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“抓基础,重细节”,提质一轮复习 浏阳五中:龙丹 尊敬的各位同仁: 大家上午好!我是来自浏阳五中的龙丹。首先,我谨代表学校对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎。今天,浏阳市一百多名英语教师集聚一堂,即便是窗外寒风凛冽,我们内心依旧温暖。感谢大家来我校对我校英语教学工作进行指导;感谢教研员唐佑红老师为我们搭建一个互相交流学习的平台;也感谢我们五中每一位老师对我的信任与支持。 我们高三英语组在陈碧贞老师的带领下,始终坚持集体备课的原则,致力于为学生打造最高效的课堂。今天,借此机会,我将代表我们备课组向大家汇报一轮复习的具体做法。 第一:抓基础 词汇复习:采用轮番轰炸式持久战战略。 我们一轮复习的指导思想是:“抓基础,重细节”,提质一轮复习。众所周知,五中是一所农村高中,学生的英语基础较薄弱。因此,我们在复习的过程中特别重视夯实基础。常言道:词汇是完形之根、阅读之本、写作之魂、英语之基!其重要地位便不言而喻!说到词汇,这应该是很多英语后进生刻骨铭心的痛啊。我们总能遇到这样场景:学生闪着一双无辜的大眼睛说:“老师,我记不住啊!老师,我真地记了,但是我又忘了!”抑或是,一些积极上进的学生拿着英语书虔诚地跑到办公室,像看着上帝一样望着你:“老师,学英语有啥秘诀吗?”此时此刻,我的内心很复杂。

所谓师者,传道授业解惑也。我们应当想学生之所想,急学生之所急。面对学生地诉求,我们英语组积极寻找对策。我们认为,单一的背诵和默写并不能让我们的学生将高考考纲词汇一举拿下,词汇的积累应该是多维度的,反复的,有语境的。因此,除了记忆并默写一轮复习书上面的3500个考纲词汇,我们还通过做《爱疯英语考纲词汇通关80天》上面的习题,来对词汇和短语的用法进行巩固,最后,通过阅读和语篇的训练,让学生在具体的语境下感知和巩固词汇;另一方面,在单元话题复习时,我们会让学生在用思维导图的形式,将话题相关的词汇进行归纳总结,注重词根词缀等构词法的渗透,这既加深学生的词汇印象,又锻炼了学生思维品质和学习能力。 此外,为了刺激学生的积极性,我们除了开展单词比赛,我们还借鉴了朋友圈记单词打卡的形式,在班上开展每日单词打卡活动,公示在教室里,来营造一种你追我赶的记单词氛围。 1.写作训练:让作文变成最熟悉的陌生人。 关于写作,我们的目标是让高考作文成为最熟悉的陌生人,这也就是说,虽然高考作文不可能一模一样,但是,从历年高考作文来看,不论是文章的体裁类型还是文章的话题方向,都是有规律或者可以总结出套路的。因此,通过我们的一轮复习,学生如果具备一定的词汇与句法表达能力,加上有逻辑的框架布局,应该拿下及格分不会太难。在这方面,依据培养学生语言能力,文化意识,思维品质的原则,我们选择了29个作文的话题,来对学生的写作能力进行培养。只有学生掌握各类话题写作的基本框

早恋 Puppy Love_英语作文

早恋Puppy Love Nowadays,more and more students fall in love in middle schools that worries teachers andparents. As for me, I don’t agree to puppy love. No matter admit it or not,puppy love will certainly have negative influence on study, because it takesmuch time and energy. But the most important is that middle school students arenot mature enough to operate a relationship. The favorable impression to othersmay be the momentary impulse that will not last very long time. The middleschool students are so young and unthoughtful to take the responsibilities of love.What should they do is put their study in priority and wait with patience, becausetrue love is worth of waiting. 现在,越来越多的中学生谈起了恋爱,这让老师和家长十分忧心。我个人并不赞成早恋。不管承认与否,早恋肯定会对学习产生消极的影响,因为这会耗费大量的时间和精力。但是更重要的是,中学生还不够成熟,不足以经营一段感情。对他人的好感很可能是一时的冲动,并不会持续很长时间。他们还太年轻,考虑不周全,对于爱情还缺乏应有的责任感。他们应该做的就是把学习放在首位,并且耐心等待爱情的到来,因为真爱,值得等待。


爱疯英语基础词汇16-25 Day16 1.line 2.link 3.list 4.literature 5.load 6.loud 7.loss 8.machine 9.mad 10.magazine 11.mailbox 12.main 13.major 14.majority 15.manager 16.manner 17.mark 18.market 19.marriage 20.mask 21.mass 22.match 23.material 24.matter 25.means 26.measure 27.media 28.medical 29.member Day.17 30.memory 31.mental 32.mention 33.message 34.metal 35.method 36.mine 37.mineral 38.mineral 39.minority 40.mirror 41.mistake 42.mistaken 43.mix 44.mixture 45.model 46.moment 47.motor 48.mountainous 49.movement 50.movie 51.murder 52.musical 53.musician 54.narrow 55.nation 56.natural 57.nature 58.nearly 59.neat 60.necessary 61.neck Day 18 62.neighbourhood 63.nervous https://www.wendangku.net/doc/179543512.html,work 65.news 66.none 67.normal 68.normal 69.note 70.notice 71.nowadays 72.nuclear 73.nurse 74.object 75.obtain 76.obvious 77.occupy 78.occur 79.offer 80.officer 81.official 82.oilfield 83.opening 84.operate 85.operation Day 19 86.opinion 87.opposite 88.orange 89.order 90.ordinary https://www.wendangku.net/doc/179543512.html,an https://www.wendangku.net/doc/179543512.html,anize 93.origin 94.otherwise 95.outside 96.owe 97.own 98.owner 99.package 100.page 101.pain 102.paint 103.pale 104.paragraph 105.part 106.particular 107.party 108.partner 109.passage 110.passive 111.path 112.patient 113.pattern 114.peace 115.penny 116.pension 117.per 118.percentage 119.perfect 120.perform 121.performer Day 20 122.perhaps 123.period 124.permanent 125.permission 126.personal 127.persuade 128.photograph 129.phrase 130.physical 131.plant 132.plastic 133.plate 134.pleased 135.pleasure 136.plenty 137.pocket 138.point 139.police 140.policy

true love英语作文优秀范文

true love英语作文优秀范文 当你经历过爱与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的,才会知道什么才是真爱,也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。下面是整理的true love英语作文,以供大家学习参考。 true love英语作文:True Love Makes Us Invincible Individuals live with many factors, such as money, social status and love. Money is the basis of existing in modern society. Social status can help you win admiration. However, love is the only thing to bring us hope and happiness, which is more important than anything else in our life. On the one hand, for an individual, love means the driving force of living. On the other hand, love as a strong bond between people makes our world harmonious and warm. Now that love is such a big deal, what is true love? I remembered I saw a word about true love somewhere really made sense, which said LOVE IS A BREAKING OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Thinking about it, considering more for others and being willing to devote may be the only way to judge whether it’s true love or not. When we fall in love with someone or something, we are far from selflessness. It

有关爱情的英语作文About Love

有关爱情的英语作文About Love 有关爱情的英语作文About LoveAbout Love Anton Chekhov第二天的午饭是非常美味的馅饼,小龙虾和羊肉片。我们正吃饭时,厨子尼卡诺来问客人们晚上想吃些什么。他是一个中等身材,胖脸,小眼睛的人,齐胡子根刮了脸,这使得看起来他的胡子仿佛不是刮掉的,而是被连根拔掉的。阿列恒告诉我们美丽的帕拉吉爱上了这个厨子,因为他喝酒且性格粗暴,帕拉吉不想嫁给她,但是愿意与他婚外同居。厨子是个很虔诚的人,他的宗教信仰不允许他“过着有罪的生活”。他坚持帕拉吉嫁给他,此外其它的事都答应她,可是他喝醉时经常大骂帕拉吉,甚至打她。无论何时厨子喝醉了酒,帕拉吉就习惯于躲到楼上哭泣,每当这个时候阿列恒和仆人们就待在屋里准备万一需要保护帕 拉吉。 At lunch next day there were very nice pies, crayfish, and mutton cutlets; and while we were eating, Nikanor, the cook, came up to ask what the visitors would like for dinner. He was a man of medium height, with a puffy face and little eyes; he was close-shaven,

and it looked as though his moustaches had not been shaved, but had been pulled out by the roots. Alehin told us that the beautiful Pelagea was in love with this cook. As he drank and was of a violent character, she did not want to marry him, but was willing to live with him without. He was very devout, and his religious convictions would not allow him to “live in sin”; he insisted on her marrying him, and would consent to nothing else, and when he was drunk he used to abuse her and even beat her. Whenever he got drunk she used to hide upstairs and sob, and on such occasions Alehin and the servants stayed in the house to be ready to defend her in case of necessity. 我们开始谈论爱情。 “爱情是如何产生的呢?”阿列恒说,“为什么帕拉吉在身心上不像爱自己一样地爱别人,她为什么会爱上尼卡诺,那个丑陋的猪嘴——我们所有人都叫尼卡诺‘猪嘴’——个人的幸福跟爱情的结果有多大关系——所有这些问题我 们都不明所以;个人能获得的见解只是他从中希望获得的罢了。迄今为止,说到爱无可置疑的事实就是:‘爱是一个大大的谜。’关于爱所说和所写下的一切都不是结论,而只是这个仍然没有答案的问题的陈述罢了。这个解释似乎只适合

英语作文what is love

what is love What is love ?A humourous person may say love is photogenic ,it needs darkness to develop . One who is involved with someone happily may hold that love is like a rose ,it can intoxicate the whole world .If some are hurted by love , they may think love is wickedness . And there is a boy who once told me that love is the mist lingering around the mountain peak and it only looks beautiful far away . He said that after a devastating broke-up . What is love ?Different people hold different opinions based on their own experiences . I dare say you have already thought about it for many times like me . Yeah ,not only have i thought about it ,but also I have asked many friends' opinions .However , one of them who have being talking love for several years only gave me a rough answer .As a youngster ,it is common for us to seek love .But,as far as i am concerned , it's better for us to ask ourselves what is love before we start the journey of love .So ,we'll have a direction to woo the Mr or Miss right and a strong mind to stay with the right person . What is love ?As for me ,now i guess love never have an exact definition . It is like the great wind ;it blows us hither and thither ;it gives us different experiences and feelings .So ,it's hard to grasp love tightly .But right now ,i think love is a double sword which brings us not only ecstasy but also sadness sometimes . The most important two things for a couple are the compatible personality and strong affection to each other . I may change my mind in the future ,but who knows ? You know ...

英语作文:I Love My Parents 我爱我的家人

英语作文:I Love My Parents 我爱我的家 人 I Love My Parents I love my gave me life,they taught me a hug me warmly,they offer me delicious food, they teach me how to be a good love my comfort me when I'm sad,they cheer me when I lost my hope,they give me advices to show a more straigh way to the love my parents,they've done so much for me. I love my parents,and I want to do something for make my bed by my self,I help my dear mom do some washing often, I help my dear dad fill a glass of try to do something for them to repay their love. Mom,dad,see how much I love you! 我爱我的父母 我爱我的父母。他们给了我生命,他们教我很多。他们给我温暖的拥抱,他们给我好吃的食物,他们教我如何成为一个好人。我爱我的父母。他们安慰我,当我伤心的时候,他们鼓励我当我失去了我的希望,他们给我建议显示更straigh方式成功。我爱我的父母,他们为我做了那么多。 我爱我的父母,我想为他们做点什么。我使我的床,我


It’s only love Love is a serious word, she never imagines that she can spend time with a boy for 3 years, it is really a long time for her. But she still remembers their first meeting. With the delicate voice flying into her tears, it takes her back to those days when she caught the first glimpse of him. It was a bright and sunny day. She remembers it very clearly. The headteacher brought a boy into her class, saying ‘this is your new friend, from now on he will be one of our family members.’ She stared at him for a while. He is a quite muscled guy with short hair and she noticed his eyes are nothing but small, but can be acceptable. Maybe he realized she was looking at him, so he looked back to her. She looked down in an air of shy, pretending nothing had happened, but she found her heart beat extreme quickly. Accidentally, he sat behind her in the class. She was too shy to talk with him. When she got the news that he was the champion of free combat, when the geography test paper handed out and he got the highest grade while this subject was her worst one. She admired him and assured that she loved him deeply. She began to pay all her attention to him. She knew he was very independent, for his mother was abroad all year round. He liked history and was very humorous. In order to listen to his every sentence, she sat very close to him on purpose and also did lots of exercises about geography in order to ask him questions. Every time she talked with him, she felt a blash on her face and avoided his eyes. One day, she couldn’t help saying something to him, so she messaged him with irrational impulse : I like you. She waited for quite minutes


关于爱的英语作文【三篇】 【篇一】关于爱的英语作文 Love makes the world go around.Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life. 【篇二】关于爱的英语作文 Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.But how to cherish the love?I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings. It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this world.Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up.


英语学习陪伴心得 敬爱的老师,亲爱的家长朋友: 大家,下午好! 7年级上学期的学习生活在马不停蹄的奔跑中到达了终点,相信很多家长和我一样,经历了从分到*老师班感到窃喜和期待,到看到排名变化后的惊心动魄、如履薄冰,再到脚踏实地地面对现实,用累并充实着的心态帮助孩子实现一点一点进步的心路历程。 *同学是个还没有养成良好学习习惯的孩子,是老师比较担心的,专注力欠缺,心理素质不够稳定的爱疯闹的小男生中的一员。为了纠正他的毛病,老师没少费心,我也常常感到头疼。最后,还是从不断端正学习态度,改良学习方法,进而提高学习效率上下功夫。 下面,我就以陪伴英语学习为例,跟大家交流一点心得体会,希望老师和家长朋友多批评指正。 (一)音形结合,提前记初中单词 考试中盲填是个难度较大的题型,需要熟练记住初中三年所有单词和短语。为了提高孩子做题的准确度和信心,我们挤时间提前背7、8年级的单词。每周定量三个模块,定期往前回顾。充分利用点读笔熟悉读音,多种感官充分调动记单词,最后用单词空白表落实到笔头,考单词书写。不会的和写错单词在空白表做上标记,反复考。关于单词空白表的制作也是从别的家长群借鉴来的。为了方便家长检查,每张单词考试表还对应了一份标准答案表。测试单词的时候用其他纸张写,不会的和错的在空白表上做好标记。这样标准答案表和空白考试表可以永久使用,单词表就越背越薄。孩子自己明确表示,提前背初中单词不但有利于做盲填,阅读理解也顺利多了。 (二)黄金时间,点滴积累 为了提升外语的听力和语感,周末辗转课外班的途中利用车上的时间定量收看趣味美剧《好运查理》,同一集反复看,磨耳朵的同时也提升学习英语的兴趣。另外,需要背诵的英语课文,常常在睡前和上学途中再温习一遍,充分利用头脑比较清楚的黄金时间,争取事半功倍的成果。 (三)错题整理,修补漏洞 在学校语法本的基础上,再准备个错题语法本。凡是练习中出现的错题都定期进行整理,明确语法点,适当重考。因为孩子有时候忙于完成作业,时间不够用,所以他的错题常常是我帮着整理的。保持和孩子一起学习进步的心态,就能克服困难,完成这些琐碎的事情。 以上就是我在陪伴孩子学习英语时的做法,目前看来,还是有一定效果的。感谢老师的信任,家长朋友的聆听。今后的学习和生活,我们更需要不断交流总结经验,让我们的孩子因为身在这个追求卓越集体成为更好的自己! 2019.1.15

关于校园恋爱的英语作文Campus Love

姓名:陈曦 班级:英教6班 学号:1125010604 日期:2013年10月10日Should we fall in love on campus? Nowadays,campus love is found everywhere.No matter what university you go to,you will see couples of sweethearts strolling past holding hands and sharing their own secrets happily or having some troubles and even quarrel sometimes.Obviously,love on campus seems to be a tendency in college life now.So what lead to the phenomenon?Is it good to fall in love with somebody on campus? There is no doubt that campus love has some advantages.Facing a heavier stress than before as a undergraduate at present,some students need a way to reduce their pressure and need someone to listen to their feelings in deep heart.Falling in love with their own sweethearts is a appropriate choice because they can express their truest selves to their lover without reservation.A romantic relationship not only can make each other more mature but increase the experience of dealing with emotional problems.On the other hand,most students,of course,support the view that love is more interesting than study. And what’s more,if you find your lover in your college life and marry with your boyfriend or girlfriend then your marriage will be steadier and happier.When you graduate without a lover,you may find it hard to seek out your marriage partner cause there are so many conditions needed to consider after graduation. However,there is no garden without weeds.Campus love seems so wonderful but actually it also has many disadvantages.After all,we are students and our main purposes are study well.Falling in love with someone,to a great extent,will distract you from your studies and influent your prospective career.From another perspective,our living expenses are almost all from our parents and campus love is a heavy financial burden for those students in love.Worst of all,once those couples of lovers face the breakup,they will be confronted with a heavy psychological burden


The Positive Meanings of Love We'd like to share some of the positive meanings love has for us. Love means that I know the person I love.I'm aware of the many sides of the other person —not just the beautiful side but also the limitations,inconsistencies and faults.I have an awareness of the other's feelings and thoughts,and I experience something of the core of that person.I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level. Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love.To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not possessive,nor does it hold the other person back.On the contrary,my caring frees both of us.If I care about you,I'm concerned about your growth,and I hope you will become all that you can become.Consequently,I don't put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person,even though it may result in my discomfort at times. Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.If I love you,I can see you as a separate person,with your own values and thoughts and feelings,and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect you to be for me.I can allow and encourage you to stand alone and to be who you are,and I avoid treating you as an object or using you primarily to satisfy my own needs. Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.If I love you,I respond to most of your major needs as a person.This responsibility does not include my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself;nor does it mean that I run your life for you.It does mean acknowledging that what I am and what I do affects you,so that I am directly involved in your happiness and your suffering.A lover does have the capacity to hurt or ignore the loved one,and in this sense we see that love involves an acceptance of some responsibility for the impact my way of being has on you. Love means making a commitment to the person I love.This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other;nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent.It does involve a willingness to stay with each other in times of pain,struggle,and despair,as well as in times of calm and enjoyment. Love means trusting the person I love.If I love you,I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won't deliberately hurt me.I trust that you will find me attractive,and that you won't abandon me;I trust the mutual nature of our love.If we trust each other,we are willing to be open to each other and reveal our true selves. Love can tolerate imperfection.In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving up,times of real strain,and times I feel I can't move forward. Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness.I can stay during rough times,however, because I can remember what we had together in the past,and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through.We agree with the idea that love is a spirit that changes life.Love is a way of life that is creative and that transforms.However,love is not reserved for a perfect world.Love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong.Love is meant to be a spirit that works in painful situations.Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense appears to rule.In other words,love comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live. Love is open.If I love you,I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships. Although our love for each other and our commitment to each other might prohibit certain


关于WHATISLOVE的英语作文的范文【英语作文】 范文一 com Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love to the extent that it is genuine,my caring is not a smothering of the person or a possessive clinging。I’m concerned about his growth and I hope he will become all that he can become,and never put up roadblocks to what he does that enhances him as a person。 Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love。See him as a separate person,with his own values and thoughts and feelings,and I don’t insist that he surrender his identity and conform to an image of what I expect him to be for me 。I can allow and encourage him to stand alone and to be who he is,and I avoid treating him as an object or using him primarily to gratify my own needs。 In short,in love two beings become one and yet remain twoWHAT IS LOVE? 范文二 What is love was the most searched phrase on Google in 2012, according to the company. In an attempt to get to the bottom of the question once and for all, the Guardian has gathered writers from the fields of science, literature, religion and philosophy to give their definition of the much-pondered word.
