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在电话面试之前,学校会事先用e-mail和你确定时间,你应该准备充分,但不要忘了中美之间的时差,准确计算好时间,即使教授迟到也要耐心等待。面试中的主要问题大多有关研究兴趣(research interest),研究背景(research background),教学经验(teaching experience),所学课程的名称(the names of your courses),个人兴趣(individual interests)等等。

How to prepare telephone interview?

把教授可能提的问题列出来,并写出答案,反复练习。可以找个老外请教,他可能会给你出谋划策,也帮你练练口语。多准备一些专业问题。一般申请RA,肯定会问一些专业问题,如要求的一些基础理论和基本技术,以及具体的技术。另外需准备一些向教授的提问,例如该学校的气候(climate),生活环境(living environment),学费(tuition)和奖学金的数量(the amount of scholarship)等等。总之准备一定要充分。

How to conduct an interview?

在面试之前,一定要放松,充满自信但要礼貌,记住,是他们想要你。并且一般interview 之前offer差不多都决定了。如果在面试中你有一些问题不懂,可以用忘了词汇来解释。如:Question:What method you learn on optimization?Answer:NEWTON,and some others I do not know how to pronounce.

在面试过程中不要机械地背诵你所准备的材料,只放在手边作为参考。说英语时尽量慢,你是中国学生,只要说清楚就行了,快了反而会弄巧成拙。当然如果你的英语极好就另当别论了。假如面试开始时你听不懂或听不清教授的问题,你可以问:Please speak loudly because my phoneline is not clear.教授就会说得更大声、更慢。准备一些欢迎和感谢的客套话,但尽量显得不卑不亢。例如:I do appreciate that you give me such a good chance to talk to you. Thank you for your calling!

当面试感觉不错时,千万不要忘记提醒他关于奖学金的事。例如:I do want to be your student.But you know,I cannot go without full financial aid.(要坚决表达出:如果你不给我全奖,我是不会去的。相反,如果你给我全奖,我会拒掉其他学校。)


1、刚接电话的时候,一定要反应迅速,不要过于紧张。对方说may I speak to xxx?的时候,你可以回答,yeah, it's me. you must be professor xxx。然后一定要向对方问好,这样会给对方一个比较好的第一印象。

2、电话面试结束时,一定要表示感谢,如thanks for calling。而且打完电话之后,还要发给对方一封email表示感谢。除了以上两点最基本的问题之外,还要注意以下几点。

1. 养成良好的语言习惯养成良好的语言习惯意味着在表达的时候不仅要不犯语法错误,表


2. 注意要发音清晰,语调得体发音清晰,咬字准确,对一般人来说不是十分困难。有些人由于发音器官的缺陷,个别音素发音不准,如果严重影响人们理解,或影响讲话整体质量的,应少用或不用含有这个音素的字或词。当然,如果有法矫正的应该努力矫正,不要采取取消的方法。古希腊演说家德摩斯梯尼口含鹅卵石练出一副伶俐口齿的故事,可能会使你得到一些启示。无论是哪一种语言对于各种句式都有语调规范。有些同样的句子,用不同的语调处理,可表达不同的感情,收到不同的效果。若有人说:“我刚丢了一份工作。”使用同样的反问句:“是吗?”作答,可以表达吃惊、烦恼、怀疑、嘲讽等各种意思。有研究说,使用上扬语调易对听者造成悬念,提高他的兴趣,但若持续时间过长会引起疲劳。而降调表现说话人果敢决断,有时显示他的主观武断。得体的语调应该是起伏而不夸张,自然而不做作。但富于感情变化的抑扬顿挫总比生冷平板的语调感人。


除了上述三点,还要警惕一个很容易破坏语言意境的现象---在英语的表达中使用太多的“well”,“and”,“you know”,“OK”及故作姿态的“yeah”等,不仅有碍于人们的连贯理解,还容易引人生厌。


访学申请书范文 访学申请书 尊敬的各位领导: 我是来自——大学——学院——级——班的——,申请赴——访学。现将我的基本条件叙述如下: 在学习方面,我学习刻苦,志存高远,取得了优异的成绩。 获得了“专业奖学金” 、“优秀学生奖”和“三好学生”荣誉称号。上学年学业成绩在班级前10%,操行评价在班级前10%。大学英语四六级考试均一次性通过。我十分珍惜在校的学习机会,利用大学丰富的学习资源,全面提升自我的科学文化素质。 在担任学生干部方面,我一丝不苟,认真负责,达到了老师同学们的认可。大学两年来连任班级——,大二兼任——。在校级社团——里,担任——职位。在班级工作中做到了帐目明细清楚,班级学生素拓分提升。在社团工作上,每次活动前尽可能考虑周全,写出一份优秀的策划书。在全体社员的努力下,开展了——等丰富多彩的社团活动。荣获校“优秀学生干部”和“文明大学生”称号,——协会“优秀部长”称号。 与此同时,我积极参加各项活动,获得了诸多荣誉。在社会实践方

面,大二暑期我参加了——学院暑期“三下乡”社会实践服务队在——开展的关爱农村留守儿童活动,参与了课业辅导、结对帮扶、安全教育和爱心捐赠等多种多样的活动,并获得暑期“三下乡”社会实践优秀心得体会。此外,校组织的各项比赛活动我也积极参加,获得校——协会“辨别真假钞”大赛二等奖,校运动会上,获得了秋季校运会袋鼠跳第三名和春季校运会女踢毽子第一名的好成绩,并连续两年荣获院“体育积极分子”称号。在生活中,我和室友相处融洽,一起为梦想奋斗,积极参加寝室团体比赛活动,获得了校“文明寝室” 称号,在院举办的寝室装扮大赛也获得第一名。这些活动极大促进了我的身心健康,提高了沟通和交流能力,培养了良好的纪律观念和团队意识。学校组织的2014 年英语暑期学校项目,能够扩大我的学习视野,提高我的英语水平,体验不同的人文环境。这对我来说,能够到——访学,将是一段难忘的人生经历。为此我会更加努力,严于律己,提高专业知识和英语水平,贯彻“——”校训,展现——大学学生昂扬向上的精神风貌。 鉴于上述多方面我特此向学校申请——访学,希望学校和院领导批准。 此致 敬礼!


访问学者推荐信范文英文模版 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 nov. 30, 19xx pratt institute office of graduate admissions 200 willoughby avenue brooklyn, ny 11205 to whom it may concern: i have known him since 1996 and he has worked in our lab of xxx at xxx university for 3 years. mr. x is one of the best students in our department, he is both diligent and independent, intelligent and fast-learning. what impressed me most, is his working attitude and ability. during the years in our lab, he was mainly responsible for the interior design and acoustic model test of xxx theater. as a student majored in architecture, he lacked the skills of such physical experiment at first. but i found that as soon as he was assigned this task, he began to study assiduously for relevant knowledge and read many references. thus he mastered the skill of the experiment in a short time and can even install and debug the whole set of equipment himself. these equipment included some sophisticated acoustic instruments and data processing programs. in the spring of 1998, his instructor, also his experiment director, had to go to japan for academic event. in the next half year, he finished the whole experiment independently, including the reverberation time measurement and the pulse response measurement. the result was soon used to direct the interior design of the theater. also should be mentioned is that from the beginning of the experiment, he took part in it enthusiastically and positively. he helped the layout of the model and made more than 400 exquisite model chairs by hand. all these clearly demonstrate that he has the ability of solving problems effectively, working independently and has organized manner in approaching problems. mr. x is a student eager to learn. in order to acquire more knowledge, he began to study japanese, for many architecture books and journals are published in japan. in one year, he passed the level 3 of the japanese language proficiency test with a high score. recently i heard that he has also got excellent record in gre test. i believe that he would have no trouble in studying abroad. when he told me he was planning for further research in u.s.a, i encouraged him. his talent and ability would ensure him to do outstanding works. i can state unequivocally that he will be well qualified for graduate studies in your group. i would appreciate it if you could give him your favorable consideration. sincerely篇二:出国留学推荐信范例(巨经典!) 推荐信范例 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之 一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩 单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格 式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,


访学申请信样本电子邮件版本 该申请信只是样本,请根据自己的需要增补相关信息,尤其是本专业的研究方向、国内研究团队的优势及申请对方学校的原因等 Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/164947531.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/164947531.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


申请日本访问学者的四大关键点 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 第一、申请材料 一般申请日本访问学者,截止日是每年的1月20号左右,但是学院在1月10号之前就审查材料了。 材料包括:CSC网页的报名表,教授邀请信及CV,本人学历(+认证)扫描,本人文章首页复印、研修报告等,也是就申请邀请函。 第二、签证 申请者在拿到csc资助后,应该赶快请日方教授的事务辅佐员帮助办理“在留資格認定証明書”(类似于DS-2019的文件,签证时需纸质原件),关于签证和在留资格认定证明书(CESR)可以到証明書使馆网页下载,是一个excel表格,需加照片以及电子签名。 关于表格,若在日期间无工作收入应该填J类(文化活动),但是有的学校将CSC发的生活费算收入让填N类(教授),这个可能各校有所不同吧。办理在留资格需2-4周甚至更久。 第三、领证明 1、登录CSC信息平台阅读须知,选择留学服务中心(北京)后登录cscse填写信息表, 2、寄送公证后的一份协议书(公证时本人和两个担保人需携带身份证原件,当时查了本人的结婚证户口本(得证明担保人并非直系亲属),两位担保人需带在职证明与存款证明,公证费280元) 3、缴纳保证金(访学1年4万元)后传真电汇单确认,当天即看到网页平台中协议与保证两项状态显示审查过了,然后前往西城区交通银行车公庄支行2楼领保证金收据(或者在传真时选邮寄);下一步就是委托留服或者自行办理签证,预订机票,预支生活费这几项手续;(电话咨询了是否可以在下周出差路过北京时先领预支的生活费,答案是不行的,必须等签证机票办好之后再跑一趟北京) 第四、生活杂项 日语:语言就是个工具没学过也不成问题的,因为工作场所都是英语(日语专业词汇写出来的话就是


公派访问学者申请信模板 Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/164947531.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The X has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX Your group’s research is so outstanding that I believe that if given the opportunity to study and research under your guidance, the experience at your lab can improve my research capacity, learn technology that is more new, and enlarge my knowledge in this field, which will benefit me a lot. I am a professor of organic chemistry and the director of organic synthesis laboratory at Department of Chemistry and Biology, XXX University, XX Province, PR China. I graduated from XXX University and got my XX degree in XXXX. Since that time, I have been working forXXX. My current research focuses on (1) XXX (supported by the key subject of XXX); (2) XXX(project supported by the XXX Natural Science Foundation, Granted No. XXX ).; (3) XXX I am satisfied with my research work. However, due to the condition of the experiments, finances, and personal experiments are restricted, I would like to find an opportunity to go abroad for further study and research. After I finish my research and study in USA, I will continue my research work and construct a new organic synthesis lab in my college in order to bridge the gap between my lab and the others Your comments and consideration will be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Michael


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除中文访问学者邀请函模板 篇一:访问学者邀请信模板八 访问学者邀请信模板八 (1)申请人应提交正式邀请信复印件/入学通知复印件。邀请信复印件/入学通知复印件应使用拟留学院校(单位)专用信纸打印,并由主管部门负责人/导师签字。 攻读博士学位研究生申请人,如因拟留学院校(单位)行政审批手续规定限制,在申请截止时间前无法出具正式入学通知,则须出具使用拟留学院校(单位)专用信纸打印并由对方主管部门负责人/导师签字的明确意向入学通知。 (2)攻读博士学位研究生申请人提交的入学通知,应为无条件入学通知(unconditionaloffer),但不包括如下条件: a.入学通知在申请人取得国家留学基金资助后方可生效; b.入学通知在申请人提供本科毕业/硕士毕业证书后方可生效; c.入学通知明确申请人在拟留学院校/单位须完成硕士

课程后可继续攻读博士学位(申请硕博连读申请人)。 (3)邀请信/入学通知中应包含以下内容: a.申请人基本信息:申请人姓名、出生日期、国内院校等。 b.留学身份:攻读博士学位研究生或联合培养博士生。 c.留学时间:应明确起止年月。 d.国外指导教师信息。 e.留学专业或受邀人拟在国外从事主要学习/研究工作。 f.所需费用及数额:例如,须交纳的学费、注册费等有关费用名称和数额。 g.联合培养博士生申请人可在邀请信中注明被邀请人 外语水平符合接受方要求,否则应单独出具外方认可申请人外语水平的证明(同材料第13项)。 h.外方负责人签字与联系方式。 (4)如邀请信复印件/入学通知复印件为英语以外语种书写,需另提供中文翻译件。翻译件应由国内推选单位加盖审核部门公章。 (5)如申请部分留学基金委与国外高校/机构设立的研究生奖学金项目,根据项目要求可能对邀请信/入学通知有 特殊要求,则根据具体项目简章的规定执行。 dr.xx mailboxxx


访问学者申请信模板 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 要想事半功倍,始于好起点 在出国做访问学者盛行的今天,各界广大高端人士,为了再次提高自己的实力,展现自我,实现学术与国际接轨,梦想与世界腾飞的愿望,都开始注重海外履历、海外学术交流,因此出国做访问学者也就成了热门的选择。厚谱教育告诉大家:申请访问学者之路,看似简单,做起来却十分的难,其所花时间经历是无法估量的,如果申请者想要高效的完成访学计划,那么就要学会把握机会,选择捷径,用智慧和毅力才能收获成功。 有人说“为了梦,我在所不惜,所有苦累都能承受”这是勇者之言,这种人即使成功,也一定一路坎坷,并且浪费了太多时间。 “访学之路纵使有千条,如果你选择最远的那条,耽误的不仅仅是时间,可能是更多宝贵的访学机会,所以我们要相信,在通向梦想之路上,一定会有一条捷径助我们更好的完梦并用足够的时间来享受成功的喜悦,也许这条捷径在起点、在路中、或是在即将胜利的那一刻!” 今天,厚谱教育就和大家分享一下他积累的访学经验:要做访问学者,就要赢在起点,写好一封标准有质量的申请信尤为重要。 申请信贵在精实、重在诚信,其败于虚浮、毁于阿谀 众所周知,每年申请访学的人数众多,机会难得。而且,你不能忽视的是海外教授资源也不是随时随地等你的,错过了也就错过了。所以当我们做出要出国访学的决定后,第一环节最重要的就是那块引路石“申请信”,千万不要小看这封信,有些人正是因为小看了这封信的威力,要么抄一个模版投十几个教授应付、最后还满怀期望的等待,结果却如石沉大海般杳无音讯;要么将申请信写的华丽非凡,但空洞无力,极尽阿谀,这样的人根本就不明白访学的真正意义是什么,这说明你的申请信就是一块粗糙难看的‘石头’,而不是让人眼前一亮的瑾玉。 访问学者旨在促进教育、艺术、商业和科学等领域内人员的知识和技术交流,注重的是态度、内涵、个人实力,那些空洞华丽、字句敷衍的申请信,除了表明申请者的无知和以访学为借口达到不良目的的用心的作用外,估计还可以充实知名教授的垃圾箱。 下面就是一份申请者自认为写的十分高大上的申请信,却最终沦为美国教授的邮箱中垃圾的例子。


charles e. bakis distinguished professor of engineering science & mechanics mailing address: 212 ees building dept. of engineering science and mechanics the pennsylvania state university university park, pa 16802 tel +1 (814) 865-3178 fax +1 (814) 863-6031 dear professor, i am writing to inquire about the availability of visiting scholar positions in your university in the springtime or the fall of 2009 and to apply for admission to your research group as a visiting scholar in the field of bridge engineering or civil engineering which you are specialized in. i am expecting to conduct some joint research with you and i sincerely hope that you will be my supervisor. the ministry of education of p.r. china has approved my request as one visiting scholar to go to the usa for further research in the field. they will provide me with 1200 dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for one year. i am planning to stay in your research group for one year. i would be very grateful if you could consider giving me a visiting scholar position. it will be my best honor if you receive me to your group! again, i hope you can accept me as a visiting scholar! i look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. very sincerely, ****** school, department ****university **** city, postcode, nation (*** campus, city, province, p.r. china, postcode) tel : + fax : + e-mail: enclosures: ? financial support certificate ? curriculum vitae篇二:访问学者申请流程及注意事项 访问学者申请流程及注意事项 标签:访问学者申请流程公派 2011-11-26 11:19 1.国内申请 准备、提交公派留学申报材料。此时也许你还没联系好国外合作导师,或许还没有拿到 pets5成绩,没关系,只要你清楚你想出去干什么,形成一个有鲜明特点、创新较强的研究 方案是这个阶段你要做的最重要的事情。只有获得公派资格,你才能进行下一步的工作。关 于pets成绩,当然越早报考越好,这样心里就有数了。对于像我这样口语、听力都缺乏锻炼、 欠佳的人来说,在拿到成绩之前,心里一直都忐忑不安!所以尽早准备报考就是了。 2.国外申请 在申报国内资助资格的同时,你可以着手申请合作导师。当然国外申请越早越好,可以 更充分地了解、准备。不过申报材料中你所涉及的意向学校、导师不一定是你最终要去的单 位、课题组。作为国家资助的留学项目,外导一般还是比较欢迎的,毕竟他会省去一大笔支


到美国做访问学者的申请信(cover letter ) 作者: bcc518 收录日期: 2007-02-15 发布日期: 2007-02-15 这是我申请到美国著名大学的 Cover letter Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/164947531.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The XXX has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX Your group’s research is so outstanding that I believe that if given the opportunity to study and research under your guidance, the experience at your lab can improve my research capacity, learn technology that is more new, and enlarge my knowledge in this field, which will benefit me a lot. I am a professor of organic chemistry and the director of organic synthesis laboratory at Department of Chemistry and Biology, XXX University, XX Province, PR China. I graduated from XXX University and got my XX degree in XXXX. Since that time, I have been working forXXX. My current research focuses on (1) XXX (supported by the key subject of XXX); (2) XXX(project supported by the XXX Natural Science Foundation, Granted No. XXX ).; (3) XXX I am satisfied with my research work. However, due to the condition of the experiments, finances, and personal experiments are restricted, I would like to find an opportunity to go abroad for further study and research. After I finish my research and study in USA, I will continue my research work and construct a new organic synthesis lab in my college in order to bridge the gap between my lab and the others Your comments and consideration will be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hear from you.


英国访问学者申请AV与T5签证的区别 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 如果你想到英国去做访问学者,申请签证之时可以选择两种类型:AV签证(Academic Visitor)与T5(Tier 5),二者之间如何选择需要根据申请者的实际情况来判断分析。 厚谱教育专家说:AV与T5都可以作为访问学者申请签证类型,但是二者在很多地方还是有区别的,大体有三条。 第一:AV签证持有者在英国是不允许工作的,T5签证持有者是可以再英国参加工作的。 第二:在申请签证的时候,AV签证费用少于T5签证。AV签证需交费835元,申请T5签证需要付2倍以上费用,大约2100元。而且这种费用会关联到陪同的亲人身上。比如,申请者要带妻子去英国访学,如果申请的是AV签证,那么妻子必须按你的签证费缴纳俩人共计1670元,T5签证二人所缴纳的费用就是4200元。 第三:AV签证、T5签证持有者在英国的待遇不同。以最基本的租房为例,在英国租房,AV类型的签证是不需要交税的,因为你不在英国工作,不从英国政府拿钱。而T5签证是需要交税的,因为你是工作人员,默认你从英国挣钱了。 在申请签证的时候,为了帮助申请者作出最明智的判断,老师提醒大家三个问题。 第一、因申请者到英国的主要目的是访问学者,主要进行学术交流工作,估计没有太多的时间去工作,所以在申请签证的时候选AV签证,还是T5一定要考虑好。 第二、如果妻子、孩子要陪读的话,需要申请者先行到英国,不许同往。而且如果想让妻子可以参加工作的话,建议开始之时就选择T5,当然这需要根据申请者的实际情况考虑。 第三、申请者如果申请工作许可的T5签证,还需要英方给你寄一张表格,也需要额外的时间。一旦学校方给你申请了工作许可,你就不能改为非工作许可的AV签证。


申请访问学者的条件和步骤 去美国做访问学者是国内众多高校、研究院、医院等教师、教授们为自己的职业生涯镀金的重要途径之一,因为其具有适合人群广泛、语言要求不高的优点,相对申请留学来说容易的多,缺点是访问学者不设学位,只提供研究职位经历等。那么我们应该如何申请访问学者?申请步骤有哪些呢? 如何申请访问学者之步骤: 1、准备申请资料,包括研究计划等 2、联系国外接收单位 3、拿到国外接受单位的offer后,准备签证。 如何申请访问学者之条件: 1、从国内来到美国做访问学者,除了个别特例,一般都必须有足够的资金。美国这边资助的可能性不大。 2、申请人必须有足够的学术准备和英语语言知识以保证申请人在接收其的教育机构或其他研究机构进行整个过程的学习。申请人必须出示材料证明接收学校为了指导其英语语言的学习做了特殊安排。如果申请人的英文水平不足以让其完成整个学业,学院须出具文件证明为其安排特殊培训以提高其英语水平。

3、如果是参加医学专业本科学习和培训的人员,必须符合以下几项特殊的规定。其中包括:必须已经通过外国医学专业生考试(Foreign Medical Graduate Examination);证明有足够的英语语言知识;必须在完成交流项目后回国居住两年,必须计划在美国停留的期限到达后离开。作为访问学者赴美进行考察咨询,教学或研究而不行医的医生不受上述条件的限制。 4、申请者的学历和职位越高越好。一般来说学校的知名教授、研究员会比较容易。有博士学位也可以。硕士学位就比较费劲了,但是双方努力也可以。 5、另外,访问学者选择教授和研究组要比较明确,就是双方契合程度要高。一般访问的时间不是特别长,双方研究方向接近,可以省去很多麻烦,尽早出一些成果,对双方都有利。联系教授之前,申请人应准备一份高质量的研究计划和简历(包含工作经验,发表论文列表等信息)。对于很出色的访问学者,一般邀请方都愿意提供一些经济上的补助。 一般在国外作访问学者,根据地域的不同,所需要的生活费用是不一样的。一般为1000~2000美元/月。


Academic year for which you are applying: _____________________ Full academic year Fall term only Spring term only Please submit this application with the $70 application fee. Acceptable forms of payment include: any domestic (US) check or money order made payable to Harvard University; foreign checks or money orders if drawn against a corresponding US bank; any Canadian check or money order if drawn in US dollars; Japanese postal money orders. The application fee is not refundable.TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. 1.Full legal name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Use no initials. Circle your family name.)2.If your records have ever been filed under another family name, give that name: ______________________________________________7.Gender:_____ Male _____ Female 8.Birthdate: _____________________________________________ month day year 9.Social Security # (US citizens): ___________________________ 10.City and country of birth: _______________________________11.Citizenship: ___________________________________________12.Permanent US resident: ____ yes ____ no 13.Will you apply for a Harvard-sponsored visa? ____ yes ____ no 14.How did you learn about visiting fellow status? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you applied before as a GSAS visiting fellow or special student? ____yes ____no If yes, when? ________________ Accepted? ____yes ____no Attended? ____yes ____no Have you ever applied to any GSAS degree program? ____yes ____no If yes, when? ________Which department? ___________________Admitted? _____yes ___no Attended? ____yes ___no Other current or former Harvard affiliation:__________________________________________________________________________________PROGRAM OF STUDY: Choose one: departmental affiliation ____ general studies ____ If your preference is to be affiliated with a department, which department/s? (For a list of departments, go to www.gsas.harvard. edu/u_departments/index.html.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List any Harvard professors you have contacted either in person or by mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Indicate any grants or other funding expected:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name of person recommending you (indicate position/title and institution):______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Current mailing address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Good until: ___________________________________________4.E-mail address:________________________________________5.Telephone numbers: Day:_________________________________________________Night: _______________________________________________6.Permanent mailing address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Telephone number: ____________________________________ The GRADUATE SCHOOL of ARTS AND SCIENCES HARVARD UNIVERSITY Visiting Fellow Application

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