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sectionA survey methods

survey rearch is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of

some population,using an instrument composed of closed structure or open-ended items (questions).

this is perhaps the dominant from of data collection in the social sciences,providing for efficient collection of data over broad populations,amenable to administration in person,by telephone,amd over the internet.

some forms of survey research by telephone or the interent may be completely automated.

Key terms and concepts

the survey instrument is name given to the schedule of question or respone items to be posed to respondents.it is equivalent to the terms questionnaire or interview schedule,depending on the type of survey research being conducted. interviews and questionnaires

ordinarily,interviews refers to the face-to-face administration of a survey instrument,whereas quwstionnaires refers to mail or other indirect methods of administration.

items are the individual survey question or statements for which a response is solicited from the respondent.

Data Collection Modes

1.Face-to-face interviewing is usually the most expensive but it can obtain the highest response rate because it maximizes engagement with the respondent and imposes the lowest burden on the respondent.For the same reasons,face-to-face interviews can support longer instruments.It is also the best data collection type for open-ended responses.

2.Mail surveys are usually among the least expensive modes,are often best for sensitive items, and there is no interviewer bias.However,mail surveys are a poor choice for open-ended items or complex survey designs as they place a high burden on the respondent.

3.Telephone interviewing has the advantage of speed of data collection while supporting longer instruments than mail surveys and supporting open-ended responses,though not as well as face-to-face interviewing.

4.Web surveys are often the least expensive to administer yet can be fast of data collection,particularly since implementation time may be low.Web surveys can be administered to very large populations,even internally.
















The experimental method is usually taken to be the most scientific of all methods,the "method of choice". The main problem with all the non-experimental methods is lack of control over the situation.The experiment is sometimes described as the cornerstone of psychology:This is partly due to the central role experiments play in many of the physical sciences and also to psychology's historical view of itself as a science.A many of the physical sciences and also to psychological research uses the experimental method.

An experiment is a study of one cause and effect.It differs from non-experimental methods in that it involves the deliberate manipulation of one variable,while trying to keep all other variables constant.

Experiments in the Laboratory:

In psychological experiments,we try to keep all aspects of the situation constant except one-the one we are looking at.For example,suppose we want to investigate which of two methods is more successful at teaching children to read.The aspect that we vary is called the indepedent variable and we change this in a very precise way.In this example,the teaching method is the independent variable.We call the factor which we then measure,in our example it would be some measure of the children's reading ability,the dependent variable(DV),because if our ideas are correct,it depends on the independent variable.In our example,the children's reading ability depends on the teaching method used.

The variable which is being manipulated by the researcher is therefore called the independent variable and the dependent variable is the change in behavior measured by the researcher.





Section D

Main Characteristics of Design-based Research

Drawing on the literature,Wang and Hannafin proposed five basic characteristics of design=based research:"pragmatic,grounded,interactive,iterative and flexible,integrative,and contextual".

First,design-based research is pragmatic because its goals are solving current real-world problems by designing and enacting interventions as well as extending theories and refining design principles.

Second,design based research is grounded in both theory and the real-world context.

Third,in terms of research process,design-based research is interative and flexible.

Fourth,design-based research is integrative because researchers need to integrate a variety of research methods and apprroaches from both qualitative and quantitative research paradigms,depending on the needs of the research.

Fiifth,design research is contextualized because research results are "connected with both the design process through which results results are generated and the setting where the research is conducted".

It is imperative that design-based research process concerning how the design outcomes have worked or have not worked,how the innovation has been improved,and what kind of changes have been made.Through this documentation,other researchers and designers who are interested in those findings can examine examine them in relation to their own context and needs.To increase the "adaptability"of the findings in the new settings,guidance on how to apply those findings is also required.










教育技术学专业英语词汇closed circuit television 闭路电视教授 Airborne Television Instruction空中电视教学 Commission on Educational Television教育电视委员会computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 计算机辅助教学 training industry 培训公司 academic years 学年度 electronic performance support system 电子绩效支持系统knowledge management system知识管理系统 constructivist perspective建构主义 Department of Instructional System Technology教学系统技术系Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning教学媒体与技术technologies for learning 学习技术 seatwork:课堂作业 14.Individualized instruction个别化教学 15.Reinforcement or feedback强化或反馈 15.Realistic context真实的情境 16.Cooperative groups协作小组 17.hard technology 硬技术 18.soft technology软技术 19.heterogeneous groups异质小组 20. learning center学习中心 21. Learning carrels个别化学习台 22. reinforcement theory 强化理论 23. method of instruction 教学方法 24. linear programming| format 直线式程序 25. programmed instruction 程序教学 26. intrinsic programming线性程序 27. remedial explanations 补救性解释 28. branching programming|format分支式程序 29. Web-based instruction.基于网络的教学 30.Programmed tutoring 程序化辅导 31. structured tutoring结构化辅导 32. self-instructional material 自学材料 33. Programmed teaching程序化授课 34.Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)个人教学系统 35. instructional principles 教学原理 36. entry skills 入门技能 37. screening device筛选工具 38. systems approach系统方法 39. small steps小步子 40. overt responses 外显反应 41.immediate feedback即时反馈


第六章 section B 布鲁姆的教育目标分类法 到今天为止,我们可以理直气壮地声称我们的教学目标比较准确地描述了教学所指向的目的。它们在学习和教学中占有重要的作用。 当制定教学目标,提供教学和评价学生成绩时,把存在的不同的标准或学习的结果记在脑中是重要的,把不同标准和结果区分开是重要的,如果教师没有意识到不同的学习的标准,他们很可能专注于一个水平上而忽略其他的。例如,一个教师可能会教大量的事实信息,但从不会抽出时间教学生应用和综合信息,或许一个教师会教更高水平的思考技巧而没有意识到这些技巧必须融入这些更高端技巧的基本技巧的事先学习。 布鲁姆的教育目标分类在认知能力层面上是最著名的,这种分类是等级鲜明的。也就是说,学习者必须先掌握较低层次的目标,在这些目标的基础上通过构建知识达到更高层次的目标,以下是分类的内容: 1、知道(回忆已知的学习知识) 2、领会(把握所学材料的意义) 3、应用(在具体情境中运用知识) 4、分析(把知识分成若干块) 5、综合(把各部分连起来形成整体) 6、评价(按给定的要求通过具体标准评价产品的价值)

知道或知识(回忆信息)代表了布鲁姆分类中的最低层次。它最低是就它最先出现而言的——它为所有高层次的认知活动提供了基础。只有能够对信息进行回忆,学习者才能进入领会这个层次(对信息进行解释)。第三个层次是应用,指的是在新的或者现实情况中运用知识或原理,在这个层次的学习者通过运用前一层次所理解的信息来解决实际问题。第四个层次是分析——将复杂的信息分解成简单的部分,当然,这些简单的部分已经在分类中的前几个层次中得到了解。第五个层次是综合,包括通过整合低层次中的了解到的信息创造出以前不存在的东西。评价是布鲁姆教育目标等级中的最高层次,包括做出一些判断,这些判断基于前几个层次所学习到的根据指定的标准比较某种产品。 这种分类方法的主要价值可以分为两层意思: (1)它可以激发教师帮助学生获得各种不同层次的技能,通过首先确保掌握较低层次的目标来为掌握较高层次的目标铺设适当的基础。 (2)它为发展评价学生各层次学习绩效的测量策略提供了一个基础。 Section C 杰罗姆·布鲁纳的发现学习理论什么是发现学习? 发现学习是一种以质疑为基础的建构主义的学习理论,这种学习发生在问题求解的情况中,在这种情况下,学习者利用他或她过去的经验和现存的知识去探索将要学习的事实和新真理。学生通过探索和


教育技术学专业计算机类课程建设分析本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 教育技术学专业培养在当今新技术教育领域下能够从事教学媒体和教学系统设计、开发、运用、管理和评价等的高级专门人才,包括教育技术学科课程教师、中小学信息技术课程教师、教学设计者、管理工作者、制作人员等。在对硕士研究生教育技术学专业课程体系中的计算机类课程开设现状进行分析的基础上,根据教育技术学专业培养目标、课程体系要求,结合目前大部分教育技术专业计算机课程体系实际,提出了意见和建议。_ 教言技术是时代发展的产物,它对我国的教育发展起到了极大的促进作用,同时教育技术的发展并不完善,也存在不少问题。对于在校的学生,不少人对教育技术的认识就存在一定的偏差,认为在教育技术的教育方面可以友教育学的人员来替代,在其技术方面可以由计算机方面的人来替代,这样教育技术就失去了自己的专业特色[1]。事实上,教育技术是一个综合性很强的专业,它正是教育学和计算机科学的结合,

只有这二者结合起来才能使教育技术学专业的学生得到全面而长远的发展。 1课程建设现状分析 目前,我国共有200余所高校开设了本科教育技术学专业[2],且开设的计算机类相关课程也有所不同。全国共有50所高校拥有教育技术学硕士点。早期教育技术学专业的课程设置是处在探索中缓慢前行的,计算机类课程中关于必修课、选修课以及理论课和实践课的比例相对不太合理,还有课程内容陈旧、相对单一的一系列问题,对于课程课时安排上也不够完善,这造成了学生缺乏学习兴趣,学习积极性不高,也不利于学生自主学习能力和创新精神的培养,甚至造成学习起来吃力,困难,不能形成系统的知识体系,影响了学生的个人发展和综合能力的形成。 课程建设存在的主要问题 教育技术学专业计算机类课程建设方面 由于硕士研究生来自不同省份的不同本科院校,


中国教育在线考研频道提供考研全方面信息指导及咨询服务,为您成功考研提供一切帮助。 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence


教育技术学专业教学质量国家标准(征求意见稿) 1. 概述 教育技术学是一门应用型交叉学科,肩负着推动教育教学改革与发展的重要使命。教育技术的广泛应用,对促进素质教育,推动教育公平与教育均衡发展,促进学校、企业、军事、社区和远程教育等领域的教育教学创新,开发与共享优质教育信息资源,提高教育教学质量,加快国家教育信息化进程,构建现代远程教育与终身学习体系,促进实现教育现代化和学习型社会建设具有至关重要的作用。 我国教育技术学的前身是电化教育。教育技术,是指在现代教育理论、系统科学方法论指导下,主要充分运用现代信息科学与技术,通过设计、开发、利用、管理和评价教育信息技术环境、教育信息资源与教育教学过程,以促进学习、提高绩效的理论与实践。 教育技术学专业既关注技术在教育教学应用中的理论与方法问题(如教育技术学科的理论基础、信息技术环境下的学习与认知规律、课程开发的理论与技术、教学系统设计的理论与方法等),又关注技术在教育教学中的实践与应用问题(如远程开放教育、教育信息化及其支撑技术、媒体技术及其教育应用、信息技术教育及企业培训等),致力于培养为教育信息化服务的理论与实践能力兼备的复合、应用型人才。 2. 适用专业范围 2.1 专业代码

040104 2.2 本标准适用的专业 教育技术学 3. 培养目标 3.1 专业培养目标 本专业主要培养具备良好的政治思想素质和人文科学素养、开阔的国际视野、较强的创新精神和实践能力,系统掌握教育技术学基本理论、方法和技术,能对数字化学习环境和数字化学习资源进行设计与开发、对信息化教学过程进行设计、实施和评价,及能引领和推动教育信息化创新发展的高素质复合型人才。 3.2 学校制订相应专业培养目标的要求 各高校在制定相应专业培养目标的过程中,应从学科自身的发展规律出发,结合国家需求和社会发展趋势、区域和行业特点,在现有办学基础与特色的基础上,充分发挥国家、区域、学校各种资源优化配臵的整体优势,因地制宜地制定各专业的培养目标。 各高校在制定培养目标的过程中,要进行充分的调查研究,准确把握学科专业建设与社会发展、教育改革、教育信息化创新的契合点,建立调整专业发展方向和人才培养目标的有效机制,实现对专业人才培养质量的动态监控和专业培养目标的动态调整,确保专业的可持续发展。 3.3 本专业典型岗位分析


职业卫生教育培训制度 一、目的 为有效控制和消除职业病危害,加强对员工的职业卫生法规、职业卫生知识、操作规程、职业病防护设备和个人使用的职业病防护用品的正确使用、维护的培训,切实保障劳动者的健康与安全,维护员工权益,特制定本制度。 二、范围 适用于公司所有生产、经营活动中的职业卫生培训管理。 三、编制依据 《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》 四、工作细则 4.1安全环保科和人力资源部负责职业卫生教育培训监督管理工作,并指定专业的职业卫生培训人员,负责本公司的职业卫生知识教育培训。 4.2 教育培训内容 4.2.1 职业卫生法律、法规与标准; 4.2.2职业卫生基本知识; 4.2.3 职业卫生管理制度和操作规程; 4.2.4 正确使用、维护职业病防护设备和个人使用的职业病防护用品; 4.2.5发生事故时的应急救援措施; 4.2.6 公民健康素养基本知识与技能。 4.3 教育培训的对象与方式: 4.3.1新员工的培训:新员工在上岗前应进行三级职业卫生培训,分别为公司级、车间级和班组级。公司级培训由公司安全环保科组织进行,车间级由车间主任组织,班组级由班组长组织。培训后应进行考核,合格后方能上岗。 4.3.2员工在调动岗位时,应进行针对性的职业卫生培训,培训后进行考核,合格者方能上岗。 4.3.3 外来临时工人,应进行针对性的职业卫生培训,确保其从事劳动时不受到危害。 4.3.4各车间对其在职员工应进行定期的职业卫生教育学习,生产单位每2个月应进行一次职业卫生知识教育学习,辅助单位单位每季度应进行一次职业卫生知

识教育学习,并有教育学习记录。 4.3.5所有的职业卫生培训应有记录,记录内容包括时间、日期、培训内容、培训老师、培训地点,受培训人签名等。 4.3.6公司定期邀请卫生部门或职业卫生专业人员对各单位职业卫生负责人、管理人员,进行全面的职业卫生培训,提高职业卫生管理业务能力。 4.3.7所有的培训资料要设立职业卫生培训教育台账,并有专人保管,各生产单位培训情况应每年11~12月报公司职业卫生管理部门备案。 4.3.8未进行职业卫生培训的员工或考核不合格的员工不得上岗作业。 4.4 各车间应每年制定职业卫生培训计划,落实培训经费。公司年度职业卫生培训计划需得到总经理的批准后实施。


第十九章 sectionA survey methods survey rearch is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population,using an instrument composed of closed structure or open-ended items (questions). this is perhaps the dominant from of data collection in the social sciences,providing for efficient collection of data over broad populations,amenable to administration in person,by telephone,amd over the internet. some forms of survey research by telephone or the interent may be completely automated. Key terms and concepts the survey instrument is name given to the schedule of question or respone items to be posed to respondents.it is equivalent to the terms questionnaire or interview schedule,depending on the type of survey research being conducted. interviews and questionnaires ordinarily,interviews refers to the face-to-face administration of a survey instrument,whereas quwstionnaires refers to mail or other indirect methods of administration. items are the individual survey question or statements for which a response is solicited from the respondent. Data Collection Modes 1.Face-to-face interviewing is usually the most expensive but it can obtain the highest response rate because it maximizes engagement with the respondent and imposes the lowest burden on the respondent.For the same reasons,face-to-face interviews can support longer instruments.It is also the best data collection type for open-ended responses. 2.Mail surveys are usually among the least expensive modes,are often best for sensitive items, and there is no interviewer bias.However,mail surveys are a poor choice for open-ended items or complex survey designs as they place a high burden on the respondent. 3.Telephone interviewing has the advantage of speed of data collection while supporting longer instruments than mail surveys and supporting open-ended responses,though not as well as face-to-face interviewing. 4.Web surveys are often the least expensive to administer yet can be fast of data collection,particularly since implementation time may be low.Web surveys can be administered to very large populations,even internally. 调查研究的方法是收集数据从受访者认为是代表 一些人口,使用一个仪器由封闭的结构或开放式项目(的问题)。 这也许是最主要的数据收集在社会科学中,提供有效的数据收集在广泛的人群,服从政府的人,通过电话,amd在因特网上。 某些形式的调查研究通过电话或网络营销可能完全自动化。 关键术语和概念 这项调查仪器的名字给了时间表的问题或响应项目对受访者。它与术语问卷或面试时间表,根据类型的调查研究正在进行。 访谈和问卷调查 通常,面试指的是政府的一个测量工具面对面,而问卷指邮件或其他间接的方法管理。 项目是个体调查问题或声明的反应是请求从被申请人。 数据收集方式 1。面对面的面试通常是最昂贵的,但它可以获得最高的响应速度,因为它最大限度地参与被申请人和征收最低被申请人负担。出于同样的原因,面对面的访谈可以支持更长时间的工具。它也是最好的数据集合类型的响应。 2。邮件调查通常是最昂贵的模式,通常最适合敏感物项,没有面试官偏见。然而,邮件调查是一个贫穷的首选项或复杂的调查设计开放式作为他们的地方一个高负担被申请人。 3。电话面试的优点是速度的数据收集工具同时支持长比邮件调查和支持开放式的反应,尽管不是以及面对面的面试。 4。网络调查往往最昂贵的管理还可以快速的数据收集,尤其是实现时间可能较低。网络调查可以被输送到非常大的人口,即使在内部。 SectionB The experimental method is usually taken to be the most scientific of all methods,the "method of choice". The main problem with all the non-experimental methods is lack of control over the situation.The experiment is sometimes described as the cornerstone of psychology:This is partly due to the central role experiments play in many of the physical sciences and also to psychology's historical view of itself as a science.A many of the physical sciences and also to psychological research uses the experimental method. An experiment is a study of one cause and effect.It differs from non-experimental methods in that it involves the deliberate manipulation of one variable,while trying to keep all other variables constant. Experiments in the Laboratory:


言语信息(Verbal Information) 智慧技能(Intellectual Skills) 辨别(Discriminations) 具体概念(Concrete Concepts) 定义性概念(Defined Concepts) 规则(Rules) 高级规则 认知策略(Cognitive Strategies) 动作技能(Motor Skills) 态度(Attitudes) ?引起注意(Gain attention) ?告知目标(Inform learner of objectives) ?提示回忆原有知识(Stimulate recall of prior learning) ?呈现教材(Present stimulus material) ?提供学习指导(Provide learner guidance) ?引出作业(Elicit performance) ?提供反馈(Provide feedback) ?评估作业(Assess performance) ?促进保持与迁移(Enhance retention transfer) ?Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing

appropriate technological processes and resources. (Molenda and Robinson , 2004) 教育技术是指通过创建、运用和管理适当的技术过程和资源来促进学习和提升绩效的研究和符合职业道德规范实践。 Nine events of instruction九段教学法: 1.Gaining attention: a stimulus change to alert the learner and focus attention on desired features. –引起注意:改变刺激,将学习者注意力集中在所期望的特征上。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1213424159.html,rming the learner of the objective: a statement or demonstration to form an expectancy in the learner as to the goals of instruction. –告知学习者学习目标:通过陈述或示范在学习者中形成对教学目标的期望 3.Stimulating recall of prior learning: a question or activity to remind the learner of prerequisite knowledge. –刺激回忆先前学过的内容:通过问题或活动使学习者回想起先前所学知识 4.Presenting the stimulus: an activity or information that presents the content of what is to be learned. –呈现刺激:用活动或信息来呈现即将学习的内容。 5.Providing learning guidance: a cue or strategy to promote encoding. –提供学习指导:促进编码的线索或策略 6.Eliciting performance: an opportunity to practice or otherwise perform what is being learned. –引出行为:提供实践的机会或执行所学内容 7.Providing feedback: information of a corrective nature that will help learners to improve their performance. –提供反馈:正确的信息反馈有助于学习者提升成绩。 8.Assessing performance: an opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned. –评价行为:提供评价所学知识的机会 9.Enhancing retention and transfer: examples or activities that prompt the learner to go beyond the immediate context of instruction. –保持促进和转移:提供案例或活动,以促进学习者对当前教学情境知识进行迁移 第九章Reclaiming Instructional Design (回归教学设计) 1.Instructional science is concerned with the discovery of the natural principles involved in instructional strategies; and instructional design is the use of these scientific principles to invent instructional design procedures and tools. –教学科学关注的是与教学策略关系密切的自然原理的发现;教学设计是运用科学原理创建教学设计程序和工具。 2.Instructional design is a technology for the development of learning experiences and environments which promote the acquisition of specific knowledge and skill by students. –教学设计是开发能促进学生获得特定知识和技能的学习体验和环境的技术。


(一)大学生网络学习情况调查研究 摘要:本文基于大连市部分高校大学生网络学习情况的问卷调查所得数据,从多层次、多角度分析了大学生的网络学习现状与资源建设应用情况,就存在的一些问题提出了建议。 关键词:大学生网络学习调查 College Students' learning situation investigation and study Key words:College student Network Learning Investigation Abstract:This thesis based on Dalian university students learning situation survey data, from the multi-level, multi-angle analysis of universties students' learning situation and resource construction and application situations, raise some suggestions about existing problems. (二)北京地区小学阶段基于手机的移动教育发展与需求研究 摘要:移动教育将成为教育信息化深化发展的新方向,成为深入推进素质教育与课程改革的新的创新载体,对推进我国基础教育改革发展具有重要作用。本文从学生、教师、家长三个角度对小学阶段基于手机的移动教育进行研究,深入分析了基于手机的移动教育发展的阻碍因素与促进因素,进行移动教育需求研究,在此基础上,提出小学阶段基于手机的移动教育发展策略。 关键词:小学移动教育发展需求 The research about development and demand of education based on mobile phone in primary school of BJ Abstract:Mobile education will become the new direction of educational informatization deepen development, be of promoting quality education and curriculum reform in the new carrier of innovation has an important role in promoting China basic educational reform development. This article have a research based on primary atage mobile phone education from the students, teachers, parents of three angles, analysis the obstacle factors and promoting factors about mobile phone's mobile education development deeply, mobile education demand research,on this foundation,put forward primary school stage education development strategy based on mobile phone . Key words:Primary School Mobile Education Development Demand


教育技术学专业英语词汇 1、CSCL:ComputerSupported CollaborativeLearning,简称CSCL,译为计算机支持的协作学习 利用计算机技术建立协作学习的环境,使教师与学生、学生与学生在讨论、协作与交流的基础上进行协作学习的一种学习方式,是传统合作学习的延伸和发展。由于它是建立在CMC (Computer-mediatedCommunication,译为以计算机为中介的交流)机制上的一种学习方式,优点众多,倍受关注和青睐。相关术语还有CollaborativeLearning(协作学习)。 2、IT ineducation:教育信息化 指在教育领域全面深入地运用现代化信息技术来促进教育改革和教育发展的过程,其结果必然是形成一种全新的教育形态——信息化教育(e-Education)。还有一个缩略语叫ICT,Informationand CommunicationsTechnology,信息与通信技术,ICT不同于传统通信概念,其产生的背景是行业间的融合以及对信息社会的强烈诉求。ICT作为信息通信技术的全面表述更能准确地反映支撑信息社会发展的通信方式,同时也反映了电信在信息时代自身职能和使命的演进。 3、InformationLiteracy:信息素养 一种可以通过教育所培育的,在信息社会中获得信息、利用信息、开发信息方面的修养与能力。它包含了信息意识与情感、信息伦理道德、信息常识以及信息能力等多个方面,是一种综合性的、社会共同的评价。相关词汇还有ComputerLiterracy,计算机文化素养。 4、LearningContract:学习契约 为了能够让学生在完成任务和解决问题时有一个具体的目标或依据,在学生件签订的一种类似于契约的协议,形似异义的词有contact(接触)、contrast(对比)、constant(常数,不变的)、content(内容,满意)、context(上下文,背景,来龙去脉)、contest(竞赛,辩论)。 5、Problem-BasedLearning(PBL):基于问题的学习 指把学习置于复杂的、有意义的问题情境中通过让学生以小组合作的形式共同解决复杂实际的或真实性的问题,来学习隐含于问题背后的科学知识,以促进解决问题、自主学习和终身学习能力的发展。 6、ConceptMaps:概念图 用以指示课、单元或知识领域的组织形态的一种图表。思维导图(ThinkingMaps)整合了思维技能和地图技术,使用该种学习技术可帮助学生培养良好的书写能力。该技术也能使学习者掌握终生学习的技能。有CicleMap、Bubble Map、Double Bubble Map、Tree Map、Brace Map、FlowMap、Multi-Flow Map、Bridge Map,可参见https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1213424159.html,/htree/Curriculum/ThinkingMaps.html#CM。


The “New Age” of research in Educational Technology: A Focus on Learning Environments The ideas of carefully designing instruction, varying the formats in which information is presented to students, and building interactive simulations lead naturally to the idea of constructing entire “Learning Environments”, in which the student has unprecedented freedom to act. Increasingly today, researchers in educational technology study students working in complete learning environments. Learning Environments can either be entirely natural, or they can be artificial, existing only through the agency of technology. Of course, learning always takes place in an environment. In the eighteenth century, Rousseau (1762) argued that the most effective and socially appropriate education arose from a student’s interaction with Nature------the natural environment. More recently, educators have proposed that a modified natural environment can serve to meet more specific learning objectives, through cognitive (Brown et al. , 1989) or professional and vocational (Lave & Wenger , 1991) apprenticeships. Apprentices work in a natural environment that has either been modified for pedagogical purposes , or within which the apprentice’s freedom to act is limited , so that, in accordance with good instructional design, apprentices’learning can be guided to bring about knowledge construction. Schools are also learning environments. However, they are recent on the scale of human history and quite artificial (Winn & Windschitl , 2001) .More often than not, all that students learn in them is how to be students (Brown , 1997). Many technology------supported learning environments simulate some aspect of the natural environment. This allows learning to be “authentic”, engaging students in projects that have some meaningful connection with problems that exist in the real, nonsimulated world. Because most authentic real --- world activities involve more than one person, it follows that most technology-supported learning environments include people in addition to the student, confirming that learning occurs socially. Current theories of learning and instruction acknowledge the social natural of


教育技术学考研学校及科目 1、南京师范大学: 研究方向:01 视觉文化与信息技术教育02 教育数据挖掘与智能处理03 教育游戏与3D建模 初试科目:①政治②英语一或俄语或日语③C语言与Web技术④教学设计 复试备注:复试科目:⑤信息化教育概论同等学历加试科目⑥高等数学⑦数据库技术2、华东师范大学: 研究方向:01 教育技术学理论02 教育测评与信息处理03 网络远程教育04 虚拟现实与游戏设计05 教育培训系统设计06 信息化教育07 智能教学系统 初试科目:①101思想政治理论②201英一③361高等数学(B) ④885教育技术与C程序设计 参考书目教育技术与C程序设计a. 教育技术的定义、发展史、学习与教学理论、视听教育理论、系统科学与传播理论、学习媒体涵义、特性和分类、媒体选择、网上教育资源、教学设计的概念、特征、模式、基于视听技术的集体教学、基于计算机的个别化教学、基于网络和通讯技术的远程教学;b. C语言程序结构、数据类型、运算符与表达式、输入输出函数的调用、循环结构程序设计、函数定义、声明和调用、编译预处理、数组、字符串与数组、指针、变量、函数参数、指向指针的指针、结构体和共用体类型数据、链表、结点数据的输出、删除与插入、位运算符、文件的打开与关闭、读写和定位。 c.计算机基础知识。 3、华中师范大学: 研究方向:01.教育信息资源设计与开发02.教育影视技术03.远程教育技术04.教学设计05.信息技术教育 初试科目:①101政治②201英语③629教育技术学与教学设计④848计算机应用基础 复试备注:接收推免生复试科目:高等数学同等学力加试:①CAI课件设计②教育传播学 /4、首都师范大学: 研究方向:01智能学习支持环境02教育传播理论与技术03教育信息化绩效技术04知识工程 初试科目:①101思想政治理论②201英语一③750计算机应用综合考试④857计算机软件与技术 参考书目: 750 计算机应用综合考试《数据结构(C语言版)》清华大学出版社2002 严蔚敏吴伟民 750 计算机应用综合考试《C语言程序设计》清华大学出版社2008 谭浩强 750 计算机应用综合考试《计算机导论(第2版)》电子工业出版社2008 王玉龙主编857 计算机软件与技术《计算机操作系统(修订版)》西安电子科技大学出版社2001 汤子赢等 857 计算机软件与技术《数据通信与网络(第4版)》机械工业出版社2008 B.Forouzan 5、北京师范大学 研究方向:01教育技术基本理论02教学设计与绩效技术03知识媒体04人工智能教育应用05信息技术教育06教育信息管理07信息技术与课程整合08数字化学习环境与资源09职业课程与教学论

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