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商务英语谈判课后作业 ——案例分析

商务英语谈判案例分析 Example: Dan smith was a bissiness who works on gymnasium equipment,and it was the first meeting between Robert Liu and him.In just a few minutes of the conversation, Robert Liu felt that this big fellow with a straightforward appearance kept a mind of a cunning rabbit .Known that the guy was skilled in this way ,he took great care in the negotiation. In the first round ,their covercition was as follows: D: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. R: Shoot.,I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. D: Y our products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. R: Y ou think we about be asking for more?(laughs) D: (chuckles) That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount. R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers. D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business――volume sales――that will slash your costs for making the Exec-U-ciser, right? R: Y es, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over so many? (pause) We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise. D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee? R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.But even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won't go down much. D: Just what are you proposing? R: We could take a cut on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin .We suggest a compromise――10%. D: That's a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas? R: I don't think I can change it right now. Why don't we talk again tomorrow? D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this. NEXT DAY D: Robert, I've been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else.


商务谈判经典案例 有一个妈妈把一个橙子给了邻居的两个孩子。这两个孩子便讨论起来如何分这个橙子。两个人吵来吵去,最终达成了一致意见,由一个孩子负责切橙子,而另一个孩子选橙子。结果,这两个孩子按照商定的办法各自取得了一半橙子,高高兴兴地拿回家去了。 第一个孩子把半个橙子拿到家,把皮剥掉扔进了垃圾桶,把果肉放到果汁机上打果汁喝。另一个孩子回到家把果肉挖掉扔进了垃圾桶,把橙子皮留下来磨碎了,混在面粉里烤蛋糕吃。 从上面的情形,我们可以看出,虽然两个孩子各自拿到了看似公平的一半,然而,他们各自得到的东西却未物尽其用。这说明,他们在事先并未做好沟通,也就是两个孩子并没有申明各自利益所在。没有事先申明价值导致了双方盲目追求形式上和立场上的公平,结果,双方各自的利益并未在谈判中达到最大化。 如果我们试想,两个孩子充分交流各自所需,或许会有多个方案和情况出现。可能的一种情况,就是遵循上述情形,两个孩子想办法将皮和果肉分开,一个拿到果肉去喝汁,另一个拿皮去做烤蛋糕。然而,也可能经过沟通后是另外的情况,恰恰有一个孩子即想要皮做蛋糕,又想喝橙子汁。这时,如何能创造价值就非常重要了。 结果,想要整个橙子的孩子提议可以将其他的问题拿出来一块谈。他说:“如果把这个橙子全给我,你上次欠我的棒棒糖就不用还了”。其实,他的牙齿被蛀得一塌糊涂,父母上星期就不让他吃糖了。另一个孩子想了一想,很快就答应了。他刚刚从父母那儿要了五块钱,准备买糖还债。这次他可以用这五块钱去打游戏,才不在乎这酸溜溜的橙子汁呢。 两个孩子的谈判思考过程实际上就是不断沟通,创造价值的过程。双方都在寻求对自己最大利益的方案的同时,也满足对方的最大利益的需要。


A:为出口公司B:为国外进口公司 场景一:价格谈判 A和B开门走进办公室…… A: please take your seat,--- B:Thank you. A:After anttending our new product launch meeting,you must have a detail idea about our products,---.Now please let me know what kinds of flowers you are interested. (A递给B 一个产品目录册,B迅速地翻阅并作出标记) B:Yes,your flowers are pretty beautiful and leave me a deep impression. (A接过B递回的册子,翻阅) B:And I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about the price.what prices will you offer for these I’ve marked? A:---,before we quote price please tell me how many flowers you are going to buy. B:for No.10 we’d like to phurchase 1500 units,No.20,1000 units and 1000 units for No.30. A:The usual price for No10 is 25 USD,for No20,35,and No30,50USD.they are all on the trade term of CIF Sydney. B:I t hink it’s unacceptable for us,you know the market has shrinked a lot during the economic ressesion period. A:we understand it,but you know these flowers are good for value.And they are newly cultivated after we tried a lot for genetic transplant.I believe you know the cost we spent. B:yes, I know that,---,it’s because of that ,I hope we can cooperate to open the market.If the price is reasonable, the large volume sales will be easy to reach,and that can remedy your large cost,right? A: (考虑片刻)Considering it’s the first time we do business and long-term cooperation in future, we can cut 1 USD for the price which we usual don’t do . B:1 USD? It makes no difference.we need more.and to be frank,we want the price to be 20,25 and 40 USD for each kind. A:No,no,no,I think you are kidding….---,that’s a big cut ,and it will make us have no returns. B:(表情严肃,犹豫片刻)Then how about 22,30 and 45 USD. A:That’s still leave us a little of margin,but increase 500 hundreds units for each kind,we can make it. B:That’s hard for us,yo u know it is a large size,and we can’t keep them for a long time. A:The season of large demand for flowers is coming,we guarantee the delivery within 1 month, that can be helpful for your quick sale. B:The delivery should be within 1 month, otherwise I cannot place the order. Now let’s reach some middle ground,you allow a 20% discount,I increase the order quantity by 500 hundreds units at that new price. A:20% discount? The policy regulates the maxium discount is within 15% in our company. And if you want to get the discount,the units you ordered have to overpass 2000 for each item. B:2000 units?we can’t take that many.Though you can’t offer us 15% discount,10% is ok.I hope you can accept it.--- A:---,we can grant 8% at most,that’s the best we can do.A nd


Chapter 4 Exercises I. Write the full names for the following short forms, then translate them into Chinese. NAFTA AFTA ASEAN EEC MERCOSUR ECSC EFTA OEEC EU APEC II. Make the right choices for the 5 types of international economic integration. Type of Bloc Features of Trade Bloc Tariff Concession Free Trade Among the Members Common External Tariffs Free Movement of Production Factors Harmonization of All Economic Policies the preferential tariff arrangement Free-trade area Customs union Common Market Economic union

III. Answer the following questions. 1. What is trade bloc? 2. What are the main types of trade bloc? 3. How many phases are there in the development of EU? What are they?


国际商务经典谈判案例分析 @案例三 1983年曰本某电机公司出口其高压硅堆的全套生产线,其中技术转让费报价2.4亿日元,设备费12.5亿日元.包括了备件、技术服务(培训与技术指导)费o.09亿日元。谈判开始后,营业部长松本先生解释:技术费是按中方工厂获得技术后,产的获利提成计算出的。取数是生产3000万支产品,10年生产提成事10%,平均每支产品销价s曰元。设备费按工序报价,清洗工序1.9亿日元;烧结工序3.5亿日元;切割分选工序3.7亿曰元;封装工序2.1亿日元;打印包装工序o.8亿日元;技术服务赞分培训费,12人的月曰本培训,250万日元;技术指导人员费用l0人月,65O万元曰元。 背景介绍(1)日本公司技术有特点.但不是唯一公司,是积极推销者,该公司首次进入中国市场.也适合中方需要。(2)清选工序主要为塑料槽、抽风机一类器物.烧结工序主要为烧结炉及辅助设备、切割分选工序,主要为切割机,测试分选设备。封装工序,主要为管芯和包装壳的封结设备和控制仪器。打印包装工序主要为打印机及包装成品的设备。此外,有些辅助工装夹具。(3)技术有一定先进性、稳定性,日本成品率可达85%,而中方仅为40%左右。 问题:1.卖方解释得如何?属什么类型的解释? 2.买方如何评论? @分析:1.卖方解释做得较好,讲出了报价计算方法和取数,给买方评论提供了依据使买方满意。由于细中有粗,给自己谈判仍留了余地,符合解释的要求。卖方采用的是分项报价,逐项解释的方式。 2.买方面对卖方的分项报价和逐项的解释,应采用“梳蓖式”的方式进行评论,也就是按拄术、设备、技术服务三大类来进行评论。 评论点较多:其一,技术价。针对卖方取数——年产量、产品单价和提成率以及年数的合理性进行评论;其二,设备价。针对各工序设备构成按工序总价值或工序单机进行评论,如清洗工序的设备价值;其三,技术服务。可分为技术指导和技术培训两大类,各类又可分出时间、单价、人员水平、辅助条件(吃、住、行)等点进行评论。 经典商务谈判案例及分析--DSC 经典商务谈判案例及分析 商业谈判是最常见的商业活动之一,在买卖交易、企业兼并、技术引进乃至各种商业冲突中,人们都可能采取谈判的手段来解决问题,所以从某种意义上说,商业谈判就是在谈判的双方进行的情报博弈。在这场博弈中起重要作用的因素不仅仅有谈判者的口才、素质、公司的实力地位,更重要的是各自所掌握的相关情报。在本文中将要介绍的就是商业谈判中的一些运用情报策略取得谈判胜利的案例。 ◆掌握情报,后发制人 在某次交易会上,我方外贸部门与一客商洽谈出口业务。在第一轮谈判中,客商采取各种招数来摸我们的底,罗列过时行情,故意压低购货的数量。我方立即中止谈判,搜集相关的情报,了解到日本一家同类厂商发生重大事故停产,有了解到该产品可能有新用途。再仔细分析了这些情报以后,谈判继续开始。我方更具掌握的情报后发制人,告诉对方:我方的货源


英语谈判对话900句,商务洽谈英语对话,签订外贸合同英语对话 --- Such data is confidential. 这样的资料为机密资料。 --- I am not sure such data does exist. 我不确定是否有这样的资料存在。 --- It would depend on what is on the list. 这要看列表内容。 --- We need them urgently. 我们急需这些资料。 --- All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. 好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。 --- I'd like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular you'd lik e to know? 我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗? --- I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in y our country? 我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。 --- I'd like to know something about your foreign trade policy. 我非常想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。 --- It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. 据说你们正在实施一种新的对外贸易政策。 --- Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。 --- We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings.


商务谈判成功经典案例 商务谈判是指不同的经济实体各方为了自身的经济利益和满足对方的需要,通过沟通、协商、妥协、合作、策略等各种方式,把可能的商机确定下来的活动过程。以下是整理了商务谈判成功经典案例,希望你喜欢。 商务谈判成功经典案例 澳大利亚A公司、德国D公司与中国c公司,谈判在中国合作投资滑石矿事宜,中方c公司欲控制出口货源.但又不能为该合作投入现金,只想用人力与无形资产投入。 A公司和B公司代表来华欲参观考察矿山,c公司积极派人配合并陪同前往,整个日程安排周到.准备有效,在有限的时间里满足了A 公司和B公司的该次访问的要求‘ 双方在预备会和小结会上对合作投资方式进行了讨论。 A公司:我公司是较大的滑石产品的专业公司,产品在国际市场占有相当份额,尤其在精细滑石产品方面o B公司:他们在中国投资过,但失败了,正在纠纷中,但他们认为中国资源丰富,潜在市场大,很想找一个合作伙伴再重新干。 c公司:贵公司算找对了人了。谢谢贵方这么着重我公司,贵方欲与我公司怎么合作呢? A公司:我公司计划是在中国找—个有信誉有能力的大

公司,一起投资中国矿山。 c公司:我公司是出口滑石的公司,若要投资则需集团审批,据我集团的近期发展规划看这个行业不是投资重点。 B公司:贵公司的情况,我们理解,不过A公司却有成心在中国投资,由于第一次的失败,使这次投资十分犹豫。 c公司:的确,中国是个投资环境不平衡的地方。有的地区发达,有的地区不发达,要钱时,说的很好,钱倒手后就不是那么回事了,尤其是采矿投资,与地质条件关系很大,而当矿床跨越不同村镇时,还发生所有权的问题。过去,我们已遇到这类的问题,作为外国投资者需要解决:地质探测,矿山合伙人选择,国家政策,人文,商务法律,市场等问题。这些均影响投资成本和成败。 A公司:贵公司讲的正是我们担忧的,我们希望像贵公司这样的公司可以解决这些问题。 c公司:我公司是国际化的公司,按国际规范进行工作,尽管我们是中国人,但我们认为,使中国企业按国际范围与外国投资者合作是中国经济发展的重要条件。 B公司:若贵公司能参与合作,将是有意义的。 c公司:刚才我们已谈到贵方这 样投资的问题所在,但我们十分赞赏贵公司对中国投资的勇气,作为中国公司,我们很愿意提供帮助,不过,我方将不以现金投入,而可以我们的商誉和协助解决上述问题的义务投入。 A公司:贵方这种投入也是有意义的。


商务英语谈判经典句 1 If you take quality into consideration, you will find our price reasonable. 如果您把质量考虑进去的话,您会发现我方价格是合理的。 2 We guarantee quality products which can stand fierce competition. 我们保证提供能经得起激烈竞争的高质量产品。 3 I still have some questions concerning our contract. 就合同方面我还有些问题要问。 4 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions. 我们总是愿意合作的,如果需要还可以做些让步。 5 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make. 对这些条款有何意见,请尽管提,不必客气。 6 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract? 你认为合同有问题吗? 7 We'd like you to consider our request once again. 我们希望贵方再次考虑我们的要求。 8 We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. 我们希望搞清楚有关合同中技术方面的几个问题。 9 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. 就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判非常成功。 10 We can't agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract. 我们无法同意对合同工的变动和修改。 11 We hope that the next negotiation will be the last one before signing the contract. 我们希望下一交谈判将是签订合同前的最后一轮谈判。 12 We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties. 就合同双方要承担的义务方面,我们没有什幺意见。 13 That's international practice. We can't break it.


Caferoma Business English Report 2012.5.8

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Discussion 2 3. Recommendations 3 4. Conclusion 5

Introduction Caferoma, a well known brand of coffee, is owned by the Pan European Food and Drink Company (PEFD), based in Turin, Italy. It is promoted as an exclusive ground coffee for gourmets. Its image is that of an Italian-style coffee. It has a strong full-bodied-style coffee. It has a strong full-bodied flavor and a slightly bitter taste. It costs more per 100 grams than almost every other ground coffee product on the supermarket shelves. In the last two years, Caferoma’s share of the European quality ground coffee market has declined by almost 25%.By the pie chart we can that Top five European coffee brands’ market share has increased by almost 25%. There are several reasons for this: Consumers has become less loyal to brands and are more willing to trade down to lower-priced coffee products. Competing brands of Italian-style ground coffee at much lower price have cut into Caferoma’s market share. And it does not give the impression of being up-to-date and contemporary. Possible solutions: Change Caferoma’s image to appeal to a different market segment. Reduce the price to make it more competitive. Devise a new advertising campaign. Sell Caferoma’s under different brand names at lower prices. Sell Caferoma coffee for supermarkets to package and


商务谈判经典案例分析3篇 大多数商务谈判都不是纯分配式或纯整合式,而是交织着竞争与合作的各种因素。其结果便是所谓的谈判人员的两难困境。下面整理了商务谈判经典案例分析,供你阅读参考。 商务谈判经典案例分析篇01 中方某公司向韩国某公司出口丁苯橡胶已一年,第二年中方又向韩方报价,以继续供货。中方公司根据国际市场行情,将价从前一年的成交价每吨下调了12美圆(前一年1200美圆/吨)韩方感到可以接受,建议中方到韩国签约.中方人员一行二人到了汉城该公司总部,双方谈了不到20分钟,韩方说:"贵方价格仍太高,请贵方看看韩国市场的价,叁天以后再谈。"中方人员回到饭店感到被戏弄,很生气,但人已来汉城,谈判必须进行。中方人员通过有关协会收集到韩国海关丁苯橡胶进口统计,发现从哥伦比亚、比利时、南非等国进口量较大.中国进口也不少,中方公司是占份额较大的一家。价格水平南非最低但高于中国产品价。哥伦比亚、比利时价格均高于南非。在韩国市场的调查中,批发和零售价均高出中方公司的现报价30%一40%,市场价虽呈降势,但中方公司的给价是目前世界市场最低的价。为什么韩国人员还这么说?中方人员分析,对手以为中方人员既然来了汉城,肯定急于拿合同回国.可以借此机会再压中方一手。那么韩方会不会不急于订货而找理由呢?中方人员分析,若不急于订货,为什么邀请中方人员来汉城?再说韩方人员过去与中方人员打过交道.有过合同,且执行顺利,对中方工作很满意,这些人会突然变得不信任中

方人员了吗?从态度看不像,他们来机场接中方人员.且晚上—起喝酒,保持下良好气氛。从上述分析,中方人员共同认为:韩方意在利用中方人员出国心理,再压价。根据这个分析,经过商量中方人员决定在价格条件上做文章。总的讲,态度应强硬,(因为来前对方已表示同意中方报价),不怕空手而归。其次,价格条件还要涨回市场水平(即1000美元/吨左右)。再者不必用二天给韩方通知,仅一天半就将新的价格条件通知韩方。 在—天半后的中午前.中方人员电话告诉韩方人员:"调查已结束.得到的结论是:我方来汉城前的报价低了,应涨回去年成交的价位,但为了老朋友的交情,可以下调20美元,而不再是120美元。请贵方研究,有结果请通知我们.若我们不在饭店.则请留言。" 韩方人员接到电活后一个小时,即回电话约中方人员到其公司会谈。韩方认为:中方不应把过去的价再往上调。中方认为:这是韩方给的权利。我们按韩方要求进行了市场调查,结果应该涨价。韩方希望中方多少降些价,中方认为塬报价巳降到底。经过几回合的讨论,双方同意按中方来汉城前的报价成交。这样,中方成功地使韩力放弃了压价的要求,按计划拿回合同。 问题: 1、中方的决策是否正确?为什么? 2、中方运用了何程序?何方式做出决策的?其决策属什么类型? 3、中方是如何实施决策的? 4、韩方的谈判中.反映了什么决策?


Business Negotiation Skills in English (商务英语谈判技巧) Phases of Negotiation According to Robert Maddux, author of Successful Negotiation, negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want、In business negotiations, the two parties endeavor to obtain their business goals through bargaining with their counterparts、Business negotiations are conducted in the following four phases: the preparation phase, opening phase, bargaining phase and closing phase、 Preparation phase 1.Choosing your team The negotiation team should include members in the following areas: ?mercial: responsible for the negotiation on price, delivery terms, and mercial policy of risk taking、 ?Technical: responsible for specifications, programs, and methods of work、 ?Financial: terms of payment, credit insurance and financial guarantees、 ?Legal: contract documents, terms and conditions of contract, insurance and legal interpretation、 ?Interpreter: familiar with the foreign language needed as well as the negotiationrelated knowledge, and having certain munication skills、 The most important role in the team is the chief negotiator (CN), who is supposed to possess the following qualities: sociability, shrewdness, adaptability, patience, endurance、Other than that, extensive knowledge, clear oral expression as well as strong leadership are also important for a CN、 2、Gathering and analyzing information Valuable information covers the areas in political, legal as well as business system, market research, financial policies, infrastructure and logistics、The knowledge on the counterpart is also necessary、With the information at hand, it is time do a feasibility study to adjust our goals to be achieved、 3、The negotiation plan The plan defines the negotiating objectives, sets the minimum acceptable level for each term, and states the time control, initial strategy, the tactics and others including the location, personnel and facilities needed、A welldesigned plan allows more flexibility in different situations and guides the negotiators through the negotiation process without getting off track、 The opening phase It is mon that the seller submits proposals、Then the buyer confronts with three options: outright acceptance, outright rejection, and qualified rejection, the last of which is usually the most choice、Once the positions and objectives of both parties are revealed, the negotiators begin to reflect both on the loss they will suffer if they would concede and on the loss they will receive if they would refuse to concede、 The bargaining phase At this stage, concessions are made and advantages are gained, thus an agreement is to be achieved、Necessarily the team should make a reappraisal of the other party’s concession factor、


21个经典实用的商务谈判案例分析及策略(3) 中国某公司与美国公司谈判投资项目。其间双方对原工厂的财务帐目反映的原资产总值有分歧。 美方:中方财务报表上有模糊之处。 中方:美方可以核查。 美方:核查也难,因为被查的依据就比可靠。 中方:美方不应该空口讲话,应有凭据证明查帐依据不可靠。 美方:所有财务证均系中方工厂所造,我作为我国人无法一一核查。 中方:那贵方可以请信得过的中国机构协助核查。 美方:目前尚未找到可以信任的中国机构帮助核查。 中方:那贵方的断言只能是主观的不令人信服的。 美方:虽然我方没有法律上的证据证明贵力帐面数字不合理,但我们有经验,贵方的现有资产不值帐面价值。 中方:尊敬的先生,我承认经验的宝贵,但财务数据不是经验,而是事实如果贵方诚意合作,我愿意配合贵方查帐,到现场一一核 对物与帐。 美方:不必贵方做这么多工作,请贵方自己纠正后再谈。 中方:贵方不想讲理?我奉陪! 美方:不是我方不想讲理,而是与贵方的帐没法说理。 中方:贵方是什么意思,我没听明白,什么“不是、不想;而是、没法”?

美方:请原凉我方的直率,我方感到贵方欲利用帐面值来扩大贵方所占股份。 中方:感谢贵方终于说出了真心话,给我指明了思考方向。 美方:贵方应理解—个投资者的顾虑,尤其像我公司与贵方诚心合作的情况下,若让我们感到贵方帐目有虚占股份之嫌,实在会使我方却步不前,还会产生下愉快的感觉。 中方:我理解贵方的顾虑。但在贵方心里恐惧面前,我方不能只申辩这不是“老虎帐”,来说它“不吃肉”。但愿听贵方有何“安神”的要求。 美方:我通过与贵方的谈判,深感贵方代表的人品,由于帐面值让人生畏,不能不请贵方考虑修改问题,或许会给贵方带来麻烦。 中方;为了合作,为了让贵方安心,我方可以考虑帐面总值的问题.至于怎么做帐是我方的事。如果找出没有错的话,我们双方将就中方现有资产的作价进行谈判。 美方:是的。 (以上是中方现有资产的作价谈判) 谈判存在问题: 1.上述谈判中,双方均运用了哪些语言? 2.双方的语言运用有何不妥之处? 3.如果你作为美方或中方代表会怎么谈? 谈判问题分析: 2.美方说的:“外国人无法一一检查”。“目前尚未找到可以信任的中国机构帮助核查”以及“请贵方自己纠正、再谈”。均很不妥。中方:“贵方不想讲理?我奉陪!”不太妥。若自己帐目做的本已存在问题,再这么讲就太礼了。


史蒂夫的销售报价策略 姜德才环境与测绘学院 07103077(一)案情: 史蒂夫是爱姆垂旅店董事会成员,但是旅店的地理位置是在不理想,董事会曾委派一个小组委员会,调查了将爱姆垂旅店从萨默维尔迁到一个安静的、半居住性的社区的可能性。但从财务上看,搬迁是不可行的,因而搬迁的想法就被打消了。几个月以后,一位名叫威尔逊的先生先找爱姆垂旅店的经理——彼得斯夫人。威尔逊表示他的公司愿意买下爱姆垂旅店。 董事会委派史蒂夫去办理这项有希望的交易。史蒂夫根据对威尔逊的商业往来所作的一些调查,认为他是一位有信誉的合法商人。史蒂夫意识到,威尔逊想买爱姆垂旅店,可能是想在这里建造公寓。威尔逊希望马上讨论价格问题,而是蒂夫则需要两个星期来做这些谈判准备工作。 史蒂夫初步确定旅馆的开盘价格 在接下来的12天里,史蒂夫做了几件事。首先,他想要确定爱姆垂旅店的保留价格或等够轻易成交的价格。史蒂夫得知,位于梅德福和位于奥尔斯顿的两个地点是可以用一个合适的价格买到的。他得知:梅德福德那块房地产可以175000美元的价格买下来,奥尔斯顿的那块可以235000美元的价格买下来。 史蒂夫断定,爱姆垂旅店搬迁到梅德福至少需要220000美元,而搬迁奥尔斯顿则至少需要275000美元。奥尔斯顿的那个地点(需275000美元)比梅德福的那个地点(220000美元)好得多,而后者又比现在爱姆垂的这个好。所以史蒂夫决定,他得保留价格是220000美元。史蒂夫下一步又调查,如果在市场上公开销售,爱姆垂旅店可能大约仅值125000美元。 史蒂夫和他的朋友了解到售价的高低很大程度上要取决于这些开发商的意图。史蒂夫断定,威尔逊的保留价格是275000-475000美元。 史蒂夫对报价策略的选择 史蒂夫应采取什么样的开局策略?谁应当首先报价呢?如果威尔逊坚持让史蒂夫首先报价,史蒂夫应该怎们办?如果威尔逊开价X千美元,史蒂夫应该怎样还价?有没有任何明显的全套应该避免? 史蒂夫决定试着让威尔逊首先报价,如果不成功,或一开始就被迫首先报价,他就使用大概的价格750000美元。史蒂夫曾想过一开始就报出400000美元的价格,并在一段时间里坚持不变。但是经商量后他们认为只有40%的概率,这个价格会低于威尔逊的保留价。如果威尔逊首先报价,史蒂夫将不让他有时间仔细考虑他的报价,而将迅速作出反应,立即给出一个还价,比如说750000美元,让对方在心理上觉得他的报价太低了。 史蒂夫的朋友告诉他,一旦两个报价都拿到了桌面上,那么自然可以预料到,最终的合同价格就在这两个报价之间。假如威尔逊的报价是200000美元,史蒂夫的还价是400000美元,则最终价格一般为300000美元。作为先开价者,史蒂夫认为最后能买到350000美元就很不错了,而且他当然记得自己的保留价格只是220000美元。 第一轮的较量 当第一轮谈判结束后,史蒂夫认为他简直经历了一场灾难,而且接下来,他甚至不敢断定会有第二轮谈判。谈判一开始,双方说了几句幽默的笑话和几句客套话。接着威尔逊就说:“请告诉我,你们能够接受的最低条件是什么。好让我看看是否能再做点什么。”史蒂夫已料到了这样的开场白,没有直接回答,他问道:“为什么不告诉我们,你愿意出的最高价格,

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