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国际金融期末试题试卷 及答案 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

(本科)模拟试卷(第一套)及答案 《国际金融》试卷 一、名词解释(共 15 分,每题 3分) 1 汇率制度 2 普通提款权 3 套汇业务 4外汇风险 5 欧洲货币市场 1、汇率制度:是指一国货币当局对本国汇率真变动的基本规定。 2、普通提款权:是指国际货币基金组织的会员国需要弥补国际收支赤字, 按规定向基金组织申请贷款的权利。 3、套汇业务:是指利用同理时刻在不同外汇市场上的外汇差异,贱买贵卖,从中套取差价利 润的行为。 4、外汇风险:是指在国际贸易中心的外向计划或定值的债权债务、资产和负债,由于有关汇 率发生变动,使交易双方中的任何一方遭受经济损失的一种可能性。 5、欧洲货币市场:是指经营欧洲货币的市场。 二、填空题(共 10 分每题 1 分) 1、外汇是以外币表示的用于国际清偿的支付手段。 2、现货交易是期货交易的,期货交易能活跃交易市场。 3、按出票人的不同,汇票可分为和。 4、国际资本流动按投资期限长短分为和两种类型。 5、第一次世界大战前后,和是各国的储备资产。 三、判断题(共 10 分每题 1 分) 1、出口信贷的利率高于国际金融市场的利率。()。 2、短期证券市场属于资本市场。() 3、国际储备的规模越大越好。() 4、国际借贷和国际收支是没有任何联系的概念。() 5、信用证的开证人一般是出口商。() 6、参与期货交易就等于参与赌博。(X ) 7、调整价格法不可以完全消灭外汇风险。() 8、银行收兑现钞的汇率要高于外汇汇率。( X )



Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor's degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn't, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it. The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification(满意). It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. Television's variety becomes a narcotic(麻醉的), nor a stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic (万花筒般的)exposures force us to follow its lead. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another. In short, a lot of television usurps(篡夺;侵占) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone's attention—anyone's. The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. Quite


金融英语证书考试(F E C T)E x e r c i s e s-1(1) of the following is not a function of money?______。? act as a medium of exchange act as a unit of account act as a store of value provide a double coincidence of wants act as a means of payment price in the foreign exchange market is called ______。 trade surplus exchange rate money price currency rate risk refers to the risk of______。 prices fluctuations payments of the following is not among the generally accepted accounting principles?______。 basis concern measurement。 is a documentary letter of credit?______。 conditional bank undertaking to pay an exporter on production of stipulated documentation method of lending against documentary security international trade settlement system biased in favour of importers of the above a group of assets reduces risk as long as the assets ______。 perfectly correlated completely independent not have precisely the same pattern of returns a correlation coefficient greater than one amount,payable in money goods,or service,owed by a business to a creditor,is known as a/an 。 function is money serving when you buy a ticket to a movie?______。 of value medium of exchange


国际金融学 一.选择题 1.国际收支反映了哪些关系(ABC ) A.货币收支的综合状况 B.一定时期的流量 C .居民与非居民间的交易 D.其他 2.经常项目账户包括哪些(ABCD) A.货物 B. 服务 C. 收入 D. 经常转移 3.金融账户包括哪些(ABCD ) A.直接投资 B. 证券投资 C. 其他投资 D. 储备资产 4.国际收支储备资产项目数据记录差额1000亿表示(A )A.国际收支储备增加1000亿B.国际收支储备减少1000亿C.外汇储备增加1000亿D.外汇储备减少1000亿 5.下列哪些交易活动在国际收支平衡表中可记入借方(ABCDE)A从外国获得商品与劳务B向外国私人或政府提供捐赠或援助C从国外获得长期资产(长期外国负债的减少) D国内私人获得短期外国资产(外国私人短期负债的减少) E国内官方货币当局获得短期外国资产(外国官方货币当局短期负债减少) 6. 下列哪些交易活动在国际收支平衡表中可记入贷方(ABCDE)A.向外国提供商品与劳务B.接受外国人的捐赠与援助C.放弃长期外国资产(引起长期外国负债增加) D.国内私人放弃短期外国资产(引起对外国私人的国内短期负债

增加) E.国内官方货币当局放弃短期外国资产(引起对外国官方货币当局的国内短期负债增加) 7.国际收支平衡表平衡意味着(D) A.CA=0B.KA=0 C.CA+KA=0D.CA+KA+EQO=0 8.美国财政部部长说。。。。。。CA与GDP之比不应超过(4%)9.新版外汇管理条例规定外汇包括(ABCD) A.外币现钞B.外汇支付凭证C外汇有价证券D.SDR10.现钞买入价与现汇买入价的关系(银行的现钞买入价要低于现汇买入价) 11.远期差价用什么来表示(ABC) A.升水B.贴水C.平价 12.直接标价法(远期汇率=即期汇率+升水 远期汇率=即期汇率-贴水) 13.多点套汇不成立的条件是(不等于1) 14.成立的前提条件是(两地利差须大于掉期成本,即利率差大于高利率货币的远期贴水率,利率差大于低利率货币的远期升水率。) 15.外汇风险种类(ABC) A.交易风险 B.会计风险 C.经济风险 16.金本位制包括哪些形式(ABC) A.金铸币本位制 B.金块(砖)本位制 C.金汇兑(虚金)本位制


《国际金融》模拟题(开卷)(补) 一、单项选择题 1.最早出现的国际金融组织为(C)。 A.IMF B.世界银行 C.国际清算银行 D.亚洲投资银行 2.各国的外汇银行和其他金融机构之间资金头寸调拨而引起的国际资本转移(如同业拆借),属于短期资本流动中的(A)。 A.金融性资本流动 B.贸易性资本流动 C.保值性资本流动 D.投机性资本流动 3.下列不属于IMF业务活动的是(D)。 A.汇率监督与政策协调 B.储备资产的创造与管理 C.对国际收支赤字国提供短期资金融通 D.对低收入国家提供长期优惠贷款 4.参与联合浮动的各国货币偏离中心汇率的波动幅度为(B)。 A.上下% B.上下% C.上下% D.上下1% 5.实行()汇率制度和允许汇率经常或大幅度波动的外汇政策条件下,对国际储备需要量(A)。 A.弹性较少 B.固定较少 C.弹性较多 D.固定较多 6.在苏黎世外汇市场上,USD/CHF=95,则CHF/USD的买入价是(A),CHF/USD的卖出价是()。 A. B. C. D. 7.国际货币市场分为银行短期借贷市场、短期证券市场和(C)。 A.抵押市场 B.股票市场 C.贴现市场 D.欧洲货币市场 8.当今世界上国际资本的流动方向主要是(B)。 A.发达国家流向发展中国家 B.发达国家之间的相互流动

C.发展中国家流向发达国家 D.发展中国家之间的相互流动 9.1990年1月2日某公司从瑞士进口小仪表,一家以瑞士法郎报价,每个为100瑞士法郎;另一家以美元报价,每个66美元。当天人民币对瑞士法郎(SF)及美元(USD)的即期汇率分别为:SF/CNY=,USD/CNY=。如不考虑其他因素,则该公司应该(B)。 A.接受美元报价 B.接受瑞士法郎报价 C.两者都可以接受 D.两者都不可以接受 10.我国外汇管理的主要负责机构是(B)。 A.中国人民银行总行 B.国家外汇管理局 C.财政部 D.中国银行 二、多项选择题 1.一国货币当局针对本国货币贬值而在市场上进行的干预活动会造成(AC)。 A.外汇储备流失 B.外汇储备增加 C.经济紧缩 D.经济扩张 E.没有什么影响 2.外汇期货相对于外汇远期而言具有下列优点,(ACD )。 A.交易集中 B.数量灵活 C.范围广泛 D.规格统一 E.风险可控 3.国际收支的长期性不平衡包括(BDE)。 A.临时性不平衡 B.结构性不平衡 C.货币性不平衡 D.周期性不平衡 E.收入性不平衡 4.在IMF中占有份额最多的5个会员国,其中有(ABCD)。 A.法国 B.美国 C.英国 D.德国 E.沙特阿拉伯 5.利率平价理论的假设前提包括(ABC )。 A.交易成本为零 B.资本在国际间可以完全自由流动 C.套利资金无限 D.国内物价水平稳定 E.通货膨胀控制在适度范围内



大学英语四级考试模拟试题 Model Test Five Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. Choose the correct answer---A, B, C or D, and then, mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Section A (C) 11. A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) It’s not his office hour. C) He doesn’t have time. D) He is too tired after class. (A) 12. A) The woman insists on going out. B) The woman doesn’t like watching TV. C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out. (B) 13. A) There are too many courses offered to


北京科技大学远程学院2010年期末 国际金融试卷(A ) 系 班级 学号 姓名 一、判断题(每小题 1分,共10分) 1.一国货币如果采用直接标价法,那么,汇率的上升就意味着本币的升值( ) 2.在银行间外汇市场上,若商业银行买入的外汇多于卖出的外汇,则为“空头”,反之为“多头”( ) 3.看涨期权购买者的收益一定为期权到期日市场价格和执行价格的差( ) 4.欧洲美元是一种特殊的美元,它与美国国内流通的美元是不同质的,具有不 同的流动性和相同的购买力。( ) 5.如果各国间证券投资收益的相关性非常高,那么,通过国际组合投资来规避风险的作用就不明显了。( ) 6.东道国政府往往不愿意采用股权式合营方式,因为会对国内的民族产业形成冲击。( ) 7.相对于国内企业来说,在预期收入金额相等情况下,跨国公司有较低的 价值,其资本成本更低( ) 装 订 线 内 不 得 答 题 自 觉 遵 守 考 试 规 则,诚 信 考 试,绝 不 作 弊

8.衡量一国国际收支平衡与否的标准,就是要看其调节性交易是否达到了平衡。( ) 9.固定汇率制并不意味着汇率水平永久固定不变,官方调整本币目标价值的理由往往并不局限于经济因素,所以固定汇率制下的汇率变动比浮动汇率制更加难以预测。( ) 10.发展中国家的金融体系大多以直接融资为主,所以大规模国际资本流动对其证券市场形成一定威胁。( ) 二、不定项选择题(每小题1分,共12分) 1.以下哪种资产属于外汇的范畴( ) A .外币有价证券 B.外币支付凭证 C.外国货币 D.外币存款凭证 2.如果你向中国银行询问美元/欧元的报价,回答是“1.2940/1.2960”请问:如果你要买进欧元,汇率是( ) A.1.2940 B.1.2960 C.2940.11 D. 2960 .11 3.外汇远期和期货的区别有 ( ) A.远期是场内合约,期货是场外合约 B.期货实行保证金制度而远期没有 C.远期是标准化合约 D.期货合约更加灵活 4.欧洲债券市场的特点包括( ) A.融资的成本低 B.不受各国金融法令的约束


中山大学南方学院期末模拟试卷2012--2012学年度下学期考试科目:国际金融 考试年级:__2010级考试类型:A卷(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 答案填在下面的表格中: 1 .下列关于马歇尔勒纳条件的论述,不正确的是【】。 A. 此条件的假设前提是进口供给弹性和出口供给弹性无穷大 B. 满足此条件,意味着出口数量增加和进口数量减少幅度之和大于汇率上升所导致的出口外币价格下降和进口本币价格上升幅度之和 C. 此条件是本币贬值能够改善贸易收支的充要条件,即出口价格需求弹性和进口需求价格弹性之和大于1 D.出口需求弹性与进口需求弹性的综合大于1时,本币升值可以改善贸易收支2.在固定汇率制度下,如果资本完全流动,则【】。 A.货币政策有效,财政政策无效 B.货币政策和财政政策均无效 C.货币政策无效,财政政策有效D货币政策和财政政策均有效 3.下列各项中可能导致本币汇率下降的是【】。 A.本国相对于外国的名义货币供应量减少B.本国相对于外国的实际国民收入减少C.本国相对于外国的实际利率下降D.本国相对于外国的预期通胀率下降

4.下列有关金融期货说法不正确的是【】 A. 期货交易具有标准化的合同,每份合同的金额、到期日都是标准化的 B. 期货合同的价格是在期货交易大厅由期货交易所以买价和卖价报出 C. 期货合同真正进行实际交割资产的现象很少,大多都在到期日之前采取对冲交易方式 D.期货合约采取每日交割制度 5.套汇是外汇市场上的主要交易之一,其性质是【】 A.收益性的B.投机性的 C.非营利性的D.既是保值的,又是投机的 6、蒙代尔最优货币区理论主张用【】作为确定最适货币区的标准。 A.物价充分稳定B.生产要素的高度流动 C.充分就业D.经济的高度开放性 7、投资收益在国际收支结算中应当记入【】。 A.经常账户B.金融账户 C.资本账户D.储备和其他账户 8、当一国处于通货膨胀和国际收支逆差的经济状况时,应采用的政策搭配【】。 A. 紧缩国内支出,本币升值 B. 扩张国内支出,本币升值 C. 紧缩国内支出,本币贬值 D. 扩张国内支出,本币贬值 9、在一个资本可以自由流通的开放经济中,当其他条件不变时,紧缩性的货币政策将导致【】。 A. 产出下降和本国货币升值 B. 产出上升和本国货币贬值 C. 产出上升和本国货币升值 D. 产出下降和本国货币贬值 10.根据国际收支账户的记账规则,以下【】项包含的内容都应该记入借方。A.反映进口实际资源的经常项目,反映资产减少的金融项目 B.反映出口实际资源的经常项目,反映资产增加的金融项目 C.反映出口实际资源的经常项目,反映负债增加的金融项目 D.反映进口实际资源的经常项目,反映负债减少的金融项目 11.如果出口商品的计价货币有下跌趋势,为避免损失,出口商可以【】。 A.推迟结汇 B.按约定时间结汇 C. 购买相同金额的远期外汇 D.出售相应金额的远期外汇


金融英语证书考试(FECT )Exerci ses I. Which of the following is not a function of money ? ______ A. To act as a medium of excha nge B. To act as a unit of acco unt C. To act as a store of value D. To provide a double coin cide nee of wants E. To act as a mea ns of payme nt 2. ______________________________________________ T he price in the foreig n excha nge market is called ___________________________________ A. the trade surplus B. the excha nge rate C. the money price D. the curre ncy rate 3. _____________________________ Market risk refers to the risk of A. fi nan cial prices fluctuati ons B. default

C. fraud D. deferred payme nts 4. Which of the follow ing is not among the gen erally accepted acco un ti ng principles ? ________ 。 A. Cash basis B. Prude nee C. C on siste ncy D. Go ing concern E. M oney measureme nt。 5. What is a documentary letter of credit ? ______ 。 A. A conditional bank undertaking to pay an exporter on production of stipulated docume ntati on B. A method of lending aga inst docume ntary security C. A n intern ati onal trade settleme nt system biased in favour of importers D. All of the above 6. Holdi ng a group of assets reduces risk as long as the assets ____ 。 A. are perfectly correlated

国际金融 模拟试卷六

国际金融 模拟试卷六(含答案解析)一、名词解释(30分=5分×6)

外汇平准基金。SwapTransaction。联系汇率制。 国际银团贷款。 外债。 牙买加体系。


1.国际收支是流量的概念。 2.外国债券包括国际债券和欧洲债券。 3.对外长期投资的利润汇回,应计入资本和金融项目内。 4.外汇是以外币表示的用于国际结算的支付凭证和信用工具,因而过期的、拒付的汇票也是外汇。 5.SDRs是国际货币基金组织规定的国际通用货币。 6.对于直接标价法和间接标价法而言,升贴水的概念是正好相反的。7.马歇尔—勒纳条件指出只有当出口需求弹性和供给弹性之和大于l 时,本币贬值才能改善贸易收支。 8.购买力平价说对于长期汇率的解释较为可靠,但解释短期汇率较为困难。 9.期权交易的成本是固定的。 10.在布雷顿森林体系下,汇率的波动幅度在黄金输送点之内。


1.“洞中小蛇”是欧共体中的()。 A.英、法、德三国实行的联合浮动汇率制度 B.德、法、意三国实行的联合浮动汇率制度 C.荷、比、卢三国实行的联合浮动汇率制度 D.英、意、葡三国实行的联合浮动汇率制度 2.当一国同时处于通货膨胀和国际收支逆差时,应采用()。A.紧缩的货币政策和紧缩的财政政策 B.紧缩的货币政策和扩张的财政政策 C.扩张的货币政策和紧缩的财政政策 D.扩张的货币政策和扩张的财政政策 3.一般说来,一国国际收支出现顺差会使()。 A.货币坚挺 B.货币疲软 C.物价下跌 D.物价上涨 4.《国际收支手册》第五版将国际收支账户分为()。 A.经常账户 B.资本和金融账户 C.储备资产账户 D.错误和遗漏账户 5.国际收支政策调节主要包括()。 A.需求调节政策 B.供给调节政策 C.融资政策 D.政策搭配 6.世界黄金定价中心是()。 A.香港 B.伦敦 C.新加坡 D.苏黎世 7.面向低收入发展中国家提供贷款的国际金融组织是()。A.国际开发协会 B.国际金融公司 C.国际农业发展基金组织 D.国际复兴开发银行 8.汇率按外汇资金性质和用途划分为() A.商业汇率和银行间汇率


听我们老师口气,这个应该非常准确的料了。特别是简答就是这三道了。论述 应该是这个。名词解释就是有点乱估计出的概率也在80%以上吧,其他小的细节可 能会遗漏,大的方向是没错的。再结合你们老师的料,应该会更加全面准确!考试加油! 一.判断,选择 外国人在美国发行的债券叫阳基债券 布雷顿森林体系,牙买加 我国是实行有管制的浮动汇率制度(注意有管制,与浮动汇率制度区别开来 国际收入三个帐户 外汇的条件自由兑换,普遍接受,(可尝性自己看书还有几个 伦敦银行同业拆借制度(这个一定会考,不知道出选择判断还是名词解释 二.名词解释 综合帐户余额国际储备特别提款权(P245远期汇率丁伯根原则有效分类原则储备头寸储备头寸(reserve position in the IMF: 是指一成员国在基金组织的储备部分提款权余额,再加上向基金组织提供的可兑换货币贷款余额。 三.简答题 1.影响一国汇率波动的主要因素 2.汇率升值对经济波动的影响 3.从内外均衡的角度,分析布雷顿森林体系的缺陷 四.计算题 两角套汇P35 主要去看以往考试的题型

利率的近期远期 五.论述题 1.国际收支问题(在第一章出 中国物价水平高,通帐率居高不下 欧美经济停滞,经济增长率几乎为零 2.主要与国际货币体系改革有关,结合时事热点来谈的 如弊端,出路,改革的方向,措施 我们老师建议去期刊网阅读几篇相关的国际货币体系改革的文章(搜索关键字为:国际货币体系改革 附上整理补充后的国金模拟试题(据说超准,可重点看看简答题和论述题 一.选择题 1.下面项目属于资金与金融账户的是( A.收入 B.服务 C.经常转移 D.证券投资 2.根据2010年《中国国际收支平衡表》,"货物"项目的"差额","贷方"和"借方"为2542,15814,13272. 我过的商品出口规模为( A.2542


大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第 一套) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is foll owed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fou r choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and ma rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method o f answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships betwee n observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to o rganize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniq ues, and procedures for implementing the finding of science. Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progr ess in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comp rehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy an d certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or disli kes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover m ay shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unple asant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of re fusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice

金融英语FECT 单选题附答案

1. Which of the following is not a function of money? ______. A. To act as a medium of exchange B. To act as a unit of account C. To act as a store of value D. To provide a double coincidence of wants E. To act as a means of payment 2. The price in the foreign exchange market is called ______. A. the trade surplus B. the exchange rate C. the money price D. the currency rate 3. Market risk refers to the risk of______. A. financial prices fluctuations B. default C. fraud D. deferred payments 4. Which of the following is not among the generally accepted accounting principles? ______. A. Cash basis B. Prudence C. Consistency D. Going concern E. Money measurement.

5. What is a documentary letter of credit? ______. A. A conditional bank undertaking to pay an exporter on production of stipulated documentation B. A method of lending against documentary security C. An international trade settlement system biased in favour of importers D. All of the above 6. Holding a group of assets reduces risk as long as the assets ______. A. are perfectly correlated B. are completely independent C. do not have precisely the same pattern of returns D. have a correlation coefficient greater than one 7. An amount, payable in money goods, or service, owed by a business to a creditor, is known as a/an . A. liability B. debt C. equity D. asset 8. What function is money serving when you buy a ticket to a movie? ______. A. store of value B. a medium of exchange C. transaction demand D. a unit of account 9. If foreigners expect that the future price of sterling will be lower, the ______. A. supply of sterling will increase, demand for sterling will fall, and the exchange rate will fall


《国际金融学》期末考试模拟试卷集A卷 一、名词解释(4’×5=20) 国际收支 实际汇率 美国存券凭证(ADR) 内外均衡 汇率目标区制 二、简答题(10’×3=30) 1请简述新旧巴塞尔协议的主要内容。

2请分析当资金完全流动时固定汇率制下财政政策与货币政策的效力。 3请对固定汇率制度与浮动汇率制度进行比较。 三、计算题(20’×1=20) 简化后的市场汇率行情为: Bid/Offer Rate Three Month Rate Denmark 6.1449/6.1515118/250 Switzerland 1.2820/1.282727/26 UK 1.8348/1.8353150/141 请分别计算三个月后的丹麦马克\瑞士法郎、丹麦马克\英镑的汇率。

四、分析说明题(30’×1=30) 以下是近期《时代周刊》中介绍新上任的一位IMF官员对IMF未来如何发挥其职能的个人看法的材料: What O’Neill has said repeatedly is that the IMF should stop playing fireman,rushing to help after a country’s finanves have burst into flames,and become a“fire marshal”(消防署署长)instead.This means interfering early,advising countries exactly what is wrong and what reforms are needed,tracking results and then issuing public warning when countries are heading for disaster.”if a country willfully (固执地)follows bad policies that it’s been talked to about,”says O’Neill,”we can be more relaxed in saying to them:’we are not going to be there when chickens come to to roost(习语,指恶行的自作自受).’” 请根据以上材料,回答下列问题: 1)你觉得他所说的导致一国出现货币金融危机的“坏政策”主要指的是些什么政策?试根据有关理论,说明“坏政策”是如何使一国经济陷入货币危机的。 2)你觉得一国出现货币金融危机会完全是由于“坏政策”造成的吗?还有哪些因素也可能现在的货币金融危机爆发负责任。


2015年英语四级阅读模拟试题及答案 (精品试卷一) Section C Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A ),B., C.and D ). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. People's tastes in recreation differ widely. At a recent festival of pop-music in the Isle of Wight, crowds of teenagers flocked to listen to their favorite singers and musicians. They went with single railway tickets and slept in the open, a very risky thing to do in the climate of Britain, even in August. They were packed together like sardines for four days. There were innumerable thieves, a gang of roughs tried several times to break things up, and police were everywhere. At the end of the festival many young fans found themselves broke, with no money left,and they had difficulty in getting back home. Most people would consider these conditions a nightmare of discomfort; the fans appeared to enjoy it all enormously. Even in the overcrowded United Kingdom there are large tracts of open un-spoilt country, where people with more traditional tastes can go for quiet, and for the sense of freedom they derive from contact with nature. In the national parks especially, modern development of housing and industry is strictly controlled. Visitors may walk for miles through landscape of the greatest beauty and wildness, and often of considerable historic or scientific interest. Along the coasts of some of the maritime counties, public pathways have been created; these paths stretch for many miles along cliffs that look out on the Atlantic Ocean or the English Channel. Another path,lying inland, goes along the range of mountains in the north of England. It is called the Pennine Way. Here, the long-distance waller and the nature-lover can find much to enjoy, without feeling disturbed by large numbers of their fellows.

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