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Ambition and Its Enemies

1.Speaking Activities: first here are some questions to discuss for students to

warm up:

1) What is ambition? Do you think it?s good or bad for a person to have a strong

ambition early in his/her life?

2) Some people believe it?s quite ok for a man, especially a young man, to be

ambitious in life. But it would not be appropriate for a woman to be much ambitious. What do you think of it? Do you have any supporting ideas?

3) What?s the difference between wild ambition and noble aspiration ? Do you

think you can perfectly distinguish them from each other?

2.Read the following passages and further your discussion with more

supporting facts and ideas.

Ambition: vice or virtue

A slave has only one master, an ambitious man as many masters

as there are people he thinks can be useful to him

LA BRUYERE There is understandable pleasure to be taken in the downfall(垮台、毁灭)of the overweening(自负)individual who has gambled with truth and integrity(正直)to thrust his way into public notice.

A Burmese proverb says: "He who takes big paces leaves big spaces", which readily fill up with trouble. This is a lesson that any number of collapsed politicians and public figures would do well to learn, but ambition is a ruthless master, and its votaries(信仰者)easily forget or ignore the insights that might otherwise save them. Some might say that it is not desire so much as impatience which unseats(使从马上摔下, 使失去资格)the ambitious person. People in a hurry to be famous, rich or both, are apt(无疑的)to cut corners(抄近路), truth being one of the easiest to trim(修剪). There are certain creatures which run so fast on the surface of the water that they do not sink, for a time anyway.

But although ambition for worldly success - money, power, titles - can indeed prompt impatience, and almost always does, it is only ambition that explains a person's persistence even after he has been caught out - in warping(扭曲, 变形)facts to conceal the marches he stole, the parties he gate-crashed(无票入场), the one-way streets he drove up the wrong way, and in general the smaller and greater dishonesties by which he wormed(蠕行)his way, without a ticket, into life's front row.

It is a risky proceeding. Tacitus put his finger on it when he said: "Those who aim at empire have no alternative between the highest success and utter downfall." He was thinking of the bloody history of Rome after Augustus, but the point is general. Ambitious people rely on others to help at crucial moments; but if they leave those others behind in their ascent(爬升), they risk turning them into enemies.

But ambition is not a bad thing in itself. Milton called it "the last infirmity(弱点)of noble minds", and even those who think it a vice - as is taught in religious

moralities of the kind that extol(赞美)humility and "knowing one's place" - can agree that though ambition may be a fault in itself, it is often the mother of virtues.

Better still is the thought that ambition can be the mother of achievement, leading to scientific discovery, works of art, enhancement of the public good. A desire to be ranked with the great figures of the past can be a good emulation, if it recognises what it takes.

Worthy ambition, in short, is responsible ambition, because it is prepared to pay the costs of attainment. Mere ambition wants to leap high without effort, and looks for easy ladders.

The difference is well illustrated by the contrast - to employ a familiar example - between the person who says he "wishes to be a writer" and the person who says he "wishes to write". The former desires to be pointed out at cocktail parties, the latter is prepared for the long, solitary(孤独的)hours at a desk; the former desires a status, the latter a process; the former desires to be, the latter to do.

It remains true that most ambition is not a noble aspiration but mere "wild ambition" which, says Dryden, "loves to slide, not stand,/ And Fortune's ice prefers to Virtue's land." It is the ambition which consumes other people, and veracity(诚实)and trust, and eventually itself. But only, of course, if it is found out; which some seem to think is the only sin it is really possible to commit.

Clinton and Female Ambition

Patrick Healy

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was pumped up(俚语:使振奋:使充满热情、力量和能量)this morning over her performance in Sunday night?s debate, trading a perfectly executed high-five with the tennis legend Billie Jean King at a “W omen for Hillary” campaign event and even taking on the “pundits”(专家、学者)who suggest she is more than a little ambitious.

“Last night I thought I might be asked the question, …Well, Senator Clinton, people say that you are ambitious, what do you say to tha t??” Mrs. Clinton told a ballroom packed with more than 1,000 women (and a few men) in midtown Manhattan. “I was going to say, …I assume you?ll ask all the men.?”

Referring to her decision to run for office, Mrs. Clinton also said that, “contrary to some p undits, it was certainly not something I thought about all my life.” She took a long pause between the words “some” and “pundits,” as if considering, for a moment, using a less gracious words than pundits.

She added, “I never shook hands with anybody when I was 16,” an apparent reference to the oft-told(经常说起的)story of her husband, as a young man, meeting and shaking hands with President Kennedy.

Rather, Mrs. Clinton said, she grew up with parents who told her that everyone was expected to work and become self-reliant. She also recalled her love of sports as a child, including playing pick-up basketball(一种篮球游戏). (Obama(另一总统竞选人)alert! Though she has talked about playing pick-up before Friday?s Page 1 story

in the Times about Barack Obama?s basketball playing, a story that raised the ire(忿怒)of some Clintonistas for its vigorous imagery.)

She also revealed that she once won a mixed doubles tournament in Fayetteville, Ark., and received a trophy(奖品)where the cast of the male player was a good bit larger than the cast of the female player.

As for the policy discussion at this morning?s campaign event, there was one interesting moment on Iraq. When asked if it was possible to have a truly stable Iraq after American troops leave, Mrs. Clinton acknowledged, “I don?t ha ve an answer for that.” Regardless, however, she said that “having our men and women in the middle of a civil war is not a good policy,” and repeated her plan to remove many troops but keep a reduced force there to fight Al Qaeda(基地组织)and pursue other national security priorities there.

Mrs. Clinton also got off a zinger(有力的反驳)about what she saw as the Bush administration?s approach to foreign policy, describing it in a way that parents might appreciate.

“It seems to me that the Bush diplomacy is just, …go and do what I tell you to do,?” she said. “That doesn?t work with your children. That doesn?t work with the rest of the world.”

One female audience member said that when she talks up Mrs. Clinton?s candidacy to friends or at dinn er parties, she hears the same refrain: “Hillary is great and there is no way this country is ready for a woman president.” How should she respond? the audience member asked.

“Well, the first answer I give when I heard that question is, I think trying is more than half the battle,” Mrs. Clinton said.

But she also made clear that she had to convince enough voters that she was tough enough on national security.

“Ultimately the Am erican people make a judgment about candidates for president that is focused on whether these people can be commander in chief,” she said. Once that “threshold”(阈值、临限)is crossed, she said, voters will listen and respond to candidates? plans on health care, et al.

Ms. King, for her part, hailed(喝彩)Mrs. Clinton as a fellow trailblazer(开路先锋).

“Hillary can hit the ground running(to immediately work very hard and successfully at a new activity.); she?s already lived there for eight years! I mean, c?mon!(come on)” Ms. King said.

Leadership: Ambition--Vice or Virtue?

A pair of new books on Senator Hillary Clinton, as described by the Washington Post, draw a portrait of a woman who is smart, shrewd and very “methodical.” Both books, one by Carl Bernstein (Her Way) and the other by Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta, Jr. (A Woman in Charge), describe a woman bent on achieving her aims and very ambitious. In other words, she?s a politician. But consider what would a politician be without ambition? Someone standing on the sidelines

watching others do the work!

Ambition is after all the inner drive that pushes someone to achieve. It is absolutely essential to leadership. Yet so often, as in the case of Mrs. Clinton and most other politicians, ambition is perceived as a negative. Why? Because it is how the politician channels that ambition as in putting the means to end ahead of the end. For example, Huey Long, the crusading governor of Louisiana in the Thirties, wanted to raise the standard of living in his poor state. He did improve the state?s infrastructure (roads, schools, hospitals) through public works, but he achieved his aims through ruthless means and corruption top to bottom.

The same might go for corporate executives like the Rigas family that took Adelphia from obscurity to a multi-billion status; they made plenty of money for shareholders, but also robbed those shareholders blindly by, treating the company, as one prosecutor put it, “a personal piggy bank.” Clearly ambition was misplaced for personal gain.

Ambition, however, can be force for the good. Here are some ways:

Use ambition to capitalize on opportunity. Sometimes opportunity is staring us in the face but we may not recognize it. Ambitious people look at the status quo and see ways to do things differently. It may be to develop a new product, a new process, or a new service. Looking to do things differently can be a force for the good. Entrepreneurs are folks who channel their ambition into looking for new opportunities.

Use ambition as a tool for change. Ambition may be the driver that challenges assumptions. Part of a leader?s responsibility is to identify the need for positive change and to usher in that change. It may provoke us to say why are we doing things this way? Asking the questions may stimulate debate and ultimately action that will cause new ideas.

Use ambition as tool for personal growth. Ambition is wanting to move to the next step. Fulfilling that dream may require more schooling, more training, and more experience. Ambition can be the spark that pushes you to achieve your dream, often when hard work is involved.

Ambition by itself is neither positive nor negative. What you do with the drive, like all human drives, is what matters. As 18th century political theorist, Edmund Burke posited, “Ambition can creep as well as soar.” If ambition causes you to cut corners ethics-wise so much so that you sacrifice integrity and values then ambition can be destructive. Conversely, if you channel your ambition into fulfilling organizational goals that build a stronger and better company and do it in ways that help employees and customers then ambition is a positive.



臣伏见天后时①,有同州下邽人徐元庆者②,父爽为县尉赵师韫所杀③,卒能手刃父仇,束身归罪④。当时谏臣陈子昂建议诛之而旌其闾⑤,且请“编之于令,永为国典。”臣窃独过之⑥。 注释: ①伏见:旧时臣下对君主有所陈述时的表敬之辞,可译为知道,了解。天后:即武则天(624-705),名武瞾。690年,废睿宗李旦自立为皇帝,改洛阳为神都,建立武周王朝,在位十六年。705年,武则天病笃,宰相张柬之发动兵变,迫使武氏退位,史称神龙革命。中宗李哲复位,恢复唐朝。 ②同州:唐代州名,今陕西渭南市大荔县一带地区。下邽(guī):县名,今陕西省渭南县。徐元庆:当时某驿馆的服务人员,徐元庆替父报仇,谋杀官员赵师蕴案是武则天时轰动一时的谋杀案。 ③县尉:县令的属官,专司当地的治安工作。或称御史大夫。 ④卒:最后,最终。束身归罪:自首。 ⑤陈子昂:(661—702),字伯玉。武后时曾任右拾遗,为谏诤之官。旌(jīng):表彰。闾:里巷的大门。 ⑥过:错误,失当。 译文:微臣知道则天皇后时,同州下邽县有个叫徐元庆的人,他的父亲徐爽被县尉赵师韫杀害,他最后能亲手杀掉他父亲的仇人,并且自己捆绑着身体到官府自首。当时的谏官陈子昂建议将他处以死罪,同时在他的家乡表彰他的行为,并请朝廷将这种处理方式“编入法令,永远作为国家的法律制度”。臣私下认为,这样做是不对的。

臣闻礼之大本,以防乱也。若曰无为贼虐①,凡为子者杀无赦。刑之大本,亦以防乱也,若曰无为贼虐,凡为治者杀无赦。其本则合,其用则异。旌与诛莫得而并焉。诛其可旌,兹谓滥,黩②刑甚矣。旌其可诛,兹谓僣③,坏礼甚矣。果以是示于天下,传于后代,趋义者不知所向,违害者不知所立,以是为典可乎?盖圣人之制,穷理以定赏罚,本情以正褒贬,统于一而已矣。 注释: ①贼虐:残害,践踏 ②黩(dú)刑:滥用刑法。黩,轻率。 ③僭(jiàn):越过,超出本分。 译文: 臣听说,礼的根本作用是为了防止人们作乱。意思是说,不要让礼受到践踏,凡是作儿子的,为报父仇而杀了人,就必须处死,不能予以赦免。刑法的根本作用也是为了防止人们作乱。意思是说,不能让刑受到践踏,凡是当官的错杀了人,也必须处死,不能予以赦免。礼和刑的根本目的是一致的,但是实际应用却不同。表彰和处死是不能同施一人的。处死可以表彰的人,这就叫乱杀,就是滥用刑法太过分了。表彰应当处死的人,这就是过失,破坏礼制太严重了。如果以这种处理方式昭示天下,并传给后代,那么,追求正义的人就不知道前进的方向,躲避刑罚的人就不能辨别立身之道,以此作为法则行吗?圣人制定礼法,是透彻地探究事理来制定赏罚,根据事实来确定奖惩,不过是把礼和刑二者结合在一起罢了。 向使刺谳①其诚伪,考正其曲直,原始而求其端②,则刑礼之用,判然离矣。何者?若元庆之父,不陷于公罪,师韫之诛,独以其私怨,奋其吏气,虐于非辜;州牧不知罪,刑官不知问,上下蒙冒③,吁号不闻。而元庆能以戴天④为大耻,枕戈⑤为得礼,处心积虑,


Unit 1 A Young Boy’s Ambition 一个小男孩的梦想 马克吐温 1.我小的时候,我们那密西西比河西岸的村镇上,玩伴们都只有一个永恒的志愿。那就是当轮船上的水手。我们也有其他种种暂时的愿望,可是那都只是暂时性的。马戏团来到的时候和走了之后,总是使我们大家都燃起火热的希望,想当小丑;第一次到我们那带地方来的黑人游唱团使我们渴望着想试一试那种生活;我们不时还有一种希望,那就是,如果我们活在世上,品行挺好,上帝就会让我们当海盗。这些愿望,一个一个地都先后幻灭了;可是想当轮船上的水手这种志愿却始终保持下来了。 2. 一艘简陋而外表华丽的定班轮船从圣路易斯开上来,另一艘从奇阿库克往下游开,每天都要来到这里一次。在这些大事出现之前,这一天使人充满了期望,显得光辉灿烂:这些大事过了之后,时光就变得死气沉沉,空空洞洞了。不仅孩子们有这种感觉,整个村镇都是一样。如今事隔多年,我仍旧能在心中描绘往日的情景,完全像当时那样:夏天早晨,白色的村镇在阳光中打盹;街上是空荡荡的,几乎一个人都没有:水街的杂货铺前面坐着一两个店员,他们把那木条椅面的椅子翘起来,靠在墙上,下巴顶在胸前,帽子垂下遮着脸,打着瞌睡一他们身边有许多削木瓦的碎片,这就说明是什么事情把他们累坏了:一只母猪和一窝猪仔在人行道上闲荡着,痛痛快快地啃着西瓜皮和瓜子:两三个孤零零的小货物堆在“码头”上闲置着;石头铺的起卸码头的坡上有一堆“垫木”,镇上的流浪醉汉就在这木堆近旁酣睡着;码头上端有两三只平底木船,可是那拍打着这些船的小浪的柔和声响,却没有人倾听;伟大的密西西比河,壮丽、辉煌的密西西比河,让它那一英里宽的洪流滚滚奔腾下去,在阳光中放出闪光;河对岸的远处是茂密的森林;村镇上游的“地角”和下游的“地角”截断了河上景色的视线,把它变成了一片海面,而且这海面还是风光明媚、沉寂而幽静的。随后有一股黑烟在远处的一个“地角”上空升腾起来;立刻就有一个以眼睛特别快、嗓子特别响出名的黑人运货马车夫高声喊道:“火——轮——船——来了!”于是情况就变了!镇上那个醉汉翻身起来,那几个店员也醒了,随后就是运货马车的一阵狂暴的响声,每户人家和每个铺子里都涌出一股人流,转瞬之间,这个死气沉沉的村镇就热闹起来了、活动起来了。 3.运货马车和大车,男子汉和孩子,都从四面八方连忙赶到一个大家聚集的中心地点——码头上去。大家在那里集合之后,就把眼睛盯住那条开来的船,好像是注视他们第一次看到的一个稀奇东西一般。那条船也的确是相当美观。它又长又尖,收拾得又整洁、又漂亮。船上有两个高高的烟囱,顶上有些别致的花样——两个烟囱之间挂着一个金色的东西:还有一间别致的驾驶室,全是玻璃的,外表挺好看,其实并不值钱,驾凌后面的上层甲板之上;明轮罩也华丽非凡,那上面绘着图画,还在船名之上绘了一些金色的光带:锅炉甲板、顶层甲板和上层甲板周围都配置着干净的白栏杆;船头旗杆上神奇十足地飘着一面旗子:火炉的门是开着的,里面的火放射出熊熊的光来;上面的两层甲板黑压压地挤满了乘客;船长站在大钟旁边,神态镇静,挺有气派,他是大家羡慕的人物;大股大股的极黑的浓烟从烟囱里滚滚升腾起来一这是快到村镇之前,在火炉里添了一点多脂,特意造成的一种所费无几的威严气派;全体水手聚集在船头甲板上;宽阔的踏板在船头的舱门上面伸出船边很艮远,有一个令人羡慕的水手神气十足地站在它的尽头,手里拿着一卷绳子:憋住的蒸汽从活嘴里进出尖叫的声音;船长举起手来,一口钟发出响声,机轮就停住了:然后机轮又向后转动,搅得河水冒出许多泡沫,于是轮船就不动了。接着是乱得一团糟,大家争先恐后,有的抢着上船,有的抢着上岸,有的要上货,有的要卸货,都在这同一时刻里抢着干。大副们为了催大家赶快,拼命地嚷,拼命地骂,那一阵叫骂声真是凶得要命!十分钟之后,轮船又开走了,船头旗杆上再也没有旗子,烟囱里再也不冒黑烟了。再过10分钟,这个小镇上又是死气沉沉,镇上那个醉汉又回到那堆垫木旁边去睡着了。 4.我父亲是个治安法官,我以为他对一切的人都操着生杀之权,无论谁得罪了他,他都可以处以绞刑。一般来说,这么大的威风原是足以使我满意的;然而想到轮船上当水手的愿望却是仍旧不断地闯进我脑子里来。起初我想当一个船舱里的茶房,为的是能够系着白色的腰围出来,在船边上抖一抖餐桌布,好让我所有的老玩伴们看得见;后来我又想到,还不如做那个子里拿着一卷绳子、站在踏板尽头的水手,因为他是特别惹人注目的。但是这些念头都只是白日梦而已——要想把它们当成真有可能的事情来作打算,那却未免太高不可攀了。过了不久,我们那些孩子当中有一个跑掉了。他走了很久还没有;肖息。后来他终于


Ambition It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: without demands, without abrasions, without disappointments. Competition would never enter in. Conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and on, with ambition long departed from the human heart. Ah, how unrelievedly boring life would be? There is a view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does this mean that success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That efforts of people are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events? Now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, not all ambition worth cultivating. But even the most cynical secretly admit that success exists; that achievement counts for a great deal; and that the true myth is that the actions of people are useless. We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. But within all this realm of choiceless, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition about. 抱负 一个缺乏抱负的世界将会怎样,这不难想象。或许,这将是一个更为友善的世界:没有渴求,没有磨擦,没有失望。竞争永远不会介入;冲突将被消除。焦虑将会消失。时光流逝,抱负却早已远离人心。 啊,长此以往人生将变得多么乏味无聊! 有一种的观点认为,成功是一种神话,因此抱负亦属虚幻。这是不是说实际上并不丰在成功?成就本身就是一场空?与诸多运动和事件的力量相比,人们的努力显得微不足?显然,并非所有的成功都值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负都值得追求。但即使是最为愤世嫉俗的人暗地里也承认,成功确实存在,成就的意义举足轻重,而把世上人们的所作所为说成是徒劳无功才是真正的无稽之谈。

What Is Ambition

What Is Ambition 周雯 Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. As we can consult from the dictionary that, ambition is a strong drive for success, an eager, and sometimes an inordinate desire for preferment, honor superiority or power. Obviously, ambition can be derogatory, but also commendatory. Firstly, a commendatory or a well-oriented ambition provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. An Irish writer Edmund Burke puts: “Well is it known that ambition can creep as well as soar.”Ambition renders us a sense of mission, and brings one’s potentials to the full. It is ambition that inspires Martin Luther King to fight for his dream, so that black people finally owned their deserved status in America. It is ambition that encourages Barack Obama to go through hundreds of fierce Presidential campaigns, so that he became the first African-American president of the United State, which truly brought King’s dream into American dream. No wonder that ambition has become an important part of American dream. However, a bad-oriented ambition can be disaster, whether to others or oneself. There’s a saying circulated in Europe that “Being ambitious is like digging a hole under your feet. The deeper you go, the closer you are to the hell.” We cannot deny that both Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler are great emperors with great ambition, which was to conquer Europe. Unfortunately, their ambition is so big that it drives them to their success by whatever evil means. At the very end of their legend, they just proved to be demos. Napoleon himself says, Ambition is never content, even on the summit of greatness. It’s not wrong to have great ambitions, but it is the wrong directions we choose that makes ambitions wrong. Finally, ambition is to our human beings what water is to fish. We can’t live without ambitions. Thought ambition is the most dangerous in the world, a world


驳复仇议阅读题及答案 《驳复仇议》出自于唐代文学家柳宗元的一篇驳论性的奏议,这篇奏议阐述了"调"即"和谐"在处理社会矛盾中的重要作用。以下是我给你推荐的驳复仇议阅读题及参考答案,希望对你有帮助! 《驳复仇议》阅读原文 臣伏见天后①时,有同州下邦人徐元庆者,父爽为县吏赵师韫所杀,卒能手刃父仇,束身归罪。当时谏臣陈予昂建议诛之而旌其闾,且请编之于令,永为国典。臣窃独过之。 臣闻礼之大本,以防乱也。若日无为贼虐,凡为子者杀无赦。刑之大本,亦以防乱也。若曰无为贼虐,凡为理者杀无赦。其本则合,其用则异,旌与诛莫得而并焉。诛其可旌,兹谓滥;黩刑甚矣。旌其可诛,兹谓僭;坏礼甚矣。果以是示于天下,传于后代,趋义者不知所向,违害者不知所立,以是为典,可乎? 盖圣人之制,穷理以定赏罚,本情以正褒贬,统于一而已矣。向使刺谳②其诚伪,考正其曲直,原始而求其端,则刑礼之用,判然离矣。何者?若元庆之父,不陷于公罪,师韫之诛,独以其私怨,奋其吏气,虐于非辜,州牧不知罪,刑官不知问,上下蒙冒,吁号不闻;而元庆能以戴天为大耻,枕戈为得礼,处心积虑,以冲仇人之胸,介然自克,即死无憾,是守礼而行义也。执事者宜有惭色,将谢之不暇,而又何诛焉? 其或元庆之父,不

免于罪,师韫之诛,不愆于法,是非死于吏也,是死于法也。法其可仇乎?仇天子之法,而戕奉法之吏,是悖骜而凌上也。执而诛之,所以正邦典,而又何旌焉? 且其议曰:人必有子,子必有亲,亲亲相仇,其乱谁救?是惑于礼也甚矣。礼之所谓仇者,盖其冤抑沉痛,而号无告也;非谓抵罪触法,陷于大戮。而曰彼杀之,我乃杀之,不议曲直,暴寡胁弱而已。其非经背圣,不亦甚哉!《周礼》:调人,掌司万人之仇。凡杀人而义者,令勿仇;仇之则死。有反杀者,邦国交仇之。又安得亲亲相仇也?《春秋公羊传》曰:父不受诛,子复仇可也。父受诛,子复仇,此推刃③之道,复仇不除害。今若取此以断两下相杀,则合于礼矣。 且夫不忘仇,孝也;不爱死,义也。元庆能不越于礼,服孝死义,是必达理而闻道者也。夫达理闻道之人,岂其以王法为敌仇者哉?议者反以为戮,黩刑坏礼,其不可以为典,明矣。 请下臣议附于令,有断斯狱者,不宜以前议从事。谨议。 【注】①天后:武则天。②刺谳:刺,探寻;谳,议罪。 ③推刃:往来项杀。 《驳复仇议》阅读题目 4.对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分) A.臣窃独过之过:认为不对 B.旌其可诛,兹谓僭僭:僭越 C.不愆于法愆:罪过


上海理工大学 2004年硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:翻译(英汉互译) I.汉译英(60分) 1.今天的煤矿工人对美也有一种本能的直觉,而他们的妻子却没有。煤矿工人在本能有一种藏得很深的生命力。但他们在白天却无精打采,也表现不出什么才智。他们实际上回避理性生活,而宁可从本能和直觉的角度去看待生活。他们甚至对工资都不很关心。自然,为这件事牢骚不断的是女人。我小的时候煤矿工人一天至多看到几个小时的阳光,冬天时甚至一点阳光也看不到。当男人下井时,整个白天都属于他的妻子。煤矿工人和他的妻子之间有很大不同。 无精打采,have no ambition 牢骚不断,nag. 直觉的,intuitive. 2.当然恐惧还是有些道理的。我们正处在一个变化的时代。我们深感变化的必要性,我们正在变,我们必须变。我们抵挡不住变化,就像树叶到秋天挡不住要变黄、变枯,球茎在春天挡不住要钻出土壤,萌出新芽一样。我们正在变,我们正处于变化的阵痛之中,这将是一种伟大的变化。本能让我们感觉到,直觉使我们认识到这种变化。他们害怕了,因为变化带来痛苦,同时每逢重要的转变时期,一切都捉摸不定,而有生命的东西最容易受至伤害。 阵痛,throe 捉摸不定,uncertain 受到伤害,vulnerable II.英译汉(6o分) 1. Two skillful thieves one night entered the house of a wealthy knight, no less wise than worshipped in the community. The gentleman, hearing the noise of their feet in the house, awakened and suspected that they were thieves. They were upon the point of opening the door of the chamber where he lay, when he jogged her wife, awakened her, and whispered, “I hear the noise of thieves who have come to rob us. I would have you, therefore, asked me straight, and with great insistence, when and by what means I came by all I own. Ask me loudly and earnestly, and, as I shall appear reluctant, you must plead and wheedle until, at length, I shall yield and tell you.” The Lady, his wife, being wise, began in this mariner to question her husband - “O, dear sir. Grant me one thing this night that I have for so long desired to “know. Tell me how you have come by all these goods you now possess.” He,speaking at random and carelessly, scarce answered. Finally, after she kept pleading, he said, “I can but wonder, Madam, at what moves you to know my secrets. Be contented, then, to live well, to dress richly, and to be waited upon and served. I have heard that all things have ears, and that many things are spoken which are later repented. Therefore, I pray you, hold your peace.” 2. In these strange old times, when fantastic dreams and madmen’s reveries were realized among the actual circumstances of life, two persons met together at an appointed hour and place. One was a lady, graceful in form and fair of features, though pale and troubled, and smitten with an untimely blight in what should have been the fullest bloom of her years; the other was an ancient and meanly dressed woman, of ill-favored aspect and so withered, shrunken and decrepit, that even the space since she began to decay must have exceeded the ordinary term of human existence. In the spot where they encountered, no mortal could observe them. Three little hills stood by each other, and down in the midst of them sunk a hollow basin, almost mathematically


Darwin Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in the small town of Shrewsbury, England where he attended Shrewsbury School in 1818. The headmaster described Charles as a boy who was always fooling around with nonsense, while never doing anything useful. By "useful", the headmaster was referring to Charles' studies in Greek and Latin verbs. By "fooling around", he was referring, among many other things, to the fact that Charles usually spent his time collecting beetles (甲虫)of all kinds. In an attempt to give Charles a distinguished and respectable career, Robert Darwin (Charles' father) took Charles out of Shrewsbury and in 1825 sent him to Edinburgh University to study medicine. Charles had no ambition or interest in medicine and found the medical curriculum (课程)extremely boring. He was disgusted(使恶心)and outraged(激起愤怒)by the sounds and sights of autopsies(验尸)and amputations(截肢). Charles eventually ended up wasting as much time in Edinburgh as in Shrewsbury. Although he thought his stay in Edinburgh was an incredible(惊人的)waste of time, it was quite significant(有意义的). In Edinburgh, Charles made friends with a zoologist, Robert Grant, who was the first person to expose(使曝光)Charles to (拉马克)Lamarck's theory of evolution(演变). He also made friends with a taxidermist(动物标本制作者)who taught him how to skin(剥皮)and stuff (让吃饱)birds. This skill proved to be very useful on his voyage around the world. Eventually, Robert Darwin (father)saw that Charles was uninterestedin medicine. In result, he sent Charles to Cambridge University to study holy orders(教士团体). At Cambridge, Charles met a clergyman(牧师)botanist(植物学家), John Stevens Henslow, who would often take Charles on plant-collecting expeditions(探险). It was at Cambridge where Charles received the reputation of a natural scientist. Charles graduated from Cambridge University in April 1831. In August of 1831, he received a letter from John Henslow that would change his life. Henslow wrote, "I have been requested to recommend a naturalist to go as companion to Captain Fitzroy, who has been commissioned by the government to survey the southern coasts the southern coasts of South America. I have stated that I consider you to be the best-qualified person I know of whom is likely to undertake such a situation. As far as the financial side of it is concerned, I have no notion(打算). The voyage is to last two years... I stated this no in the supposition of you being a finished naturalist, but as amply qualified for collecting, observing and noting anything worthy to be noted in Natural History... Charles dearly wished to take the opportunity, but in his days, nobody did anything without their parents' consent(同意). After much convincing and persuasion, his father still would not allow Charles to go on the trip. Eventually, Josiah, Charles' uncle and the father of his future wife, would help Robert overcome the paternal opposition. In December of 1831, Charles set sail with Captain Fitzroy aboard the HMS Beagle. The two years on the Beagle turned into five and the expedition to South America turned into a voyage around the world. The Beagle sailed from Plymouth(普利茅斯(英国一座城市))to South America, then across the Pacific to New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. They then sailed back to South America before finally returning to London. Darwin, himself, considered his time aboard the Beagle undoubtedly the most significant (有意义的)event in his life. For the first


驳《复仇议》阅读答案附翻译 驳《复仇议》 [唐]柳宗元 臣伏见天后①时,有同州下邦人徐元庆者,父爽为县吏赵师韫所杀,卒能手刃父仇,束身归罪。当时谏臣陈予昂建议诛之而旌其闾,且请编之于令,永为国典。臣窃独过之。 臣闻礼之大本,以防乱也。若日无为贼虐,凡为子者杀无赦。刑之大本,亦以防乱也。若曰无为贼虐,凡为理者杀无赦。其本则合,其用则异,旌与诛莫得而并焉。诛其可旌,兹谓滥;黩刑甚矣。旌其可诛,兹谓僭;坏礼甚矣。果以是示于天下,传于后代,趋义者不知所向,违害者不知所立,以是为典,可乎? 盖圣人之制,穷理以定赏罚,本情以正褒贬,统于一而已矣。向使刺谳②其诚伪,考正其曲直,原始而求其端,则刑礼之用,判然离矣。何者?若元庆之父,不陷于公罪,师韫之诛,独以其私怨,奋其吏气,虐于非辜,州牧不知罪,刑官不知问,上下蒙冒,吁号不闻;而元庆能以戴天为大耻,枕戈为得礼,处心积虑,以冲仇人之胸,介然自克,即死无憾,是守礼而行义也。执事者宜有惭色,将谢之不暇,而又何诛焉? 其或元庆之父,不免于罪,师韫之诛,不愆于法,是非死于吏也,是死于法也。法其可仇乎?仇天子之法,而戕奉法之吏,是悖骜而凌上也。执而诛之,所以正邦典,而又何旌焉? 且其议曰:人必有子,子必有亲,亲亲相仇,其乱谁救?是惑于礼也甚矣。礼之所谓仇者,盖其冤抑沉痛,而号无告也;非谓抵罪触法,陷于大戮。而曰彼杀之,我乃杀之,不议曲直,暴寡胁弱而已。其非经背圣,不亦甚哉!《周礼》:调人,掌司万人之仇。凡杀人而义者,令勿仇;仇之则死。有反杀者,邦国交仇之。又安得亲亲相仇也?《春秋公羊传》曰:父不受诛,子复仇可也。父受诛,子复仇,此推刃③之道,复仇不除害。今若取此以断两下相杀,则合于礼矣。 且夫不忘仇,孝也;不爱死,义也。元庆能不越于礼,服孝死义,是必达理而闻道者也。夫达理闻道之人,岂其以王法为敌仇者哉?议者反以为戮,黩刑坏礼,其不可以为典,明矣。 请下臣议附于令,有断斯狱者,不宜以前议从事。谨议。 【注】①天后:武则天。②刺谳:刺,探寻;谳,议罪。③推刃:往来项杀。 4.对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是 A.臣窃独过之过:认为不对 B.旌其可诛,兹谓僭僭:僭越 C.不愆于法愆:罪过 D.不宜以前议从事从事:处置 5.下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法相同的一组是 A.旌与诛莫得而并焉臣与将军戮力而攻秦。 B.而又何诛焉王问:何以知之? C.我乃杀之今其智乃反不能及 D.是必达理而闻道者也虽一龙发机,而七首不动。 6.下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是 A.徐元庆杀了父亲的仇人后投案认罪。陈于昂建议,先处死徐元庆,再在他的家乡表彰他,并把这个案例编入法律文书中。作者认为,陈子昂的建议是错误的。 B.作者认为,礼与刑根本作用一致,但在实际运用中有区别,不能对同一个人既施死刑又行褒奖。自相矛盾的做法,公之于众,只会让天下人无所适从。


2020考研词汇:ambulance的中文意思考研英语5500词,你是一视同仁的从头背到尾吗?其实这些词是分三种类型的,分别是核心级词汇、拔高级词汇和基础级词汇,下面中公考研小编一起来看看各种词汇之间的区别及对应的记忆方法。 ambulance的中文意思 可数名词: 救护车 英语解释 a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals 例句 By the time ambulancemen arrived he was unconscious. 救护人员到达时他已经不省人事了。 相似短语 chaser ambulance 【医】非法剥削伤员的律师 plane ambulance 救护飞机,救护飞机 ambulance barge 医务驳船 crash ambulance 失事救援车

ambulance transport 救护(运输)船 伤员运输 ambulance man 【法】救护人员 an ambulance chaser “救护车追逐者”, 专办交通损伤案件的律师 field ambulance n.野战救护车,战地救护车 emergency ambulance 急救车 veterinary ambulance 【医】兽医[用]救护车 相似单词 ambulance n.[C] 救护车 ambulance chaser 那种想帮事故受害者打官司索赔以便从中渔利的律师。最新单词 neritidae怎么翻译及发音 n. 蜑螺科

snicked是什么意思及用法 [ snick ]的过去式 plutocratically的中文意思 [ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副 词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词 4142的中文释义 four thousand one hundred and forty two 7142什么意思及同义词 seven thousand one hundred and forty two mallards是什么意思及反义词 [ mallard ]的复数形式 2001的中文解释 two thousand and one rewires是什么意思及用法 [ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数 以上是中公考研为考生整理的“2020考研词汇:ambulance的中文意思相关内容,希望对大家有帮助,中公考研小编预祝大家都能取得好成绩!更多英语词汇相关内容尽在中公考研英语词汇频道。


Ambition In Epstein’s opinion , the decisions one has made in the whole life form one’s life , then forming one’s own destiny is what ambition is about. I’m totally in favor of his view. First and foremost, ambition is the beacon , without ambition , there is no secure direction ; without a direction ,there is no life. A positive and progressive ambition is the basis of success. Only through the aggressive ambition , can one make a proper decision. In addition , as an old saying goes, “think twice before we do everything”, so a reasonable and proper decision is of vital importance. We decide what is significant in life, thus it is a wise practice to take everything related into consideration and make the final decision carefully. However ,sometimes we may make a wrong choice, be optimistic to the mistake and take the blame. The mistake we committed can become a treasure if we learn from them. What I want to stress is that acts speak louder than words. It is what we do rather than what we say that lead to success. Once the decision has made , we are supposed


重点句翻译 一、《诗经》 1、王事靡盬,不遑启处;忧心孔疾,我行不来 2、昔我往矣,杨柳依依;今我来思,雨雪霏霏 二、《郑伯克段于鄢》 1、制,岩邑也,虢叔死焉,亻它邑唯命 2、都城过百雉,国之害也 3、姜氏何厌之有,不如早为之所,无使滋蔓,蔓,难图也 4、多行不义,必自毙,子姑待之 5、国不堪贰,君将若之何 6、厚将得众,不义不暱,厚将崩 7、大叔完聚,缮甲兵,具卒乘,将袭郑 8、公赐之食,食舍肉 9、君何患焉,若阙地及泉,隧而相见,其谁曰不然 10、孝子不匮,永锡尔类,君将不堪 11、今京不度,非制也,君将不堪 三、《燕昭王求士》 1、先趋而后患,先问而后嘿,则什己者至 2、此古服道致士之法也 3、燕国殷富,士卒乐佚轻战 4、燕兵独追北,人至临淄,尽取齐宝,烧其宫室宗庙 5、诎指而事之,北面而受学,则百己者至 6、今王诚欲致士,先从隗始,隗且见事,况贤于隗者乎,岂远千里哉 7、冯几据杖,眄视指使,则厮役之人至 四、《管晏列传》 1、仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱,上服度则六亲固 2、下令如流水之原,令顺民心 3、吾闻君子诎于不知己而信于知己者 4、通货积财,富国强兵,与俗同好恶 5、将顺其美,匡救其恶,故上下能相亲也 6、少时常与鲍叔牙游,鲍叔知其贤,管仲贫困,常欺鲍叔,鲍叔终善遇之,不以为言 7、吾尝三仕三见逐于君,鲍叔不以为我不肖,知我不遭时也 8、知我不羞小节而耻功名不显于天下也 1

9、知与之为政,政之宝也 10、其在朝,君语及之,即危言;语不及之,即危行 五、《苏武传》 1、武帝嘉其义,乃遣武以中郎将使持节送匈奴使留在汉者,因厚赂单于,答其善意 2、见犯乃死,重负国 3、复举剑拟之,武不动 4、空以身膏草野,谁复知之 5、武既至海上,廪食不至,掘野鼠去草实而食之 6、张胜闻之,恐前语发,以状语武 7、单于壮其节,朝夕遣人候问武,而收系张胜 8、凿地为坎,置煴火,覆武其上,蹈其背以出血 9、且单于信女,使决人死生,不平心持正,反欲斗两主,观祸败 10、天雨雪,武卧啮雪,与旃毛并咽之,数日不死 11、自分已死久矣,王必欲降武,请毕今日之欢,效死于前 12、收族陵家,为世大戮,陵尚复何顾乎 六、《先秦诸子语录》 1、其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从 2、老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼,天下可运于掌 3、彼窃钩者诛,窃国者为诸侯,诸侯之门,而仁义存焉 七、《谏逐客书》 1、是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深;王者不却众庶,故能明其德 2、此所谓“藉寇兵而赍盗粮”者也 3、臣闻吏议逐客,窃以为过矣 4、今乃弃黔首以资敌国,却宾客以业诸侯 八、《驳复仇议》 1、其本则合,其用则异,旌与诛莫得而并焉 2、向使刺谳其诚伪,烤正其曲直,原始而求其端,则刑礼之用,判然离矣 3、元庆能不越于礼,服孝死义,是必达理而闻道者也 4、执事者宜有惭色,将谢之不暇,而又何诛焉 5、盖圣人之制,穷理以定赏罚,本情以正褒贬,终于一而已矣 6、仇天子之法,而戕奉法之吏,是悖骜而凌上也,是非死于吏也,是死于法也,法其可仇乎 九、《留侯论》
