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五想无所不会;六想海吃不肥;七想衣服不贵;八想红杏出墙无罪! 女人的悲哀:生命是厨房的;收入是商场的;奖金是化妆品的;财产是没有的;成绩是上司的;身体是男人的;只有雀斑和皱纹是自己的




















2、才华就是把与人相同的聪明用到与人不同的地方。 3 、很多人都宁愿被颂扬毁掉自我,也不愿在批评中绝处逢生。





















一定是他人眼中的完美匹配!而是相爱的人彼此心灵的相互契合是为了让对方生活得更好而默默奉献这份爱不仅温润着他们自己,也同样温润着那些世俗的心真正的爱情,是在能爱的时候,懂得珍惜真正的爱情,是在无法爱的时候,懂得放手因为,放手才是拥有了一切…… !!请在珍惜的时候,好好去爱!!!!真爱是一种从内心发出的关心和照顾,没有华丽的言语,没有哗众取宠的行动,只有在点点滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。那样平v实那样坚定。反之发誓、许诺说明了它的不确定,永远不要相信甜蜜的话语。用心去感受吧




















275、1.不要当三瓶女人:年轻时是花瓶,中年时是醋瓶,老年时是药瓶。2.不要做三转女人:围着锅台转,围着老公转,围着孩子转。3.做三独立女人:思想独立、能力独立、经济独立!4.三养女人:修养,涵养、保养! 5.三丽女人:美丽、能力、魅力



八年级上册《短文两篇》(教师中心稿) 知识目标: 1、掌握生字、文学知识、文言词句 2、者表达的思想感情 3、朗读背诵课文 能力目标:文言阅读能力 德育目标:学习古人在大自然中陶冶情操 重点难点:1、掌握重点文言词句;2、背诵课文 策略方法:老师引导学生自主、合作学习 教学媒体:多媒体 课前二分钟演讲 教学设计: 一、导入新课: 引入复习课提问引出教学目标复习文学知识复习生字强调壁的写法区别:璧玉、碧绿 文言文学习是这学期的学习重点,当然也是考试的重点。针对大家在考试中存在的会说不会写,或者是自以为会写,一写就错的现象,今天这节复习课,要求大家不能光说,要用手写,解决你考试中会,还不得分的现象。 问:复习一篇文言文,应从哪些方面复习?文学知识、生字、文言词句、思想感情,朗读背诵。

二、屏幕出示复习内容: 1、《答谢中书书》的作者是_______,朝代_____。 2、《记承天寺夜游》的作者是______,朝______。 3、两岸石bì() yuán()鸟乱鸣昔日欲颓()沉lín ()竞跃与( )其奇者亦未寝()藻xìng()交横 三、朗读背诵 在朗读中体会作者的思想感情出示《答谢中书书》图片出示《记承天寺夜游》图片两副图片同时出现齐读一遍,指出问题后,读第二遍。指名两人朗读齐诵,指名背诵。 复习文言词句总结翻译规律:1、组词法2、替换法3、调序法归纳思想感情 (1)两岸石壁,五色交辉。青林翠竹,四时俱备。 (2)晓雾将歇,猿鸟乱鸣;夕日欲颓,沉鳞竞跃。 (3)实是欲界之仙都。未复有能与其奇者。 (4)念无与为乐者,……怀民亦未寝,相与步与中庭。 (5)庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也。(6)、何夜无月?何处无松柏?但少闲人如吾两人者耳 《答谢中书书》表达了作者:愉悦之情和得意之感《记承天寺夜游》表达了作者赏月的欣喜、人生的感慨、被贬的悲凉、漫步的悠闲 板书设计提纲 27、短文两篇


初二英语短文改错。 第一单元 (一)This is X iao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day. There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8. a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10. (二)It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2. see his uncle . There are lot of 3. apple trees on his farm. So he 4. is too busy to picks the apple on 5. them. So Jim went to help him 6. every year. The farm is no far 7. from here. The children are all 8. going there on bike . They say it’s good9. for their health. We are going to meet 10. at the gate of the school at seve n o’clock. 第二单元 (一) The boy over there is our classmates .His 1. name’s is Li Lei. His uncle is our teacher. 2. He works very hardly. We all like him. He 3. likes us too. He didn’t at school yesterday. 4. His son is ill in bed. He had to 5. stay at the home. His son is our classmate. 6. So we are going to see them after school. 7. We are going to buy some chocolates(巧克力) to 8. him. He must like it best. Oh! Listen! 9. That’s the bell. Let’s go to the classroom.10. (二)Mrs Green is a good mother . In every morning 1. she gets very early. She dresses her 2.

配套K12八年级英语上册 阅读理解填词专项训练 人教新目标版

阅读理解填词 1. 阅读理解填词 Don and his 11-year-old son, Aron, love basketball. For Aron’s birthday last October, Don decided to take him to Cincinnati, more than two h 76 drive, for the first game of the World Series. They had no tickets but h 77 to buy a pair from scalpers(黄牛党). After arriving, they walked in the streets for two hours, carrying a sign that said, “We need two tickets.” There were a lot of scalpers, but the c 78 ticket was $175. They were about to leave when a man s 79 them. He took out two ticket s and gave them to the father. “How much do you want?” Don asked. “No charge(收费).”Said the man. “E 80 the game.”Later, the man explained, “I am w 81 for Joe, who hasn’t missed a World Series in the past 16 years. But he is ill and can’t watch the game this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. He asked me to give the tickets to the r 82 people. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you. You seemed very disappointed and you make me t 83 of my dad when I was a child. I wanted very much to go to a W orld Series game with my father. But I n 84 did.” How important it was to Joe and his son! Here is what Don said. “It’s the most memorable thing that has ever h 85 to us. My boy and I turned to each other 30 times during the game and said. ‘I can’t believe this.’ We’ll never forget that day.” 76.h______ 77. h______ 78.c______ 79.s______ 80.E______ 81.w______ 82.r______ 83.t______ 84.n______ 85.h______ 76. hours’77. hoped 78. cheapest 79. saw 80. Enjoy 81. waiting 82. right 83. think 84. never 85. happened 2. 阅读填词 A m an onc e had four sons. And they never stopped quarrelling(争吵) with one a 81 . He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely no n 82 of him. One day he decided to show them what he m 83 . He called a ll the sons together and put a bundle(捆) of sticks(筷子) on the floor in front of them. "Can you break that? " he asked the y 84 son. T 85 the boy pressed and pulled with his arms, he could not bend(弯曲) the sticks. The father asked each son in t 86 to try to break the bundle, but n 87 of them could do it . Then he untied(解开) the rope(绳子) and spread the sticks. " Now try again, " he said . The boys broke the sticks e asily in their hands. "Do you see wh at I m ean ?" asked the father. "if o 88 you stand together no one can hurt you. If you all d 89 the whole time and insist on going your separate ways, the first enemy you meet will be able to destroy you. " United we stand; divided we f 90 . 81. a______ 82. n______ 83. m______ 84. y______ 85. T______


高考英语短文改错专项演练 Ⅰ My friend Kate was a pretty girl whose sweet voice drew others’ attentions. Last year, she left to study at a music 1.______ school. Yesterday she called to say that she wants to see me but 2.______ not at my house. So we fixed a time and a place and then hung. 3.______ Today I met her at a given time and place. Greatly 4.______ to my surprise, I found her so much changing. She 5.______

looked very sorrowful and worrying. She said she had made 6.______ such little progress that she was almost hopeless of success. 7.______ She wondered that whether she had been wasting her 8.______ time doing nothing. I knew she just needed some encouragement. 9.______ So I did what I could persuade her to gain her courage again. 10.______ II

八年级英语 短文改错专项练习

短文改错 如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。每行最多只能加、减、改动一个词,缩写算一个词。第一单元 (一) This is X iao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day. There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8. a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10. (二) It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2. see his uncle . There are lot of 3. apple trees on his farm. So he 4. is too busy to picks the apple on 5. them. So Jim went to help him 6. every year. The farm is no far 7. from here. The children are all 8. going there on bike . They say it’s good9. for their health. We are going to meet 10. at the gate of the school at seven o’clock. (三) I’m Mr Black . I come from English . I’m an 1.


(一) Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children. 1_________ are young people. Some learn at 2__________ , others teach themselves. Why do all these people want to 3_________ (learn) English? It is hard to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is 4________ of their subjects. Many people learn English 5__________ it is useful in their work. Some young people learn English 6______ their higher studies because some of their books 7______(be) in English at college(学院)or university(大学). 8________ people learn English because they want to 9________(read )newspapers and magazines(杂志)in 10_________. (二) In England, afternoon tea is 1_______ most informal (非正式) meal of a day. It is taken 2__________ four and five. If you are a friend of the family, you may come for tea 3_______ any time. Very often it is not taken at a table. The members 4______ the family and visitors take the tea in the sitting room. Each person 5________(have) a cup and saucer (茶盘), a spoon (调羹)6________ a small plate for bread and butter (黄油) and cakes. 7_______ the way, do not help 8___________ to cakes first, bread and butter first, and then cake. Do remember: Though you can eat as 9_________ as you want, do not put more 10________ one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time. (三) How Much Is It Mrs Wilson likes to ask his husband 1_______(go) shopping with her on Sundays. Her husband pays for the things that she 2________(buy). Now they are in a shop. "Look, Andy. Is it a fancy hair clip?" Mrs Wilson asks his husband. "All right. And how 3________ is it?" he answers and gives money to the shop assistant. 4__________ Mrs Wilson asks him about something good or 5_________, he often says "All right. And how much is it?" to her. 6______ about 8 o'clock p.m., Andy is tired and thirsty, 7________ he wants to have a drink. Suddenly (突然地) his wife looks 8______ at the moon and says, "Look, Andy. Is the 9_______ so beautiful?" "All right. And how much is it?" his husband answers 10__________ (quick). (四) I went to bed at 10 and 1_________(sleep)soundly. I ________ (wake)up at 2a.m. and smelt something 3_________ (burn). I leaped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. I 4 _______ (see)nothing there: it was dark 5_______ quiet. I ran 6_______ the living room. The television was still on. I 7________ (forget)to turn it 8________ before I went to bed last night.


高考英语短文改错新题型 下面短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分 Passage 1 It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8, 2007. I was walking along Park Road towards the east while an old man came out of the park on the other sides of the street.Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road.The next moment the car hit the man while she was crossing the road.He fell with a cry.The car didn’t stop and drive off at full speed heading west. I noticed the driver was young woman wore a pair of glasses and the plate number was AC864.After two minutes later, I stopped a passed car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Passage 2 I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allo wed to do that, I’ll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really can’t accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard works. Besides, it is important for u s to know what had happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV. Passage 3 Dear sir, Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much.

八年级英语 48篇短文改错专题练习(共8个单元)

初二英语短文改错 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉,该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。每行最多只能加、减、改动一个词,缩写算一个词。 第一单元 (一) This is Xiao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day. There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8. a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10. (二) It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2.


《短文两篇》 一、积累与运用 1. 给下面的字注音。 陋()铭()馨()牍()鸿()儒()淤()涟()蔓()苔()蜀()逸(噫() 2. 下列句中加点的单音节词,相当于现代汉语中哪个双音节词,并填入括号内。 (1)有仙则名()(2)有龙则灵()(3)惟吾德馨()(4)苔痕上阶绿() (5)可以调素琴()(6)出淤泥而不染()(7)香远益清()(8)宜乎众矣() 3.选择下列句子朗读停顿恰当的一项。 (1)无案牍之劳形 A.无/案牍之劳形B.无案牍/之劳形C.无案牍之/劳形D.无案牍/之/劳形 (2)予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染A.予独爱莲之出淤泥/而不染B.予独爱莲/之出淤泥而不染 C.予独爱/莲之出淤泥而不染 D.予/独爱莲之出淤泥而不染 4.给下列句中加点的词语选择正确义项。 (1)牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣 A.应当 B.适宜 C.当然 (2)菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻 A.新鲜 B.少 C.鲜艳 (3)水不在深,有龙则灵 A.否则 B.却 C.那么,就 (4)无丝竹之乱耳 A.助词、的B.代词,它C.用在主谓之间,取消句子独立性,不译 (5)可以调素琴 A.能够,用现代汉语“可以” B.可以用 C.能凭借 (6)濯清涟而不妖 A.美丽而不庄重 B.妖气 C.装束奇异 (7)同予者何人 A.赞成 B.同意 C.和……一样 (8)亭亭净植 A.植物 B.栽种 C.树立 6.指出下列各句加点词的词性变化及在句中的意思。 (1)山不在高,有仙则名(2)水不在深,有龙则灵 (3)无丝竹之乱耳(4)无案牍之劳形 (5)不蔓不枝(6)香远益清 7.写出下列加点字的古义和今义 (1)无案牍之劳形古义:今义:(2)惟吾德馨古义:今义: (3)谈笑有鸿儒古义:今义:(4)无丝竹之乱耳古义:今义:


初中中考英语短文改错考题训练 初中英语短文改错试题解析 初中中考必备短文改错 初中英语短文改错 初中英语短文改错也是初中英语考试中经常看到的题型,下面是小编给大家总结的十篇初中英语短文改错训练题,希望对大家有帮助。 练习一: I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________ England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. __________ I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3. __________ home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. __________ do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. __________ I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________ living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________ and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________ interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9. __________ about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________ 【答案解析】 1. 将come改为been。come是终止性动词,不与时间段连用。 2. 将ask改为asking。现在分词作伴随状语。 3. 在when前加and。 when引导的从句与how long引导的从句是两个并列的宾语从句(作asking的宾语)。 4. 将of改为to。在answer, key, way, entrance等名词后,习惯上用介词to。 5. 在return前加will。这是将来时。注意:不要误以为when引导的是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时。事实上,when引导的是宾语从句。 6. 去掉back或将return改为go。因为return=go back。 7. 此行正确。 8. 将travel改为traveling。因为traveling与meeting并列,作enjoy 的宾语。 9. 将interested改为interesting。表示某事物“令人……的”用-ing 形容词;-ed形容词则表示某人“感到……的”。 10. 将it改为them。因为此处是指many things。 练习二: Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____ but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____

八年级unit 2短文填词专练

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?第一课时Section A 1a—2d 一、词汇专练 (drink,free,movie,eat,weekend) ●用括号里的单词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次。 1.What do you usually do on __________? 2.I go to the ________ once a month. 3.Are you ________ next weekend? 4.I __________ vegetables and fruit every day. 5.I __________ coffee four times a day. 二、短语专练 (how often,hardly ever,help with,how many,three times a week) ●用括号里的短语的适当形式填空,每个短语只能用一次。 1.________________ hours do you sleep every night? 2._______________ do you eat vegetables and fruit? 3.We exercise about _________________. 4.I ______________ watch TV.I always read books. 5.I often _______________ housework at home. 三、句子专练 ●翻译句子。 1.你多久锻炼一次? _____________________________________ 2.我一周锻炼两次。 _____________________________________ 3.我经常六点半起床,七点钟吃早餐。 ______________________________________________________________________ 4.我非常喜欢体育运动,例如打篮球和踢足球。 _______________________________________________________________ 5.该是我们做运动的时候了。 _____________________________________ 四、篇章专练 A 基础训练 词数:246 题材:体育运动 P.E. can be the best part of your day or the class you worry about most.There are many different types of students.Some take P.E. seriously; they do it every day or three 1 a week.Some think they are 2 cool to take part in it. Others 3 ever do sports because they say they are bad at sports and there’re always some kids who lie and get excused from class.I’m not 4 of sports. But throughout my years of P.E.,I’ve learned how to manage these classes. When it’s time 5 exercise tests,I get myself together①.I try my best because I don’t want to end up getting poor grades,especially in P.E.I just tell myself that doing more exercise in my free time can 6 me with my body and study,so I do sports every weekend besides the school time.

2020新高考英语新题型练习11 语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(1)(含答案)

语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(1) 语法填空 (湖北省十堰市2020年高三上学期元月调研) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Nezha is the subject of the latest cartoon film, which 61 (official) opened in cinemas in China on July 26. Nezha has got wonderful reviews and is rated higher than Monkey King : Hero is Back. Since July 26, the film 62 (earn) more than 140 million yuan at the box office, and the film has a score of 8. 8 63 (point) (out of 10) on China's largest filming rating site, Douban. Yang Yu, 64 is the director of it, made up his mind 65 (produce) a film on the theme of breaking old rules and changing fate. Yang chose Nezha as his character, the 66 (combine) of the rebellious (叛逆的)but straight youth. The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods.In the novel, Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty and is famous 67 fighting against the Dragon King. It took Yang Yu two years to polish the script, and the film was in production for three years. It is 68 most complex cartoon production ever 69 (make) in China. It has more than 1 ,300 special effects shots, and it took over 20 Chinese special effects studios, 70(employ) more than 1, 600 people, to realize the film's fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King's palace. One spectacular scene alone took two months to complete. 短文改错 (湖北省十堰市2020年高三上学期元月调研考试) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Peter, I am pleasing to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I'm writing to express our appreciations for your reception.


》》》》》》》》》积一时之跬步臻千里之遥程《《《《《《《《《《《《 初中语文试卷 马鸣风萧萧 《短文两篇》 一、积累与运用 1. 给下面的字注音。 陋()铭()馨()牍()鸿()儒()淤()涟()蔓()苔()蜀()逸(噫() 2. 下列句中加点的单音节词,相当于现代汉语中哪个双音节词,并填入括号内。 (1)有仙则名()(2)有龙则灵()(3)惟吾德馨()(4)苔痕上阶绿()(5)可以调素琴()(6)出淤泥而不染()(7)香远益清()(8)宜乎众矣() 3.选择下列句子朗读停顿恰当的一项。 (1)无案牍之劳形 A.无/案牍之劳形B.无案牍/之劳形C.无案牍之/劳形D.无案牍/之/劳形 (2)予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染A.予独爱莲之出淤泥/而不染B.予独爱莲/之出淤泥而不染 C.予独爱/莲之出淤泥而不染 D.予/独爱莲之出淤泥而不染 4.给下列句中加点的词语选择正确义项。 (1)牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣 A.应当 B.适宜 C.当然 (2)菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻 A.新鲜 B.少 C.鲜艳 (3)水不在深,有龙则灵 A.否则 B.却 C.那么,就 (4)无丝竹之乱耳 A.助词、的B.代词,它C.用在主谓之间,取消句子独立性,不译(5)可以调素琴 A.能够,用现代汉语“可以” B.可以用 C.能凭借 (6)濯清涟而不妖 A.美丽而不庄重 B.妖气 C.装束奇异 (7)同予者何人 A.赞成 B.同意 C.和……一样 (8)亭亭净植 A.植物 B.栽种 C.树立 6.指出下列各句加点词的词性变化及在句中的意思。 (1)山不在高,有仙则名(2)水不在深,有龙则灵 (3)无丝竹之乱耳(4)无案牍之劳形 (5)不蔓不枝(6)香远益清

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