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dad n. 爸爸

daily adj. 每日的adv.每日,天天n. 日报

dairy n.牛奶场,奶品场;奶制品

dam n.水闸,水坝,堤v.筑坝;堵住,阻塞;抑制,控制

damage n. 损害,破坏;(常用复数)赔偿金v. 损害,毁坏,破坏damp adj. 潮湿的,有湿气的n. 潮湿,湿气

dance vi. 跳舞n. 舞蹈;舞会

danger n. 危险;危险物,威胁

in danger 处于危险中

dangerous adj. 危险的,不安全的

dare v. 敢,敢做;激,向…挑战

dark adj. 黑暗的;深色的;秘密的n.黑暗,暗处

darling adj.心爱的;宠爱的n.心爱的人,宠儿

dart n.标枪,镖;(昆虫的)刺;飞快的动作v.飞奔;投掷

dash n.少量(搀加物);[单数]冲撞;破折号;锐气,精力,干劲v.猛掷;冲撞;使破灭;使沮丧

date n. 日期

datum(复数data) n.数据,资料

daughter n. 女儿

dawn n. 黎明,天亮;开始,开端v. 破晓

day n. 天,日;节日

by day 白天,在白天

day after day 日复一日地

day and night 日日夜夜,夜以继日

one day (过去)某一天,(将来)有一天

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday前天

the other day几天以前

daylight n.日光;白昼;黎明

daytime n.白天;日间

dead adj.死的;无生命的

deal(dealt, dealt) v. 处理,安排;经营,交易n. 交易,协议deal with论述,讨论,涉及;打交道,对待;处理

a good/great deal(of) 大量

deadly adj.致命的;死一般的;极度的adv.死一般地;极,非常deadline n.最终期限

deaf adj.聋的

dealer n.经销商,商人

dear interj. (表示惊愕等)哎呀,唷adj.亲爱的;贵的

death n. 死,死亡;(常用单数)破灭,终止

debate n.争论;辩论v.争论;讨论

debt n.欠款,债务;罪过;恩情,情义

decade n.十年;十

decay n.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退v.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退deceit n.欺骗,欺诈

deceive vt.欺骗,蒙蔽

December n. 十二月

decide v. 决定;裁决

decided adj.果断的,坚决的;明显的,确切的decimal adj.十进制的,以十为基础的;小数的n.小数

decision n. 决定,决心;坚定,果断

deck n.甲板;舰板v.装饰;修饰;打扮

declaration n.宣布;宣言,声明

declare v. 宣布,宣告,声明;申报

decline n.下降,下垂;斜坡;衰败v.下降,下垂;拒绝;衰落;倾斜decorate v.装饰,为…做室内装修

decrease n.减少;减少的量v.减少

dedicate v.献(身),致力;题献词(一部著作给某人)

deduce v.推论;演绎

deed n. 行为,行动,事迹

do a good deed 做好事

deem v.认为;相信

deep adj. 深的;浓厚的;深奥的adv. 深地

deer n.鹿

defeat v. 击败,战胜;打败,使落人n. 失败,战败;击败,战胜defect n.过失,缺点

defend v. 防御,保护,保卫;为…辩护,答辩

defense(=defence) n. 防御,保护,保卫;(常用复数)防御工事,防御物;辩护,答辩

deficit n.赤字;不足额

definite adj.明确的;一定的

degree n. 度,级;程度;学位

delay v. 延迟,拖延,耽搁n. 延迟,耽搁(的时间)

delete v.删除

delegation n.代表团;授权,委托

delicious adj. 美味的,可口的;有趣的,怡人的

delightn. 高兴,愉快;使人高兴的东西(或人),乐趣v. 使欣喜,感到高兴

deliver v. 投递,送交,运载;发表,

demand v.要求,请求;需要n. 要求;需求,需要

democracy n.民主;民主制

democratic adj.民主的;民主主义的

demonstrate v.示范;证明,论证;示威

denial n.否认,否定;谢绝,拒绝;克制自己,抑制

dense adj.密集的;浓厚的

density n.密度

dentist n.牙医

deny vt.否认,否定;拒绝

depart v.离开,起程;逝世

department n. 部,部门,系

departure n.启程,出发,离开;违反,偏差

depend v. 依靠,依赖;信赖,相信

deposit n.堆积物,沉淀物;存款;押金,保证金;存放物v.存放;堆积,沉淀

depth n. 深,深度;(常用复数)深处

deputy n.代理人;代表

derive v.得自;起源

descend v.下来,下降;遗传

describe v. 描写,描述,形容

description n. 描写,形容,说明

desert n. 沙漠adj. 荒芜的,不毛的v. 抛弃,遗弃,舍弃,擅离(职守)

deserve v.应受;值得

design n. 设计,构思;图案,图样;规划v. 设计,构思desirable adj.值得要的;合意的;令人满意的

desire n. 愿望,渴望;要求v. 渴望,想往;要求,请求

desk n. 书桌,办公桌

despair n.绝望;失望v.绝望;丧失信心

desperate adj.不顾一切的,拚死的;令人绝望的

despise v.轻视

despite prep.不管;尽管;不论

dessert n.(作为正餐最后的)食品(点心、水果等)

destination n.目的地,终点;目的,目标

destroy v. 破坏,毁坏;消灭

destruction n.破坏,毁灭引起;毁灭的根源,毁灭的原因detach v.分开,分离;分遣,派遣(军队)

detail n.细节;详情v.详述;细说

detain v.拘留;留住;阻止

detective adj.侦探的n.侦探

determine v.决定,下决心;确定,查明

develop v. 发展;开发

development n. 成长;进化;发展;开发

device n.装置,设备;设计;方法,手段

devise v.设计;发明;作出(计划);想出(办法)

devote v.奉献,献(给);把…专用(于)

dew n.露,露水般的东西;清新

diagram n.图表

dial n.刻度盘,钟面v.(自动电话)拨号盘

dialog(ue) n.对话;对白

diameter n.直径

diamond n. 钻石,金刚石;菱形

diary n. 日记,日记簿

dictate v.口授,使听写;命令;支配

dictation n. 口授,听写

dictator n.独裁者,独裁政权执政者;口授者

dictionary n.词典;字典

die v. 死

diet n.饮食;规定的饮食

differ v.不一致;不同

difference n.差别,差异;差,差额;分歧

different adj. 不同的;各种的(与same相对)

difficult adj. 困难的;难的

difficulty n. 困难;难点,难题;困境,麻烦

dig v. 挖,掘;探究

digest n.摘要v.消化;领会,领悟

digital adj.数字的,数位的;手指的

dignity n.尊严;高贵

diligent adj.勤勉的;用功的;勤劳的

dim adj.暗淡的;模糊的;无光泽的dine v.吃饭;进餐

dining-room n. 食堂,餐厅

dinner n.正餐,主餐;宴会

dip v.浸,蘸,沾;汲出,舀取

diploma n.文凭,毕业证书;荣誉证书,奖状

diplomatic adj.外交的;老练的

direct adj. 直接的

direction n. 方向;方面;指示;指导

directly adv.直接地;立即

director n. 主任;处长;局长;导演

dirty adj. 脏的;v. 弄脏

disadvantage n.不利,不利条件;缺点,劣势

disagree v.不一致;不适宜

disappear v.消失;不见

disappoint v. 使失望

disaster n.灾难;天灾;灾祸

disc(=disk) n.圆盘;唱片

discard v.丢弃;抛弃;放弃

discharge n.卸货;流出,放出,排出;解除,解雇;释放v.流出,放出,排出;发射;解除,解雇;释放;卸货

discipline n.纪律;学科;训练,锻炼v.训练;使有纪律;惩戒,惩罚

discount n.折扣

discover v. 发现,找到

discovery n. 发现,发觉

discuss v. 讨论,议论

discussion n. 讨论,谈论,论述

disease n. 疾病

disguise n.伪装v.假装,伪装;掩饰,隐瞒

disgust n.厌恶;反感v.令人厌恶;令人反感

dish n. 盘,碟;一道菜

dislike n.嫌恶v.讨厌;不喜欢

dismay n.沮丧;惊慌v.使惊慌;使沮丧

dismiss vt.不考虑,不理会;解散,遣散;解雇,开除;驳回,对…不受

disorder n.杂乱,混乱;骚动,骚乱;(身心机能的)失调,小病,不适v.扰乱;使失调;使紊乱

dispatch(=despatch) n.派遣;急件;速办,敏捷v.分派;派遣displace v.移置,转移;取代,置换

display n.陈列;展览;显示v.陈列,展览;显示

displease v.使不快;使(人)生气;惹怒

dispose v.处理,处置;布置,安排,部署;使倾向于,使有意于dispute n.争论;争执;争端v.争论;辩论;争执

distance n. 距离;遥远,远方

distant adj. 远方的,久远的;疏远的,冷淡的

distinct adj.清楚的,明显的;截然不同的,独特的;有区别的,不同的

distinction n.区别,差别;非凡,卓越,杰出;荣誉;特征,特性,个性

distinguish v.区别,辨别;使杰出,使著名

distress n.悲痛,忧伤;穷困,贫苦;不幸,危难v.使悲痛,使忧伤;使苦恼

distribute v.分发,分配;散布,分布;分类,分区

district n. 地区,区,行政区

disturb v. 扰乱,打扰,妨碍;(常用被动语态)使烦恼,使不安ditch n.沟,沟渠,壕沟

dive v. 跳水,潜水;俯冲,扑去n. 跳水,潜水;俯冲,

diverse adj.不同的;变化多的

divide v.划分;分开,隔开;使意见不合,使不和;除

division n.分配;分开,分割,区分;除法;部门;分界线,界限divorce n.离婚;脱离v.使离婚;与…脱离

do v.[助动词;构成疑问句和否定句];[代替动词];[用于加强语气];做,干,进行;完成,做完;产生,引起;从事;行过,走过(路程);(工作、生活等方面的)进展

dock n.码头,船坞;被告席v.靠码头;引入坞

doctor n.医生;博士

doctrine n.教条;学说

document n.文件,文献;公文;证件

dog n.狗

doll n.玩偶,玩具娃娃

dollar n.美元;元(加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)

domain n.领土,领地;(活动、学问等的)范围,领域

dome n.圆屋顶,圆盖;穹窿

domestic adj.家庭的;国内的;可驯服的

donate v.捐赠;赠予

donkey n.驴子;笨蛋;顽固者

door n.门;出入口;通道

dorm(=dormitory) n.宿舍

dose n.剂量;(一)剂;(一)服v.(给…)服药

dot n.圆点,小点;一点点大的东

double adj.两倍的,加倍的;双的,双重的;双人的,供两人用的n.两倍,两倍物;(网球等的)双打v.加倍;折叠

doubt n.疑惑;疑问;怀疑v.怀疑;不相信

doubtful adj.怀疑的,可疑的;难以预测的,未定的

dove n.鸽子

down adj.向下的,下行的adv.向下,在下面;向南方;由高到低,由大到小,由强到弱prep.沿,顺;沿…往下

downstairs adv.在楼下;往楼下

downtown adj.商业区的;中心区的;闹市区的adv.往(或在)商业区(或中心区)

downward(s) adj.向下的

doze n.[单数]瞌睡v.打瞌睡;打盹儿

dozen n.一打;十二个

draft n.草稿,草案,草图;通风,气流v.起草,设计,草拟;征兵

dragon n.龙;凶暴的人

drain n.排水沟;[单数](精力、时间、金钱的)消耗v.排水;流掉;喝干;耗尽

drama n.(在舞台上演的)戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧性事件,戏剧性场面;戏剧性dramatic adj.戏剧性的;引人注目的;感动人的

draw n.拉,拖,抽,拔;平局;抽签,抽彩v.拉,拖;拔出,取出;提取,取得,汲取;引起,吸引;画,描绘

drawer n.抽屉

drawing n.图画,素描;绘画(艺术)

dread vt.& n.恐惧;担心

dreadful adj.令人畏惧的,可怕的

dream n.梦;梦想;理想v.梦见;梦想

dress n.连衣裙,套裙;衣服,服装v.穿衣,打扮;给…敷药,包扎

drift n.漂流,冲流;漂流物,吹积物,堆积物;趋势,动向,倾向v.(使)漂流;漂泊,游荡;被吹积成堆

drill n.钻头,钻床;操练,练习,训练v.打眼,钻孔;操练,训练

drink n.饮料,酒v.喝;饮

drip n.[单数]滴水声,滴下;滴,点滴,水滴v.(使)滴下

drive n.驾驶,驱车旅行;车行道,路;干劲v.驾驶,驾车运送;驱赶;逼迫,迫使

driver n.驾驶员;司机

drop n.(一)滴;[常用复数]滴剂;微量,一点点,[常用单数]下降,下落v.滴,落下;下降,降低

drown v.(使)淹死,溺死;淹没

drug n.药,药物;麻醉药,毒品

drum n.鼓;鼓形圆桶v.击鼓;作鼓声

drunk adj.[表]喝醉的

dry adj.干的,无水的v.(使)干燥,晒干

duck n.鸭

due adj.应有的,适当的;应给的,应付的;应支付的,到期的;预定应到的

dull adj.愚钝的,笨的;乏味的,单调的;钝的,不锋利的;阴沉的;昏暗的

dumb adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的

during prep.在…期间

dusk n.薄暮,黄昏;昏暗,幽暗

dust n.灰尘,尘土v.除去(…的)灰尘,擦净,扫净;撒(粉末等),撒于…上

dusty adj.多尘的;尘状的,粉末状的

duty n.责任,义务,职责;税,关税

dwell v.居住

dye n.染料;染色v.染

dying adj.垂死的;要结束的,衰退的;渴望的,极想的

dynasty n.朝代;王朝


2017年广东省普通高等学校专插本考试《英语》试题及详解 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(30%) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence,and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.I was in that I forgot to lock the door when I left. A.so a hurry B.such a hurry C.a so hurry D.a such hurry 2.I am worried about my brother.I am not sure he has arrived at the school or not. A.whether B.what C.when D.how 3.She is old enough on her own. A.live B.to live C.living D.be living 4.He was very excited to read the news Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature. A.which B.what C.how D.that 5.I do not have my own room,. A.neither does Tom B.neither has Tom C.so does Tom D.so has Tom 6.I think you should buy this novel.It is really worth. A.reading B.being read C.read D.to read 7.Though the firefighters tried very hard to the fire,it still caused at least five people’s death. A.put off B.put out C.put on D.put forward 8.He could hardly tell the differences between the twins because they look each other. A.likely B.unlike C.alike D.like 9.By the time you come back,I cleaning the house. A.will finish B.will have finished C.have finished D.will be finishing 10.Chinese people spend money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. A.more than twice B.as twice much C.twice as much D.twice more than 11.She wants to study abroad so she has to some money every month to prepare for that. A.set aside B.set up C.set about D.set out 12.John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for two days because of the heavy rain. A.other B.the other C.another D.others 13.Parents should cooperate with teachers and themselves in their children’s education. A.get B.involve C.find D.keep 14.The teacher is very to the needs of her students and she can adapt her teaching very


公共英语三级词汇汇总 canal n.运河;(沟) 渠 cancel v.取消,作废;删去 cancer n.癌症;肿瘤 candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者;申请者 candle n.蜡烛 candy n.糖果;蜜饯

cannon n.大炮,火炮v.开炮;碰撞 canoe n.独木舟,小游艇v.划独木舟 cap n.便帽,军帽;(笔、瓶等的) 盖套v.覆盖于…顶端capable a.能干的,有能力的 capacity v.容量,容积;才能,能力;接受力 capital

n.首都 captain n.上尉,队长;船长 capture n.捕获,俘获v.夺得,占领;捕获,俘虏car n.小汽车 card n.卡片 care v.关心,介意n.小心,谨慎,注意

career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业careful a.小心的;谨慎的 careless a.粗心的,疏忽的 cargo n.船货,货物 carpet n.地毯;像地毯般的一层东西carriage

n.(四轮) 马车;(火车的) 客车厢carrot n.胡萝卜 carry vt.运送 cart n.大车,板车,手推车v.用大车运走cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片v.画漫画carve v.(雕) 刻

n.情况,情形,事实;案件,案情;病例 cash n.现金,现款,现钱v.兑现,兑付 cashier n.(银行、商店等的)出纳员 cassette n.小盒子;盒式磁带 cast v.投, 掷,抛;铸造;计算n.演员表;一掷;模型;性格castle


清华大学2016年自主招生笔试真题汇总 收藏此文2016-06-13| 编辑:王老师| 阅读:17500 摘 要 6月10日,清华大学率先开始了自主招生测试,2016年清华有754人通过了自主招生初审。据悉,自主招生、筑梦、领军计划笔试共用一套试卷。 6月10日,清华大学率先开始了自主招生测试,2016年清华有754人通过了自主招生初审。据悉,自主招生、筑梦、领军计划笔试共用一套试卷。 据悉,清华大学2016年自主招生、领军人才选拔一共在全国29个省市设36个初试考点,考生可根据的情况,就近选择相应的考试地点。 考试相关内容 考试模式:机考系统分发和回收考卷。考生更加安全高效,阅卷也更为及时准确,还可大大降低作弊的可能性。 考试科目: 文科——数学、语文 理科——数学、物理 试卷结构:试题不仅引入多选题,而且采用单选题、多选题混合编排的方式,用以区分不同水平的学生,也增加了能力考查的力度。多选题学生全部选对得满分,选对但不全得部分分,有选错的得0分 科目分数:每科100分 考试内容:语文——30题,数学——40题,物理——30题,数学和物理都难度大于高考 考试时间:三个小时 8:30-11:30 考试题型:不定项选择题;每题有一个或多个正确选项,全部选对的得满分,选对但不全的得部分分,有选错的得零分。考试题目全部为选择题。 考察方向

数学与逻辑和物理探究着重考查学生较高层次的思维能力以及综合运用所学知识分析 和解决问题的能力。阅读与表达重点考查学生的文学文化水平和各类文章的阅读水平等能力,在考查学生语言运用能力的同时也考查了学生的写作能力。 笔试真题 语文试卷要求: 阅读与表达对语文基础知识和语言文字的运用能力提出的更高的要求。 内容:除了涉猎字音、字形、词语、句子衔接等内容外,还考查了汉字书写的笔顺问题、书体知识、传统文化知识、《红楼梦》文本解读以及宋词的格律炼字等。代文阅读材料的体裁既有论说文,也有小说和诗歌。文言文的阅读语料未经断句标点,还新增了分析推理题,考查学生综合语文能力。 为了彻底杜绝靠猜测拿到部分分数的情况,语文试卷中的多项选择题要求全部正确才 得分,错选或少选不得分; 物理试卷要求: 物理探究非常注重理论联系实际,紧密联系生产、生活和科技前沿,深入挖掘情境背 后的物理内涵,考查学生构建物理模型,灵活运用物理知识解决实际问题的能力。同时,也强调通过设置一些饶有兴趣的现象,引导学生探究背后的物理原因。 人类首次探测到引力波,试题就通过介绍相关实验背景和结果,考查学生提取信息、 加工信息并利用关键信息进行推理判断的能力。 台球是非常受年轻人欢迎的运动,涉及到许多经典力学的规律,试题就以情境设计问题,引导学生学以致用。


公共英语等级考试三级词汇整理 a(a n)a r t.一,一个,每个;(同类事物中的)任何一个 a b a n d o n n.放任 v.放弃;抛弃;离弃 a b d o m e n n.腹(部) a b i d e v.遵守,服从;承受;忍受 a b i l i t y n.能力,本领;才能,技能 a b l e a d j.能(够),会;能干的;聪明的 a b o u t p r e p.关于,对于,涉及;在…周围(附近) a b o v e p r e p.在…之上(上面);(数目、价格等)大于;高于 a b r o a d a d v.出国,在国外 a b r u p t a d j.突然的;出其不意的;陡峭的;(举止、言谈等)唐突的;鲁莽的 a b s e n c e n.缺席,不在;缺席的时间,外出期;缺乏,不存在 a b s e n t a d j.缺席的,不在的;缺乏的 a b s o l u t e a d j.十足的;完全的,绝对的;专制的 a b s o r b v t.吸收,汲取;吸引 a b s t r a c t a d j.抽象的

n.摘要,梗概 v t.提练,取出 a b s u r d a d j.愚蠢的;荒唐的 a b u n d a n t a d j.大量的,充足的;丰富的,富裕的 a b u s e v.辱骂;滥用;虐待 n.辱骂;滥用;虐待 a c a d e m i c a d j.院校的;学术的;纯理论的 a c c e l e r a t e v.加速;促进 a c c e n t n.重音;口音 a c c e p t v.承认;接受 a c c e s s n.进入;通道 a c c i d e n t n.故事;意外事件 a c c i d e n t a l a d j.意外的;偶然的 a c c o m m o d a t e v.容纳;向…提供;使适应,顺应 a c c o m m o d a t i o n(s)n.住宿 a c c o m p a n y v t.陪同,陪伴;为…伴奏;伴随,和…一起发生 a c c o m p l i s h v t.完成;做…成功 a c c o r d i n g(t o) p r e p.根据…,按照;据…所说,按…所载


公共英语三级备考词汇 【-公共英语等级考试】 公共英语三级备考词汇: come on (表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧;进步,进展 come out 出来,出现;出版,发表;结果是 comedy n.喜剧,喜剧性事件;喜剧因素 comfortv. 安慰,慰问;使舒适 comfortable adj. 舒服的,舒适的;宽裕的,小康的 command n.指挥(权);命令;掌握,精通 commend v.推荐;把…付托给;称赞,表扬,嘉奖;吸引,引起兴趣 comment n.评论;注释v.评论;注释 commerce n.买卖;商业;贸易 commercial adj.商业的,商务的n.商业广告 commission n.委托(书),委任,代办;委员会;佣金,手续费 commit v.犯(错误、罪行),干(坏事);把…交托给 committee n.委员会 commodity n.商品;日用品 common adj.普通的,通常的;公共的,共同的 commonwealth n.联邦 communicate vt.传达,传递(意见、感情、消息等) vi.交流,沟通 communication n.通讯,联络,交流 communism n.共产主义 communist adj.共产主义的n. 共产主义者;共产党员 community n.团体,公社;[常用单数]公众 compact adj.紧密的;紧凑v.使紧凑;压缩 companion n.同伴;伴侣 company n.公司,商号;[总称](一)群,(一)伙;同伴(们),朋友(们);连队comparable adj.可比较的;比得上的 comparative adj.比较的;相对的n. [常用单数]匹敌物;比较级 compare v.比较,对照;把…比作,比喻;匹敌,相比 comparison n.比较,对比;相似,类似 compartment n.列车车厢;分隔间 compass n.指南针,罗盘;[常用复数]圆规;[常用单数]范围,界限


2016上外翻硕英语基础真题 I.Cloze Here's why the'American century'will survive rise of China In1941,Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed“the American century”.Some now see this coming to an end1.as a result of the nation’s economic and political decline.Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,Beijing’s rival to the World Bank;but this was2.more of an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline,which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation. A century is generally the limit for a human organism,but countries are social constructs. Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in 117AD.After American independence in1776,Horace Walpole,the British politician, lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia,just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that3.powered its second century as a global power. Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should 4.take into account how many earlier efforts had been wide of the mark.It is chastening to remember how wildly5.exaggerated US estimates of Soviet power in the1970s and of Japanese power in the1980s were.Today,some see the Chinese as10feet tall and proclaim this“the Chinese century”. China’s size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades.But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military,economic and soft power. 6.Even if China suffers no big domestic political setback,many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future. 7.Moreover,economic projections are one dimensional.They ignore US military and soft power advantages,such as the desire of students around the world to attend US universities.They also overlook China’s geopolitical 8.disadvantages in the Asian balance of power,compared with America’s relations with Europe,Japan and India,which are likely to remain more favourable. It is not impossible that a challenger such as China,Europe,Russia,India or Brazil will surpass the US in the first half of this century,but it is not likely. On the question of absolute rather than9.relative American decline,the US faces serious problems in areas such as debt,secondary education,income in equality and political gridlock, but these are only part of the picture.On the positive side of the ledger are favourable trends in demography,technology and energy as well as abiding factors such as geography and entrepreneurial culture. The scenarios that could10.precipitate decline include ones in which the US overreacts to terrorist attacks by turning inwards and thus cuts itself off from the strength it obtains from openness.Alternatively,it could react by overcommitting itself and wasting blood and treasure as it did in Vietnam and Iraq. As an overall assessment,describing the21st century as one of American decline is inaccurate and misleading.Though the US has problems it is not in absolute decline,unlike ancient Rome,and it is likely to remain more powerful than any single state in coming decades.


2012广东专插本考试 英语试题

广东省2012年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 《英语》(公共课)试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) l. It is necessary to put the medicine out of the kids' . A. hold B. hand C. reach D. place 2. Mary had a great deal of trouble the rest runners. A. coming up with B. keeping up with C. living up to D. making up for 3. We'd better take every _ to improve our English. A. time B. case C. thing D. chance 4. He didn't expect to _ his father in the street yesterday. A. run into B. work with C. deal with D. run off 5. Many experiments have shown that moderate exercises contribute____ good health. A. towards B. for C. with D. to 6. Their evidence was convincing but not . A. off the point B. on the point C. to the point D. in the point 7. Her father's death _ her deeply. A. affected B. effected C. offcnded D. infected 8. "How do you _ the golbal warming?" the scientist asked the students. A. count on B. account on C. count for D. account for 9. The city of Wuhan is of three sections. which are separated by the Yangtze River. A. combined B. made C. composed D. formed 10. On second _, we decided not to sell our house. A. plans B. thoughts C. ideas D. minds 11. Some plants are very sensitive _ the changes of the environment. A.from B. against C. to D. with 12. I used to smoke__ but I gave it up a year ago. A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. severely 13. The fire that____ yesterday caused at least ten people's death. A. broke off B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out 14.His explanation has our misunderstanding. A. clarified B. surveyed C. classified D. survived 15. The trip to the west has been because of the bad weather. A. insisted B. canceled C. challenged D. decided 16. It is believed that_ __ spending will eventually lead to failure. A. natural B. mysterious C. moderate D. excessive 17. The guests are often very well by the host in that city. A. entertained B. engaged C. reassured D. refreshed 18. The factors which influence reading speed often _ with each other A. instruct B. install C. interact D. intend 19. The man lost his _ just because his secretary was ten minutes late. A. temper B. mood C. mind D. passion


启用前☆机密 宜宾市2016年高中阶段学校招生考试 语文试题 (考试时间:120分钟;全卷满分:120分) 第Ⅰ卷选择题(20分) 一、基础知识积累(16分) 1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是()(2分) A.酝酿(niàng)啜泣(chuò)骸骨(hái)锲而不舍(qì) B.哺育(bǔ)星宿(xiù)告罄(qìng)恪尽职守(kè) C.咫尺(zǐ)干涸(hé)冗长(rǒng)惟妙惟肖(xiào) D.狡黠(xiá)亘古(gèng)偌大(ruò)味同嚼蜡(jiáo) 2.下列词语中书写完全正确的一项是()(2分) A.遮敝羁绊来势汹汹变幻多姿 B.籍贯惆怅锋芒毕露蛛丝蚂迹 C.寥廓急躁张皇失措相形见绌 D.取缔婉转迫不急待黯然失色 3.下列加点成语使用正确的一项是()(2分) A.网上对这个餐厅的评价相当高,我们品尝之后觉得名不虚传。.... B.爷爷不会操作手机,于是我对他耳提面命,手把手教他发短信。.... C.在我生病的时候,妈妈对我的照顾简直无所不至。.... D.转眼间,狂风大作,雷电交加,大雨倾盆,真是满城风雨。....4.下列句子没有语病的一项是()(2分) A.5月30日,火星抵达11年来离地球最近的位置,人们几乎凭肉眼就能看到它。 B.高靖朝的土鸡蛋供不应求,主要的销售途径是通过微信朋友圈和QQ好友群卖出。 C.著名翻译家、作家杨绛先生的散文《老王》是广大文学爱好者倍受欢迎的。 D.我们班“学霸”晓兮虽然学习很好,但是经常热情地帮助学习困难的同学。 5.下列句子修辞手法判断及作用分析不正确的一项是 A.“浩荡离愁白日斜”运用了比喻、夸张的修辞手法,生动地写出愁绪的繁多、深广、延绵不绝。B.“沉鳞竞跃”“锦鳞游泳”“呷浪之鳞”均以鳞代指鱼,运用借代的修辞手法,生动具体,形象鲜明,使事物特点更加突出。 C.“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”运用拟人、对偶的修辞手法,深刻地表达出诗人面对国家危亡、亲人离散的痛苦。 D.“将军百战死,壮士十年归”“万里赴戎机,关山度若飞”都运用了对偶的修辞手法,句式整齐,结构匀称。 6.下列说法不正确的一项是()(3分) A.《论语》,儒家经典著作,与《大学》《中庸》《孟子》合称为“四书”。 B.《史记》,我国第一部编年体通史,作者是西汉的史学家、文学家司马迁。 C.鲁迅,著名文学家、思想家、革命家,有散文集《朝花夕拾》,小说集《呐喊》。 D.莫泊桑,法国作家,被称为短篇小说巨匠,代表作有《项链》《羊脂球》等。 7.下列名著中的形象分析正确的一项是() A.《海底两万里》中的尼摩船长用海底沉船里的千百万金银来挑起陆地上人们的战争,他是一个故意引起事端、不怀好意。


广东省2018 年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 《英语》(公共课)试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Direction: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.Hearing that he had passed health examination, he immediately made call to his parents. A.a; / B. the; / C. the; a D. a; the 2. you are, friends are an important part of life at every stage. A.Whatever B. Whenever C. Wherever D. Whoever 3.Although we waited more than half an hour, Mary didn’t turn at the conference room. A.over B. in C. up D. out 4.Maria hadn’t seen me for a few years, but she my voice on the phone i mmediately. A.realized B. recognized C. repeated D. reminded 5.The student needed a letter of to apply for the post of a secretary. A.invitation B. recommendation C. register D. inquiry 6.He is well-prepared for the presentation about the new project and feels that the head of department will like his idea. A.concerned B. comfortable C. confused D. confident 7.Tom’s mother was shocked that Tom had got head in a car accident. A.ache B. damage C. suffering D. injury 8.It was very late when we decided to travel on May Day holiday, but luckily we to find a hotel at a reasonable price. A.managed B. wanted C. tried D. needed 9.The famous writer, writings for China Daily I appreciate a lot is invited to give a speech in our university. A. that B. whose C. whom D.who


剑桥少儿英语等级考试三级词汇 Animals 动物animal动物 bat蝙蝠 bear熊 bird 鸟 butterfly蝴蝶 cage笼子 camel骆驼 cat 猫 chicken鸡 cow母牛 crocodile鳄鱼 dinosaur 恐龙 dog狗 dolphin海豚 duck鸭子 elephant 大象 fish-fish鱼 fly苍蝇 frog青蛙fur皮毛 giraffe长颈鹿 goat山羊 hippo河马 horse 马 insect昆虫 kangaroo袋鼠 lion狮子lizard蜥蜴 monkey猴子 mouse-mice老鼠 octopus章鱼 panda熊猫 parrot鹦鹉 pet宠物 puppy小狗 rabbit兔子 shark鲨鱼 sheep-sheep绵羊 snake蛇 spider蜘蛛 swan天鹅 tail尾巴 tiger老虎 whale鲸鱼 wing翅膀 zoo动物园The Body And The Face 身体和脸 arm胳膊 back背部 beard络腮胡子 blonde金黄的 body身体curly弯曲的 ear耳朵 eye眼睛 face脸 fair金黄的 foot-feet脚 hair头发 hand手 head头leg腿 moustache小胡子 mouth嘴 neck脖子 nose鼻子 shoulder肩膀 smile微笑 stomach胃 straight直的 tooth-teeth牙齿 Clothes 衣服bag包 belt皮带 clothes衣服 coat

外套 dress长裙 glasses眼镜 glove手套 handbag手包 hat帽子 jacket夹克衫 jeans 牛仔裤 pocket口袋 ring戒指 scarf围巾shirt衬衫 shoe鞋子 shorts短裤 skirt短裙 sock短袜 spot斑点 spotted有斑点的stripe条纹 striped有条纹的 sweater毛衣 tights紧身衣trousers长裤 T-shirt T恤衫umbrella 伞 uniform校服,制服 watch手表 wear穿戴Colours 颜色black黑色 blue蓝色 brown棕色 gold金色 green绿色 grey/gray灰色 orange橙色 pink粉色 purple紫色 red红色 silver银色 white白色 yellow黄色 Family And Friends 家庭和朋友 aunt阿姨,婶婶 baby婴孩 boy男孩 brother兄弟 child-children孩子 cousin堂/表兄弟姊妹 dad/daddy爸爸 daughter女儿 family家庭 father父亲 friend朋友 girl女孩granddaughter孙女 grandfather祖父 grandma 奶奶 grandpa爷爷 grandparent祖父母grandson 孙子 grown-up成年人 husband丈夫 live居住 man-men男人 married结婚的Miss小姐 mother母亲 Mr 先生 Mrs夫人 mum/


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A What’s On? Electric Underground 7.30pm-1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who’s playing in your area? We’re bringing you an eveni ng of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He’s going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce you music. Gee Whizz 8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He’s the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks(快餐). Simon’s Workshop 5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years’ experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny. Charlotte Stone 8.00pm-11.00pm Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine. 1. Who can help you if you want to have your music produced? A. Jules Skye. B. Gee Whizz. C. Charlotte Stone. D. James Pickering. 2. At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh? A. The Cyclops Theatre B. Kaleidoscope


公共英语三级词汇汇总canal n.运河;(沟) 渠 cancel v.取消,作废;删去 cancer n.癌症;肿瘤 candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者;申请者 candle n.蜡烛 candy n.糖果;蜜饯

cannon n.大炮,火炮v.开炮;碰撞 canoe n.独木舟,小游艇v.划独木舟 cap n.便帽,军帽;(笔、瓶等的) 盖套v.覆盖于…顶端capable a.能干的,有能力的 capacity v.容量,容积;才能,能力;接受力 capital

n.首都 captain n.上尉,队长;船长 capture n.捕获,俘获v.夺得,占领;捕获,俘虏car n.小汽车 card n.卡片 care v.关心,介意n.小心,谨慎,注意

career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业careful a.小心的;谨慎的 careless a.粗心的,疏忽的 cargo n.船货,货物 carpet n.地毯;像地毯般的一层东西carriage

n.(四轮) 马车;(火车的) 客车厢carrot n.胡萝卜 carry vt.运送 cart n.大车,板车,手推车v.用大车运走cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片v.画漫画carve v.(雕) 刻

n.情况,情形,事实;案件,案情;病例 cash n.现金,现款,现钱v.兑现,兑付 cashier n.(银行、商店等的)出纳员 cassette n.小盒子;盒式磁带 cast v.投, 掷,抛;铸造;计算n.演员表;一掷;模型;性格castle


高等学校英语应用能力考试2016年12月B级真题(a卷) Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) I’m not sure. B) You’re right. C) Yes, certainly. D) That’s interesting. From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D]. Now the test will begin. 1.A) Sorry, he’s not in. C) Try again, please. B) Here you are. D) Thank you. 2. A) Nice to see you. C) No, I don’t. B) See you later. D) Take care. 3. A) See you next time. C) You are welcome. B) No, thanks. D) Press the button here. 4.A) Over there. C) I like Chinese food. B) Yes, I do. D) Tomorrow morning. 5.A) Never mind. C) Only a week. B) Certainly. D) My pleasure. 6.A) On the Internet. C) By bus. B) She’s very nice. D) It’s far away. 7.A) We are busy. C) It’s expensive. B) Take it easy. D) He’s very kind. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 7 recorded dialogues in it. After each conversation, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the dialogues. 8.A) Earth Day. C) Father’s Day. B) Mother’s Day. D) Thanksgiving Day. 9.A) Flight numbers. C) Banking services. B) Bus schedules. D) Office hours.

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