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M1U2 练习题

M1U2  练习题
M1U2  练习题

M1U2 练习题

1.argument(n) ____________(v)








9.patience(n)_____________(adj) 10.foolish(adj)______________(n)


12.frightened (adj.)______________(v)________________(n)






18.harm(n/v)_____________(adj) 19.selifish(adj)______________(n)

20.tend(v)______________(n) 21.balance(v/n)_____________(adj)

22.forbid _____________________(pt)_________________(pp)

23.bend _________(pt)_________(pp) 24.sink_________(pt)_________(pp) 25.upset _________(pt)_________(pp) 26.challenge(n/v)_____________(adj) 1. 我被他的话所打动,于是收下了他的礼物。(分词做状语)


2. 他睡着了,所有窗户都开着。(with)________________________________

3. 演讲厅里坐着一位来自英格兰的教授。(定语从句)

____________________________________________________________________ 4. 我一到家就迫不及待地把这个好消息告诉妈妈。(can?t wait to do)


5. 我不会容忍撒谎。(tolerate)_________________________________________

6. 我理应知道真相。(deserve)_________________________________________

7. 她理应受到表扬。(deserve)___________________________________________

8. 我坚决要求你立刻采取行动解决此事. (insist on/ insist that…)

_____________________________________________________________________ 9. 你们禁止未经批准使用图书馆的电脑。(forbid)

____________________________________________________________________ 10. 我们应该尽可能的节约能源。(be supposed to )

_____________________________________________________________________ 11. 经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。(instead of)

_____________________________________________________________________ 12. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。(now that)

_____________________________________________________________________ 13. 她看起来好像什么事都没发生似的。(as if)

_____________________________________________________________________ 14. 小孩子和大人争执大人是很正常的事。(argue)


15. 我们要铭记历史留下的宝贵经验。(keep in mind )

____________________________________________________________________ 16. 你不要总是对他挑剔。毕竟,他只是个孩子。(find fault with)


1. Will you please ______ me several minutes to ________my speech?

A. spend; go through

B. spare; get through

C. spare; go through

D. spend; get through

2. The joyful expression on her face ______ that she had won the prize as expected.

A. described

B. suggested

C. expressed

D. explained

3. He is used to ______ the matters that I don't know ______.

A. dealing with; what to do with them

B. dealing with; how to deal with

C. do with; what to do with

D. do with; how to deal with them

4. He was left ______ the shop while the manager was away.

A. in charge of

B. under charge of

C. in the charge of

D. under the charge of

5. As for me, I really think the endless homework is rather too hard ______ us.

A. for

B. at

C. on

D. in

6. Don't be disappointed! ______ you'll have one more chance of trying it.

A. At all

B. Above all

C. In all

D. After all

7. She said she was going to stay there for a week, but in fact she arrived back two days earlier than ______.

A. expecting

B. to be expected

C. expected

D. was expected

8. ——You look so upset, Jane. ______? ——I can…t find my new cell phone.

A. W hat…s for

B. So what

C. What…s up

D. Beg your pardon

9. The football fans often _______ late to watch live broadcasts of football matches.

A. stay up

B. turn up

C. put up

D. mix up

10. He is very tired working all day. Don…t ________ him waiting outside in the rain any longer.

A. continue

B. leave

C. make

D. remain

11. The photos are very nice. When did you have them_______?

A. take

B. taking

C. taken

D. to take

13. It is believed that if a book is _______, it will surely_________ the readers.

A. interested; interest

B. interesting; be interested

C. interested; be interesting

D. interesting; interest

14. With so many things _____________ ,he had no time to rest.

A. do

B. done

C. to do

D. doing

15. Considering the wrong he has done to you, he really deserves _______________.

A. being sent to prison

B. to send to prison

C. sent to prison

D. to be sent to prison

16.. With many brightly-colored flowers _______around the building ,his house looks like a beautiful garden.

A. to plant

B. planted

C. having planted

D. planting

17. _ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

A. To be tired

B. Tired

C. Tiring

D. Being Tired

18. With so many experienced teacher __________us, we believe we?ll _________to our favorite universities.

A. teach; be admitted

B. to teach; admit

C. teaching; be admitting

D. teaching; be admitted

19. “we can?t go out in this weather.” said Bob, ____out of the window.

A. looking

B. to look

C. looked

D. having looked

20.The naughty boy ran suddenly from behind the door, _____.

A. to surprise her

B. surprised her a lot

C. giving her a big surprise

D. she was surprised

21. The reason _______ he was absent form school was ______his mother was ill.

A. why why

B. that; that

C. that why

D. why; that

22. You know, Bob is a little slow ________ understanding, so...

—So I have to be patient ________ him.

A.in; with B.on with C.in; to D.at; for

23. chemicals can help to produce better crops but ____the environment. Which of the following can NOT be put in the blank?

A. do bad to

B. do harm to

C. are bad for

D. are harmful to

24. She insisted that she _________________and _______________.

A. was innocent, not be blamed

B. be innocent, wasn?t blamed

C. was innocent, wasn?t blamed

D. be innocent, not be blamed

25. To be successful, you need to remember that _______ you might be very busy, you need to be energetic and enthusiastic.

A. as though

B. in case

C. even if

D. now that

26. She is ______the work by now, but something unexpected happened to her.

A. supposed to finish

B. supposing to have finished

C. supposed to have finished

D. supposing to finish

27. As electric lines were destroyed by the storm, the people here forced to_______ light for several days.

A. go over

B. go without

C. go through

D. go out

28. I feel as if we ________each other for years.

A. had known

B. know

C. has known

D. knew

29.______ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.

A. Faced

B. Face

C. Facing

D. To face

30. If heated,_______.

A. people can turn water into gas

B. one can change ice into water

C. ice turns into water

D. people get water from ice

31.The murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

A. being tied

B. having tied

C. to be tied

D. tied

32.Weather___, we'll go out for a walk.

A permitted

B permitting

C permits

D for permitting

33.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ______ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing

B. having seen

C. to have seen

D. to see

34. Tim's in good shape physically _________ he doesn't get much exercise.

A. even though B.as long as C.now that D.in order that

1. Moved by his words, I accepted his present.

2. He fell asleep with all the windows open.

3. In the lecture hall sat a professor, who came from England.

4. I couldn’t wait to tell my mother the good news upon reaching home.

5. I can’t tolerate lying.

6. I deserve to know the truth.

7. She deserved to be praised / praising.

8. I insist on your taking / insist that you (should) take immediate action to solve it.

9. You are forbidden to use the computer in the library.

10. We are supposed to save energy as much as possible.

11. The economy is shrinking instead of growing.

12. Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.

13. She looked as if nothing had happened to her.

14. It is normal for the kids to argue with their parents.

15. We must keep in mind some valuable/precious experience left by history.

16. You don’t always find fault with him. After all, he is still a child.


15 - 14 = 36 - 17 = 50 - 1 = 49 - 7 = 25 + 9 = 10 + 40 = 46 - 36 = 44 - 24 = 15 + 4 = 1 + 9 = 31 + 47 = 32 + 40 = 10 + 8 = 23 + 39 = 39 + 30 = 9 - 8 = 16 + 39 = 12 + 3 = 23 + 6 = 47 + 13 = 34 - 26 = 43 + 45 = 32 + 49 = 22 - 2 = 8 + 27 = 40 + 26 = 11 - 1 = 20 + 12 = 40 - 2 = 24 - 3 = 33 + 36 = 27 - 18 = 33 - 33 = 22 - 5 = 27 + 30 = 43 - 26 = 50 - 35 = 13 + 46 = 19 - 4 = 24 + 30 = 38 - 30 = 38 - 17 =

46 - 44 = 37 - 17 = 39 - 33 = 35 - 15 = 17 + 22 = 14 - 14 = 36 + 4 = 33 - 9 = 14 - 7 = 9 + 47 = 32 + 45 = 30 - 23 = 36 - 1 = 45 - 17 = 43 - 40 = 25 + 5 = 46 + 50 = 14 + 25 = 19 - 19 = 9 - 6 = 26 - 3 = 15 + 15 = 35 + 25 = 10 + 34 = 90 + 49 = 54 + 75 = 24 - 3 = 79 - 70 = 20 - 9 = 46 - 4 = 93 - 5 = 99 - 14 = 39 - 23 = 11 + 62 = 62 - 9 = 94 - 16 = 38 + 70 = 1 + 72 = 18 - 16 = 31 - 16 = 13 + 89 = 55 + 86 =


简单有效的小学生注意力培养训练(1—6年级) 小学生注意力训练题目(一到三年级) 训练预期:训练学生学习能力,能使学生上课专心听讲,认真写作业,考试不粗心,提高学习成绩。 训练要求:每天训练10分钟,放学后在家里写作业前训练,由家长监督训练情况,必须每天坚持训练,效果明显。 第一关:数字传真 训练方法:家长将下列每个数字读一遍,孩子在听完之后凭记忆写下听到的数字。 例如:家长读:68715 孩子听完之后在纸上写:68715 56821 88245 35628 25436 87543 25864 39854 23684 25916 58736 第二关:听字训练 训练方法:家长读下列短文,孩子认真听,当听到一个“一”字就用笔在纸上打一个“√”,家长读完后统计“一”字的个数,直到孩子记录的个数与短文中“一”的个数相同为止。 有一小鸟,它的家搭在最高的树枝上,它的羽毛还未丰满,不能要飞,每日只在家里叽叽地叫着,和两只老鸟说着话儿,他们都是觉得非常的快乐。 这一天早晨,它醒了。那两个老鸟都找食物去了。一看见火红的太阳,它们又害怕了,因为太阳太大了,它们又看见一棵树上的一片好大的树叶,树叶上又有站着一只小鸟,正在吃害虫,害虫吃了很多树叶,让大树不能长大,大树是我们的好朋友,每一棵树都产生氧气,让我们每一个人呼吸。这时老鸟马上飞过去,与小鸟一起吃害虫,吃得饱饱的,并为民除害。 第三关听词训练题 训练方法:家长每念一个词语,孩子认真听,当听到电器就马上举起右手。 凳子课桌洗衣机篮球电视机自行车书包电冰箱作业本葡萄空调电风扇电话机被子杯子钢笔手机篮球羽毛球打火机飞机刀剑 小学生注意力训练题目(四到六年级) 训练预期:训练学生学习能力,能使学生上课专心听讲,认真写作业,考试不粗心,提高学习成绩。 训练要求:每天训练10分钟,由家长监督训练结果,必须每天坚持训练,效果明显。 第一关:词语复数


铜山区棠张中学高一英语复习学案编制:陈海慧审核:陈晴日期:2016-12-28 模块一unit2 Growing pains 一..单词拼写 1.When i saw one ________(场景)like this, i remembered another. 2.He got lost in the jungle and s________ to death. 3.We are supposed to d________ourselves whenever there is danger. 4.I _________(弯腰) down to lift the box off the floor.. 5. I can’t t________your being so rude to the old. 6.He is always finding ________(毛病)with his wife’s cooking. 7. It was ________(无礼的)of you to interrupt that lady when she was speaking. 8.Fruit juice does ________(伤害)to children’s teeth. 9.We h________on him coming to the meeting. 10.Boy’s wearing long hair is _________(禁止)in our school.. 11.People t_______to think getting up early does good to body. 12.He struggled to keep his ________(平衡)on the icy road. 二.重点单词 自己复习:be supposed to;tolerate;deserve;charge;harm;go through;turn out 等单词及短语的用法. 三.单选 1. The mother didn’t even _____ herself against the argument in order to protect her daughter.. A defend B protect C protest D rescue 2. The book deserves ______ a second time. It means the book is worth ______ again. A. reading; to read B. to be read ; to be read C. reading; reading D.reading; being read 3. The boy can’t _______ other people’s smoking in the room, so he went out.. A.suggest B. tolerate C. stay D. warn 4. The boy,who starved ____ an ipad, said to his father that he would starve ____ death rather than give up. A. After,to B. for,to C. about,toward D. for,for 5 His father likes finding fault____others who talk with him ___ on the spot. A. with, in B. with,on C. in, on D. in,in 6. I really forgot where i was ______ to meet you. A. decided B. imagined C. supposed D. guessed 7. The student ,along with his parents,_____ asked for information on the book so far. A. was . B.were C.have been D.has been. 8.Where is my blue coat? Don’t bother, I think it will _______ some day. A. turn out B. turn on C.turn up D.turn over 9..I had a difficulty ________ the suitable food on the menu in the restaurant.! A. find B. found C. to find D. finding https://www.wendangku.net/doc/123040844.html,ually there is a speed ______ of 30 km/h in towns or villages. A.level B. standard C. limit D. degree 四.短文填词 Remember to be a good boy or girl any time. It’s important to have good manners, especially in some p___ places. .When you are waiting lines, don’t jump the q______. Be patient. Don’t stand too close to others . Keep 20cm off if you can. F_____the advice of the workers when you are having a visit on a place of interest. Don’t climb on exhibitions. When you go to shows, wear clean clothes. You should get to the show 15 minutes before it starts. During the shows, turn off your cell phone.Don’t eat during the show. Restaurants will be quite busy. Don’t stay too long when you 78 eating . Remember to _______ your rubbish away after the meal. Good manners can make you a gentleman or lovely lady______ you are , others will be pleased with you. 五.选文填空 Evaluating Sources (来源) of health Information Making good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation. A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of healthy information. Personable evaluation includes knowing where and how to finds relevant information, how to separate fact from opinions, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources. _____________ Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported, and determine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study. __________________ 2 Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior “contributes to”or is “associated with”an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result. ___________ 3 Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it. Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements. ________4 Evaluate “scientific”statements carefully, and be aware of quackery(江湖骗术). 5 ___________ Friends and family members can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us. A. Make choice that are right for you. B. The goal of an ad is to sell you something. C. Be sure to work through the critical questions. D. And examine the findings of the original research. E. Distinguish between research reports and public health advice. F. Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an author’s point of view. G. The following suggestions can help you sort through the health information you receive from common sources. 六.成长的烦恼 As teenagers,we are going through the “growing pains”, and some of us feel really confused and frustrated about our high school life. In my opinion, we have to be positive and try to make ourselves feel better. Firstly , we should not be ashamed of our figure. We are in the process of growing up, so it is normal for us to experience some body changes. What really matters is that we should keep a balanced diet. Besides , the reason why we have arguments with our parents or our friends is that we are becoming more and more mature, so we gradually tend to believe in ourselves. To solve this, i think we should talk to family,friends and teachers more. Communication is an important way to express your feelings to others and they they can understand you better and help you.


快速口算技巧及练习 一、个位是1的两位数相乘 方法:十位与十位相乘,得数为前积,十位与十位相加,得数接着写,满十进一,在最后添上1。 例:51 × 31 50 × 30 = 1500 50 + 30 = 80 ------------------ 1580+1=1581 因为1 × 1 = 1 ,所以后一位一定是1,在得数的后面添上1,即1581。数字“0”在不熟练的时候作为助记符,熟练后就可以不使用了。 二、头同尾不同两位数相乘 被乘数加上乘数个位,和与十位数整数相乘,积作为前积,个位数与个位数相乘作为后积加上去。 例:43 × 46 (43 + 6)× 40 = 1960 3 × 6 = 18 ---------------------- 1978 三、头同尾和10的两位数相乘 十位数加1,得出的和与十位数相乘,得数为前积,个位数相乘,得数为后积,没有十位用0补。 例:56 × 54 (5 + 1) × 5 = 30-- 6 × 4 = 24 ---------------------- 3024 四、头同,尾和不为10 两首位相乘(即求首位的平方),得数作为前积,两尾数的和与首位相乘,得数作为中积,满十进一,两尾数相乘,得数作为后积。 例:56 × 58 5 × 5 = 25-- (6 + 8 )× 5 = 7-- 6 × 8 = 48 ---------------------- 3248 得数的排序是右对齐,即向个位对齐。这个原则很重要。 五、被乘数首尾相同,乘数首尾和是10的两位数相乘。 乘数首位加1,得出的和与被乘数首位相乘,得数为前积,两尾数相乘,得数为后积,没有十位用0补。 例:66 × 37 (3 + 1)× 6 = 24-- 6 × 7 = 42


小学作文训练教程 (词句导引作文训练法) 第一讲序 什么是词句导引作文训练法 一、人人都能出口成章 我们小朋友个个都能出口成章,大家信不信? 不信么?我们举一个例子来看看。 小龙满五岁了。生日那天,妈妈带小龙到动物园里去玩了一趟,小龙玩得开心极了。 第二天,小龙见到了好朋友小凤。小龙知道小凤没去过动物园,就很得意地向小凤讲起游动物园的经过: 昨天是我的生日,我妈妈带我到动物园去玩了一趟。动物园太好玩啦!里面有好多好多可爱的动物,我玩得可开心了。(多好的开头。) 一进动物园,我们就看见一群丹顶鹤在湖里游来游去。它们的头顶是浅红色的,羽毛是白色的。突然,我吃了一惊,怎么丹顶鹤只有一只脚呢?妈妈说:“丹顶鹤的另一只脚缩到洁白的羽毛里了。”我也学着丹顶鹤缩起一条腿站立,不一会儿就摇晃起来。我只好马上把脚放下。我在心里想:哇!丹顶鹤真厉害! 在动物园里,我看见了顽皮的猴子,正在树枝上荡秋千;看见了小巧玲珑的珍珠鸟,它那“叽叽”的叫声真好听,好像在唱歌呢。 最贪吃的是两只狼了。我们买了一包水泡饼,扔进狼住的地方。它们马上像疯了一样抢着吃。一只狼抢到后,把水泡饼刚放进口里,另一只狼飞快地扑向他,结果它们打起来了。 猩猩是最可爱的动物。它口里咬着一个没有水的矿泉水瓶子,不停地向我们点头。我们拍手,猩猩也拍手;我们对着它挥挥手,猩猩也对着我们挥挥手,样子又滑稽又可爱。 在大象馆里,我第一次看见了真的大象。大象的耳朵像两把大蒲扇,“扑哧扑哧”扇动着,腿像四根大柱子,真是一个好大的家伙!(经过——多么生动有趣。) 动物园里的动物太多了,太好玩了,一下子真是说不清楚,你还是自已去玩一趟吧。 (结尾多么自然得体) 小凤听得津津有味,羡慕极了。 怎么样?是不是很棒的一篇《动物园游记》? 二、“三大要素”和“三大块” 写文章好比是做房子。 做房子,首先要考虑三个问题:1。为什么要做这个房子?2。做一个什么样式的房子?3。用什么样的材料和技术来做这个房子?


M1U2学案 1.talk about problems common to teenagers访谈一些关于青年常见的问题。common adj 共有的,公共的,普通的,常见的 Heart disease is one of the common causes of death. 心脏病是最常见的死因之一。Bad dream are fairly common in children.噩梦在孩子中较常见。 the problems you have. Feel like感觉象是;觉得像;摸上去像;想要 Do you feel like parents try to force you to spend your spare time doing things you don’t like?你觉得是你的父母企图强迫你花时间做你不喜欢的事情吗? It look like rain 天看起来要下雨。 The noise sounded like a plane.那声音听起来像飞机。 3.Do you have to turn up your music so loud ?你非得把声音调得那么大吗? turn up旋大,开大;出现,露面,被找到 Turn up the radio a little. It’s too low. He suddenly turned up at the party.他突然出现在聚会上。 Your lost pen will surely turn up one day .你丢掉的笔终会找到的。 4. You are back early! (Looking around the room, sounding frightened) frightened是frighten 的过去分词 We were all frightened to see the accident. 5. What did you do with the money we left? do with处理,处置,对待 I didn’t know what to do with the old tree. The new t eacher didn’t know what to with the class. I cannot do with loud noise.


口算训练例题汇编 红墩界中心小学乔海泉 口算练习(一) 时间:分钟(标准5分钟)年月日 (一)乘数末尾有零的口算乘法。(方法:先用乘数0前面的数相乘,然后数数一共有几个0,再在得数后面添上0) 60×30=12×300=18×20=60×20=500×60= 20×5=40×70=60×80=200×4=80×50= 19×40=150×40=25×40=24×40=45×20= 430×2= 16×30= 150×5=24×5=25×8= (二)末尾有零的口算除法。(方法:先同时去掉被除数和除数末尾相同个数的零,然后再除) 3600÷60=240÷30=400÷50=360÷90=1400÷20=4800÷40=120÷40=200÷50=360÷30=1800÷90=280÷70=820÷20=630÷30= 480÷80=360÷60=2000÷50= 4200÷70= 550÷11= 440÷40= 3500÷70= 口算练习(二) 时间:分钟(标准5分钟)年月日 (三)运用了加法结合律的口算(先把得数是整十整百的两个数先相加) 169+78+22=357+288+143= 58+39+42+61=167+289+33= (四)运用了乘法结合律的口算 39×2×50= 25×37×4= (125×12)×8= 42×125×8= 49×4×5= 25×16= 125×64= 25×28= 125×24= (25×125)×(8×4)=

25×4=125×4=25×8=125×8=25×2=25×20=24×5=50×4=25×12=25×6=100÷25=1000÷25=100÷4=1000÷4=12×4+13×4= 口算练习(三) 时间:分钟(标准5分钟)年月日(五)运用了乘法分配律的口算 (80+8)×125= (20+4)×25= (125+7)×8= 25×(40+4)=15×(20+3)=34×62+34×38= 37×45+55×37= 85×82+85×18= 25×97+25×3= 25×41= 37×101= 38×99+38= 63×199+63= 35×68+68+68×64=12×8+13×8=47÷5-27÷5= (六)运用了商不变的规律的口算 400÷25= 1000÷125= 200÷25= 8000÷125= 700÷25=5000÷125=1000÷25=1000÷4= 25×4=25×8=25×20=125×4=125×8= 1000÷4=1000÷8=1000÷20=100÷25=200÷4= 15×8=15×6=15×4=15×2=15×20= 5×80=5×60=25×2=25×6=25×8= 口算练习(四) 时间:分钟(标准5分钟)年月日 30×2= 69÷3= 55×2= 3×7+6= 640-340= 80÷2= 13×3= 48÷3= 4×9+8= 700+300= 54+18÷9= 5×8×6= 8×8+6= 15×5+20= 200÷4+30= 93÷3-18= (15+25)×2= 600×4-2000= 80-20×3= 300÷6+5=


小学生体育训练基本方法探讨 发表时间:2014-06-16T16:25:58.250Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2014年4月总第118期供稿作者:田明刚[导读] 当今学生大多是独生子女,他们是家庭中的宠儿,一般均缺乏吃苦耐劳精神。而耐力训练的本身较为艰苦,需要有顽强的意志品质。 田明刚山东省莱西市望城街道办事处后塔小学266601 小学生正处在心理发育的萌芽时期,世界观尚未形成,心理承受能力极差,合理的体育训练有利于小学生的心理成熟和身心发展。 一、加强思想教育 当今学生大多是独生子女,他们是家庭中的宠儿,一般均缺乏吃苦耐劳精神。而耐力训练的本身较为艰苦,需要有顽强的意志品质。因此,对儿童少年的耐力训练要经常地反复地进行思想教育,启发自觉训练的积极性,培养勇敢顽强、坚韧不拔的意志品质,培养刻苦耐劳、克服困难的精神。 二、注意选择良好环境 创造一个良好的环境,在心理上对儿童少年起着重要的作用,能提高大脑的兴奋性,减少疲劳;同时,发展耐力素质,最主要是保证机体供氧充分;如在河边、树林、公园或在氧气充分的露天场地等进行训练练习,就能充分保证机体供氧,完成训练任务,提高运动成绩。在训练时,也要注意尽量不在坚硬的水泥等地面上反复进行跑跳等。如果长期在硬地面练习,就会使下肢骨的骨化点受到过大、频繁的刺激,易引起过早的骨化或骺软骨的损伤,从而影响骨的正常发育。所以,选择环境场地进行训练和练习是不可忽视的。 三、注意呼吸方法 在进行耐力训练时,由于儿童少年的大脑皮屋对呼吸的调节机能较差,不注意呼吸的节奏,呼吸与动作往往不协调,特别在速度加快时更为明显。所以,要教会他们采用科学的呼吸方法。我们在教学中重点强调采用“二步一吸,二步一呼”或“三步一吸,三步一呼”的方法,经过一段时间训练和练习,起到很好的教学效果。 四、注意以有氧耐力训练为主 有氧耐力是指心血管耐力而言的。由于少年儿童的心脏血管正处在发育之中,与成人相比,他们心脏的心肌纤维短而细,弹性纤维分布较少,心脏发育还不完善,心脏的容积、重量都比成年人小,从而心脏收缩力较弱,心脏的每分搏出量比成年人小。根据少年儿童心血管系统这一特点;耐力训练应发展以有氧耐力为主的训练,用以改进氧气输送系统和肌肉代谢系统的功能,发展心血管系统功能,逐步提高运动成绩。训练中不宜过早过多地进行无氧耐力训练,以免使儿童少年心脏的心肌壁增厚,心肌增强,短时间内成绩会提高很快,但心腔较小,会缩短运动寿命,拔苗助长,训练应从长远观念考虑。 五、注意控制训练的时间、量和强度 儿童少年在进行耐力训练时,运动时间不宜过长,运动量和强度不宜过大,必须严格地控制训练的时间、量和强度,因为少年儿童在安静时氧化过程比成年人旺盛,每公斤体消耗的氧量多,血红蛋白和肌红蛋白的含量比成年人相对少,紧张练习不能持久,耐力差。同时,在紧张练习时,少年儿童血乳酸含量较少,说明他们无氧代谢能量物质储备较少。所以,在耐力训练过程中,合理安排练习的时间、量和强度,因地制宜,会达到事半功倍的效果,提高耐力素质。 六、要教给小学生一些体育锻炼的常识 体育锻炼把实际活动放在第一位,强调通过具体运动增强体质是无可非议的。但体育不是一种单纯的体力活动,只有在锻炼过程中注意学习知识和掌握技术,才能提高体育锻炼的成效。为此,老师应注意以下几个问题,一是教给小学生一些常见运动项目的知识和技术,指导学生正确地练习。如锻炼前应做哪些准备活动,体育运动后应做哪些整理活动,又如跑步的起跑、加速跑、途中跑、弯道跑、终点冲刺等;打篮球的传接球、带球突破、投篮、防守等。二是要给孩子说明各种体育活动的特点和意义,如田径类的活动主要靠力量和速度,球类活动对灵敏和弹跳的要求较高,使孩子能够逐步地了解一些常见运动项目;三是要让孩子知道自己适于从事哪些运动项目,由于孩子的身体发育水平较低,心脏承受能力差,因此不宜做长跑、举重、吊环、长时间倒立等运动项目,而应当选择那些负荷较轻、欢畅活泼的运动项目,如游戏、简易体操、小球类等;四是教给孩子一些最基本的体育比赛规则,如起跑时要听口令,打球时不能撞人,游戏时不能出线,这些是保证体育比赛顺利进行的基本条件,要让孩子有所了解。有的孩子在某项体育运动或活动项目上有特殊的才能,父母应当让孩子自己决定是否继续进行训练,以发展专业技能,进而参加当地的职业队或国家队等。但是,父母有责任帮助孩子,和他们一起对参加体育训练进行反复思量和研究讨论,并给予始终如一的关爱和支持。 七、小学生体育训练制度化 小学生做事情往往缺乏自觉性和毅力,对事情的兴趣较容易转移,如果班主任和家长放松对他的督促,他在体育锻炼上就可能出现“三天打鱼,两天晒网”的现象,这样自然就会妨碍体育锻炼的效果。因此,家长和老师要帮助孩子制订一个锻炼身体的计划,明确锻炼的目标和内容,规定锻炼的次数和时间,如规定每天早上6点起床做操,每天下午放学后打乒乓球等。当然,这不一定要写成文字,但父母和老师要给孩子讲清楚,使他做到心里有数、遵照执行就可以了。在制订计划时要从小学生的实际出发,合理安排,循序渐进。运动量要由小到大,逐渐增加;动作由简单到复杂,由易到难,使小学生的机体有个逐渐适应的过程。在计划的落实方面,老师可能因为全班人数太多而难以全部照顾到,所以应让学生家长在可能的情况下与学生一起锻炼。这既有利于激发学生的兴趣,保护学生的安全,不断提高学生的锻炼技巧,也是对学生最好的督促。家长如果不能和孩子天天在一起锻炼,也要经常鼓励孩子坚持锻炼,并且每隔一段时间检查一下孩子锻炼的情况,指出孩子进步的地方,告诉孩子应当改进的地方,这是孩子养成体育锻炼习惯的“催化剂”。

山东省德州市夏津实验中学七年级英语下册 M1U2《They’re going to the opera》学案(无答案) 外研版

课题:M1U2 They’re going to the opera. 主备人:课时:1 序号:2 学习目标:1.掌握本单元的生词和短语 2. 掌握现在进行时的基本结构的变化形式 教学内容: 知识点拨: 1. ……people are leaving work and going home. ① leave v.离开,把……留下。leave work 下班 leave sb/sth some place 把某人/物留在某地 leave for 动身去… leave…for… 离开……去…… 2. at this/ the moment“此时,现在” ,相当于now,常用 于现在进行时 e.g: What are you doing at the moment? 3. They're waiting for buses and running for trainers. ①wait for 等待;等候 ②run for 跑去…… 4. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to pubs and having a drink. ① have afternoon tea 喝下午茶②at home 在家 ③ walk to 走着去…… 5. Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet. ①go to the opera 去听歌剧②watch a ballet 看芭蕾 6.People aren't getting up, washing or getting dressed. ①dre ss v. 给……穿好衣服;打扮,指穿衣的动作,常用 dress sb.(给某人穿衣服) e.g: She dresses her daughter every morning. ②get/be dressed 穿衣服;打扮 e.g: Lily is getting dressed in her room. e.g: ① He is too young to dress himsel f. ② He is wearing a blue shirt. =He is in a blue shirt. ③It’s cold today. Put on your warm clothes. 7.They're seeing friends, calling home or shopping. ①see friends 看望朋友=visit friends -I‘m visiting my friends in Hollywood at the moment and I’m enjoying the sun! ②call home 给家里打电话


一年级数学10以内的加法口算题 8+0= 0+8= 0+3= 5+3= 2+7= 4+3= 2+7= 4+4= 6+1= 2+6= 3+4= 5+5= 4+4= 0+6= 6+4= 2+1= 3+2= 0+9= 4+4= 2+3= 3+4= 4+1= 1+5= 6+4= 0+3= 3+7= 9+1= 0+0= 0+3= 5+4= 8+1= 2+8= 8+2= 7+2= 3+7= 4+3= 4+4= 5+3= 1+2= 2+4= 5+5= 4+2= 8+1= 8+2= 2+7= 3+6= 6+1= 0+6= 0+5= 4+4= 2+8= 6+4= 4+4= 7+2= 9+1= 0+4= 3+4= 3+1= 6+3= 3+4= 7+0= 8+2= 5+3= 5+1= 3+5= 5+3= 0+7= 4+4= 1+3= 1+9= 3+4= 3+5= 8+2= 2+1= 2+7= 2+2= 5+4= 3+0= 6+4= 0+9= 9+0= 3+7= 5+4= 0+9= 8+1= 0+1= 0+2= 3+1= 0+7= 0+4= 0+4= 1+2= 5+4= 6+3= 4+2= 2+0= 4+2= 3+2= 8+1= 4+2= 一年级数学10以内的减法口算题 7-4= 6-5= 9-6= 3-1= 3-0= 5-2= 8-3= 6-4= 7-2= 2-1= 4-3= 1-1= 5-4= 6-3= 4-3= 8-7= 9-8= 6-5= 5-5= 9-8= 5-2= 7-0= 7-1= 2-0= 9-7= 9-4= 9-5= 7-6= 9-7= 1-1= 9-4= 4-2= 4-0= 8-3= 3-3= 4-3= 4-0= 2-1= 8-7= 8-5= 1-1= 5-0= 7-4= 5-1= 4-1= 2-0= 7-2= 6-2= 6-2= 5-0= 4-1= 5-2= 5-5= 3-0= 7-5= 6-0= 4-2= 9-7= 2-2=


如何进行小学生作文训练 一、小学生作文存在的问题 作文是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我、进行创造性表述的过程。写作能力是语文素养的综合体现。小学生作文能力的好差,直接影响着他今后的学习、工作和生活。而作文教学一直是小学语文教学的难点之一。不要以为不做文字工作,就可以不在乎作文好坏,现实生活中无数事例都已证明:一个人的文字表达能力将在很大程度上决定他的前程。人们在生活工作中可以不用天天为数字操心,可以不因为不会说英文而无处谋生,但是一个不会作文,不会用语言恰当表达自己的人,是肯定无法在社会上拥有自己的一片立足之地的。而作文一直是小学生们感到头痛的事。小学生作文在写什么?他们在怕什么?经过实际考察和分析,我们发现小学生的作文存在以下问题: 1.小学生作文水平差距很大 这种差距表现在学生与学生之间,班级与班级之间,学校与学校之间。成绩好的学生有95分以上,可以写五六百字,而且选材新颖,语句通顺,有真情实感。成绩差的只有二三十分,不到一百个字,错别字、语病很多。好的班级与差的班级,好的学校与差的学校也很不平衡,而且这种差距远比语文知识的差距明显。 2.小学生作文内容十分贫乏 3.小学生作文要求过高,评价过于苛刻, 4.小学生作文脱离生活,缺乏真情实感

5.写作素材缺乏,材料选择不当 二、解决问题的对策 (一)材料的积累 1.引导学生观察生活,教给学生观察方法 在我们的周围时时刻刻都发生着这样或那样的事情,怎样引导学生观察生活、认识生活,帮助他们写好文章呢?我注意在平时和学生闲聊时挖掘写作素材。如“五一”节后,李明对我说,他的外公从城里回来了,他陪外公出去逛,外公很吃惊,说五年没有回来,原先的村落都认不出来了。我觉得这是反映家乡新面貌的好题材,就启发他选取典型事例,写了一篇作文《我村的变化》,结果这篇作文写得真实感人。这就说明学生的生活中有不少有意义的写作素材有待挖掘,因此教师要善于引导学生观察生活、认识生活。 小学生观察事物往往是走马观花,不细致、不深入,所以观察到的也只是事物的表面现象。笔者认为,要提高学生认识事物的能力,必须教会学生观察的方法。首先,要让学生明确观察不只是观看,必须运用视觉、听觉、嗅觉等多种感觉,同时还要边观察、边思考。在教学中,我较注意训练学生的有意观察。如在习作《一只桔子》时,我采用实物演示法。上课前,请每个人准备一只桔子,引导学生观察桔子的形状、颜色,掂一掂它的重量,摸一摸它的表皮,闻一闻它的香味。然后剥开桔皮,观察桔子的内部结构并加以想像。最后请学生品尝一下桔子的味道。这里教师指导学生运用多种感官,感知事物的各部分特征,不断丰富自己的感受。这样一只小小的桔子便能写成长长的一


高考第一轮复习学案(一)语言知识类 Module 1 Unit2 1.better than expected 比预期的好as expected 像预计的那样 a day earlier than expected 比预期的早一天 expect (too) much of sb. 对某人期望过高 expect good decisions from sb. 指望某人有好的决定 expect to do…expect sb. to do … expect that 期望做… I expect so. I expect not. (类似的有hope believe 等) 我(不)是这么期待的 2.can’t wait to do sth. 等不及干某事,迫不及待做某事 wait for sb. / sth. 等待某人/某物 keep sb. waiting 让某人一直等 3.be supposed to do 被期望做/应该做某事=be expected to do You are supposed to finish the work tomorrow. 你应该于明天完成这个作业. suppose / supposing (that)假设如:Suppose you fail, what will you do? 4.enter the classroom 进入教室 5.enter for a competition 参加竞赛 6.surprise sb / give a surprise to sb. 令某人吃惊的是 to one’s surprise令人惊讶的是, ….. in / with surprise 惊讶地…… 7.keep/be in touch with 保持联系(状态) get in touch with 与某人取得联系(动作)lose touch with 失去联系 8.What will you do with it? 你怎么处理? How will you deal with it? 9.leave me alone 让我一个人待会leave sb. to do sth. 让某人去做某事 I’ll leave Tom t o finish the work. 我会让Tom 完成这个工作. 10.leave sb. in charge 让某人负责 sth. be in/under the charge of sb. 某物由某人掌管 sb. be in charge of sth. 某人掌管某物 take charge of 负责,掌管(动作) charge sb. some money for (doing) sth. 为某事跟某人要价多少 free of charge 免费 charge sb. with sth. 指控某人做了某事= accuse sb. of sth. 如:He was charged with stealing a car. 11.This isn’t a family where bad behavior (不可数) goes unpunished. 在这个家庭坏的行为就 要受到惩罚. 12.have one’s hair cut 剪头发 have sth. done =get sth. done 请人做;遭遇到… have sb. do sth = make sb. do = get sb. to do 叫某人做某事 have sb. doing = get / keep sb. doing 让某人一直做/处于某种状态 13.They don’t deserve to know the truth. 他们不配知道真相。 14.be hard on be strict with 对…严格 15.It’s a waste of time.It’s a waste of time doing sth.做…浪费时间 waste sth waste sth on sth waste time in doing sth.

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