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龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/147249135.html,




[摘要] 目的总结性分析乙肝疫苗免疫后无应答者再次接种的免疫效果。方法选取该门诊2010年1月—2014年1月期间200例HepB预防接种者作为研究对象,将41例免疫后无应答再次接种者分为观察组(21例)和对照组(20例),均按0、1、6个月方案接种,前者追加剂量,后者按照原剂量注射,比较两组再次接种免疫效果及副反应发生情况。结果再次接种HepB1个月后测定抗-HBs,观察组抗-HBs阳转率(100.0%)高于对照组(80.0%),比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论初次全程免疫无应答者再次接种HepB,可提高抗-HBs阳转率,注射剂量控制在60 μg能够保证接种免疫的有效性和安全性。

[关键词] 乙肝疫苗;全程免疫;无应答;再次接种;免疫效果

[中图分类号] R18 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2015)10(b)-0069-03

[Abstract] Objective To summary respondents again after an analysis of the hepatitis b vaccine immunization vaccination immune effect. Methods To choose my clinic during January 2010 to January 2010, 200 cases of HepB vaccination as the research object, 41 patients after an immune response to vaccination is divided into the observation group(21 cases) and control group (20 cases), all press 0, 1, 6 months plan vaccination, the former additional dose, the latter shall, in accordance with the original dose injection, compared two groups of vaccination immune effect and side effects happening again. Results After vaccination HepB1 months again determination of anti - HBs, anti - HBs Yang turn rate of observation group (100.0%) than the control group (80.0%), more significant difference (P0.05). Conclusion For the first time the entire immune HepB vaccination again no answer, can improve the anti - HBs Yang turn rate, dose control in 60 mu g can ensure the effectiveness and safety of vaccination campaign.

[Key words] The hepatitis b vaccine; Entire immune; No answer; Vaccination again;Immune effect

乙型肝炎是由HBV引起的、以肝脏炎性病变为主的一种疾病,多见于儿童和青壮年,若治疗不及时极可能转化为肝硬化或肝癌,给患者生命安全构成严重威胁。乙肝现已成为威胁人类健康的全球性疾病,在我国分布较广,且发生率呈现出逐年升高的发展趋势,中华医学会感染病学分会发布的《慢性乙型肝炎防治指南》(2015年版)中指出,截止到2014年,我HBV 感染率已超过1亿人,全国30岁以下人群乙型肝血清流行率接近6%,因目前对于该类传染病尚无有效治疗方法,通过接种乙肝疫苗(HepB)来预防和控制HBV感染仍是最为有效的防治
