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国际金融 英文习题 大题

国际金融 英文习题  大题
国际金融 英文习题  大题




1. Explain Gresham?s Law.

Answer: Gresham?s law refers to the phenomenon that bad (abundant) money drives good (scarce) money out of circulation. This kind of phenomenon was often observed under the bimetallic standard under which both gold and silver were used as means of payments, with the exchange rate between the two metals fixed.

2. Explain the mechanism which restores the balance of payments equilibrium when it is disturbed under the gold standard.

Answer: The adjustment mechanism under the gold standard is referred to as the price-specie-flow mechanism expounded by David Hume. Under the gold standard, a balance of payment disequilibrium will be corrected by a counter-flow of gold. Suppose that the U.S. imports more from the U.K. than it exports to the latter. Under the classical gold standard, gold, which is the only means of international payments, will flow from the U.S. to the U.K. As a result, the U.S. (U.K.) will experience a decrease (increase) in money supply. This means that the price level will tend to fall in the U.S. and rise in the U.K. Consequently, the U.S. products become more competitive in the export market, while U.K. products become less competitive. This change will improve U.S. balance of payments and at the same time hurt the U.K. balance of payments, eventually eliminating the initial BOP disequilibrium.

3. Suppose that the pound is pegged to gold at 6 pounds per ounce, whereas the franc is pegged to gold at 12 francs per ounce. This, of course, implies that the equilibrium exchange rate should be two francs per pound. If the current market exchange rate is 2.2 francs per

pound, how would you take advantage of this situation? What would be the effect of shipping costs?

Answer: Suppose that you need to buy 6 pounds using French francs. If you buy 6 pounds directly in the foreign exchange market, it will cost you 13.2 francs. Alternatively, you can first buy an ounce of gold for 12 francs in France and then ship it to England and sell it for 6 pounds. In this case, it only costs you 12 francs to buy 6 pounds. It is thus beneficial to ship gold due to the overpricing of the pound. Of course, you can make an arbitrage profit by selling 6 pounds for 13.2 francs in the foreign exchange market. The arbitrage profit will be 1.2 francs. So far, we assumed that shipping costs do not exist. If it costs more than 1.2 francs to ship an ounce of gold, there will be no arbitrage profit.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the gold standard.

Answer: The advantages of the gold standard include: (I) since the supply of gold is restricted, countries cannot have high inflation; (2) any BOP disequilibrium can be corrected automatically through cross-border flows of gold. On the other hand, the main disadvantages of the gold standard are: (I) the world economy can be subject to deflationary pressure due to restricted supply of gold; (ii) the gold standard itself has no mechanism to enforce the rules of the game, and, as a result, countries may pursue economic policies (like de-monetization of gold) that are incompatible with the gold standard.

5. What were the main objectives of the Bretton Woods system?

Answer: The main objectives of the Bretton Woods system are to achieve exchange rate stability and promote international trade and development.

6. One can say that the Bretton Woods system was programmed to an eventual demise. Comment on this proposition.

Answer: The answer to this question is related to the Triffin paradox. Under the

gold-exchange system, the reserve-currency country should run BOP deficits to supply reserves to the world economy, but if the deficits are large and persistent, they can lead to a crisis of confidence in the reserve currency itself, eventually causing the downfall of the system.

7. Explain how the special drawing rights (SDR) is constructed. Also, discuss the circumstances under which the SDR was created.

Answer: SDR was created by the IMF in 1970 as a new reserve asset, partially to alleviate the pressure on the U.S. dollar as the key reserve currency. The SDR is a basket currency comprised of five major currencies, i.e., U.S. dollar, German mark, Japanese yen, French franc, and British pound. Currently, the dollar receives a 40% weight, mark 21%, yen 17%, franc 11%, and pound 11%. The weights for different currencies tend to change over time, reflecting the relative importance of each currency in international trade and finance.

9. There are arguments for and against the alternative exchange rate regimes.

a. List the advantages of the flexible exchange rate regime.

b. Criticize the flexible exchange rate regime from the viewpoint of the proponents of the

fixed exchange rate regime.

c. Rebut the above criticism from the viewpoint of the proponents of the flexible exchange

rate regime.

Answer: a. The advantages of the flexible exchange rate system include: (I) automatic achievement of balance of payments equilibrium and (ii) maintenance of national policy autonomy.

b. If exchange rates are fluctuating randomly, that may discourage international trade and encourage market segmentation. This, in turn, may lead to suboptimal allocation of resources.

c. Economic agents can hedge exchange risk by means of forward contracts and other techniques. They don?t have to bear it if they choose not to. In addition, under a fixed exchange rate regime, governments often restrict international trade in order to maintain the exchange rate. This is a self-defeating measure. What?s good about the fixed exchange rate if

international trade need to be restricted?

10. In an integrated world financial market, a financial crisis in a country can be quickly transmitted to other countries, causing a global crisis. What kind of measures would you propose to prevent the recurrence of a Asia-type crisis.

Answer: First, there should be a multinational safety net to safeguard the world financial system from the Asia-type crisis. Second, international institutions like IMF and the World Bank should monitor problematic countries more closely and provide timely advice to those countries. Countries should be required to fully disclose economic and financial information so that devaluation surprises can be prevented. Third, countries should depend more on domestic savings and long-term foreign investments, rather than short-term portfolio capital. There can be other suggestions.

11. Discuss the criteria for a …good? international monetary syst em.

Answer: A good international monetary system should provide (I) sufficient liquidity to the world economy, (ii) smooth adjustments to BOP disequilibrium as it arises, and (iii) safeguard against the crisis of confidence in the system.

12. Once capital markets are integrated, it is difficult for a country to maintain a fixed exchange rate. Explain why this may be so.

Answer: Once capital markets are integrated internationally, vast amounts of money may flow in and out of a country in a short time period. This will make it very difficult for the country to maintain a fixed exchange rate.


When the euro was introduced in January 1999, the United Kingdom was conspicuously absent from the list of European countries adopting the common currency. Although the current Labor government led by Prime Minister Tony Blair appears to be in favor of joining the euro club, it is not clear at the moment if that will actually happen. The opposition Tory party is not in favor of adopting the euro and thus giving up monetary sovereignty of the country. The public opinion is also divided on the issue.

Whether the United Kingdom will eventually join the euro club is a matter of considerable importance for the future of European Union as well as that of the United Kingdom. The joining of the United Kingdom with its sophisticated finance industry will most certainly help propel the euro into a global currency status rivaling the U.S. dollar. The United Kingdom on its part will firmly join the process of economic and political unionization of Europe, abandoning its traditional balancing role.

Investigate the political, economic and historical situations surrounding the British participation in the European economic and monetary integration and write your own assessment of the prospect of British joining the euro club. In dong so, assess from the British perspective, among other things, (1) potential benefits and costs of adopting the euro, (2) economic and political constraints facing the country, and (3) the potential impact of British adoption of the euro on the international financial system, including the role of the U.S. dollar.

Suggested Solution to Will the United Kingdom Join the Euro Club?

Whether the U.K. will join the euro club will be a political as much as economic decision. Recently, the U.K. economy was converging with those of euro-zone countries. Economic conditions in terms of government budgets, interest rates, and inflation rate are becoming similar to those in euro-zone countries. On an economic ground, this convergence is creating a condition that is conducive to U.K.?s joining the euro club. As recently pointed out by Wim Duisenberg, the President of the European Central Bank, British opposition to

joi ning the euro club is more “psycho-political” than justified on economic grounds. Since many political leaders in France and Germany consider adoption of the euro as a step toward the European political union, the U.K. is likely to join the euro-zone if it is prepared to join the European political union as well. Once the U.K. joins the euro-zone, the euro will no doubt become a global currency at the expense of the U.S. dollar.





1. Define the balance of payments.

Answer: The balance of payments (BOP) can be defined as the statistical record of a country?s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping.

2. Why would it be useful to examine a country?s balance of payments data?

Answer: It would be useful to examine a country?s BOP for at least two reasons. First, BOP provides detailed information about the supply and demand of t he country?s currency. Second, BOP data can be used to evaluate the performance of the country in international economic competition. For example, if a country is experiencing perennial BOP deficits, it may signal that the country?s industries lack competi tiveness.

3. The United States has experienced continuous current account deficits since the early 1980s. What do you think are the main causes for the deficits? What would be the consequences of continuous U.S. current account deficits?

Answer: The current account deficits of U.S. may have reflected a few reasons such as (I) a historically high real interest rate in the U.S., which is due to ballooning federal budget deficits, that kept the dollar strong, and (ii) weak competitiveness of the U.S. industries.

4. In contrast to the U.S., Japan has realized continuous current account surpluses. What could be the main causes for these surpluses? Is it desirable to have continuous current

account surpluses?

Answer: Japan?s continuous current account surp luses may have reflected a weak yen and high competitiveness of Japanese industries. Massive capital exports by Japan prevented yen from appreciating more than it did. At the same time, foreigners? exports to Japan were hampered by closed nature of Japanese markets. Continuous current account surpluses disrupt free trade by promoting protectionist sentiment in the deficit country. It is not desirable especially when it is brought about by the mercantilist policies.

5. Comment on the following statement: “S ince the U.S. imports more than it exports, it is necessary for the U.S. to import capital from foreign countries to finance its current account deficits.”

Answer: The statement presupposes that the U.S. current account deficit causes its capital account surplus. In reality, the causality may be running in the opposite direction: U.S. capital account surplus may cause the country?s current account deficit. Suppose foreigners find the U.S. a great place to invest and send their capital to the U.S., resulting in U.S. capital account surplus. This capital inflow will strengthen the dollar, hurting the U.S. export and encouraging imports from foreign countries, causing current account deficits.

6. Explain how a country can run an overall balance of payments deficit or surplus.

Answer: A country can run an overall BOP deficit or surplus by engaging in the official reserve transactions. For example, an overall BOP deficit can be supported by drawing down the central bank?s reserve holdings. Likewise, an over all BOP surplus can be absorbed by adding to the central bank?s reserve holdings.

7. Explain official reserve assets and its major components.

Answer: Official reserve assets are those financial assets that can be used as international means of payments. Currently, official reserve assets comprise: (I) gold, (ii) foreign

exchanges, (iii) special drawing rights (SDRs), and (iv) reserve positions with the IMF. Foreign exchanges are by far the most important official reserves.

8. Explain how to compute the overall balance and discuss its significance.

Answer: The overall BOP is determined by computing the cumulative balance of payments including the current account, capital account, and the statistical discrepancies. The overall BOP is significant becau se it indicates a country?s international payment gap that must be financed by the government?s official reserve transactions.

9. Since the early 1980s, foreign portfolio investors have purchased a significant portion of U.S. treasury bond issues. Discuss the short-term and long-term effects of foreigners? portfolio investment on the U.S. balance of payments.

Answer: As foreigners purchase U.S. Treasury bonds, U.S. BOP will improve in the short run. But in the long run, U.S. BOP may deteriorate because the U.S. should pay interests and principals to foreigners. If foreign funds are used productively and contributes to the competitiveness of U.S. industries, however, U.S. BOP may improve in the long run.

10. Describe the balance of payments identity and discuss its implications under the fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes.

Answer: The balance of payments identity holds that the combined balance on the current and capital accounts should be equal in size, but opposite in sign, to the change in the official reserves: BCA + BKA = -BRA. Under the pure flexible exchange rate regime, central banks do not engage in official reserve transactions. Thus, the overall balance must balance, i.e., BCA = -BKA. Under the fixed exchange rate regime, however, a country can have an overall BOP surplus or deficit as the central bank will accommodate it via official reserve transactions.

11. Exhibit 3.3 indicates that in 1991, the U.S. had a current account deficit and at the same time a capital account deficit. Explain how this can happen?

Answer: In 1991, the U.S. experienced an overall BOP deficit, which must have been accommodated by the Federal Reserve?s official reserve action, i.e., drawing down its reserve holdings.

12. Explain how each of the following transactions will be classified and recorded in the debit and credit of the U.S. balance of payments:

(1) A Japanese insurance company purchases U.S. Treasury bonds and pays out of its bank account kept in New York City.

(2) A U.S. citizen consumes a meal at a restaurant in Paris and pays with her American Express card.

(3) A Indian immigrant living in Los Angeles sends a check drawn on his L.A. bank account as a gift to his parents living in Bombay.

(4) A U.S. computer programmer is hired by a British company for consulting and gets paid from the U.S. bank account maintained by the British company.


_________________________________________________________________ Transactions Credit Debit


Japanese purchase of U.S. T bonds √

Japanese payment using NYC account √

U.S. citizen having a meal in Paris √

Paying the meal with American Express √

Gift to parents in Bombay √

Receipts of the check by parents (goodwill) √

Export of programming service √

British payment out its account in U.S. √


13. Construct the balance of payment table for Japan for the year of 1998 which is comparable in format to Exhibit 3.1, and interpret the numerical data. You may consult International Financial Statistics published by IMF or research for useful websites for the data yourself.


A summary of the Japanese Balance of Payments for 1998 (in $ billion)

Credits Debits Current Account

(1) Exports 646.03

(1.1) Merchandise 374.04

(1.2) Services 62.41

(1.3) Factor income 209.58

(2) Imports -516.50

(2.1) Merchandise -251.66

(2.2) Services -111.83

(3.3) Factor income -153.01 (3) Unilateral transfer 5.53 -14.37

Balance on current account 120.69

[(1) + (2) + (3)]

Capital Account

(4) Direct investment 3.27 -24.62

(5) Portfolio investment 73.70 -113.73

(5.1) Equity securities 16.11 -14.00

(5.2) Debt securities 57.59 -99.73

(6) Other investment 39.51 -109.35

Balance on financial account -131.22 [(4) + (5) + (6)]

(7) Statistical discrepancies 4.36

Overall balance -6.17

Official Reserve Account 6.17

Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics Yearbook, 1999.

Note: Capital account in the above table corresponds the …Financial account? in IMF?s balance of payment statistics. IMF?s Capital account? is included in …Other investment? in the above table.


Recently, Mexico experienced large-scale trade deficits, depletion of foreign reserve holdings and a major currency devaluation in December 1994, followed by the decision to freely float the peso. These events also brought about a severe recession and higher unemployment in Mexico. Since the devaluation, however, the trade balance has improved.

Investigate the Mexican experiences in detail and write a report on the subject. In the report, you may:

(a) document the trend in Mexico?s key economic indicators, such as the balance of payments, the exchange rate, and foreign reserve holdings, during the period 1994.1 through 1995.12.; (b) investigate the causes of Mexico?s balance of payments difficulties prior to the peso devaluation;

(c) discuss what policy actions might have prevented or mitigated the balance of payments problem and the subsequent collapse of the peso; and

(d) derive lessons from the Mexican experience that may be useful for other developing countries.

In your report, you may identify and address any other relevant issues concerning Mexico?s balance of payment problem.

Suggested Solution to Mexico?s Balance-of-Payments Problem

To solve this case, it is useful to review Chapter 2, especially the section on the Mexican peso crisis. Despite the fact that Mexico had experienced continuous trade deficits until December 1994, the country?s currency was not allowed to depreciate for political reasons. The Mexican government did not want the peso devaluation before the Presidential election held in 1994. If the Mexican peso had been allowed to gradually depreciate against the major currencies, the peso crisis could have been prevented.

The key lessons that can be derived from the peso crisis are: First, Mexico depended too much on short-term foreign portfolio capital (which is easily reversible) for its economic growth. The country perhaps should have saved more domestically and depended more on long-term foreign capital. This can be a valuable lesson for many developing countries. Second, the lack of reliable economic information was another contributing factor to the peso crisis. The Salinas administration was reluctant to fully disclose the true state of the Mexican economy. If investors had known that Mexico was experiencing serious trade deficits and rapid depletion of foreign exchange reserves, the peso might have been gradually depreciating, rather than suddenly collapsed as it did. The transparent disclosure of economic data can help prevent the peso-type crisis. Third, it is important to safeguard the world financial system from the peso-type crisis. To this end, a multinational safety net needs to be in place to contain the peso-type crisis in the early stage.




1. Give a full definition of the market for foreign exchange.

Answer: Broadly defined, the foreign exchange (FX) market encompasses the conversion of purchasing power from one currency into another, bank deposits of foreign currency, the extension of credit denominated in a foreign currency, foreign trade financing, and trading in foreign currency options and futures contracts.

2. What is the difference between the retail or client market and the wholesale or interbank market for foreign exchange?

Answer: The market for foreign exchange can be viewed as a two-tier market. One tier is the wholesale or interbank market and the other tier is the retail or client market. International banks provide the core of the FX market. They stand willing to buy or sell foreign currency for their own account. These international banks serve their retail clients, corporations or individuals, in conducting foreign commerce or making international investment in financial assets that requires foreign exchange. Retail transactions account for only about 16 percent of FX trades. The other 84 percent is interbank trades between international banks, or non-bank dealers large enough to transact in the interbank market.

3. Who are the market participants in the foreign exchange market?

Answer: The market participants that comprise the FX market can be categorized into five groups: international banks, bank customers, non-bank dealers, FX brokers, and central banks. International banks provide the core of the FX market. Approximately 700 banks

worldwide make a market in foreign exchange, i.e., they stand willing to buy or sell foreign currency for their own account. These international banks serve their retail clients, the bank customers, in conducting foreign commerce or making international investment in financial assets that requires foreign exchange. Non-bank dealers are large non-bank financial institutions, such as investment banks, whose size and frequency of trades make it cost- effective to establish their own dealing rooms to trade directly in the interbank market for their foreign exchange needs.

Most interbank trades are speculative or arbitrage transactions where market participants attempt to correctly judge the future direction of price movements in one currency versus another or attempt to profit from temporary price discrepancies in currencies between competing dealers.

FX brokers match dealer orders to buy and sell currencies for a fee, but do not take a position themselves. Interbank traders use a broker primarily to disseminate as quickly as possible a currency quote to many other dealers.

Central banks sometimes intervene in the foreign exchange market in an attempt to influence the price of its currency against that of a major trading partner, or a country that it “fixes” or “pegs” its currency against. Intervention is the process of using foreign currency reserves to buy one?s own currency in order to decrease its supply and thus increase its value in the foreign exchange market, or alternatively, selling one?s own currency for foreign currency in order to increase its supply and lower its price.

5. What is meant by a currency trading at a discount or at a premium in the forward market?

Answer: The forward market involves contracting today for the future purchase or sale of foreign exchange. The forward price may be the same as the spot price, but usually it is higher (at a premium) or lower (at a discount) than the spot price.

6. Why does most interbank currency trading worldwide involve the U.S. dollar?

Answer: Trading in currencies worldwide is against a common currency that has international appeal. That currency has been the U.S. dollar since the end of World War II. However, the deutsche mark and Japanese yen have started to be used much more as international currencies in recent years. More importantly, trading would be exceedingly cumbersome and difficult to manage if each trader made a market against all other currencies.

8. A CD/$ bank trader is currently quoting a small figure bid-ask of 35-40, when the rest of the market is trading at CD1.3436-CD1.3441. What is implied about the trader?s beliefs by his prices?

Answer: The trader must think the Canadian dollar is going to depreciate against the U.S. dollar and therefore he is trying to reduce his inventory of Canadian dollars by discouraging purchases of CD by standing willing to buy $ at only CD1.3435/$1.00 and offering to sell from inventory at the slightly lower than market price of CD1.3440/$1.00.

*9. What is triangular arbitrage? What is a condition that will give rise to a triangular arbitrage opportunity?

Answer: Triangular arbitrage is the process of trading out of the U.S. dollar into a second currency, then trading it for a third currency, which is in turn traded for U.S. dollars. The purpose is to earn an arbitrage profit via trading from the second to the third currency when the direct exchange between the two is not in alignment with the cross exchange rate.

Most, but not all, currency transactions go through the dollar. Certain banks specialize in making a direct market between non-dollar currencies, pricing at a narrower bid-ask spread than the cross-rate spread. Nevertheless, the implied cross-rate bid-ask quotations impose a discipline on the non-dollar market makers. If their direct quotes are not consistent with the cross exchange rates, a triangular arbitrage profit is possible.


3. Restate the following one-, three-, and six-month outright forward European term bid-ask quotes in forward points.

Spot 1.3431-1.3436

One-Month 1.3432-1.3442

Three-Month 1.3448-1.3463

Six-Month 1.3488-1.3508


One-Month 01-06

Three-Month 17-27

Six-Month 57-72

4. Using the spot and outright forward quotes in problem 3, determine the corresponding bid-ask spreads in points.


Spot 5

One-Month 10

Three-Month 15

Six-Month 20

7. Given the following information, what are the DM/S$ currency against currency bid-ask quotations?

Bank Quotations American Terms European Terms

Bid Ask Bid Ask

Deutsche Marks .6784 .6789 1.4730 1.4741

Singapore Dollar .6999 .7002 1.4282 1.4288

Solution: Equation 4.12 from the text implies S(DM/S$b) = S($/S$b) x S(DM/$b) = .6999 x 1.4730 = 1.0310. The reciprocal, 1/S(DM/S$b)= S(S$/DM a)= .9699. Analogously, it is

implied that S(DM/S$a) = S($/S$a) x S(DM/$a) = .7002 x 1.4741 = 1.0322. The reciprocal, 1/S(DM/S$a)= S(S$/DM b)= .9688. Thus, the DM/S$ bid-ask spread is DM1.0310-DM1.0322 and the S$/DM spread is S$0.9688-S$0.9699.

8. Assume you are a trader with Deutsche Bank. From the quote screen on your computer terminal, you notice that Dresdner Bank is quoting DM1.6230/$1.00 and Credit Suisse is offering SF1.4260/$1.00. You learn that UBS is making a direct market between the Swiss franc and the mark, with a current DM/SF quote of 1.1250. Show how you can make a triangular arbitrage profit by trading at these prices. (Ignore bid-ask spreads for this problem). Assume you have $5,000,000 with which to conduct the arbitrage. What happens if you initially sell dollars for Swiss francs? What DM/SF price will eliminate triangular arbitrage?


1 办理结汇、售汇的外汇资金划转应符合()外汇管理规定。答案: A ;A 国家B人民银行 C 中国银行 D 农业银行 2 对于无法解付的外汇汇入款项,应在()做暂收处理,并按照我行外汇资金清算查询查复的有关规定进行查询,做好查询查复登记。答案: A ;A 当日B次日C二日内 D 三日内 3 个人客户的外汇汇款,款项到达后,对于提供电话和地址的汇款指示,应首先以()通知收款人。答案: D ; A 信件B邮递C传真D电话 4 个人客户的外汇汇款,款项到达后,以邮递方式通知收款人的,应在()个工作日内发出通知邮件。答案: B ; A 1 B 2 C 3 D 5 5 机构客户申请办理外币票据托收业务的,需核对其票据背书签章和《外币票据托收申请书》上的签章,是否与其在我行的()相符。答案: D ;A 预留公章 B 预留财务章 C 预留法人章 D 预留印鉴 6 机构客户外汇汇款以及账号齐全的个人外汇汇款应在收到上级行下划账单的()个工作日内到达客户账。答案: A ;A 1 B 2 C 3 D 5 7 解付外汇汇入汇款,必须区分机构客户和个人客户,严格按照()的有关规定为客户办理相关手续。答案: D ; A 总行B分行C人民银行 D 国家外汇管理部门 8 经办行办理付汇业务,应按照()的有关规定,办理国际收支统计申报。答案: D ;A 总行B分行C 人民银行 D 国家外汇管理部门 9 经办行要严格按照总行规定的业务办理时间进行结售汇交易,对于当日交易并起息记账的业务,截止时间为当日下午()。答案: D ;A 15:00 B 15:30 C 16:00 D 16:30 10 经办行在办理外汇票汇业务时,可以指示账户行主动借记总行账户,但必须在签发汇票的()以SWIFT MT299报文通知总行外汇清算中心。答案: D ;A 次日下午四点前 B 次日下午三点前 C 当天下午四点前 D 当天 下午三点前 11 申请人办理外币票据托收,应填写《外币票据托收申请书》,一式()联,并签章确认。答案: C ;A 一B 二 C 三 D 四 12 收到无法解付的外汇汇入汇款并向汇款行、账户行发出查询的()个工作日后,无任何实质性答复,仍无法解付的,应做退汇处理。答案: B ;A 10 B 15 C 20 D 30 13 外币票据是重要(),如当日受理的外币票据不能及时寄送代收行,必须妥善保管。答案: B ;A 单据B 有价单证 C 一般凭证 D 空白凭证 14 外币票据托收业务档案应保存()年。答案: B ;A 3 B 5 C 15 D 永久 15 外币票据托收中,()方式适用的票据范围最广。答案: C ;A 立即贷记 B 最终贷记 C 标准托收 D 特殊托收 16 外币票据托收中,代收行应选择与我行签有()的代理行进行办理。答案: D ;A 托收业务协议 B 票据 托收业务协议 C 代理托收业务协议D 代理票据托收业务协议 17 外币票据托收中,对于凭保付款托收回来的票据款项,应要求申请人在我行至少存足()个月方可使用. 答案: A ;A 1 B 2 C 3 D 6 18 外币票据托收中,经办行收票后,应在每张托收票据的()加盖划线章,划线分普通划线和特别划线。答案: A ;A 正面左上角 B 正面右上角 C 反面左上角 D 反面右上角 19 外币票据托收中,经办行要严格审查票据背书的真实性和完整性,对金额较大或有疑问的票据我行可采用()方式。 答案: A ;A 标准托收 B 立即贷记 C 最终贷记 D 以上三种都可以 20 外币票据托收中,票面的收款人可能以中文、英文(按拼音核对)或中英文对照之中的一种形式进行表示,如果用中英文同时表示,应以()为准。答案: A ;A 中文B英文C中、英文一起 D 中、英文均可 21 外币票据托收中,如果票据无特别注明,大多数票据自出票日期起()个月内有效(如美元支票、英镑支票等),超过有效期的票据我行不予受理。答案: D ;A 1 B 2 C 3 D 6 22 外币票据托收中,无论采用何种托收方式,我行对托收票据发生的退票均保留随时向()追索的权利。答案:C ;A 收款人 B 付款人 C 申请人 D 出票人 23 外币票据托收中,一般票据都注明了完整的货币符号,但有些票据的货币符号不完整,经办行应根据票据注明的()来确定票据的币种。答案: A ;A 付款地 B 收款地 C 收款人 D 付款人 24 外币票据托收中,因退票发生的费用,由()承担。答案: D ;A 收款人 B 付款人 C 出票人D 申请人 25 外汇汇出汇款和汇入汇款的查询查复业务,应执行()外汇资金清算查询查复的有关规定答案: C ;A 外汇 局 B 银监局 C 总行D分行


PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T ) 2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T ) 3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T ) 4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F ) 5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places upward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F ) 6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T ) 7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula.( F ) 8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F ) 9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T ) 10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T ) PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分 1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power ) 2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency. 3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures. 4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased. 5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time. 6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation. 7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected. 8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised 9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ). 10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel. PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分 1. Assume the following information: A Bank B Bank Bid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796 Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800 Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible?If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%) ANSWER: Yes!One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802.With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank.These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500. 2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90.How will this spot rate adjust in two years if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the United


国际金融中英文版 Chapter 2: Payments among Nations Single-Choice Questions 1. A country ' s balance of payments records: 一个国家的国际收支平衡 记录了 B a. The value of all exports of goods and services from that country for a period of time. b. All flows of value between that c ountry ' s residents and residents of the rest of the world during a period of time. 在—— 定时间段里,一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动 c. All flows of financial assets that cross that country during a period of time. s boi d. All flows of goods into that country during a period of tim e. 2. A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里 的贷项是A a. An item for which the country must be paid. 一个国家必须收 取的条款 b. An item for which the country must pay. c. Any imported item. d. An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner. 3. Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance-of- payments accounts __________________ t ime(s). 每一次国际 等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 B a. 1 b. 2


第一章外汇交易的一般原理 一、单项选择题: 1、目前,多数国家(包括我国人民币)采用的汇率标价法是( A )。 A、直接标价法 B、间接标价法C应收标价法D、美元标价法 2 、按银行汇款方式不同,作为基础的汇率是(A )。 A、电汇汇率 B、信汇汇率C票汇汇率D、现钞汇率 3、外汇成交后,在未来约定的某一天进行交割所采用的汇率是( B )。 A、浮动汇率 B、远期汇率C市场汇率D、买入汇率 4、若要将出口商品的人民币报价折算为外币报价,应用( A )。 A、买入价 B、卖出价 C、现钞买入价 D、现钞卖出价 5、银行对于现汇的卖出价一般(A )现钞的买入价。 A、高于 B、等于C低于D不能确定 6、我国银行公布的人民币基准汇率是前一日美元对人民币的( B )。 A、收盘价 B、银行买入价 C、银行卖出价D加权平均价 7、外汇规避风险的方法很多。关于选择货币法,说法错误..的是(A )。 A、收“软”币付“硬”币 B 、尽量选择本币计价 C、尽量选择可自由兑换货币 D、软硬币货币搭配 8、下列外汇市场的参与者不包.括..(C )。 A、中国银行 B、索罗斯基金C无涉外业务的国内公司D、国家外汇管理局宁波市分局 9、对于经营外汇实务的银行来说,贱买贵卖是其经营原则,买卖之间的差额一般

为1%。?5%。,是银行经营经营外汇实务的利润。那么下列哪些因素使得买卖差价的幅度越小( A ) A、外汇市场越稳定 B、交易额越小 C、越不常用的货币D外汇市场位置相对于货币发行国越远 10、被公认为全球一天外汇交易开始的外汇市场的( C )。 A、纽约 B、东京 C、惠灵顿 D、伦敦 11、下列不.属.于.外汇市场的参与者有(D )。 A、中国银行 B、索罗斯基金 C、国家外汇管理局浙江省分局 D、无涉外业 务的国内公司 12、在有形市场中,规模最大外汇交易市场的是( A )。 A、伦敦 B、纽约 C、新加坡 D、法兰克福 13 、外汇市场上,银行的报价均以各种货币对( D )的汇率为基础。 A、直接标价法 B、间接标价法C应收标价法D、美元标价法 14、银行间外汇交易额通常以(A )的整数倍。 A、100万美元 B、50万美元 C、1000万美元D 10万美元 15、以点数表示的远期汇率差价,每点所代表每个标准货币所折合货币单位的(A ) A、1/10000 B 、1/10 C 、1/100 D 、1/1000 16、商业银行经营外汇业务时,如果卖出多于买进,则称为( B ) A、多头 B、空头 C、升水 D、贴水 1 7 、下列货币名称与英文简写对应错误..的(B ) A、欧兀一EURO B 澳兀一CAD C、新加坡兀一SGD D 日兀一YEN 18、在伦敦外汇市场上用美元购买日元这样一笔外汇,结算国是( A )。 A美国和日本,交易国是英国B、美国和日本,交易国是美国 C美国和日本,交易国是日本D、美国和日本,交易国是美国和日本 19、一般来讲,一国的国际收支顺差会使其( B )。 A、本币升值 B、物价上升 C、通货紧缩 D、货币疲软 20、以下是两银行交易的过程,根据其交易过程,下列答案错误..的(C )。 A 银行:Hi! Bank of China, Shanghai Branch calling, spot CHF for 6 USD


模拟试题1 一、名词解释 1、国际收支:在一定时期内,一个经济实体的居民同非居民所进行的全部经济交易的系统记录和综合。国 际收支是一个流量概念,反映的内容是以货币记录的全部交易,记录的是一国居民与非居民 之间的交易。 2、最优货币区:指若干个国家或地区因生产要素自由流动而构成的一个区域,在该区域内实行固定汇率制 度或单一货币制度有利于建议该区域与其他区域的调节机制。 3、特里芬两难:是指在布雷顿森林体系下,美元作为唯一的储备货币,具有不可克服的内在缺陷的问题: 美国国际收支顺差,国际储备资产供应则不足;若美国国际收支逆差,则美元的信用难以 维持。 4、马歇尔-勒纳条件:指贸易收支改善的必要条件,即出口商品的需求价格弹性和进口商品的需求价格弹 性之和必须大于1。 5、汇率制度:是指一国货币当局对本国货币汇率水平的确定、汇率变动方式等问题所作的一系列安排或规 定。包括:确定货币汇率的原则和依据;维持与调整汇率的办法;管理汇率的法令、体制和 政策;确定维持和管理汇率的机构。 二、判断题(每题1分,1×15=15分)红色为错误 1、在间接标价法下,当外国货币数量减少时,称外国货币汇率下浮或贬值。() 2、本国资产减少,负债增加的项目应记入贷方。() 3、补贴和关税政策属于支出增减型政策,而汇率政策属于支出转换型政策。() 4、如果一国实行固定汇率制,其拥有的国际储备量可以相对较小。() 6、消除国际收支逆差的措施之一是降低贴现率。() 7、货币贬值不一定能改善一国的贸易收支。() 8、一般地说,利率较高的货币其远期汇率会呈现升水。() 9、布雷顿森林体系的两大支柱一是固定汇率制,二是政府干预制。() 10、如果一个投机者预测日元的汇率将上升,他通常的做法是买入远期的日元。() 11、在纸币流通制度下,调节国际收支逆差的措施之一是削减财政开支和税收。() 12、贬值的弊端之一就是可能引起贬值国的国内通胀加剧,从而抵消了贬值的部分作用。() 13、国际收支平衡表中,储备资产项目为+12亿美元,则表示该国的国际储备资产增加了12亿美元。() 14、外汇银行标示的“买入价”即银行买入本币的价格;“卖出价”即银行卖出本币的价格。() 15、外国投资者购买我国中国银行发行的日元债券,对我国来讲属于资本流出,对外国来讲属于资本流入。() 三、单项选择题(每题2分,2×15=30分) 1、与金币本位制度相比,金块本位和金汇兑本位对汇率的稳定程度已() (A)升高(B)降低(C)不变 2、国际收支的长期性不平衡指:() (A)暂时性不平衡(B)结构性不平衡(C)货币性不平衡(D)周期性不平衡 3、根据国际收入平衡表的记帐原则,属于贷方项目的是()。 A、进口劳务 B、本国居民获得外国资产 C、官方储备增加 D、非居民偿还本国居民债务 4、外汇储备过多的负面影响可能有:() (A)不必升值(B)通货膨胀(C)外汇闲置(D)外币升值(E)通货紧缩 5、当处于通货膨胀和国际收支逆差的经济状况时,应采用下列什么政策搭配:() (A)紧缩国内支出,本币升值(B)扩张国内支出,本币贬值


Chapter1 balance of payments Balance of Payments Accounting 1 Balance of payments a) d) Answer: d 2 Generally speaking, any transaction that results in a receipt from foreigners a) b) c) d) Answer d 3 Generally speaking, any transaction that results in a payment to foreigners e) f) g) e) Answer a) 4 Suppose the McDonalds Corporation imports 100 tons of Canadian beef, paying for it by transferring the funds to a New York bank account kept by the Canadian Beef Conglomerate. i) j) k) l) Answer: a 5 Since the balance of payments is presented as a system of double-entry bookkeeping, a) b) c) d) Answer c) 6 A country ' s international transactions can be grouped into the following three main types: a) current account, medium term account, and long term capital account is defined as the statistical record of a country ' s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of a double -entry bookkeeping provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country ' currency can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competition all of the above b) c) Will be recorded as a debit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a debit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a debit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a debit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a negative sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Will be recorded as a credit, with a positive sign, in the U.S. balance of payments Payment by McDonalds will be recorded as a debit The deposit of the funds by the seller will be recorded as a debit Payment by McDonalds will be recorded as a credit The deposit of the funds by the buyer will be credit Every credit in the account is balanced by a matching debit Every debit in the account is balanced by a matching credit a) and b) are both true None of the above


2019《国际金融》考试题库1000题 一、选择题 1.力谋取商品价格、利率、汇率或股价绝对水准变动的利益,买入或卖出期货者,称为(C)。 A、基差交易商 B、价差交易商 C、、头寸交易商 D、证券交易商 2.在国际银团贷款中,借款人对未提取的贷款部分还需支付()。 A、担保费 B、承诺费 C、代理费 D、损失费 3.如何预测经济风险? 一般来讲,预测经济风险,重点分析: (1)该国经济和财政管理质量; (2)自然资源及其发展潜力,劳动力资源及其接受教育和训练的程度; (3)政府以往采取的经济发展战略,国家为国内经济增长提供所需资金的能力,以及通过商品构成和市场反映的出口多样化程度; (4)对外金融地位和国际收支的前景如何,外债增长的比率和这些债务的条件,官方外汇储备的实力以及在国际货币基金的提款权; (5)政局的稳定性,经济政策的连续性以及两者适应世界形势变化的弹性等等。 4.目前,国际上采用间接标价法的国家主要有(BE)。 A、中国 B、美国 C、日本 D、法国 E、英国 5.外汇调剂中心的主要职责是(BCEF)。 A、发放外汇配额 B、受理外汇买卖申请 C、办理外汇成交 D、监督外汇的使用 E、办理外汇清算 F、监督交割 6.伦敦外汇市场的主要特点有(ACDF)。 A、交易的币种多 B、安全性高 C、机动灵活 D、速度快 E、流动性强 F、效率高 7.在外汇交易谈判时,常用的保值条款有(BDE)。 A、美元保值 B、黄金保值 C、软货币保值 D、硬货币保值 E、一揽子货币保值 8.外汇风险管理战略具体可分为(BCD)。 A、非完全避险战略 B、完全避险战略 C、积极的外汇风险管理战略 D、消极的外汇风险管理战略 E、宏观外汇风险管理战略

国际金融 英文习题 大题

CHAPTER 2 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM SUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS QUESTIONS 1. Explain Gresham?s Law. Answer: Gresham?s law refers to the phenomenon that bad (abundant) money drives good (scarce) money out of circulation. This kind of phenomenon was often observed under the bimetallic standard under which both gold and silver were used as means of payments, with the exchange rate between the two metals fixed. 2. Explain the mechanism which restores the balance of payments equilibrium when it is disturbed under the gold standard. Answer: The adjustment mechanism under the gold standard is referred to as the price-specie-flow mechanism expounded by David Hume. Under the gold standard, a balance of payment disequilibrium will be corrected by a counter-flow of gold. Suppose that the U.S. imports more from the U.K. than it exports to the latter. Under the classical gold standard, gold, which is the only means of international payments, will flow from the U.S. to the U.K. As a result, the U.S. (U.K.) will experience a decrease (increase) in money supply. This means that the price level will tend to fall in the U.S. and rise in the U.K. Consequently, the U.S. products become more competitive in the export market, while U.K. products become less competitive. This change will improve U.S. balance of payments and at the same time hurt the U.K. balance of payments, eventually eliminating the initial BOP disequilibrium. 3. Suppose that the pound is pegged to gold at 6 pounds per ounce, whereas the franc is pegged to gold at 12 francs per ounce. This, of course, implies that the equilibrium exchange rate should be two francs per pound. If the current market exchange rate is 2.2 francs per


一、判断题 1.国际收支是一国在一定时期内对外债权、债务的余额,因此,它表示一种存量的概念。(F) 2.资本流出是指本国资本流到外国,它表示外国在本国的资产减少、外国对本国的负债 增加、本国对外国的负债减少、本国在外国的资产增加。(T) 3.国际收支是流量的概念。( T ) 4.对外长期投资的利润汇回,应计入资本和金融账户内。(F) 5.投资收益属于国际收支平衡表中的服务项目。( F ) 二、单项选择题 1.国际借贷所产生的利息,应列入国际收支平衡表中的( A )账户。 A. 经常 B. 资本 C. 直接投资 D. 证券投资 2.投资收益在国际收支平衡表中应列入( A )。 A. 经常账户 B.资本账户 C.金融账户 D. 储备与相关项目 3.国际收支平衡表中人为设立的项目是(D)。 A. 经常项目 B. 资本和金融项目 C. 综合项目 D.错误与遗漏项目 4.根据国际收支平衡表的记账原则,属于借方项目的是( D )。 A. 出口商品 B. 官方储备的减少 C. 本国居民收到国外的单方向转移 D. 本国居民偿还非居民债务。 5.根据国际收入平衡表的记账原则,属于贷方项目的是(B)。 A. 进口劳务 B. 本国居民获得外国资产 C. 官方储备增加 D. 非居民偿还本国居民债务 三、多项选择题 1.属于我国居民的机构是(ABC)。 A. 在我国建立的外商独资企业 B. 我国的国有企业 C. 我国驻外使领馆 D. IMF 等驻华机构 2.国际收支平衡表中的经常账户包括(ABCD)子项目。 A. 货物 B. 服务 C. 收益 D. 经常转移 3.国际收支平衡表中的资本与金融账户包括(AB)子项目。 A. 资本账户 B. 金融账户 C. 服务 D.收益 4.下列(AD)交易应记入国际收支平衡表的贷方。 A. 出口 B.进口 C. 本国对外国的直接投资 D. 本国居民收到外国侨民汇款

西北农林科技大学 国际金融试题库

姜波克国际金融学习题 国际收支和国际收支平衡表 一、单项选择题 1.资本项目的利息收入应列入下列国际收支平衡表的哪一个项目中 A. 资本项目 B. 经常项目 C. 国际储备 D. 净误差与遗漏 2.国际旅游、保险引起的收支属于下列国际收支平衡表中的哪一个项目 A. 经常项目 B. 国际储备 C. 净误差与遗漏 D. 资本项目 3.资本项目中的长期资本是指借贷期为多长的资本 A. 期限不定 B. 一年以内 C. 一年 D. 一年以上 4.当国际收支平衡表中的收入大于支出时,就在“净误差与遗漏”的哪一方加上相差的数字。 A. 右方 B. 左方 C. 收入方 D. 支出方 5.一国国民收入增加,会引起进口商品与劳务增加,导致国际收支出现下列哪一种情况 A. 不确定 B. 不变 C. 逆差 D. 顺差

6.狭义的国际收支仅指 A. 贸易收支 B. 经常项目收支 C. 外汇收支 D. 全部对外交易 7.国际货币基金组织对国际收支的解释属于下列哪一种收支概念 A. 狭义的 B. 广义的 C. 事前的 D. 规划性的 8.下列哪一项属于劳务收支项目 A 进口商品支出 B 国外捐款 C 侨民汇款 D 对外投资利润 9.特别提款权不能直接用于 A. 换取外汇 B. 换回本币 C. 贸易支付 D. 归还贷款 10.到岸价格中的运费和保险费属于 A. 无形收支 B. 有形收支 C. 转移收支 D. 资本项目收支 11、国际收支基本差额是指()。 A、贸易差额 B、经常项目差额 C、经常项目差额与长期资本项目差额之和 D、经常项目差额与短期资本项目差额之和 12、根据《国际收支手册》第五版规定,记在资本金融帐户的是()。


一、单选题 1、目前,世界各国普遍使用的国际收支概念是建立在(B)基础上的。 A、收支 B、交易 C、现金 D、贸易 2、在国际收支平衡表中,借方记录的是(B)。 A、资产的增加和负债的增加 B、资产的增加和负债的减少 C、资产的减少和负债的增加 D、资产的减少和负债的减少 3、在一国的国际收支平衡表中,最基本、最重要的项目是(A)。 A、经常账户 B、资本账户 C、错误与遗漏 D、官方储备 4、经常账户中,最重要的项目是(A)。 A、贸易收支 B、劳务收支 C、投资收益 D、单方面转移 5、投资收益属于(A)。 A、经常账户 B、资本账户 C、错误与遗漏 D、官方储备 6、周期性不平衡是由(D)造成的。 A、汇率的变动 B、国民收入的增减 C、经济结构不合理 D、经济周期的更替 7、收入性不平衡是由(B)造成的。 A、货币对内价值的变化 B、国民收入的增减 C、经济结构不合理 D、经济周期的更替 8、用(A)调节国际收支不平衡,常常与国内经济的发展发生冲突。 A、财政货币政策 B、汇率政策 C、直接管制 D、外汇缓冲政策 9、外债清偿率被认为是衡量国债信和偿付能力的最直接最重要的指标。这个比 率的(A)为警戒线。 A、20% B、25% C、50% D、100% 10、以下国际收支调节政策中(D)能起到迅速改善国际收支的作用。 A、财政政策 B、货币政策 C、汇率政策 D、直接管制 11、对于暂时性的国际收支不平衡,我们应用(B)使其恢复平衡。 A、汇率政策 B、外汇缓冲政策 C、货币政策 D、财政政策 12、我国的国际收支中,所占比重最大的是(A) A、贸易收支 B、非贸易收支 C、资本项目收支 D、无偿转让 13、目前,世界各国的国际储备中,最重要的组成部分是(B)。 A、黄金储备 B、外汇储备 C、特别提款权 D、在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的储备头寸 14、在金币本位制度下,汇率决定的基础是(A) A、铸币平价 B、黄金输送点 C、法定平价 D、外汇平准基金 15、仅限于会员国政府之间和IMF与会员国之间使用的储备资产是(C)。 A、黄金储备 B、外汇储备 C、特别提款权 D、普通提款权 16、普通提款权是指国际储备中的(D)。 A、黄金储备 B、外汇储备 C、特别提款权 D、在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的储备头寸 17、以两国货币的铸币平价为汇率确定基础的是(A)。 A、金币本位制 B、金块本位制 C、金汇兑本位制 D、纸币流通制 18、目前,国际汇率制度的格局是(D)。 A、固定汇率制 B、浮动汇率制 C、钉住汇率制 D、固定汇率制和浮动汇率制并存 19、作为外汇的资产必须具备的三个特征是(C) A、安全性、流动性、盈利性 B、可得性、流动性、普遍接受性 C、自由兑换性、普遍接受性、可偿性 D、可得性、自由兑换性、保值性 20、若一国货币汇率高估,往往会出现(B)


《国际金融》习题集 第(1-2)讲国际收支和国际储备 一、名词解释 1、国际收支 2、居民 3、一国经济领土 4、国际收支平衡表 5、经常账户 6、经常转移 7、贸易收支 8、服务交易 9、收入交易 10、资本账户 11、金融账户 12、储备资产 13、错误和遗漏账户 14、自主性交易 15、补偿性交易 16、国际收支平衡 17、贸易收支差额 18、经常项目收支差额 19、资本和金融账户差额 20、总差额 21、国际储备 22、黄金储备 23、外汇储备 24、在IMF的储备头寸 25、特别提款权(SDR) 二、判断题 1、国际收支是一个流量的,事后的概念。(√) 2、国际货币基金组织采用的是狭义国际收支概念。( X ) 3、资产减少、负债增加的项目记入借方。( X ) 4、由于一国国际收支不可能正好收支相抵,所以国际收支平衡表的最终差额绝不恒为零。 ( X ) 5、资本和金融账户可以无限制的为经常账户提供融资。(X ) 6、总差额比较综合的反映了一国自主性国际收支状况,对于全面衡量和分析国际收支状况 具有重大意义。( √) 7、一国的国际储备就是该国外国资产的总和。( X ) 8、IMF规定黄金不再列入一国的国际储备。( X ) 9、根据国际储备的性质,所有可兑换货币表示的资产都可以成为国际储备。( X )

10、国际储备的过分增长会引发世界性通货膨胀。(√) 三:选择题(单选或多选) 1、我国编制国际收支平衡表的机构是( C ) A: 外汇管理局和中国银行 B:中国银行与国家进出口银行 C:中国人民银行与外汇管理局 D:外汇管理局与国家统计局 2、IMF规定,会员国的国际收支平衡表中进出口商品的统计应以各国海关统计为准,且计 价按( A ) A:FOB B:CIF C:CFR D:CIP 3、国际收支平衡表借贷双方的总额有时并不一致,以下是对其原因的解释,正确的是(ABCD ) A:国际经济交易的统计资料来源不一 B:有些数据来自估算,并不精确 C:统计者工作不细心 D:走私等地下经济的存在 4、以下表述不正确的是(D ) A:国际收支平衡表采用复式记帐法进行分录编制 B:引起外汇收入的交易应记入贷方 C:借方科目属于资金来源类科目 D:国际收支顺差又称为黑字 5、若在国际收支平衡表中,储备资产项目为-100亿美元,则表示该国( A ) A:增加了100亿美元的储备 B:减少了100亿美元的储备 C:人为的账面平衡,不说明问题 D:无法判断 6、下列项目应记入贷方的是( B D ) A:反映进口实际资源的经常项目 B:反映出口实际资源的经常项目 C:反映资产增加或负债减少的金融项目 D:反映资产减少或负债增加的金融项目 7、以下哪个项目应记入国际收支平衡表的借方(B ) A:在国外某大学读书的本科生获得该大学颁发的奖学金 B:本国向国际组织缴纳的会费 C:本国居民在国外工作获取的劳务报酬 D:本国外汇储备的减少 8、一国对外证券投资产生的股息汇回国内,应记入国际收支平衡表哪个项目下(A ) A:经常项目B:资本项目 C:平衡项目D:金融项目 9、以下哪些项目应列入本国的国际收支平衡表(BC ) A:在本国驻外使馆工作的本国工作人员的工资收入 B:本国在国外投资建厂,该厂产品在本国市场销售 C:债权国对债务国的债务减免 D:留学生在海外购买生活必需品

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