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()21. Daniel is my friend. 1 Iike to Share my With him When 1 am happy.


B. happy

C. Sad

D. SeCretS

()22? The Changjiang RiVer is _________ in the world.

A. a IOngeSt river

B. the IOngeSt river

C. One Ofthe IOngeSt river

D. One Ofthe IOngeSt rivers

()23.-…WhafS the Weather Iike today?

■??? Ifs______ Wann _________ y esterday ?

A. so; that

B. as; as

C. not; Until

D. too; to

()24.1 don5t Iike milk , but my mother makes me ___________ it ?

A. to drink

B. drinks

C. drink

D. drinking

()25. They had a WOnderfUl time _________________ .

A. Chat On Ihe Intemet

B. Chatting On Ihe Intemet

C. Chat in the Intemet

D. Chatting in the Intemet

()26? We ShOUld have _____ fast food, _________ :fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, more D. less, IeSS

()27. ?…Γve had enough bread. WOUld you Iike __________ ?

?…No, thanks.

A. a few more

B. OIIe more

C. another more D? SOme more

()28. He always IOOkS ? NoW he's IOOking at his new drawing.

A. happy; happily

B. happy; happy

C. happily; happily

D. happily; happy

()29. -—Who did 让better, Bill Or Henry?

-…I Ihink Bill did just Henry.

A. as Wen as

B. as good as

C. as better as

D. more badly Ihan

()30. —- ___________ do you Play football?

-…OnCe a Week.

A. HoW IOng


C. HOW Often



MrS Smith is thirty-eight. She has IWO _31 ____ . She IOOkS Very Smart With fair and always IrieS to keep thin. She hopes _32_young

and never eats _33 ___ meat. She doesn't Want OtherS to know how 34 _____ S he is.

MrS Smith WOrkS in an OfIlCe next to her home. It WaS raining heavily One morning. The head Of _35 ___ OffiCe Went OUt to join a meeting. The WOman had ___ 36_to do. SO She began to talk With Mr Zhang about her birthday Party? Mr Zhang is an OId man _37_ glasses. He WOrkS in Ihe Same OfTiCe.

'My family bought me a fresh cake/ Said the WOman?"It Smelled Very _38_ ! And I PUt nineteen CandleS Orl it ??? One for a year!' 'Really?' asked Mr Zhang . He _39 ______ Very surprised. ' HOW did you bum (点着)_40_ Of the ends (两端)at the Same

time? 1

()31 A. boy B. girl C. Children D. daughter

()32. A. kept B. keep C. keeping D. to keep

()33. A. SOme B. many C. any D. a IittIe

()34. A. Old B. big C. Iight D. young

()35. A. his B. hers C. their D. her

()36. A. SOmething B. anything C. nothing D. everything

()37. A. in B. On C. With D. WearS

()38. A. delicious B. dark C. terrible D. WeIl

()39. A. tasted B. feels C. IOOkS D. IOOked

()40. A. all B. both C. each D. every



OnCe Mr Kirlg had a cat, and he IOVed it Very much?He Caned it “Sky", because he thought "Sky" WaS the StrOngeSt name in the world. One day he had a meal at a restaurant With his cat. He met his Old friend. He told him about his IOVeIy Cat and its name. HiS friend sai?

U HOW foolish you are! Sky is not the StrOngeSt thing in the WOrleI. My Cat is Called C ClOUeI5 because ClOUd is StrOnger than SkyT After hearing this, Mr King Caned his Cat "WirκΓ because he thought Wind WaS StrOnger than ClOUd?

After a few days he SUddenly (突然)thought that "Wall" WaS StrOnger than wind. And I MOUSe (老鼠)" WaS StrOnger than wall. SO he Went to his friend to ask for an idea. HiS friend sai? Z DOn r tyou think I Cat r is StrOnger than mouse? " "Yes, but..M

The man thought and thought and then decided his Cat I S name had better be “Cat" because a mouse WaS always afraid Of a CaL DOn r tyou think Mr King is Very Silly (傻的)Or funny ?

41.Mr King ________ his Cat Very much.

A. didn't Iike

B. IOVed

C. hated

D. hit

42.HiS cat's first name WaS _______

A. Sky

B. Cat

C. Wind

D. ClOUd

43.He decided his cat's IaSt name WaS _______


B. Wall


D. Cat

44.Mr King Called his Cat ??Caf' because he thought ________

A. a Cat VZa S always afraid Of a mouse

B. he Iiked IhiS beautiful name

C. the name had more meanings

D. a mouse WaS always afraid Of a Cat

45.Mr King gave his Cat ________ names in all (总共)and at IaSt he Caned it Il Cat n?

A. SiX

B. five

C. four

D. two


LeedS CaStIe

One Ofthe most POPUIar PlaCeS Of interest in Britain

OPening times

OPen all year round except 7th and 8th NOVember and ChriStmaS Day (25th DeCember ) 2009 ?

1 APril to 30 SePtember 2009

OPen: 10:3Oarn—5:30 Pm

GateS ClOSe at 6pm

1 OCtOber 2009 to 31 MarCh 2010

OPerl: 10:3Oam—4 Pm

GateS ClOSe at 5pm


AdUItS : £ 16.50

StUdentS: £ 9.50

Children Under 4: free

46.Leeds CaStle is ClOSed OrI _______ ?

A.7th JanUary

B.8th AUgUSt

C.25th DeCember

D.lst APril

47.John and Mary Will take their three-year Old SOn to LeedS CaStIe ? HOW much ShOUld they pay?

A. £33.

B. £16.50.



48.What time does LeedS CaStle ClOSe OrI 29th October?

A.6 pm? B630pm? C.5:30 Prn ? D.5 pm?


MiChael JOrdan is the most famous basketball Player in the world. He WaS bom in Brooklyn, NeW YOrk. He didn f t Iike to t alk to Other PeOPle about himself He WaS also Very ShOrt? He Clidn P t Play Very Well When he joined the basketball team in his high SChOOl at first. BUt the next year things Changed greatly for him as he grew much taller.

MiChael JOrdan became famous When he joined the UniVerSity basketball team in NOrtll Carolina. MiChael USed his SPeed and Strength (力量)to reach the basket again. He Played SO Wen that PeOPle Caned him "Air JOrdan n?

After college, MiChael became a basketball team member in the ChiCagO Bulls. The NBA WaS Very SUrPriSeeI at this high-flying Player. He WaS named "Rookie" 斷秀)Ofthe year in 1985 and Z MOSt VaIUable (价值的)Player" in 1987. He OnCe Set a record (SJ纪录)by getting 63 POintS in One game.

49.He began to become famous in _______________ .

A. the UniVerSity basketball Ieam

B. Ihe NBA

C. his high SChOOl at first

D. the ChiCagO BUnS

50.He is Often Called??________ ,?

A. ROOkie

B. the NBA

C. Air JOrdan

D. MOSt ValUable Player

51.The NBA WaS Very SUrPriSed at the SUPerStar When ________ .

A. he WaS young

B. he joined the basketball team in his high SChOOl

C. he joined the UniVerSity basketball Ieam

D. he joined Ihe ChiCagO BUnS


EaCh morning a rich man found a POOr man Sitting Orl a Park bench (长凳).The POOr man always Sat there, IOOking at the big hotel in WhiCh the rich m an IiVed. One day the rich man got OUt OfhiS Car and Said to the POOr man, I EXCUSe me, but IjUSt Want to know Why you Sit here and IOOk at my hotel every morning. " Sir" , Said Ihe POOr man, "l am a failure (失败者).I have no money, no family, no home?I SIeeP On this bench, and every night I dream that One day Γll SIeeP in that hotel." The rich man said, H TOn ight your dream Will COme true. Γll Pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a WhOle month.

A few days later, the rich man Went by the POOr man's room to ask him how he WaS enjoying himself TO his surprise, he found that the man had moved OUt Of the hotel, back to his Park bench When the rich man asked why, the POOr man said, ??you see, When I am down here

SleePing On my bench, I dream Γm UP there, in that big hotel. It l S a WOnderflll dream. BUt When I WaS UP there, I dreamed I WaS back to this COld bench? It WaS a terrible dream, and I COUldn,t get any SleeP at all:

52.The POOr man IiVed in _______ before he met the rich man.

A. the hotel

B. his home

C. the Park D? the Car

53.EVery morning, Ihe POOr man Sat Orl the bench and __________ .

A. Waited for the rich man

B. IoOked at the rich man? hotel

C. IoOked at the rich man? Car

D. enjoyed the C Iean air

54.EVery night the POOr man dreamed Of _____________ .

A. SleePing in that hotel

B. becoming rich

C. OWrling that hotel D?being the rich man? friend

55.The POOr man moved OUt Ofthe hotel because ___________ .

A. he didn,t Want to IiVe in SUCh a fine room E. he didn,t Iike the rich man

C. he COUldn l t Pay for the room

D. he COUldn f t get any SleeP at all there



56.He is reading SOme ___________ (广告)to find ajob?

57.Thoudι he is not as f ________ as a SUPerStar , many PeOPle know his name.

58.My grandpa is (几乎)90 years OId now. He is in good health.

59.0f all the SUl)jects, I Iike _______ (科学)best.

60.People in Britain Say " film "while PeOPle in the USA Say " __________


6 LHe is Very Smart and Can always answer questions _________ .

62.0f all the girls, Betty is the ___________ ?

63.She has a Pair Of _________ e yes.

64.The tv/ins IOOk the Same but are not Of Ihe Same ?

65.Sit __________ p lease, boys and girls?


66.-? Jack, how did you go to WOrk today?

…I USUaIly go to WOrk by bus, but IhiS morning I ______ there.

67.Γm Very excited because We ________ to Beijing.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/157229929.html,le SOmetimeS goes to May, When SOmething ______ her.

69.He ______ to help me VVith my EngIiSh yesterday.

70.Don't make any noise.The babay _______ .



71.He IOokS Smart because he has a SqUare face and big eyes.(保持句意不变)

He IOOkS Smart ________________ his SqUare face and big eyes.

72.My UnifOrm isn' t the Same as Jack' s.(保持句意不变)

My Unifbrnl is __________________ Jack5s.

73.TOrn is a ShOrt boy With ShOrt hair.(对画线部分提I可)

________________ TOnl IOOk Iike ?

74.Jenney is a Very Pretty girl ?(改为感叹句)

________________ Jenny is !

75.1 don* t think C IinIbing is as interesting as hiking.(保持句意不变)

I think hiking is _________________ Ihan Climbing.



My 14-year-old brother JOhn and I SaW the COat at the Same time. The thick black WOOlen COat WaS soft, and it COSt OnIy $ 28. We IOOked at each other, Saying n 76 , but JOhn r S face WaS Shining WithjOy? Dark WOOlen COatS Were P 77 __ W ith boys just then, and COUld COSt SeVeral hundred dollars. BUt this COat WaS even better and m 78 _ CheaPer? ^

JOhrl 179 _ On the COat and bought it at OnCe? JOhn WOre the COat to SChOOl the next day and Came home With a big smile. "H_ 80_ did Ihe kids Iikeyour coat?" I asked?"They IOVed it/ he said. I Started C 81_him “Lord (老爷)John".
