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1 实验目的与要求





2 实验内容


(1) 分别创建登录账号user01、user02,其密码皆为p888888,并设置为订单数据库OrderDB的用户。

(2) 创建登录账号login03,并加入到OrderDB数据库中,其用户名为user03。

(3) 将员工表的所有权限授予全部用户。

(4) 授予user03用户对Product表的查询权限,对Employee表的编号、名称的查询和更新权限。

(5) 创建角色r3、r4,将订单明细表所有列的SELECT权限、PRICE列的UPDATE权限授予r3。

(6) 收回全部用户对员工表的所有权限。

(7) 将user01、user02两个用户赋予r3角色。

(8) 收回user02对订单明细表所有列的SELECT权限。

(9) 在当前数据库中删除角色r4。

(10) 授予user01建表和建视图的权限,user01用户分别建立一张表和一个视图(表和视图自定),然后将该表和视图的查询权限授予user02和user03。



(1) 分别创建登录账号user01、user02,其密码皆为p888888,并设置为订单数据库OrderDB的用户。


a) 以sa的身份登录到master 数据库中

b) 给出命令:

sp_addlogin user01,p888888

sp_addlogin user02,p888888

use OrderDB

sp_adduser user01,user01

sp_adduser user02,user02

(2) 创建登录账号login03,并加入到OrderDB数据库中,其用户名为user03。


a) 以sa的身份登录到master 数据库中

b) 给出命令:

sp_addlogin login03,p888888

use OrderDB

sp_adduser login03,user03

(3) 将员工表的所有权限授予全部用户。


use OrderDB

grant select,delete,update,insert on Employee

to user01,user02,user03

(4) 授予user03用户对Product表的查询权限,对Employee表的编号、名称的查询和更新权限。


use OrderDB

grant select on Product to user03

grant select,update on Employee(employeeNo,employeeName)to user03

(5) 创建角色r3、r4,将订单明细表所有列的SELECT权限、PRICE列的UPDATE权限授予r3。


use OrderDB

sp_addrole r3

sp_addrole r4

grant select on OrderDetail to r3

grant update on OrderDetail(price)to r3

(6) 收回全部用户对员工表的所有权限。


use OrderDB

revoke select,delete,update,insert on Employee

from user01,user02,user03

(7) 将user01、user02两个用户赋予r3角色。


use OrderDB

sp_addrolemember r3,user01

sp_addrolemember r3,user02

(8) 收回user02对订单明细表所有列的SELECT权限。


use OrderDB

revoke select on OrderDetail from user02

(9) 在当前数据库中删除角色r4。


use OrderDB

sp_droprole r4

(10) 授予user01建表和建视图的权限,user01用户分别建立一张表和一个视图(表和视图自定),然后将该表和视图的查询权限授予user02和user03。


use OrderDB

grant create table,create view to user01


a)use OrderDB

b)CREATE TABLE EmployeeUser01 (

employeeNo char(8)not null,/*员工编号Eyyyynnn*/

empPassword varchar(10)not null,/*登陆密码*/

empName varchar(20)not null,/*员工姓名*/

sex char(1)not null

check(sex='男'or sex='女'),/*员工性别*/

departmentNo char(3)not null,/*所属部门nnn*/

postNo char(3)not null,/*所属岗位nnn*/

birthday datetime,/*出生日期*/

salary numeric(8,2),/*薪水*/

address varchar(40),/*员工住址*/

telephone varchar(15),/*员工电话*/

email varchar(20),/*员工邮箱*/

constraint EmployeeUser01PK primary key(employeeNo) )

c)create view ViewUser01 as

select employeeNo,empName,birthday,telephone

from EmployeeUser01

where departmentNo like'1%'

d)grant select on EmployeeUser01 to user02,user03

grant select on ViewUser01 to user02,user03


Lesson 78 Two young boys who had never smoked before wanted to try. One evening,after they had their supper, father went into the living-room to watch TV, leaving a packet of cigarettes on the table. The boys took two cigarettes from the packet and went out of the house secretly.They hid in the garage ,hoping to enjoy their smoking there.However,when they lit the cigarettes and began to smoke,they could not help coughing,because the smoke was too strong for them. Their father somehow saw the smoke coming from the garage,and rushed down quickly.But when he saw the boys there,hesmiled.Instead of criticizing them,he offered them cigars and asked them to have a taste. The boys accepted them. But the cigars were even stronger than the cigarettes. When the smoked, the both felt very sick and coughed badly. This was a punishment for them。 Lesson 79 A plane took off. There are many passengers on board. Passenger threw a lighted cigarette into an air vent. Unfortunately he thought the air vent was an ash tray. It caused a fire. Soon someone found the smoke from the air vent and saw the fire. This message caused the passengers into a panic. The flight attendant came out to tell the passengers to keep calm until the plane safely returned to the airport. At once the plane turned around and started to fly back to the airport. The fire engines and ambulance had arrived at the airport and were waiting there. After the plane fell on the ground, it was searched thoroughly and no one was hurt. The fireman rushed into the plane and the fire soon was put out successfully. Five hours later the plane took off again. Lesson 80 I made a visit to a modern exhibition last Sunday. It was a new car exhibition. When I was on the way to the exhibition, I was lost and forget the right road, so I found a policeman and asked him how I got there. The policeman told me the right road. When I got there the car exhibition had begun and it attracted(吸引)large crowds here and there.My first impressions(印象)of theexhibition were very good. There were many rs ranking(排列)in the exhibition hall and forty beautiful girls standing near the cars. It was a modern, popular car exhibition. The exhibits that I liked best were those beautiful girls. They let me feel comfortable and happy. The exhibition enlarged (扩大)my horizon(视野). After the exhibition, I went home and was very tired at the end of the day. Lesson 83 The politician was giving a pre-election speech, in order to win the election. But he was so self-confident and ambitious that he gave big promises: he would provide more houses for the workers, set up some new schools for the poor children, and adopt better economic and foreign policies. Then the audience began to ask him questions. He answered them one by one patiently at first. But when the members of the audience asked him some rude questions, he lost his temper, and said that the audience did not deserve more houses, high wages, etc. and he walked off angrily. As a result, the politician was defeated in the election. Lesson 84 Busmen were not satisfied with their low pay and poor working conditions, so they went on strike. The strike began last Tuesday. No one knew how long it would last. This caused great trouble to those who have to go to work by bus everyday. A number of university students


四年级阅读理解专项训练(含答案)姓名:__________________ 等 级:__________________ (一)给一个鼓励的眼神 三个孩子在赛跑中倒地,三位母亲的反应却迥异:一个身体力行,拖着孩子跑;一个破口大骂,不顾这是赛场;第三个,则为孩子送去了鼓励的目光。 最终,三个孩子都跑到了终点。 故事的结局是美好的。但我们不妨揣测一下三个孩子的心情:第一个孩子,体力消耗不大,顺利到达终点,想必心中暗喜;第二个孩子,挨了母亲一顿批评,肯定委屈不已;第三个孩子,虽已大汗淋漓,却实实在在体会到了成功的喜悦。 看来,故事仍未结局,三位母亲的不同的教育态度所造成的影响还深得很呢。 人的一生中,总会有跌倒的时候,但母亲的手能伴你终生吗?这时,我们需要独立的人格,坚强的意志,而这些却都是从小培养起来的品性。于是,我们向母亲发出恳切的请求:跌倒时,请给我们一个鼓励的眼神吧! 我们不需要手,那会助长惰性的依赖;我们不想要指责,那会打击稚嫩的心灵;我们只需要一个鼓励的眼神,给我们一个鼓励的眼神就够了。从母亲的眼神里,我们能读到坚强,悟到独立,感受到母亲的爱意。期间,或许会多一分肉体的苦楚,但,生命的旅程中,也许会少一些障碍。 有这样一则故事,小溪问母亲怎样才能成为瀑布。母亲说,当你到达悬崖的尽头就会明白。小溪告别了母亲,在山间匍匐前行。历尽艰辛,小溪终于攀上悬崖,奋力向前一扑,生命终于放出了异彩。 或许,我们现在正如小溪,力量不算强大,阅历也不够丰富,但我们已知道航向和终点,剩下的就是帆起浆落战胜风暴的努力了。桃花心木是一种上等木料,然而养它的人却故意将它放到野外种植。只是因为,不确定的环境,能让它学会坚强健康地成长。 双脚磨破,就让夕阳涂抹小路;双手划破,就让荆棘变成杜鹃。在母亲期盼的眼神注视下,我们定能直挂云帆济沧海!


新概念二 Lesson1―96 摘要写作答案全 Lesson 1 The writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'. (53 words) Lesson 2 The writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was coming to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock. (45 words) Lesson 3 Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards. (47 words) Lesson 4 The writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much. (48 words) Lesson 5 Mr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His first garage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes. (48 words) Lesson 6 The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month. (50 words) Lesson 7 Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand. (39 words) Lesson 8 Joe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the competition.


说明文阅读答题技巧 说明文主要考查考生从文中准确获取信息的能力,设题主要围绕准确认读、准确理解、准确筛选来考虑。解题的程序,有句顺口溜:“先读原文通大意,再读考题做标记,找出范围对应句,比较选项看差异。” 先读原文,完成3个任务:(1) 给段落标上序号。 (2) 了解文章大意,即说明的对象,各段之间的联系,作者的见解及相关材料。(3)给重要句子和关键词语做上记号。其次,再读题很重要,要给重要词语做上标记。第三,找出答题的范围和对应句是答题的实质性阶段。 1、概念:说明文是以“说明”为主要表达方式,用来介绍或解释事物的状态、性质、构造、功用、制作方法、发展过程以及内在事理的一种实用文体。 2、与其它文体的区别:议论文以理服人,哲理性是它的主要特点;记叙文以情感人,形象性是它的主要特点;说明文以知授人,知识性是它的主要特点。 3、说明文的类型: ①按说明的对象来分:分为事物说明文和事理说明文。 ②按说明文的语言风格:分为平实的说明文和生动的说明文。 。 事物说明文以事物作为说明的对象,重点在于说明事物是“怎样”的,介绍事物的性质、特征,把一种事物和另一种事物区分开来。 事理说明文以事理作为说明的对象,重点说明事理是“怎么样”和“为什么这样”的,把抽象的、难于理解的 事理说得清楚明白。 1、常见的说明方法有: 举例子、列数字、作比较、引资料、打比方、分类别、画图表、下定义、作诠释 2、常见说明方法的作用: ①举例子:通过列举……事例,具体形象的说明了事物的××特点。 ②列数字:科学准确具体的说明了该事物的××特点,使说明更有说服力。 ③打比方:把……比作……,生动形象地说明该事物的××特点,增强了文章的趣味性。 ④作比较:将……和……加以比较,突出强调了被说明对象的××特点(地位、影响等)。 ⑤引资料:通过引用……使说明的内容更具体、更有说服力。 A、引用名言、格言、谚语;作用是使说明更有说服力。 B、引用神话传说、新闻报道、谜语、轶事趣闻等,作用是增强说明的趣味性。 引用放在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。 ⑥、分类别:条理清晰地说明了事物的××特点。 ⑦.画图表:使读者一目了然,直观形象地说明的事物的××特点。 ⑧.下定义:用简明科学的语言对说明的对象/科学事理加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示事物的特征/事理。 ⑨、作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。 要区分“下定义”与“作诠释”的区别,前者是精确的科学定义,后者是对事物的某一方面作解释。 1、时间顺序:说明事物的发展、演变,一般都有明确的时间标志。 2、空间顺序:从上到下,从里到外,总到分,外到内,前到后,左到右,整体到局部,一般都有常用方位词。例如介绍建筑物或实体。 3、逻辑顺序:主—次、原因—结果、现象—本质、特征—用途、一般—个别概括—具体、整体—局部等,常用表因果、表事理顺序的词,如“因为、所以”“首先、其次”。 ①说明建筑物、景点等通常按照空间顺序说明。②介绍事物各阶段的特点或制作过程时,往往采用时间顺序。 ③介绍抽象事理时,则往往需要采用逻辑顺序。 常见的形式有:“总—分”式(或由总到分,或由分到总,或总分总)、并列式、递进式等。分析文章结构,抓中心句及连接词,如“首先”“其次”“还”“也”“此外”等词语。 A、准确; B、形象生动或简明平实。 答题技法:其一,要看懂题目,不少说明文题目本身就表示说明对象,如《苏州园林》等。其二,抓住首括句和中心句。说明文往往需要运用首括句和中心句来提示说明重点,包括说明事物的特征。 反之,如果需要为说明文的语段加一个标题,也可以用说明对象作为标题。 答题技法:尽量从原文中找原词原句,若没有,则注意段意、中心句。 (见说明方法) 答题格式:本文使用了__________的说明顺序对__________加以说明,使说明更有条理性。 不能调换:原文采用由……到……的顺序介绍事物,调换后不合逻辑。或:总分关系中分说部分与前文总说部分顺序相照应。 1、对整篇文章语文的品析:一般从两个角度谈:A、准确; B、形象生动或简明平实。 “准确”是一般说明文的共同特点。 “形象生动或简明平实”是针对不同语文风格的角度谈。做这种评析整篇文章语言特点的题目,一定要结合文章具体内容谈。 答题格式如下: 这篇文章充分体现了语文准确 ../生动形象 ..../简明平实 ....的特点,如“……”一句,就准确/生动形象/简明平实地说明了事物“……”的特征/事理。


1 Key to Summary writing Points 1 Reports----London Zoo----puma spotted----45 miles south of London 2 Similar in nature 3 Woman picking blackberries saw it first 4 Puma moved from place to place 5 Left trail of dead deer---- small animals 6 Paw prints----puma fur found as well 7 ‘Cat-like noises’----heard at night 8 Animal seen up a tree 9 Now experts convinced----really was a puma Summary

The reports received by London Zoo that a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London were similar in nature. A woman picking blackberries saw it first, but the puma moved from place to place,leaving a trail of dead deer and small animals. Paw prints and puma fur were found as well. ‘Cat-like noises’were heard at night and the animal was seen up a tree. Now experts were convinced that the animal really was a puma. (79 words) Key to Vocabulary A possible answer spotted (1.2): seen; accumulate (1.4): pile up; obliged to (1.5): bound to; claimed (1.6): stated; extraordinarily similar (1.6): surprisingly alike; immediately (1.8): at once; convinced (1.14): sure. Key to Composition A possible answer Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to return for lunch. She was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knew it was not a cat because it was so large.


安全性评价 集团企业公司编码:(LL3698-KKI1269-TM2483-LUI12689-ITT289-

安全性评价安全性评价技术,最早是由美国道化学公司于1964年开发的,二十多年来,尤其是近几年来,各国相继提出了各具特色的评价模式。它们的共同特点是以生产设备为主体,逐一分析生产过程中所使用的各种物质的火灾和爆炸特征以及工艺过程中各种潜在危险因素,从而为防止事故,保证安全生产提供了具体和可靠的依据。但尚未形成一套通用的、完整的评价方法。 第一节安全性评价的概念 一、安全性评价的定义 安全性评价(SafetyAssessment)也称危险性评价或风险评价,它是综合运用安全系统工程的方法对系统的安全性进行预测和度量的一种科学方法。就是对系统存在的危险性进行定性和定量分析,得出系统发生危险的可能性及其程度的评价,以寻求最低事故率、最少的损失和最优的安全投资效益。

企业进行安全性评价,可使宏观管理抓住重点、分类指导,也可为微观管理提供可靠的基础数据,是实现现代化科学管理的重要环节,是实现“创造一个良好的工作环境,保证职工安全和健康”的有力措施。 二、安全性评价的内容 安全性评价包括以下的基本内容: (1)危险的辨识主要是查明系统中可能出现的危险的种类,范围及其存在的条件。 (2)危险的测定与分析即通过一定的事故测定和危险分析(包括固有的和潜在的危险)。对系统内可能出现的新的危险及在一定的条件下转化生成的危险,进行进一步分析,分析可能造成的伤害和损失。 (3)危险的定量化把系统中存在的危险进行定量化处理,对其危险程度及可能导致的伤害程度进行客观的评定,用以划定安全与危险,可行与不可行的界限。 (4)危险的控制与处理为消防危险采取消除、避开、限止和转移等技术措施以及检查、教育、训练等管理措施。


六年级小升初阅读专项训练及答案 一、默读父亲 ①我是父亲最小的儿子。“爹疼满崽”这句话便成了父亲爱的天平向我倾斜时搪塞哥哥姐姐们的托词了。在我10岁那年,我生病躺在了县城的病床上,我突发奇想地让父亲给我买冰棍吃。父亲拗不过我,便只好去了。那时候冬天吃冰棍的人极少,大街上已找不见卖冰棍的人。整个县城只有一家冰厂还卖冰棍,冰厂离医院足足有一华里地,父亲找不到单车,便步行着去。一时半晌,父亲气喘吁吁满头大汗跑回来,一进屋,便忙不迭解开衣襟,从怀里掏出一根融化了一大半的冰棍,塞给我,嘴里却喃喃地说道:“怎么会化了呢见人家卖冰棍的都用棉被裹着的呢!” ②初二那年,我的作文得了全省中学生作文竞赛一等奖,这在小镇上可是开天辟地头一遭的事儿。学校为此专门召开颁奖会,还特地通知父母届时一起荣光荣光;等到参加颁奖会的那天,父亲一大早便张罗开了,还特地找出不常穿的一件中山装给穿上。可当父亲已跨出家门临上路时,任性而虚荣的我却天大地扫了父亲的兴:“爸,有妈跟我去就成了,你就别去了。”父亲充满喜悦的脸一下子凝固了。那表情就像小孩子欢欢喜喜跟着大人去看电影却被拦在了门外一般张皇而又绝望。迎着爸妈投放给我的疑惑的眼神,我好一阵不说话,只是任性地呆在家里不出门。父亲犹疑思忖了半刻,用极尽坦然却终究掩饰不住的有些颤抖的声音说:“爸这就不去了。”父亲已经破译出了我心底的秘密:我是嫌看似木讷、敦厚且瘦黑而显苍老的父亲丢我的人啊!看看父亲颓然地回到屋里,我这才放心地和妈妈兴高采烈地去了学校。可是,颁奖大会完毕后,却有一个同学告诉我:你和你妈风风光光地坐在讲台上接受校领导授奖和全校师生羡慕的眼光时,你爸却躲在学校操场一隅的一棵大树下,自始至终注视这一切呢!顿时,我木然,心里漫上一阵痛楚…… ③父亲最让我感动的是我17岁初入大学的那年。我刚入大学的时候,寝室里住了4个同学,每个人都有一只袖珍收录机,听听节目、学学英语,很让人眼馋。后来,与其说是对别人的羡慕,倒不如说是为了维护自己的自尊,我走了60里地回到家,眼泪汪汪地跟父母说:我要一只收录机。父亲听了,一个劲地叹气,母亲则别过头去抹泪。我一软,两手空空连夜赶回学校。过了一段时间,父亲到学校找到我。将我叫到一片树林里,说:“孩子,你不要和人家攀比,一个人活的是志气。记住,不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大。”我正掂量着父亲这句话,父亲已从怀里掏出一样东西放在我手上;伸开手来,正是一只我心仪已久的袖珍收录机。事后我才知道父亲是进城抽了500 cc血给换来的。“不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大”就是父亲这句话,让我在以后的日子里一次又一次地找到了做人的自尊,也让我得以活出了一个男人的伟岸。 ④父亲没能活到60岁便病逝了。记得父亲临终的时候,他将枯槁的手伸向我,我将手放在父亲的手心里,父亲极力想握紧我的手,但父亲已无能为力了。是的,父亲虽然没能扶携和目送我走更长更远的路,但是,父亲一生积攒的种种力量已渗透到我生命中来——我的生命只不过是父亲生命的另一种延续。 1.这篇文章主要写的人物是父亲,作者通过哪三件事来刻画父亲的形象。 2 “父亲充满喜悦的脸一下子凝固了”请你联系上下文,揣摩父亲那时的心里活动,组织好语言,写在下面:3.第二段中,最后一句话“心里漫上一阵痛楚”,表达了我怎样的心情 4.第三段中父亲所说的“不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大”,你是如何理解这句话的 5.如何怎样理解“父亲一生积攒的种种力量已渗透到我生命中来——我的生命只不过是父亲生命的另一种延续”这句话 《默读父亲》答案 1、父亲为生病在床的我买冰棍父亲躲在学校操场的大树下默默关注我的颁奖典礼父亲给我买收录机,并教育我不要和人攀比 2、略 3、为父亲爱子之行为而感动,为自己不理解父亲的心意而内疚、后悔。 4、没有优裕的物质生活条件,同样可以生存、长大,人活着要有志气。(意思对即可) 5、父亲对子女的爱和做人要有自尊、活出男人的伟岸,不与别人攀比的人生态度,对我产生了巨大的影响,我决心像父亲那样生活、做人。 二、阅读《母亲? 我? 狗》


新概念 2 摘要写作答案(lesson 1~lesson 12) 2010-08-06 17:08 Lesson 1 The writer went to the theatre last did't enjoy the young man and a young woman were sitting behind were talking writer couldn't hear the turned said he couldn't hear a young man said,'This is a private conversation!'. (53 words) Lesson 2 The writer always gets up late on got up late last aunt telephoned had just arrived by was coming to see said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was was one o'clock. (45 words) Lesson 3 Postcards always spoil the writer's spent his holiday in Italy last tought about postcards every didn't send any cards to his bought thirty-seven cards on the last staied at home all didn't write any cards. (47 words) Lesson 4 The writer has just received a letter from his brother, is an has been in Australia for six has already visited many is in Alice Springs has never been abroad is enjoying his trip very much. (48 words) Lesson 5 has opened his second garage in first garage is in is five miles away from can't get a telephone for his new has just bought twelve carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes. (48 words) Lesson 6 The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge beggar knocked at her door sang writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for beggar's name is Percy calls at every house once a month. (50 words) Lesson 7 Detectives were waiting at the airport all were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South men took the parcel of the detectives opened parcel was full of stones and sand. (39 words) Lesson 8 Joe Sanders has the best garden in wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each has a fine 's is writer's garden is always win a little prize for the competition. (37 words) Lesson 9 We went to the Town Hall on New Year's were a lot of people Town Hall clock will strike twelve in twenty five to twelve,it refused to welcome the New crowd began to


语文阅读专项练习附答案 现代文阅读能够提高学生的语言文字理解和应用能力,因此在高考语文中占有非常重要的地位。为了帮助大家提高语文阅读的解题技巧,下面我为大家带来高考,希望对大家阅读能力的提升有所帮助。 语文阅读专项练习原文: ①清明节前一星期,我乘坐的飞机降落在济南的遥墙机场。邀请我去齐鲁访问的虽然是山东大学,真正远去郊外欢迎的,没有料到,却是整个春天。从机场进城,三十公里的高速公路上,车辆稀少,但两侧的柳树绿阴不断,料峭的晴冷天气,千树新绿排成整齐的春之仪队,牵着连绵的青帐翠屏,那样盛况的阵仗,将我欢迎。 ②从城之东北进入山东大学的新校区,外事处的佟光武处长和刘永波副处长把我安顿在专家楼,就将我留给了济南的春天。一千年前,济南的才女李清照说:"宠柳娇花寒食近,种种恼人天气。"我在山东十天,尽管春寒风劲,欺定我这南人,却是一天暖过一天,晴得十分豪爽。愈到后来,益发明媚,虽然说不上春深似海,却几乎花香如潮了。不,如潮也还没有,至少可以说沦纹回漾。 ③专家楼外,有几树梨花,皓白似雪,却用淡绿的叶子衬托,分外显得素雅,那条巷子也就叫梨花路。偌大的山园虽然还只是初春,却已经众芳争妍,令惊艳的行人应接不暇了。桃花夭夭,冶艳如点点绛唇。樱花串串,富丽得不留余地给丛叶。海棠树高花繁,淡红的风姿端庄而健美,简直是硕人其颀。

④但令我一见就倾心,叹为群艳之尤的,是丁香。这名字太美了,美得清纯而又动听,令人生起爱情的联想,"青鸟不传云外信,丁香空结雨中愁",李?丁香与豆蔻同为桃金娘家的娇女,东印度群岛中的马鲁古群岛,即因盛产这两种名媛,而有"香料群岛"的美称。早在战国末期,中国的大臣上朝,就已用丁香解秽。干燥的花蕾可提炼丁香油做香料,也可以入药,有暖胃消胀之功。此花属聚伞花序,花开四瓣,辐射成长椭圆形,淡绿的叶子垂着心形,盛开时花多于叶,簇簇的繁花压低了细枝,便成串垂在梢头,简直要亲人,依人。你怎能不停下步来,去亲她,宠她,嗅她,逗她。 ⑤后来我写了《丁香》一诗,便有"叶掩芳心,花垂寂寞"之句,不但写实,也借以怀念李清照,中国最美丽的寂寞芳心。 ⑥初春的济南,到处盛开着丁香,简直要害人患上轻度的花魇、花癫,整天眼贪鼻馋,坐立不安。山园里的丁香就有乳白、浅绯、淡紫三种,好像春天是各色佳丽约好了一齐来开游园会,你不知该对谁笑才好。 ⑦同为地灵所育,灼灼群芳只争妍一季,堂堂松柏却支撑着千古。从济南的千佛山到灵岩寺,从岱庙到孔庙与孟庙,守护着圣贤典范、英雄侠骨的,正是这一排排一队队肃静而魁梧的金刚。阴翳的树影萧森,轻掩着屋脊斜倾的鳞鳞密瓦,或是勾心斗角的犄望屋檐,再往下去,覆盖在横匾与楹联上,或是土红粉白的墙头,或是字迹漶漫的石碑。若是树顶有鸦鹭之类来栖,则磔磔怪号声中更添寒禽古木的沧桑。 ⑧鲁中寺庙里巍巍矗立的,多半是柏,本地人把它念成"北"。那十天我至少观叹过上千株古柏,其风骨道貌却令人引颈久仰,一仰难尽。那气象,岂是摄影机小气的格局所能包罗?从千佛山到灵岩寺,从孟庙到孔林,那


摘要写作参考答案(Key to Summary writing) Unit 1 Lesson 1 A Private Conversation The writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'.(53 words) Lesson 2 Breakfast or Lunch The writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was coming to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock.(45 words) Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards.(47 words) Lesson 4 An Exciting Trip The writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.(48 words) Lesson 5 No Wrong Numbers Mr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His first garage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes.(48 words) Lesson 6 Percy Buttons The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month.(50 words) Lesson 7 Too Late Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand.(39 words) Lesson 8 The Best and Worst Joe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the competition.(37 words) Lesson 9 A Cold Welcome We went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The Town Hall clock will strike twelve in twenty minutes.At five to twelve,it stopped.It refused to welcome the New Year.The crowd began to laugh and sing.(46 words) Lesson 10 Not for Jazz


人教部编七年级语文 下下定义专题训练-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

语言运用--下定义 1. 遵循固定的格式,即“XXX”(题目所给的概念)是……(一般属性,从语段中提取的诠释语的组合)的……(本质属性)。 2. 第一步:先弄清题目需要定义的概念是什么;第二步:确定概念的“本质属性”;第三步:整合材料,找出“一般属性”。例如:人(概念)是能制造工具并能熟练地使用工具进行劳动(一般属性)的高等动物(本质属性)。 3. 下定义不能同语反复。譬如,“人是能够思考的人”,这个定义就犯了同语反复的弊病,“人是人”。 4. 概念与本质属性的外延要相称。不能说“人是一种能制造生产工具的生物”,这就犯了“外延过宽”的逻辑错误,因为生物还包括植物。 5. 不能用比喻。例如“儿童是祖国的花朵”、“教师是辛勤的园丁”等。 6. 不能用否定句。例如“人不是飞行类动物。” 五、实战训练 1、阅读下面材料,给“生物圈”下一个定义。(4分) 地球上因为有了生命,这些生物往往有它们生活的范围,也就有了生物圈。如果把地球比作苹果,那么地球上所有的生物,只生活在像果皮那样薄的地球表面层里,因为只有这个表面层有空气、水、土壤,能够维持生物的生命。

“生物圈”指的是地球上所有生物生存的有空气、水、土壤,能够维持生物的生命的地球表面层。 2、请筛选、整合下面文字中的主要意思,拟写一条“魔术”的定义。要求语言简明,条理清楚,不超过50个字。 魔术这种杂技节目以不易被观众察觉的敏捷手法和手段,使物体在观众眼前出现奇妙的变化,或出现或消失。真可谓变化莫测。这种表演常常借助物理、化学的原理或某种特殊的装置表演各种物体、动物或水火等迅速增减隐现的变化,令观众目不暇接,产生奇幻莫测的神秘感觉。魔术广受人民群众的喜爱。 魔术是借助物理、化学原理或特殊装置,以不易察觉的敏捷手法,使物体出现、消失或产生奇妙变化的一种杂技节目。 3、提取下列材料的要点,给“创造性思维”下定义。 创造思考教学以培养创造性思维为目标。创造性思维具有以下特点:创造性思维的结果对于思考者或者文化而言,具有新颖性和价值;创造性思维是非传统的,具有高度机动性坚持性的思维活动;创造性思维的任务是将原来模糊的、不明确的问题清楚地勾画出来,或提出某种方案加以解决。 创造性思维是一种新颖而有价值的、非传统的、具有高度机动性和坚持性而且能清楚地勾画和解决问题的思维活动。 4、请提取要点,整合成一个单句,为“人道干预”下定义。(1)人道干预是由一些国家采取的武力强制行动。 (2)人道干预不必得到被干预国的同意。

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