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鑽石級私人會所d'Oro的設計融合尊貴氣派與時尚藝術氣息。Private Club d’Oro with a modern, artistic ambience.

Business News

O 一O 一

由集團悉心策劃的豪華府邸天璽,已於今年初入伙。這個位於黃金地段九龍站的綜合式住宅地標項目,無論設計及用料均達世界級水平,當中鑽石級私人會所「d'O ro」,更盡顯住戶非凡的生活氣派。



天璽的鑽石級私人會所d 'O ro 擺設了由日本殿堂級設計師 Hirotoshi Sawada 度身訂造的大型裝置藝術,配以花紋牆身裝飾,充滿濃厚的時代氣息,與中庭格調高貴的擎天水晶吊燈互相輝映,突顯極致尊貴的生活品味。

d 'O r o 擁有多項尊貴非凡的設施,部分更為本港住宅會所首創,包括全球獨有的「菲獵羅富齊茂同酒窖」,展出由1945年起出產的限量版C h a t

e a u Mouton-Rothschild 全套珍藏酒樽,猶如藝術珍品。


私人會所,率先引入意大利健身儀器名牌 Panatta Sport 全新 Pinifarina 系列高科技健身器材。「千卡健身館」配以落地玻璃幕牆,面向全海景觀,住戶可一邊享受美景,一邊享用館內設施。


私人會所內的高級餐飲宴會廳「CARAT 3106」設有兩個裝潢時尚瑰麗的豪華私人宴會廳,讓住戶可隨時舉辦私人宴會及派對,其中半開放式設計的「星鑽之宴」,糅合摩登時尚與瑰麗,是舉辦小型私人聚會的最佳場所;高貴非凡的大型私人宴會廳「千鑽之宴」則最適合宴請親朋,內設真絲傢俱、時尚的沙發及影音組合,配以品味高雅的藝術裝飾品,瀰漫優雅藝術氣息。



位於d'Oro 二樓的「鑽光水療」,設有頂




d'Oro 更開創全港住宅會所先河,率先引入兒童專用健身室「千卡運動園」,根據科研理論及實證,因應嬰幼兒的身心需要,度身訂做一系列兒童健體設備,體貼小住戶的體格成長及發展。



Business News 業務動向

d'Oro設有高級餐飲服務,室外泳池更可遠眺維港景色 。

d'Oro offers dining service and a large outdoor pool with harbour view.

業務動向 Business News

O 一O 年第一季

Elegant banquet hall

The exquisite Carat 3106 will have two ornate dining halls where residents will be able to host private parties. The Diamond Room will be semi-open and perfect for intimate gatherings, while The Cullinan Room will accommodate larger banquets with its silk-upholstered furniture, state-of-the-art audio-video system and art on display.

Largest spa in the region

The Lumi Spa on the second floor will have high-tech equipment, top skin-care treatment, professional staff, the best facilities and outstanding service. Residents will be able to enjoy private rooms and service comparable to a six-star hotel.The indoor Pool Argento and outdoor Pool d'Oro, cover nearly 20,000 square feet. The heated Pool Argento will be complimented

Exclusive facilities

There will be a silver arabesque wall by renowned Japanese artist Hirotoshi Sawada in the atrium of d’Oro that accentuates the large chandelier and modern prestige. d’Oro will have a full range of facilities, some new to the territory, like a Mouton Wine Gallery by Baron Philippe de Rothschild with a full collection of the limited-edition Chateau Mouton-Rothschild wines labels since 1945.

The Carat Gym will be one of the few in a residential club with a Pilates room. The full gym will cover over 5,000 square feet and will be the first in the territory with the new high-tech Pinifarina series by the Italian brand Panatta Sport. The gym will have floor-to-ceiling windows to offer residents a breathtaking sea view as they work out.

by a heated whirlpool. The large outdoor Pool d’Oro will overlook Victoria Harbour beside the all-weather d'Oro whirlpool.

Space-theme game room

d’Oro will have the first Carat Baby Gym for children. It is based on scientific research and studies which show that suitable exercise facilities are essential for the healthy upbringing of children.

The space-theme Cullinan Kingdom will be a colourful place for adventure with a spaceship-like playground and the latest video games, encouraging creativity in children.

d’Oro will also offer entertainment with the Sky Arena indoor basketball court and Starlight Palace theatre with professional audio-video equipment and adjustable leather seats.

The Cullinan luxury residences were handed over early this year. The Group’s new

development is in a prime location at Kowloon Station and has distinctive architecture, fine

materials and the superior d'Oro private club.

Unrivalled Club d'Oro at The Cullinan


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