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大学英语2模拟考试题及参考答案(三) 西北工业大学考试题库及答案 答案在最后一页

大学英语2模拟考试题及参考答案(三)  西北工业大学考试题库及答案  答案在最后一页


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2. They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5, 1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6. 1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing 3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better 7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2. The true statements are 3 and 5 3. 1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students 3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week Listening in 8. 1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a Unit 2 Inside view 2. Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3 4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6. 1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;

新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案 Active reading(1) 3).Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue) 2 a chance to do something (opportunity) 3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment) 4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus) 5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest) 6 to start a major activity (launch) 7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects) 8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment) 4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself. 5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes) 2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance) 3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal) 4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor) 5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy) 6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized) The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out) 8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating) For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion) 6) . Answer the questions about the words. 1 (b) not very clearly? 2 (a) active?


西北工业大学POJ答案 绝对是史上最全版(不止100题哦……按首字母排序) 1.“1“的传奇 2.A+B 3.A+BⅡ 4.AB 5.ACKERMAN 6.Arithmetic Progressions 7.Bee 8.Checksum algorithm 9.Coin Test 10.Dexter need help 11.Double 12.Easy problem 13.Favorite number 14.Graveyard 15.Hailstone 16.Hanoi Ⅱ 17.Houseboat 18.Music Composer

19.Redistribute wealth 20.Road trip 21.Scoring 22.Specialized Numbers 23.Sticks 24.Sum of Consecutive 25.Symmetric Sort 26.The Clock 27.The Ratio of gainers to losers 28.VOL大学乒乓球比赛 29.毕业设计论文打印 30.边沿与内芯的差 31.不会吧,又是A+B 32.不屈的小蜗 33.操场训练 34.插入链表节点 35.插入排序 36.插入字符 37.成绩表计算 38.成绩转换 39.出租车费 40.除法

41.创建与遍历职工链表 42.大数乘法 43.大数除法 44.大数加法 45.单词频次 46.迭代求根 47.多项式的猜想 48.二分查找 49.二分求根 50.发工资的日子 51.方差 52.分离单词 53.分数拆分 54.分数化小数 55.分数加减法 56.复数 57.高低交换 58.公园喷水器 59.韩信点兵 60.行程编码压缩算法 61.合并字符串 62.猴子分桃


西北工业大学成人教育英语考试复习重点 新视野大学英语-1 讲师:王亚军 一、单词 absolute ['?bs?lu?t] adj.绝对的;完全的;n. 绝对;绝对事物 accurate ['?kj?r?t] adj.准确的,精确的[ 比较级 more accurate 最高级 most accurate ] adapt [?'d?pt] vt.使适应;vi. 适应 afford [?'f??d] vt.有能力做,承担得起 apply [?'pla?] vt.使用;应用[过去式 applied 过去分词 applied 现在分词 applying] assure [?'???; ?'???] vt.使确信;[ 过去式 assured 过去分词 assured 现在分词assuring ] available [?'ve?l?b(?)l] adj.能得到的;可利用的; benefit ['ben?f?t] n.益处,好处; capacity [k?'p?s?t?] n.才能,能力;[复数 capacities] cease [si?s] vi.停止;终了vt. 停止;结束[过去式 ceased 过去分词 ceased 现在分词 ceasing] claim [kle?m] vt.自称,声称n. 要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得 combination [k?mb?'ne??(?)n] n.结合;合并;组合物; complain [k?m'ple?n] vi.投诉;发牢骚;诉说vt. 抱怨;诉苦 confidence ['k?nf?d(?)ns] n.信心;把握 consist [k?n's?st] vi.由…组成; contrast ['k?ntrɑ?st] n.对照;差异; creative [kri?'e?t?v] adj.创造性的,有创造力的 crisis ['kra?s?s] n.危机;危急关头 despite [d?'spa?t] prep.尽管,不管[过去式despited 过去分词despited 现在分词despiting] disturb [d?'st??b] vt.打扰;妨碍;使不安;弄乱;使烦恼 emphasize ['emf?sa?z] vt.强调[过去式emphasized 过去分词emphasized 现在分词


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in

Passage 1 1.2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4 to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2


1. #include int main(){ int a[10]={0},i,j,num,count; for(i=2;i<1000;i++){ count=0;num=i; for(j=1;j

.#include #include int main(){ double x1,a,eqs=1,x2; scanf("%lf",&a); x1=a/2; while(fabs(eqs)>=0.00001){ x2=x1; x1=1.0/2*(x1+a/x1); eqs=x2-x1; } printf("%.5lf\n",x1); return 0; } 3.

#include double fun(double x) { return (2*x*x*x-4*x*x+3*x-6); } int main(){ double a,b,x; scanf("%lf%lf",&a,&b); x=(a+b)/2.0; while(fun(x)!=0){ if(fun(x)<0) a=x; else b=x; x=(a+b)/2; } printf("%.2lf\n",x); return 0; } 4.


一、单选题(共40 道试题,共80 分) 1.The students their papers by the end of this month A.have finished B.will have finished C.will be finishing D.have been finishing 要答案:zhidaoxuexi 2. —I’d like to speak to Jenny. —_________________. A.Are you Jenny? B.It’s Jenny speaking. C.Hi, how are you? D.I’m listening. 3. —Would you like to have some biscuits? —_________________ A.Yes. I’m full now. B.But the price is high. C.Yes, thank you. They are my favorite. D.Yes, I’d like some soup. 4.—______________? —Sure, it’s 65250786. A.What’s your telephone number B.Can I have your telephone number C.Can I help you D.Can you make your telephone number 5. The studentstheir papers by the end of this month. A.have finished B.will be finishing C.will have finished D.have been finishing 6. Sam can be sad _____, though in public he is always happy. A.as individual B.by himself C.in private D.in person


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3.5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6 3. 1 4. 5 5. 3 6. 4 2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC

2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C

Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3.5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during how as plays less LISTENING IN Passage 1 1.Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the characteristics


河西区2017—2018学年度第二学期九年级结课质量调査 化学试卷 本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择題)两部分.第I 卷第I 页至第3页, 弟H 卷第4页至第8页.试卷満分100分?考试时冋60分钟. 祝各位考生考试順利! 注意 事顼: 1.清把I ?】5小题的答案选项填写在 下表中. 2.本卷共 15題,共30分. 3.可緞用到的相对原子质flLHI C12 0 —,选椁題(本大蛇共10題,每小題2分.共20分)毎 小精给出的 四个选项中,只有一个最符合JK 憲. I. F 列变化中.极于化学变化的是 B.干冰升 华 C.玉米治 D ?矿石粉碎 2.卜列人体所必需的元累中.缺乏后会导致贫血的是 A.钙 B.锌 C.碘 D . 3.医院里的卜列物质中,爲于鈍净物的是 人.生建it 水 B . C.止咳械浆 D . 碘酒

九年供化学试卷% 1 fi

4. 测定pH 嬢简单的方法是使用 A. 石莓溶液 B.澄清石灰水 C.酚欧溶液 D ?pH 试纸 5. 一些食物的pH 范围如下表.其中酸性最强的是 食物 西红柿 牛奶 革果汁 鸡蛋清 pH 4.0 ?4.4 6.3 ?6.6 2.9 ? 3.3 7.6 ?8.0 A. 牛奶 C.鸡蛋清 6. 下列实会操作中.正确的是 A. 滴加液体 B.稀释浓疏酸 7. 下列物质的名称和主要成分不一致的是 A. 食盐的主要成分是氣化钠 B. 大理石的主要成分是碳酸钙 C. 草木灰的主要成分是碳酸钾 D. 赤佚矿的主要成分是四氧化三佚 8. 实CaCO 3 -*CaO-^Ca(OH)i —NaOH 的各步转化中,所属的反应类型不包括 A. 置換反应 B.分解反应 C ?化合反应 D.复分解反应 9. 下列各组物质按有机物、氧化物.盐顺序排列的是 A. 酒福.干冰、純械 B.甲烷、汽水、食盐 C.勧萄糖、海水.大理石 D.淀粉、蒸憶水、氨气 10. 下列做法中,正确的是 A. 用工业酒精勾兑饮用白酒 B. 食盐中加碘,碘元素的撮入越多越好 C. 可以用氧化钠来消除公路上的积雪 D. 为使农作物増产,大量施用化肥和农药 B.章果汁 D.西红柿


西工大19秋《大学英语(2)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共40 道试题,共100 分) 1.I don't like the desk because it takes _____ too much space. A.up B.in C.on D.away 答案:A 2.—My stomach hurts. I feel sick. —For safety's sake, ________. A.go to see a doctor tomorrow B.Better to go to hospital C.you'd better see a doctor at once D.Quick go to hospital 答案:C 3.—Can I use your tape recorder for a while? —Yes,————. A.go ahead B.you can't broke it C.all right D.no, sorry 答案:A 4.—Would you like to come to the party tomorrow? —________. A.I'd like B.I like it C.I'd like to D.I'd like it 答案:C 5.We should make our reservations as far _____ as possible to get the flight we want. A.in detail B.in advance C.in reality D.in practice 答案:B 6.—________? —Sure, it's 65250786. A.What's your telephone number B.Can I have your telephone number C.Can I help you D.Can you make your telephone number 答案:C


【奥鹏】[西北工业大学]西工大18春《大学英语2》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,I am interested in _______ you have told me. A、which B、all that C、all what D、that 正确答案:B 第2题,—Let me introduce myself. I'm Albert. —________. A、With a pleasure B、It's my pleasure C、I'm very pleased D、Pleased to meet you 正确答案:D 第3题,It is only in the most difficult circumstances _______ a man's abilities are fully tested. A、in which B、where C、when D、that 正确答案:D

第4题,—I'll come back tomorrow evening at nine. Can you meet me at the airport? —_________. A、All right B、All right. Nice to see you C、OK, wait for me D、All right. See you then 正确答案:D 第5题,—Would you like to come to the party tomorrow? —________. A、I'd like B、I like it C、I'd like to D、I'd like it 正确答案:C 第6题,The audience was quite disappointed at the film because it wasn't such a good film ______ the advertisement had promised them. A、which B、as C、that D、like 正确答案:B


圆及圆球等的相关计算计算成绩 找最大数 找幸运数

#include using namespace std; int main() { int A,B,c; cin>>A>>B; c=A+B; cout<

#include #include using namespace std; #define PI 3.1416 int main() { double r,h,l,s,sq,vq,vz; cin>>r>>h; l=2*PI*r; s=PI*r*r; sq=4*PI*r*r; vq=4*PI*r*r*r/3; vz=s*h; cout< #include using namespace std; int main() { double a,b,c,A,B;//定义数学成绩a,英语成绩b,c语言成绩c cin>>a>>b>>c; A=a+b+c; B=A/3.0; cout<


奥鹏17春西工大16秋《大学英语1》在线作业 一、单选题(共38 道试题,共100 分。) 1. To be honest, usually I don't like _____. A. making fun of B. being made fun of C. to make fun of D. having made fun of 正确答案: 2. Not until Mr. Smith came to China _____ what kind of country she is from. A. he knew B. he didn't know C. did he know D. he couldn't know 正确答案: 3. The child was sorry _____ his mother when he arrived at the station. A. to miss B. having missed C. missing D. to have missed 正确答案: 4. —Thank you very much for allowing us to be here. —________ A. It doesn't matter. B. It is my pleasure. C. Thank you all the same. D. The same to you. 正确答案: 5. —Congratulations to you on passing the maths exam. —_________. A. You’re welcome B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. Thanks a lot 正确答案: 6. If you had told earlier, I _____ like that. A. would not have done B. would not do C. would do D. didn't do


Unit 1 Acting Reading (1) 3 1.issue 2.opportunity 3.establishment 4.campus 5.protest https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,unch 7.prospects 8.employment 4 1.issue 2.campus 3.protests 4.establishment 5.prospects

6.employment https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,unch 8.opportunity 5 1.clashes 2.The two parties formed an alliance to respond to the problem. 3.I’ve always considered myself as a liberal. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,ernor 5.economy 6.The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7.dropped out 8.For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9.passion 6 b, a, b, b, b, a, a, b 7 d, b Acting Reading (2)

3 1.rebel 2.era 3.destruction 4.gender 5.assert 6.philosophy 7.industrial 4 1.rebel 2.assert 3.era 4.Industrial 5.philosophy 6.gender 7.destruction 5a, a, a, a, b, a, b, b

2015年西工大C语言上机考试题库 全

1.1:2:3 2.一堆8 3.8的次数 4.A*B 5.N边形面积 6.参加竞赛 7.草坪喷水 8.插入排序 9.查找 10.车牌号 11.成绩转化 12.大数>> (见NOJ) 13.大写变小写 14.到底星期几 15.等比数列 16.找到正整数符合要求 17、韩信点兵 18.回文字符串 鸡的体重 计算数据整数部分 加密 阶乘 恐怖水母 卡片 快速排序 两人三足 逆序输出 偶数和 三角形面积 士兵移动 输出位数

数列 数字加密 数组元素和 水仙花数 提取字符串 添加行号 舞伴配对 相乘后位数相加 销售记录 星期几 星座 幸运数 学号 循环移位 月份天数 月份转换英语 运费 字符串替换 字符输出 总分最高 最大公约数 最大值最小值 最小公倍数 左下角

#include #include int main() { int i=0,j=0,k=0,a=0,b=0,c=0,l=0,m=0,n=0,d=0,p=0,q=0; for(i=1;i<=3;i++) { for(j=1;j<=9;j++) { if(i!=j) { for(k=1;k<=9;k++) { if(k!=j&&i!=k) { a=i*100+j*10+k; b=a*2; c=a*3; l=b%10,d=c%10; m=(b%100)/10,p=(c%100)/10; n=b/100,q=c/100; if(l!=0&&m!=0&&n!=0&&d!=0&&p!=0&&q!=0) if(i!=l&&i!=m&&i!=n&&j!=l&&j!=m&&j!=n&&k!=l&&k!=m&&k!=n) if(i!=d&&i!=p&&i!=q&&j!=d&&j!=p&&j!=q&&k!=d&&k!=p&&k!=q) if(l!=d&&l!=p&&l!=q&&m!=d&&m!=p&&m!=q&&n!=d&&n!=p&&n!=q) printf("%d %d %d\n",a,b,c); } } } } } return 0; }

西工大15春《大学英语1》在线作业 答案

西工大15春《大学英语1》在线作业答案 一、单选题(共 38 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. The reason I didn't take the trip was _____ I got a new profitable job. A. that B. which C. because D. why 正确答案:A 2. —I'd like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move. —________. A. Oh, that's too much trouble B. You'd better not C. That would be nice D. No, let's not 正确答案:C 3. The only thing _____ really bothers students is whether they will have access to the resources room of the department. A. that B. what C. which D. where 正确答案:C 4. —What do you do? —________. A. I cook supper B. I do some shopping C. I'm a businessman D. I'm sorry 正确答案:C 5. —Would you mind if I read the book here? —________. A. Certainly B. Yes, please C. Not at all D. No, you'd better not 正确答案:C 6. —Shall we go to see a film tonight? — . A. Thank you B. That's a good idea


第一章绪论 1.1何谓源程序、目标程序、翻译程序、编译程序和解释程序?它们之间可 能有何种关系? 1.2一个典型的编译系统通常由哪些部分组成?各部分的主要功能是什么? 1.3选择一种你所熟悉的程序设计语言,试列出此语言中的全部关键字, 并通过上机使用该语言以判明这些关键字是否为保留字。 1.4选取一种你所熟悉的语言,试对它进行分析,以找出此语言中的括号、 关键字END以及逗号有多少种不同的用途。 1.5试用你常用的一种高级语言编写一短小的程序,上机进行编译和运行, 记录下操作步骤和输出信息,如果可能,请卸出中间代码和目标代码。 参考答案 第一章习题解答 1.解:源程序是指以某种程序设计语言所编写的程序。目标程序是指编译程 序(或解释程序)将源程序处理加工而得的另一种语言(目标语言)的程 序。翻译程序是将某种语言翻译成另一种语言的程序的统称。编译程序与 解释程序均为翻译程序,但二者工作方法不同。解释程序的特点是并不先 将高级语言程序全部翻译成机器代码,而是每读入一条高级语言程序语句,就用解释程序将其翻译成一段机器指令并执行之,然后再读入下一条语句 继续进行解释、执行,如此反复。即边解释边执行,翻译所得的指令序列 并不保存。编译程序的特点是先将高级语言程序翻译成机器语言程序,将 其保存到指定的空间中,在用户需要时再执行之。即先翻译、后执行。 2.解:一般说来,编译程序主要由词法分析程序、语法分析程序、语义分析 程序、中间代码生成程序、代码优化程序、目标代码生成程序、信息表管 理程序、错误检查处理程序组成。 3.解:C语言的关键字有:auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while。上述关键字在C语言中均为保留 字。 4.解:C语言中括号有三种:{},[],()。其中,{}用于语句括号;[]用 于数组;()用于函数(定义与调用)及表达式运算(改变运算顺序)。 C语言中无END关键字。逗号在C语言中被视为分隔符和运算符,作为优 先级最低的运算符,运算结果为逗号表达式最右侧子表达式的值(如: (a,b,c,d)的值为d)。 5.略


Unit 1 Acting Reading (1) 3 1.issue 2.opportunity 3.establishment 4.campus 5.protest https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,unch 7.prospects 8.employment 4 1.issue 2.campus 3.protests 4.establishment 5.prospects 6.employment https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,unch 8.opportunity 5 1.clashes 2.The two parties formed an alliance to respond to the problem. 3.I’ve always considered myself as a liberal. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,ernor 5.economy 6.The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7.dropped out 8.For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9.passion 6 b, a, b, b, b, a, a, b 7 d, b Acting Reading (2) 3 1.rebel 2.era

3.destruction 4.gender 5.assert 6.philosophy 7.industrial 4 1.rebel 2.assert 3.era 4.Industrial 5.philosophy 6.gender 7.destruction 5a, a, a, a, b, a, b, b 6 1.critical 2.critical 3.critical 4.approving or critical 5.critical or approving 6.approving 7 b, b Language in use 1 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/189322605.html,ern 2.Postmodernism 3.development 4.individualism 5.agreement 6.investment 7.Sexism 8.romanticism 2 1.The world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have universities. 2.I really enjoyed my years at university, and so did Jackie. 3.Choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students, and so is


1—1填空题: 1.机械是机器和机构的总称。 机械原理课程的研究内容是有关机械的基本理论问题。 2.各种机构都是用来传递与变换运动和力的可动的装置。 如:齿轮机构、连杆机构、凸轮机构等。 3.凡用来完成有用功的机器是工作机。 如:机床、起重机、纺织机等。 凡将其它形式的能量转换为机械能的机器是原动机。 如:电动机、蒸气机、内燃机等。 4.在机器中,零件是制造的单元,构件是运动的单元。 5.机器中的构件可以是单一的零件,也可以是由多个零件装配成的刚性结构。 在机械原理课程中,我们将构件作为研究的基本单元。 6.两个构件直接接触形成的可动联接称为运动副。 7.面接触的运动副称为低副,如移动副、转动副等。 点或面接触的运动副称为高副,如凸轮副、齿轮副等。 8.构件通过运动副的连接而构成的可相对运动的系统是运动链,若组成运动链的各构件构成首尾封闭的系统称为闭链,若未构成首尾封闭的系统称为开链。 9.在运动链中,如果将其中一个构件固定而成为机架,则该运动链便成为机构。10.平面机构是指组成机构的各个构件均在同一个平面上运动。 11.在平面机构中,平面低副提供 2 个约束,平面高副提供 1 个约束。12.机构具有确定运动时所必须给定的独立运动参数的数目称为机构的自由度。13.机构具有确定运动的条件是机构的原动件数目应等于机构的自由度的数目。1—2试画出图示平面机构的机构示意图,并计算自由度(步骤:1)列出完整公式,2)

带入数据,3)写出结果)。其中: 图a) 唧筒机构――用于水井的半自动汲水机构。图中水管4直通水下,当使用者来回摆动手柄2时,活塞3将上下移动,从而汲出井水。 解:自由度计算:画出机构示意图: n= 3 p L= 4 p H= 0 p'= 0 F'= 0 F=3n-(2p l+p h-p′)-F′ = 3×3-(2×4+0-0)-0 = 1 图b) 缝纫机针杆机构原动件1绕铰链A作整周转动,使得滑块2沿滑槽滑动,同时针杆作上下移动,完成缝线动作。 解:自由度计算:画出机构示意图: n= 3 p L= 4 p H= 0 p'= 0 F'= 0 F=3n-(2p l+p h-p′)-F′ = 3×3-(2×4+0-0)-0 = 1 1—3试绘出图a)所示偏心回转油泵机构的运动简图(各部分尺寸由图中直接量观察方向 3 2 4 1 4 3 2 1

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