowledge, advice and experience with junior members of staff.

LC should explain that the mentor would be in a senior position within P Company, and the purpose would be to guide and support JB, as a less experienced employee. LC should also explain that whilst JB’s mentor will hopefully be from the finance function that she has joined, the person acting as mentor would not be her direct line manager. The reason for this is to ensure that the mentor can act as an independent arbiter, and avoid the danger of conflict given the developmental nature of mentoring versus line management. The mentor would normally be a role model, having already achieved a status to which JB might aspire.

LC could then explain the different functions of mentoring, for example differentiating between career-enhancing and psychological functions.

In terms of career enhancing, a mentor could help JB in her career with P Company through exposure, visibility and sponsorship. Having a mentor could also help JB in expanding her network of contacts and in gaining greater exposure in the organisation.

The psychological function of mentoring could help JB enhance her competence and effectiveness in her role. LC could point out that the role of the mentor would be to encourage and assist JB in analysing her performance and identifying her strengths and weaknesses.

The mentor would provide JB with honest but supportive feedback and guidance on how she could work on her weaknesses. The mentor would also provide feedback and encourage JB to reflect on her behaviour and experiences as she develops into her new role. LC could explain that JB could ask her mentor questions and learn from her mentor’s experience, using the mentor as a safe sounding board. So having a mentor should help JB in her new job through encouragement and nurturing her learning and development.

LC should also explain that mentoring would work alongside some of the more formal control mechanisms such as appraisal. The mentor would be able discuss with JB her training needs, advise on qualifications and provide a forum for her to discuss any interpersonal problems a nd career goals.


Corporate appraisal, sometimes referred to as SWOT, involves the quantitative and qualitative review of a company’s internal strengths and weaknesses and its relationship with external opportunities and threats. In essence, it could be used to summarise the key issues from PRC's business environment and its strategic capability, that are most likely to impact on its future strategic development.

Conducting a corporate appraisal brings together information derived from an analysis of the trends in the external and competitive environments and internal developments that may be of significance to PRC Company. The outcomes from the corporate appraisal could then be used to determine the company's current position and inform whether it should continue with its existing strategy or formulate a new strategy that will enable it to operate more effectively.

The process of conducting a corporate appraisal will require PRC to draw on two sets of data: ?Information on the current performance and resource position of the company to establish

internal capability. Data will need to be captured from performing an

analysis of the internal position of PRC Company, its resources and competences, and conclusions from value chain analysis.

?Information on the business environment and how this is likely to change, identifying key trends. This information will need to be collected through the process of external environment analysis (for example using the PESTEL framework and competitor analysis using Porter’s five forces framework).

The internal appraisal for PRC Company should highlight:

?Strengths, which are the particular skills or distinctive/core competences which the company possesses and which will give it an advantage over its competitors. These are the things the company should seek to exploit. In identifying strengths, it is important that it highlights not just what PRC Company is good at, but how it is better, relative to the competition. ?Weaknesses, which are the shortcomings in the company and which can hinder it in achieving its strategic aims. For example, lack of resources, expertise or skill.

Strengths and weaknesses should relate to industry key factors for success and help PRC Company to assess how capable it is in dealing with changes in its business environment. ?Opportunities relate to the events or changes outside the company, i.e. trends in its external business environment which are favourable to the company. For example, what opportunities exist in the business environment, what is the capability profile of the competitors, are they better placed to exploit these opportunities? The events or changes identified will provide some strategic focus to the decision-making for managers in the company.

?Threats relate to events or changes outside the company, i.e. trends in its business environment which are unfavourable and that must be defended against. The company will need to introduce strategies to overcome these threats in some way or it may start to lose market share to its competitors.

The external appraisal will assist PRC Company in identifying opportunities which can be exploited by the company’s strengths and also to anticipate environmental threats against which the company must protect itself. In other words, strategies should be developed to minimise weaknesses, or develop strengths, taking advantage of opportunities or counteracting problems from environmental changes.

Using the SWOT analysis should help PRC Company to focus on future choices and gain a better understanding of the extent to which it has the internal capability to support the changes. It will also facilitate the identification and generation of possible future strategic options for PRC.



行测模拟题:行测资料分析模拟题 每日一练,帮大家加深知识点记忆,下面由我为你精心准备了“行测模拟题:行测资料分析模拟题”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 行测模拟题:行测资料分析模拟题 根据下列资料,回答1~3题。 E省统计局公布的数据显示,2014年上半年E省实现地区生产总值(GDP)5141.7亿元,同比增长了6.8%,比全国平均水平低了0.6个百分点。 分产业来看,第一产业增加值268.79亿元,同比增长4.0%;第二产业增加值3127.32亿元,增长5.9%;第三产业增加值1745.59亿元,增长9.0%。从外贸、投资和消费方面来看,投资仍然是推动经济增长的最主要力量。 2014年上半年,全省累计完成外贸进出口总值125.39亿美元,同比增长2.2%,高于全国平均增速1.0个百分点。其中出口总值26.79亿美元,同比下降20%;进口总值98.61亿美元,同比增长10.6%。此外,上半年全省实际利用外资39.03亿美元,同比增长12.5%。 2014年上半年全省完成固定资产投资4155.7亿元,同比增长17%,增速比一季度提升0.3个百分点。其中全省民间投资总额达3065.69亿元,同比增长17.9%,占全部投资比重73.8%。 2014年上半年全省实现社会消费品零售总额2843.64亿元,同比增长12.1%,增速比一季度提升0.3个百分点。 2014年上半年,E省居民消费价格(CPI)同比上涨2.1%,低于全国平均涨幅0.2个百分点。其中,食品类价格上涨3.5%,高于当期全国平均涨幅0.1个百分点。E省CPI涨幅在全国居第18位,处于平稳适度的区间。


数值分析模拟试卷(三)班级学号姓名一、填空题(共2分,每题2分) 1、设x*=3149578…,取5位有效数字,则所得的近似值x=_______________ ; . 2、设一阶差商,,则二阶差商__________ ; 3、数值微分中,已知等距节点的函数值,则由三点的求导公式,有_______________ ; 4、求方程的近似根,用迭代公式,取初始值,那么x1=_________ ; 5、解初始值问题近似解的梯形公式是yk+1=_________ ; 6、,则A的谱半径______ ,cond (A)=______ ; 7、设,则______ , ______ ; 8、若线性代数方程组AX=b 的系数矩阵A为严格对角占优阵,则雅可比迭代和高斯-塞德尔迭代都_______ ; 9、解常微分方程初值问题的欧拉(Euler)方法的局部截断误差为_____ 1、设,当____________时,必有分解式A=LLT,其中L为下三角阵.二、计算题(共6分,每题15分) 1、(1)设试求f(x)在上的三次Hermite插值多项式使满足; (2)写出余项的表达式. 2、已知,满足,试问如何利用构造一个收敛的简单迭代函数,使…收敛? 3、试确定常数A,B,C和a,使得数值积分公式有尽可能高的代数精度.所得的数值积分公式代数精度是多少?是否为Gauss型的? 4、推导常微分方程的初值问题的数值解公式 三、证明题(共2分,每题1分) 1、设,(1)写出解 f(x)=的Newton迭代格式; (2)证明此迭代格式是线性收敛的. 2、设R=I-CA,如果,证明 (1)A、C都是非奇异的矩阵; (2)


2016必修管理会计实践及应用案例 引言 2014年被业界称为管理会计元年,酝酿已久的推动我国管理会计发展的指导性文件在万众期待中隆重发布。《财政部关于全面推进管理会计体系建设的指导意见》【财会〔2014〕27号】在阐述我国全面推进管理会计发展的重要性、紧迫性的基础上,给出了未来发展管理会计的指导思想、基本原则、主要目标以及任务、措施,标志着我国管理会计发展跃升到新的高度,承担着重要的历史使命,同时也给学界及实务界指明了方向,提出了要求。 2015年12月29日,关于征求《管理会计基本指引(征求意见稿)》意见的函下发,意味着《指导意见》中提出的构建管理会计基本指引工作的启动和落地,也表明我国推动管理会计发展的决心。在此背景下,我们会计界的专业实务人才有必要尽快掌握管理会计相关内容和发展动态,以提升管理会计能力,更好地为我国管理会计发展贡献力量。 目录 管理会计与财务会计 管理会计实践应用领域 管理会计应用案例 当代管理会计应用基础 管理会计与财务会计 管理会计与财务会计大不同! 1. 服务对象不同 财务会计:对外报告会计 主要服务股东、债权人、分析师等公司外部相关利益群体,提供其决策所需信息 管理会计:对内报告会计 主要服务于企业内部高、中、基层管理者,提供其决策支持信息。 2. 工作重点不同 财务会计:提供并解释历史信息,向后看 管理会计:提供信息用于预测前景、参与决策、控制当前、评价过去、规划未来 3. 程序和方法迥异 财务会计:按照会计准则和会计制度的规定,采用一系列标准化的程序和方法,提供固定格式的财务信息,可形象地看作“普通话”; 管理会计:在不同的企业会有不同的呈现模式和表象,具体程序和方法个性鲜明,类似“方言”; 4. 信息来源渠道不同 财务会计:信息来源于业务


资料分析练习题 根据以下资料,回答1-2题。 2015年全国邮政企业和快递服务企业业务收入累计完成4039.3亿元,同比增长26.1%,比上年上升0.4个百分点;业务总量累计完成5078.7亿元,同比增长37.4%,比上年上升0.8个百分点。其中12月份全行业业务收入完成417.2亿元,同比增长31.4%,比上年同期上升0.5个百分点;业务总量完成569.9亿元,同比增长41.3%,比上年同期上升2.1个百分点。 2015年全国快递服务企业业务量累计完成206.7亿件,同比增长48%;业务收入累计完成2769.6亿元,同比增长35.4%。其中,同城业务收入累计完成400.8亿元,同比增长50.7%;异地业务收入累计完成1512.9亿元,同比增长33.8%;国际及港澳台业务收入累计完成369.6亿元,同比增长17%。12月份,快递业务量完成24.2亿件,同比增长47.7%;业务收入完成313.4亿元,同比增长39.5%。 2015年东、中、西部地区快递业务收入的比重分别为81.9%、10.3%和7.8%,与上年同期相比,东部地区快递业务收入比重下降了0.9个百分点,中部地区快递业务收入比重上升了0.9个百分点,西部地区快递业务收入比重与上年持平。 1.2014年报纸业务累计完成量比杂志业务多多少亿份? A.165 B.173 C.180 D.188 2.以下说法不能从材料中推出的有()个。 ①2015年1-11月全国邮政企业和快递服务企业业务收入比上年同期增长了两成多 ②2015年函件业务累计完成量约是包裹业务的120倍 ③2013年12月全行业业务收入约240亿元 ④2014年全国邮政企业和快递服务企业业务总量同比增速比当年12月份同比增速少2.6个百分点


数值分析模拟试卷1 一、填空(共30分,每空3分) 1 设??? ? ??-=1511A ,则A 的谱半径=)(a ρ______,A 的条件数)(1A cond =________. 2 设 Λ ,2,1,0,,53)(2==+=k kh x x x f k ,则 ],,[21++n n n x x x f =________, ],,[321+++n n n n x x x x f ,=________. 3 设?????≤≤-++≤≤+=2 1,121 0,)(232 3x cx bx x x x x x S ,是以0,1,2为节点的三次样条函数,则 b=________,c=________. 4 设∞ =0)]([k k x q 是区间[0,1]上权函数为x x =)(ρ的最高项系数为1的正交多项式族,其中1)(0=x q ,则 ?=1 )(dx x xq k ________,=)(2x q ________. 5 设 ?? ?? ? ?????=11001a a a a A ,当 ∈ a ________时,必有分解式 ,其中L 为下三角阵,当其对角线元素 )3,2,1(=i L ii 满足条件________时,这种分解是唯一的.

二、(14分)设4 9,1,41,)(2102 3 === =x x x x x f , (1)试求)(x f 在]4 9,41[上的三次Hermite 插值多项式)(x H 使满足 2,1,0),()(==i x f x H i i ,)()(11x f x H '='. (2)写出余项)()()(x H x f x R -=的表达式. 三、(14分)设有解方程0cos 2312=+-x x 的迭代公式为n n x x cos 3 2 41+ =+, (1) 证明R x ∈?0均有?∞ →=x x n x lim (? x 为方程的根); (2) 取40=x ,用此迭代法求方程根的近似值,误差不超过 ,列出各次迭代值; (3)此迭代的收敛阶是多少?证明你的结论.


针对下列文字、图或表回答问题。你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算、处理。 一、根据下列文字材料回答1-5题。 最新统计数字显示,截至2000年底,全国党员总数已达6451万名,占全国人口总数的5.2%;女党员1119万名,占党员总数的17.4%;少数民族党员401.1万名,占党员总数的6.2%。 党员队伍结构不断改善,分布状况更趋合理。目前全国35岁以下的党员有1439.1万名,占党员总数的22.3%。党员队伍中具有高中以上学历的3237.4万名,占党员总数的50.2%。其中,大学本、专科学历1319.3万名,占20.5%;研究生学历41.1万名,占0.6%。 2000年底,党员队伍中有工人、农牧渔民3166万名,占党员总数的49.1%;各类专业技术人员776.3万名;机关干部592.3万名;事业、企业单位管理人员618.2万名。 据介绍,近年来,全国发展党员数量保持均衡,1990年至2000年,全国共发展党员2175.9万名,平均每年发展党员197.8万名;新党员的构成、分布明显改善,去年全国发展的党员中,35岁以下青年占73.95%,生产、工作一线的党员约占50%;同时女党员在党员队伍中所占比例明显增长,1995年全国发展女党员数占新党员总数的20.9%,2000年达到26.7%。入党积极分子队伍不断壮大,到2000年底,全国共有入党申请人1395.4万名,入党积极分子764.6万名,分别比10年前增加了315.2万名和211.6万名。 1.截至2000年底,我国男性党员人数为: A.5332万 B. 1439万 C、6451 万D.3794万 2.2000年底党员队伍中,具有大学本、专科学历以上的党员约有: A.3237.4万B.2157.2万 C.1360.4万 D.784.8万 3.2000年底事业企业单位管理人员中的党员人数占全国党员总数的比例约为: A.9.2% B.9.6% C.9.3% D.9.8% 4.2000年全国新发展的女党员占新党员总数的比例与1995年相比,高出了几个百分点: A、5.6 B、7.2 C、 6.4 D、5.8 5.1990年底全国共有入党申请人和入党积极分子各多少人: A.1080.2万 627.8 万 B.897.6万 627.8万


CIMA预览材料讲解– 总结 Preseen P2&P14 – Aurora公司高级管理团队组织架构&你的答题对象: 1. 组织架构: Lim(你上级的上级)-财务总监 Jens(你的上级)-高级财务经理 你-财务经理,你的同事XXX –财务经理 你的下属–初级财务人员 2. 答题时需要看你的汇报对象是谁,根据对象来采取不同的措辞。 ①如果是大老板给你发邮件,你回复的时候的行文就必须是比较正式的,是结构很清晰的,需要符合相应的要求。 ②但如果说是你的下属向你提出帮助这个要求的时候,或者请你解释,比如说某个专业概念的时候,你就不能够放很多的这种很复杂的专业词汇,你要用比较简单的语言去向他解释清楚这样一个概念。 ③跨部门沟通 Preseen P3 - 汽车制造行业 行业三阶段: 1. 初期:主要依靠劳动力,对劳动技能要求水平比较高 2. 中期(流水线作业阶段):各个岗位更加专业化,工种专业程度不断提高,工人的技能水平要求降低。 3. 现阶段(机器密集型):机器人的使用是我们行业目前的一个现状,对人工的需求大幅减少。 三个新的发展趋势: 1. 模块化的组件系统的结果,汽车制造商越来越国际化,我们公司可以向全球采购。 【相关知识点】:E2-国际贸易(驱动因素),E2-宏观经济环境 2. 我们汽车厂商他们开始使用越来越多的通用型的零部件。 不同的车型,不同的产品组合当中,制造商他会使用通用的组件(相同的零部件)。 3. 们现在汽车厂商开始越来越多的使用机器人的技术。 —— 这个行业的规模经济效应越来越明显。 结合汽车行业详细解释什么叫做规模经济效应? Examples of economies of scale: 1.By using robotics, the design of the component parts are manufactured to a higher level of precision. This reduced the rejection rate and general levels of waste and scrap.


安徽公务员考试行测资料分析模拟试题 根据以下资料,回答121-126题。 某港口2007年生产统计表 121.2007年该港口货物吞吐量最高的季度是: A.第一季度 B.第二季度 C.第三季度 D.第四季度 122.2006年4月到2007年12月间,港口货物吞吐量高于900万吨的月份有多少个? A.10 B.11 C.12 D.13 123.2007年4—12月间该港口集装箱吞吐量同比增长率最高的月份是: A.5月 B.6月 C.7月 D.8月 124.2007年,港口货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量均低于全年平均水平的月份有几个? A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

125.能够从上述资料中推出的是: A.2006年第一季度,月均港口货物吞吐量超过800万吨 B.2007年第一季度,港口集装箱吞吐量高于全年平均水平 C.2006年4-12月间港口集装箱吞吐量低于6万TEU的月份有3个 D.2007年第四季度的所有月份港口货物吞吐量均比上一年同期有所下降 121.【答案】B。解析:从表中第二列可以看出第二季度的货物吞吐量均高于910,且该年度的最大吞吐量也在该季度。 122.【答案】C。解析:从表中第二列可以看出,2007年有9个月份的港口货物吞吐量高于900万吨,表中第四列,后项减前项,可知2006年的第四季度三个月的港口货物吞吐量均高于900万吨,因此,共有12个。 123.【答案】A。解析:2006年、2007年两年5月的港口集装箱吞吐量分别为:27.1-21.8=5.3、 8.4;6月的为:33.0-27.1=5.9、8.9;7月的为:39.1-33.0=6.1,8.8;8月的为:45.5-39.1=6.4、 9.8,可见,5月的增长量最多且基本量最小,所以,5月的同比增长率最高。增长量4、8月份都超过3月份,5月份增长率为(8.4-5.3)÷5.3≈58.5%,8月份增长率为(9.8-6.4)÷6.4≈53.1%。 124.【答案】A。解析:港口货物吞吐量的全年平均水平是:10859.1÷12≈904.9;集装箱吞吐量的全年平均水平是:105.7÷12≈8.8,因此只有1月和2月符合。 125.【答案】D。解析:A,2006年前三个月的累计港口货物吞吐量为2 379.6万吨,很明显,月均吞吐量不到800万吨;B中集装箱吞吐量都低于全年平均水平;C中只有5月和6月的港口集装箱吞吐量低于6万TEU;2006年第四季度的港口货物吞吐量为8133.6-7221.5=912.1,9121.9-8133.6=988.3,10088.8-9121.9=966.9,所以D项正确。来源:合肥人事考试网


To: Board of Directors of Dizz From: 4 Up Date: April, 2010 THE CASE CONCERNING CERTAIN ISSUES FACING DIZZ REPORT Team members:

Contents A. Introduction (3) B. Terms of Reference (3) C. Prioritization of Key Issues (3) D. Analyses of Issues (4) Ⅰ. Errors in the upgrade of contracts details within CAS (4) Ⅱ. Regulator threat in Yee (5) Ⅲ. Resignation of CEO in Africa and Organizational structure (5) Ⅳ.Shop in shop proposal (6) Ⅴ. Network security (8) Ⅵ. Other Issues (8) Ⅶ. Ethical Issues (9) E. Recommendations (9) Ⅰ. Errors in the upgrade of contracts details within CAS (9) Ⅱ. Regulator threat in Yee (10) Ⅲ. Resignation of CEO in Africa and Organizational structure (10) Ⅳ. Shop in shop proposal (10) Ⅴ. Network security (10) Ⅵ. Other Issues (10) Ⅶ. Ethical Issues (11) F. Conclusion (11) G. Appendixes (12) Appendix 1-SWOT Analysis (12) Appendix 2- PEST Analysis (13) Appendix 3- Mendelow’s matrix (14) Appendix 3- Balanced Scorcard (15) Appendix 4- Cash Flow (16)


2019人民银行招聘考试行测资料分析模拟试题(二) 致力于为广大报考银行的同学们提供丰富的银行招聘信息、笔、面试资料。中公金融人官网考试信息应有尽有,笔、面试资料琳琅满目,供各位考生选择,帮助莘莘学子积极备考银行招聘考试,还有更多的备考指导、考试题库在等着你! 2019中国人民银行招聘预计于下半年正式开始,不少同学已经开始加入了此次银行备考的大军。无论笔试还是面试,对于同学们能否顺利考入银行都是非常重要的环节。天津中公金融人为各位考生整理2019中国人民银行招聘笔试行测类模拟试题,帮助考生顺利通过考试。 行测资料分析: 2010年,我国投入研究与试验发展(以下简称R&D)经费7062.6亿元,比上年增长 21.7%;R&D经费投入强度(与国内生产总值之比)为1.76%,比上年的1.70%有所提高。按R&D 人员(全时工作量)计算的人均经费为27.7万元,比上年增加2.3万元。 分产业部门看,R&D经费投入强度(与主营业务收入之比)最高的行业是专用设备制造业,为2.04%;其他投入强度在1.5%及以上的还有4个行业,分别是医药制造业(1.82%)、通用设备制造业(1.59%)、电气机械及器材制造业(1.59%)和仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械制造业 (1.50%)。 2011年,我国投入R&D经费8687亿元;R&D经费投入强度为1.84%。按R&D人员(全时工作量)计算的人均经费支出为30.1万元。 分产业部门看,R&D经费投入超过200亿元的行业有8个,这8个行业的研发费用占全部规模以上工业企业的比重达72%;R&D经费投入强度超过规模以上工业平均水平(0.71%)的有11个行业。 表我国2010~2011年R&D经费投入统计表(单位:亿元) 6.2009年我国投入R&D经费为多少亿元? A.5580 B.5800 C.6350 D.7063 7.从活动类型看,2011年研究经费比上年增加额最多的和增长率最高活动类型分别是: A.试验发展试验发展


数值分析模拟试题 一、填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 1、已知近似值* 2.4560x =是由真值x 经四舍五入得到,则相对误差限为 。 2 、为减少舍入误差的影响,应将10改写成 。 3、设(1,1,2,3)T x =-,则12_______,_______,_______x x x ∞===。 4、设1123A -??=????,则1________,________F A A ==,A 的谱半径()A ρ=。 5、用Gauss-Seidel 迭代法解方程组1212423 x ax ax x +=??+=-?,其中a 为实数,则该方法收敛的充要 条件是a 满足 。 6、迭代法12213k k k x x x +=+收敛于*x =,此迭代格式是 阶收敛的。 7、设01(),(),,()n l x l x l x 是以01,, ,n x x x 为节点的Lagrange 插值基函数,则0()n i i l x ==∑。 8、设3()321f x x x =++,则差商[0,1,2,3]_____,[0,1,2,3,4]_____f f ==。 9、数值积分的辛普森公式为()b a f x dx ≈?。 10、数值积分公式0()()n b k k a k f x dx A f x =≈∑?中,0n k k A ==∑。 二、设函数2()(3)x x a x ?=+-,由迭代公式1()k k x x ?+=产生的序列为{}k x ,试讨论 ⑴当a 为何值时,序列{}k x 收敛; ⑵当a 取何值时,收敛速度最快,并指出迭代法收敛的阶。(12分) 三、设4()[0,2]f x C ∈,且(0)2,(1)1,(2)0,'(1)0f f f f ==-==,试求函数()f x 的三次 插值多项式()P x ,并求余项表达式。(14分) 四、用矩阵的直接三角分解法(即LU 分解)解方程组Ax b =,其中


09年公务员考试行测真题分类汇总——资料分析 (源自正灵樊政公考名师团队) 2009年北京市行政职业能力倾向测验(社招) 第五部分资料分析 (共20题,参考时限20分针) 针对下列图、表或文字回答问题。你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算、处理。你可以在题本上运算。 请开始答题: 根据下列统计资料回答116—120题 2008年,初步核算,全年国内生产总值300670亿元,比上年增长9.0 %。分 季度看,一季度增长10.6%,二季度增长10.1%,三季度增长9.0%,四季度增长6.8%。分产业看,第一产业增加值34000亿元,增长5.5%;第二产业增加值146183亿元,增长9.3%;第三产业增加值120487亿元,增长9.5%。 全年规模以上工业增加值比上年增长12.9%,增速比上年回落5.6个百分点,东、中、西部地区分别增长11.6%、15.8%和15.0%。 全年全社会固定资产投资172291亿元,比上年增加25.5%,增速比上年加快0.7个百分点。其中,城镇固定资产投资148167亿元,增长26.1%,加快0.3个百分点;农村固定资产投资24124亿元,增长21.5%。在城镇投资中,第一产业投资2256亿元,增长54.5%;第二产业投资65036亿元,增长28.0%;第三产业投资80875亿元,增长24.1%。分地区看,东、中、西部地区城镇投资分别增长21.3%、33.5%和26.7%。全年房地产开发投资30580亿元,比上年增长20.9%。 全年社会消费品零售总额108488亿元,比上年增长21.6%,增速比上年加快4.8个百分点。分城乡看,城市消费品零售额73735亿元,增长22.1%,加快 4.9个百分点;县及县以下消费品零售额34753亿元,增长20.7%,加快4.9个百分点。分行业看,批发和零售业消费品零售额91199亿元,增长21.5%;住宿和餐饮业消费品零售额15404亿元,增长24.7%。 116、2006年,全年社会消费品零售总额为 A.76384.5亿元 B.89217.1亿元 C.92883.6亿元 D.131872.8亿元 117、下列选项中,符合我国2008年全年生产总值增长情况的是


Issue1:Whether to acquire AW Non-financial measures SWOT analysis of acquiring AW

Issue2:Papy’s two proposals on entering new area of business The first proposal——by Simon Strategy: recruit experts from the outside, and train the employees in Papy to develop proper personnel and help the company more familiar with the health food area of business. Advantages: Save acquisition costs. Disadvantages: Inestimably expenses on personnel training and the time cost. It may cost two more years to get the similar profit as the proposal below. The second proposal——by Karen Strategy: acquire existing stores (Health Castle) as a start, and develop the reputation from there. Advantages: Save effort in looking for suppliers, identifying consumer behavior and conducting personnel training. As the estimated profit of Health Castle is €5 million, so it will meet the second year target of Karen within just one year. Disadvantages:Successful acquisition will require Papy to pay a considerable premium. Also, because of the reputation of “Health Castle”has already existed for a long time, once Papy acquire it ,it may take a long time to combine the two different culture and make the customers familiar with the new brand of health food of Papy.


2020公务员联考《行测》模拟资料分析题第四部分资料分析(共25题,参考时限25分钟) 所给出的图、表、文字或综合性资料均有若干个问题要你回答。 你应根据资料提供的信息实行分析、比较、计算和判断处理。 请开始答题: 一、根据以下资料,回答91~95题。 2008年我国全年建设占用耕地19.16万公顷,灾毁耕地2.48万公顷。生态退耕0.76万公顷,因农业结构调整减少耕地2.49万公顷。 土地整理复垦开发补充耕地22.96万公顷。 全年水资源总量27127亿立方米,比上年增加7.4%;人均水资源2048立方米,增加6.9%,全年平均降水量659毫米,增加8.0%,年末全国大型水库蓄水总量1962亿立方米,比上年末多蓄水93亿立方米,全年总用水量5840亿立方米,比上年增加0.4%。其中,生活用水增长0.6%,工业用水增长1.8%,农业用水减少0.2%,生态补水减少0.7%,万元国内生产总值用水量231.8立方米,比上年下降7.9%,万元工业 增加值用水量130.3立方米,下降7.0%,人均用水量440.9立方米, 下降0.1%。 全年完成造林面积477万公顷,其中人工造林329万公顷,林业 重点工程完成造林面积312万公顷,占全部造林面积的65.4%,全民义务植树23.1亿株,截至2008年底,自然保护区达到2538个,其中自 然保护区303个,新增综合治理水土流失面积4.7万平方公里,新增 实施水土流失地区封育保护面积2.6万平方公里。 初步测算,全年能源消费总量28.5亿吨标准煤,比上年增长4.0%;煤炭消费量27.4亿吨,增长3.0%;原油消费量3.6亿吨,增长5.1%; 天然气消费量807亿立方米,增长10.1%,电力消费量34502亿千瓦小时,增长5.6%,全国万元国内生产总值能耗下降4.59%。主要原材料


国家公务员考试行测 资料分析全真模拟题及答案解析 关于本文档: ●朱永强搜集整理 ●共33页,17,951字;宋体,五号字 ●共25道全真模拟题及答案及答案解析,售价5.5元 目录 国家公务员考试行测之资料分析全真模拟题及答案解析(1)(1道) (1) 国家公务员考试行测之资料分析全真模拟题及答案解析(2)(4道) (3) 国家公务员考试行测之资料分析全真模拟题及答案解析(3)(12道) (9) 国家公务员考试行测之资料分析全真模拟题及答案解析(4)(8道) (28) 国家公务员考试行测之资料分析全真模拟题及答案解析(1)(1道) 1.达标湖泊容量2005年比2001年( )。 A.上升了24.3% B.下降了24.3% C.上升了24.3个百分点 D.下降了24.3个百分点 【答案】D。解析:由表可知,2005年达标湖泊容量由2001年的59.5%下降到了35.2%,下降了59.5-35.2=24.3个百分点,故选D。 【考点点拨】注意B和D的区别。B中下降了24.3%指2005年比2001年下降的湖泊容量占2001年的24.3%,实际上2005年比2001年下降的湖泊容量占2001年的 24.3%÷59.5%≈24%÷60%=40%,与24.3%相差甚远。 2.尽管五年中降雨量大幅增加,但平原区地下水平均埋深仍逐年上升,这说明( )。

A.地下水开采量减少 B.地下水开采量增加 C.地下水量减少 D.地下水量增加 【答案】C。解析:地下水平均埋深上升即可以挖到地下水的深度在上升,也就是说地下水量在减少,而“地下水开采量增加”是由“地下水量减少”推测出来的一种可能原因。 3.表中反映的是第几个五年计划期间的情况? A.“七五” B.“八五” C.“九五” D.“十五” 【答案】D。解析:常识题。表中所示的2001-2005年属于“十五”计划年份。 4.从表中可以看出五年中治理最理想的项目是( )。 A.达标河段 B.达标库容 C.达标湖泊容量 D.平原区地下水平均埋深 【答案】A。解析:由表格可知,2001-2005年,达标河段增加了45.2-41.6=3.6个百分点,达标库容增加了67.4-66.1=1.3个百分点;达标湖泊容量减少了,地下水平均埋深增加了,说明这两方面的情况恶化了。综上所述,应选择A。 5.五年中达标河段同比治理最好的是哪一年? A.2002年 B.2003年 C.2004年 D.2005年 【答案】C。解析:2002、2003年,达标河段占比下降了,同比为负;2004年达标河段增长了42.2-36.4=5.8个百分点,2005年增长45.2-42.2=3.0个百分点,比较可知,2004年达标河段占比增幅较大,即达标河段同比治理最好,故选C。 二、根据下列文字资料回答6~10题。 2003年6月份,“国房景气指数”达到107.04,比5月份上升0.76点,比去年同期上升2.39点。具体的各分类指数情况如下: 6月份竣工面积分类指数为111.46,与5月份基本持平,比去年同期上升7.42点。l~6月份,全国累计完成房屋竣工面积8187万平方米,同比增长40.4%,增幅比去年同期增加20个百分点。 6月份资金来源分类指数为108.47,比5月份上升2.41点,比去年同期上升4.68点。1~6月份,全国房地产开发到位资金达到5723亿元,同比增长48.4%,增幅比去年同期高13.4个百分点。 6月份新开工面积分类指数达到108.91,比5月份上升0.17点,比去年同期上升3.44点。l~6月份,全国房地产新开工面积为2.43亿平方米,同比增长31%,增幅比去年同期增加11.2个百分点。 6月份商品房销售价格分类指数为97.71,比5月份下降1.23点,比去年同期上升3.73点。上半年,商品房平均销售价格为2424元/平方米,同比增长5.4%,而去年同期是下降0.1%。 6月份空置面积分类指数为96.52,与5月份持平,比去年同期下降0.05点。上半年,商品房空置面积同比增长8.4%。 6月份土地开发面积分类指数为115.97,比5月份下降0.64点,比去年同期下降2.60点。上半年,完成土地开发面积7144万平方米,同比增长40%,增幅比去年同期回落12.7个百分点。 6.2002年的1~6月份,全国累计完成房屋竣工面积的增幅是( )。 A.40.4% B.38.6% C.20.4% D.18.6% 【答案】C。解析:由材料可知,2003年1~6月份全国累计完成房屋竣工面积8187万平方米,同比增长40.4%,增幅比去年同期增加20个百分点,故2002年1~6月份的增幅为40.4%-20%=20.4%。 7.与去年六月相比,增幅最大的指数是( )。 A.竣工面积分类指数 B.商品房销售价格分类指数


期末考试试卷(A 卷) 2007学年第二学期 考试科目: 数值分析 考试时间:120 分钟 学号 姓名 年级专业 一、判断题(每小题2分,共10分) 1. 用计算机求 1000 1000 1 1 n n =∑时,应按照n 从小到大的顺序相加。 ( ) 2. 为了减少误差,进行计算。 ( ) 3. 用数值微分公式中求导数值时,步长越小计算就越精确。 ( ) 4. 采用龙格-库塔法求解常微分方程的初值问题时,公式阶数越高,数值解越精确。( ) 5. 用迭代法解线性方程组时,迭代能否收敛与初始向量的选择、系数矩阵及其演变方式有 关,与常数项无关。 ( ) 二、填空题(每空2分,共36分) 1. 已知数a 的有效数为0.01,则它的绝对误差限为________,相对误差限为_________. 2. 设1010021,5,1301A x -????????=-=-????????-???? 则1A =_____,2x =______,Ax ∞ =_____. 3. 已知5 3 ()245,f x x x x =+-则[1,1,0]f -= ,[3,2,1,1,2,3]f ---= . 4. 为使求积公式 1 1231 ()((0)f x dx A f A f A f -≈++? 的代数精度尽量高,应使1A = ,2A = ,3A = ,此时公式具有 次的代数精度。 5. n 阶方阵A 的谱半径()A ρ与它的任意一种范数A 的关系是 . 6. 用迭代法解线性方程组AX B =时,使迭代公式(1) ()(0,1,2,)k k X MX N k +=+= 产 生的向量序列{ }() k X 收敛的充分必要条件是 . 7. 使用消元法解线性方程组AX B =时,系数矩阵A 可以分解为下三角矩阵L 和上三角矩

SWOT一些经典案例分析 适合借鉴大一做presentation 来源

案例一:中国电信的SWOT分析 在已经过去的一年里,中国电信的新闻热点、焦点不断。电信资费的调整、中国电信南北大分拆以及中国电信将面临入世挑战等让人们瞩目。在新的一年里,中国电信又将上演一场“与狼共舞”的惊险剧目。面对激烈的市场竞争,对中国电信进行SWOT分析,也许能让大家对中国电信未来的发展有一个清醒的、客观的认识。 中国电信的优势(strength)和劣势(weakness)分析 自20世纪80年代中期起,中国电信经历了近20年的高速发展,已经形成了规模效益。尽管此间经历了邮电分营、政企分开、移动寻呼剥离、分拆重组等一系列的改革,但在中国的电信业市场上,中国电信仍具有较强的竞争和发展优势。主要表现在客户资源、网络基础设施、人才储备、服务质量等方面: 1、中国电信市场引入竞争机制后,中国电信与中国移动、中国联通、中国网通等运营商展开激烈竞争。中国电信南北分拆后,在保留原有大部分固定电话网和数据通信业务的同时,继承了绝大部分的客户资源、保持良好的客户关系,在市场上占领了绝对的优势。1.79亿的固定电话用户,1500多万的数据通信用户,为中国电信发展业务,增加收入奠定了良好的基础。 2、中国电信基础网络设施比较完善。改革开放20多年来,中国电信己建成了覆盖全国,以光缆为主、卫星和微波为辅的高速率、大容量、具有一定规模、技术先进的基础传输网、接入网、交换网、数据通信网和智能网等。同时DWDM传输网,宽带接入网相继建设数据通信网络和智能网不断扩容。中国电信的网络优势已经成为当前企业发展的核心能力,同时具备了向相关专业延伸的基础和实力。 3、中国电信在发展过程培养和储备了一大批了解本地市场、熟悉通信设备的电信管理和技术的能力较高、结构合理的管理和专业人才。同时中国电信还积累了大量丰富的运营管理经验,拥有长期积累的网络管理经验、良好的运营技能和较为完善的服务系统。 4、中国电信日趋完善的服务质量。中国电信成立了集团客户服务中心,为跨省市的集团客户解决进网需求;中国电信还建立了一点受理、一站购齐的服务体系,最大限度地方便用户;紧接着中国电信推出了首问负责制,解决了企业在向用户提供服务过程中的相互扯皮、相互推委的问题;另外,中国电信还设立了服务热线(10000)、投诉热线(180)等,建立了与用户之间的沟通服务,提供互动式服务。 虽然中国电信具有一定的发展优势,但我们应该辨正地看待这些优势。辩证法告诉我们,优势和劣势都是相对的,即在一定的条件下,优势很可能就转变成劣势。中国电信虽然拥有丰富的客户资源、完善的网络设施以及大量的储备人才,但缺乏现代企业发展所必需的战略观念、创新观念、人力资源开发管理、人文环境建设以及与此相适应的市场制度环境。业内人士认为,中国电信拥有资源优势,但却缺乏资源运作优势。一旦不慎,优势很可能就转变成劣势。目前,中国电信的劣势主要表现在以下几方面:


资料分析专题练习及答案(1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者:发布时间:2009-02-25 17:40:10来源: (一)根据下面文字资料回答1~5题。 目前,北京市60岁以上的老年人口已达188万,占总人口的%。据预测,到2025年,全市老年人口将达到416万,占总人口的30%。目前全市养老床位达到3万张(据2000年统计资料)。 年北京市的总人口为多少 A. 188万 B. 1288万 C. 1175万 D. 1346万 2.到2050年老年人口增加多少 A. 416万 B. 188万 C. 228万 D.无法确定 年全市总人口将达到多少 A. 416万 B. 1387万 C. 1346万 D. 228万 4.到2025年增加的总人口比增加的老年人口少多少

A. 129万 B. 23万 C. 93万 D. 175万 年全市养老床位占老年人口的多大比重 A. 1.6% B. % C. % D. % (二) 根据以下资料回答第6~10题的问题。 据2002年11月某报载,全国有现货商品交易市场93085个,比上年下降了%,其中,消费品市场86454个,下降%,生产资料市场6631个,下降%;市场成交额为亿元,比上年增长%,其中消费品市场成交额为亿元,增长%,生产资料市场成交额为亿元,增长%。 6.全国现有商品交易市场( )个。 A. 6631 B. 93085 C. 6000 D. 90000 7.全国现有消费品市场86454个,比上年下降了( ) A. 2.7% B. C. % D. 8.目前,全国有生产资料市场( ) A. 86454个 B. 90000个 C. 93085个 D. 6631个 9.目前,全国拥有的生产资料市场数量比上年下降( )


2012-2017国考真题之资料分析 2017省级 第五部分资料分析 所给出的图、表、文字或综合性资料均有若干个问题要你回答,你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算和判断处理。 一、根据以下资料,回答116~120题。 某市2015年全年粮食总产量4.16万吨,同比下降2.3%;甘蔗产量0.57万吨,下降23.6%;油料产量0.12万吨,增长32.4%;蔬菜产量15.79万吨,下降3.4%;水果产量7.84万吨,增长7.4%。 全年水产品产量29.16万吨,同比增长3.6%。其中,海洋捕捞1.09万吨,与上年持平;海水养殖6.07万吨,增长89.5%;淡水捕捞0.18万吨,增长1.1%;淡水养殖21.81万吨,下降7.9%。 2010~2015年某市粮食产量及其增速 116.2014年该市蔬菜产量比水果产量约高多少万吨() A.9 B.8 C.7 D.6 117.“十二五”期间,该市粮食总产量在以下哪个范围() A.23~24万吨之间 B.22~23万吨之间 C.21~22万吨之间 D.20~21万吨之间 118.按照2015年水产品产量从多到少,以下排序正确的是() A.海洋捕捞、海水养殖、淡水捕捞、淡水养殖 B.淡水养殖、海水养殖、海洋捕捞、淡水捕捞 C.淡水捕捞、淡水养殖、海洋捕捞、海水养殖 D.淡水养殖、海洋捕捞、海水养殖、淡水捕捞 119.以下哪项折线图能准确反映2011~2015年间该市粮食生产同比增量的变化趋势()

120.能够从上述资料中推出的是() A.2014年油料产量超过1000吨 B.除淡水养殖之外,其余类型的水产品2015年产量占水产品总产量的比重均高于上年 C.2014~2015年甘蔗累计产量不到1万吨 D.2010~2015年,粮食产量同比上升的年份多于同比下降的年份 二、根据以下资料,回答121~125题。 截至2014年末,我国共有博物馆3658个,占文物机构总数的43.5%。全国文物机构拥有文物藏品4063.58万件,比上年末增加222.77万件。其中,博物馆文物藏品2929.97万件,文物商店文物藏品770.00万件。文物藏品中,一级文物9.82万件,二级文物68.82万件,三级文物340.51万件。 2014年全国文物机构共安排基本陈列9996个,比上年增长19.1%;举办临时展览11174个,增长15.8%;接待观众84256万人次,增长12.8%,其中博物馆接待观众71774万人次,占文物机构接待观众总人次的85.2%。 年份从业人员人数(人)文物机构数(个)参观人数(万人次)未成年人参观人数(万人次) 2 7 35436 9075 2 42 43248 12203 2 1 2 1 2 6 2 7 74706 20237 2 3 121.2014年,我国文物机构相关指标同比增速最快的是() A.从业人员数 B.参观人数 C.文物机构数 D.未成年人参观人数 122.2014年末,我国一、二、三级文物总量占全部文物藏品的比重最接近以下哪个数字()A.8% B.10% C.14% D.54% 123.2014年,平均每家博物馆接待观众人次数约是其他文物机构的多少倍() A.2 B.4.5

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