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(五)页边距:采用Windows XP默认页边距:上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。










(十四)层次编码:依次使用I, II, III…; A, B, C,…1. 2. 3….; 1), 2), 3)…。


1.1.2, 1.1.3 (依此类推)格式。

(十五)例子:正文中例句较多时,宜按顺序用(1)(2)(3)…或a. b.

c. …将所有的例句编号。每例另起(中文空两格,英文10个字符),



第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page)

第二部分:论文题目,摘要页(Title and Abstract Page)

第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page)


第五部分(optional):论文尾注(Endnotes) (语言学类论文推荐采用夹注,故此部分可省略)














A Study of Motivation in EFL Learning

In Chinese Middle Schools



learning English. The


(60.5%) was much

to make clear the

school students of different ages and different genders, five groups of comparison and contrast were made. As was indicated by the analyze, there were significant differences in EFL learning motivation between Junior and Senior Middle School students, between Junior/Senior Middle School male and female students, between Junior and Senior Middle School male students, and between Junior and Senior Middle School female students. According to the result, the author puts forward some useful and practical suggestions to construct EFL learning motivation for middle school students at different levels and genders.


Key words: middle school students; EFL learning motivation; instrumental

motivation; integrative motivation

Mr. Knightley, she comes to know that feelings can not be imagined and that she should not force her own idea on others’ mind. And this is the ver y beginning of Emma’s self -knowledge.

-knowledge of both emotion and moral faults deepens as she gradually realizes her emotion towards Mr. Knightley. Mr. Knightley has sexual attraction for Emma and he also set a moral model for Emma, but Emma does not realize this kind of feeling. When Harriet tells Emma that she loves Mr. same time she completely realizes her moral faults.

(空1行) Key words: Emma; characters; match-making; self-knowledge


1.论文目录页采用主题式目录(Topic Outline )或短句式目录(Sentence

Outline );主题式目录中的所有列举项均为名词(分词)、名词(分词)短语及其它非谓语结构,短句式目录则以短句的形式标示各组


2.主题式或短句式目录均采用三级制,第一级编号为罗马字(I ,II ,

III ,……),第二级编号为英文大写字母(A ,B ,C ,……),第三级编号为阿拉伯数字(1,2,3,……)。或者第一级编号为阿拉伯数字(1, 2, 3, …),第二级编号为(1.1,1.2,1.3…),第三级编号为(1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3)以次类推。

3.论文目录页的具体内容包括论文题目(Title )、论文观点(Thesis

Statement )和各分级目录。

4.论文题目用四号、加粗、居中对齐,外文单词Outline (提纲、目

录)与Thesis Statement (论文观点)用四号、加粗、首字母大写,目录页正文字体用小四,1.5倍行距。







to preserve her self-respect, independence

and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in

struggling with social pressure and in resisting the

II. Jane’s Realization of the Importance of Independence at Gateshead

owing to her Homely

B. Invitation of Scorn from Dependence and Incompetence

C. Necessity to Be Saved from Blind Fear of Authority and Self-reliance III. Strength Gained from her Teacher and Fellow Students at Lowood


A. Learning from Maria Temple the Value of Independence

B. Learning from Helen the Importance of Duty and Self-control

IV. Full Display of Independence at Thornfield Hall

A. Working as a Governess to Support Herself

B. Regain of Control over her Passion after the Acceptance of Rochester’s

2. Her Preference of his Rude Openness to his Flattery


Maintaining Independence E conomically as Adele’s Governess.


Pleasure of Self-sufficiency at Moor House

A. Spiritual Support from her Friendship with the Two Sisters


C. Reject of St. John’s

VI. VII. Conclusion

(2)短句式目录: The Independence of Jane Eyre



(空1行) Eyre tried to preserve her self-respect, independence

and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in

struggling with social pressure and in resisting the

temptation of passion.

II. because she was not pretty.

B. From John Reed Jane learned that dependence and incompetence

invited nothing but scorn.

C. In the “red room”, Jane began to realize that she needed to be saved

from her blind fear of authority and be self-reliant.

III.At Lowood Institution, Jane gained strength from her teacher and fellow students to achieve her independence.

A.Jane learned from Maria Temple the value of independence.

B.Jane learned from Helen the importance of duty and self-control.

IV.At Thornfield Hall, Jane showed her independence fully.

A.Jane worked as a governess to support herself.

B.Jane tried to regain control over her passion when she felt her loss of

independence after she accepted Rochester’s love.

2.She told him she preferred his rude openness to his flattery.

3.She remained economically independent by maintaining her job as

Adele’s governess.

V.At Moor House, Jane learned the pleasure of self-sufficiency.

A.Jane became spiritually stronger and more confident through her

friendship with the two sisters, Diana and Mary Rivers.

B.Jane gained social respect by teaching in the village school.

C.Jane rejected St. John’s offer of marriage because she did not want to

live as a tool to serve God.

VI.At Ferdean, Jane marr ied Rochester as his equal after his wife’s death and his loss of all his property in a big fire.

VII.Conclusion: struggling hard with social pressure and in resisting the temptation of passion, Jane Eyre achieved her self-respect, independence and self-sufficiency.


Context and the Teaching of EFL Listening


Thesis statement: This paper attempts to investigate the possible application of

context theory to the teaching of EFL listening in order to

effectively enhance EFL students’ listening comprehension.

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation of the Present Study

1.2. Purpose of the Paper

1.2.1. An Examination of Context Theory

1.2.2. The Application of Context Theory to the Teaching of EFL


2. The Nature of EFL Listening

2.1. The Similarities between EFL Reading and EFL Listening

2.1.1. The Nature of EFL Reading

2.1.2. The Similarity between the Listening and Reading Process

2.2. The Nature of EFL Listening

3. Context and the Interpretation of an Utterance

3.1. The Development of Context Theory

3.2. The Importance of Context Theory in Interpreting an Utterance

4. The Application of Context theory to the Teaching of EFL Listening

4.1. The Analysis of Linguistic Context in Relation to the Teaching of EFL


4.1.1. Examples

4.1.2. The Analysis of the Examples

4.2. The Analysis of Situational Context in Relation to the Teaching of EFL


4.2.1. Examples

4.2.2. The Analysis of the Examples

4.3. The Analysis of Cultural Context in Relation to the Teaching of EFL


4.3.1. Examples

4.3.2. The Analysis of the Examples

5. Implications to the Teaching of EFL Listening

5.1. In-class Analysis on Exercises in Terms of Context Theory

5.2. Off-class Accumulation of Background Information

5.3.Cultivation of EFL Learners’ Awareness of Context Theory in Listening







5. 正文中直接引用的原文如果不超过4行,则直接将引文并入正文,







(1) P. C. Shelley held a legislators of the world.”1

(2) world.”2

(3) of the world.”3



(4) P. C. Shelley once wrote in a book that poets were the unauthorized law-makers of the world. 4





while Ellington was still alive, Raymond (空一行)

sists…. Ellington since the mid -1930s has been engaged upon



Ellington ’s earliest attempt to move beyond the three-minute limit received ….



figures with simple personalities) or round characters (complex figures). The characters described in the first chapter of The Great Gatsby can well be supposed to look like

him----with special reference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in father’s office.

after my father, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. (空一行) However, F. Scott Fitzgerald succeeds in changing these flat figures into round ones through his master-hand writing skills and in-depth characterization.

(五)论文尾注(Endnotes )






5.尾注中作者的编排方式采用名前姓后(First Name First )的原则,

如John Kennedy (外国人)、Xiaoming Li (中国人的拼音拼写)。


7 申丹,《叙事学与小说文体学研究》,北京:北京大学出版


8 申丹,“中西神话故事中的叙述结构,”《中国比较文学》,


9 陈红霞,“浪漫误读与贬抑性误读,”收于乐黛云编,《独





Braubard (New York: Bowker, 1983), 78.

5 Nicolas of Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 107.

6 Welter W. Powell , “The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine,” New England


8 9




3.论文参考书目中作者的编排方式采用姓前名后(Last Name First )

的原则,中间用逗号隔开,各意义单元间用实心点标示,如Kennedy, John.(外国人)或Li, Xiaoming.(中国人的拼音拼写)。






Gregory Crane, ed. The Printing Press as

an Agent of


Powell, Welter W.. “The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private

Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine.” New England Journal of Medicine Shatzkin,

Starr, Paul. “The Electronic Reader.” In Reading in the 1980s . Ed. Stephen

Braubard. New York: Bowker, 1983.

桂诗春、宁春岩主编 《语言学方法论》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,


(空1廖七一 “庞德与胡适诗歌翻译的文化思考,”《外国语》2003(6),第54





鉴于尾注太复杂,一般不推荐本科生采用。当今国际上主要学术期刊都采用Harvard system做注。以下就常见的夹注方法做一介绍,建议同学们在论文写作中采用。

A Guide to Referencing Your Work

(Adapted from Bristol University Student Handbook, version 2004)

There is no one correct way to reference your work. The preferred style, and one which is very widely used currently in academic publications, is the Harvard system. All of the following notes of guidance refer to the Harvard system. You are of course free to use an alternative recognized system if you so choose, but you must be consistent in your use of one style. It is also essential that you fully reference all of the work which you produce for assessment purposes. Every source you draw on must be included in your reference list at the end of your essay. If you use the Harvard system it is not necessary to produce a separate bibliography, for the list of references will suffice.

●In this guide, italics are used in preference to underlining of titles, but

underlining is equally acceptable.

●Page numbers: these should be given after the year of publication, e.g.

(Hedge, 2000: 15)


1.single author books

in your essay: (Ellis, 2003: 34) / Ellis (2003: 34) depending on how you reference.

in your reference list:

Ellis, R. 2003. Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

2.two authors

in your essay: (Mitchell and Myles, 1998: 137)

in your reference list:

Mitchell, R. and Myles, F. 1998. Second Language Learning Theories.

London: Arnold.

3.three or more authors

in your essay: (Bygate et al., 1994: 28)

in your reference list:

Bygate, M., Tonkyn, A. and Williams, E. 1994. Grammar and the Language Teacher. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall International WLT.

4.chapter in an edited book

in your essay: (Ellis, 1998: 78)

in your reference list:

Ellis, R. 1994. “The evaluation of communicative tasks”. In Tomlinson, B.

(ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Notes: 1) Where the author is actually an editor then add (ed.) after the name and before the date. If there are more than one editor, add (eds.).

2) Where a chapter in an edited book has more than one author then apply the same rules as in 2 and 3 above.

3) When a book has more than one edition, make clear which one you have used by inserting the edition after the date but inside the brackets (1987, 3rd edn.)

5. article in journals

in your essay: Littlewood (2001: 22)

in your reference list:

Littlewood, W. 2001. “Students’attitudes to classroom English learning: a cross-cultural study”, Language Teaching Research 5 / 1, pp. 3-28.

Note: Where an article in a journal has more than one author then apply the same rules as in 2 and 3 above.

6. electronic sources

in your essay: Willis (1998)

in your reference list: Willis, J. 1998. “Task-based Learning: What Kind of Adventure?”, The Language Teacher Online 22 / 7

http://langue.hyper.chubu.ac.jp/pub/tlt/98/jul/willis.html(assessed 27.10.2005)

Note: Where an electronic article has more than one author then apply the same rules as in 2 and 3 above.

7. unpublished thesis

in your essay: Edwards (1989: 56) maintains that…

in your reference list:

Edwards, Nigel John. 1989. Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Bristol: Bristol University.

8. article from a newspaper

in your essay: Smith (1977: 1) maintains that…

in your reference list:

Smith, Dave. “Casting a Light on Rasputin’s Shadow.” Los Angeles Times, 9 June 1977, Part IV, P. 1, col. 4.

listing your references

In the reference list at the end of your essay, list alphabetically all the sources to which you have referred, following these rules:

1.Single authored items for each author are listed before multiple authored

items by the same person.

2.Within the single authored items and within the multiple authored section

for each person the items are listed in date order.

3.Where an author has more than one item in any given year these should be

distinguished by adding lower case letters after the year. (e.g., Batstone, 1994a) (Batstone, 1994b)

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