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Unit 3 Language in use


To summarise and consolidate.


To be able to write a passage about accidents.


Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the past continuous tense.


PWP method, Formal and interactive practice


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision and lead-in

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to the right tense of the past continuous tense.

Step 2 Language practice

1. To master the structure of the past continuous tense by filling the blanks.

1. While the lights ______________ to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.

2. When Henry ___________ to find the snake, his hand began to hurt badly.

3. I ___________ to pick it up when it bit me again.

2. Choose when or while according to the meaning of the sentences.

1. He was listening to music ___________ he was riding his bike.

2. I was waiting at the lights ______ I saw the boy fall off his bike.

3. I was walking in the street ______ an accident happened.

4. The driver was talking on his mobile phone ____________ he was driving. Step 3 Practice.

1. Look at what Tony did last Saturday and complete the column.

Last Saturday while Tony was playing in the park, I was visiting my grandparents.

2. Read the dialogue and choose the words, then use the right form of the words.

Doctor: When did the snake (1) ____ you?

Henry: Earlier this morning. It suddenly (2) _________ in front of me and bit my hand.

Doctor: Can you (3) _______ me a photo of it?

Henry: Yes. Here it is.

Doctor: Oh, the snake was on a table.

Henry: Yes. I (4) ________ it on the table after it bit me.

3. Read the passage and choose the right expressions from the box.

When the girl was riding her bike (1) ___________ with a friend, she had an accident.

They were talking and they were not (2) _______________.

A car came round the corner but stopped (3) ____________. The car did not hit

her, but she (4) _________ her bike.

4. Complete the news report with the correct form of the words in brackets. Read the passage carefully. Then use the correct form of the words to fill in the blankets.

Two planes (1) _________________ (fly) around the airport for a long time this morning because an airport worker was asleep!

The planes (2) _________________ (call) the airport for half an hour. “We were calling and (3) ________ (ask) what to do, but no one answered.” In the end, they found that the airport worker was asleep.

One plane (4) ____________ (come) from Pairs and the other was coming from New York. “We couldn’t land without reporting to the airport, because we didn’t know what the other planes (5) ___________ (do).”

5. Listen and complete the accident report.

1.Read the report and get the main idea.

2.Listen and complete the report and get the answers from the Ss.

Accident report

The accident happened to a (1) ____________ at about four o’clock yesterday afternoon. When the accident happened, Alice was (2) _______________ in the sitting room. She heard a strange (3) _______ from the next room.

He was looking into the fish bowl and trying to get a (4) ______ from the bowl.

The bowl fell on Pete. Alice picked him up and took him to the __________ and dried him.

Step 4 Reading.

1.Read the passage and master the details in the passage.

1. A car almost hit Jack last week.

2. Jack was talking on his mobile phone when the car hit him.

3. Jack fell down a hole on his way to the park.

4. A friend took Jack to hospital.

5. Jack didn’t brea k his arm.

6. The writer wants Jack to be careful.

2. Read the passage and choose the correct answer

1. What is the best word to describe Jack in the past?

a) Careful b) Caring c) Careless

2. How many accidents did Jack have in the passage?

a) One. b) Two. c) Three

3. How careful is Jack now?

a) He is always careful.

b) He is careful sometimes.

c) He is still careless.

Step 5 Around the world

1. Know about an emergency landing.

2. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. What did the plane happened?

2. Did all the passengers leave the plane safely?

Step 6 Writing

1. Think about a recent accident you know. Write notes.

2. Use your notes and write sentences for your news report about the accident.

3. Join the sentences you wrote in Activity 9 and write your report. Use when, while, so, because, and then.

4. Read out your report to the class.

Step 7 Exercises

Do some exercises and draw the answers from the Ss.

1. —Did you see Mr. Black just now?

—Yes. He ______ his car when I met him.

A. parked

B. was parking

C. parks

D. will park

2. The girl suddenly fell ______ the bike and I sent her to hospital at once.

A. on

B. of

C. off

D. to

3. Yesterday evening, I was walking along the street _______ I suddenly met my maths teacher.

A. when

B. while

C. but

4. — Where were you at 7:00 last night?

— I _____ to my mom at home.

A. write

B. was writing

C. wrote

Step 8 Homework



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八年级英语课堂笔记8A Unit 3 1. climb the hill爬山→climb (up)…爬… ①climb up the Great Wall爬长城②climb into the bed爬上床 ③climb through the window从窗户爬出来④climb over the wall翻越墙 2. need to exercise and keep fit需要锻炼来保持健康 ⑴ keep fit, keep healthy, stay healthy保持健康 keep sb + adj: keep us healthy keep sb + doing: keep workers working ⑵need作名词时,构成短语in need。作行为动词时有人称和数的变化,后接不定式或动名词;当主语和它后面的动词之间有一种被动关系时,使用need doing或need to be done。作情态动词时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。 ①We should help people in need. ② He needs to study hard. ③A lot of homework needs finishing.=A lot of homework needs to be finished. ⑶ exercis e? n/v do morning /eye exercises. 做锻炼:do exercise 做练习:do exercises 他每天锻炼。He does exercise every day. / He exercises every day. 3. come on (命令句)快,快点吧;走吧;跟我来;这边来吧 Come on! We’ll be late for school.快点!我们上学要迟到了。 4. Let’s enjoy ourselves! ⑴enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快,反身代词与主语保持一致。 ⑵Let’s do sth, shall we 除此以外的祈使句,无论是肯定式还是否定式,附加疑问部分一律用will you. . ①Don’t be late again, will you ②Open the door, will you ③Let us go home, will you 5. take a boat trip乘船旅行,go past the Opera House经过悉尼歌剧院 6. sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine坐在塞纳河畔的一个小咖啡店里 ⑴coffee house咖啡店;茶馆,coffee shop咖啡店 ⑵by…在…旁边(比near近) Come and warm yourself by the fire.过来烤烤火。 7. take care保重;当心,小心 ⑴take (good) care of…=look after…well (好好)照顾… ⑵look out当心→look out of向…外看 ⑶be careful小心→be careful of/with…珍视;注意 Please be careful of your health. 请注意你的健康。 8. a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 介词短语with a big garden and many trees作后置定语,修饰名词a beautiful building。 9. foreign country外国,a foreign language一门外语 10. have a wonderful/great/good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快 have a wonderful/great/good time + doing 11. interesting places=places of interest有趣的地方;名胜 (注意此处的interest无复数) 这里interest解释为“令人感兴趣的事或人”。 interest还表示“兴趣”,常用的短语有:show/have interest in sth对…某事感兴趣, show/have interest in doing sth对…做某事感兴趣


初二上册英语单词表2017 【导语:】此文是为您整理的初二上册英语单词表2017,欢迎大家查阅。 Unit6I'mgoingtostudycomputerscience. doctor['dkt(r)]医生 engineer[end'nr]工程师 violinist[va'lnst]小提琴手 pilot['palt]飞行员 pianist['pnst]钢琴家 scientist['santst]科学家 college['kɑld]大学 education[edu'ken]教育 medicine['medsn]药,医学 university[jun'vrsti]大学,高等学府 article['ɑrtkl]文章,论文 send[send]邮寄,发送 growup长大成长 computerprogrammer计算机管理员 besureabout确信 makesure确保 resolution[rez'lun]决心,决定 foreign['frn]外国的 able[ebl]能够 discuss[dsks]讨论,商量 promise[prɑms]承诺,诺言 beginning[bɡn]开头,开端 improve[mpruv]改进,改善 physical['fzkl]身体的 selfimprovement[selfmp'ruvmnt]自我改进,自我提高 hobby['hɑbi]业余爱好 own[on]自己的,本人的,拥有 personal['prsnl]个人的,私人的 relationship[r'lenp]关系 writedown写下 havetodowith关于;与……有关系 takeup学着做;开始做 agreewith同意 beableto能够做某事 Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots paper['pepr]纸 pollution[p'lun]污染;污染物 prediction[pr'dkn]预测 future['fjutr]未来 pollute[p'lut]污染


2016 年新人教版(go for it)八年级上册英语单词 Unitl Where did you go on vacation? anyone ['eniw ?n] pron.任何人 any where ['e niwe ?(r)] adv任何地方n.任何(一个)地方wonderful ['w ?nd?fl] adj.精彩的;极好的 few [fju ?] adj.很少的;n.少量 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) most [m?? st] adj.最多的;大多数的;something ['s ?m9? ?] pron.某事物;noth in g(=not …any thi ng) ['n ?B ? ?] pro n.没有什么n.没有 every one ['evriw ?n] pron.每人;人人of course [ ?vk? ?s]当然myself [ma? 'self] pron.我自己 yourself [j ? ?'self] pron.你自己;你亲自 hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽 pig n.猪 seem [si ?m] vi.似乎;好像 bored [b? ?d] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 some one ['s ?mw?n] pron.某人;有人 diary ['da ? ?ri] n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) activity [ ?k't ? v?ti] n.活动;活跃 decide [d ? 'sa ? d| v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try [tra ? ] v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) paragliding ['p ?r?cja ? d? ?] n.空中滑伞feel like(doing sth.)想要 bird [b ??d] n.鸟;禽bicycle ['ba ?s*l] n.自行车 building ['b ?d ??| n.建筑物 trader ['tre ?d?(r)] n.商人;商船wonder ['w ?nd?(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑differenee ['d fr ?ns] n.差异;不同top [t ?p] n.顶部;顶 wait [we ?:] v.等;等待(wait for) umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞;雨伞wet [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的 because of因为;由于 below [b ?l ??] prep.低于;在...下面adz在下面enough [ ?n ?f] adj.足够的ad?足够地;充分地 hungry(反full) ['h ??g i] adj.饥饿的;渴望的 as [ ?z] conj.如同;像…一样 hill美[h? l] n.小山;丘陵;斜坡;山冈


苏教版八年级上册(完整版) Unit 1 thirsty?口渴得?['θ??sti] honest?adj、诚实得;正直得?[??n?st]secret?n、秘密['si?kr?t] keep a secret?vi、&vt、保守秘密 joy n、欢乐,高兴;乐趣?[d??i] care vi、&vt、关心,关注,在意?[ke?] careabout?关心,关怀? yourself?pron、您自己?[j??'self] teenager?n、(13至19岁得)青少年[?ti?ne?d??] magazine n、杂志?[?m?g?'zi?n] good-looking?adj、好瞧得,漂亮得['g?d'l?k??] humorous?adj、幽默得[?hju?m?r?s] polite?adj、礼貌得?[p??la?t] tidy adj、爱整洁得,整洁得?['ta?di] make?linking v、成为;合适 [me?k] trust?vt、信任[tr?st] lie n、说谎[la?] joken、玩笑[d???k] true?adj、确实得;得确 [tru?] generous?adj、慷慨得,大方得[?d?en?r?s] willing?adj、乐意得,愿意得[?w?l??] anytime?adv、在任何时候? voice?n、嗓音?[v??s] singer n、歌手['s???] almost?adv、几乎,差不多['??lm??st] round?adj、圆形得?[ra?nd] sense n、感觉;观念,意识[sens] humourn、〈英语〉幽默['hju?m?] boredadj、无聊得[b?rd] fit?vi、可容纳,装进[f?t] knock?vt、碰,撞;把…撞击成?[n?k] onto prep、到…得上面[??ntu?]straight adj、笔直得?[stre?t] sweet?adj、可爱得,惹人喜爱得?[swi?t] smile vi、微笑[sma?l] personality n、个性 choose?vi、&vt、选择;挑选?[t?u?z]worse adj、更差,更糟,最坏[w??s] worst?adj、最差,最糟,最坏[w??st] height n、高,高度?[ha?t] weight n、重量?[we?t] sec、(=second) abbr、秒 petition?n、竞赛,比赛;竞争?[?k?mp??t???n] testn、测试,考查?[test] swimmer?n、游泳者 plan?n、打算,计划[pl?n] social?adj、社会得?[?s???(?)l] socialworker?n、社会工作者? ponytail?n、马尾辫 shy adj、害羞得[?a?] square?adj、方形得?[skwe?] smiling?微笑得,带着笑意得? handsome adj、英俊得[?h?ns?m]fatadj、胖得[f?t] hard-working 勤奋得,工作努力得 patient?adj、耐心得 ['pe???nt] smile vi、微笑[sma?l] unhappy adj、不快乐得,悲伤得?[?n?f??tj?n?tli] excellent adj、杰出得,极好得?['eks?l?nt] Unit 2 advertisement (=ad)广告?[?d?v??t?sm?nt] British?adj、英国得 ['br?t??] biscuit?n、〈英〉饼干[?b?sk?t] lorry n、〈英〉卡车[?l?ri] rubber n、〈英〉橡皮[?r?b?] American?adj、美国得?[?'mer?k?n]eraser?n、〈美〉橡皮?[?'re?s?] soccer?n、〈美〉英式足球?[?s?k?] vacation n、〈美〉假期[v??ke??(?)n] cookie?n、〈美〉饼干 ['k?ki] fall n、〈美〉秋天?[f??l] store n、〈美〉商店[st??] truck?n、〈美〉卡车[tr?k] yard?n、〈美〉院子?[jɑ?d] movie?n、〈美〉电影?[?mu?vi] mixed?adj、男女混合得;混合得?


新版人教版八年级上册英语单词表 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 3)_______________ adj.精彩的;极好的 4)_______________f adj.很少的;n.少量 5)________________adj.最多的;绝大部分的; 6)_______________pron.某事物; 7)_______________pron.没有什么n.没有 8)_________________pron.我自己 9)__________________pron.每人;人人 10) _________________pron.你自己;你亲自 11)__________________n.母鸡;雌禽 12)_______________adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 13)__________________n.猪 14)____________n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) 15)__________________vi.似乎;好像 16)__________________pron.某人;有人 17)__________________相当多(后接可数名词) 18)__________________当然 19)__________________n.活动;活跃 20)__________________v.决定;选定 21)___________________v.尝试;设法;努力 22)_________________.鸟;禽 23)__________________n.空中滑翔跳伞 24)__________________n.自行车 25)___________________n.建筑物 26)__________________n.商人;商船 27)__________________v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 28)___________________n.差异;不同 29)____________________n.顶部;顶 30)____________________v.等;等待(wait for) 31)____________________n.伞;雨伞 32)_________________adj.湿的;雨天的 33)________________prep.在...下面adv.在下面 34)__________________conj.如同;像...一样 35)__________________adj.充足的adv.充足地 36)___________________n.鸭肉;鸭 37)__________________adj.饥饿的;渴望的 38)___________________v.想要 39)________________v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱 40)___________________因为;因为 41)___________________玩得痛快 Unit 2How often do you exercise? 1)________________n.家务劳动 2)____________adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚 3)______________adv.以前;在任何时候 4)________________adv.一次;以前 5)________________adv.两倍;两次 6)________________n.因特网 7)_______________n.节目;程序;课程;节目单8)________________adj.满的;充满的;完全的 9)________________n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 10)________________adv.或许;也许;可能 11)________________摇摆舞 12)________________adj.最小的;最少的 13)________________至少 14)________________很少;几乎从不;难得 15)________________n.垃圾;废旧杂物 16)________________ n.咖啡;咖啡色 17)____________n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 18)________________结果;后果 19)________________adj.百分之...的 20)________________adj.在线的adv.在线地 21)________________n.电视机;电视节目 22)___________conj.虽然;即使;不过;不过 23)________________prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 24)________________n.身体 25)________________想法;意见;心思 26)________________adj.这样的;如此的 27)________________adv.共同;一起 28)________________v.死;枯竭;消失 29)________________n.作者;作家 30)________________n.牙科医生 31)________________n.杂志 32)___________adv.不过;无论如何;不管多么 33)________________conj.比 34)________________adv.几乎;差不多 35)______________pron.没有人;没有任何东西 36)________________adj.更少的;较少的 37)________________n.看法;重点;分数 38)________________例如;诸如 39)________________n.垃圾食品;无营养食品 40)______________超过;多于;不但仅;非常 41)________________不到;少于 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 1)_________________adj.外向的 2)_________________adj.更好的;较好的 3)____________adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 4)____________adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地 5)________________adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 6)_________________n.竞争;比赛 7)_________________adj.极好的;了不起的 8)_________________adj.哪一个;哪一些 9)_________________adv.清楚地;显然地 10)_________________v.赢;获胜n.胜利 11)_________________conj.虽然;即使 12)_________________关心 13)_________________adj.有才能的;有天赋的 14)_________________adv.真实地;真诚地


苏教版八年级上册(完整版)Unit 1 thirsty 口渴的['θ??sti] honest adj.诚实的;正直的[??n?st] secret n.秘密['si?kr?t] keep a secret vi.&vt.保守秘密 joy n.欢乐,高兴;乐趣[d??i] care vi.&vt.关心,关注,在意[ke?] care about 关心,关怀 yourself pron.你自己[j??'self] teenager n.(13至19岁的)青少年[?ti?ne?d??] magazine n.杂志[?m?g?'zi?n] good-looking adj.好看的,漂亮的['g?d'l?k??] humorous a dj.幽默的[?hju?m?r?s] polite adj.礼貌的[p??la?t] tidy adj.爱整洁的,整洁的['ta?di] make linking v.成为;合适[me?k] trust vt.信任[tr?st] lie n.说谎[la?] joke n.玩笑[d???k] true adj.确实的;的确[tru?] generous adj.慷慨的,大方的[?d?en?r?s] willing adj.乐意的,愿意的[?w?l??] any time adv.在任何时候 voice n.嗓音[v??s] singer n.歌手['s???] almost adv.几乎,差不多['??lm??st] round adj.圆形的[ra?nd] sense n.感觉;观念,意识[sens] humour n.〈英语〉幽默['hju?m?] bored adj.无聊的[b?rd] fit vi.可容纳,装进[f?t] knock vt.碰,撞;把…撞击成[n?k] onto prep.到…的上面[??ntu?] straight adj.笔直的[stre?t] sweet adj.可爱的,惹人喜爱的[swi?t] smile vi.微笑[sma?l]personality n.个性 choose vi.&vt.选择;挑选[t?u?z] worse adj.更差,更糟,最坏[w??s] worst adj.最差,最糟,最坏[w??st] height n.高,高度[ha?t] weight n.重量[we?t] sec. (=second) abbr.秒 competition n.竞赛,比赛;竞争[?k?mp??t???n] test n.测试,考查 [test] swimmer n.游泳者 plan n.打算,计划[pl?n] social adj.社会的[?s???(?)l] social worker n.社会工作者 ponytail n.马尾辫 shy adj.害羞的[?a?] square adj.方形的[skwe?] smiling 微笑的,带着笑意的handsome a dj.英俊的[?h?ns?m] fat adj.胖的[f?t] hard-working 勤奋的,工作努力的patient adj.耐心的['pe???nt] smile vi.微笑[sma?l] unhappy adj.不快乐的,悲伤的[?n?f??tj?n?tli] excellent adj.杰出的,极好的['eks?l?nt] Unit 2 advertisement (=ad)广告[?d?v??t?sm?nt] British adj.英国的['br?t??] biscuit n.〈英〉饼干 [?b?sk?t] lorry n.〈英〉卡车 [?l?ri] rubber n.〈英〉橡皮 [?r?b?] American adj.美国的[?'mer?k?n] eraser n.〈美〉橡皮 [?'re?s?] soccer n.〈美〉英式足球 [?s?k?] vacation n.〈美〉假期 [v??ke??(?)n] cookie n.〈美〉饼干 ['k?ki]


人教版八年级上册英语单词表全Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone pron.任何人 anywhere adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方 wonderful adj.精彩的;极好的 few adj.很少的;n.少量 most adj.最多的;大多数的;something pron.某事物; nothing(=not…anything) pron.没有什么n.没有 myself pron.我自己 everyone pron.每人;人人 yourself pron.你自己;你亲自 hen n.母鸡;雌禽 bored adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 pig n.猪 diary n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) seem vi.似乎;好像 someone pron.某人;有人 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) of course 当然 activity n.活动;活跃 decide v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try v.尝试;设法;努力(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird n.鸟;禽 paragliding n.空中滑翔跳伞 bicycle n.自行车 building n.建筑物 trader n.商人;商船 wonder v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑difference n.差异;不同 top n.顶部;顶 wait v.等;等待(wait for) umbrella n.伞;雨伞 wet adj.湿的;雨天的 below prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面as conj.如同;像...一样 enough adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地 duck n.鸭肉;鸭hungry(反full) adj.饥饿的;渴望的feel like(doing sth.)想要 dislike v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感 because of因为;由于 have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得痛快 Unit2 How often do you exercise? housework n.家务劳动 hardly adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚ever adv.曾经;在任何时候 once adv.一次;曾经 twice adv.两倍;两次 Internet n.因特网 program n.节目;程序;课程;节目单 full adj.满的;充满的;完全的swing n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转maybe adv.或许;也许;可能 swing dance摇摆舞 least adj.最小的;最少的 at least至少 hardly ever很少;几乎从不;难得junk n.垃圾;废旧杂物 coffee n.咖啡;咖啡色 health n.健康;人的身体或精神状态result .结果;后果 percent adj.百分之...的 online adj.在线的adv.在线地television n.电视机;电视节目although conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可是 through prep.穿过;凭借;一直到body n.身体 mind .头脑;想法;意见;心思such adj.这样的;如此的 together adv.共同;一起 die v.死;枯竭;消失 writer n.作者;作家 dentist n.牙科医生


Unit 1 thirsty 口渴的 honest 诚实的;正直的 secret 秘密 keep a secret 保守秘密 joy 欢乐,高兴;乐趣 care 关心,关注,在意 care about 关心,关怀 yourself 你自己 teenager 青少年 magazine 杂志 good-looking 好看的,漂亮的humorous 幽默的 polite 礼貌的 tidy 爱整洁的,整洁的 make 成为,适合 trust 信任 lie 谎言 joke 玩笑 true 确实的;的确generous 慷慨的,大方的 willing 乐意的,愿意的

any time 在任何时候 voice 嗓音 singer 歌手 almost 几乎,差不多 round 圆形的bored 感觉;观念,意识fit 可容纳,装进 knock 碰,撞 onto 到...上面 straight 笔直的sweet 可爱的;惹人喜爱的 smile 微笑 personality 个性 choose 选择;挑选worse更差,更糟,更坏 height 高,高度 sec.秒 competition竞赛 test测试 swimmer游泳者 plan打算,计划 social社会的

social worker社会工作者 ponytail 马尾辫 shy 害羞的 square 方形的 smiling 微笑的,带着笑意的 handsome 英俊的 fat 胖的 hard-working 勤奋的,工作努力的 patient 耐心的 smile 微笑 unhappy 不快乐,悲伤的 excellent 杰出的,极好的 Unit 2 advertisement 广告 British 英国的 biscuit <英>饼干 lorry <英>卡车 rubber <英>橡皮 American 美国的 eraser <美>橡皮 soccer <美>英式足球 vacation <美>假期


人教版八年级上册英语单词Unit1 how often 多久一次 exercise v.& n.锻炼skateboard v.踩滑板 hardly adv.几乎不 ever adv.曾,曾经 once adv.一次 twice adv.两次 time n.次,次数 surf v.在…冲浪 Internet n.网络 program n.节目,表演 high school 高中,完全中学result n.结果 active adj.活跃的,积极的 for prep.对于,在…方面 as for 至于,关于 about adv.几乎,大约 junk n.废弃的旧物 junk food 垃圾食品 milk n.牛奶 coffee n.咖啡 chip n.(食物等的)薄片 cola n.可乐 chocolate n.巧克力 drink v.喝,饮 health n.健康,健康状况 how many 多少 interviewer n.采访者 habit n.习惯 try v.试图,设法,努力 of course 当然 look after 照顾,照看lifestyle n.生活方式 grade n.分数,成绩 better adj.& adv.更好的(地)same adj.同样的,相同的 as prep.像…一样 different adj.不同的,有区别的difference n.不同,差异,区别unhealthy adj.不健康的

maybe adv.或许,大概although conj.虽然,即使for prep.达,计 grandpa n.外公,爷爷 a lot of 大量,许多 keep v.保持 must modal v.必须 less adj.更小的,较少的Unit2 中文 matter n.事情,问题 have v.得(病),患(病)cold n.受凉,感冒 have a cold 得了感冒stomachache n.胃痛 sore adj.疼痛的 back n.背,背部 arm n.臂,胳膊 ear n.耳朵 eye n.眼睛 foot n.脚,足 hand n.手 head n.头,头部 leg n.腿,腿部 mouth n.嘴 neck n.脖子,颈部 nose n.鼻子 stomach n.胃 tooth n.牙齿 throat n.喉咙 toothache n.牙痛 fever n.发烧,发热 rest v.休息 honey n.蜂蜜 dentist n.牙医 should modal v.应该headache n.头痛 shouldn't=should not ago adv.以前 so pron.如此,这样 illness n.疾病 advice n.劝告 thirsty adj.渴的

新概念第一册笔记(新东方) 重要

新概念第一册笔记新概念第一册笔记 作者:白玉逍遥提交日期:2005-3-14 21:43:00 以下是新概念英语第一册(新版)的笔记,本册共分成46个课时讲解。 . . 第一册介绍:学习英语的敲门砖 . . 【一册基础篇】学习英语的敲门砖(“First Things First“英语初阶) . 本书是练好英语基本功最好的学习书籍。从基本的发音、重音和语调开始,让您逐步学会使用英语中的基本词汇、语法及句型结构。学好第一册,是练好英语基本功的关键,掌握了第一册,您才真正踏进了英语之门。适合于零起点或英语基础差,欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者,如中学生或及成年初学者,同时也可以帮助你进一步巩固所学的知识。 . . 第一册的内容看似简单,其实大部分的场景对话和口语基本句型都包括其中,同时,第一册的800词汇全部是英语日常用语中出现频率最高的词汇,学习者不仅应该认识,更要能在任何场合都做到脱口而出,做到积极的掌握。对于一个从未学习过英语的学习者而言,需要花费较长的时间打好基础。更何况,在新东方的网络课堂中增加了大量的语音、语调的训练内容,更需要学习者用一个较的时间培养良好的发音习惯,为今后的学习树立的一个正确的开始。 .

. 【所需知识背景】 . 从零开始,无需任何基础知识。第一册从最基本的单词,句型教起,从拼写到发音,无所不包。当然,如果初学者已有一定的简单语法、词汇基础将更有助于学习的进行。 . . #日志日期:2005-3-14 星期一(Monday) 晴 人物头条【丁学良:将特权摆明处建立可执行的反贪制度】 评论人:白玉逍遥评论日期:2005-3-14 21:46 .第一课听课笔记 . . 补充材料 . 英文26个字母: . A B C D E F G . H I J K L M N . O P Q R S T . U V W X Y Z


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come on 来吧;赶快 ourselves 我们自己 enjoy oneself 玩的愉快 Australia 澳大利亚 take care 保重 coffee 咖啡 top 顶部,上面 president 总统,国家主席 wide ...宽的;宽广的 steel 钢 ton 吨 ine 够好,蛮不错 join 加入,参加 myself 我自己 shine 照耀,发光 clear 晴朗的;清晰的 sky 天,天空 journey 旅行,旅程 boring 乏味的 finally最后 arrive 到达 arrive at/in 到达 can’t wait 迫不及待 get off 下车 interest 令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣placeofinterest

notbelieveone’seyes 不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶main?主要的 sights【复】名胜,风景 culture?文化 Internet网络 page页,页面,页码homepage主页 yourselves你们自己themselves他们自己 byoneself独立地,独自itself?它自己 pull?拉;拖;移开 rock? 岩石 luckily? 幸好,幸运的是 climber? 登山者,攀爬者 final? 决赛 support? 支持 takeplace 进行,发生 cheer? 欢呼,喝彩 reach? 到达 half-time? 中场休息 get on 上车 cost 费用,价钱 rest 休息,歇息


人教版八年级上册英语单词表Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1.pron.任何人 2.adv.任何地方 n.任何(一个)地 方 3.adj.精彩的;极好的 4.adj.很少的;n.少量 5.相当多;不少(后接可数名词) 6.adj.最多的;大多数的; 7.pron.某事物; 8.pron.没有什么n.没有 9.每人;人人;所有人 10.当然;自然 11.pron.我自己 12.pron.你自己 13.你们自己 14.n.母鸡;雌禽 15.n.猪 16.vi.似乎;好像 17.adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 18.pron.某人;有人 19.n.日记;日记簿 20.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 当然 21.n.活动 22.v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) 23.v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) 24.n.空中滑翔跳伞 25.feel like(doing sth.)想要 26.n.鸟;禽 27.n.自行车 28.n.建筑物 29.n.商人30.v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 31.n.差异;不同 32.n.顶部;顶 33.v.等;等待(wait for) 34.n.伞;雨伞 35.adj.湿的;雨天的 36.因为;由于 37.prep.低于;在...下面adv.在 下面 38.adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分 地 39.(反full) adj.饥饿的;渴望 的 40.conj.如同;像...一样 41.小山;小丘 42.n.鸭肉;鸭 43.v.不喜欢;厌恶 n.不喜爱; 厌恶;反感 44.have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.) 玩得痛快 45.中央公园 46黄果树瀑布 47.香港 48.马来西亚 49.马来西亚的;马来西亚人 50.天安门广场 51.故宫博物院 Unit2 How often do you exercise? 1. n.家务劳动 2. adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚 3. adv.曾经;在任何时候 4. 几乎从不 5. adv.一次;曾经 6. adv.两倍;两次 7. n.因特网 8. n.节目 9. adj.满的;充满的;完全的 10. n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 11. 摇摆舞 12. adv.或许;也许;可能 13. adj.最小的;最少的 14. 至少 15. n.无用的东西,无价值的东西 16. 垃圾食品 17. n.咖啡;咖啡色 18. n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 19. 结果;后果 20. adj.百分之...的 21. adj.在线的adv.在线地 22. n.电视机;电视节目 23. conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可 是 24. prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 25. 头脑;想法;意见;心思 26. n.身体 27. adj.这样的;如此的 28. adv.共同;一起 29. v.死;枯竭;消失 30.n.作者;作家 31. n.牙科医生 32. n.杂志 33. adv.然而;无论如何;不管多 么 34. conj.比 35. 多于 36. adv.几乎;差不多 37. pron.没有人;没有任何东西, 毫无 38. adj.更少的;较少的 39. 不到;少于 40. n.看法;要点;重点;小数点; 目标;分数 Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 1. adj.外向的 2. adj.两者都pron.两者 3. adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好 地 4. adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 5. adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地 6. adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 7. n.竞争;比赛 8. adj.极好的;了不起的 9. adj.哪一个;哪一些pron.哪 一个;哪些 10. adv.清楚地;显然地 11. v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n. 胜利 12. conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过 13. adj.有才能的;有天赋的 14. adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地 15. v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎 16. 关心 17. v.发笑;笑;嘲笑 n.笑声; 笑;笑料 18. adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的 19. n.镜子;反映 20. 小孩,年轻人 21. 只要,既然 22. adj.必要的;必然的 23. 与……不同,与……有差异 24. 使显现,使表现出 25. 成绩等级,评分等级 26. aux.应该;可能;应当;将要 27. 与……相同,与……一致 28. 谚语,格言,警句 29. v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联 系;延伸;(伸手)去够 30. 手 31. vt.触摸;感动 32. n.心脏;内心 33. n.事实;真相;实际 34. 事实上;实际上;确切地说 35. v.打碎;折断;违背;解决; 中断 36. 手臂,上肢 37. vt.分享,共享;分配;共有 38. adj.大声的;adv.大声地;响 亮地 39. adj.类似的 40. 类似于;与...相似 41. adj.最初的,最早的 42. 小学 43. n.信息;情报;资料;通知 Unit4 What's the best movie theater? 1. n.剧场;戏院 2. adj.舒适的;充裕的 3. n.座位; 4. n.屏幕;银幕 5. (在空间,时间)接近 6. 票,入场券 7. adj.最坏的;最差的 8. 便宜的,低廉的 9. n.歌曲;歌唱 10. 音乐节目主持人


2014新人教版八年级上册英语单词表全Unit 1 anyone /'eniw?n/ pron.任何人 anywhere /'eniwe?(r)/ adv.任何地方wonderful/'w?nd?(r)fl/adj.精彩的;绝妙的few /fju:/adj.&pron.不多;很少 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) most/m??st/adj.,adv.&pron.最多;大多数something /'s?mθ??/ pron.某事;某物nothing(=not…anything)/'n?θ??/pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西 everyone/'evriw?n/pron.每人;人人;所有人of course /?vk?:s/ 当然;自然 myself /ma?'self/ pron.我自己;我本人yourself /j?:'self/ pron.你自己;您自己 hen /hen/ n.母鸡 pig /p?g/n.猪 seem /si:m/ vi.好像;似乎;看来 bored /b?:d/ adj.厌倦的;烦闷的someone /'s?mw?n/ pron.某人 diary/'da??ri/n.日记;日记簿 (keep a diary) enjoyable/'?n'd????bl/ adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 activity /?k't?v?ti/ n.活动 decide /d?'sa?d/ v.决定;选定 (decide to do sth.) try /tra?/ v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) paragliding/'p?r?ɡla?d??/n.空中滑翔跳伞 feel like 给……的感觉;感受到 bird /b?:d/ n.鸟 bicycle /'ba?s?kl/ n.自行车;脚踏车building /'b?ld??/ n.建筑物;房子 trader /'tre?d?(r)/ n.商人 wonder /'w?nd?(r)/ v.想知道;琢磨difference /'d?fr?ns/ n.差别;差异 top /t?p/ n.顶部;表面 wait /we?t/ v.等待;等候(wait for) umbrella /?m'brel?/ n.伞;雨伞 wet /wet/ adj.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的because of 因为 below/b?'l??/prep.&adv.在……下面;到……下面 enough/?'n?f/adj.足够的(地)adv.充足的(地);充分的(地) hungry /'h??ɡri/ adj.饥饿的 as /?z/ conj.像……一样;如同 hill /h?l/ n.小山;山丘 duck /d?k/ n.鸭 dislike/d?s'la?k/v.&n.不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物) Central Park 中央公园(美国纽约)HuangguoshuWarterfall /'w?:t?(r)f?:l/ 黄果树瀑布(贵州) HongKong /,h??'k??/,/'ha:?,ka:?/香港(中 华人民共和国特别行政区) Malaysia /m?'le???/马来西亚; Malaysian/m?'le??n/adj.马来西亚的;n.马来西亚人 Georgetown/'d??:d?ta?n/乔治市(马来西亚) Weld /weld/ Quay /ki:/ 海墘街 Penang /p?'n??/ Hill 槟城山(马来西亚)Tian'anmen Square/skwe?(r)/天安门广场the Palace /'p?l?s/ Museum 故宫博物院 Unit 2 housework/'ha?sw?:(r)k/n.家务劳动;家务事hardly /'hɑ:(r)dli/ adv.几乎不;几乎没有ever/'ev?(r)/adv.在任何时候;从来;曾经hardly ever几乎从不 once /w?ns/ adv.一次;曾经 twice /twa?s/ adv.两次;两倍 Internet/'?nt?net/n.(国际)互联网;因特网Program/'pr??ɡr?m/ n.(=programme)节目full /f?l/ adj.忙的;满的;充满的 swing /sw??/ n.摆动;秋千v.(swung/sw??/) 使摆动;摇摆 swing dance 摇摆舞 maybe/'me?bi/ adv.大概;或许;可能 least/li:st/adv.最小;最少;adj.&pron最小的;最少的 at least至少;不少于;起码 junk /d???k / n.无用的东西;无价值的东西junk food 垃圾食品 coffee /'k?fi/ n.咖啡health/helθ/n.健康;人的身体(或精神)状态result /r?'z?lt/ n.结果;后果 percent/p?'sent/n.(=per cent)百分之……online /,?n'la?n/,/,ɑ:n'la?n/adj.&dav在线(的);

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