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Films and TV Programes



海报 充满刺激的电影

喜剧 优美的 ,优雅的 跳跃 ,飞跃 角色 ,人物 争论 有趣的 ,令人愉快的 有时 ,偶尔 剑

女演员 女的,女性

的 男的,男性的 杰作

未婚夫 屋顶 使感兴趣

勇敢的 感人的 部分,,节

广告 频道 背景 电视 戏剧 情节

航员,水手 轨道 评论 创作 建立 政治家 在船上

1 She is regarded as a


高一同步学案 必修 2 Module 6 2. It ' s no use

_争_辩( )with him.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,

20, 21, 22,鲨鱼 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,照片 29,

30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,

单词拼写练习 .(演员 )

(角色)can make great actors.

4.1 n the film the two lovers must not

(主演)in the film of Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon.

7. Our visits to the threat made the holiday more

(放松)yourself when you study hard.


' s surprise 人惊讶的是。。。

4. bel ong

place 发生

on eself in words 用语言表达自己


True or false

1. It tells the story of two people who love each other. (

2. Crouch ing Tiger, Hidde n Drago n is a master piece films.( 3 Now wuxia films are well received on ly in Chi na.(

4 Chow Yun-Fat p layed won derfully in the film and the part Li Mubai in terests the audie nee most.

( )

3. Great

(表达)in words.

5. His

(杰作)is famous in China.

6. Zhang Ziyi


8. We should help our

(邻居)when necessary.

9. Lear n to

10. His refusal was worded in such a

(优雅)way that we could not be offended.


1. come 出版,出现

2. fall in love





in love with sb.和某人在相爱中 6.

7. every 口 and


8. .surprise 吃惊地

9. care 关心,顾虑,在乎 10. play a


11. 12.

with sb. about sth.

和某人争吵 13. from time time



a mistake 犯错误

5 Crouch ing Tiger, Hidde n Drago n is really an excelle nt film.( )

二.Find these words in the text. Match them with the defi niti ons below: every now and the n, graceful, moving, roof,

take place

1. happen _________________

2. the top part of a buildi ng that covers it ________

3. caus ing strong feeli ngs, esp ecially sad feeli ng ______________

4. moving in a smooth and attractive way ____________________

5. sometimes


1. 令大家惊讶的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演.李安,现在也拍了一部名为《卧虎藏龙》 的功夫片。

2. 故事发生在中国19世纪早期。

3. 幕白认为他不能娶秀莲。

4. 不同以往的是,这次最使我们感兴趣的是女主角。

5. 勇敢善良而又坚强,秀莲这个角色,是最令我们关注的。






1. The two problems are quite different in writi -ng.

A. characters, characters

B. character, the characters

C. a character, the characters

D. the character, a character

2. ”ln the movie _______ the famous player, he played twins who were quite different i □ n A. starri ng; characters B. starred; characters C. starri ng; character

D. starred; character

3. As he _____ the con clusi on, he lost the good cha nee to earn more mon ey.


得到的答复可能是史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格。


这部电影是在当地影院播放的,赚了 100美兀。

10. 娱乐”二字的意义。

.Black Jesters is one of

in a play I am

9. His roma ntic sce nes with Yu Xiulia n are very ___________ , as their eyes show all the love that they must not exp ress _________ words. A. moving; in

B. moving; with

C. moved; in

D. moved; with

10. That movie is about a l 「ove story ____________ a(n) _________ train to Tokyo. A. setti ng in; exp ress B. set in; exp ress C. sets in; fast D. sett ing in; fast 11. ---Do you know whe n the famous film, Harry Po tter, ________________ ? ——Sure!

A. came out

B. came about

C. came along

D. came true

12. It is Yang Liwei ______________ circled the earth more tha n 21 hours in the cap sule. A. that B. who

C. whom

D. Both A and B

13. _____________________________ Having received her letter of apo logy. P eter did n A grace B gracious C graceful D gratitude

14. What _____ did you watch on televisi on last ni ght? A wave B tunnel C cha nnel D challe nge

15. I go to visit my grandparents ____________ . A. from the n on B. just now C. every now and the n

D. right now

16. A nu mber of stude nts ________ bee n in vited, but the nu mber of the stude nts p rese nt A. have; is B. has; are C. is; have D. are; has

17. These foreig ners __________ see n such kind of martial arts film before. A. n ever had

B. have n ever

C. had n ever

D. n ever have 18. On my way home I was caught in ______________ A. too heavy a B. too a heavy C. such heavy a

D. a quite heavy

A. came to

B. arrived at

C. drew

D. lea ped to

4. Exercises: 用argue, discuss 和quarrel 的适当形式填空并翻译: 1) I ' m going to _____________ the problem with him. 2) He ofte n ______________ w ith his wife about mon ey.

3) He ____________ that the exp erime nt could be done in ano ther way. 4) Have you ________________ when you will start the p roject.

5) I ___________ with him for a long time, but he refused to liste n to me. 6) The _______________ t urned into a fight whe n kni ves were p roduced. Discuss quarrels argued discussed argued

argume nt

7) What are the man ____________ in the office _______ the boss?

A. arguing; with

B. arguing over; to

C. arguing about; to

D. arguing about; with

my surprise, when the audienee saw this film, they all sh mouted D. To; in

5. _____ A.In; in

6. The house _ A. bel onging

7. Tom drove surp rise.

A. bel onging to

8. Beautiful Zhang Ziyi p lays

A. a


B. I n; at

C. To; at

_ to Mr. Smith was burned down. B. bel on ged

C. was bel on ged

a car today and the car _________________________

B. bel ongs to

C. bel on ged to imp orta nt part

of Yu Jiao long.

C. the

D. an

D. is bel on ged his elder brother.

D. is

't hate Annie any more.



The country Maid and Her Milk Can


A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell into the followi ng train of reflect ions. The money for which I shall sell this milk will en able me to in crease my stock of eggs to three hun dred, These eggs, allow ing for what may prove addle, and what may be destroyed by vermin, will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens. The chicke ns will be fit to carry to market just at the time whe n po ultry is always dear; so that by the new yea, I cannot fail of havi ng money eno ugh to pu rchase a new gow n. Gree n-let me con sider-yes, gree n becomes my compi exi on best, and gree n it shall be. In this dress I will go to the fair, where all young fellows will strive to have me for a partner; but no-l shall refuse every one of them, and with a disda inful toss turn from them."

Transported with this idea, she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that p assed in her mind, when down came the can of milk! And all her imaginary happiness vanished in a mome nt.

一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。走着走着,她的脑子里浮现出一连串的幻想: 我

卖了这罐牛奶后,用这笔钱买鸡蛋, 这样我有的鸡蛋可以增加到 300个。用这300个鸡蛋孵 小鸡,这就算有坏的、生虫的,至少也能孵出 250只小鸡。等小鸡长大后,正好能赶上卖个

19. _____________ of his spare time has bee n take n A. Mostly; o n B. Mostly; in

C. Most; up

D. Most; off

20. The steel factory in this city p roduces _____________ A. as much steel C. as many steel


① We all write _______ A. now and the n

by fish ing in the river.

as it did last year.

B. steel as much D. much as steel

,even when there ' s not much to say.

B. by and by

C. ste p by ste p

D. more or less

② We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ________________________ .

A. badly

B. hardly

C. stro ngly

③ The old gen tlema n has ____________ b ee n to the Great Wall before, has he?

A. always

B. already

C. ever

④ It was raining heavily. ^Little Mary felt cold, so she stood ________________ to her mother.

A. close

B. closely

C. closed

D. clos ing

⑤ It is foolish to take a taxi ________ you can easily walk to the stati on.

A. before

B. that

C. unl ess

⑥ You should make it a rule to leave things _________________ you can find them aga in.

A. whe n

B. where

C. the n

D. heavily

D. not

D. whe n

D. there



好市价;那么到了新年,我就能有钱买一件新晚装。 买一件绿色的一一让我好好想想一一对, 绿色与我的肤色最相衬。我穿上这件衣服去赶集,所有的年轻小伙子都会抢着邀请我做舞伴; 但是不行一一我要轻蔑地把头一扬,转身过去不理他们,让他们人人都碰个钉子。 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把头一扬, 刹那间,牛奶罐跌了下来!她幻想的一切幸福间破

灭了。 写作指导


书面表达的写作步骤 一、 材料分析

1. 根据材料确定文体、文章的时态、人称、格式以及标题。

2. 分析,确定文章要点。

3. 对行文所需要的材料(词汇,短语,句型等)要心中有数;对可能出现的困难要尽早 发现,以便及时调整思


4. 认真审题,正确理解提示语。

二、 开始写作

动笔前,首先要打个草稿,至少要草拟一个提纲。 整和充实。

三、 作品加工

1. 规范书写 书写时要注意词距、行距、疏密、


2. 查漏补缺

行文难免有错漏或表达欠妥之处, 重注意以下几点:

内容和情景是否有遗漏? 段落的转换过渡是否连贯?


主谓搭配是否得当? 时态是否一致? 语态是否正确? 3.定稿



语法点拨一一副词的用法 (一)副词的用法及分类

副词或全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。 副词的分类:

1 .时间和频率副词: now, the n, often, always, usually, early, today, lately, n ext, last, already, gen erally, freque ntly, seldom, ever, n ever, yet, soon, too, imm mediately, hardly, fin ally, shortly, before, ago, sometimes, yesterday

把提纲发展成文时, 要保证内容的完


写完后,一定要通读几遍,仔细推敲,认真修改。着 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)




2.地点副词:here, there, everywhere, any where, in, out, in side, outside, above, below, dow n, back, forward, home, up stairs, dow nstairs, across, along, round, around, n ear, off, p ast, up, away, on


方式副词: carefully, prop erly, an xiously, sudde niy, no rmally, fast, well, calmly, po litely,

pro udly, softly, warmly much, little, very, rather, so, too, still, quite, p erfectly, eno ugh, extremely, en tirely.


e.g .1 get up early in the morning every day. She did n ‘ t drink water eno ugh.

2. 副词修饰形容词、副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。 e.g.It

' s rather easy. I can do it.

He did it quite well.

It ' s rather difficult to tell who is right.

3. 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。 e.g .I ofte n help him these days.

I always remember the day whe n I first came to this school. You mustn ‘ t always help me. He seldom comes to see us.

We usually go shopping once a week. The new students don ' t always go t

4. 时间副词和地点副词在一个句子中,一般地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。 e.g.We went sho pping in the sup ermarket at 9 o ock yesterddy.cl What were you doing in the classroom yesterday evening?



5. leap

11. actress

e 16. rooftop 17. shark 23.

29. sailor 35. aboard 1. poster 2. thriller 3. comedy 4. graceful 8. en terta ining 9. occasi on ally 10. sword 20. 27.

master piece 15. fianc section 21. ad 22. plot 28. photograph found 34. politician cha nnel 30. orbit 6. character 7. argue 12. female 13. male

interest 18. brave 19. moving

24. setting 25. telly 26. drama -31. review 32. produce 4.程度副词: almost, slightly 5.疑问副词: how, whe n, where, why 6.关系副词: whe n, where, why


how, whe n, where, why, whether

(二)副词的位置 一般规律为:频度副词 词






二:单词拼写练习 1. actress 6. starred 三:重点短语 2. arguing 3. characters 4. exp ress 5. master pi ece 7. amus ing 8. n eighbors /n eighbours 9. relax 10. graceful I. out 2. with 10. part 11. exp ress 第二课时谍文理解 —Tn.ie or I F :. T 3.F 丄 F

I :akeplace 2. roof 四土隹句背诵 Xo 隹:o evei^-one's 冲门至? L* dr ecto: cf a nutube: of excellent

has made a :nartial arts film called Crouching Tiger. Hidden Dragon.

Th?戢ory tak 亡兰 plac? m -hi ?ar :y ISOOs iii Chuiia. ife 取 fee :5 that he cannot marry 盘輙.

UnucLiallw It IS th?饪ma> charact?£ :liat inLwestus most. - Brave, good and strong,越潮 is character we care about most. had ntvir directed a maiiial an film before.

Aik a \Tuns person m the sireet v/ho ±e AmericazL film director is, and you may 呂比 the answer

弋n Spielberg. He certairLV msde more ?ucces

①A ② D ③

4. Discuss quarrels 8. C 9. A 10. B

A 19. C 20.

argued discussed argued argume nt 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. C A
