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1. 你会用英语买单吗?

2. 朋友提议〝Go and catch a flick〞,是提议什么呢?

3. 伦敦话〝Bob’s your uncle〞是什么意思呢?

4. 澳洲人说〝Struth!’,他的意思到底是什么呢?

5. 写电邮时,用〝Dear Sir’还是‘Dear Ms/Mr…〞呢?

6. 你能分得清〝Assure’和‘Ensure〞意思的分别吗?





English for Chatting


Are You in the Mood for English?


English to Show You Care


Is Your English Too Formal?


Is your English Politically Correct?


ESMS Messaging in English


面对外国人,不知怎样打开话题?读书时学到的问候语〝How do you do?〞,原来在大多数场合都不适用!究竟地道的社交英语应怎样说?

你是一个不畏惧用英语交谈的天生的健谈者?或是,你和我们大部分人一样-感到尴尬,不自在还不知道接下来说什么?如果下一次说英语的时候你发现 cat’s got your tongue,就用一下这些小窍门来继续你的谈话。

Are you a natural conversationalist who feels no fear of chatting in English? Or, are you like most of us - awkward, uneasy and not really sure of what to say next? If you find that the cat’s got your tongue the next time you’re talking in English, try using these tips to keep the conversation going.

Respond to greetings

除了最初的〝Hey〞或是〝Hello〞,还有两种基本的英语问候方式:一种是以〝how〞开始,而另一种是以〝what〞开始,常见的例子有:〝How are you?〞、〝How’s it going?〞、〝How’ve you been?〞以及〝What’s up?〞、 〝What’s going on?〞和〝What’ve you been up to?〞。

After the initial “Hey” or “Hello”, there are two basic greeting styles in English: ones that start with “how” and others that begin with “what.” Common examples are “How are you?”, “How’s it going?”, “How’ve you been?” as well as “What’s up?”, “What’s going on?” and “What’ve you been up to?”

对于〝how〞开头的问候,你可以用形容词开首的回答,例如:〝Good〞、〝Great〞甚至是〝Exhaust-ed!〞。另一方面,对于〝What〞开头的问候,合适的回答有〝Nothing〞或者〝Not much〞。

For the “how” greetings, you’ll want to respond with an adjective, such as “Good”, “Great” or even “Exhausted!” On the other hand, for greetings starting with “what”, a fitting response is “Nothing” or “Not much.”

Then keep going...

然而一个单词的回答,可以会影响你的对话,并导致尴尬的冷场。因此在你〝Great〞或〝Not much〞

的回答后,你需要继续下去告诉别人别人更多有关你生活的信息。可以是有关你现在正在做的事:〝Not much. I’m just out shopping for my sister’s birthday gift.〞。

One word answers, though, can hinder the conversation and lead to that dreaded awkward silence. So after your “Great” or “Not much”, you need to keep going and provide more information about what is happening in your life. It could be about what you’re doing at the moment:”Not much. I’m just out shopping for my sister’s birthday gift.”

或者,可以是你生活中最近的一件什么事:〝Great! I’ve just started a new job, and I love it!〞。告诉别人更多的信息可以让别人有更多可以回复的内容,而且在谈话时在某种意义上说这是非常真实的。

Or, it could be about a recent event in your life: “Great! I’ve just started a new job, and I love it!” Providing more information can give the person you’re talking with something to respond to, and this is true at any point in the conversation.

Follow-up and initiate






工作的话来引出更多的谈话:〝So what

company are you working for?〞。很仔细




After someone comments on what they’ve

been doing, good conversationalists will then

follow-up and initiate more conversation. For

example, if your friend just said he started a

new job, you can follow up with “Oh, really?”,

and then initiate by asking him a question

about it: “So what company are you work-

ing for?” With each response, listen carefully,

share your thoughts and keep asking more

open-ended questions, or questions that re-

quire a long response, not just a one-word


Follow this example


Two co-workers chat with each other as they leave their office building:

Tracy: Hey Lily! How’s it going? (greet)

Lily: Good. Just headed to meet my husband at the movies. (respond)

Tracy: Oh really? (follow-up) What are you going to see? (initiate)

Lily: Hopefully Lord of the Rings, if it’s not sold out. (respond)

Tracy: Oh yeah, the theater can get really busy on Friday night. Good luck! (follow-up)

Lily: Tell me about it! See you on Monday. (respond)

你是否感到〝on top of the world〞并充满着喜悦的情绪还是感到沮丧并〝down in the dumps〞?这儿是一张你可以用来告诉别人你的感受的表达方式列表。

Are you feeling on top of the world and full of joy or depressed and down in the dumps? Here is a list of popular expressions you can use to tell people how you feel.

Bent out of shape

如果你因为某事而〝bent out of shape〞, 会疼吗?呣,不是身体疼!这种表达方式仅代表一个人非常的生气或被别人惹怒了:〝She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work.〞。

If you got bent out of shape over something, would it hurt? Well, not physically! This expression only means that a person is feeling very annoyed or angry: “She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work.”

On cloud nine

当某人正〝on cloud nine〞,这意味着他或是她感到非常之高兴。例如:〝When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine.〞。

When someone is on cloud nine, it means that he or she is feeling extremely happy. For example, “When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine.”


下次如果在你过了又长又无聊的一天后有人问你感觉怎么样,你就可以告诉他们你〝b e a t〞或〝bushed〞,这是表示你非常疲劳的另一种方式。也是不洗碗碟的最好的借口!

The next time someone asks you how you’re feeling after a long and tiring day, you can tell them that you’re beat or bushed. This is another way to say that you’re exhausted. A perfect excuse not to wash the dishes!

Head over heels

每个人都不停的问你为什么这几天这么的快乐。你可以告诉他们你正〝head over heels in love!〞,这是用来描述你完完全全爱上某人的常用表达方式。你还可以说你正〝madly in love〞。

Everyone keeps asking you why you’re so happy these days. You can tell them that you’re head over heels in love! This is a popular expression to describe that feeling of being completely in love with someone. You can also say you are madly in love.

Fed up

无论何时你对某事感到沮丧而不想继续的话,你就可以告诉别人你〝completely fed up!〞。如果你用餐的饭店服务很差的话,你就可以说:〝I am completely fed up with your service!〞。

Whenever you feel really frustrated about something and no longer want to deal with it, you can tell people that you are completely fed up! If you receive terrible service from a supplier or shop, for example, you might say, “I am completely fed up with your service!”Chill out

如果你的朋友人为你对一个小问题反应过激,他们可能会叫你〝chill out〞。这是告诉某人放松或平静下来的常用语:〝Stop worrying about it and just chill out.〞。

If your friends think you’re overreacting to a small problem, they might tell you to chill out. This is a popular way to tell someone to relax or calm down: “Stop worrying about it and just chill out.”

Under the weather

如果你生病了或是不舒服,只要说你〝under the weather〞,例如:〝J ohn’s feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so he won’t be joining us for dinner.〞。

If you’re sick or just not feeling so well, just say you’re under the weather. For example, “John’s feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so he won’t be joining us for dinner.”

生活中中充满了特别的时刻,在那个时刻完美的单词能引起完全不同的效果。一些情况是非常的敏感脆弱我们用一些能安慰和悼念的词汇。另外一些庆祝的场合我们希望向特别的人表示祝贺。 我们按照生活中特别的和严肃的场景使用不同的有用的表达方式。Life is full of special occasions where the perfect words can make a world of a difference. Some situations are delicate where we search for words that can provide comfort and condolence. Others are celebrations where we want to express our congratulations to someone special. We’ve compiled some useful expressions to use in life’s special and serious situations. Weddings

如果两个朋友决定〝tie the knot(共结连理)〞,并准备结婚,那就真是个欢乐的场景!一定要说向新娘和新郎说:〝Congratulations!〞!无论你在婚礼上或是写一张贺卡,你可以加上:〝I wish you the best of happiness in the years to come.〞。

If two friends decide to tie the knot and get married, it is a joyous occasion indeed! Be sure to say “Congratulations!” to the bride and groom. Whether you’re at the wedding or writing a card, you can add, “I wish you the best of hap-piness in the years to come.”


通常在这种情况下一句:〝Happy Birthday!〞就足够了。并且还会问过生日的男孩或女孩有没有特别的庆祝计划:〝Are you doing anything special to celebrate?〞。记得在西方文化中,你通常朋友生日的时候带他们出去吃饭或玩-而不是反其道而行之。并且,要避免问年龄,因为有些人可能会认为这很粗鲁。

Usually on this occasion a mere “Happy Birthday!” will suffice. It is also common to ask the birthday boy or girl if they have any special celebration plans: “Are you doing anything special to celebrate?” Remember that in Western cultures, you usually take your friend out on their birthday for dinner or fun – not the other way around. Also, avoid asking about age, as some people might consider it rude.

Birth of a child

如果新的〝bundle of joy〞降临到这个世界上,要对为此骄傲的父母说:〝Congratulations!〞。如果你还不知道孩子的性别,接着就问:〝Is it a boy or a girl?〞;如果他们给你看照片,一定要说:〝She’s adorable!〞、〝He’s so cute!〞或〝She takes after her mother!〞。

If a new bundle of joy has come into this world, tell the proud parents, “Congratulations!” If you don’t already know the sex of the baby, follow up by asking, “Is it a boy or a girl?” If you’re shown a photo, be sure to say, “She’s ador-able!”, “He’s so cute!” or “She takes after her mother!”


如果你觉得不舒服,能听到别人真诚问一句:〝How are you feeling?〞。总是很开心的。象:〝Take care of yourself〞 的短语、〝Get well soon!〞或者〝I hope you feel better soon!〞也是用于小毛小病的常用语。如果情况比较严重,你可能会说:〝My thoughts and prayers are with you.〞。

If you’re feeling sick, it’s always nice to hear a sincere, “How are you feeling?” Phrases such as “Take care of yourself”, “Get well soon!” or “I hope you feel better soon!” are also appropriate for minor illnesses. If the situation is more serious, you may want to say, “My thoughts and prayers are with you.”


如果你认识的某人个正经历失去至亲的痛苦,他们一定正感受着心痛的折磨。在这种脆弱的时刻,对他们说:〝I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one (father/mother/brother, etc.)〞会较适合,你亦可补充说:〝如果我能为你做点什么, 请告诉我。(If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.)〞。

If someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one, they are certain to be experiencing a lot of heartache. In this delicate situation, telling them, “I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one (father/mother/brother, etc.)” is appropriate. You can add, “If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.”


Does your English come across as too polite? While formal language is essential with your boss and your customers, you would sound strange to your friends if you speak with them in the same way. To tone down your English for life’s casual situations, check out these tips.

Meetings and greetings

你没有问你见到的每个人:〝How do you do?〞尽管过去这很常用,而现今的生活中只在非常正式的场合中才适合用-而不是用在朋友之间。在大多数的情况下,选择一个常用的短语象,对朋友说:〝How are you?〞,你还可以说:〝Hey, what’s up?〞或是〝How’s it going?〞。

Do you ask everyone you see, “How do you do?” Though quite common in days past, today it’s only appropriate in very formal situations - not with your friends. In most situations, choose a more common phrase like, “How are you?” With friends, you could also say, “Hey, what’s up?” or “How’s it going?”

Wining and dining

〝Would you mind passing me the salt, please?〞随时注意你的礼节非常的重要的,特别当你和生意伙伴或是重要的客人一起用餐的时候。但是当你只是和朋友随便吃点东西时,你可以说:〝Hey, pass the salt.〞来表示你需要 盐。

“Would you mind passing me the salt, please?” It’s always important to remember your manners, especially when you’re eating with business associates or important guests. But when you’re just grabbing a bite to eat with friends, and you need the salt, it’s quite OK to just say, “Hey, pass the salt.”

Coming and going

你在会议中收到一个紧急的留言:〝Would you excuse me for a moment, please?〞。但是如果你正和朋友在一起呢?只要告诉他们:〝hang on a sec〞或是说你会〝be right back.〞。记得,非正式的表达方式不是一定不礼貌的。

You receive an urgent message during an important meeting, so you ask, “Would you excuse me for a moment, please?” But what if you’re with your friends? Just tell them to “hang on a sec” or say you’ll “be right back.” Remem-ber, it’s not always impolite to be informal.

Didn’t hear it?

你的客户正在和你说话,但是你不明白她说了什么。不用害怕。只要礼貌的说:〝Excuse me, but would you mind repeating that?〞。”在另一方面,在更多的非正式场合中,只要问:〝Come again?〞或〝What did you say?〞。

Your customer is speaking to you, but you didn’t understand what she said. Don’t panic. Just be polite and say, “Excuse me, but would you mind repeating that?” On the other hand, in more casual situations, just ask, “Come again?” or “What did you say?”

Good impressions

〝This is quite an impressive abode, my dear.〞这是表示你非常喜欢别人的房子的正式用语。如果你正在一个朋友的房子,那么,你就不需要这么严肃的语言了。你的朋友将非常乐意听到你惊呼:〝What a cool place, man!〞。

“This is quite an impressive abode, my dear.” This is a formal way to tell people that you really like their home. If you’re over at a friend’s place, however, there’s no need for such serious language. Your friends would be perfectly happy to hear you exclaim, “What a cool place, man!”


As we progress in the 21st century, more and more everyday English terms are considered of-fensive. Are you worried that you might unwittingly offend your friends or colleagues by saying the wrong thing? Here’s some advice to help you choose your words wisely and survive in a sensitive and politically correct world.

What’s he/she like?


There was a time when you could say a person was old, short, fat, or blind - easy to say, but truly insensitive!

等下次你想要描述某人时,仔细想想并具有创意点!人们就不再老了─他们是〝elderly〞。某些人比较矮那已经变得是〝vertically challenged〞。肥胖的人现在会被称为〝obese〞或〝horizontally gifted〞。另外〝visually impaired〞现在是最能对瞎子表示尊重的术语。 请记得,无论以任何形式直呼其名,总是会让人感觉没有礼貌且侮辱的。

The next time you want to describe someone, think carefully and be creative! People aren’t old anymore - they’re elderly. Someone short has become vertically challenged. A person once fat is now obese or horizontally gifted. Additionally, visually impaired is now the most respected term for saying someone is blind. Just remember that name-calling, in whatever form, is always insensitive and insulting.

What’s his/her race?

北美曾经是〝blacks(黑人)〞、〝whites(白人)〞、〝Indians(印第安人)〞和〝Orientals(亞洲人)〞的家园,他们全部都消失了吗? 当然不是﹗随着时间流逝,有了更正确的政治理念来划分一个人的的种族。黑人现在被称为〝African-Americans/Canadians〞;白人被称为〝Caucasians〞;印地安人被称为〝Native Americans〞,并且东方人已经被〝Asians〞取代了。

North America once was home to blacks, whites, Indians and Orientals. Have they all disappeared? Of course not! These days, however, there are more politically correct ways to refer to a person’s ethnicity. Blacks are now called African-Americans/Canadians, whites are Caucasians, Indians are referred to as Native Americans, and Orientals have been replaced with Asians.

What does he/she do?


Men and women once had different titles for the same job. Not anymore! Referring to a certain gender is now considered sexist, so instead of man or woman, the word person is used in job titles. For example, we use chairperson as opposed to chairman, businessperson instead of businessman, and salesperson in place of salesman.

其他工作也有了新称呼﹗所有的〝air hostesses〞及〝stewardesses〞都到哪里去了?他们已经被〝flight attendants〞取代了。并且〝waitresses〞和〝waiters〞现在也被称为〝servers〞或是〝waitrons〞。Other jobs have a whole new name! Where have all the air hostesses and stewardesses gone? They have been replaced with flight attendants. And waitresses and waiters are now called either servers or waitrons.

对于那些听起来非常没有前途的工作呢?不要担心﹗如果你是一位〝janitor(保安)〞,你自己会说你自己是一位〝sanitation engineer〞;〝housewives〞在现在是一位〝domestic engineers〞。如果你没有一份工作,你将再也不是〝unemployed〞,你实际上只是一个〝involuntarily leisured〞!

What about those jobs that don’t sound very prestigious? Don’t worry! If you are a janitor, you can call yourself a sanitation engineer. Housewives are now domestic engineers. And if you don’t have a job, you’re not unemployed anymore, you’re actually just involuntarily leisured!

全球兴起了一股新的热潮-手机上的热潮!因为〝SMS〞因此短信变得和电话一样普及。这而有一些使用SMS短信上的建议,或〝Short Message Service〞,用英语收发短信。

SMS messages are fast, cheap and fun. They now are as common as telephone calls, and have become a new trend all over the world! Here are some tips on using SMS, or Short Message Service, to get your message across in English.

Text me!


English has a very difficult spelling system, and it can take a long time to spell out one word. So, many people now shorten words to speed up the process. This saves time and money, but it can also confuse people if they are not familiar with the current trends. Also, mastering the language of text messages first requires mastering English. Acronyms

〝SMS〞俚语可以分成两种:首字母或缩写。首字母是由几个单词的首字母组成的(例如:〝UN〞就是〝United Nations〞)。在短信中,首字母是常用的短语。此外,单独的字母也可能取代听起来类似的单词。看看这些例子:

SMS slang can be broken up into two basic categories: acronyms and contractions. Acronyms are words formed from the first letter of several words (such as UN for United Nations). In text messaging, acronyms are used for common phrases. Additionally, single letters may replace words that they sound like. Check out these examples:

OIC: Oh I see. LOL: Laughing out loud ASAP: As soon as possible

BTW: By the way FYI: For your information TTYL: Talk to you later



SMS contractions aren’t the same as regular ones like “don’t” or “they’re”, but the purpose is the same: to remove unnecessary parts of words while keeping the meaning clear. Vowels are often eliminated, but you can still make out the general sound of the word. The number “8” sometimes represents the sound of “eight”, so “later” becomes “l8r”. The number “4” is also common as a replacement for the “for” sound as is “2” for “to”. Take a look at these SMS contractions:

Plz: Please Thx: Thanks Cya: See you

B4: Before R: Are 2morro: Tomorrow

Can you keep a secret?


SMS is definitely convenient, but it should be used for casual conversations while keeping your audience in mind. You shouldn’t be sending text messages to your boss! Additionally, remember that messages sent can easily be saved and retrieved, or even sent to the wrong person – so you may find yourself in an embarrassing situation if you are not cautious! The next time you want to send a very personal message think carefully before you press the “Send” button or you might end up sending your boss a message meant for your sweetheart!


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