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Chinese Term Y

亚非会议 the Asian-African Conference
压价 force down the price
亚健康 subhealthy
亚军 runner-up (Shandong Luneng claimed the Chinese Super League title Sunday with Shanghai Shenhua as the runner-up after the 2 teams completed their last round matches with ties. 30日,在中超联赛最后一轮比赛中,山东鲁能与上海申花分别打平对手,最终山东鲁能问鼎中超冠军,上海申花夺得亚军。)
鸦片战争 Opium War
压平物价政策 roll-back policy
压水花技术 rip entry
压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar new year gift
压缩开支 put down expenses; retrench
亚太经合组织经济领导人会议 AELM (APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)
亚太经合组织部长级会议 AMM (APEC MinisteriaI Meeting)
亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会会议 ABAC Meeting (APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting)
亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 IAELM (Informal APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings)
亚太经济合作组织 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
亚文化 subculture
压线(口令) Line!
亚洲共赢 win-win Asia
亚洲金融危机 financial crisis in Asia
亚洲开发银行 ADB(Asian Development Bank )
压轴戏 grand finale; last and best item on a theatrical program
烟草控制框架公约 the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
严惩 punish severely
严打措施 "Strike-Hard"" drive "
严打斗争 "Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities"
验房师 house inspector (Being a house inspector is a new and growing career choice in China, although it is common in other countries. 验房师在国外虽然已经相当普遍,但在中国还是个刚刚兴起的职业。)
严格法纪 strict enforcement of law
严格遵守合同条款 rigorous performance of contract
验关 customs inspection; customs examination
沿海管辖权 coastal jurisdiction
沿海经济开发区 open coastal economic area
研究成果 research results
研究金 fellowship
研究生毕业证/学位证 graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma
研究生成绩考试(美) Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
烟民 smoker
赝品 counterfeit or shoddy ( The criminals had promoted high-end products, such as 3G mobile phones, jewelry and Rolex watches, that cost significantly lower than the market price which eventually turn out to be counterfeit or shoddy.这些团伙向消费者低价推销所谓高端产品,如3G手机、珠宝、劳力士手表等,结果消费者买到的不是赝品就是次品。)
延期货 deferrals
眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体利益,个人和集体利益服从国家利益 subordinate immediate interests to long-term interests, partial interests to overall interests and the interests of individuals and collectives to those of the state
言情小说 romantic fiction; sentimental novel
堰塞湖 quake lake,barrier lake,dammed lake
验收 check and accept; che

ck before acceptance; check upon delivery; inspection and acceptance
研讨 study and discuss
沿途贸易 way-port trade
演绎版 demo
严以律己,宽以待人 be strict with oneself and lenient towards others
严重警告 grave warning; weighty warning
严重亏损 heavy losses
严重违约 grave breach of contract
眼保健操 eye exercises (Primary and middle school students in Beijing will practise new eye exercises from this fall semester. The new version, based on traditional Chinese medical treatment, cancels the massaging of "Jingming" points which are located on both sides of the nasal bridge, to protect eyes from infection by hands. Instead, points on the ear lobes will be massaged, with toes bending. 《2008年新版眼保健操》将于新学年开始在北京市各中小学校使用。新版眼保健操根据中医经络理论编制,取消了"挤按睛明穴",因为这个穴位距眼球太近,手上细菌容易污染眼睛;增加了"按揉耳垂眼穴及脚趾抓地"等。)
延长索赔期 extend the time for filing claims
验钞机 currency detector
阳春(最经济方式) no-frills
阳光保险 Sunshine insurance (The sunshine insurance policy will allow holiday-makers to claim back part of the cost of their trip if at least 4 days of one-week breaks are sullied by rain. 根据"阳光保险"协议,如果游客在度假一周内至少4天遭遇下雨,就可申请退回部分旅费。)
阳光产业 sunshine industry
阳光地带 sunbelt
养老保险 endowment insurance
养老金 pension
养路费 road toll; road preset maintenance fee
羊肉串小摊 barbecue stall
洋务运动 Westernization Movement
样板房(购房看房时的) model unit
阳春面 plain noodle
养儿防老 raising sons to support one in one’s old age
养母 surrogate mother (A 2-year-old chimpanzee at a rare species zoo in South Carolina, US, took on a surrogate role after two 23-day-old white tiger cubs were separated from their mother, British media reported Saturday. Anjana, the clever chimp, has been helping the zookeeper raise the 2 cubs after their mother was frightened by Hurricane Hannah. Anjana gives them a bottle, lies with them and acts as a surrogate mother. 英国媒体11日报道,美国南卡罗莱纳州濒危动物园的一头两岁猩猩为两只23天大的白虎幼仔充当养母。据悉,白虎兄弟的母亲因在飓风"汉娜"中受到惊吓而抛弃虎仔,而猩猩"安贾娜"就一直帮助饲养员照料虎仔,给他们拿奶瓶,还和他们睡在一起,像养母一样。)
严禁疲劳驾车 fatigue driving/drowsy driving prohibited
眼前利益服从长远利益 subordinate the present (immediate) interests to the long-term (prospective, or far-reaching)interests
言情片 chick-flick
演艺经纪公司 Artist Management Co. (Ltd.)
艳照门 nude picture scandal (Edison Chen said on Thursday that he would step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry, i

n his first public appearance since a nude picture scandal broke in January. )
遥感卫星 remote-sensing satellite (The remote-sensing satellite "Yaogan VIII" will be sent into space in the coming days, according to reports. It will be launched aboard the "Long March IV C" from Taiyuan Satellite Launch center in Shanxi province. 据报道,“遥感卫星八号”将于近日在山西太原卫星发射中心用“长征四号丙”运载火箭发射。)
摇钱树 cash cow
摇头丸 dancing outreach
药物检查 "dope control, drug testing"
药品降价 drug price reduction
亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会 the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation CEO Summit
亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Economic Leaders Informal Meeting
夜大 evening university; night university
野鸡大学 bogus colleges(UK Immigration Minister Phil Woolas speculated there could have been more than 2000 fake colleges in the UK, allowing tens of thousands of bogus students who in reality are economic migrants using the student visa route to enter the country every year. 英国边境及移民事务大臣菲尔?伍勒斯日前透露,英国估计有2000多所"野鸡大学",每年帮助数万名非法移民持留学护照进入英国。)
液晶显示屏 liquid crystal display (LCD)
野猫战斗机 Tomcat
夜猫子 night owl,burn the midnight oil. (US President Barack Obama has admitted to frequently burning the midnight oil.美国总统奥巴马称自己好似"夜猫子"。)
业内人士 insider
野生动物园 wildlife park; safari park
夜生活 night life
夜市 night fair; evening market
业务报表 report forms of business
业务电话 service call
业务对策 business game
业务范围 business scope
业务审计 operational auditing
业务守则 code of practice
业主 owner; proprietor
夜店 night entertainment venue
业绩报表 earning report
业界自律 industry self-regulation
野蛮女友 sassy girl
野外生存训练 field survival training
议案 bill
一般利率 normal interest rate
易爆发战争的地区 war-prone areas
一本万利 big profit with small capital
以产定人,减员增效 employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff
遗传工程 genetic engineering
一次性餐具 disposable dishware (According to Dong Jinshi, vice-president of the Hong Kong-based International Food Packaging Association (IFPA), about half of the disposable dishware used in the country is unsafe, with excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause cancer. 总部位于香港的国际食品包装协会副会长董金狮介绍称,大约有半数的一次性餐具是不安全的,其制作材料中含有超标的可致癌化学品。)
一次性解决问题 solve the problem once and for all
一次性筷子 throwaway chopsticks
一次性用品 disposable goods
一大二公 (concerning the people's commu

ne) large in size and collective in nature
一刀切 cut it even at one stroke--make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility
异地资金汇划 fund remittance between different places
以点带面 use the experience of a selected spot(unit) to promote the work in the entire area
移动办公 mobile officing
移动电话双向收费 two-way charges for cellular phones
移动电话漫游 mobile phone roaming
移动通信运营商 Mobile telecom carrier
移动通讯 mobile communication
以讹传讹 incorrectly relay an erroneous message
依法治国 manage state affairs according to law; run state affairs according to law
以法治国,以德治国 to govern the country with law and moral
一帆风顺 Wishing you every success
一方有难,八方支援 When disaster struck, help came from all sides.
一夫多妻制家庭 plural families ("Sister Wives," which premiered Sunday, chronicles the life of 41-year-old advertising salesman Kody Brown, his four wives, 13 children and three stepchildren. The Browns, of Utah, have said they hoped that the peek into their lives would help broaden the public's understanding of plural families. 周日首映的《我的妻子们是好姐妹》记录了41岁的推销员科迪?布朗和他的四个妻子、13个小孩和三个继子的生活。生活在犹他州的布朗一家表示,他们希望通过此剧让观众一窥他们的生活,帮助增进公众对一夫多妻制家庭的理解。)
一个中心,两个基本点 one central task, two basic points
以工代赈 give people work in place of relief subsidies
以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 keep the public sector remaining dominant and allow diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side
一棍子打死 finish somebody off with a single blow
一国两制 "One country, two systems"
义和团运动 Boxer Uprising
一户一犬政策 one-dog policy (If their dogs have puppies, dog owners should give them away to other eligible adopters or send them to government-approved adoption agencies by the time they are 3 months old, so as to abide by the one-dog policy, the draft regulation said. 法规草案中写道,如果他们的狗生了幼犬,狗主人必须把幼犬送给其他合适的收养者,或是在幼犬满3个月之前把它送到政府认可的领养机构,以遵守“一户一犬”政策。)
易货 barter
一级戒备 highest alert
一级市场 primary market
溢价 premium
溢价发行债券(以超过票面金额价发行债券) issue of bonds at a premium
意见簿 visitors' book; customers' book
以经济建设为中心 focus on the central task of economic construction
以空间换取时间 trade space for time
易拉罐 pop can
一揽子(计划) one-package (plan)
一揽子购买 lump-sum purchase; basket purchase
以理服人 persuade through reasoning
医疗保险 medical insurance
医疗改革 health care reform

作制度 medical assistance system
医疗游客 medical tourist (Estimates say that 1 in 30 Argentines has gone under the knife, making surgeons here some of the most experienced on the globe, attracting large number of medical tourists. 据估计每30个阿根廷人里就有一个人做过手术,这也使当地产生了世界上手术技巧最娴熟的一些整形医师,并因此吸引了大批医疗游客。)
医疗制度改革 medicare system reform
(祝愿…)一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest
译码 decipher
以民为本、为民谋利 rely on the people and work for the well-being of the people
以谋略制胜 outmaneuver
一切向钱看 money-oriented
以权谋私 seek private gain through power
以人为本 people oriented; people foremost; Put People First
以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,进一步开放长江沿岸城市 open more cities along the Yangtze River, while concentrating on the development and opening of the Pudong Area of Shanghai
以身作则,廉洁奉公 set a good example and perform duties honestly
以市场为导向 market-oriented
一式两联 (receipt or invoice) in duplicate
一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败 We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress; We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system; We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption.
疑似病例 suspected case
伊斯兰抵抗运动,简称 Hamas
一条龙 big-scale-sequential coordination; a coordinated process
一头热 one's own wishful thinking
意外风险 emergency risk; unknown risk
意外风险 emergency risk; unknown risk
以......为龙头 with...as the leading role
一窝蜂 rush to do something like a swarm of bees
义务兵役制 "compulsory military service, conscription"
义务教育 compulsory education
以物易物 barter. (As the recession bites, many people and enterprises in Singapore are turning to the age-old practice of barter to pay bills and cut costs. 受经济衰退所困,新加坡许多个人和企业开始通过原始的物物交换模式来付帐单及削减成本。)
一线城市 first-tier city (China's overall property price will climb 3.3 percent to 6 percent this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the fourth quarter, China Real Estate Index said in a report over the weekend. 上周末中国房地产指数研究机构在一份报告中称,今年中国的房价总体上会有3.3%到6%的增长,一线城市的房价会在第四季度进行一次调整。)
一线明星 A-lister (Wang Baoqiang's signature innocent smile never changes. It was the same when he was a farmer, construction worker and extra actor. Now, he's a

n A-lister. 王宝强招牌式的淳朴笑容从来没有变过。当他是农民、建筑工人和临时演员时,这个笑容就一直伴随着他。而现在他成了一线明星。)
一线员工 worker at the production line
意向书 letter of intent
义演 benefit performance; charity performance
以眼还眼,以牙还牙 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words.
义演收入 proceeds from benefit performance
一夜情 one-night stand (Facial features can be clues as to whether a member of the opposite sex is after a one-night stand or something more permanent, researchers say. 研究人员称,男人的脸型能够给女性提供足够的线索,以判断他们之间是最终走进婚姻的殿堂,还是以一夜情收场。)
抑制价格 check the price
一支接一支不停地抽烟 chain smoke
一致决议 binding resolution (Egypt expressed its regret at the UNSC's failure to adopt a binding resolution calling for a stop of the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said in a statement. 埃及外交部发言人萨基在声明中表示,埃及对联合国安理会未能就呼吁以色列停止对加沙的袭击形成一致决议表示遗憾。)
以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 "strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality"
以质量求发展 strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products
抑制消费 control (inhibit)consumption
抑制需求 control (inhibit)consumption
异装癖者 transvestite (Izzard's prominence has increased in the US after roles in TV series The Riches and 2008 thriller Valkyrie - but he admits the country has yet to acknowledge him as a transvestite. 在出演了电视剧《富贵浮云》和2008年的惊悚片《刺杀希特勒》之后,伊扎德在美国的人气大涨,但他坦称,美国影迷还没有接受他是异装癖者这一事实。)
以资证明 in witness whereof; in testimony thereof
意大利粉 spaghetti
医保制度改革 reform of medical insurance system; medical insurance reform
以产定销 base sales on production
遗传密码 genetic code
一次处理 single/primary treatment
一次冻透 straight freezing
一次付清 pay in full
一次误差 first-order error
一次污染 primary pollution
一次消费 one-time-consumption
一次性杯子 sanitary cup
一次性的 one-off
一次性付清保险费 lump-sum payment
一次用相机 single-use camera
议定书 protocol; agreement; contract; compact
移动汇率 movable rate
一个萝卜一个坑 one radish one hole-each has his own work to do; there is nobody to spare
"一个中国"的原则 "one-China" principle
以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side
议价商品 commodity

with negotiated price
医疗旅游团 medical travel group (A group of US tourists visited Inha University Hospital in South Korea recently for high-quality cosmetic surgery and other medical treatments at much lower costs. It was the first US medical travel group to visit the country. 近日,一群美国游客造访韩国仁荷大学医院,以获得质优价廉的整容及其它医疗服务。这是美国赴韩的第一个"医疗旅游团"。)
因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude
银弹外交 money diplomacy; dollar diplomacy; "silver bullet" diplomacy
引导合理消费 guide rational consumption
因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则 proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own particular advantages for mutual benefit and development
因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved
引渡 extradite
银根 money; money market
银根紧缩 credit squeeze
因果报应 karma
银行存单 deposit receipt
银行存折 bankbook; passbook; bank passbook
银行代收费 deposit payment at bank
银行网点 bank outlets
银行业监管体系 a mechanism for oversight and management of the banking sector
银行汇款单 bank money order
印花税 stamp duty / tax
隐患 hidden danger
引进人才和技术 introduction of foreign talents and technologies; import of foreign talents and technologies
瘾君子 drug addict; drug fanatic; narcotic addict
音频点播 AOD (audio-on-demand)
饮食疗法 dietotherapy; dietary treatment; food therapy
因特网服务提供者 Internet service provider (ISP)
音像制品 audio-visual product (China lodged an appeal on Tuesday over a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel ruling which said its regulations on the import and distribution of books and audio-visual products are not in compliance with world trade rules. 近日世贸组织专家组裁定中国对于出版物和音像制品进口和分销方面的条规和世贸组织规则不相符,周二中国就这一裁决结果提出上诉。)
隐形飞机 stealth aircraft
隐形轰炸机 stealth bomber
隐性就业 unregistered employment
隐性失业 recessive unemployment
隐性收入 invisible income; off-payroll income;side money
隐形眼镜 contact lenses
音乐疗法 musical therapy
应变措施 emergency measures
应酬 engage in social activities;have social intercourse
硬道理 "absolute principle, top priority"
婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate
英国文化委员会 British Council of Culture
应急办公室 emergency response office (The downpour hit the county for about 20 hours from Sunday evening, damaging 95 houses and 533 hectares of farmlands up to 3:30 pm, said the provincial government's emergency response office. 省政府应急办表示,截至15

应届毕业生 this year's graduates
盈亏责任制 the system of responsibility for profit or loss
赢利能力 profitability
影评 film review
影视歌三栖明星 tri-circle star; actor or actress popular in film, television, and song circles
应试教育 examination-oriented education system
影视文化 screen culture
硬通货 hard currency
营销 marketing
营销管理 marketing management
迎新联欢会 welcome party; party to welcome the newcomers.
硬行推销 high-pressure selling; hard selling; hard-sale promotion
英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.
营养不良 malnutrition
营业额 turnover; volume of business
营业税 turnover tax; business tax
营业厅 business lobby
营业外收入 non-business income
营业外支出 non-business expenditure
营业许可证 business permits; charter
营业种类 lines of business
营业资金流动 operation cash flow
应用程序 application program
应用科学 applied science
盈余调节 surplus reconcilement
盈余资金 surplus fund
硬着陆 hard landing (Prices will be dragged down by the government's measures to cool the property market, which have placed constraints on developers, as well as by an adjustment of the country's monetary policy, though the sector is not expected to suffer a "hard landing", according to the report. 该报告显示,随着政府对开发商采取的一系列的限制措施,以及对我国货币政策的调整,房价将会出现下滑并致使房地产市场冷却。房地产行业不会出现“硬着陆”。)
影子内阁 shadow cabinet
应急避难场所 emergency shelter
应急市场 emergency market (26 emergency markets will be set up in the worst-hit quake affected regions, such as Deyang and Mianyang, the Sichuan provincial market watchdog said Saturday. 四川省工商局24日表示,德阳、绵阳等重灾区将建立26个生活必需品应急市场。)
应急预案 contingency plan
因公出境 outbound tour on public duty
荧光灯 fluorescent bulb
一年期存款利率 benchmark one-year deposit rate
一年期贷款利率 one-year lending rate
饮水机 water dispenser (Local authorities are conducting inspections of water dispensers used in offices and other public places in response to media reports that many such machines have serious quality problems. 在媒体报道了许多饮水机有严重的质量问题之后,当地政府做出反应,对办公室和其他公共场所的饮水机进行检查。)
姻缘 predestined fate of marriage
疫情监测系统 epidemic surveillance system
以商养文 support (sponsor) cultural activities with the profits from doing business
以事实为根据,以法律为准绳 take facts as the basis and laws as the criterion
遗体告别仪式 farewell ceremony (The farewell ceremony of Chinese renowned director Xie

Jin will be held at 3 pm Sunday in Shanghai. 中国著名导演谢晋的遗体告别仪式将于26日下午3时在上海举行。)
医托 hospital scalper
意外怀孕 accidental pregnancy
意外伤害保险 accident/injury insurance
以盈余补亏损 set gains against losses
仪仗队 honour guard
义诊 give volunteer medical consultation
用工荒 labor shortage (For many years, companies in the Delta have relied heavily on intensive labor manufacturing. The labor shortage may help them become more high-tech. 这些年来,珠三角地区的公司极其依赖劳动密集型制造业。这次的用工荒可能有助于这些企业转向高科技的生产方式。)
用户终端 user terminal
永久正常贸易关系 permanent normal trading relations (PNTR)
用于收买官员的资金 slush fund
拥堵费 congestion fee (Delegates of the CPPCC's Bejing Committee proposed Wednesday the city's central districts should practise traffic restrictions and levy congestion fees. 北京市政协委员们8日建议,应在中心城区实行交通限行、适时征收拥堵费。)
用多少买多少 hand-to -mouth buying
邮包炸弹 mail bomb (US President Barack Obama's counterterrorism adviser said Sunday that authorities "have to presume" there might be more potential mail bombs like the ones pulled from planes in England and the United Arab Emirates. 美国总统贝拉克?奥巴马的反恐顾问周日表示,当局“不能不假想”还会有更多类似从英国和阿联酋的飞机上拦截下来的这种邮包炸弹出现。)
有偿贷款 onerous loan
有偿新闻 paid news ("We are facing a battle against fake news, paid news, and soft advertising in news," said Hu Zhengrong, vice-president of Communication University of China. "It is also about reports that are unconcerned about social affairs and public interests," he said. 中国传媒大学副校长胡正荣说:“我们目前需要和假新闻、有偿新闻以及新闻中的软广告做斗争,另外还存在一些不关注社会事务和公众利益的报道。”)
优待券 complimentary ticket
邮递协议 Post Office Protocol (POP)
有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted.
有个奔头 have something to look forward to; have somehthing to expect
邮购 mail-order
邮购服务 mail-order service
有关当局 appropriate authority; authorities concerned
有轨电车 streetcar (Shanghai's first modern streetcar line begins operation in the east China city on January 1, 2010. 2010年1月1日,上海首条现代化有轨电车线路在该市开始运营。)
友好城市 sister cities
友好大使 Goodwill Ambassador
油耗子 oil mouse
优化 optimize
优化教育结构 optimize the education structure
优化结构 optimize structure
优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure
忧患意识 awareness of unexpected d

evelopment; being prepared for unexpected development; being prepared for any eventualities
优化资源配置 optimize the allocation of resources
优化组合 optimization grouping; optional regrouping
优惠贷款 loans on favorable terms
优惠的税收政策 preferential tax policies
优惠关税 preferential duty
有机农业 organic agriculture
有奖发票 scratch-and-win receipt
有奖销售 offer a premium with the sale of an item
有奖储蓄 premium savings deposit
游街示众 shame parade (China bans "shame parades" of prostitutes--China will end the public shaming of prostitutes by parading them through the streets, following controversy over cases in which sex workers were paraded in public. 中国禁止对卖淫人员进行游街示众——中国将制止对卖淫人员进行游街示众的做法,此前曾有性工作者被拉出去游街示众,引发了争议。)
游乐场过山车 roller coaster
游乐园 amusement park (Sources said that there would be four to five years before the amusement park took an initial scale after it was approved. 有消息称,游乐园通过审批后,还需要四五年时间才能初具规模。)
有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 "with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline"
有理,有利,有节 on just grounds, to one's advantage and with restraint; with good reason, with advantage and with restraint
有令不行,有禁不止 disobey orders and defy prohibitions
有路子 have friends in high places
邮票面值 face value of a postage stamp
有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go. Money talks.
有情人终成眷属 "Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well."
有色眼镜 tainted glasses(Some western countries always observe China through tainted glasses, and they are unwilling to see the country's rapid development. 一些西方国家总是透过有色眼镜看中国,他们不愿看到中国飞速发展。)
有声读物 audiobook
优胜劣汰;适者生存 survival of the fittest
优势产业 competitive industries
优势互补 (of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages
有识之士 people of vision
犹太人定居点 Jewish settlement
有条件撤军 conditions-based withdrawal (It appears to give Obama breathing room to begin his promised conditions-based withdrawal of US troops in July 2011. 这似乎为奥巴马开始实施之前承诺的2011年7月开始有条件(从阿富汗)撤军提供了活动余地。)
有条件的承认 conditional recognition
有条件销售 conditional sale
有条件的投降 stipulated surrender
有望夺金者 a gold medal hopeful
有息贷款 lend money at interest
优先安置 hiring preference
有线电视 cable television
有限浮动汇率 limited floating rate
有线通 cable modem
优先认股权 stock option
有效期 term of validity; period of validity
游行乐队 marching band (The parade featured 22 floats, 2 dragon tea

ms, 3 lion teams, 30 marching Groups, 8 marching bands and officials and dignitaries. The parade is a joint effort by Chicago Chinese community, Chinese Consulate in Chicago and the city of Chicago. 这次游行包括22辆彩车、2支舞龙队、3支舞狮队、30支游行队伍、8支游行乐队,出席游行的还有官员和其他重要人物。这次游行由芝加哥华人社区、中国驻芝加哥领事馆和芝加哥城共同发起。)
友谊赛 friendly match
右翼势力 right-wing forces
有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain
有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.
有战斗力、有说服力、有吸引力的思想工作队伍 a contingent of militant ideological workers able to persuade and act as a magnet for others
有章可循 have regulations to abide by
邮政储蓄 postal savings
邮政快件 express mail
优质、高产、低消耗 igh in both output and quality, but low in production cost
优质、高产、高效、生态、安全农业 high-quality, high-yield, cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe agriculture
幼稚工业 infant industry
优质名牌商品 famous-brand products of quality
有中国特色的社会主义道路 road of socialism with Chinese characteristics
有中国特色的社会主义民主政治 a socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics (我们要发展的是有中国特色的社会主义民主政治,这是我们加强政治建设的根本目的。We shall develop a socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, which is the essential purpose of intensifying the political construction.)
游资 idle money / fund; floating capital
油电混合动力车 hybrid electric vehicle (The 50 Chery hybrid electric vehicles that have been put into operation in Beijing for a week are reaping praise from cabbies.奇瑞公司推出的50辆油电混合出租车已在北京投入运营一周,获得了的哥们的好评。)
有管理的浮动汇率制度 a managed floating exchange rate
优惠购物券 voucher
有机巧克力 organic chocolate
有机食品 organic food
U(优)盘 USB drive
优生优育 bear and rear better children
有条件最惠国待遇原则 Conditional Most-favored-nation Treatment
有望达到 be expected to reach
优先发展公共运输 give priority to the development of public transportation
有效期 expiry date
优秀奖 honorable mention
邮政体制改革 reform of the postal service system
鹬蚌相争,渔人得利 "when the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it"
预备役 reserve duty
预防救治工作 prevention and treatment work
预防为主,谁污染谁治理和强化环境管理三大政策 three major principles for environment control: to put prevention first, to hold those who cause pollution responsible for cleaning up and to improve environmental protection a

nd management
预付 payment in advance
语感 sense of language
与国际惯例接轨 become compatible with internationally accepted practices
与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market
瑜迦 Yoga
预加工 preparatory cut; prior operation
寓教于乐 teach through lively activities
娱乐业 show business; entertainment industry
育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age
舆论导向 direction of public opinion
舆论监督 supervision by public opinion
誉满全球 be famed all over the world
玉米虫 domain investor. This term, literally “corn worm,” refers to people who earn money by registering valuable Internet domains. (A domain investor reportedly sold https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1a4738215.html, to the search engine giant for more than US$1 million. 据报一个玉米虫以100多万美元的价格将他注册的域名https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1a4738215.html, 卖给了这家搜索引擎巨头。)
鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey
(领导人)与民众的直接对话 town hall conference/meeting
域名(计算机) domain name (DN)
域名抢注 Cybersquatting (Comedian and talk show host Jay Leno has won a cybersquatting case against a Texas man found by a UN agency to have misused the domain name https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1a4738215.html, to direct Internet users to a real estate website. 喜剧演员兼脱口秀主持人杰伊?莱诺近日在域名抢注案中获胜,此案中,联合国某机构发现德克萨斯州的一名男子滥用域名https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1a4738215.html,,并将用户链接指向一个房地产网站。)
预期寿命 life expectancy
欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 "to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight."
与时俱进 advance with the times; Keep Up With the Times
欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success.
预算拨款 budget allotment; budget allocation; budget appropriation; budget provision
预算赤字引起的通货膨胀 inflation caused by budgetary deficit
预算结余 budgetary surplus
预算外收入 extra-budgetary revenue
预算外支出 off-budget expenditure
预选赛 qualifying match
语音识别 speech recognition
语音信箱 voice mail
原版 original edition
原材料 raw and processed materials
原产地 place of origin
原产地保护 protection of place of origin
远程办公的员工 telecommuting workers
远程教育 distance learning
缘分 chemical, (as if by) predestination, be preordained to come together
圆寂 Parinirvana
冤假错案 "cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases"
冤家宜解不宜结 Better to make friends than to make enemies.
远景规划 long-term plan; perspective long-term plan
远景计划 long-term development targets
原煤 unprocessed coal; raw coal
远期合同 forward contract
原声带 original sound tape
原始股 original issue stock
原始资本 or

iginal capital
远销国外 be sold abroad
元宵节 Lantern Festival
原油 crude oil
援藏干部 cadres sent to support/aid Tibet
圆桌会议 round-table conference
原味酸奶 plain yogurt
预备党员 probationary party member
预定轨道 pre-selected orbit
阅兵 parade.(A "parade village" for the troops to live in is currently under construction. 阅兵村的建设在进行之中。)
阅兵式 military review (Starting early Saturday morning, the rehearsal featured a mass pageant involving nearly 200,000 citizens and 60 simulated floats, a gala by around 12,000 performers and a military review. 这次彩排从周六凌晨开始,内容包括有将近20万市民参加、动用了60辆模拟彩车的群众欢庆游行,有1.2万人参与演出的联欢活动以及阅兵式。)
越境污染 trans-frontier pollution
跃居世界前列(产量) (output) leap into the front ranks of the world
阅卷老师 exam marker (Beijing exam markers need to hold doctorate--Staff charged with scoring China’s national College Entrance Exam (NCEE) should be teachers who hold a doctorate, the examination board announced after the first day of tests. 北京阅卷老师须有博士学位——考试院在高考第一天结束后宣称,负责评阅高考试卷的老师须有博士学位。)
越位 offside
月供(买房的) monthly mortgage payment
粤语流行曲 Cantopop / Canto pop (a colloquial abbreviation for "Cantonese popular music", also referred to as HK-pop, short for "Hong Kong popular music")
预防煤矿生产安全事故 preventing coalmine accidents
羽毛球运动员 shuttler (Danish veteran shuttler Jonassen plans to coach after his defeat at the Beijing Olympics. 丹麦羽毛球老将乔那森计划北京奥运会比赛后当教练。)
晕菜 numb; dumbfounded
军工企业 defense industry enterprise
孕前检查 pre-pregnancy physical examination (China started the second wave of free pre-pregnancy physical examinations in 120 pilot counties in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions on Thursday. 我国于上周四开始启动第二轮免费孕前健康检查项目,该项目涵盖了31个省的120个试点县(市、区)。)
运球 dribble
运输机 cargo planes
运营 move and do business
运载火箭 carrier rocket
运载技术 delivery technology
运动饮料 sports drink (Triple jumper Idowu, cyclist Rebecca Romero and swimmer Gregor Tait have all been photographed taking part in their individual sports stark naked as part of an advertising campaign for a sports drink. 英国三级跳选手艾德伍,自行车选手丽贝卡?罗梅罗,游泳选手格雷戈尔?泰特日前拍摄了全裸运动照,为某运动饮料做广告。)
鱼尾纹 crow's-feet (Dark circles, puffy eyes and crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.)
语音拨号 voice dial
语音聊天系统 voice chatting system
语音提示 voice prompt

)余震 aftershock (Aftershocks are generally waeker than the main quake, but buildings that have already been damaged are prone to collapse in an aftershock.)
