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【摘要】谚语是一种结构简洁,并富有生活哲理性的语句.谚语内容精辟,寓意深邃,因而有广泛的感染力,谚语往往能反映一个民族的地理、历史、社会制度、社会观点和态度.简而言之,谚语就是反映了人们的生活及生活环境,基于此,谚语同时也反映了其不同的文化特征.文章首先介绍了文化空缺的由来,然后对英汉两种语言中,谚语所蕴含的文化内涵从地理、历史、宗教三个方面进行了比较.%A proverb is "a short well-known statement that contains advice about life in general;; proverbs contain folk wisdom and therefore they provide intersting Glimpse or clues to a people's geography, history,social organization,social views,attitudes. In short ,they reflect a people's living and living environment .For this reason proverbs are culture-specific.This paper first deals with the origin of cultural vacancy and the relationship between culture and proverbs,then attempts to compare proverbs, Chinese proverbs versus English proverbs,from the perspective of cultural contexts ,that is ,regional, conventional ,and religious cultures.



