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当前位置:文档库 › 安徽芜湖市2012年毕业学业中考模拟英语试卷四



第一部分听力( 共五大题,满分30分)

I. 关键词语(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)


1. windy B. rainy C. sunny

2. horse B. house C. hours

3. patients B. parents C. present

4. put on B. go on C. hold on

5. further study B. bright star C. nice star

II. 短对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)


6. Which bus goes to the library?


7. What’s the weather like today?

. A B C

8. When will the plane take off?


9. Where does the boy’s mother work?


10. What does the boy mean?

A. He missed the movie.

B. He was late for the movie.

C. He didn’t like the movie.

11. When did Alice finish her homework?

A. At 6:00.

B. At 8:00.

C. At 10:00.

12. What are they doing?

A. They are talking about fish

B. They are going fishing.

C. They are having dinner

13. Whose pen is black?

A. Li Lei’s

B. Peter’s

C. Kate’s

14. Who are the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Classmates.

15. What does the woman think of the man’s advice?

A. They go to KFC too often

B. She likes to go to KFC

C. She wants to go to KFC every day

III. 长对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)



16. What’s wrong with the man?

A. He’s sick

B. He’s hungry.

C. He’s tired.

17. Why is his wife so busy?

A. Because she has started working on charity.

B. Because she has to cook for her husband.

C. Because she has lots of housework to do at home


18. Wh at’s the boy’s first problem?

A He forgets a lot of new words.

B He doesn’t get much writing practice

C He can’t get the pronunciation righ t

19. What’s the girl’s advice?

A Watch English-language TV

B Join an English-language club

C Ask the teacher for help

20. What can help the boy a lot to understand the teacher?

A Listening to more tapes

B Studying by working with a group

C Practicing conversations wit friends

IV. 短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)


21. Why is it difficult for students to get enough rest?

A Because they have so much homework to do

B Because they play sports so much

C Because they spend too much time on the Internet

22. How many hours of sleep do teenagers need?

A Less than 8 hours

B More than 9 hours

C More than 12 hours

23. How will people become if they don’t get enough sleep?

A Tired

B Relaxed

C Angry

24. Who did a survey of kids aged between 8 and 13?

A The English teachers.

B The Chinese scientists

C The American scientists

25. What shouldn’t teenagers be allowed to do?

A Eat too much junk food

B Do much homework

C Lose weight




VI 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)


31. ---Mike, next stop is Zhujiang Road.I will the bus and go to the computer mall. ---OK. See you next time.

A.get up B.get off C.get on D.get to

32. _______ second hat doesn't fit me, either. Could I look at _______ third one?

A. A; a

B. The; the

C. A; the

D. The; a

33.---What do you think of the color of my new coat?

---Very good. Red ________ you.

A. suits

B. fits

C. matches

D. meets

34. ---If you are free, go skating with us, OK?


A. Not at all.

B. Sure, I’d love to.

C. No, I don’t like you.

D. That’s right.

35. ---How do you find the talk given by Mr. Smith ?


A. Very well

B. Excited

C. Boring

D. Not at all

36. Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break she got to her office.

A. since

B. that

C. when

D. until

37. ---Why haven’t you asked her to come here?

---She _______ an important experiment when I found her and she _____ it.

A. had done ; didn’t finish

B. was doing ; hasn’t finished

C. did ; wouldn’t finish

D. has done ; hadn’t finished

38. ---I’m going to take part in the piano competition next week .--- _____

A. Congratulations!

B. Good luck!

C. Not at all!

D. With pleasure.

39. ---Do you think the last problem in this math test difficult?

---Yes. I could work it out.

A. hardly

B. easily

C. finally

D. nearly

40. Give me your telephone number ____I need your help.

A. whether

B. unless

C. so that

D. in case

41. ---I’ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors?


A. Yes, please

B. No, I don’t

C. Yes, sure

D. No, not at all

42. I think the English song is _________ worth _________ again.

A. very; listening to

B. very; listening

C. well; listening to

D. well; listening

43. --- It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.

--- I think a bridge _______ over the river.

A. should be built

B. is being built

C. has been built

D. was built

44. You’ve just missed your ______, and you will have to wait for the next round.

A. chance

B. turn

C. time

D. round

45. I don’t believe everything goes well with you, ____?

A. do they

B. does it

C. don’t they

D. doesn’t it

46. The workers were making so much noise in the workshop, and the boss hurriedly went to see ____.

A. what the matter was

B. what was the wrong

C. what wrong was

D. what was the matter

47. Look! ____.

A. Here your teacher comes

B. Comes here your teacher

C. Your teacher come here

D. Here comes your teacher

48. ______it is to jump into the river to swim in summer!

A. What a fun

B. What fun

C. How fun

D. How funny

49. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ___.

A. it

B. those

C. them

D. one

50. Who did the teacher have _______ how _______ the computer?

A. to show, to use

B. showed, use

C. shown, using

D. show, to use




Mr Klein told the class that a new student, Inez, would join them

soon. He 51 that Inez was deaf. She “talked” with others by using

sign language. Mr Klein knew sign language, and he decided to teach

52 students so that they could also “talk” with Inez.

First, they learned to sign the letters. Some letters were hard to 53 .

Other letters, such as C ,were easier because the shape of the hand was

the same as the shape of the letter.

The 54 thing they learned was finerspelling. They signed one letter after another to spell a word. They 55 with two-letter words such as at and on . Then they spelled 56 words.

Finally, Mr Klein showed that 57 one sign could be used for a whole word. To make the sign for the word fine, a person spread s out the fingers on one hand, 58 the thumb(拇指) to the chest(前胸) , and moves the hand away from the chest. Signing is not just done with the hands. Expressions on the face are also 59 . The students learned to sign a question mark by using expressions on the face.

When Inez first entered the classroom. She looked 60 . But the students signed, “Good m orning, Inez. ” She gave the class a big smile and signed back, “What a wonderful welcome !”( )51. A. hoped B. said C. guessed D. thought

( )52. A. his B. my C. her D. our

( )53. A. spell B. check C. remember D. write ( )54. A. first B. only C. last D. next ( )55. A. met B. started C. agreed D. helped ( )56. A. newer B. easier C. longer D. nice ( )57. A. never

B. perhaps

C. still

D. just ( )58. A. joins B. fixed C. touches D. ties ( )59. A. important B. different

C. difficult

D. strange ( )60. A. serious

B. surprised

C. frightened

D. nervous


Stress is the feeling you get when you ’re really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours, or 61 days. It makes you feel blue, scared or angry. You may find it 62 to eat and sleep, or you might eat and sleep much more than usual.

Too much stress is bad for you. Stressing out can lead to serious 63 like heart illnesses. But a moderate (适度的) amount of stress keeps your body and 64 alert (警觉的) and can make your performance better, like when you are doing a presentation to your class or 65 to the finishing line.

But, if you are seriously stressed out, look at these quick and easy ways to 66 . Firstly, you can go for a run, play tennis or ride your bike for a while 67 exercise produces more beta-endorphin(B-内腓腓) that controls stress. Secondly, having a good 68 is very important. You should try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Thirdly, eating a healthy, balanced diet that 69 all the food groups will help. Also, you can talk to the people you trust . Keeping your feelings inside may make the situation 70 while talking to a person you trust may make you feel better. They may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.

( )61. A. still B. also C. even D. only ( )62. A. easy B. hard C. possible D. comfortable ( )63. A. worries B. sadness C. problems D. questions ( )64. A. personality B. strength C. talent D. mind ( )65. A. running B. leading C. replying D. turning ( )66. A. relax B. operate C. complain D. explore ( )67. A. although B. unless C. if D. because ( )68. A. walk B. rest C. time D. sense ( )69. A. includes B. creates C. develops D. produces ( )70. A. better B. worse C. angrier D. safer

VIII .补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)


A .Did you quarrel with your parents?

B .But your parents are just worried about you .

C .Now I feel very sad .

D .What should I do now?

E .Your parents are very glad .

F .What’s the matter?

G .I don’t agree with you .

A:You look unhappy today.71 .

B:Yesterday when I came home,I found my parents looking through my schoolbag.I got very angry.Shouldn’t I keep my own secrets?

A:Of course you can keep your private ideas and secret things.72 .

B:No,but I shouted to them.They didn’t say a word.They just kept silent.73 .A:In fact,your parents shouldn’t look through your schoolbag.They should respect your privacy.74 .They want to ma ke sure you aren’t in any trouble,and they want to understand your life and study better in this way.Maybe you hurt your parents.B:I agree.75 .

A:Say sorry to them.Try talking to them more.Let them know what your are doing,so that they won’t worry about you so much.

B:OK.I’ll do as you told me.





Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."

"OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.

The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."

The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?"

"Burnt yesterday evening."

76. Mr. Brown told his son that _____.

A. he would be away from home for four days

B. he would be back in seven days

C. he would be back in a month

D. he liked a cup of tea

77. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ________.

A. the wall

B. the door

C. a piece of paper

D. his son's pocket

78. A man came to visit the boy's father on ________.

A. the second day

B. the third day

C. the fourth day

D. the fifth day

79. The man was very surprised because _________.

A. he thought the child's father was dead

B. the child didn't ask him to sit down

C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn't find that piece of paper

80. What was burnt? ___________.

A. The piece of paper

B. Mr. Smith

C. The visitor

D. The boy


How could we live without the Internet? That's how most of us keep in touch with friends, find homework support, research cool place to visit, or find out the latest news. You can use it to do research for school, find out what movie is on near you, check out a college you're thinking about, or find a job or volunteer opportunity. Almost anything you can think of has a website about it

You've probably heard stories about people who get into trouble in chat rooms. Because users can easily keep anonymous, you may be cheated in the chat room. Everyone in the chat room looks like wearing a mask(面具). Chat rooms often attract people who are interested in more than just chatting. They will sometimes ask visitors for information about themselves. The information might be about their families, or where they live. It shouldn't be given away.

Usually, the people who request personal information like home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses use the information to do some illegal(违法的) things. This might harm a person's or family's well-being.

Of course, the Internet is home to millions of places you can and should visit. However, remember to protect yourself while online.

81. The first paragraph is mainly about _________of the Internet.

A. the advantage . the safety C. The interest D. the trouble

82. Which can't the Internet do for you according to the passage?

A. Find out the latest news.

B. Research a cool place to visit.

C. Do homework

D. Get information of your school

83. The underlined words "keep anonymous" mean "______" in the passage.

A. keep its name different

B. keep its name unknown

C. keep its story interesting

D. keep its name known

84. The Internet is an unsafe place because_____.

A. There are many illegal things

B. Your personal information may be given away.

C. The computers may be harmed

D. Your e-mail address might be changed

85. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Internet users should wear a mask.

B. The Internet makes it difficult to use the computer.

C. We'd better not give away the personal information on the Internet.

D. It's difficult to get cheated on the Internet.


Huaihua Foreign Language School

Lin Nan, Teacher of English

Yingfeng Street, Huaihua, China

Tel:0745-******* Fax:0745-*******

E-mail: Linan@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html,

Bp:1240822018Zip code:418000

Daqing Children's Hospital

Liu Hong, Doctor

12 Xingling Road, Changchun, Jilin 130027



Fax:0431-******* E-mail:cclh@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html,

Red Star Farm

Zhang Hui, Farmer

Shangping Village, Zhejiang, 419100

Tel: 0745-*******



Tiantai Taxi Company

Yang Jun, Driver

235St. Tongzhi, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 31007

Tel:0571-******* Fax:0571-*******

E-mail:hzyi@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html, Bp:1992301636

86. We can learn English from ______.

A. Yang Jun

B. Zhang Hui

C. Liu Hong

D. Li Nan

87. You may telephone ______ for help if your grandmother is ill.

A. Yang Jun

B. Zhang Hui

C. Liu Hong

D. Li Nan

88. We can call ______ when we want to take a taxi to Hangzhou Railway Station.

A. 139********

B. 0745-*******

C. 1992301636

D. 137********

89. Of the four, we can't send fax to the ______.

A. driver

B. teacher

C. doctor

D. farmer

90. If you have some questions about your health, please send an E-mail to ______.

A. Linan@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html,

B. cclh@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html,

C. hzyi@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html,

D. hhmx@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b3864021.html,


I was being interviewed by a senior manager for a major insurance(保险业) company. I told him honestly why I wanted the job----I needed to keep my family in Boston. My wife recently died of a heart attack. A job in Boston would help me reduce some of the extreme trauma (精神创伤) and pain of the loss for my 16-year-old daughter. It was important for me to keep her in her high school. I could still hardly talk about the loss of my wife.

Bruce, the interviewer, was politely empathetic, but he didn't probe any further. He admitted my loss and with great respect, moved on to another subject. After the next round of the interview, Bruce took me to lunch with another person. Then he asked me to take a walk with him. He told me that he, too, had lost his wife. And, like me, he had also been married 20 years and had three children.

In his sharing, I realized that he had experienced the same pain as I had -----a pain that was almost impossible to explain to someone who had not lost a beloved one. He offered his business card and home phone number and suggested that, if I need help or just want someone to talk to, I

should feel free to give him a call.

Whether I got the job or not, he wanted me to know that he was there if I ever needed help. When he had no idea if we would ever see each other again, he helped our family deal with one of the greatest losses. He turned the normally cold business interview into a caring support for another person in need.

91. The writer took part in the interview because __________.

A. he had lost his job and wanted to find a new one.

B. he had to support his family in Boston.

C. his wife had recently died of a heart attack.

D. his daughter needed money for schooling.

92. The underlined word "empathetic" in the second paragraph means ____.




D. 同情的

93. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Bruce invited the writer to lunch later.

B. Bruce shared his life experience with the writer.

C. Bruce was willing to help the writer.

D. Bruce finally gave the job to the writer.

94. We can infer(推断) from the passage that ______.

A. Bruce and the writer saw each other often.

B. the writer got little help from Bruce.

C. the writer learned much from the job interview.

D. the writer had a better life afterwards.

95. What is the best title for the passage?

A. An Act of Kindness

B. A Pleasant Interview

C. The Same Experience

D. An Important Lesson




96. I need some________(志愿者) to clean up the park.

97. The Great Britain______( 由……组成) of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales

and North Ireland.

98. Henry, don't shout so n_____(吵闹地)in public.

99. You won't pass the driving test u you practise more.

100..—The twins can speak excellent Chinese.Who taught them?

—Nobody. They learned it by (自己).


林书豪(Jeremy Shu-How Lin),1988年8月23日生于美国, 身高191厘米,体重91公斤。毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard university),但他凭借聪明的头脑和艰苦的训练成为1954年之后第一个打NBA的哈佛毕业生,最新一期美国《时代》杂志就以林书豪作为封面。向他这样的球员应该成为中国年轻一代学习的榜样。请根据以上内容写一篇英语短文。




Jeremy Shu-How Lin, anexcellent NBA basketball player, has a very special experience.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________








26. __________ 27._________ 28. __________ 29. ___________30.__________







1 We’ll stay at home if it is rainy tomorrow.

2 How many rooms are there in your house?

3 He operated to 150 patients on the plane.

4 Hold on, Mr. White will speak to you himself.

5 I’m going abroad for further study next year.



6. W: Excuse me, sir. Does No. 813 bus go to the library?

M: No. you should take the No. 615 bus there.

W: Thank you.

7. W: Shall we fly the kite in the park, Dad?

M: I’m afraid not, it’s raining now.

8. M ; It’s 7 o’clock. Has the plane taken off yet?

W : No. there’s still 15 minutes left.

9. W: Where does your mother work?

M: In a bank. What about yours?

W: She works as a nurse in the City Hospital.

10. W: You didn’t go to the movie last Friday, didn’t you?

M:: Yes, I did. But I missed the beginning.

11. M: Alice, you must do your homework. It’s nine o’clock.

W: I finished it an hour ago.

12. M: Help yourself to some fish, please.

W: No thanks. I’m full

13. W: Hi, Li Lei.

M: Hi, Kate. Is this black pen yours?

W: No, mine is blue.

M: Whose pen is it?

W: It’s Peter’s.

14. M: Hand in your exercise books, please

W: I was ill last ni ght. So I haven’t finished my homework.

15. M: Shall we go to KFC for supper tonight?

W: Dear, we have been there three times this week.




W: Hello, John. It seems that you’ve lost a lot of weight recently. Are you sick?

M: No, I am not sick, Mary. I’m just hungry.

W: Hungry? What did you say?

M: Well, my wife has started working on charity. She is so busy with it that she doesn’t cook for me any more.

W: That’s terrible. You may tell your wife that charity should start at home.


W: Hello! This is English-help Center. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I have some problems with English.

W: What are your problems?

M: First, I can’t get the pronunciation right.

W: Take it easy. Why not join an English language club to practice speaking English?

M: ok, I’ll try it. Also I can’t understand the teacher when she talks to the class.

W: Listening to more tapes will help you a lot. Remembering the words of English songs also helps a little.

M: Thank you very much.

W: You’re welcome. I hope your English will improve soon.



Do you get enough sleep? With so much homework it’s often difficult for students to get e nough rest. Sleep keeps you healthy and it stops you getting fat. Teenagers usually need more than nine hours of sleep every day.A group of American scientists did a survey of kids aged between 8 and 13. The study found that if kids slept for just one more hour each day, the chance of their getting fat was cut by about 30 percent.Why? When people don’t get enough sleep, they will become tired. When they are tired, they won’t exercise enough. Also, kids like snacks. If they are awake one more hour or two each day, they will have more time to eat snacks or other unhealthy food. Teenagers should not be allowed to eat too much junk food. Scientists suggest 10 to 11 hours s night for kids aged 5 to 12 . For older kids, eight to nine hours will be enough.



Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago, but many of his ideas are still important to us. Here are some of the things he said and wrote.

Firstly, go and see. Jefferson believed that learning books is not only the method of getting knowledge. Sometimes, a personal experience is more important.

Secondly, do what you believe is right. If you believe your idea is right, you must make up your mind to do it.

Thirdly, trust the future, trust the young. Jefferson believed in change. He did not fear new ideas, nor did he fear the young.



Ⅰ-Ⅳ. 1 - 5 BBACA 6-10 ACABB 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 BACBA 21-25 ABACA

Ⅴ.26. see 27. experience 28. right 29. future 30. young

评分标准: 1-30题每小题1分。


Ⅵ. 31-35 BDABC 36-40 CBBAD 41-45 CCABB 46-50 DDBDD

评分标准: 31-50题每小题1分。

Ⅶ.51-55 BACDB 56-60 CDCAD 61-65 CBCDA 66-70ADBAB

评分标准: 51-70题每小题1.5分。

Ⅷ.71-75 FACBD评分标准: 71-75题每小题1分。


Ⅸ.76-80BCDAA 81-85 ACBBC 86-90 DCCDB 91-95 BDDCA

评分标准: 76-95题每小题2分。


Ⅹ. 96.volunteers 97.consists 98.noisily 99. unless 100. themselves

评分标准: 96-100题每小题1分。

Ⅺ. 书面表达(参考作文)

Jeremy Shu-How Lin, an excellent NBA basketball player, has a very special experience. He was born on23 August, 1988. He graduated from Harvard university, but he didn't give up his dream of being a NBA basketball player. By tough training and using his bright mind , he realized his dream inNBA, becoming the first Harvard university graduate playing in NBA .Because of his great job, he becomes the cover star of TIME. In many teenagers’ eyes, he is their idol.

As a student, I've learnt a lot from his story. We may meet a lot of difficulties in our future life, but we should believe that our dream will come true by working hard. No matter how hard life is, we won't fail unless we give up our hope.



1.本题总分为20分, 按五个档次给分。

2.评分时, 先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次, 然后以该档次的要求来衡量,

结合内容和语言表达, 综合给定分数。

3.考生可以根据要点适当发挥, 加入自己的观点.

4.字数少于80的, 从总分中减去1分。

5.拼写错误多, 书写较差以致影响表达, 在所确定档次的分数范围内, 减去1 分。


第五档(很好): (20-18分)

完全完成了试题规定的任务, 涵盖了所有内容要点, 或在发挥时内容有新意或亮点; 语言基本无错误, 行文连贯, 表达清楚。

第四档(好): (17-14分)

完成试题规定的任务, 涵盖了基本的内容要点; 语言有少量错误, 行文基本连贯, 表达基本清楚。

第三档(一般): (13-9分)

基本完成了试题规定的任务, 写出了一些内容; 语言有一些错误, 行文不够连贯。

第二档(较差): (8-5分)

未能恰当完成试题规定的任务, 只能写出个别要点; 语言错误较多, 未能清楚传达信息。第一档(差):(4-0分)

未能完成试题规定的任务, 只能写出与内容有关的一些单词; 语言错误很多, 未能清楚传

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