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團體參觀申請表 Application for Group Visit

電話電話預約預約 / 查詢Telephone Booking / Enquiries : 2724 9080

傳真 Fax : 2724 9090

星期一至五 Monday – Friday

: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm & 2:30 – 5:30 pm

填寫前請先閱讀第三至四頁的申請須知 Please read the Notes on Application on p.3-4 before filling in this form.

博物館於星期一、四、五、六及日提供團體參觀服務。星期二休館;星期三免費入場 (專題展覽或需另外收費)。

Group visit service is available on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Museum closes on Tuesday. Free Admission on Wednesday (except for some Special Exhibitions).

甲 部: 豁 免 入 場 費 申 請

Part A : Application for Free Admission


Name of School / Organization (as shown on the supporting document)

註冊學校: 幼稚園 / 小學 / 中學 / 其他(請註明)

Registered school: kindergarten / primary / secondary / others (please specify)

*註冊慈善團體 Registered charitable organization

*註冊非牟利機構 Registered non-profit-making organization

其他(請註明)Others (please specify)

(* 請附上有關證明文件副本 Please furnish certified copy of the supporting document)

團體地址 Address

聯絡電話 Telephone No. 負責老師/活動負責人 Officer-in-charge 傳真號碼 Fax No.

擬參觀日期Date of Visit

參觀時間 Time of Visit

由From: 至To:

學生/成員人數 No. of Students/Members (1)

年級(學校適用)/ 年歲Class (For School) / Age 隨行老師/領隊數目 No. of Teachers/Leaders (2) 是否需要為殘疾人士作特別安排?

Any special request for visitors with disabilities?

需要 Yes ___________________ 不需要 No

參觀總人數 Total No. of Visitors (1)+(2)

學校/團體有否為參觀本館而額外收取入場費? Do you charge members for admission to the Museum? 沒有 No Yes 有($ )


This part should be completed by the Authorized Officer of the school / organization, e.g. the Principal, the Chairman or the General Secretary.

茲證明上述資料均正確無訛茲證明上述資料均正確無訛,,並無遺漏並無遺漏。。 The undersigned hereby certifies that all the information given on this form is correct and complete.

校長/團體負責人姓名 (正楷)

Name of the Principal / Authorized Officer (in Block Letters) 簽署 Signature 日期 Date

學校/團體印鑑Official Seal

乙 部: 選 擇 參 觀 展 覽 Part B : Exhibition(s) to be visited

「香港故事」常設展覽 專題展覽 (請留意展出日期)

“The Hong Kong Story” Permanent Exhibition Special Exhibition (Please check the exhibition period)

丙 部:導 賞 服 務

Part C : Guided Tour Service


需要 不需要

Each guided tour admits about 40 persons

Required Not required

選擇語言Language preferred 粵語 Cantonese 英語 English 普通話 Putonghua

丁 部:專 題 展 覽 錄 音 導 賞 服 務

Part D : Audio-guide Service for the Special


借用錄音導賞器材數目(最多可借用30套) 共 套

(借用者必須遵守「租用錄音導賞器材登記簿」所列之 「租用須知」)

No. of Audio-guide set required (maximum 30 sets) Total: Sets

(Borrower shall abide by the “Notes to Hirers” listed on the “Record of Rental of Audio Guide Set”)

戊 部: 館 內 錄 像 帶 觀 賞 服 務 Part E : In-house Video Shows Service

需要 不需要

Required Not required

觀看人數(連同隨行老師 / 領隊,每節最多為140人) 共 人 No. of audience (maximum 140 persons per session including teachers/leaders) Total: persons 選擇觀賞的錄像帶 Programme(s) selected

此項服務的安排須視乎場地而定。錄像帶目錄可在博物館網頁http://hk.history.museum 下載。

In-house video shows will be arranged according to the availability of venue. Catalogue of the video programmes can be downloaded from http://hk.history.museum.


錄像帶系列名稱 Title of the video series 集數Episode :

編號No.( ) 名稱Title



2 錄像帶系列名稱 Title of the video series 集數Episode :

編號No.( ) 名稱Title




此欄供本館填寫 For the Museum Use Only Date received:

Details finalized:

Application Availability ( / ) In-house video shows Waiver of admission charges: Approved / Not approved Confirmed by: Date: Guided tour service Special arrangement

Confirmation letter sent on:

Handled by:


申 請 須 知


申請豁免入場費、導賞及館內錄像帶觀賞服務,是專為參觀人數達20人或以上人或以上的學校、註冊非牟利機構及慈善團體而設。如人數少於20人,則需繳付入場費。上述服務的申請申請申請限於星期一限於星期一限於星期一、、四、五、六及日六及日。本館的開放時間為平日:10am-6pm ;週日及公眾假期:10am-7pm ;逢星期二休館;星期三免費入場 (專題展覽或需另外收費) 。 2.

本館將按先到先得方法處理有關申請。合資格團體可在參觀前參觀前參觀前兩星期至兩星期至兩星期至三個月三個月三個月作出申請作出申請作出申請 (由該月的第一個工作日開始接受報名)。例如2007年8月1日起便可申請2007年11月份的參觀。請於辦公時間內(星期一至五:9:30am–12:30pm 及2:30–5:30pm) 致電2724 9080預約預約,然後在預約後一星期內將填妥的申請表格連同證明文件副本(見第3項條款),郵寄(信封面請註明「申請團體參觀」)或傳真(2724 9090)至香港歷史博物館。申請人如未能如期遞交申請表,其電話預約即自動取消。如申請之參觀日期距遞交申請表格的時間少於兩星期,其申請將不獲接納。 3.

申請團體必須已根據《社團條例》或《公司條例》註冊立案,或已根據法例成立,或已註冊為認可慈善機構或公共性質的信託團體。在申請時,團體的章程或組織章程大綱及章程細則,或有關條例或信託契約中,必須明文規定:若團體解散,其成員不得分享利潤或資產。團體申請豁免入場費優惠時,必須附上該等証明文件之副本必須附上該等証明文件之副本(如稅務局依據稅務條例第八十八條發出之信件),並由並由團體團體團體負責人正式簽署負責人正式簽署負責人正式簽署,,連同團體蓋印連同團體蓋印,,以示真確以示真確。 4. 申請免費請免費參觀參觀參觀團團體不應向參加者收取任何費用向參加者收取任何費用。如團體因組織是項活動而必須向參加者收取任何費用,請於申請表格上列明收費性質。

5. 關於各項申請,本館擁有絕對決定權。申請能否獲得批准,須視乎申請人是否完全符合上述條件而定。如申請人不遵守以上規如申請人不遵守以上規定或提供定或提供不完全或不完全或不完全或虛假的資料虛假的資料虛假的資料,,館方有權取消先前之批准及索回全部入場費館方有權取消先前之批准及索回全部入場費。。



7. 團體請準時到達博物館準時到達博物館,以免影響當日的參觀安排。獲豁免入場的團體將獲安排入場一次獲豁免入場的團體將獲安排入場一次,,遲到者須自行購票入場,如團體遲到超過30分鐘,所預約之服務或會被取消。參觀者離開展廳後參觀者離開展廳後參觀者離開展廳後,,不能再次進入展廳不能再次進入展廳。

8. 參觀團體的旅遊巴士可於科學館迴旋處上落客。博物館只提供8個車位予旅遊巴士停泊,車位分配將以先到先得方法處理,不

設預約留位。 9. 如當日參觀人數太多,本館將因應展覽可容納人數,按先到先得方法安排觀眾入場。

10. 由於衣帽間的儲存空間有限,參觀者應避免攜帶大型物件如書包或貴重物品到博物館。

11. 團體負責人必須維持其團體的秩序,請安排足夠數目的隨行領隊或組長以便照應,建議領隊或組長與參觀人數的比例在1:20


12. 請勿在博物館範圍內使用擴音器。若遇有緊急事故,活動負責人可請博物館職員提供協助。

13. 參觀者不可以在博物館範圍內吸煙、喧嘩、觸摸展品或拍攝錄像(已獲館方書面許可者除外)。

14. 參觀者不可以在博物館範圍內飲食(於一樓飲冰室購買及進食者除外)。

15. 若參觀者於博物館範圍內有任何不恰當的行為,例如破壞展品或騷擾其他參觀者,本館職員有權制止,並要求參觀者即時離開。

惡 劣 天 氣 特 別 安 排

1. 如天文台懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號或發出黑色暴雨警告,博物館將會關閉,所有預約參觀及有關服務亦會取消。

2. 如教育局發出取消學校上課的公佈,該天的預約學校參觀及有關服務將會取消。


如因上述情況而取消參觀活動的團體,請保留博物館發出的入場通知書及致電2724 9080 與教育活動組聯絡,本館會因應情況安排參觀時間。

個 人 資 料 收 集 聲 明


格內所提供之個人資料存檔。申請人如欲查閱及更正本表格所收集的個人資料,請聯絡二級助理館長(導賞),地址:香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號香港歷史博物館,電話:2724 9020。

Notes on Application

1. All schools, charitable or non-profit-making organizations registered in Hong Kong with a visiting group of 20 or more are eligible for

the application for waiver of admission charges, free guided tour and in-house video shows services. Groups of less than 20 persons are required to pay for the admission charges. These services are available on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Museum opens from 10am to 6pm on weekdays and to 7pm on Sunday and public holiday. The Museum closes on Tuesday (except public holiday). Free Admission on Wednesday (except for some Special Exhibitions).

2. Application will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Applications should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first

working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. For example, if you want to visit in November 2007, you can make application on 1 August 2007. Please call 2724 9080 during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30am–12:30pm & 2:30–5:30pm) for reservation first, and then submit the duly completed application form together with copies of relevant documents (see Note 3 below) to the Museum by mail (please mark “Application for Group Visit” on the envelope) or fax (2724 9090) within one week after the telephone booking. Otherwise, the booking will be cancelled. Application made less than two weeks before the visit will not be considered.

3. The applicant for waiver of admission charges should be registered under the Societies Ordinance or the Companies Ordinance, formed

by statute, registered on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character. Its Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association, Ordinance, or Trust Deed should state that members of the organization do not take any share of the profits nor any share of the assets upon dissolution. The organization should provide copies of relevant documents certified true by an authorized officer with the organization chop, e.g. the letter issued by the Inland Revenue Department under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

4. Visiting group which has been granted waiver of admission charges should not charge members for admission to the Museum.

Should there involve charging the members, please state the nature of charge on the application form.

5. The Museum reserves the right to approve an application. All applications are approved subject to the applicants' absolute compliance

with the above-mentioned criteria. If the applicant fails to observe this condition or any information provided by the applicant is found to be incomplete or untrue, the Museum reserves the right to withdraw the approval and recover the full amount of admission charges waived.

6. Successful applicants will be notified in writing at least one week before the visit. Please present the confirmation letter upon

admission. The Museum reserves the right to charge admission and cancel relevant services if the applicants fail to produce the confirmation letter. If the number of participants exceeds the approved quota, the group is required to pay for the extra participants. Should the number of visitors fail to meet the approved quota and is below 20 persons, the Museum reserves the right to withdraw the approval and charge admission for the entire group. If there are any changes after the confirmation letter is issued, please notify the Museum immediately. New application may be required.

7. In order not to affect the visiting schedule and other arrangements on the day, please arrive at the Museum on time. Visiting groups will

only be admitted once, as scheduled, into the exhibition galleries. Pre-booked services may be cancelled if you are late for more than

30 minutes. Late comers are required to pay for admission fee themselves, re-entry to the exhibition galleries is not permitted. 8. Coaches may drop off / pick up visitors at the roundabout of the Science Museum. The Museum provides 8 parking spaces for coaches

on a first come, first served basis. No prior reservation will be provided.

9. If there are too many visitors at the Museum, we will arrange the admission on a first come, first served basis according to the capacity

of the gallery.

10. Please do not bring along bulky items, such as school bags or valuable items to the Museum.

11. Group leader should keep the order of the group members. Please split your group into smaller groups and assign one leader for each

small group. It is recommended to keep a leader-and-visitor ratio at 1:20. Group leader should gather the group members and complete the head count before leaving the Museum. Re-entering the exhibition galleries is not permitted.

12. Please do not use loudspeaker in the Museum. In case of emergency, please approach the Museum staff for assistance.

13. Smoking, playing, touching of exhibits or unauthorized video-taking (except those with prior written permission) are prohibited in the


14. Eating and drinking are prohibited in the Museum, except those bought and taken in the Museum Café on 1/F.

15. The Museum staff reserves the right to stop any annoying behavior and to order the visitors to leave the Museum immediately. Inclement Weather Special Arrangement

1. When typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted or black rainstorm warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, the Museum will

be closed and all group visits and relevant services will be cancelled.

2. School visits and relevant services will be cancelled in accordance with the announcement made by the Education Bureau.

3. Under the above circumstances, organizations should keep the admission letter and contact our Education Activities Unit at 2724 9080

for rearrangement.

Personal Data Collection Statement

You have the right to request access to and correction of personal data as stated in this form in accordance with Section 18, 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The personal data provided in this form will be entered into the Museum’s record. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected in this form, including the request for access and corrections, should be addressed to Assistant Curator II (Docent), Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Tel. No.: 2724 9020.

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