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当前位置:文档库 › 英语_2017年河南省洛阳市中考英语模拟试卷(6月份)(含答案)





1. Fantastic Beast and Were to Find Them is_interesting movie, so I am still excited

about______story now.()

A a; the

B an; the

C the; a

D the: the

2. A recent report showed that less than half families would like to have a second baby,because it's really a hard_.()

A decision

B business

C question

D chance

3. There is_____in what your teacher said at the parents meeting. I think we should take her advice.


A nothing

B anything

C everything

D something

4. The prices of the houses in Zhengzhou rise so quickly, many people say they

can't________even a small one.()

A wait

B provide

C expect

D afford

5. ﹣I know the correct answer, but I just don't have enough time.

﹣Oh. dear. Take it easy. At least you did ___ this time.()

A good

B better

C well

D best

6. Almost all the parents sent their kids to the after﹣school lessons so that they can compete______others_______ a better future.()

A with, for

B to, with

C with;on

D for, about

7. ﹣Miss Lee, Linda hasn't shown up. Shall we go now?

﹣She's on time for everything. How _ she be late for the school trip?()

A can

B may

C will

D must

8. …I'm not good at English. What should I do?

…It needs a lot of practice_____________ English well.()

A to learn

B learn

C Learned

D learning

9. 1try another radio station. But they_________someone already.()

A have

B had

C are having

D have had

10. Find ways to get on well with your classmates,_________you will get yourself very lonely.()

A unless

B so

C and

D or

11. It_______that 197people are suffering from the H7N9flu.()

A reports

B is reported

C is reporting

D was reported

12. Can you come up with a good idea____________can help him out?()

A that

B who

C whom

D what

13. 一You need to go to hospital. Your head _____________so hot.

一I think I have a fever. 1__________terrible.()

A fed; am feeling

B felt; have felt

C feels; am feeling

D is felt; have felt

14. I've_____all the phones in the drawer, but I still can*t find the one you need.()

A looked for

B looked after

C looked around

D looked through

15. ﹣﹣﹣Have you been wasting time on cartoons again?

﹣I've done_______________and I need a break.()

A that I should

B that f should do

C what I should do

D what should I do


B、C. D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,

16. When the morning sun shines through your bedroom window, do you jump out of your bed or turn over and go on (1)_______? A good sleep can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one.

A good night's(2)_______doesn't﹣just happen. You need to prepare for it. Many experts have given some advice to help.

First, you should try(3)_______best to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.(4)_______you don't get a good night's sleep, it is not a good choice to oversleep the next(5)_______Get up at your usual time. Going to bed early helps a lot. It is important. Sleep(6)_______for just a couple of days can change your body clock to a different cycle. So you should remember not to sleep late.

(7)_______. avoid eating big meals at night. Your stomach works hard of those fatty foods, and that may(8)_______you up.Maybe you can't tall asleep or you often wake up in the middle of the just lie(9)_______ bed. Get up do something relaxing elsewhere. Then go back to your bed for the other time when you feel(10)_______. If you worry a

lot. make a list of things you need to do the next day. Do that an hour before going to bed. After a good night's sleep, you'll be able to face a new day.


A laying

B lying

C washing

D rising


A choice

B time

C sleep

D advice


A You

B your

C yourself

D yourselves


A Even if

B Before

C Until

D Because


A morning

B afternoon

C evening

D time


A difficultly

B early

C lately

D late


A Also

B Even

C Still

D Almost


A wake

B keep

C get

D pick


A on

B to

C in

D at


A happy

B bored

C tired

D sleepy



17. No one sat next to Leon. That's why when I stepped into art class just before the bell,the only seat was beside him. Ms. Priestley said, *\Sit down,

I don't think Ms. Priestley likes me. 1am terrible in art. "Use your imagination." She'd always say. I had no imagination.

"Today we're going to do something exciting," she said. "We'll draw a fantastic dream." Leon raised his hand. *"Can it be anything we want Leon loved art and loved

Ms. Priestley.She loved Leon too."Anything﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣as long as it isn't something from real life. Let's get started.

I drew wild zigzags(之宁形)and two lines across the page. "What are you drawing*^,Leon asked.

Mountains and a river.J, I answered. *'I've never seen them before. So I imagine what they'd look like.

But it's still real! That's just bad drawing. Why don't you make it a dragon instead/' I hated that. That's why no one liked to sit by him. especially in art. He was too warm﹣hearted. He gave his partners suggestions. Sometimes he even added to David's drawings! ''The mountains could be the scales(鱗片)along its back the river could be a long tail." Leon smiled. To my surprise, I could see the dragon take shape.

That's a very nice idea, Nimmy.M Ms. Priestley^ voice made me jump. I looked up. "It was Leon's idea."

Excellent, Leon. We must always be willing to share our ideas. Nimmy. why don't you offer some suggestions on Leon's drawing?

It's a space farm/' Leon put his drawing where 1could see it. What was I supposed to say?Leon waited.

Maybe…maybe you could add…levels. Each level for something different.I offered. Leon nodded happily. He liked my idea. I watched him adding levels on his farm.

We should be partners in art.'' he said. **We give each other good ideas.I smiled.


46.What did Nimmy do after he came into art class?________

A He walked to his teacher.

B He went to his seat quickly.

C He had no choice but to sit beside Leon.

D He waited until Leon asked him to sit down.

47.No one sat next to Leon because A

A. he was too warm﹣hearted

B. he was not a good student

C. the teacher only liked him

D. he didn't like art class

48.Who had tile idea of The dragon?B


B. Leon.

C. Nimmy.


49.How might Nimmy feel in the end?C

A. Angry.

B. Worried.


D. Sorry.

50.What is the best title for the text?D

A. Different Ideas

C. Perfect Drawings

B. Terrible change

D.Partners in Art

18. As space science develops, man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While working in space, spacemen are lacing clanger as well as success.

Scientists have found out that radiation(福射)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space.When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of radiation from the sun and other stars,which is bad for their health. The damage(危害)done by radiation

won't be discovered until their children or even grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but no really helpful medicine has been.

Space junk is also thought a great danger to spacemen. There are 9,000man﹣made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space junk. An explosion(爆炸)in 1996made a cloud of 300.000fragments,each at least 4mm in size, and even a small piece of these knocked against a spaceship window and did some damage. Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger

all the time. They are working on helpful ways to do with space junk.

Although space is really dangerous,it interests everyone on the earth. In the near future,it may become usual for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose

to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should care for space and do something to help improve the space environment.


51.Picture________shows the man﹣made things in space in the correct way.

52.Scientists have found out________.

A radiation is {he greatest danger to people on the earth.

B radiation i$ harmful to spacemen and their children.

C there are 900man﹣made things flying in space.

D space junk is not a great danger to spacemen.

53.The underlined word "fragments" means C?





54.Which of the following about the text is NOT TRUE?A

A.Radiation in space comes from the earth and other stars.

B.Scientists are working on helpful ways to do with space junk.

C.Although it*s dangerous, space interests everyone on the earth.

D.It may become usual for people to spend a few days in a space hotel.

55.What is the text mainly about?D

A. Space Radiation

B. Space Junk

C. Space Travel

D. Space Danger

A man named Tim tells about his seven﹣year﹣old life with his

baby brother named the "Baby Boss". When he goes on to win back the affection of his parents, he finds out about a secret by the CEO of Puppy Company. The secret is planned around his baby brother who is in danger. Both brothers must keep together to save their parents.and restore order to the world.

Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, Princess of

powers and her true life.

Express Yourself unlocks the never﹣before﹣seen secret world inside your.There is a small city called in the messaging app. All your favorite(表情符号)live there, hoping to be chosen by the phone's Gene. Three friends begin to go through the apps on the phone to find the code will fix Gene.

But a greater danger is on the way. They must save their world before it's deleted forever.


56.You can see many interesting emoji________

A in your home

B in Express Yourself

C in The Boss Baby

D in Wonder Woman 57.Mike loves things about smartphone, when will he have his holiday to enjoy the new movies?D

A. In March.

B. In May.

C. In June.

D. In August

58.Which is TRUE about the movies?C

A.Gene is trying to help fix his three friends.

B.Tim is a boss who has a trouble baby brother.

C.Diana doesn't like the war so she wants to stop it.

D.Diana likes fighting because she can't be beaten.

59.What is not mentioned in each of the movies?C


B. Danger.

C. Hope.

D. Save.

60.Where is the text probably taken from?A

A. A movie magazine.

B. A guidebook.

C. An art poster.

D. A computer game.

20. After the Spring Festival, I found some of my mom's daily habits have changed.

(2)______________Vegetables that had been cooked crisply became very tender and soft. Fish that

had been fried became soup. Her old shredded (切成细条的)potato turned into diced potato.Feeling strange, dad arid (2)_______asked Mom the reason for the change. But all she said was," (3)_______", Then she was silent.

But it wasn't just her cooking way.(4)_______. After dinner, instead of watching films on TV as usual, she would put on her newly﹣bought sports clothes and asked Dad to go out for a walk. After they came back home, mom would lose herself in magazines or newspapers about.(5)_______Why was she suddenly interested in medicine?

I couldn't understand. Then one day (2)_______came across her micro blog(博客)"While visiting my parents during the Spring Festival, I suddenly realized that they are in their 70s now,M my mom had written. They move slowly.(7)_______I should visit them more often…

Some cooking should be changed to keep them healthy. I must also keep fit by doing physical exercise. If my parents are too weak to move around. I can be strong enough to take care of them.…"


A.Just try a different taste.

B.Mom almost never gets sick.

C.Her cooking way was different.

D.Mom also changed other habits.

E.It is hard for them to do the housework.



Wang Junkai draws people's attention almost all over the world. He is making his (66)________film. The Great Wall, and the (17)﹣year﹣old boy (67)________ has millions of fans in China and around the world.Chinese director Zhang Yimou and the (68)

________in his filmappeared in New York for a group discussion. Teenage fans (69)

________to New York from other places. US, China and even Canada, to wait outside in the rain to support Wang Junkai.

As the (70)________actor in the film, the shy boy said he really learned a lot (71)

________director Zhang for this time. "It's a great honor for me to work with Zhang and so many international actors and actresses in my first film.(72)________impressed me the most is their hard work.'(1)he added.After (73)________ together, Zhang joked that Wang should go into making movies. I think I still have a long way to go." Wang said. People who aren't familiar with Wang (74)________the TFBOYS don't understand his fans. Wang said that probably (75)________of the positive images that the three boys have shown asyouths.


上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整c请将答案写在答题卡题号后的横线上.22. A: What terrible weather! I'd love to go out for exercise, but I think it will just continue raining.

B: Well, I listened to the weather report.(76)________.

A: I hope so. Or IM1have to go to the City Sports Center instead. Would you like to come?B: Oh, I'd love to. But I may be a little late.(77)________?

A: No.(55)________bus. But I choose to walk there.

B: That's too far! (78)________.

A: No, it only takes me about (40)minutes.


A: There are all kinds of sports events. You can do what you like.

B: Wonderful! (80)________.

A: That's what I'm expecting!


23. 假设你是第一中学九(8)班的李蕾,请根据下面的提示,给在美国的网友Ann写一





3.你喜欢看二次元动漫(cartoons about another space).父母认为是浪费时间.


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. D

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. A

15. C

16. B










17. C


19. B

20. C,A,D,B,E

21. first,already,actor,fly,youngest,from,What,working,or,because

22. The rain will stop soon,Which bus should I take,55,It will take you a long time,Which sport can I do there,We will have a great time

23. Dear Ann,

There have been some worries between my parents and me recently【高分句型一】.Could you give me some advice?【开头点明主题】

I like singing and dream of becoming a star like TFBOYS, but my parents oppose my spending a lot of time practicing singing.They think I should study hard.【高分句型二】I want to go on a diet to lose weight and change my hairstyle and clothes, but my parents are firmly against it.I like to watch cartoons about another space. My parents think it's a waste of time.【正文部分详细介绍和父母之间近来发生的一些烦心事】


Li Lei
