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龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/171661515.html,




[摘要] 目的测定槲皮素、根皮苷、杨梅素、原花青素、葛根素和柚皮苷对超氧阴离子自

由基(O-2·)的清除能力,探讨6种化合物清除O-2·的构效关系。方法采用流动注射邻苯三酚-鲁米诺化学发光法测定6种化合物对O-2·的清除率,采用IC50来衡量样品对自由基的清除能力。以维生素C为阳性对照。结果槲皮素、根皮苷、杨梅素、柚皮苷、葛根素、原花青素对O-2·的抑制率分别为0.1547、0.2048、0.4623、0.6157、1.8098、2.9798 μmol/L。6种化合物清除O-2·能力从大到小依次为槲皮素、根皮苷、杨梅素、柚皮苷、葛根素、原花青素,均高于维生素C(4.9586 μmol/L)。结论 6种黄酮类化合物结构与清除O-2·能力密切相关:酚羟基


[关键词] 6种黄酮类化合物;超氧阴离子自由基;清除率;构效关系

[中图分类号] O657.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)10(b)-0007-05

Study of 6 flavonoids compounds for the scavenging superoxide anion free radical ability and the structure-activity relationships

ZHAO Jing1 LI Yuqin2▲ WAN G Fangqiao2 JIA Baoxiu2 LIU Caihong2 WANG Renliang3

1.Taishan Sanatorium of Shandong Province, Shandong Province, Tai'an 271000, China;

2.School of Pharmacy, Taishan Medical University, Shandong Province, Tai'an 271016,China;

3.School of Chemical Engineering, Taishan Medical University, Shandong Province,Tai'an 271016, China

[Abstract] Objective To study the scavenging superoxide anion free radical (O-2·) ability of quercetin, myricetin, phloridzin, naringin, puerarin and proanthocyanidins, and to explore their structure-activity relationships for removing O-2·. Methods The scavenging O-2· ability was determined by flow injection analysis-pyrogallol-chemiluminescence. IC50 was calculated and used to examine the scavenging free radical ability. Vitamin C was used as positive control. Results The results showed that IC50 of quercetin, myricetin, phloridzin, naringin, puerarin and proanthocyanidins were 0.1547, 0.2048, 0.4623, 0.6157, 1.8098,2.9798 μmol/L,respectively. The scavenging O-2· ability of the 6 compounds were arranged as quercetin,myricetin, phloridzin, naringin, puerarin and proanthocyanidins, and all were higher than Vitamin C (4.9586 μmol/L). Conclusion The scavenging O-2· ability of 6 flavonoids compounds

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