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SAT 语法讲义浙江大学外语学院


SAT 语法部分简介

语法部分属于SAT reasoning test 中的写作(writing)板块,与essay writing 分值一起组成写作板块的总分。SAT语法之所以被划分在Writing Skills当中,是因为它实际是考查考生对英语的标准书面语(Standard Written English)的掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂的语法知识,SAT语法规则有时和我们通常所学的语法书上的知识点有所出入,规则也不尽相同。其考试题型和考试重点也与中国的语法题目大相径庭。因此SAT的语法具有特殊性,它追求的是“好的语法”,是恰当的,最符合英语国家文化传统与语言习惯的用法。SAT的语法规则,也就是像OG当中所阐述的那样,是一种“the rules of good written English”,具有准确,清晰,简洁的特点,杜绝口语化、模糊和冗余的表达。表现在做题方面,不仅仅会考到你是否能判断这个句子正确与否,而且会考到这个句子是否有效和简洁。这就大大提升了题目的难度。比如说有些句子在TOEFL中是对的,但是在SAT语法里面就是错误的,因为它不够简洁有效。

整个语法部分包括三种题型:ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错题)、IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)、IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题),所有题目均为五选一。SAT语法部分的49个选择题分布在两个section,其中ISE(句子挑错题)18 小题、IS(句子改进题)25 小题、IP(段落改进题)6 小题。三种题型所考查的侧重点各不相同,从OG和真题上对各部分考试目的和内容的解析中可以得出这一点。如在ISE的介绍中,对考生的要求是“The ability to recognize grammar and usage errors”,强调语法和固定用法的使用是否正确;而IS对考生的要求则变成了“the ability to recognize and write clear, effective and accurate sentences”,从语法知识转移到了清晰,准确,简洁的表达方式。这种题型对中国学生而言要比句子挑错题更难适应,由于在中国的英语教育中,(尤其是大家在中国的写作考试过程中为了凑字数往往是故意把句子写得比较废话)对于“简洁”这一知识点的训练几乎是空白,而这恰恰又是修改句子的重要解题思路;IP与前两种题型的差别较大,要求考生“to understand how the sentences and the paragraphs work together”,既然是考查句子和段落之间如何作用,那么除了修改句子结构,合并句子的题目外,还会有一部分题是要求对文章做出相应的改动、插入、或者提炼文章主题。


The other (A) delegates and him (B) immediately (C) accepted the resolution drafted (D) by the neutral states. No error (E).

SAT 语法






②如果是以s, sh, ch, x, z 结尾,则加es;

③如果以o 结尾,一般情况下加es,某些情况下只加s,如radio - radios, photo - photos, piano - pianos 等;或既可加s,也可加es,如buffalo - buffaloes(s), volcano - volcanoes(s), mosquito - mosquitoes(s)等;




如roof - roofs,cliff - cliffs, gulf - gulfs。


man – men, foot – feet, goose – geese, child – children, mouse – mice, datum – date, medium – media, radius - radii


不可数名词,如物质名词和抽象名词,无复数形式,前面不能接a/an, one, two, three, each, several, many, these, those, 等表示具体数量的修饰词,但可接the, some, much, a little, lot of, a great deal of, plenty of, 等。做主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。如:air, smoke, steam, sugar, salt, rice, equipment, dust, love, luck, enjoyment等。



color 颜色——colors 旗帜custom 习俗,习惯——customs 海关,关税force 力量——forces 海陆空三军glass 玻璃——glasses 眼镜

work 工作——works 工厂authority权威——authorities 当局

nature 自然,性质——natures 性质paper 纸——papers 文件,证件

sand 沙——sands 沙滩time 时间——times 时代

water 水——waters 水域,海洋manner 方式——manners 举止,礼貌humanity人类——humanities 人类的品德oil 油——oils 油画

4.以s 结尾看起来象复数形式,实为单数的名词

某些名词,如疾病名称,科学名称,比赛名称和专有名称,以s 结尾,看起来象复数形式,实则为单数,故谓语动词用单数,而且它们的前面不能接不定冠词a/an,常出现的这类名次包括:Athens, athletics, billiards, checkers, civics, diabetes, economics, electronics, ethics, gymnastics, genetics, linguistics, mathematics, measles, mechanics, mumps, Naples, news, obstetrics, pediatrics, Philippines, physics, politics, statistics, the United States, works, 等

注意:Statistics 当译为“统计数据”时,是复数;当译为“统计学”时,为单数。


某些名词的单数和复数形式相同,因此,谓语动词的数通常得视其修饰语而定。常考得这类名词包括:aircraft, carp, Chinese, craft, crossroads, barracks, bellows, deer, gallows, gross, Japanese, headquarters, hover, means, moose, salmon, series, sheep, species, swine, Swiss, trout, work, 等


①大多数集合名词只有单数形式,使用时,如果表整体,谓语动词用单数;表成员,则用复数,常考得这类名词包括:audience, band, board, committee, class, club, company, congress, crowd, couple, crew, family, firm, flock, government, group, herd, jury, majority, management, party, school, team, union 等

②有的集合名词,如people, police, folk, public, cattle, militia, poultry, livestock, youth, vermin, folk, mankind 等常作复数使用,谓语动词用复数。

7.number of 与名词连用的单数或复数问题

the number of 作句子主语时,谓语用单数;a number of 作句子主语时,谓语用复数。8.名词的所有格


●单数-‘s :Helen’s doctor,a dog’s tail,the boss’s secretary

●复数-s’ / -‘s :ladie s’ hats,girls’ dogs,children’s toys,men’s hats

●复合名词最后一词+ ’s:my father-in-law’s hat,somebody else’s car

●共同所有- 最后一名词+ ’s Helen and Mary’s school

●个别所有- 各加’s Helen’s and Mary’s school


无生命名词的所有格不能在词尾加’s,一般须用of 来表示;但表时间,距离,长度,重量,价格,国家,城市,地区,地名,机构等的名词,拟人化的名词,放在sake 前面的名词,以及其他的惯用语,也可加’s 或’构成其所有格。如:a week’s holidays, ten mile’s walk, three pounds’ weight, the country’s plan, for God’s sake, to one’s heart’s content 等。


名词的双重所有格,由of 短语和表示人的名词的’s 物主代词构成,前面一般有限定词this, that, these, those, a/an, some, any, no, another ,each, two, several, such, which, what 等。如:He is a friend of my father’s.他是我的父亲的一位朋友。

That remark of yours is quite correct.你的这个看法很正确。

Which play of Author Miller’s do you like best - 你最喜欢阿瑟.米勒的哪个戏剧?




1. Although (A) they have (B) radically different career plans, Luna and Gabriei both (C) hope to be a Michigan State graduates (D) one day. NO ERROR (E)

2. No matter (A) when they came from or what (B) their previous lifestyle is (C), the refugees were grateful (D) for having been granted political asylum in the United States. No error (E).

OG P145-3;OG P409-12;OG P471-17;OG P776-12;OG P802-9;OG P837-11;

OG P839-25;OG P957-19;OG P957-28


纵观SAT的语法考试,我们发现代词在考试中占有举足轻重的地位,很多的题目都与之相关。所以以后考试中出现代词划线,一定要万分注意。SAT考试是考察应试者对于英语标准书面语(也就是我们常说的Standard Written English)的掌握,所以我们一定要做到标准化。







②在并列的主语或宾语中,总是先排第二人称代词,再排第三人称代词,而把I 和we 或其宾格me 和us 放在最后。如与其他代词并列,人称代词在前;与其他名词并列,人称代词一般放后。

③在动词be 或to be 后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。




①不定代词有:all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone, etc.. ②不定代词的功能与用法

除every 和no外不定代词既可用作名词,也可用作形容词。every和no在句中只能作定语。

●all 都,指三者以上。

all 的主谓一致:all 的单复数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单复数决定。

all 通常不与可数名词单数连用,但all 可与表时间的可数名词单数连用。

all 还可以与一些特殊的单数名词连用,如all China,all my life,all the way

③both 都,指两者。

●both 与复数动词连用,但both…and…可与单数名词连用。

●both, all 都可作同位语,其位置在行为动词前,be 动词之后。如果助动词或情态动词


④neither 两者都不

●neither 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

●作定语与单数名词连用,但neither…nor 用作并列连词,可与复数名词连用。其谓语


●可用于下列句型,避免重复。She can't sing,neither (can) he.

⑤不定代词one和you都可以用来表示“无论谁,人人”的意思,但是以个是第三人称,一个是第二人称,故在指代同一个人的时候不能又用one,又用you。同样,也不可以用all 和you。

⑥each, every 的用法。each 可用作代词,后面可以不跟名词,every是形容词,后面必须跟名词;each 和every作形容词使用时,后面的名词虽然有and 连接,为复数概念,谓语动词仍须用单数。


①关系代词不仅指代先行词,而且引导从句。who 用来指人,主格是who,宾格是whom,所有格是whose;whose 指人或动物;which 用来指动物或物;that 指动物或物,或指作为一个阶级或一个类型的人。

②that 可以代替关系代词who, whom 或which。换句话说,that 的先行词可以使人或物,但是,有下列情况之一者,宜用that:(a)当先行词前面有最高级形容词或序数词时,(b)有the only, the very, the same, the first, the last, all, no, little, much, none, any, every 等时,(c)有疑问代词时,(d)先行词由人和其他动物或物一起构成时。

③关系代词what 具有先行词和关系代词的双重作用,即,what=the thing (things) that (which)。注意:what 已经包含先行词在内,所以在其前面不能再有先行词。

④as, but, than 本来是连接词,但在下列情况可作关系代词使用:(a)as前面有as, such, the same,(b)but 含有否定意义,相当于that…not, who…not, which…not,前面的主句有否定词,如no, nor, never, hardly, scarcely,(c)than 作关系代词使用时,前面必须有比较级形容词修饰。




that, those的用法。当一个名词在同一句子里第二次出现时,如果指同一类型的人或物而不是同一个人或物,那么可以用that 代替单数名词或不可数名词,用those代替复数名词。




Thomas repeated his perspective that (A) the student, if given (B) sufficient time for (C) preparation, would finish this (D). No error (E)

2. 代词的单复数


单数情况出现的代词有--- I,me , my, mine, myself;

you , your, yours, yourself;

he, his, him,himself;

she, her, hers, herself;

it, its , itself;

this, that;

复数情况出现的代词有---we,us, our, ours, ourselves;

you, your, yours, yourselves;

they,them,their, theirs,themselves



1. Even though (A) only parts of clay vessels may be (B) recovered, these pottery shards are invaluable to (C) the archaeologist because it is (D) virtually indestructible. No error (E) (OG P601 15)

2. The quality of multivitamin tablets is determined (A) by how long (B) its (C) potency can be protected (D) by the manufacturer’s coating material. No error(E) (OG P602 28)

3. 代词的主格形式(Nominative)和宾格形式(Objective)

主格I you he she it we you they

宾格me you him her it us you them






My colleague and myself (A) received an award for (B) our paper on the accuracy with which (C) a polygraph measures (D) physiological processes. No error(E)

4. one/ones 划线时不可随意指代,在指代的时候只适用于第三人称

We/You don’t have so-called freedom, because at times what we/you do depends on other people.

We/You don’t have so-called freedom, because at times what ones do depends on other people.

When one is exhausted, he/she is tired of answering others’ questions.


Although (A) one likes to believe (B) that your own (C) children are beautiful, intelligent, and well behaved, what one believes is not always the case (D). No error (E) (OG P777 23)

5. 关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which






★SAT考试中并不会考察who和whom之间的区别或者是from which和with which之间的不同点,也不会考察与之相关的固定用法,如in that是什么意思;只会考察他们所指代的是“人的意义”还是“物的意义”:

典型错误:the person which I know

the book who I read


Candy manufactures applauded the discovery by (A) researchers that the students which (B) smell chocolate while studying and again while taking (C) a test are able to (D) recall more material than students not exposed to. No error (E)




The office manager and her coworker, Ms. Andrews, received (A) equal pay for the company until (B) she (C) got a raise for helping (D) to increase productivity. No error (E) ●我们清楚代词的英文写法是pronoun,即代词要指代的对象是一个noun,所以在SAT



1. During the labor dispute, barrels of potatoes were emptied across the highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic.

(A) highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic

(B) highway and therefore blocking it to all traffic

(C) highway, by which all traffic was therefore blocked

(D) highway, and therefore this had all traffic blocked

(E) highway, thereby blocking all traffic

2. David, Jason and Isaac were hiking when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment.

(A) when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment

(B) and then he fell down a steep embankment after he stumbled over a rock

(C) when Isaac fell down a steep embankment after stumbling over a rock

(D) when Isaac fell down a steep embankment, since he stumbled over a rock

(E) and, since he stumbled over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment

OG P409-19;OG P410-26;OG P471-12;OG P471-18;OG P472-28;OG P534-20;OG P534-22);OG P535-27);OG P720-15;OG P721-20;OG P721-27;OG P738-6;OG P776-14;OG P777-25;OG P802-5;OG P838-17;OG P838-19;OG P839-24;OG P839-26;OG P894-15;OG P895-19;OG P896-28;OG P957-21;OG P957-22;OG P957-26

三、形容词,副词( Adjective & Adverb )



1. adv和adj的用法区分






Something of (A) a phenomenon in (B) the entertainment world, political satirists are admired (C) by conservatives and radicals alike (D). No error (E) (OG P957 23)

2. adj adv考点:

在SAT语法ISE题型中,出题频率最高的是将adj划线,通常改其改为adv; 反之,将adv 改成adj的情况则非常少见。


If (A) I am reading the editorial correct (B), the mayor is deliberately avoiding any (C) discussion of the tax-reform bill until after (D) the November elections. NO error (E) (OG P721 22)

3. adj 识别与判断









The research study reveals (A) startling proof of a constant (B) changing seafloor that comprises (C) the major part of (D) the underwater landscape. No error (E)

4. 比较级,最高级

在SAT的语法考试中会出现,比较级和最高级的情况;错误一般集中在两者之间用“most”,三者之间出现用“more”的情况和在已经是比较级的词前面加上“more”,如“more stronger”。


In many respects (A) Anna Karenina and Emma Bovary are very similar characters, but (B) Bovary has (C) the most spirit (D) and determination. No error(E) (OG P896 27)

OG P409-14;OG P409-17;OG P776-13;OG P838-12;OG P838-15;OG P956-15


时态的考察在任何形式的英语考试中都是重点,SAT语法考试也不例外,并且我们发现时态部分向来是中国考生极易犯错的地方;相比于托福(TOEFL),雅思(IELTS) 以及中国的各项英语,SAT语法考试侧重点从句意上转向时态呼应和搭配上。



1. 现在类


概念:表示经常或者反复发生的动作、行为及现在的某种状态。动词用原形(单三人称动词加s / es) (问句和否定句借用助词do / does)


概念:表示现在或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。am/is/are +v-ing


概念:表示将来发生的动作或状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。(1) will + 动词原形;(2) am/is/are +going to+动词原形


概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去持续到现在的动作或状态。Have/has +过去分词

2. 过去类


概念:过去发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。v+ ed (问句和否定句借用助词did)


概念:表示过去某个时间正在发生或进行的行为或动作。Was/were + v-ing


概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来;通常出现在宾语从句中,并且要做到时态的主从一致。(1) would + 动词原形(2) was/were +going to+动词原形


概念:指“过去的过去”,即以过去某个时间为标准,在此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为。had +过去分词


1. 现在类时态和过去类时态混用


One subject of (A) Felipe Alfau’s second novel, published more than (B) 40 years after it has been (C) written (D), is the illusory nature of the passage of time. No error (E) (OG P471 16)

2. 不规则动词的过去时和过去分词

此考点主要还是建立在自己平时对动词三种不同形式的积累上。如:run-ran-run, swim-swam-swum等


Jack often referred to (A) art history textbook while he (B) was sculpting; whenever he

learned a new method in art class, he seeks out (C) the work of sculptors who had used (D) it in the past. No error (E)

3. 虚拟语气的误导





●当虚拟条件句的谓语动词含有were, should, had时,if可省略,而将were, should, had



在倒装虚拟结构及if I were you, as it were, there were中,只能用were。



He would have finished it. 他本该完成了。


If I were at home now. 要是我现在在家里该多好啊。


Some of the workers who resent (A) the supervisor’s authority would probably (B) feel uncomfortable if (C) they were to acquire the independence that they demand (D). No error (E)


在even if, even though 所引导的让步状语从句中,可用虚拟语气,主句、从句的结构与if 所引导的条件从句结构相同。


●表命令/建议/要求(demand / suggest / advise / mandate / order / propose / advocate /

recommend / decree),且should必须省略。

●it is important that


OG P409-15;OG P471-13;OG P471-16;OG P534-24;OG P535-26;OG P720-19;OG P777-21;OG P803-12;OG P838-13;OG P838-16);OG P839-21;OG P839-22;OG P894-12;OG P895-25;OG P956-17;OG P957-20;OG P957-24

五、Parallel Structure—平行结构


1. 三者之间的平行----N, N, and N(名词,名词,and 名词)

此种题型就是我们常说的“名词,名词,and 名词”的形式,这三个名词是相互并列的。出题的习惯通常划线部分放在第三个,即在and 名词上面划线。


1. Each time Mary turns on her computer,she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B) before (C) she can begin working (D). No error (E).

2. Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, and to be physically inactive.

(A) include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, and to be physically inactive

(B) include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, and

physical inactivity

(C) include high blood pressure, blood cholesterol, smoking, and being physically inactive

(D) Includes high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, and to be physically inactive

(E) Includes high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, and being physically inactive


3. Without the invention of the compass, Mike might not have sailed around the world, Lewis and Isaac might not have traveled to Bonn, nor might Kevin’s search for the cities of gold have occurred, either.

(A) nor might Kevin’s search for the cities of gold have occurred, either

(B) nor might Kevin search for the cities of gold

(C) and Kevin’s search for the cities of gold m ight not have taken place

(D) and Kevin might not search for the cities of gold

(E) and Kevin might not have searched for the cities of gold

2. 比较句

此种题型在考试当中几乎每次都可以见到,考点集中在同类比较。出现此题型的标志有:-er; more than; as; like; unlike; compare to/with等


1. In (A) the United States, the industrial use of (B) plastic is (C) greater than steel (D), aluminum, and copper combined. No error (E) (OG P777 28)

2. In a recent year, more tourists from the United States visited museums in Great Britain than Canada.

(A) Canada

(B) Canada did

(C) compared to Canada

(D) Canadian ones

(E) in Canada

3. 两者之间的平行

两者之间的平行一般的几个标志如下:not only……,but also….;neither…. nor……../ either……or……(在SAT中被视为送分题);….. and / but…..


1. The labor union is negotiating (A) a contract with the hospital that (B) will satisfy (C) the demands of the workers and be acceptable to (D) all levels of management. No error (E) (OG P601 13)

2. Most drivers know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes gasoline, but also that it is dangerous. (OG P678.13)

(A) know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes

(B) know that excessive speeding on highways could be wasteful of

(C) are knowledgeable that excessive speeding on highways not only wastes

(D) have known that excessive speeding on highways wastes not only

(E) know that excessive speeding on highways not only by itself can waste

4. 两个句子之间的平行


虽然句子平行的题目在SAT考试中较少,但对于SAT的写作来讲的确提供了一种很好的结构搭配。比如在Dickens所著的A City of Two Tales这本小说中,第一段映入眼帘的便是一段语气辉煌蓬勃的文字:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the

age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.


1. Driving less (A) frequently is one way to save energy; to turn off all (B) appliances when they are (C) not being used is another (D). No error (E) (OG P720 18)

2. Surface mining is safer, quicker, and cheaper than deeper mining, but the greater is its toll in human misery.

(A) the greater in human misery is its toll

(B) it has a greater human misery toll

(C) in its human misery toll it is greater

(D) there is the greater toll in human misery

(E) its toll in human misery is greater

OG P408-6;OG P408-9;OG P408-11;OG P410-21;OG P410-29;OG P471-14;OG P471-15;OG P472-21;OG P492-12;OG P533-12;OG P533-13;OG P534-25;OG P720-12;OG P720-14;OG P775-11;OG P776-15;OG P776-18;OG P777-28;OG P803-13;OG P863-9;OG P863-12;OG P893-7;OG P893-8;OG P893-11;OG P894-13;OG P895-20;OG P895-22;OG P896-27;OG P925-8;OG P988-13






1. 单复数混用


1. Few issues is (A) as likely (B) to provoke widespread interest as those (C) involving possible danger to (D) the health or safety of children. No error (E)

2. The main reasons students give for failing to participate in the political process is that they have demanding assignments and work at part-time jobs.

(A) is that they have demanding assignments and work at

(B) are demanding assignments and they work at

(C) are that they have demanding assignments and that they work at

(D) is having demanding assignments and having to work at

(E) are demanding assignments, in addition to working at

2. 由and连接的主语



1. A job directory and a job service centre that provides (A) information for (B) students in need of (C) employment is (D) available through the school’s guidance office. No error (E)

2. The convenience and availability of watercolor paint account for its popularity with artists.

(A) account for its popularity

(B) account for their popularity

(C) accounts for its popularity

(D) is why it is popular

(E) are a reason for its popularity


SAT语法讲义 Identifying Sentence Errors 一、主谓一致 1. 就前原则 (1) N1 of N2 verb(SAT考试中动词的单复数与N1有关,与N2无关) 如: a group of students are the details of the problems are 例:The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). (P161.1) (2) 名词1+介词+名词2 如:students in the classroom 名词,插入语,verb 名词+doing/done 如:students studying hard 例:Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3) 2.“欲擒故纵”法 动词单复数做题基本原则是就前原则,如果句子太长、太难、太复杂时,用 “欲擒故纵”法。 3.动词单复数的特殊固定用法 (1) a number of 一些;一般情况下其后动词用复数,(不受任何规律限制); the number of ,的数量;其后的动词在任何情况下都用单数。 量词考点:a group/list/line of 使用“就前原则” (2) 倒装结构:就后原则。 如:here comes the bus a. 地点状语+动词+主语 b. Only置于句首的倒装


SAT 语法讲义 浙江大学外语学院 孙静 SAT 语法部分简介 语法部分属于SAT reasoning test 中的写作(writing)板块,与essay writing 分值一起组成写作板块的总分。SAT语法之所以被划分在Writing Skills 当中,是因为它实际是考查考生对英语的标准书面语(Standard Written English)的掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂的语法知识,SAT语法规则有时和我们通常所学的语法书上的知识点有所出入,规则也不尽相同。其考试题型和考试重点也与中国的语法题目大相径庭。因此SAT的语法具有特殊性,它追求的是“好的语法”,是恰当的,最符合英语国家文化传统与语言习惯的用法。SAT的语法规则,也就是像OG当中所阐述的那样,是一种“the rules of good written English”,具有准确,清晰,简洁的特点,杜绝口语化、模糊和冗余的表达。表现在做题方面,不仅仅会考到你是否能判断这个句子正确与否,而且会考到这个句子是否有效和简洁。这就大大提升了题目的难度。比如说有些句子在TOEFL中是对的,但是在SAT语法里面就是错误的,因为它不够简洁有效。 整个语法部分包括三种题型:ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错题)、IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)、IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题),所有题目均为五选一。SAT语法部分的49个选择题分布在两个section,其中 ISE(句子挑错题)18 小题、IS(句子改进题)25 小题、IP(段落改进题)6 小题。三种题型所考查的侧重点各不相同,从OG和真题上对各部分考试目的和内容的解析中可以得出这一点。如在 ISE的介绍中,对考生的要求是“The ability to recognize grammar and usage errors”,强调语法和固定用法的使用是否正确;而IS对考生的要求则变成了“the ability to recognize and write clear, effective and accurate sentences”,从语法知识转移到了


SAT语法分类讲义+练习 SAT语法分类之第一类:主谓一致 1 Despite (A) the heavy rain, the television reporter, accompanied by her royal film crew, were willing (B) to wait (C) outside the hotel until the delegates finished their (D) meeting. No error (E). (2010-1-S7-22) B 2 The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). (P161.1) B 3 The grooved and barbed spears of the box jellyfish, each (A) trailed by (B) a poison thread, is released (C) when (D) the animal is threatened. No error (E) (P410.23) C 4 In the early 20th century, new thinking about (A) symbolism and the unconscious were (B) greatly inspired by (C) the writings (D) of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. No error (E) (P193.18) B 5 The derelict old house across from (A) the warehouses and the even more (B) decrepit one just beside (C) them have been placed (D) on the list of historic landmarks. No error (E) (P410.24) E 6 The professor’s insistence on high standards are (A) not, despite wha t students think, part of (B) a plan to withhold (C) high grades from them (D). No error (E) (P839.27) A 7 Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3) C 8 Studying (A) the language and culture of a foreign country is highly recommended to (B) the tourist who expect (C) to learn from (D) his or her vacation abroad. No error (P721.26) C 9 Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A) for years, but (B) only recently has (C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D) known. No error (E). (P167.6) C 10 In the foothills of that large mountain range is (A) the sources of a river whose course (B) was not fully mapped (C) until (D) this century. No error (E). (P 776.19) A


SAT 语法部分简介 语法部分属于SAT reasoning test 中得写作(writing)板块,与essay writing 分值一起组成写作板块得总分。SAT语法之所以被划分在Writing Skills当中,就是因为它实际就是考查考生对英语得标准书面语(Standard Written English)得掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂得语法知识,SAT语法规则有时与我们通常所学得语法书上得知识点有所出入,规则也不尽相同。其考试题型与考试重点也与中国得语法题目大相径庭。因此SAT得语法具有特殊性,它追求得就是“好得语法”,就是恰当得,最符合英语国家文化传统与语言习惯得用法。SAT得语法规则,也就就是像OG当中所阐述得那样,就是一种“the rules of good written English”,具有准确,清晰,简洁得特点,杜绝口语化、模糊与冗余得表达。表现在做题方面,不仅仅会考到您就是否能判断这个句子正确与否,而且会考到这个句子就是否有效与简洁。这就大大提升了题目得难度。比如说有些句子在TOEFL中就是对得,但就是在SAT语法里面就就是错误得,因为它不够简洁有效。 整个语法部分包括三种题型:ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错题)、IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)、IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题),所有题目均为五选一。SAT语法部分得49个选择题分布在两个section,其中 ISE(句子挑错题)18 小题、IS(句子改进题)25 小题、IP(段落改进题)6 小题。三种题型所考查得侧重点各不相同,从OG与真题上对各部分考试目得与内容得解析中可以得出这一点。如在 ISE得介绍中,对考生得要求就是“The ability to recognize grammar and usage errors”,强调语法与固定用法得使用就是否正确;而IS对考生得要求则变成了“the ability to recognize and write clear, effective and accurate sentences”,从语法知识转移到了清晰,准确,简洁得表达方式。这种题型对中国学生而言要比句子挑错题更难适应,由于在中国得英语教育中,(尤其就是大家在中国得写作考试过程中为了凑字数往往就是故意把句子写得比较废话)对于“简洁”这一知识点得训练几乎就是空白,而这恰恰又就是修改句子得重要解题思路; IP 与前两种题型得差别较大,要求考生“to understand how the sentences and the paragraphs work together”,既然就是考查句子与段落之间如何作用,那么除了修改句子结构,合并句子得题目外,还会有一部分题就是要求对文章做出相应得改动、插入、或者提炼文章主题。 样题(题目横线下面有字母,要求选择有语法错误得一项。) The other (A) delegates (B) immediately (C) accepted the resolution drafted (D) by the neutral states、 No error (E)、


24. The new bird sanctuary, consisting of one hundred acres of unspoiled tideland, and is protected by the state. P676-2 (A) sanctuary, consisting of one hundred acres of unspoiled tideland, and is protected by the state. (B) sanctuary is protected by the state, it consists of one hundred acres of unspoiled tideland (C) sanctuary, consisting of one hundred acres of unspoiled tideland, is protected by the state (D) sanctuary is protected by the state consisting of one hundred acres of unspoiled tideland (E) sanctuary to consist of one hundred acres of unspoiled tideland and to be protected by the state 25. During the 1980’s, the income gap between the richest and the poorest Americans widened significantly, while continuing to expand in the 1990’s. P863-9 (A) significantly, while continuing to expand (B) significantly, and it continued to expand (C) significantly with continuing expansion (D) significantly, it continued expanding (E) significantly, continuing expanding 26. Civil rights leader and author W.E.B. Du Bois was interested in drama because he believed that if you represented historical events on stage it could have a greater, more lasting effect than any exhibit or lecture. P677-7 (A) if you represented historical events on stage it (B) with the events of history represented on stage they (C) events which were represented historically on stage (D) by representing historical events on stage (E) representing historical events on stage 27. During the 1980’s and early 1990’s, one reason highways in th e United States became safer than ever, the use of seat belts increased to about 67 percent nationwide. P677-5 (A) ever, the use of seat belts increased to about 67 percent nationwide. (B) ever, nationwide, the use of seat belts increased to about 67 percent (C) ever, there was a nationwide increase in seat belt use to 67 percent (D) ever since they increased seat belt use to 67 percent nationwide (E) ever was that the use of seat belts nationwide increased to about 67 percent 28. Pearl Buck, one of the most popular writers of her day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983 for her novels about China. P738-3

SAT语法讲义 附习题

Day 1 IE (Identifying sentence errors) 原则一: 原则二: 原则三: 考点1:动词时态 1.时态混用 判断时态三部曲: 例题1. Until recently, most people entering (A) politics feel (B) that loss of privacy was a fair price (C) to pay for (D) the chance to participate in policy making. No error (E) 例题2. Next Monday committee chosen by (A) the school board met (B) to review (C) the final list of applications for the position of (D) principal at the new high school. No error (E) 例题3. Traffic was heavy, so by the time Brian finally arrived at (A) the theatre, we waited (B) for her for an hour, missing (C) the entire (D) first act of the play. No error (E) 例题4. Jerome often referred to (A) art history textbook while he (B) was sculpting; whenever he learned a new method in art class , he seeks out (C) the work of sculptors who had used it (D) in the past. No error (E) 例题5. Katherine felt that she has not had (A) any understanding of (B) the highly intricate workings (C) of the stock market until (D) her uncle took her to the New York Stock Exchange. No error (E)


Identifying Sentence Errors 一、主谓一致 1. 就前原则 (1) N1 of N2 verb(SAT考试中动词的单复数与N1有关,与N2无关) 如:a group of students are the details of the problems are 例:The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). (P161.1) (2) 名词1+介词+名词2 如:students in the classroom 名词,插入语,verb 名词+doing/done 如:students studying hard 例:Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3) 2.“欲擒故纵”法 动词单复数做题基本原则是就前原则,如果句子太长、太难、太复杂时,用“欲擒故纵”法。 3.动词单复数的特殊固定用法 (1) a number of 一些;一般情况下其后动词用复数,(不受任何规律限制); the number of …的数量;其后的动词在任何情况下都用单数。 量词考点:a group/list/line of 使用“就前原则” (2) 倒装结构:就后原则。 如:here comes the bus a. 地点状语+动词+主语 b. Only置于句首的倒装 例:In the foothills of that large mountain range is (A) the sources of a river whose course (B) was not fully mapped (C) until (D) this century. No error (E). (P 776.19)


SAT语法练习题(按考点分类) SAT语法测试题 1. 主谓一致: 易: 1. Studying (A) the language and culture of a foreign country is highly recommended to (B) the tourist who expect (C) to learn from (D) his or her vacation abroad. No error (E) 2. The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). 3. Despite (A) the heavy rain, the television reporter, accompanied by her royal film crew, were willing (B) to wait (C) outside the hotel until the delegates finished their (D) meeting. No error (E). 中: 1. The grooved and barbed spears of the box jellyfish, each (A) trailed by (B) a poison thread, is released (C) when (D) the animal is threatened. No error (E) 2. Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). 3. In the early 20th century, new thinking about (A) symbolism and the unconscious were (B) greatly inspired by (C) the writings (D) of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. No error (E) 难: 1. The derelict old house across from (A) the warehouses and the even more (B) decrepit one just beside (C) them have been placed (D) on the list of historic landmarks. No error (E) 2. Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A) for years, but (B) only recently has (C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D) known. No error (E). 3. At the heart of the program, enthusiastically en dorsed (A) by the city’s business association, is (B) plans for refurbishing neighborhoods and for making (C) low interest mortgages available to (D) young families. No error (E) (P956.12)

SAT语法题型汇总 复习资料使用及解题技巧分享

一.SAT语法资料的使用 1.Official Guide:SAT语法考试的官方辅导用书,凡是准备SAT的考生都需要这份资料,建议在备考初期使用。并且在时间允许的情况下做到2-3遍。 2.可汗学院SAT文法资料:下载请点击。可汗学院新SAT语法真题PDF下载(48篇)、可汗学院新增SAT阅读语法真题PDF及答案下载(2016-9-21日新增阅读7篇、语法6篇)。 3.SAT真题:建议大家在完成前两份资料的使用后就可以选择真题来备考了,体验真正的考试题型,了解其中考点,考察方式,建议大家做两遍,并总结其中的错题,尤其是一些遗漏的语法点,一定要学会自己总结。 SAT真题下载,请点击相应的链接:2016年10月1日亚太SAT真题PDF下载、2016年10月1日北美SAT真题及答案下载、2016年5月亚太SAT真题及答案下载、2016年5月北美SAT真题及答案下载 二.SAT语法题型解题技巧 1.SAT语法改进句子:SAT语法改进句子从题目中我们可以理解一定将句子中的错误进行适当的改进,从五个选项中选出相对比较合理的答案,使其更加清晰,还有一种可能就是原句不错误,那么A选项就跟原来的句子一模一样。其实应对这类题目的方法一般就是排除法,排除有语法错误的选项,有一些选项比较明显可以直接5去3,剩下的就简单了,但是一定要注意尊重原句的意思,改进的只是语法,而不是句意。 2.SAT语法改错题:其实改错题看似比较简单,但是有时候就是越简单的题目越容易出错,因为改错的题型丰富,语法的考点也比较多,这类题目涉及的考点多但是都比较常见的,藏在句子中不容易轻易发现,只能通过不断的练习和平时的积累。 3.SAT语法改进段落:改进段落通常都是一个短篇的草稿,共有6道题,考察的点一般就是段落起承转合的衔接、段内的逻辑关系等等,还有写作手法的问题。应对这类题目的方法就是同学们一定要通读全篇然后看题,而且在读的过程中要边读边思考,这样总能发现一些句子语法有问题,或者一些逻辑关系不准确,再去坐后面的问题就节省时间了。 以上关于SAT语法的讲解希望对大家的备考有所帮助。接下来和大家分享SAT语法考试的常见句型分析。把这些固定的用法记忆清楚,在备考语法项目的时候,就会更加容易理解,也更容易用到实际的解题中去。 1. Even though California is smaller than Alaska or Texas it has a far larger population. Texas,California has by far the largest population. 点评:首先防止Run-on。其次注意到Alaska和Texas中间是“or”,所以代词“it”的指代对象需要说明,将它直接换成“California”。 2.When the students take a trip on the intracoastal-waterway system next month,they will learn facts with which they have heretofore been unacquainted. Right! 点评:倒装语句,其实在这种状况下无妨。但也有多个类似题目大家可以在平时发掘,实在不行就死记。且有being在句中的选项经常是错的。 3.The unique culture of Cork is primarily founded by its great musical and lyrical traditions. Cork has a unique culture founded primarily on 点评:又体现了最好还是用顺叙这个原则。 4.In June,Juile was certified in CPR and aquatic rescue,and she has been working as a lifeguard ever since. Right!

SAT语法 Improving Paragraph

Improving Paragraph 一、语法题 (1) 划线修改 (2) 二合一体 考点:a. 语法结构; b. 从平行并列的两个句子中,找出两个句子的重心; c. 从句意上,考两个句子的连接词。 难点:题目出得很长。 单句>从句>分词>平行句 (3) 代词的指代 (4) 不划线修改 有错改错,没错删整句。 例:In context, what is the best way to deal with sentence 4 reproduced below)?(P958.30) They had actually been in use for half of his lifetime. (A) Delete it. (B) Switch it with sentence 5. (C) Change “They” to “Such elevators”. (D) Change “his” to “Otis”. (E) Insert “supposedly” after “lifetime” 例:What is the best way to revise the underlined portion of sentences 5 and 6 (reproduced below)? (P958.31) What Otis managed to do in 1854 was to demonstrate an elevator with a built-in safety device. So that the elevator would not plunge to the bottom if the rope used to raise and lower it broke. (A) device, by which the elevator would not plunge (B) device, and the elevator would not plunge (C) device because an elevator plunges (D) device to prevent the elevator from plunging

SAT语法总结 完整版

语法总结 绿色标识:常见考点;红色标识:常见错误点;横线:公式;加粗:重点方法及其他;波浪线:引起重视 一verb划线的考法:弱爆的题目 1单复数:①就前原则:TM的往前看看能死啊——S,***,VO.句型 SAT特别喜欢插入语有木有,所以要看主语;名词如果没有S均为单数,但 是例外情况:police,people,cattle天生就是复数形式;同时means,species,news, iris,octopus,platypus,cryonics天生就有S,但是单数;同时注意有些专有名词 会大写或者斜体;但也要注意前面的量词:如two means of还是要用复数。 ②就后原则:倒装原则,稍微动动脑子即可! 这个当然就是倒装结构了!一定要注意有些否定词,介词,副词放在句首一 定要想起是倒装结构。错了,赐匕首一把! ③坨坨坨名词结构:不会拿着豆腐去撞墙吧! 一般来说:N1of N2of N3....of Nn+V.主要看N1,但是有些像the majority of 这样万恶的本身就表达复数的词组一定要注意!还有就是名词修饰名 词:N1+N2...+Nn+V.主要看最后一个名词的形式! 2时态:混搭居然也是种潮流,‘真棒诶!’ ①现在和过去不可混搭! 一般来说就两个考点:现在时划线错变过去,完成时划线错变过去!还要注 意有by+时间这个法克小词时,一定要有完成时的结构出现听见了没!在 IS中,主要是排三剩二的时候要关注一下时态好不好!而且,万恶的OC-T2 有道题因为句子中有个now所以要有进行时还出现了个being!我第一个TM 就给排出了有木有!哇靠!在MC和真题中也要注意绑大腿A的选择,尽可 能的不要改变原句时态特征,除非有明显的错误! ②时间标志:错了就祝你幸福吧! #by:完成时结构必须有(管他过去还是现在) #since:现在完成时 #ago,from..to..,until,in,on,at:一般过去时 ①If+were/did,S+would/could/should+V.(present) If+were to do/did/should,S+would/should could do(future) ②由suggest,recommend,require,demand,order,insist引导的宾语从句中 谓语应为原形,该现象属于虚拟语气。 4太监词和男人的区分:did or done ①V.+N.男人V-ed.+Prep.太监 三大太监:done,doing,to do(爱在done处下文章) ②动名词做主语好于to do做主语,因为后者需要to do is to do! ③having done***,SVO的表达形式很好,因为动作时间十分清晰5动词后划线经常加个名词或Sth.,要么就用一个that引导的宾语从句或定语从句;在宾语从句中,主句动词和从句动词可以不一样:集中于争论类和思考类! 6Vt.不当Vi.使!真题考过confirm,report


SAT语法中你不一定了解的单复数 sat语法考试的词汇有多重要,我们都知道英语的单词单复数形式是有很大差异的,包括变形和词义都可能发生改变,这就需要平时多积累,这些题型主要出现在sat语法考试里,所以大家备考时要多做sat语法真题。 下面小编就为大家介绍一些常见的sat语法考试特殊名词复数和集合名词等相关内容,我们就一起来看看吧。建议大家一定要多做sat语法真题。 1、某些不可数名词变为复数后,具有不同的意义 常考的这类名词: color 颜色——colors 旗帜 custom 习俗,习惯——customs 海关,关税 force 力量——forces 海陆空三军 glass 玻璃——glasses 眼镜 work 工作——works 作品 authority权威——authorities 当局 nature 自然,性质——natures 性质 paper 纸——papers 文件,证件 sand 沙——sands 沙滩 time 时间——times 时代 water 水——waters 水域,海洋 manner 方式——manners 举止,礼貌 humanity人类——humanities 人类的品德 oil 油——oils 油画 2、以 s 结尾看起来像复数形式,实为单数的名词 某些名词,如疾病名称,科学名称,比赛名称和专有名称,以 s 结尾,看起来象复数形式,实则为单数,故谓语动词用单数,而且它们的前面不能接不定冠词 a/an,常出现的这类名次包括:Athens, athletics体育运动, billiards台球, checkers西洋跳棋, civics公民学, diabetes糖尿病, economics, electronics, ethics, gymnastics, genetics, linguistics, mathematics, measles麻疹, mechanics, mumps腮腺炎, Naples那不勒斯, news, obstetrics产科学, pediatrics儿科, Philippines, physics, politics, statistics, the United States, work等 注意: Statistics 当译为“统计数据”时,是复数;当译为“统计学”时,为单数。 Economics当译为“经济政策”时,是复数;当译为“经济学”时,是单数。 3、单数和复数形式相同的名词 某些名词的单数和复数形式相同,因此,谓语动词的数通常得视其修饰语而定。常考得这类名词包括: aircraft, carp鲤鱼, Chinese, craft, crossroads, barracks军营, bellows牛

新东方李楠楠SAT语法讲义 IS部分(1)

同位语优先 主语,…,VO 1. The comet has recently changed direction toward Jupiter, which is leading scientists to wonder about the composition of the object. (A) which is leading scientists to wonder about (B) this development leading scientists to wonder about (C) and with it scientists’ wonder of (D) a development leading scientists to wonder about (E) this leading scientists to wonder on 2. The rare-earth metal dysprosium, being a member of the lanthanide series, and is in group IIIb of the periodic table. (A) dysprosium, being a member of the lanthanide series, and is in group IIIb of the periodic table (B) dysprosium is a member of the lanthanide series, it is in group IIIb of the periodic table (C) dysprosium, a member of the lanthanide series, is in group IIIb of the periodic table (D) dysprosium is in group IIIb of the periodic table being a member of the lanthanide series (E) dysprosium, to be a member of the lanthanide series, is in group IIIb of the periodic table 3. By the time she was twenty-one, Jane Austen had begun writing a novel which she initially titled First Impressions and which she later called Pride and Prejudice, this is a book that many fans consider her best work. (A) this is a book that many fans consider her best work (B) since many fans consider this her best work (C) the best work that many fans considered it to be (D) a book that many fans consider her best work (E) it is considered by many fans as her best work
