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当前位置:文档库 › 2018年广州市七年级下英语完成句子复习试题





1. 法国以葡萄酒而闻名。

France ________ _________ _________its wine,

2. 巴黎是世界上最美丽的城市之一。

Paris is ________ _________ the ________ beautiful _________ in the world.

3. 他们在舞会上玩得很开心。

They ________ _________ at the party.

4. 今天很热,为什么不去游泳?

It`s so hot today.___________ __________ go swimming?

5. 这里的天气既不太热又不太冷。

It`s never _________ _________ and never ________ ___________here.

6. 没有什么比这更好!

__________ could ________nicer!

7. 我们经常参加体育活动。

We often _________ __________ __________sports.

8. 我过去乘公共汽车上学常常要花两个多小时。

It _________ __________ _____________-me more than two hours to get to school by bus!

9. 直到他来了,我们才开始工作。

We _________ _________ ___________ he came.

10. 今天下午去购物,怎么样?

How ___________ ___________ shopping this afternoon?

11. 他今天很忙,有很多工作要做。

He is very busy today. He has________ _________ work _________ ___________.

12. 请讲慢一点,以便我们能听清楚。

Please speak slowly __________ __________ we can here clearly.

13. 根据科学家的说法,到2050年斜塔会倒塌。

_______________ ______________ scientists, the tower would _________

_____________by 2050.


1. 他对英语感兴趣。

He is ____________ ___________ English.

2. 树木能使空气变得凉爽。

Trees can _________ the ___________.

3. 那位工人告诫我们这座桥有危险。

The worker __________us about the _________ of the bridge.

4. 树木能互相交流。

Trees can ___________ ___________ one another.

5. 他的母亲为他感到担心。

His mother is _________ __________ him.

6. 我们应该关心环境。

We should __________ ___________ the environment.

7. 我们应该尽力保护地球,因为地球是我们的家。

We should try ________ _________ __________ _________Earth because it`s our


8. 现在人们开始认识到保护环境的重要性。

Now people begin to realize the ___________ ___________ ___________ the environment.

9. 为了安全,你最好喝瓶装水。

You`d __________ __________ bottled water to __________ ___________.

10. 由于大雨,他们不能及时赶到那里。

They couldn`t get there in time __________ __________the heavy rain.

11. 树木为人们提供很多东西。

Trees __________ a lot of things __________people.

12. 没有树木,地球会变得太热,不适宜居住。

____________ trees, it would get _________ hot _________ us to live on Earth. 13. 我们应该阻止工厂产生有害的气体。

We should __________ factories __________ ___________ harmful gases.

14. 人们开始认识到保护环境的重要性。

People are beginning to _________ ____________ ___________ of protecting the environment.

15. 树木为我们提供许多东西。

Trees __________ us __________ a lot of things.

16. 为了保护环境,我们应该多种树并好好看管他们。

____________ ______________ our environment, we should plant more trees and

___________ __________ __________ them.


1. 图书馆不许抽烟。

Smoking is _________ _________ in the library.

2. 我要订一间房间。

I`d like __________ ___________ a room.

3. 他把盲人领到街道对面。

He _________ the blind man _________the other side of the street.

4. 他的父母都是医生。

His parents _________ _________ doctors.

5. 几年来,他交了相当多的朋友。

In the past few years, he has made _________ ___________ _________friends.

6. 那位老人摔倒,伤了自己。

The old man _________ over and hurt _________.

7. 我们应该为自己感到自豪。

We should be _________ _________ _________.

8. 去年他自学了日语。

He _________ _________Japanese last year.

9. 20分钟后,消防员扑灭了火。

After twenty minutes, the firemen __________ __________the fire.

9. 我们为我们的祖国感到自豪。

We _________ _________ _________ our country.

10. 昨晚他们在舞会上玩得很高兴。

They __________ __________at the party last night.

11. 不要担心我,我能照顾自己。

Don’t worry about me. I can __________ __________ __________.

12. 你看起来很累,为什么不停下来休息一下?

You __________ __________.why not __________ __________ __________ a rest? 13. 你知道昨晚发生什么事吗?

Do you know __________ __________ last night?


1. 我们可以把电转变成不同形式的能量。

We can _________ electricity ___________ _____________ forms of energy.

2. 你要确保把门锁了。

___________ ____________ you have locked the door.

3. 街道变得越来越拥挤。

The streets became _________ _________ _________ _________.

4. 雨越下越大,我们越来越累。

The rain was _________ _________ _________ and we got _________ _________ _________ _________.

5. 洗衣机使家庭主妇从洗衣工作中解脱出来。

A washing machine ___________ the housewives _________washing clothes.

6. 为了安全起见,不要去碰这机器。

Don`t touch the machine, just _________ _________ _________ the _________ side.

7. 记住离开教室时要关灯。

Remember _________ _________ _________the lights when you leave the classroom.

8. 这个箱子太重,他搬不动。

The box is _________ _________ _________him _________carry.


1. 对老人讲话,应该用友好的方法。

You should talk with the old people _________ _________ _________ _________.

2. 由于大雪,火车站有一群面带忧虑和疲倦的人群。

There was _________ _________ _________people with _________and, tired faces at the railway station _________ _________the heavy snow.


Can you _________ ___________ the wrong words in the sentence?


Pandas ___________ ___________ bamboo.


Cats are easy ___________ ___________ ___________of.


1. 并非所有的水都是可喝的。

Not all the water ____________ ____________.

2. 刷牙时,不要让水不停地流。

Don`t ____________ the water ____________ while you

are ____________your ____________.

3. 淋浴通常至少要5分钟。

A shower usually takes ____________ ____________5 minutes.

4. 不要担心,我们还有一点时间。

Don`t worry, we have ____________ ____________time.

5. 我们有足够的时间完成这项工作。

We have ____________ ____________ ____________finish the work.

6. 不要浪费太多的水。

Don`t waste ____________ ____________water.

7. 他们中很少人知道这件事。

____________of ____________ knew about it.


Water is very ____________, so we should save water ____________ ____________ ____________it.

9. 云是由小水滴组成的。

The cloud is ____________ ____________ ____________little drops of water. UNIT 7

1. 我们彼此认识10年了。

We have known each other ___________ ___________ ___________.

2. 他自从离开学校,就在这间工厂工作。

He has worked in this factory ___________he ___________ school.

3. 我已经把书还给图书馆了。

I ___________ ___________ ___________the books to the library.

4. 我从未看过这么大的熊猫。

I ___________ ___________ ___________such a big panda.

5. 他还没有完成他的作业。

He hasn`t ___________ his homework ___________.

6. 茶是世界上最重要的饮料之一。

Tea is ___________ ___________the ___________important ___________ in the world.

7. 你还要多一点汤吗?

Would you ___________ ___________ ___________soup?

8. 孩子们,请随便吃点鸡肉吧!

Help ___________ ___________some ___________, children.

9. 难怪你又饿又累。

___________ ___________you are ___________and ___________.

10. 你几乎睡着,怎么回事?

You`re ___________ ___________. What`s ___________ ___________?

11. 不同地方的人饮食方式不同。

People ___________different places eat food ___________

different ___________.

12. 你以前到过广州吗?

Have you ___________ ___________ ___________Guangzhou ___________?

13. 有些食物好吃,但不利于健康。

Some food is very nice ___________ ___________, but is not ___________

___________your health.

14. 这个问题很难,他不能回答。

This question is ___________ difficult ___________him ___________ answer.

15. 大雨使他们不能按时赶到那里。

The heavy rain stopped them ___________ ___________there ___________


16. 记住不要浪费和污染水。

Remember ___________ ___________ ___________or pollute water.

UNIT1答案:1.is famous for 2. one of/ most cities 3.enjoyed themselves 4. Why not 5.too hot / too cold 6.Nothing / be 7.take part in 8. used to take 9.didn`t work until 10.about going 11.lots of /to do

12.so that 13.According to / fall down

UNIT2答案:1.interested in 2.cool / air 3. warn / danger 4. communicate with 5.worried about

6.care about

7. our best to protect / home

8.importance of protecting.

9. better drink / be safe

10.because of 11. provide / for 12.Without / too/ for 13.stop / from producing 14.realize the importance 15. provide with 16.To protect / take care of

UNIT3答案:1、not allowed 2、to book 3.led to 4. are both 5.quite a few 6.fell /himself

7.proud of ourselves8.taught himself 9.put out 9. are proud of 10. enjoyed themselves

11. me / look after myself 12.look tired / stop to have 13. what happened

UNIT4答案:1.change / into different 2.Make sure 3.more and more

crowded 4.heavier and heavier / more and more tired 5.free from 6. to be on/ safe 7.to turn off 8.too heavy for / to

UNIT5答案:1.in a friendly way 2.a crowd of /worried / because of 3.pick out 4.live on 5.to take care

UNIT6答案:1.is drinkable 2. leave / running / brush / teeth 3. at

least 4.a little 5.enough time to

6. too much

7.Few / them

8.valuable / instead of wasting

9.made up of

UNIT7答案:1.for ten years 2.since left 3. have already returned 4. have never seen 5.finished yet

6.one of / most/ drinks

7. like some more

8. yourselves to / chicken

9.No wonder /tired / hungry

10.nearly asleep / the matter 11. in / in /ways 12. ever been to /before 13. to eat / good for

14.too for to 15.from getting / on time 16.not to waste

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