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HIMCM 2014美国中学生数学建模竞赛试题

HIMCM 2014美国中学生数学建模竞赛试题 Problem A: Unloading Commuter Trains Trains arrive often at a central Station, the nexus for many commuter trains from suburbs of larger cities on a “commuter” line. Most trains are long (perhaps 10 or more cars long). The distance a passenger has to walk to exit the train area is quite long. Each train car has only two exits, one near each end so that the cars can carry as many people as possible. Each train car has a center aisle and there are two seats on one side and three seats on the other for each row of seats.To exit a typical station of interest, passengers must exit the car, and then make their way to a stairway to get to the next level to exit the station. Usually these trains are crowded so there is a “fan” of passengers from the train trying to get up the stairway. The stairway could accommodate two columns of people exiting to the top of the stairs.Most commuter train platforms have two tracks adjacent to the platform. In the worst case, if two fully occupied trains arrived at the same time, it might take a long time for all the passengers to get up to the main level of the station.Build a mathematical model to estimate the amount of time for a passenger to reach the street level of the station to exit the complex. Assume there are n cars to a train, each car has length d. The length of the platform is p, and the number of stairs in each staircase is q. Use your model to specifically optimize (minimize) the time traveled to reach street level to exit a station for the following: 问题一:通勤列车的负载问题 在中央车站,经常有许多的联系从大城市到郊区的通勤列车“通勤”线到达。大多数火车很长(也许10个或更多的汽车长)。乘客走到出口的距离也很长,有整个火车区域。每个火车车厢只有两个出口,一个靠近终端, 因此可以携带尽可能多的人。每个火车车厢有一个中心过道和过道两边的座椅,一边每排有两个座椅,另一边每排有三个座椅。走出这样一个典型车站,乘客必须先出火车车厢,然后走入楼梯再到下一个级别的出站口。通常情况下这些列车都非常拥挤,有大量的火车上的乘客试图挤向楼梯,而楼梯可以容纳两列人退出。大多数通勤列车站台有两个相邻的轨道平台。在最坏的情况下,如果两个满载的列车同时到达,所有的乘客可能需要很长时间才能到达主站台。建立一个数学模型来估计旅客退出这种复杂的状况到达出站口路上的时间。假设一列火车有n个汽车那么长,每个汽车的长度为d。站台的长度是p,每个楼梯间的楼梯数量是q。使用您的模型具体来优化(减少)前往主站台的时间,有如下要求: Requirement 1. One fully occupied train's passengers to exit the train, and ascend the stairs to reach the street access level of the station. 要求1.一个满载乘客的火车,所有乘客都要出火车。所有乘客都要出楼梯抵达出主站台的路上。 Requirement 2. Two fully occupied trains' passengers (all passengers exit onto a common platform) to exit the trains, and ascend the stairs to reach the street access level


大学生爱国演讲比赛内容5篇 爱国主义是中华儿女几千年凝结,积淀起来的对祖国最纯洁,最高尚,最神圣的感情,是中华民族精神的核心资料。这种民族精神,是中华民族不竭的精神动力和传统美德,是推动我国社会前进的巨大力量,是各族人民共同的精神支柱,是激励全国人民团结奋斗的光辉旗帜。下面给大家分享一些关于大学生爱国演讲比赛内容5篇,供大家参考。 大学生爱国演讲比赛内容(1) 各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 祖国是什么?对于我们中国人来说,祖国是东海波上升起的太阳,是帕米尔高原上闪烁的群星,是“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡像”的辽阔北国,是花开三日,草长莺飞的春色南疆。可同时,祖国还让我们想起曾经经历的苦难与蹉跎,饱尝的屈辱与折磨,阻碍我们前进的愚昧与不足。 祖国,我的祖国,我在四大发明里认识你,我在兵马俑的坚强里看见你,我在黄河的奔腾里倾听你,我在泰山的巍峨里敬仰你,在爷爷奶奶的追忆里,我想像着你曾经的苦难,曾经的沧桑;在爸爸妈妈的诉说里,我品味着你的努力,你的崛起;在哥哥姐姐的歌声里,我聆听你的腾飞,你的辉煌,在我生活的日日夜夜里,我感受着你的和谐,你的神奇! 80后90后,这是世人给予我们年青人的称呼,是褒?是贬?新起之秀韩寒敢于直刺教育之弊,汶川大地震,80后从未曾退缩,面对日本嚣张气焰,90后愤而游行,是对?是错?爱国之心可嘉,鲁莽行为当阻,也许我们还不够成熟,仅凭一腔热血,几酿恶果。但我们足够年轻,有追寻梦想的勇气,我们不会永远鲁莽,我们将成为这样的一代:面对成熟,骄傲而不自傲;面对挑衅,沉重而不鲁莽;面对

未来,斗志昂扬而不盲目奋进,将内心的激情化作信仰,化作勇气化作力量,一笑争鸣天下情! 此时,我要歌颂你,我的祖国,用温婉的小调,用野性的歌,用高亢的进行曲,用华丽的咏叹调,用我所有最美的语言,最动听的旋律,我要,我要歌颂你!我想站在河之洲,水之媚,山之巅,海之滨,用我稚嫩却满是真情的声音,为你唱响,唱响我心头最难忘的那一句:祖国,我爱你! 大学生爱国演讲比赛内容(2) 各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在世界的东方有一块神奇的土地,那就是我的祖国。我的祖国是伟大的,美丽的,是充满生机与活力的,每一天都有许多笑声传遍大江南北。我感叹你的纯洁,我自豪你的强大,我骄傲你的成功,我热恋你色彩斑斓的四季。 春天的你,披着绿色的彩带,飘逸飞扬,鲜艳花朵的装饰,蓝天碧水的映照,更显你轻盈柔美的身躯,你呤唱着溪水叮咚的小曲,你倾听着大海澎湃的交响乐,风儿抚摸着嫩绿的小草,你的生活就像一首赞歌,有着美妙旋律,这不仅要用歌声,用诗句来表达,更需要真诚,热爱和希望去谱写。你拥有的是七彩的生活。 夏天的你犹如可爱活泼的仙子,每一处都展现诱人的青春,大家都羡慕你,称赞你,在清澈的河边嬉戏。火热的你是灿烂的,你漫步在硕大的空间,是那样心旷神怡。你在翩翩起舞,你在抒情歌唱,你在描绘美丽,你在编织着令人陶醉的梦境…… 在明晰的大自然旋律中,你又迎来凉爽的秋季,在你温暖的怀抱中,总是给人无


2011年数学建模集训小题目 1.求下列积分的数值解 ? +∞ +-?23 2 2 3x x x dx 2.已知)s i n ()()c o s (),(2h t h t h t e h t f h t ++++=+,dt h t f h g ?=10 ),()(,画出 ]10,10[-∈h 时,)(h g 的图形。 3.画出16)5(2 2=-+y x 绕x 轴一周所围成的图形,并求所产生的旋转体的体积。 4.画出下列曲面的图形 (1)旋转单叶双曲面 14 92 22=-+z y x ; (2)马鞍面xy z =; 5.画出隐函数1cos sin =+y x 的图形。 6.(1)求函数x x y -+=12 ln 的三阶导数; 法一:syms x y dy; >> y=log((x+2)/(1-x)); >> dy=diff(y,3) dy = (6/(1-x)^3+6*(x+2)/(1-x)^4)/(x+2)*(1-x)-2*(2/(1-x)^2+2*(x+2)/(1-x)^3)/(x+2)^2*(1-x)-2*(2/(1-x)^2+2*(x+2)/(1-x)^3)/(x+2)+2*(1/(1-x)+(x+2)/(1-x)^2)/(x+2)^3*(1-x)+2*(1/(1-x)+(x+2)/(1-x)^2)/(x+2)^2 (2)求向量]425.00[=a 的一阶向前差分。 7.求解非线性方程组 (1)?????=-+=-+060622x y y x (2)???=+=++5 ln 10tan 10cos sin y x y e y x 8.求函数186)(2 3-++=x x x x f 的极值点,并画出函数的图形。 9.某单位需要加工制作100套钢架,每套用长为2.9m ,2.1m 和1m 的圆钢各一根。已知原料长6.9m ,问应如何下料,使用的原材料最省。 10. 某部门在今后五年内考虑给下列项目投资,已知: 项目A ,从第一年到第四年每年年初需要投资,并于次年末回收本利115%; 项目B ,从第三年初需要投资,到第五年末能回收本利125%,但规定最大投资额不超过4万元;


大学生五四主题演讲比赛的活动策划书 一、活动背景: 五四运动是中国旧民主主义革命的结束和新民主主义革命的开端,中国革命从此进入了一个新的历史时期。中华人民共和国建立后,中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月正式宣布以5月4日为中国青年节。 万般有罪,爱国无罪。历史不是一页书签,历史不是已成为化石的过去,更不只是时间长河中一段被截取的孤立的场景;历史是祖先的脚印,是一艘摆渡华夏民族的巨轮,是一个民族曾经的精神符号的记忆。历史是一段段螺旋上升以助我们民族抵达一个又一个高度的阶梯……既是如此,我们何不利用这笔宝贵的资源和财富,吸取其中的教训,在逝去的民族精神的符号中找寻我们尚未完全汲取的记忆? 值此第58个五四青年节到来之即,为纪念五四运动88周年,借XX年学代会即将召开之东风,演讲与口才协会将偕同兄弟社团播音主持协会开展“传承五四精神争做世纪青年”主题演讲比赛,缅怀此具有非常意义的节日,激励大家不断前进。同时,回顾共青团85周年的光辉历程,展望新形势下共青团的发展前景,进一步增强团员青年的政治意识和服务意识。 二、活动目的: 为丰富校园文化生活、提高校园文化品位,创造和谐、奋

进、创新的校园文化氛围,积极倡导社会主义荣辱观,倡导青年立远大志向,竖世纪新风,以积极的人生观、价值观投身学习及工作中去,投身于学校的创新发展中,顾全大局,拼博奋进, 传承五四精神,争做世纪青年,实现自我理想,在广大师生青年中进行热爱党、热爱祖国、热爱社会主义的教育,进行社会主义核心价值体系教育,引导广大团员青年为我校争创全国一流大学、构建和谐校园做贡献,同时引导广大青年深入学习邓小平理论和“xxxx”重要思想,深入学习科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会等重大战略思想,加强社会主义核心价值体系教育,进一步坚定广大青年紧跟党走中国特色社会主义道路的信念。充分展示当代青年在党的领导下朝气蓬勃、奋发向上的时代风貌,激励亿万青少年在全面建设小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会的实践中建功立业、成长成才。充分展示共青团紧紧围绕党的中心工作、团结带领广大团员青年投身改革开放和现代化建设的生动实践,推动各级团组织和广大团干部深入学习贯彻党的要求,奋发有为推动共青团事业实现新发展。 三、时间安排: 1.赛前宣传:由承办方在主办方的指导下在网上对本次活动进行赛前宣传,包括:校园网站、协会网站、校内网等。 2.初赛前的宣传通知,发布演讲比赛的相关规定和具体信息,组织学生报名参加比赛,并公布赛事进程和一些奖项设


西南大学2014年春《数学建模》作业及答案(已整理) 第一次作业 1:[填空题] 名词解释: 1.原型 2.模型 3.数学模型 4.机理分析 5.测试分析 6.理想方法 7.计算机模拟 8.蛛网模型 9.群体决策 10.直觉 11.灵感 12.想象力 13.洞察力 14.类比法 15.思维模型 16.符号模型 17.直观模型 18.物理模型19.2倍周期收敛20.灵敏度分析21.TSP问题22.随机存储策略23.随机模型24.概率模型25.混合整数规划26.灰色预测 参考答案: 1.原型:原型指人们在现实世界里关心、研究或者从事生产、管理的实际对象。2.模型:指为某个特定目的将原形的某一部分信息简缩、提炼而构造的原型替代物。3.数学模型:是由数字、字母或其它数字符号组成的,描述现实对象数量规律的数学公式、图形或算法。4.机理分析:根据对客观事物特性的认识,找出反映内部机理的数量规律,建立的模型常有明显的物理意义或现实意义。5.测试分析:将研究对象看作一个"黑箱”系统,通过对系统输入、输出数据的测量和统计分析,按照一定的准则找出与数据拟合得最好的模型。6.理想方法:是从观察和经验中通过想象和逻辑思维,把对象简化、纯化,使其升华到理状态,以其更本质地揭示对象的固有规律。7.计算机模拟:根据实际系统或过程的特性,按照一定的数学规律用计算机程序语言模拟实际运行情况,并依据大量模拟结构对系统或过程进行定量分析。8.蛛网模型:用需求曲线和供应曲线分析市场经济稳定性的图示法在经济学中称为蛛网模型。9.群体决策:根据若干人对某些对象的决策结果,综合出这个群体的决策结果的过程称为群体决策。10.直觉:直觉是人们对新事物本质的极敏锐的领悟、理解或推断。11.灵感:灵感是指在人有意识或下意识思考过程中迸发出来的猜测、思路或判断。12.想象力:指人们在原有知识基础上,将新感知的形象与记忆中的形象相互比较、重新组合、加工、处理,创造出新形象,是一种形象思维活动。13.洞察力:指人们在充分占有资料的基础上,经过初步分析能迅速抓住主要矛盾,舍弃次要因素,简化问题的层次,对可以用那些方法解决面临的问题,以及不同方法的优劣作出判断。14.类比法:类比法注意到研究对象与以熟悉的另一对象具有某些共性,比较二者相似之处以获得对研究对象的新认识。15.思维模型:指人们对原形的反复认识,将获取的知识以经验的形式直接储存于人脑中,从而可以根据思维或直觉作出相应的决策。16.符号模型:是在一定约束条件或假设下借助于专门的符号、线条等,按一定形式组合起来描述原型。17.直观模型:指那些供展览用的实物模型以及玩具、照片等,通常是把原型的尺寸按比例缩小或放大,主要追求外观上的逼真。18.物理模型:主要指科技工作者为一定的目的根据相似原理构造的模型,它不仅可以显示原型的外形或某些特征,而且可以用来进行模拟实验,间接地研究原型的某些规律。19.2倍周期收敛:在离散模型中,如果一个数列存在两个收敛子列就称为2倍周期收敛。20.灵敏度分析:系数的每个变化都会改变线性规划问题,随之也会影响原来求得的最优解。为制定一个应付各种偶然情况的全能方法,必须研究以求得的最优解是怎样随输入系数的变化而变化的。这叫灵敏性分析。21.TSP问题:在加权图中寻求最佳推销员回路的问题可以转化为在一个完备加权图中寻求最佳哈密顿圈的问题,称为TSP问题。22.随机存储策略:商店在订购货物时采用的一种简单的策略,是制定一个下界s和一个上界S,当周末存货不小于s时就不定货;当存货少于s 时就订货,且定货量使得下周初的存量达到S,这种策略称为随机存储策略。23.随机模型:如果随机因素对研究对象的影响必须考虑,就应该建立随机性的数学模型,简称为随机模型。24.概


全国演讲比赛演讲稿 【篇一:全国大学生演讲赛演讲稿和谐,我们站在一起】全国大学生演讲赛演讲稿和谐,我们站在一起 月儿高高,黑夜很长,孩子睡着了,我为你歌唱,亲爱的孩子,什么是吉祥,那洁白的地方,命运没有方向(唱) 我不知道,那些在汶川地震中丧生的人,有没有在洁白的天堂里找到 自己的方向。 5月12 日,14点28分,我国四川省汶川地区发生8.0级特大地震。已经超过五万抓不住的生命,已经没有声响的悲极哭泣,人们还在 扒着继续坍塌的废墟,人们还在寻找着微弱跳动的脉搏。当战士跪 在地上哭喊着“你们让我再去救一个,求求你们让我再去救一个!我 还能再救一个!”的时候,我们哽咽无语。 2008,令中国雀跃却又多灾多难的一年。当我们怀着兴奋的心情准 备着,迎接着奥运盛宴的时候,我们也遭受了重大的灾难。那场用 苍白模糊所有眼睛的漫天雪影,这场用鲜血压抑所有呼吸的极大震荡,像一个沉痛的绝响,紧紧扼着中国的喉咙,重重敲击着中国的 心脏。 天,哭了。 但是,只要有人转过身,就能看见,我们,仍坚定地站在这里。 赈灾物资刻不容缓地运入受灾地区,全国捐款已达200多亿,我们 的总理奔赴一线,告诉大家,党和政府高度重视这场地震灾害,他说,只要还有一线生还的机会,就要用百倍的努力??是的,房子裂了、塌了,我们可以再修,再建。只要人在,我们就一定能够渡过 难关,只要人在,我们就一定能战胜这场重大的自然灾害。 关怀从四面八方汇集过来,因为我们流淌着同一颜色的血液,中国红;因为我们拥有同一个信仰,中华和谐!世界和谐! 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。走过了五千多年风风雨雨 的华夏精神,在今天,凝聚成不朽的两个字——和谐。 和谐是温饱无忧,怡然自得的桃源生活。 和谐是百家争鸣,各种思想的碰撞与交流。 和谐是同一个世界,和谐是同一个梦想。 因为和谐,我们站在这里;因为和谐,我们不忘记;因为和谐,我 们不抛弃,不放弃。再大的风浪,我们也会拉紧彼此的手不松开, 再深的阻隔,我们也能用博大的心去交流。


习 题 1 1. 请编写绘制以下图形的MA TLAB 命令,并展示绘得的图形. (1) 221x y +=、224x y +=分别是椭圆2241x y +=的内切圆和外切圆. (2) 指数函数x y e =和对数函数ln y x =的图像关于直线y=x 对称. (3) 黎曼函数 1, (0)(0,1) 0 , (0,1), 0,1 q x p q q x y x x x =>∈?=? ∈=?当为既约分数且当为无理数且或者 的图像(要求分母q 的最大值由键盘输入). 3. 两个人玩双骰子游戏,一个人掷骰子,另一个人打赌掷骰子者不能掷出所需点数,输赢的规则如下:如果第一次掷出3或11点,打赌者赢;如果第一次掷出2、7或12点,打赌者输;如果第一次掷出4、5、6、8、9或10点,记住这个点数,继续掷骰子,如果不能在掷出7点之前再次掷出该点数,则打赌者赢. 请模拟双骰子游戏,要求写出算法和程序,估计打赌者赢的概率. 你能从理论上计算出打赌者赢的精确概率吗?请问随着试验次数的增加,这些概率收敛吗?

4. 根据表1.14的数据,完成下列数据拟合问题: (1) 如果用指数增长模型0()0()e r t t x t x -=模拟美国人口从1790年至2000年的变化过程,请用MATLAB 统计工具箱的函数nlinfit 计算指数增长模型的以下三个数据拟合问题: (i) 取定0x =3.9,0t =1790,拟合待定参数r ; (ii) 取定0t =1790,拟合待定参数0x 和r ; (iii) 拟合待定参数0t 、0x 和r . 要求写出程序,给出拟合参数和误差平方和的计算结果,并展示误差平方和最小的拟合效果图. (2) 通过变量替换,可以将属于非线性模型的指数增长模型转化成线性模型,并用MA TLAB 函数polyfit 进行计算,请说明转化成线性模型的详细过程,然后写出程序,给出拟合参数和误差平方和的计算结果,并展示拟合效果图. (3) 请分析指数增长模型非线性拟合和线性化拟合的结果有何区别?原因是什么? (4) 如果用阻滞增长模型00 () 00()()e r t t Nx x t x N x --= +-模拟美国人口从1790年至2000年的变化过程,请用MA TLAB 统计工具箱的函数nlinfit 计算阻滞增长模型的以下三个数据拟合问题: (i) 取定0x =3.9,0t =1790,拟合待定参数r 和N ; (ii) 取定0t =1790,拟合待定参数0x 、r 和N ; (iii) 拟合待定参数0t 、0x 、r 和N . 要求写出程序,给出拟合参数和误差平方和的计算结果,并展示误差平方和最小的拟合效果图. 年份 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890


全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖演讲稿范文下面是为你精心的全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖范文,希望对你有所帮助!更多精彩内容,相关栏目查看,谢谢! good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. today i would like to begin with a story. there was once a physical 1) therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a 2) census about mountain 3) gorillas. these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of 4) poaching and being put into the zoo. she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we've ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5) cuddled their babies. yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian


2014年美国数学建模大赛(MCM)试题译文 王景璟大连理工大学 问题A:超车之外靠右行原则 在一些开车必须靠右行驶的国家(比如:美国,中国,以及其他除了英国,澳大利亚,和一些前英国殖民地的国家),行驶在多车道高速路必须遵循一个规则,那就是要求驾驶员在超车之外的情况下,必须在最靠右的车道行驶,超车时,他们向左变道,超车,然后再回到之前行驶的车道。 构建一个数学模型来分析该规则在车流量很少和很大的时候的执行情况。你最好能考察车流量与安全的之间的相互关系,过低或是过量的速度限制的作用(速度设置过低或是过高),以及/或者其他在该问题陈述中没有明确提到的因素。该原则是否能有效促进更好的车流量?如果无效,请建议和分析其他更有助于提高车流量、安全、以及其他你认为重要的因素的其他方案(可以完全不包括该原则)。 在开车靠左行的国家,讨论一下你的方案在经过对方向的简单修改之后或是添加额外的要求之后是否也适用。 最后,以上原则取决于人们遵循交通规则的判断力。如果道路上的车流完全在智能系统(要么是道路体系的一部分,要么是包含在使用道路的所有车辆的设计之中)的控制之下,该改变在多大程度上会影响你先前分析的结果? 问题B: 大学教练联盟 《体育画报》,一本体育爱好者的杂志,正在寻找上世纪“最好的大学教练”,包括男性和女性。建立一个数学模型以从诸如大学曲棍球,曲棍球,橄榄球,棒球,垒球,篮球,或足球等运动的男性或女性教练中选出最好的一个教练或几个教练(过去的或现在的)。分析中使用的时间分界线是否有影响?即在1913执教和在2013年执教有不同吗?清晰地表达你们模型中的评判标准。讨论你们的模型如何能广泛地应用于两种性别及所有可能的体育运动。分别选出你模型中3种不同运动的前5位教练。 除了MCM格式及要求,准备一篇1-2页的文章给《体育画报》以解释你们的结论并包括一份能让体育迷们看懂的对你们数学模型的非技术性解释。 问题C:使用网络模型测量影响力


?aò?£o(?a·?)è?1ú′ó?§éúó¢ó??Y?2±èèü?Y?2?? è?1ú′ó?§éúó¢ó??Y?2±èèü?Y?2?? im grateful that ive been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to stand here as a spokesman of my generation and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as well. though it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, i believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years. in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, i always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself. one day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, could you please explain this to me? i want very much to do better this time. i started explaining, and finished in a hurry. pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, i ran off quickly. nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. and two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. no one ever knew about the little task i failed to fulfill, but i couldnt forgive myself. i simply couldnt forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, why didnt you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you? why didnt you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that i would not have to leave this world in such pain and regret? i was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for i began to understand the word responsibility and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society. later in my life, i continued to experience many failures. but never again did i feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that i have always done everything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best i can. words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts. such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures. such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it. yet in the meantime, many problems still exist. we learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting. we hear that there are still about 1 million


全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿 Facing this audience on the stage, I have the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history, for what we are facing today is more than a mere competition or contest. It is an assembly of some of China's most talented and motivated people, representatives of a younger generation that are preparing themselves for the coming of a new century. I'm grateful that I've been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to stand here as a spokesman of my generation and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as well. Though it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, I believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years. In my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. The teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, I always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself. One day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, "Could you please explain this to me? I want very much to do better this time. " I started explaining, and finished in a hurry. Pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, I ran off quickly. Nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. And two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. No one ever knew about the little task I failed to fulfill, but I couldn't forgive myself. I simply couldn't forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, "Why didn't you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you? Why didn't you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that I would not have to leave this world in such pain and regret?" I was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for I began to understand the word "responsibility" and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society. Later in my life, I continued to experience many failures. But never again did I feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that I have always done everything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best I can. As I grew up, changed and improved by this incident and many other similar ones, I began to perceive the changes taking place around me and to find that society, in a way, was in its formative years like myself. New buildings, new commodities and new fashions appear every day. New ideas, new information, new technologies. People can talk with each other from any corner of the earth in a matter of seconds. Society is becoming more competitive. Words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts. Such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures. Such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it. Yet in the meantime, many problems still exist. We learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting. We hear that there are still about 1 million children in this country who can't even afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars. We buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people believe, is the most important thing in the world that must be made, even at the expense of morality and responsibility.


2014年下学期数学实验与数学建模作业习题8 1.轮船的甲板成近似半椭圆面形为了得到甲板的面积。首先测量得到横向最大相间8.534米;然后等间距地测得纵向高度,自左向右分别为:0.914, 5.060, 7.772, 8.717, 9.083, 9.144, 9.083, 8.992, 8.687, 7.376, 2.073,计算甲板的面积。 【1】命令: x=0:0.711:8.534; y2=[0,0.914^2,5.060^2,7.772^2,8.717^2,9.083^2,9.144^2,9.083^2,8.992^2, 8.687^2,7.376^2,2.073^2,0]; %plot(x,y2,'*'); a=polyfit(x,y2,2) 【2】结果: a = -5.2832 46.5248 -16.7465 得y^2=-5.2832*x^2+46.5248*x-16.7465,即y^2/85.68+(x-4.4031)^2/16.2175=1 故面积=0.5*a*b*pi=58.56. 2.物体受水平方向外力作用,在水平直线上运动。测得位移与受力如表8.1 表8.1 X 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 F 20 21 21 20 19 18.5 18.0 13.5 9 4.5 0 求(a) 物体从位移为0到0.4所做的功; (b) 位移为0.4时的速度是多少? 【1】命令: x=0:0.1:1.0; f=[20,21,21,20,19,18.5,18.0,13.5,9,4.5,0]; plot(x,f,'*');hold on; a=polyfit(x,f,2) f2=-34.4988*x.*x+14.8625*x+19.5979; plot(x,f2); syms t y=-34.4988*t.*t+14.8625*t+19.5979; w=vpa(int(y,t,0,0.4),8) V=diff(y);t=2;v=eval(V)

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