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雅思9 TEST2

雅思9 TEST2
雅思9 TEST2

Passage 1:

question 1—6:H、C、B、I、D、A

Question 7—10:two decades、crowd(noise)、invisible(disabilities/disability)、invisible(disabilities/disability)

Question 11—12:A、C





段落概括 A 段引出话题,并概要性介绍新西兰卫生部对本国青少年听力障碍的相关研究数据。

B 段教室噪音是教师和学生最关注的问题。

C 段相关国际机构也开始关注噪音在传统教学中对孩子的影响。

D 段听力障碍的几种常见病症

E 段自闭症的典型特征及其对孩子学习上的影响

F 段注意力不集中症的典型特征及其对孩子学习上的影响

G 段隐形听力障碍儿童在学习环境中的受关注度愈加不够。

H 段新西兰政府应对儿童听力障碍的新举措。

I 段其他国家的类似效仿措施



impairment n.障碍;损害;损伤

impact n.影响consequence n.结果;后果;影响


preliminary adj.初步的,初级的;预备

acoustics n.(空间的)传声效果

auditory adj.听觉的

deficit n.瑕疵;不足;赤字;亏损detrimental adj.有害的;不利的

individual n.个体

decade n.十年

mechanical adj.机械的

air-conditioning n.空调

comprehend v.理解,领悟collaborative adj.合作的,协作的heighten v.(使)加深,加剧

exacerbate v.使恶化,使加剧

concern n.令人担忧的亊;忧虑practice n.通常做法;惯例;练习

ventilation n.空气流通,通风contribute to 导致;促成;有助于

trend n.趋势

interaction n.互动possession n.拥有;占有;财产potential n.可能性;潜在性;潜力


maximum adj.最大的;最高的environment n.环境reverberation n.回声;回响generate v.造成;引起;产生evaluate v.评估


disability n.残疾

ASD 自闭症vulnerable adj.易受伤的ADD/ADHD 精神不集中


autism n.孤独症,自闭症

genetic adj.基因的;遗传的

life-long adj.早生的;终生的

sensory stimuli 感官刺激

intrusive adj.打扰的;侵扰的

adversely adv.不利地,有害地neurological adj.神经学的,神经系统的discrepancy n.差异;不一致distressing adj.使人痛苦的;令人苦恼


indicative adj.指示的;象征的;暗示

disinhibition n.抑制解除distraction n.分散注意力的事;使人分


sustaining adj.持续的;支持的

persistence n.坚持,坚持不懈

screen out 筛选出




1. While the detrimental effects of noise in classroom situations are not limited to children experiencing disability, those with a disability that affects their processing of speech and verbal communication could be extremely vulnerable.

解析:while引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,即使”;句中的are not limited to意为“不局限于” ;experiencing disability是动名词短语作后置定语,修饰children; with a disability是介词短语作后置定语,修饰代词those;that引导定语从句,修饰先行词disability。


2. Children experiencing an auditory function deficit can often find speech and communication very difficult to isolate and process when set against high levels of background noise.

解析:Children can find speech and communication difficult to isolate and process 是句子的主干,其中用到了“find +宾语+宾补”的复合结构,意为“觉得某

事……”;experiencing ...是动名词短语作后置定语,修饰children;when set against 是“连词+分词”的结构,句中省略了they are。


Passage 2:


Question 14—17:F、D、G、E

Question 18—21:D、A、B、C

Question 11—12:F、F、T、NG、T






A段 2004年对于金星凌日的观测







①Questions 14-17





②Questions 18-21


解析:该题型是雅思阅读配对题型中的传统题型,属于乱序题型方向,多考查原文细节, 难度系数中等。考生要注意:该题型选项集合中的专有名词在原文中一定是原词,而这些原词所在的上下文就是答案的重要出处。



③Questions 22—26






1. Undaunted, he remained south of the equator, keeping himself busy by studying the islands of Mauritius and Madagascar before setting off to observe the next transit in the Philippines.

解析:he remained south of the equator是句子的主干;undaunted是形容词作伴随状语;keeping himself busy是现在分词短语作伴随状语;before setting off是“连词+分词”结构,在句中作时间状语,相当于before时间状语从句省略了主语he。


2. Reasonably accurate for the time, that is quite close to today's value of 149,597,870 km, determined by radar, which has now superseded transits and all other methods in accuracy.

解析:that is quite close to today’s value of 149,597,870 km是句子的主干;determined by radar为过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句;which引导定语从句,修饰先行词radar。

参考翻译:这一当时被认为达到合理精确度的数值非常接近现代的数据——149 597 870公里。现代的数据是利用雷达取得的,在精确度上远远超过凌日分析以及所有其他的方法。



Question 27—31:C、B、D、C、B

Question 32—37:Y、Y、NG、N、NG、N

Question 11—12:A、B、C














neuroscientist n.神经学家

decade n.十年

pattern n.样式;图案neuroeconomics n神经经济学

reveal v.揭示

trace v.追溯;查找;探索neuron n.神经元细胞innovation n.革新;创新iconoclast n.非传统观念者


distinct adj.显著的;明显的

social intelligence 社会智力

utilize v.使用

irrelevant adj.不相关的;不恰当的

constraint n.限制;约束

drumbeat n.鼓点;节奏

perception n.理解;看法;认识

function n.功能;作用

circuit n.循环

original adj.独创的;最初的;新颖的;原



fixed energy 固定能量

watt n.瓦

impede v.妨碍;阻碍;阻止

shortcut n.捷径

photon n.光子,光量子

budget n.预算

evolve v.进化;发展

confront v.使面对;使面临rumbling n.隆隆声;持续而低沉的声

iconoclasm n.非传统观念

plague n.折磨

curse n.咒骂;诅咒

conjecture n.推测

pitfall n.陷阱hardwired adj.固定的;基本的physical stimuli 感官刺激likelihood n.可能性


bombard v.使大量面对;轰炸perceptual adj.理性的embrace v,接受;接纳;拥抱novelty n.新奇事物

chain n. 一连串


trigger v.激发

ridicule n.嘲笑

trivial adj.细微的;细小的

afflict v.折磨

variant n.变异impediment n.障碍;妨碍;障碍物phobia n.恐惧;憎恶mental disorder 精神紊乱;精神病

inhibit v.抑制


explosion n.爆炸

cognition n.认识力

reputation n.声誉

empathy n.共鸣

enthusiasm n.热情intertwine n.缠结在一起;使缠结


alienation n.疏离感;疏远;离间asset n.有用的物(或人);财富;财产


Questions 27-31



1. These discoveries have led to the field known as neuroeconomics, which studies the brain's secrets to success in an economic environment that demands innovation and being able to do things differently from competitors.

解析:These discoveries have led to the field是句子的主干;known as是过去分词短语作定语,修饰field;which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词

neuroeconomics ;that引导定语从句,修饰environment,,从句中的谓语demand后接了两个并列的宾语:名词innovation和动名词短语being able to do things differently from competitors。


2. In the last decade there has been an explosion of knowledge about social brain and how the brain works when groups coordinate decision making.

解析:there has been an explosion of knowledge是句子的主干;in the last decade 是介词短语作时间状语;介词about后接了social brain和how the brain works两个并列宾语成分;when引导时间状语从句。



剑桥雅思8-第三套试题-阅读部分-PASSAGE 1-阅读真题原文部分: READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Striking Back at Lightning With Lasers Seldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms strike. Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone. As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death - out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target. And there is damage to property too. Lightning damage costs American power companies more than $100 million a year. But researchers in the United States and Japan are planning to hit back. Already in laboratory trials they have tested strategies for neutralising the power of thunderstorms, and this winter they will brave real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers that they will be pointing towards the heavens to discharge thunderclouds before lightning can strike. The idea of forcing storm clouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate. The technique survives to this day at a test site in Florida run by the University of Florida, with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. EPRI, which is funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States' power grid from lightning strikes. 'We can cause the lightning to strike where we want it to using rockets, ' says Ralph Bernstein, manager of lightning projects at EPRI. The rocket site is providing precise measurements of lightning voltages and allowing engineers to check how electrical equipment bears up. Bad behaviour But while rockets are fine for research, they cannot provide the protection from lightning strikes that everyone is looking for. The rockets cost around $1, 200 each, can only be fired at a limited frequency and their failure rate is about 40 per cent. And even when they do trigger lightning, things still do not always go according to plan. 'Lightning is not perfectly well behaved, ' says Bernstein. 'Occasionally, it will take a branch and go someplace it wasn't supposed to go. ' And anyway, who would want to fire streams of rockets in a populated area? 'What goes up must come down, ' points out Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safely - and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive equipment at risk. With around $500, 000 invested so far, a promising system is just emerging from the laboratory. The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create ions. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge. To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds. Instead it would be directed at a mirror, and from there into the sky. The mirror would be protected by placing lightning conductors close by. Ideally, the cloud-zapper (gun)would be cheap enough to be


精品文档 剑桥雅思 9 真题 + 解析 -Test1 口语 Part1 What games are popular in your country? [Why?] 你们国家流行什么游戏?( 为什么 ?) 名师点题剑9 口语 “游戏”话题是近期考试的热点话题。它在已有的题库中多出现在Part I,而近期的雅思口语考试多将其放在Part 2 ,比如要求考生描述儿童时期玩过的一款游戏( A game you played a lot in childhood)等。对于这个话题,回答思路既可“天女散花”,即列举在 一个国家内受不同群体欢迎的游戏,亦可“孤注一掷”,即将答案具体化,将回答的重点落 实到具体的某项游戏上,再给以适当的细节描述。 高分示例1 It varies. For our young generation, there is only one name for games that we are crazy about, which is the computer games, either single-user version or concurrent version. For the eider generation, like my grandpa, they have a lot of folk games to play, such as shuttlecock, diabolo and jumping rope. As for the reason why such kind of situation appears, personally I think it has much to do with the changes of times and technology. 高分示例2 I would say the most popular game is Plants Vs. Zombies. When it comes to the reason of popularity, I would like to summarize the following two points: firstly, this game is easy to learn; secondly, through conquering the zombies in the game, people can obtain a sense of satisfaction,which is urgently needed to push people forward.


TEST 1:Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Traditionally, children have begun studying foreign languages at secondary sc hool, but introducing them earlier is recommended by some educationalists. T his policy has been adopted by some educational authorities or individual sch ools, with both positive and negative outcomes. The obvious argument in its favour is that young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. Their brains are still programmed to acquir e their mother tongue, which facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents, they are not inhibited by self-consciousness. The greater flexibility of the primary timetable allows for more frequent, short er sessions and for a play-centred approach, thus maintaining learners’ enthu siasm and progress. Their command of the language in later life will benefit fr om this early exposure, while learning other languages subsequently will be e asier for them. They may also gain a better understanding of other cultures. There are, however, some disadvantages. Primary school teachers are general ists, and may not have the necessary language skills themselves. If specialists have to be brought in to deliver these sessions, the flexibility referred to abov e is diminished. If primary language teaching is not standardised, secondary s chools could be faced with a great variety of levels in different languages with in their intake, resulting in a classroom experience which undoes the earlier g ains. There is no advantage if enthusiastic primary pupils become demotivate d as soon as they change schools. However, these issues can be addressed str ategically within the policy adopted. Anything which encourages language learning benefits society culturally and e conomically, and early exposure to language learning contributes to this. Youn g children’s innate abilities should be harnessed to make these benefits more achievable.


Text 1 Section1 W: Good evening. King's restaurant. M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W: Oh, yes. M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? M: It's Peter Chin. W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview. M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up? W: It's answering the phone. M: Oh, right, fine. W: And not waiting at table. M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend. M: So two nights? W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week. M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies. W: Are you in the university? M: Yes, first year Physics student. W: Oh, right


Matching题讲解 题型: 1.人名理论配对 2.分类题 3.长句子配对 4.段落细节配对 难点: 属于细节题,比较费时间 题目与题干不易读懂 题干与题目无法关联起来 配对题做题基本方法: 1先做文章其他类型题目: 两种类型配对一起出现概率较小(剑桥雅思真题中C4T2P3 C5T3P1C6T1P1 C8T1P1出现过),若出现则难度较大,可先做其他文章。 2 先做出比较明显的选项。 如有比较明显的信号词 3.最后细度剩下的选项 划出关键词,根据关键词扫读全文。注意关键词的近义词转化。 题型分析: 1人名理论配对 特点:容易定位,乱序出现 注意事项:留意NB 方法:先读题干画出句子关键词,按文章顺序,找人名,找理论信号词,注意理论由几句话组成 真题分布: (C4T2P1<5-8> C4T2P4<36-40> C5T4P2<14-17> C6T1P1<8-11> C6T3P2<25-27> C7T3P3<34-39> C7T4P3<35-40>) 2 Classification: 特点:不容易定位,

方法: 划出关键词 找到项目1对应原文段落,与题干配对 找到项目2对应原文段落,再对应题干 最后选答案 真题分布: (C5T3P1<5-10> C6T3P3<33-37> C7TP1<5-10> C8T4P3<31-36>)(C4T4P3<32-35> C6T2P1<11-13> C8T1P1<5-8> C8T2P2<23-26>) 重点例题分析 C8T4P3 四个选项是4种不同收集蚂蚁的方法,在通读全文以后,会比较清楚,而且ABCD是按照文章顺序来的,可分别定位到第二段到第四段 A hand collecting 第二段 B using bait 第三段 C sampling ground litter 第四段 D using a pitfall trap 第五段 这种题型有两种做法 对于能力较好的学生可先先从文章入手,读完一个段落后再筛选答案 以选项A为例 先读第A所在的第二段。发现31题关键词group of ants(大量的)的同义转换为20-25individuals collected。因此31题选项为A 然后继续往下读,发现35题的separate containers 对应的文章中的individual insects are placed in plastic or glass tubes 因此35题答案也为A 按照这样以此往下所有的答案就可选出。 但这种方法对学生词汇,理解能力和瞬时记忆要求比较高。 另一种从题目入手 读选项化出题目中的关键词 31take specimens from groups of ants


剑桥雅思口语真题解析 Part 1: 1.1姓名 1. What’s your full name? 2. Can I have your name, please? 3. Are there any special meanings of your name? 4. Do you like your name? Why? 5. Do Chinese people like changing their names? 6. What kind of people in China like changing their names? 7. Is there any rule for Chinese people giving names to their children? 1.2故乡 My hometown is Guangzhou. It is the capital of Guangdong province in the southwest of China. It is a large industrial city. It is close to Hong Kong so a lot of the industries involve trade and retail. It is also a finance area. The people in Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. By the year 2011, it is believed that my hometown Guangzhou has become the economic center of China. 2. Where is it located? 3. How about the climate in your hometown? Which season do you like? In my hometown Guangzhou, the four seasons are not evident, which only has spring and summer. It is too hot in the summer and it is also humid in the winter. I like summer better, for we will go swimming and start our outdoor activities in the summer, it gives us pretty environment, which full of various kinds of colors. Another reason is that it is suitable for traveling around. 4. How about the people in your hometown? The people in my hometown Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. People will always give you a hand with things. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. 5. What do most people do in your hometown? 6. Oh yes. Even though Guangzhou is very modern, it has some interesting temples and streets. There is one called the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and it was built about 1500 years ago. There is also a famous cultural and commercial street in Guangzhou called Beijing Road. In this street, you can not only see a historic exhibition about different years roadbed, which has more than thousand histories, but also has many business shops sale almost all kinds of things. Besides, you can taste traditional snacks and refreshments or experience temples with /unusual special architectural style nearby. Anyway, it is an interesting place so worth to visit! 7. How about the style of the building in your hometown? 8. What is one of the greatest changes having taken place over the years? 9. What problems still exist in your hometown? 10. How to improve the situation in your hometown? 11. Where is Chinese population mainly distributed? 12. What changes have occurred in people’s dwelling? 1.3学习 1. Are you an employee or a student? (Are you working or studying?) 2. What is your major?

李高岩-剑桥9 Test3小作文 A类5分雅思小作文

1.作文题目:剑桥9 Test3小作文 The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 2.考生原文: These pie charts illustrates what proportion are accounted by human in respective age group of Yemen and Italyin 2002, and predicting the future changes to 2050. In Yemen, 0-14 years old young childrenwere the domain group in 2000, at 50.1%. And smaller proportion of 15-19 years old person in the same period, which was 46.3%. While 50 years past, 15-59 years old people willbecome the mostgroup of people, rising to 57.3%. Although there is a increase in old people who are over 60 years old. But theystill the least group of person, which were risingfrom 3.6% in 2000 to 5.7% in 2005.


How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/Why not?] 你通常多久一次电话?(为什么?/为什么不?) 名师点题剑9口语 “打电话”属于比较简单的考题。对于这个问题,比较简短的回答就是:I make phone calls every day.然后扩展的方向包括在什么状况下需要打电话,打电话在日常生活中能起到什么作用。当然也可以把打电话和其他通讯方式做一下对比,如发短信、写信等。 高分示例1 Although I generally send emails and text messages, I still make telephone calls on a daily basis. I need to call my colleagues regularly, especially if it's urgent or complicated, so it's more convenient than sending text messages. However, I also make phone calls to my family and friends, just to chat and see how their day has been! 尽管我一般都发邮件和短信,我还是会每天都打电话。我通常需要给我的同事打电话,尤其是出现紧急或复杂情况的时候打电话要比发息方便得多。我也会给家人和朋友打电话,和他们聊一聊,了解他们的近况。 高分示例2 I make about one to two phone calls a day, depending on whether I need to make plans to go out with friends that day. Because I have instant messaging on my phone, it is much easier than talking on the phone. Plus it is free and sometimes phone calls can be expensive to make. 我一般每天打一两个电话,取决于我是否计划和我的好友出去玩。因为我手机有即时通信功能,所以发短信比打电话更方便。此外,打电话比较贵,而发短信是免费的。 高分示例3 Compared with others I can be considered a frequent user. I tend to use telephone every day since I have to communicate with my business partners. I use the fixed-line telephone for normal business calls during the day and at night I use it for long-distance calls or long-lasting calls to friends because in the evening calls are much cheaper.


题型1——Table(表格) Cambridge IELTS 4 TEST 1: The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

TEST 4: The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

TEST 2: The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


目录 Test 1 (4) Part 1 (5) Part 2 (7) Part 3 (9) Test 2 (13) Part 1 (14) Part 2 (17) Part 3 (20) Test 3 (26) Part 1 (27) Part 2 (29) Part 3 (32) Test 4 (35) Part 1 (36) Part 2 (38) Part 3 (40) 天道培训雅思精品课程 (43) 1、一对一课程 (43) A、IELTS一对一课程 (43) B、IELTS辅导课 (43) 2、精英计划 (44)

3、雅思精品小班 (45)

Test 1

Part 1 Examiner asks the candidates about him/herself, his /her home, work or study similar topics Games What games are popular in your country? [Why ?] 思路 英语国家常见游戏:Card games; tag; I-spy-with-my-little-eye; spelling bee; math games and hide and seek 中国常见游戏:Chess; jumping rubber band; kite-flying; killers of three kingdom; grow vegetables and steal vegetables; west illusion swims; dungeon and warrior; plants vs. zombies 样板答案 Many games are popular in China, especially sports. Football, in particular, is extremely popular to watch. Every weekend, thousands, or maybe even millions, of people will go to their local football club to watch their local team. Similarly rugby, cricket, and tennis are also very popular participation sports. However, there has been a decline in the number of people actually taking parts in sports, which is a concern for the nation’s health. 高分词句 1)Similarly …


本次,小编为大家带来的是剑桥雅思9Test2雅思写作task2范文。剑9下载,请点击:WRITING TASK 2 Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree? a) 题目分析,包括写作中需要涉及的要点以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理解。 1. 题目问的无报酬的强制性社区服务,不是自愿的或者可选择的服务。 2. 题目说的是在高中阶段进行这种社区服务。 b) 建议的写作结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构。这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和一个简要结论。正文应该有两到三个段落,每段阐述一个要点。考生可以选择写两个段落分别阐述两个论点,或者用一个段落同时阐述两个论点。二者皆可。 c) 两篇观点不同的参考译文(250 字——300 字) 剑桥雅思9Test2雅思写作task2范文 参考译文1——无偿社区服务应该是强制性的 In this essay, I shall explain why I think that it is a good idea for secondary school students to do compulsory community service. The main reason that I believe this is that it provides secondary school students with wider knowledge about, and experience of, their community and society in general. Some types of community service involve working with sick or disabled people, giving students the opportunity to help those who are less fortunate. Other kinds of community service give students the chance to work with children or work on projects to improve the community. All of these broaden horizons and demonstrate to students what their place in society is. Another key advantage of community service for secondary school students is that it can provide them with some work experience. This is particularly true in some sectors, such as health care, but I think that community service generally provides people with a work ethic which will obviously be helpful throughout their lives. The fact that the work is unpaid might inspire some students to continue with community service even when it is not a compulsory part of their secondary school curriculum. In addition, many community services suffer from a lack of volunteers, so using secondary school students in this way provides enough people to meet this shortfall. The supply of students is very likely to continue as older students leave school but new ones enter, so the provision of these community services is almost guaranteed. To conclude, I think having secondary school students do community service is an
