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在描述时,大家应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower、tree、bird等细节,增强生动性。






Useful tips: (suitable for all questions) ?Make it NATURAL, pauses, such as “well”, “um”, and “you know”, are advisable, but don’t do it too much. ?CORRECT your mistakes as soon as you find out, for example, “... I really like standing in, I mean, ON the mountain,”(I know it’s a bad example. What I’m trying to clarify is that it is OK to make mistakes, but you gotta correct it once you made it.) so the examiner would not count down your score. ?There is NO NEED to use freaking words, like “exonerate”, which means absolve, and “flamboyant”, which means showy. But those words are good to use in your essay. ?“The FIRST way, the LAST way, the NEVER FAILING way to develop self-confidence in speaking is--TO SPEAK.” --Dale Carnegie Independent speaking (Question 1 & 2) In this section, you are asked to present your own opinion and provide examples to support your ideas. Useful tips: ?Your answer should be as SPECIFIC as possible. You need to stick to a point UNTIL you finish it, have done with it, and need never return to it again. ?The key to score high is to make each point WELL-DEVELOPED, and that DOES NOT mean you need to make as much points as you can, two would be great. ?Truth and REASONABLE LIES are totally acceptable. ?DO NOT say “I have three(or whatever) reasons to support my idea”, or some thing like that after you state your opinion. There is no guarantee that you are able to finish your answer within 45 seconds. Instead, you can say “I have a couple of reasons to say.” Question 1 Free-choice Independent Task 这道题完全照搬TSE的Recommending places题型,扩展到People, Activities(Events)和Objects。准备15秒,说45秒。 虽然是第一题,但确不是最简单的。理由: (a)回答第一题比较紧张,因为刚进入口语,还没有进入状态,所以很容易因为紧张,就闷了。(b)第一题的问题几乎没有什么提示,这里所谓的提示,指答案的提示。不像第2题,A or B是有提示的,回答A,B,甚至A+B都可以。所以第一题还可能卡在理由上,例子上。 第一题的出题范围分为四个方面: 1.地点类(place) ex: Describe your favorite placein the city and explain why you like thisplace. (2006/1/6) (2006/7/15) 2.事情或活动类(event or activity) ex: Describe the most importantdecision you have made in your life. (2005/12/2) 3.人物类(person) ex: Describe yourfavorite teacher and explain how this teacher influenced you. 4.物体类(objects)


托福口语全部题型答题套路汇总讲 解 托福口语虽然话题广泛内容变化众多,但在答题过程中其实是存在一些可供考生使用的套路的。今天给大家带来了托福口语TASK1-6全部题型答题套路汇总讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语全部题型答题套路汇总讲解 托福口语一二题无明显套路 首先,是答题思路,一般口语一二题就是缩小版的independent writing(可以在高分作文里找思路),而三四五六题是通过听力提取信息。一二题大家可以用机经来练习,一是可以熟悉题目,二是可以练习把握时间。三四五六题,则有模板可寻:托福口语第三题套路介绍 先阅读一封信或是一个通告,一般是一个建议,对校园内的一项进行一个改变,这个“change”是阅读*中至关重要的,因为后面的对话主要是围绕这个进行的,至于*中给出的理由,并不是很重要,因为没有时间也没有必要说这个。之后听一男一女对话,主要是找主要说话人的态度,然后记下他或她的两个理由和

举例,不用全记,每点理由记一到两个原因或事例就好。之后组织语言:是change+态度+两点理由。 托福口语第四题套路介绍 先阅读一个科研类*,然后听一段lecture,之后对一个概念进行定义和举例解释。在这道题,阅读的部分需要抓住的要点比上一题要多,首先是题目,题目一般是所要解释的概念,所以要把题目记下来,然后在阅读段落里找对这个概念的定义,一般是含这个词的一句话,记下,之后听lecture时主要记下教授解释这个概念所用的例子,一般可能是一个故事或实验,这时就要记下主要轮廓和具体的对比或例子,之后组织语言,按:*讨论某事某物+定义+教授举例解释的方式回答。 托福口语第五题套路介绍 这道题不用阅读,直接是一男一女对话,主要是其中一个人遇到一个problem,要着重记下,然后是另一个提出两个解决方案,并且各给利弊。之后题目会让你在两个方案中选择一个。很多老师的建议都是选择第二个方案,因为据说这样更好回答,符合大家惯用的让步反驳式思路。答题时,思路为:叙述这个问题+两个解决方案+你分析后的选择。由于回答较长,需要注意用连词。 托福口语第六题套路介绍


托福口语备考要点分析 托福口语备考的要点是什么?除了打好语音和语法基础外,还要保持思维的敏锐,掌握好答题时间。下面就和大家分享托福口语备考要点分析,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语备考要点分析口语备考的三大要点是什么 一.打好语音语法基础 很多中国考生理解为说得快就是英语流利的体现,结果发音时出现含混不清的现象,很多托福考官重点考察的单词发音不到位,并且在托福词语的运用上过于简单,信息含量低,影响考官打高分。因此,考生在托福考试的陈述过程中应该要有丰富的抑扬顿挫。对于语句重音、语调及停顿等,需要掌握得自然飘逸。 二.思维逻辑一定要敏锐 西方人在口语表达时通常会事先在头脑中形成类似于写作一样的大致的逻辑框架。所以学生只要有了逻辑思维的开头,以此来陈述立场,进而发展论点,就会让托福考官形成思想上的认同,认为你这个人的逻辑思维到位,从而取得高分。 三.把握好口语答题时间

平时考生在准备托福口试的时候应该要强迫自己对于某个托福话题在最短的时间内形成一个清晰、有逻辑的观点以及其证明过程,并尝试先用汉语表达出来,之后再慢慢过渡到英语。 托福口语范文:实地接受采访还是电话采访 题目 A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview, but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why? Sample Response I would rather have an interview at a company than over the telephone for two reasons. First, I show the company that I am really interested in working there because I am willing to go to the effort of traveling far. Therefore, the company may be more willing to hire me. Second, I can learn more about the company if I visit it. I may even be able to get a tour. Seeing the company will help me decide if I really want to work there or not.


托福口语常见问题汇总 众所周知,托福口语是托福考试的必考内容,也是比较难得部分,那么如何才能更好的备考托福口语呢?下面,文都国际教育小编给大家整理了托福口语常见问题,同学们好好看看吧! 1.收集机经很重要,TASK 1、TASK 2 多为旧题。 综合每年托福口语考试情况来看,一个月的三到四场考试中,口语一二题仅有一场考试会遇到完全的新题,更多的是之前考试中出现过旧题。所以机经很重要,在考试之前建议考生在网上搜集资料,看看半年来口语一二题的机经,不以遇到原题为目的,但是熟悉一二题最新趋势。 2. 答案饱满很重要,45秒,60秒撑满。 托福口语考试时间有限,考生讲话的时间一共就只有不到六分钟。所以在答题时间内用满全部时间是非常基本的能力,这样才能给评分人留下好印象。千万不要在答题最后留下超过5秒钟的空白时间。 3.开放式的结尾,得分高。 很多时候考生在讲最后一个理由和细节时会把握不好时间,或者根本没有在听力文章中听到最后一个细节。综合ETS官方给出的样板评分答案,凡是采用开放式结尾的考生,考官在评分时都会酌情给分并且加上一句:The speaker has the ability to talk about it just running out time. 如此看来,开放式的结尾能够浑水摸鱼,胜过留下一片空白。 4.有头有尾,有结构。 托福考试讲究逻辑,所以在答题时考生一定要注意加入表逻辑的关联词,过渡语,比如信号词,for instance,firstly,secondly,to begin with,etc. 在距离录音结束还有几秒中答案又已经说完,记得加上一句that’s about it,或者thank you,牢记有头有尾有结构。 5.TASK 3、TASK 5是关键。 综合任务的四道题目,最简单的要数第五题,其次为第三题。由于是校园生活场景所以听力文章难度不大,争取在文章中定位出明显的信息点和框架,答题时不要遗漏信息点。3,5题如果能做到GOOD的评分,4、6的压力就会小很多。 6.阅读文章找线索。 托福口语中第三题和第四题是同时出现阅读文章和听力文章,出题考点最后是落足于听力文章,因此很多考生会忽略阅读文章内容,殊不知阅读文章会提供宝贵线索。首先要在第三题文章里找到题目,因为题目讲明EVENTS,然后在文章主干部分找出解释出现该EVENTS的两个原因或一个原因一个结果,要知道接下来的听力文章会围绕这两点展开讨论。要在第四题的阅读文章里找到学术专有名词的解释。 7.TASK 6 拼凑细节,少输当赢。


托福口语常考话题模板集锦 1.说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。 Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the national library based on following reasons. Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Reading does good to our mind. As a student, we should always recharge ourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in this society. Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know, it's a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to the library not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote our friendship to some degree. 2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。 As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day's work. What's more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 【托福口语】2020年托福口语常考话题模板集锦


托福口语考试话题答题模板 托福口语话题模板 人 In my family, my mother has influenced me greatly because she has so many good qualities. She Is very well educated and keeps an open mind. Her thinking is very modern. She is able to understand people from different generations. In addition, she is a good listener. This makes her tolerant of other people s opinions. Her personal values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way she treats people and thinks makes me want to become the best person I can be. And she helps me to keep a balance in my subjects and in my marks. She also tells me how to see the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seemed so abstract. This is why I think my mother has influenced me the most in my life。 事件 My high school graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day. During our graduation we were each called up one at a time to the stage. We each received our diploma and everyone applauded our hard work. I even received an award for being the best math student. There was a get-together


美联英语学习网 托福口语考试第一题万能模板 口语第一题万能模板:分2部分。 注意,有下划线的地方是说明,你可以按照题目的要求换一些词。 第1部分,用于应对以下情况:1,最美好的回忆。2,最喜欢或最有用的一本书。3,最喜欢或对你最重要的一样物品(说你喜欢的物品是一本书,然后就可以转成2 3,一次旅行。4,最想去的地方(注意这里需要转换时态到将来时。5,朋友。。。。。还有其他题目可以用这个模板,大家自己拿口语80题都套套,这就不一一举例了。。 Well, 题目,First , It always reminds me of some sweetest memories I spent in a small town in Santa Babara. It has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. What’s more, It also reminds me of some friends in this small town, one of them give me a book, I cherish this book as much as I cherish our friendship. 第2部分。 用于应对以下情况: 1,空闲时间去干什么。2,周末和朋友一起去哪玩。。。。。自己套吧。。。 Well, 题目,First, it has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. What’s more, It is a very free place where I can choose my favorite dishes, I can have some red, warmming wine twinkling in a beauty glasses. The aroma and flavor filling my sense.


新托福口语考试答题技巧 INDEPENDENT SPEAKING TASKS In the independent speaking portion of the TOEFL iBT test, you will give two short speeches on topics that are familiar to you. For the personal preference task, you will choose and support a preference from a particular category. For the personal choice task, you will make and support a choice between two contrasting options. An effective speech begins with an introductory statement that tells the listener what the speech is about. The body of the speech is made up of explanations and details. A concluding statement completes the speech. 1. Listen carefully to the task and think about what you must do in your response. Ask yourself these questions: ? What is the topic of the task? ? What am I being asked to do? Then make a mental list of the answers to these questions. For example, look at the following task: Name a skill you have learned and explain why it is important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation. For this task, you would make a mental list like the following: The topic is about a skill I have learned. I need to: ? Name the skill ? Define the skill if the listener might not know what it is ? Explain its importance ? Include details and examples 2. Quickly decide on a topic. It is easy to run out of preparation time while trying to decide what topic within the given category you will discuss. Quickly choose a topic and start thinking about the examples and details you can include for that particular topic. Remember, examiners are not interested in what the topic is but in how well you can express yourself. 3. Restate the task to include the topic that you ate going to speak about. For the task in Strategy 1 above, you might choose to focus on the skill of touch-typing. Your restatement could be: have learned how to touch-type, and this has been very important during my studies. 4. Work through your mental list of requirements. For the task in Strategy 1 above, your list might be: ? Name the skill. You have already named the skill in your restatement of the task statement. ? Define the skill. Ask yourself if you need to define your topic. Will the listener know about the topic you have chosen? ? Explain the importance to you of the topic you have chosen. ? Include details and examples from your own experience. 5. Know your goal. When studying, record your speech and make a transcript, writing it exactly as


托福独立口语高分回答4个要点汇总 解读 托福独立口语解答时面对陌生话题思路被干扰的情况是比 较主要的一个扣分原因。今天给大家带来了托福独立口语高分回答4个要点汇总解读,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下。 托福独立口语高分回答4个要点汇总解读 按照总分结构叙述 第一、尽量按照总分的结构进行叙述,单刀直入,这也是西方人习惯的表达方式。由一句主题句引出观点与中心,让考官能够清晰地得知叙述的主题,从而打下良好的基础。如果在考题中出现了问题,则应该开门见山地回答问题,切入主题,阐明自己的观点,从而为接下来的详细叙述理清层次以及节约时间,如果有多余的时间,则可以再增添一句总结的话语,使叙述详尽完整。 合理使用逻辑词汇 第二、在叙述的过程中应该合理地利用逻辑词汇,这样使*的逻辑顺畅,条理清晰。中国人说话习惯靠上下文去分析句与句的关系,但是西方人不同,他们习惯用逻辑连接词来表达句子关

系,如果按照中国人的思维去说英语,在外国人看来就是一堆杂乱无章的句子罗列,这样的分数常常会十分的不好看。论点的叙述,则应该尽量在草稿上简单罗列,讲述时由浅至深,增强逻辑性与条理性。所以,在练习口语的过程中,最好请一位外教跟踪辅导,为学生纠正口音以及语言习惯等问题。 将抽象话语具体化 第三、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“its beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。 缩小问题到具体事物 第四、面对十分概括的问题时,许多考生会觉得十分难以开口,只能让时间白白流失,痛失了分数。针对这类问题,就应该将问题缩小到一个具体的事物进行叙述和讨论,缩小问题寻找突破口,这种方法也是所有宽泛问题的应对方式。 托福口语30个常用口语固定词组句式搭配整理1-10 1. It’s not like that. 不是那样的。 这句话是用来辟谣的。当别人误会了一件事的来龙去脉,你就可以跟他说Its notlike that。“不是那样的。”当然随着语气及情境的不同,Its not like that。这句话也有可能是你用来硬拗的藉口。


托福口语话题题库:建议类话题托福口语是托福考试中相对来说有难度的一个项目,想要在考试中取得理想成绩并不容易。 托福口语话题题库:建议类话题口语必备 可借鉴表达: Major life decisions 比较大的决定 Financial backing 财政支援 Coursework 课程 Hesitant 迟疑的 Take risks 冒风险 She has my best interest at heart

关于回答托福口语的建议 When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents; others prefer to go to their friends. Which one do you prefer? Sample answer: When I need advice I usually prefer to go to my parents, specifically, I go to my mom. Although my friends can sometimes offer good advice too, my mom would always know how to help me through a situation. She has a lot of life experience because she’s older and she’s already experienced a lot of the problems that I’m experiencing now. For example, she knows more about things such as finances or taxes, that I have no experience in. And, because she’s my mom, I can always trust that she has my best interests at heart, and basically I know that my mom will always try to give me the best advice possible, and that’s not always a guarantee if you’re talking to someone you just met.


托福口语Task1常考话题整理 在整个托福口语的答题环节中,很多同学大都并不会把Task1放在最最重要的一个位置上。但是,在考场上我们就能体会到,由于其是整个口语环节中的第一题,答题的顺利与否直接关系到了之后题目的进行。那么,在托福口语的Task1中有哪些常见的话题呢?现在,现在我们就为大家详细分析一下吧。 》》》点击查看:托福口语评分标准 1. 人物类 在托福口语的考题中我们常见的人物类话题,常见的都会是类似以下的这些话题: Describe a person you admire. Describe the famous person you admire most. Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. Describe a person who you would like to talk with. Describe a special friend in your childhood. Describe an elder person that you respect. Describe your favorite performer or musician. What are some important characteristics of a good leader? 而看过以上的这些话题内容后,大家也就不难看出,托福口语Task1中人物类话题一般也是可以分为两种类型:常人类和名人类。所谓常人类,也就是让考生描述的是可能是自己身边的人,比如你最喜欢的老师,给你印象最深的朋友,你身边给你影响最为深刻的人。比如:What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a good teacher should have? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.而名人类的话题也就是,让大家陈述出一个自己最喜欢的明星,最喜欢的作家等等。 托福口语Task1 人物类范例: Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. The person I want to describe is my grandfather. He is a medium height man. He is smartly dressed with a big pair of glasses. He is a retired history teacher. I was raised up by my grandparents because my parents were very busy working when I was a little kid. My grandfather was methodical in teaching. He tirelessly taught me a lot of historic stories and knowledge to educate me and build my good personality. I liked to listen to his stories like patriotism or great inventors. I showed great interest on history because of him and he had positive impact on me.


从ETS考官评语深度剖析托福口语评 分要点 托福口语到底应该说什么才能拿到高分?对于这个问题很多考生其实都没搞懂,下面就和大家分享从ETS考官评语深度剖析托福口语评分要点,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 从ETS考官评语深度剖析托福口语评分要点 ETS考官口语第二题点评实例 以口语第二题为例,先来看一下ETS考官对于一个response 的点评。 “This response is sustained and the speech is generally understandable. At times, though, the speaker’s pronunciation makes it difficult to understand the meaning of her ideas. She really gives only reason why she likes shopping. This reason is used repetitively without much elaboration. Shopping is something she likes very much and makes her feel better. She could have added complexity to her ideas by saying something like “when I go shopping, I usually go with friends and we have a good time together without thinking about jobs, or school work.” She also


评分标准 总体标准:be easily understood 三个考察点: 1.delivery: pronunciation intonation fluency 跟读TPO 2. language 用词不要求高级,但求通俗易懂 3. topic development task1 1. 内容具体,懂得加入各种细节/事物 叙事+效果 2. 展开方式 (1)拆分(两个论点) 人群/场景 (2)举例子(一个论点) (3)时间对比 3. 答题步骤 (1)判断常用理由能否用P24 (2)“1+3”的方法论 (3)个人发挥 task2 1. 两种答题思路 (1)常规思路 (2)吐槽过去赞今天 2. 第二类理由 自身原因(自己家庭周围环境) 先补输入,再补输出 综合任务练习方法 1. 听懂(逐句跟读自己朗读逐句复述影子训练) 2. 记下(循环播放音频,优化笔记)

3. 说清(细节越多越好,没必要转述) task3 1. 解题技巧 (1)阅读<15s 主题(标题/旁白/正文1、2句)+原因(简单概括,可以不说) (2)听力 可以直接引用原文 2. 模板 (1)阅读 In the reading material, the school plans to... In the reading material, the student opposes the plan of/proposes that... (2)听力 In the listening material, the man/woman agrees/disagrees with the plan/proposal/announcement. One reason is that...The other reason is that... task4 1. 解题技巧 (1)阅读 看标题(相关名词) 找出定义句(信号词,含标题的句子) (2)听力 过程细节不能漏,描述性细节可有可无 听过定义句或解释段去把握听力核心内容 亲身经历(时态与教授保持一致) 客观规律(注意用学术化的表述) 2. 模板 In this lecture, the professor talks about ..., which means/is ... (15s) The professor uses ...examples/experience to explain/illustrate this concept. (5s) First,...; second, ...(40s) task5 1. 厂型竖记法 P s1 + - s2


新托福口语考试分析及应考对策 托福网考(iBT)要求考生在4小时内按读、听、说、写的顺序一次性完成考试。多数考生认为新托福最让人不适应的是它的考试形式,而4项考试之中考生得分相对较低的是口语部分。在新托福中加入Speaking Section(口语考试部分)是ETS在新托福考试中最令人瞩目的一项改革,这个部分的加入说明ETS对考生提出了更高的要求,是加强考查考生英语交流能力的具体表现。因此,考生要想提高自己的新托福考试成绩,就必须花大力气提高英语口语能力。 在新托福之前的托福考试中,有一项独立的托福口语考试TSE(Test of Spoken English),该口语测试是美国教育考试服务中心为母语为非英语国家的学生提供的英语口语水平考试,是大部分申请RA (Research Assistant助研)和TA(Teaching Assistant助教)的考生必须参加的一项考试,总计60分,50~55分是比较有说服力的申请成绩。iBT Speaking与TSE 有着一定的承接关系,如均出现先听后说这种综合素质考查的口语考查形式。 应考对策 但iBT Speaking与TSE有着很大的差异。iBT Speaking包括6个题目,其中1、2道为独立回答题。另外第3、4道要求考生先阅读一段文字,然后再听一段与阅读文字在内容上相关的听力材料,最后考生按照要求回答相关问题。它们分别是情景题和学术题。最后的5、6道以听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。 首先,考生掌控时间能力的强弱对这个部分成绩的高低有着直接影响。前两道题的准备时间为15秒,回答时间是45秒;3、4题的准备时间是30秒,回答时间则是60秒;最后两道题目的准备时间是20秒,回答时间为60秒。大部分考生都反映口语部分的准备时间利用效率低、做答仓促。如第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的details或examples,考试时就会从容许多。 其次,考生要对6道题目的评分标准和题目本身的要求有具体的认识,并根据自己的基础在考前针对iBT Speaking的6种类型做集中训练。 关于评分标准,OG (Official Guide官方指南) 上都有详细的说明,ETS以下列3点作为自己的评分准则: 1. Delivery: How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns. 2. Language Use: How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be looking to see how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.


托福口语考试题型介绍 托福口语的回答重在如何去描述而并非回答,考官更在意你的表达而非你的答案。以下是关于托福口语考试题型介绍,希望大家认真阅读! 第一第二题是独立问答题,考生首先会听到题目的指令,然后问题会被朗读出来,同时出现在屏幕上。有15秒的准备时间,回答问题的时间是45秒。 第一题是independent speaking,一般是让考生表达personal preference,比如important people or places, events or activities; favorite movies, food, books 等等,这里考察的是考生如何论述,也就是describe and give reasons。比如12年的一道题是这样的:Is it a good idea to replace all paper books or magazines in the university with e-books? Please include specific details in your explanation. 也就是把大学校园的纸质书都换成电子书,这样好不好,给出你的理由。 第二题还是independent speaking,官方给出的描述是personal choice between two contrasting behaviors or courses of action. 例如这两个选择是watch movies at home or watch movies in theatres 关于看电影,你认为在家看好呢,还是在影院看更有意思。特点在于,你选哪一个都对,只要把理由说好,能自圆其说就行。和第一题一样,考生有15秒的准备时间,45秒的答题时间。当然,如果你的眼睛足够快,在电脑 读完题目之前就看完了,就可以相应地延长准备时间了。这道题和上一题一样,考察的也是大家论述的能力,表达观点并给出原因。 那么从第三题开始就进入到综合任务了。这道题目是读,听,说的综合考察,先读一篇75-100词的短文,内容是跟校园生活相关的,比如图书馆是否应该全天24小时开放,之后会放一段1分钟左右的对

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