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act v.行动,表演

achieve vt. 完成;达到vi.达到目的

accept vt./ vt.接受;承认;容纳同意;admire vi./vt.钦佩;赞美

affect vt.影响 ,感动

afford vt. 给予,提供;买得起

agreement n.协定 ,协议 ,同意

aim n. 目标,目的

allow vt.允许 ,准许

amazing a.令人吃惊的

ambulance n.救护车 ,野战医院

amount n.总数 ,数量 ,总和

appear vi. 出现;似乎;显得;

appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面application n.请求 ,申请 ,施用

against prep. 反对,违反;靠;倚;防备

adj. 对立的;不利的

article n.文章 ,条款 ,物品

ashamed adj. 羞愧的

at least至少,最低限度

athletic a.运动的;竞技的

average n.平均数 a.平均的

avoid vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除 battle

n.战役 ,斗争 vi. 作战 backward(s) adj.


adv. 相反地;向后地

forward(s) adv. 前进地;向前;

adj. 向前方的;(社会、政治)进步的basic adj. 基本的;基础的n. 基础;要素beat vt.打;打败vi. 打;打败;拍打benefit n. 利益,好处

vt. 有益于,对?有益 vi. 受益

blame vt.责备 ,把?归咎于

blind a.瞎的 ,盲目的

bomb v.轰炸n. 炸弹

bother v.打扰

breathe v.呼吸

bully n. / v.欺负

cage n.笼 ,鸟笼 ,囚笼cancel v.取消

cancer n.癌 ,癌症

cause n.原因 ,理由

casual(ly) adj. 偶然的;随便的;非正式的celebration n.庆祝,祝贺

certain adj. 确信的;有把握的pron. 某些;某几个

chain n.链 ,链条 ,项圈

challenge n.挑战

cheer v.欢呼

close adj.亲密的

comfortable a.舒适的 ,安慰的

command vt. 命令 ,指挥 ,控制

common a.普通的 ,共同的

community n.社区

communicate vi. /vt. 通讯,传达;交流communication ?

compare vt.比较 ,对照

complain v. 抱怨,投诉

complaint n.抱怨 ,控告

complete v. 完成 adj. 完整的

confuse vt. 使混乱;使困惑

confused adj.困惑的

confident adj. 自信的;确信的

unconfident adj.不自信的

confidence n.自信

connect vt.连接 ,联系

contain vt. / vi. 包含;容纳;控制; 含有

contact n.v.接触,联系

continue vt.继续

control vt. 控制 ,克制 n.控制

consider vt. 认为;考虑;细想;把?当作concentrate vi./ vt. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注


countless a.无数的

courage n.勇气 ,胆量

course n. 课程

curious adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的

crash vi. 碰撞 ,坠落n.碰撞

crossing n.十字路口

dare vt. aux.v.敢 ,竟敢

damage vi. / vt.损害;损毁n. 损害;损毁

deaf a.聋的

degree n.程度 ,度 ,学位

design vt. vi. /n. 设计;计划;构思设计

destroy vt. 毁坏;破坏;消灭

deserve vi./ vt. 应受,应得

describe vt.描述,形容;描绘

description n. 描述

desire n. 欲望;要求vt. 要求;想要 ; 渴望develop v 开发;使成长;进步 , 发育;进化diet n.饮食 ,食物

direction n.方向 ,指导

directly ad.直接地 ,立即

disabled adj. 残废的,有缺陷的

disappoint v. 使??失望

disappear v消失;失踪;不复存在disappearance n. 消失;不见

discover vt.发现 ,暴露 ,显示

discuss vt.讨论

disorder n.混乱 ,骚乱

distance n.距离 ,远处

double a.两倍的 ,双的

donate vi./ n.捐赠;捐献

drive vi.开车;猛击vt. 驱赶;推动,educate vt. / vi. 教育;培养;训练

effect n.效果 ,效力

emotionally ad. 在情绪上

encourage vt.鼓励 ,支持 ,助长

energy n.活力 ,精力 ,能量

erase vt. 抹去;擦除vi. 被擦去,被抹掉exactly adv.确切地

exit n.出口 ,退场 vi. 退出

expect vt. 预料 ,预期 ,等待

experience v. 经历 n.经历;经验

experienced adj. 经验丰富的

experiment n.实验 ,试验

expert n.专家

explain v. 解释 ,说明 ,辩解

explanation n.解释 ,说明 ,辩解

exploration n.探索

explorer n.探测者

express vt.表达;快递adj.迅速的

n.快车,快递;捷运公司expression n.词句 ,表达 ,表情

extremely ad.极其,非常

escape vt. /vi./ n. 逃避,避免;溜走

fake n. 假货 ,膺品 a.假的

fail vt./ vi. 失败,不及格;衰退; fear

n. / vt. 害怕;担心;恐惧;敬畏

fireworks n.[pl.] 爆竹 , 烟花 follow vt.

跟随 ,结果是

forwards adv. 向前方v.促进

formal adj. 正式的;拘谨的;有条理的informal adj. 非正式的

free v.释放

freedom n.自由

fridge n.电冰箱

friendship n.友谊 ,友好

fix vt.安装;修理;安排定;准备

frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬? vi.害怕,惊恐frightened adj. 害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的frightening adj. 令人害怕的

gather vt. 收集;使?聚集 vi.聚集

get-together n.(使 )聚集; (使 ) 集合generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的government n.政府

gradually ad.逐渐地,逐步地

greet vt.欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意

harm n. /vt. 伤害;损害

harmful adj.有害的

hand v.递给

handy adj. 手边的,便利的;容易取得的handout n.分发

head n. 首领 , 头目

headphone n. 耳机

height n 高度

high-fat adj.高脂肪的

hide vi. vt. n. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打

highway n.高速公路

hit vt. vi. 袭击;碰撞;打击;偶然碰上

n.打击;打;(演出等)成功;讽刺hold vt./vi. 持续;保存;拥有;容纳;举行honesty n. 诚实

honor v.纪念n.荣耀;荣誉

human-powered adj. 人力的

improve vi. 改善 ,提高

imagine vt./vi. 想像;猜想;臆断

include vt.包括 ,包含

increase n. 增加,增长;提高

vi.vt. 繁殖;增加,增大

inexpensive a.廉价的

infer vt. 推断;推论 vi. 推断;作出推论influence n. 影响;感化; vt. 影响;改变

injury n.损害 ,伤害 ,受伤处

instruction n.命令 ,教学 ,教训

insist vt./vi. 坚持,强调 intellectual

n.知识分子 a.智力的 international a.

国际的 interview n.接见 ,会见 ,面谈

introduce vt. 介绍;引进;提出;采用

invite v. = attract吸引

item n. 提干,条款

journey n.旅行 ,旅程

judge v.判断

last n. 末尾,最后;上个adj. 最后的

v 持续;维持vt. 度过,拖过;使维持laptop n. 手提式个人电脑

latest a. 最近的

leading adj. 最主要的,第一的

light v.点燃

limit n. 限度;限制;界线vt. 限制;限定location n.位置 ,场所

lower v. 低下

make v. 获得;布置,安排;做成

major a. 主要的 ,多数的 n.专业

magic n. 巫术;魔法adj.有魔力的;manage vt.管理 ,控制

manager n.经理

marry vt.娶 ,嫁 vi. 结婚

measure vt.量,测量 n.测量 ;措施

meet vt. 遇见;满足vi.相遇;接触

n. 集会 adj.适宜的;合适的mental adj. 精神的;脑力的n. 精神病患者mention vt. 提到,谈到; n. 提及,说起middle-aged adj. 中年的

nod n. 点头;打盹vt. 点头;点头表示mop v. 拖(地板)murder n.谋杀 vt.谋杀

native a.本国的 n.本地人

naturally ad.自然地;天然地

nervous a.紧张的 ,易激动的

nervousness n.神经过敏 ; 紧张

nut n. 坚果

nutritious a.有营养的

notice n.通知,布告;注意;公告


obstacle n.障碍

offer vt.提供;试图;出价n. 提议;operation n.操作 ;经营 ;手术

organize v. 组织


overdone adj. 煮得太久的;做得过分的patient a.耐心的 n.病人

peacefully ad. 和平地,和谐地

perfect vt. 改善 a.完美的

perform vt.执行 ; 演出

phone n.电话 vt. 打电话

photography n. 摄影,照相

physical(ly)ad. 体格上,身体上

picture v.描绘

please vt. 使高兴,使满意;使喜欢


pleased adj. 高兴的;喜欢的

pleasing adj. 令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的

poison n.毒药 vt.毒害;投毒

pollute vt. 污染

powder n.粉末 ;火药

power n.力量

powerful a.强有力的

practice v.练习,实践

prefer v.更喜欢

prevent v预防,阻止

president n.总统 ,校长

press vt./ vi. 压;按;逼迫n. 按;压pressure v.向?施加压力n.压力 .

pretend vt. / vi. 假装;伪称adj. 假装的predict vt.预报,预言;预知vi. 作出预言private a.私人的 ,秘密的

produce vt.生产;产生

producer n.生产者

production n.产品;产量

progress n.进展 ,进步

prompt n. 提示

proper adj. 适当的

improper adj.不合适的

protect vt.保护 ,保卫

promise n. / vt. 许诺,允诺

prove vt.证明 vi. 结果是

punish v. 惩罚

purpose n.目的 ,意图

push vt./vi. 推动;推行;逼迫

radio v.用无线电发射

rainforest n. 雨林

raise vt.提高;筹集;养育;升起

vi.上升 n. 上升;高地;加薪

rate n.比率 ;速度 ;价格 vt. 评价,估价

(un)reasonable adj. 合理的;通情达理的

reach vi. / vt. 达到;延伸;传开;伸出手receive vt. 收到;接待;接纳vi. 接收reaction n. 反应,感应;反作用

reference n. 证明人

reduce vt. / vi. 减少;降低

refuse v. 拒绝

reuse n. 重新使用,再用vt.再使用regular(ly) a.规则的 ,常规的

relatively ad.比较?地,相对地

relaxation n.松驰;松懈

relaxed a.放松的

review n. 评论;回顾;复习

v 回顾;复审;检查 ; 写评论 ; 复习remove vt.移动;搬迁

recognize vt. 承认;认出,识别vi. 承认remain vi. 保持;依然;留下n. 遗迹rescue vt. n. 援救;营救;解救

requirement n.需要 ,要求

respect n./ vt. 尊敬,尊重;方面;敬意respond v. 回应,反应

result n.成果 ;结果 vi. 结果 , 导致

reward n.报答;报酬 vt.报答;酬金

renew vt. 使更新;续借vi.更新;重新开始remove vt. / vi. n. 移动;开除;调动 ; 搬家rush v. 冲, 奔 , 闯

run vi. /vt. /n. vi.奔跑;运转;经营;(水 ) 流ruin n. 毁坏;灭亡;废墟

vt. 毁灭vi. 被毁灭;堕落

rise vi. 上升;增强;起立;高耸

n. 上升;高地;增加;出现

raise vt. 提高;筹集;养育;升起

vi.上升n. 上升;高地;加薪

safety n.安全 ,保险

satellite n.卫星

satisfy vt.满足 ,使满意

(un)satisfied adj. 感到满意的

scare v. 恐吓,使??害怕

=fear, frighten

scientific a.科学的

screen n. 触屏

seed n.种( 子 ),籽

search vi. / vi./ n.搜寻;调查;探求research ?

select vt. 挑选;选拔adj. 精选的;极好的


seldom adv. 很少,不常 self-centered a.

自我中心的利己主义的 self-pitying adj.

separate V.分离,分开

separation n.分离,分开

serve vt./vi.招待,供应;为?服务

shake vt. 摇动;发抖 ; 震动 n. 摇动;哆嗦shape n.形状 vt.形成

share vt.分享 ,共享 n.份额 ,股份

sickness n.疾病;恶心,呕吐感

signal n.信号

similar a.相似的 ,类似的

skim v 略读;从?表面飞掠过

special a.特殊的 ,专门的

start-up n. 启动,(刚刚起步的)小公司stay vi. /vt. n.停留;暂住;停下;坚持strategy n. 策略

stressful a.有压力的

structure n.结构;建筑物vt.建造

suffer v.遭受? ..痛苦

suggest vt.建议 ;暗示 ,启发

support vt. 支持,支援n. 支持者

supply n. 供给,补给;供应品

vi./ vt.供给,提供;补充

solve vt. 解决;解答vi. 作解答solution?

system n.系统;制度

spread vt. 传播,散布;伸展;铺开

n. 传播;伸展adj. 伸展的

talent n.天才 ,才能

technology n.工艺 ,技术

teenager n.青少年

telegram n.电报

temperature n.温度 ;体温

tent n.帐篷

theory n.理论 ,学说

thumb n.大拇指

traditional a.传统的

treat vt. 对待 ,处理 n.款待

trust n./ vt.信任,信赖

underground a.地下的 ;秘密的

underlined adj. 划线於下的

unexpected a.意外的

universal a.宇宙的 ;普遍的

unlit adj. 未点燃的

unusual a.不平常的 ,独特的

value n.价值 ,价格 vt.评价

vehicle n.车辆

victory n.胜利 ,战胜

volunteer n. 志愿者adj. 志愿的vi. 自愿worth adj. 值?的n. 价值;财产

wonder n. 惊奇;奇迹v 惊讶;想知道

act cancer

achieve cause

accept casually

admire celebration

affect certain

afford chain

agreement challenge

aim cheer

allow close

amazing comfortable

ambulance command

amount common

appear community

appearance communicate

application communication

against compare

article complain

ashamed complaint

at least complete

athletic confuse

average confused

avoid confident

battle unconfident

backwards confidence

forwards connect

basic contain

beat contact

benefit continue

blame control

blind consider

bomb concentrate

bother countless

breathe courage

bully course

cage curious

cancel crash


crossing experienced

dare experiment

damage expert

deaf explain

degree explanation

design exploration

destroy explorer

deserve express

describe expression

description extremely

desire escape

develop fake

diet fail

direction fear

directly fireworks

disabled follow

disappoint forwards

disappear formal

disappearance informal

discover free

discuss freedom

disorder fridge

distance friendship

double fix

donate frighten

drive frightened

educate frightening

effect gather

emotionally get-together

encourage generous

energy government

erase gradually

exactly greet

exit harm

expect harmful

experience hand


handy limit

handout location

head lower

headphone make

height major

high-fat magic

hide manage

highway manager

hit marry

hold measure

honesty meet

honor mental

human-powered mention

improve middle-aged

imagine nod

include mop

increase murder

inexpensive native

infer naturally

influence nervous

injury nervousness

instruction nut

insist nutritious

intellectual notice

international obstacle

interview offer

introduce operation

invite organize

item overdo

journey overdone

judge patient

last peacefully

laptop perfect

latest perform

leading phone

light photography



picture reach

please receive

pleased reference

pleasing reduce

poison refuse

pollute reuse

powder regular(ly)

power relatively

powerful relaxation

practice relaxed

prefer review

prevent remove

president recognize

press remain

pressure rescue

pretend requirement

predict respect

private respond

produce result

producer reward

production renew

progress remove

prompt rush

proper run

improper ruin

protect rise

promise raise

prove safety

punish satellite

purpose satisfy


radio scare

rainforest= fear, frighten

raise scientific

rate screen


seed tent

search theory

research thumb

select traditional

seldom treat

self-centered trust

self-pitying underground

separate underlined

separation unexpected

serve universal

shake unlit

shape unusual

share value

sickness vehicle

signal victory

similar volunteer

skim worth

special wonder





















a bit (of)有一点,一会儿

a few 一些,少量

a great deal 大量,许多

a good/great many 大量,许多

a kind of一种,一类

a little一点,少许

a lot of许多,大量

a number of 一些,许多

a pair of一双,一副

a piece of一块,一张,一根,一片

above all首先,首要

according to 根据,按照

add up to合计达??

after all毕竟,终究

after class课后

again and again 反复地,再三地

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

agree with sb. 同意某人的看法

ahead of 在??之前

all in all总的来说,总计

all kinds of各种各样的

all over到处,遍及,结束

all right行了,好吧,(病)好了

all the best 一切顺利,万事如意

answer for对??负责

apart from除去,除了

arrive at (in) a place 到达某地

as a matter of fact 事实上,其实

as a result (作为)结果

as...as 像,如同

as soon as 一??就??

as far as (表示程度,范围)就??;尽??as if 好像,仿佛

as long as 只要

as though 好像,仿佛

as usual 通常,平常地

as well也,还有

as well as除?? 之外(也)

belong to属于

be proud of 骄傲,自豪

be strict with 对??严格要求both...and 两个都,既??又??

break away from 脱离??

break down 损坏 ; (把化合物等 ) 分解,(汽车)


break in 闯入,强行进入,插嘴,打断

break off 打断 ; 折断

break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发

break up 分解;分裂

bring in引来,引进,吸收

bring on 引起,导致,使前进

bring up 教育,培养

build up逐步建立

by accident 偶然

by air ( bus, train, ship ) 乘飞机(公共汽车,火


by and by 不久以后,逐渐地

by day 日间,在白天

by the way 顺便说

call for提倡,号召,需要

call in召来,召集

call on 拜访,访问

call up 号召,打电话

care for 喜欢;照顾(病人)

carry off携走,夺走

carry on 继续下去 ; 继续开展

carry out 开展,执行

catch up with 赶上(或超过)

change into 转换成,把??变成

check in 报到,登记

check out 查明 ; 结账

clear up 整理,收拾 , (天气 )放晴

come about 发生,产生

come across (偶然)遇见(或发现)

come back 回来,想起来

come down 落,下来

come from 出生(于),来自

come in 进入,进来

come off从?? 离开,脱落

come on 来吧,赶快

come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行

come to 共计,达到

come true 变为现实,成为事实


come up 上来,上升,抬头

come up with 追上,赶上;想出(主意);找出(答案)

compare to 与??相比

compare with 与??相比congratulate...on 祝贺??

connect to 连接,相连

connect with 与??相连

cut down 砍倒

cut off 切断

cut up 齐根割掉,切碎

day and night 日日夜夜 do

one's best 尽最大的努力

deal with处理,对付

depend on (upon) 依靠,相信,信赖

die out 消失,灭亡 different from 与


divide up分配


do some cleaning (shopping) 做扫除(买东西)dozens of 几十

drop in 顺便走访(某人)

due to 由于,因为

each other 相互

earn one's living 谋生

either...or 或者??或者??

enjoy oneself 过得愉快 even if


even though 即使,尽管 ever

since 自那时起直到现在 face

to face 面对面

fall asleep 入睡

fall ill患病,病倒

far away 遥远的

far from远离

feel like doing想要?? ,感觉要??

figure out理解,想明白

fill ... with用??填充

fill in 填充

find out查明,发现,了解

first of all首先

for ever永远for example例如

from now on从今以后,今后

from then on 从那时起

from... to从?? 到??

from time to time不时,偶尔

get along with与??相处

get away 逃 ;离

get back 返回 ; 回来 ; 回家

get close (to)接近

get down 降下

get down to开始认真(做某事)

get in进入 ,收获,达到

get off脱下(衣服等);下车

get on上车;过活

get on with sb. 与??相处

get through通过,拨通(电话)

get together聚会,联欢

get up起床

give away 分发

give back 归还;送回

give in屈服,让步

give out 分发

give up 放弃

go ahead 走在前面,领先;干吧,干下去

go away 走开,离去

go by 走过 ; 经过 ; 过去

go fishing (shopping, skat- ing) (去)钓鱼(买


go for 主张

go for a walk散步

go in for参加,喜欢

go off走开

go on 继续

go on doing... 继续干某事,不停地干某事

go on with继续

go out 出去 , 熄灭

go over 仔细检查,复习

go through 浏览 ; 翻阅,通过

grow up 长大成人,成长

had better (do) 最好(做)

hand in 上交 ; 交纳


hand out 分发

have a cold 患感冒

hang on (打电话时)不挂断,等待片刻hang up 挂断电话

have a gift for对?? 有天赋

have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快have classes 上课

have fun with玩得高兴

have got to 不得不;必须

have to 不得不;必须

hear of 听说,知道

hear from 收到??的来信

help oneself to 请随便吃点

help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事help...out 帮助某人解决困难 hold

on 等一等(别挂电话)

hold one's breath 不出气,屏住呼吸hold out 伸出;坚持,维持

hold up 阻挡,使停顿

hundreds of 几百,成百上千

hurry up 赶快,快点

in a hurry匆忙,很快地

in all总之

in a word简言之,总之

in common共同,共有

in debt 欠债

in danger 处在危险状态

in fact 事实上,实际上

in front of在?? 前面

in need of 需要,缺少

in order 按顺序

in order that 为了

in order to为了

in other words换句话说

in peace 安静,宁静

in public当众;公开

in surprise 吃惊,惊讶

in the end 最后,终于

in time及时,来得及

instead of 代替,而不是

join in参加,加入

join up联合起来,联结起来just now 现在,刚才

keep back 留下

keep doing sth. 继续做某事

keep off勿踏 ;勿踩

keep on 继续(进行)

keep one's word 守信

keep up 保持 ;维持; 继续

knock at敲

knock into sb. 撞上

laugh at嘲笑

lead to导致,导向

let in 让??进来,放进

let out放掉, 泄露

live on以?? 为主食,靠?? 为生

look after照顾

look ahead 向前看,展望未来

look down upon看不起,轻视

look for寻找

look forward to盼望

look into向??里面看去 ; 调查

look out留神,当心

look through 看穿 , 浏览

look up查找

lots of许多,大量

make a face 做鬼脸,做苦脸

make friends with与??交朋友

make up 和解,化装

make up of 由??组成,构成

make up one's mind 下决心

millions of 成百万上千万,数以百万计

more or less 或多或少

neither...nor 既不??也不??

next to 紧接着,相邻,次于

no doubt 无疑地

no longer 不再

not any more 不再

not at all 一点也不,绝非

not only ... but also 不仅??而且??

not so...as 不像,不如

not till/until直到?? 才

now and then 不时,偶尔


now that 既然

of course 当然

on (the, an) average 平均,按平均数计算on duty 值日,值班

on foot 走路,步行

on show 展出,在上演(放映)

on time 准时

on/over the radio 通过收音机

once again 再一次 once more


once upon a time 从前,很久以前

one after another 一个接一个

open up 开启;开创 ; 开辟

or else 否则,要不然

ought to 应该

out of breath 上气不接下气

out of order 运转不正常,出毛病

out of work 失业

over and over again 反复,多次重复pass by 经过

pay attention to注意

pay back 偿还(借款等)

pay for 付款

pay off偿清(欠款等)

persuade sb. to do 说服

pick out 选出

pick up 拾起,捡起 , 接收;开车去接??point out 指出

point to指向

prevent ... from 妨碍 , 防止 , 预防

put away 储存

put down 记下

put off 推迟

put on 穿,戴上,上演

put on a performance 演出 put

on weight 发福,增加体重 put

out 扑灭,关熄

put up 挂起,举起 , 贴(广告等)

put up with忍受

rather than 而不,非

refer to 提到,涉及,有关

regard... as 把??看作ring back回电话

ring off挂断电话,停止讲话

ring up打电话给

right away立即,马上

right now立即,马上

run away逃跑, 失控

run out of用完

save one's life 挽救某人生命

scores of许多,大量


sell out 卖完 , 出卖

send for派人去叫(请)

send out 发出,派遣

send up 发出 , 射出

sentence...to death 判处死刑

separate...from... 分开

set down放下

set free 释放,解放

set off动身,起程;使爆发

set out出发; 开始

set up settle down 建立,创立定居,平静下来

show off炫耀

side by side 肩并肩,一起

so as to 以便,为的是

so far到目前为止

so far as (表示程度,范围)就??,尽??

so long as 只要

so...that太?? 以至于??

sooner or later 迟早,早晚

speed up 加快速度

spend...on 在??花钱

stand for代表,象征

tick to坚持

stop doing sth. 停止做某事

stop to do sth. 停下来做某事

struggle against 同??作斗争

such as 例如

take away 拿走

take it easy 别着急,别紧张

take off 脱下,起飞

take one's time 从容,慢慢行动

take out取出


take place 发生

take sb. in the arms 搂抱

take the place of 取代,代替

take up 占去,占据(时间、地位等)

talk about 谈论,议论

talk of谈论,议论

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

the more...the more... 越??就越??

the other day 前几天,某日

think about 考虑(是否去做)

think of想起,考虑;认为,看法

thousands of 成千上万,几千

throw away 扔掉

too...to太?? 以至于不??

try on 试穿,试试看

try out试验

turn down 关小,调低

turn off关掉(水、电、电视、收音机等)

turn on打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等)

turn over 翻动,犁翻(土地)

turn up到达,来到;开大(声音)

up and down 上下,来回

used to sth. 习惯于

used to do sth. 过去常常

wait for等候,等待

wake up 醒来

work out算出,解决

worry about担心,烦恼

wrap up 包好 , 伪装

write down写下,记下

write to写信给??


高频词组break up cut up

a bit (of)bring in day and night

a great deal bring on do one's best

a good/great many bring up deal with

a kind of build up depend on (upon)

a number of by accident die out

a piece of by and by different from

above all by day divide up

according to by the way divide...into...

add up to call for do some cleaning (shopping)

after all call in dozens of

after class call on drop in

again and again call up due to

agree to do sth.care for each other

agree with sb.carry off earn one's living

ahead of carry on either...or

all in all carry out enjoy oneself

all kinds of catch up with even if

all over change into even though

all right check in ever since

all the best check out face to face

answer for clear up fall asleep

apart from come about fall ill

arrive at (in) a place come across far away

as a matter of fact come back far from

as a result come down feel like doing

as...as come from figure out

as soon as come in fill ... with

as far as come off fill in

as if come on find out

as long as come out first of all

as though come to for ever

as well come true for example

as well as come up from now on

belong to come up with from then on

be proud of compare to from... to

be strict with compare with from time to time

break away from congratulate...on?get along with

break down connect to get away

break in connect with get back

break off cut down get close (to)

break out cut off get down


get down to help oneself to let out

get in help sb. with sth.live on

get off help...out look after

get on hold on look ahead

get on with sb.hold one's breath look down upon

get through hold out look for

get together hold up look forward to

get up hundreds of look into

give away hurry up look out

give back in a hurry look through

give in in all look up

give out in a word lots of

give up in common make a face

go ahead in debt make friends with

go away in danger make up

go by in fact make up of

go fishing (shopping, skat- ing)in front of make up one's mind

go for in need of millions of

go for a walk in order more or less

go in for in order that neither...nor?

go off in order to next to

go on in other words no doubt

go on doing...in peace no longer

go on with in public not any more

go out in surprise not at all

go over in the end not only ... but also

go through in time not so...as

grow up instead of not till/until

had better (do)join in now and then

hand in join up now that

hand out just now of course 当然

have a cold keep back on (the, an) average

hang on keep doing sth.on duty

hang up keep off on foot

have a gift for keep on on show

have a good time keep one's word on time

have classes keep up on/over the radio

have fun with knock at once again

have got to knock into sb.once more

have to laugh at once upon a time

hear of lead to one after another

hear from let in open up


or else send up throw away

ought to sentence...to death too...to

out of breath separate...from...try on

out of order set down try out

out of work set free turn down

over and over again set off turn off

pass by set out turn on

pay attention to set up settle down turn over

pay back show off turn up

pay for side by side up and down

pay off so as to used to sth.

persuade sb. to do so far used to do sth.

pick out so far as wait for

pick up so long as wake up

point out so...that work out

point to sooner or later worry about

prevent ... from speed up wrap up

put away spend...on write down

put down stand for write to

put off tick to

put on stop doing sth.

put on a performance stop to do sth.

put on weight struggle against

put out such as

put up take away

put up with take it easy

rather than take off

refer to take one's time

regard... as take out

ring back take place

ring off take sb. in the arms

ring up take the place of

right away take up

right now talk about

run away talk of

run out of the day after tomorrow

save one's life the day before yesterday

scores of the more...the more...

see...off the other day

sell out think about

send for think of

send out thousands of



2019年中考英语阅读完型专项训练 (名师详细剖析解题技巧+专项练习,建议下载练习) (一) 语法一、代词 代词易错点清单 1. 代词的主格和宾格混淆。 Look! These red apples are all for he. 看,这些红苹果都是给他的。 解析:代词he在介词for的后面作宾语,应用代词的宾格形式。he的宾格形式是him,所以把he改为him。 改后:Look! These red apples are all for him. 2. 形容词性和名词性物主代词的用法混淆。 The big yellow pears belong to me; the rest small ones are his and her. 这些大黄梨是我的,其余小的是他和她的。 解析:本题是考查名词性物主代词的用法,his既可以是形容词性物主代词,也可以是名词性物主代词。而her是形容词性物主代词,要和名词连用。所以应 该用名词性物主代词hers。 改后:The big yellow pears belong to me; the rest small ones are his and hers. 3. 反身代词和人称代词相混淆。 Who taught your sister English? Nobody. She learned it all by her. 谁教你姐姐英文的?没有人。她全靠自己学的。 解析:从句子的意思理解,介词by后应该用反身代词表示“某人自己独自做某事”。所以把her改为herself。 改后:Who taught your sister English? Nobody. She learned it all by herself. 4. 反身代词人称和数与它所指的名词或代词不一致。 Boys and girls! Enjoy yourself!


Leadership n.领导力['li:d??ip] length n.长度[le?θ, le?kθ] legal adj.合法的['li:ɡ?l] lap n.圈[l?p] liquid n.液体['likwid] lip n.嘴唇[lip] lifetime n.一生['laiftaim] journal n.日记['d??:n?l] judgment n.判断['d??d?m?nt] joyful adj.高兴的['d??iful] kick v.踢[kik] meanwhile n.& adv.期间['mi:nwail] meantime= meanwhile medium adj中等的n. 媒体['mi:di?m, -dj?m] microphone n.麦克风['maikr?f?un] loyal adj.忠诚的['l?i?l] mature adj.成熟的[m?'tju?] maintain v.保持[mein'tein] historical adj.历史的[his't?rik?l] historic adj.历史的[his't?rik] horrible adj.恐怖的['h?r?bl] guidance n.引导['ɡaid?ns] guarantee v.保证[,ɡ?r?n'ti:] guilty n.有罪的;内疚的['ɡilti] growth n.增长[ɡr?uθ] heaven n.天堂['hev?nli]

harmless adj.无害的['hɑ:mlis]

instruct v.指导;命令[in'str?kt] interactive adj.互动的[,int?r'?ktiv] ignore v.不理会;忽视[iɡ'n?:] impatient adj.没耐心的[im'pei??nt] hunt v.打猎;寻找[h?nt] humor n.幽默['hju:m?] insist v.坚持[in'sist] impression n.印象[im'pre??n] individual adj.& n.个人,个体[,indi'vidju?l, -d??l independence n.独立[,indi'pend?ns] pride n.骄傲[praid] preference n.偏爱(人/物)['pref?r?ns] practical adj.实际的;实用的['pr?ktik?l] possibility n.可能性[,p?s?'bil?ti] profit n.利润['pr?fit] professional adj.职业的[pr?'fe??n?l] rope n.绳子[r?up] scared adj.害怕的[skε?d] rank v.& n.排名[r??k] reaction n.反应[ri'?k??n, ri:-] reflect v.反射[ri'flekt] regret v.& n.后悔[ri'ɡret] reasonable adj.合理的['ri:z?n?bl] realistic adj.现实的[,ri?'listik, ,ri:-] recommend v.推荐[,rek?'mend] mystery n.迷,神秘['mist?ri]


历年中考真题阅读完型核心单词 achievement n.完成,成就,成绩 act v. 行动,表演 affect vt.影响,感动 agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n. 目标,目的 allow vt.允许,准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 astronaut n.宇航员 at least 至少,最低限度 blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blind a.瞎的,盲目的 breathe v. 呼吸 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 camera n.照相机,摄影机 cancel v. 取消 cancer n.癌,癌症

cause n.原因,理由celebration n.庆祝,祝贺challenge n.挑战 cheer v. 欢呼 close adj. 亲密的comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的common a.普通的,共同的community n.社区 compare vt.比较,对照complain v. 抱怨,投诉complete v. 完成adj. 完整的connect vt.连接,联系continue vt.继续control vt.控制,克制n.控制courage n.勇气,胆量course n. 课程 culture n. 文化 dairy n.牛奶场,乳制品dangerous a.危险的 deaf a.聋的 degree n.程度,度,学位 diet n.饮食,食物

3 中考英语阅读完型专项练习精品版(附答案)

完型填空。 A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired,so they took a __1__on the bench. When the daughter saw an old man selling apples,she asked her father to buy her an apple. Her father didn't bring much money with him,but it was enough to buy two apples. So he did,and gave __2__ of them to his daughter,smiling. His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the father asked her if she could __3__ one of the apples with him. When the girl heard this,she quickly took a bite from one apple. And before her father could speak,she also took a bite from the __4__apple. The father was __5__. He wondered what mistake he made so that his daughter acted in such a greedy way. He was lost in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much,his daughter was too__6__ to understand about sharing and giving. A smile disappeared from his face. Suddenly,his daughter with an apple in her left hand said. “Daddy,have this one! It is much juicier and__7__.”Her father was speechless. He felt__8__ about making the judgment so quickly about a small child. But his smile __9__ knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple. Don't judge anything or draw a conclusion too quickly.__10__ spare some more time to understand things better. 1. A. walk B. shower C. break 2. A. both B. either C. neither 3. A. cut B. wash C. share 4. A. first B. second C. third 5. A. satisfied B. surprised C. moved 6. A. brave B. silly C. young 7. A. sweeter B. bitterer C. saltier 8. A. proud B. great C. bad 9. A. went away B. came back C. ran off 10. A. Always B. Never C. Seldom 阅读理解。 A People often think of the North Pole(北极) and the South Pole as similar frozen wastelands. They are both places with very cold temperatures and few people live there. However, the North and South Poles are not much alike as people may imagine. The North Pole has no land, only thick ice. Temperatures seldom go above 32°F, at which water turns into ice. Most of the time, it stays below zero. In winter temperatures are usually as low as -30℉. Although conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reach the North Pole. About 100 years ago, two men, Robert Peary and Mathew Henson, were able to get to this environment full of troubles and difficulties. They reached the North Pole on March 8th, 1909. It was really a hard trip for them.


中考阅读高频词汇学生版act achieve accept admire affect afford agreement aim allow amazing ambulance amount appear appearance application against article ashamed at least athletic average avoid battle backwards forwards basic beat benefit blame blind bomb bother breathe bully cage cancel cancer

casually celebration certain chain challenge cheer close comfortable command common community communicate communication compare complain complaint complete confuse confused confident unconfident confidence connect contain contact continue control consider concentrate countless courage course curious crash crossing dare damage

degree design destroy deserve describe description desire develop diet direction directly disabled disappoint disappear disappearance discover discuss disorder distance double donate drive educate effect emotionally encourage energy erase exactly exit expect experience experienced experiment expert explain explanation


高考英语阅读高频词汇 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi./n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4. blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11. bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14. candidate n. 候选人 15. campus n. 校园 16. liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变

22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28. tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36. vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37. vain n. 徒劳,白费 38. extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39. extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40. extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43. appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求


中考阅读及完型高频词汇总结actv.行动,表演 achievevt.完成;达到vi.达到目的 acceptvt./ vt.接受;承认;容纳同意; admirevi./vt.钦佩;赞美 affectvt.影响,感动 affordvt.给予,提供;买得起 agreementn.协定,协议,同意 aimn.目标,目的 allowvt.允许,准许 amazinga.令人惊讶的 ambulancen.救护车,野战医院 amountn.总数,数量,总和 appearvi.出现;似乎;显得; appearancen.外貌,外观;出现,露面applicationn.请求,申请,施用 againstprep.反对,违反;靠;倚;防备 adj.对立的;晦气的 articlen.文章,条款,物品 ashamedadj.羞耻的 at least至少,最低限度

athletica.运动的;竞技的 averagen.平衡数a.平衡的 avoidvt.避免;避开,躲避;消除 battlen.战役,斗争vi.作战 backward(s)adj.向后的;反向的; adv.相反地;向后地 forward(s)adv.前进地;向前; adj.向前方的;(社会、政治)进步的 basicadj.基本的;基础的n.基础;要素 beatvt.打;打败vi.打;打败;拍打 benefitn.利益,好处 vt.有益于,对…有益vi.受益 blamevt.责备,把…归咎于 blinda.瞎的,盲目的 bombv.轰炸n.炸弹 botherv.打扰 breathev.呼吸 bullyn. / v.欺负 cagen.笼,鸟笼,囚笼celebrationn.庆祝,祝贺 certainadj.确信的;有把握的pron.某些;某几个chainn.链,链条,项圈challengen.挑战


中考阅读及完型高频词汇总结 1.act v.行动,表演 2.achieve 3.vt. 完成;达到vi. 达到 目的 4.accept 5.vt./ vt. 接受;承认;容纳 6.admire vi./vt. 钦佩;赞 美 7.affect vt.影响,感动 8.afford 9.vt. 给予,提供;买得起 10.agreement n.协定,协议, 同意 11.aim n.目标,目的 12.allow vt.允许,准许 13.amazing a.令人吃惊的 14.ambulance 15.n.救护车,野战医院 16.amount n.总数,数量,总 和 17.appear 18.vi. 出现;似乎;显得; 19.appearance 20.n. 外貌,外观;出现, 露面 21.application 22.n.请求,申请,施用 23.against 24.prep. 反对,违反;靠; 倚; 25.adj. 对立的;不利的 26.article n.文章,条款,物 品 27.ashamed adj. 羞愧的 28.at least 至少,最低限度 29.athletic a.运动的;竞技 的 30.average n.平均数 a.平 均的 31.avoid 32.vt. 避免;避开,躲避; 消除 33.battle n.战役,斗争vi. 作战 34.backward(s) 35.adj. 向后的;反向的; 36.adv. 相反地;向后地 37.forward(s) adj.向前的 38.basic 39.adj. 基本的;基础的 40.n. 基础;要素 41.beat vt. 打;打败vi. 打;打败;拍打 42.benefit n. 利益,好处 43.vt. 有益于,对…有益 44.vi. 受益 45.blame vt.责备,把…归 咎于 46.blind a.瞎的,盲目的 47.bomb v.轰炸n. 炸 弹 48.bother v.打扰 49.breathe v.呼吸 50.bully n. / v.欺负 51.cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 52.cancel v.取消 53.cancer n.癌,癌症 54.cause n.原因,理由 55.casual(ly)adj. 偶然的; 随便的;非正式的 56.celebration n.庆祝,祝 贺 57.certain adj. 确信的;有 把握的pron. 某些;某几 个 58.chain n.链,链条,项圈 59.challenge n.挑战 60.cheer v.欢呼 61.close adj.亲密的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,fortable a.舒适的,安慰的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,mand vt.命令,指挥, 控制 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,mon a.普通的,共同 的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,munity n.社区 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,municate vi. /vt. 通讯,传达;交流 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,munication n.交流 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,pare vt.比较,对照 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,plain v.抱怨,投 诉 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,plaint n.抱怨,控告 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,plete v. 完成 1.adj.完整 的 72.confuse vt. 使混乱;使 困惑 73.confused adj.困惑的 74.confident 75.adj. 自信的;确信的 76.unconfident ad j.不自信 的 77.confidence n.信心 78.connect vt.连接,联系 79.contain vt. / vi.包含;容 纳;控制; 含有 80.contact n.v. 接触,联系 81.continue vt.继续 82.control vt.控制,克制n. 控制 83.consider vt. 认为;考虑; 细想;把…当作 84.concentrate 精品文档


中考英语高频词汇汇总A组 动词: accept接受 achieve实现 advise建议 afford支付得起answer回答 appear出现 add添加 act行动 allow允许 agree同意 arrive到达 ask问 appreciate欣赏 argue争论 名词: advice建议 activity活动 address地址 age年龄 air空气 attention注意accident事故 形容词: able能够的 awful可怕的 active活跃度 afraid恐惧的 alive活着的 amazing令人惊异的angry生气的 asleep睡着的anxious焦虑的actually实际的 alike相同的 alone孤独的 代词: any任何的 anybody任何人anymore不再anyone任何人anything任何事anytime任何时间anywhere任何地方B组 beat打败 begin开始believe相信borrow借来 bring带来 break打破 build建筑 burn燃烧 buy买 bother打扰 bank银行breakfast早餐bread面包business商业 形容词:beautiful美丽的blind盲的 boring无聊的born天生的bright明亮的brave勇敢的 busy忙的 C组 care关心,在乎call打电话 carry扛 catch抓住 cause导致celebrate祝change改变 chat聊天 check检查choose选择 clean打扫 clear清除 climb攀爬 close关 come来 collect收集communicate交流compare比较


Jack worked in an office in a big city and often went to a small but comfortable restaurant to have his lunch. One Monday, when he went to the table at which he usually _______, he saw that there was a new _______ in the restaurant. She was very young and looked rather hot and _______. Jack sat down, and when the waitress came to him, he _______ some vegetable soup. The new waitress wrote this down in a little notebook and went to _______ it in the kitchen. There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and the new girl was very _________, but at last she came to Jack with a plate on a large dish. She ______ the plate down in front of him, and he saw that it was not the _______ soup which he had asked for, but some fish and potatoes. The waitress was getting ready to _______ again, but Jack stopped her, “Miss,”he said, “I did not order fish and potatoes, I ordered vegetable soup.” “Oh,” she answered, “I thought that you asked for fish.” “No,” said Jack, “Look at the notebook which you wrote my order in and you will see that I ordered vegetable soup.” The new waitress looked _______ in her little notebook, and at last she found Jack?s order. “…Table No 24?, she read out, “One vegetable soup. Yes, I am sorry, I got ________. I shall change it.” She put the notebook down on Jack?s table, took out her pencil, _______ the words “vegetable soup”and wrote “fish and potatoes”


高考阅读高频词 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽15.campus n. 校园 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的糊的,不明确的 63. academy n.;学会高等)专科院校72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的79. decent a. 像样的,体面的82. sake n. 缘故,理由8. tendency n.趋向,趋势 86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的, 4. scale n. 大小,规模;等级; 89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端90. undergo v. 经历,遭受 95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的103. expel v. 驱逐,开除,


完型、阅读专项训练(六) 一、完型填空 Years ago, a very rich man and his young son shared an interest in collecting art. They traveled around the world, collecting 1 works of art by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet. When war broke out, the son left to 2 for his country. After a few weeks, the old man received a 3 saying his son had died. The man became very lonely and sad. One day, a soldier visited the old man and gave him a painting –it was 4 by his son. The painting was important to the man 5 the world would never think it a great work. He told his neighbors it was the 6 gift he had ever received. The following spring, the old man died. All of the old man’s paintings would be 7 at an auction(拍卖). The auction began with a painting that was not on any of the buyers’ 8 ... it was the painting of the old man’s son. “Who will open the price at $100?” the auctioneer asked. Moments passed and no one spoke or9 their hand. Someone said: “Who cares about that painting? Let’s get on to the good ones.” More voices followed in 10 . “No, we must sell this one first,” replied the auctioneer. “Now, who will take the picture of the son?” 11 , a good friend of the old man spoke: “Will you take $10 for the painting? That’s all I have.” “Will 12 go higher?” called the auctioneer. After more 13 he said: “Going once ... going twice ... sold!” The auctioneer looked at the crowd and said that the whole auction was 14 . “According to the father’s will,15 ta kes the son’s picture gets the whole collection, ” the auctioneer said. In the eyes of a father, nothing is more valuable than his son –not even paintings of the famous artists are as important as his son’s. 1.A. priceless B. useless C. helpless D. careless 2.A. train B. fight C. cheer D. practise 3.A. letter B. book C. diary D. bag 4.A. decorated B. drawn C. bought D. repaired 5.A. before B. when C. until D. though 6.A. cheapest B. oldest C. greatest D. biggest 7.A. donated B. counted C. sold D. named 8.A. lists B. desks C. pockets D. notebooks 9.A. shook B. showed C. raised D. touched 10.A. agreement B. public C. trouble D. need 11.A. Slowly B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Luckily 12.A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody 13.A. noise B. action C. choice D. silence 14.A. out B. off C. on D. over 15.A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Wherever D. Whoever 二、阅读理解 A We can’t remember clearly since when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner


历年中考真题阅读完型核心单词achievement n.完成,成就,成绩 act v.行动,表演affect vt.影响,感动agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n.目标,目的allow vt.允许,准许amazing a.令人吃惊的ambulance n.救护车,野战医院amount n.总数,数量,总和application n.请求,申请,施用aquarium n.水族馆 Arctic a.北极的 article n.文章,条款,物品ashamed adj. 羞愧的 assume vt.假定,承担,呈现astronaut n.宇航员 at least 至少,最低限度athletic a.运动的;竞技的average n.平均数a.平均的battery n.电池 battle n.战役,斗争vi.作战blame vt.责备,把…归咎于blind a.瞎的,盲目的bloodshed n. 流血事件 bomb v.轰炸n. 炸弹bother v.打扰breathe v.呼吸 bully n. / v.欺负cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼calculation n.计算 camera n.照相机,摄影机cancel v.取消 cancer n.癌,癌症 captive / caged adj.俘虏的,捕获的captivity n. 囚禁,被关cause n.原因,理由celebration n.庆祝,祝贺 chain n.链,链条,项圈challenge n.挑战 cheer v.欢呼 chest n.胸腔,胸膛,箱子claim v. 认领 close adj.亲密的comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的command vt.命令,指挥,控制common a.普通的,共同的community n.社区 compare vt.比较,对照complain v.抱怨,投诉complaint n.抱怨,控告complete v. 完成adj.完整的connect vt.连接,联系continue vt.继续 control vt.控制,克制n.控制counter n.柜台,计数器countless a.无数的courage n.勇气,胆量


1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi./n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/125397016.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准


中考英语完型和阅读 完形填空1. Making friends is a skill.Like most skills, it 1 with patience(耐心).If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to 2 some action.You must first go where there are people.You won’t make friends staying home 3 . Joining a club or group, talking to those who like the same things 4 you do is much easier.Or join someone 5 some activity. Many people are 6 when talking to new people. 7 all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown.And it’s human nature to feel a bit 8 about the unknown.Most of fears about dealing 9 new people come from doubts about 10 .We imagine other people are 11 us---finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that.But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way.Try to accept yourself 12 you are, and try to put the other at ease.You’ll both feel more comfortable(舒适的). Try to act self-confident(自信) even 13 you don’t feel that way when you 14 a room full of strangers.Walk tall and straight, look 15 at other people and smile. If you see someone you’d like to 16 , say something.Don’t wait for 17 person to start a conversation(交谈). Just meeting someone 18 does not mean that you’ll make friends with that person.19 is based on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”.They take time and effort to develop.And there are things that keep a new friendship from 20 . 1.A.produces B.improves C.moves D.races 2.A.take B.make C.do D.carry 3.A.lonely B.yourself C.alone D.with you 4.A.as B.that C.which D.what 5.A.with B.in C.on D.to 6.A.nervous B.excited C.pressed D.worried 7.A.At B.For C.In D.After 8.A.unhappy B.unusual C.uncomfortable D.unlucky 9.A.with B.to C.for D.on 10.A.yourself B.himself C.yourselves D.ourselves 11.A.talking B.saying C.judging D.laughing 12.A.like B.as C.what D.that 13.A.when B.if C.as D.what 14.A.come B.go C.enter D.step to 15.A.upwards B.directly C.bravely D.happily 16.A.speak to B.talk about C.say to D.call up 17.A.other B.the other C.another D.others 18.A.old B.young C.new D.little 19.A.Relation B.Friendship C.Connection D.Feeling 20.A.growing B.living C.going D.happening

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