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当前位置:文档库 › 口译单词训练1-70练习




1. Some developed countries and regions have _______ much experience in community service, which merits our reference and study.

A. accounted

B. adjusted

C. accumulated

2 . Many people _______ at this danger.

A. balked

B. banned

C. booked

3.Four Cabinet ministers announced proposals emphasizing the need and inform young people of the facts and risks, abandoning earlier shock cabinet

4 . 财政赤字可译为financial _______。

5 . When your children _______ trouble or difficulties as adults, in marriages or in their personalities, whom do they blame?

A. encounter

B. emerge

C. embrace

6 . Spectacles help correct _______ eyesight.

A. funny

B. faulty

C. facial

7 . The illness is believed to be caused by a defective _______.

A. gene

B. genre

C. gear

8 .When it was built 70 years ago, the building, with its many art deco touches,

was hailed as a masterpiece of design.


9 . The skeptics in general claim that apes’ language behavior is merely


A. inner

B. imitative

C. immune

10 . All those men were _______ with each other on the running track, as if the

result was so important.

A. jostling

B. just

C. junior

11 . World peace is the ______ of his speech.

12 . Especially if you are interested in history, you’ll want to _______ a day or two at least here.

A. leave

B. look

C. linger

13 . I’ll _______ your lateness this time.

A. overtake

B. overlook

C. overall

14 . It can paralyze communications, clog the wheels of ordinary life panic millions, wipe value off stock exchanges, destroy industries and thereby livelihoods.

15 . Anthony, 39, a postman from North London, was among those who

_______ overnight last year.

A. qualified

B. queued

C. queened

16 . Hitler is the founder of the German _______ party.

17 . Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in an economic _______.

A. recession

B. confession

C. session

18 . Some people have begun to complain that UK has become a _______ country of the US.

A. slow

B. satellite

C. soap

19 . Modern _______ is far more sophisticated.

A. therapy

B. thumb

C. tooth

20 . The whole school was u_______ (意见一致的)in its approval of the head-master’s plan.

21 . The custom of hand-shaking _______ away.

A. withered

B. weathered

C. warmed

22 . His _______ manners shocked everyone.

A. vase

B. vulgar

C. veal

23 . We walk _______ on our hind legs at all times, which is an extremely unusual way of getting around for a mammal.

A. upright

B. uptown

C. upscale

24 . Both the coconut and mango are _______ fruits.

A. typical

B. tropical

C. analytical

25 . The baby elephant behind her held up his head, waving his trunk to sample

the suspicious smell in the wind.

26 . Teachers have to _______ to traditional methods in the classroom.

A. reassure

B. remove

C. resort

27 . Mike Hurewitz's death has _______ a lot of soul searching in the transplant


A. prompted

B. pointed

C. pleased

28 . He remained _______ (中立的)during the debate.

29 . Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe, they feel _______ to turn to their children and

say, "Honey, everything is going to be all right."

A. oblivious

B. obliged

C. obese

30 . The conference adopted a _______.

A. motion

B. lotion

C. ocean

31 . Last month parliament of Britain _______ "therapeutic" human cloning.

A. minimized

B. legalized

C. singularized

32 . Several villages have been _______ by the heavy snowfall.

A. isolated

B. inquired

C. exposed

33 . But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is _______(免疫的)to its perils.

34 . The habit of wearing jeans is - along with the computer the copying machine, rock music, polio vaccine, and the h_____ bomb(氢弹)- one of the major contributions of the United States to the postwar world at large.

35 . It is not right to _______ about others.

A. guide

B. glare

C. gossip

36 . Her words made his heart burn with _______.

A. frustration

B. fruit

C. function

37 . I think sometimes adults _______ children’s fears. Children are more psychologically resilient than we give them credit for.

A. expect

B. exaggerate

C. exclude

38 . 纪录片常用英语表示为:_______ film.

39 . Everyone in his family had a _______ for Chinese food.

A. craze

B. crack

C. crab

40 . If there are any b____(pl.旁观者)left in the world - people on the sidelines,

unaffected by major events of war, terrorism, global capitalism and technological change - they are very few.

41 . The Government yesterday unveiled a “new realist” strategy against drugs

and acknowledged the failings of previous attempts to stop growing a____(滥


42 . The new government came to power under the ______ of fighting poverty.

A. banner

B. ban

C. book

43 . Here also is a growing market for ______-free colas.

A. cake

B. caffeine

C. café

44 . I don’t have a ______ dress for the dancing party.

A. desperate

B. due

C. decent

45 . The heroic deeds of him ______ the glorious tradition of the troops.

A. exaggerated

B. embodied

C. entertained

46 . But the ______ remained a small one, partly because of the unavailability of jeans in any quantity.

A. fad

B. fat

C. fade

47 . G______(种族屠杀)is an offense to all civilized human beings.

48 . China will never threaten anyone, pursue expansion or seek ______.

A. harmony

B. hegemony

C. heritage

49 . It can be ugly, ______(不道德的), authoritarian, but it’s not unconstitutional.

A. immense

B. immune

C. immoral

50 . Simultaneous ______(同声传译)is quite difficult.

51 . Zips are also more ______ to come adrift(松动的), break, jam, malfunction.

A. liable

B. lame

C. lethal

52 . The real problem with research that ______ early embryonic cells is not the

cells’ origin but their destiny.

A. mandates

B. manipulates

C. mobilizes

53 .Nostalgia for a lost family tradition, which, in fact, never existed, has prejudiced our understanding of the conditions of families in contemporary society.

54 . He is easily discouraged by difficulties and ______.

A. obstacles

B. objectives

C. observations

55 . ______(耐心)and perseverance will do wonders.

56 . He took a book at ______。

A. ransom

B. random

C. realm

57 . Internal auditors(内部审计员)can play a major role in eliminating corporate

______ and creating corporate culture.

A. sandals

B. scandals

C. candles

58 . His lengthy and ______ article drew little response.

A. amusing

B. fascinating

C. tedious

59 . But the purpose of his two-year project, during which he photographed 1,400 people with a hidden camera in his lap, was

to capture them when they were u______(未察觉的).

60 . The inspectors said the course content was too ______ and that assessments, done mainly by teachers, were unreliable.

A. vague

B. victorious

C. valid

61 . _______ food and fluids from a person capable of experiencing thirst had been used as a form of torture.

A. Withholding

B. Upholding

C. Watching

62 . He _______ never to reveal the secret.

A. vetted

B. vowed

C. vomited

63 . The debate ended in an _______.

A. uproar

B. hustle

C. uptown

64 . The invention of the snow house by the Eskimo was one of the greatest t_____(胜利)over environment that man has

ever accomplished.

65 . Wealth is not necessarily _______ with generosity.

A. synthetic

B. simple

C. synonymous

66 . A Kurdish restaurant opened, but hired only one _______.

67 . The _______ of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.

A. persuasion

B. purport

C. puberty

68 . A great mass of water _______ the village.

A. overwhelmed

B. overtook

C. overlooked

69 . He was a boring _______! I’m glad to be rid of him.

70 . She hasn’t appropriated any _______ or themes, or forms of Aboriginal art

at all. (appropriate盗用,挪用)

A. motifs

B. moans

C. moos


Module 2 Logical analysis I Theory and skills 口译中的逻辑分析指的是对讲话进行纵向和横向的分析,纵向分析是指分清关键信息和辅助信息,即找出逻辑的层次;横向分析则是明确各信息点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比对照、举例说明等。逻辑分析的目的是为了透彻地理解原语讲话的内容,对信息的点(具体的信息内容) 、线(各点之间的联系)和面(即整体概念)进行全面的把握,以便于记忆和表达。信息经过分析加工,便能在记忆中留下更深的印象。 逻辑分析练习可分为纵向分析和横向分析练习。纵向分析的训练方法和第一课介绍的概述练习有些类似,但侧重点不一样。纵向分析要求进行逻辑分层训练,即在听完一篇讲话后首先用一句话概括出讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层;围绕这一中心问题讲话人谈了哪几个方面的内容,这是第二层关系;而每个方面又具体谈了些什么,这是逻辑的下一个层次。例如第一课的练习 1.1 介绍了三种错误的饭后习惯,这三种习惯分别是:饭后立即吃水果、喝茶和散步;针对每一种错误习惯,分析了其原因,提出了正确的做法;在原因里又提到几种原因,分别是……。就这样将信息一层一层地剖析下去,形成一个清晰的逻辑线路图,然后按照逻辑线路对原语讲话进行复述,复述时不必拘泥于原语的顺序和结构。 横向分析的练习则要求我们找出信息之间的逻辑关系。一般的信息结构都遵从一定的逻辑关系模式,女口:概括(generalization )、分类(classification )、因果 (cause-effect )、对比对照 (compare & contrast )、按照时间、空间、步骤、重要性的顺序排列 (sequencing )、列举( simple listing )、提出问题 - 解决问题( problem-solution )等。找逻辑关系可以根据线索词汇,如英文里表示概括关系的线索词汇有:to sumup, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short, on the whole 等;表示顺序的词汇有:first, second, furthermore, before, preceding, during, when, finally, meanwhile 等;表示对比的词汇有:likewise, as well as, in common with, both, similarly , compared to 等;表示对照的有: on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, instead, still, yet, whereas, differently 等;表示因果的则有: so, since, because, as a result, consequently, lead to 等等。逻辑分析要求在听取信息时不是被动地接收,而是在全神贯注地收听的同时,结合自己对口译情境和讲话人背景的了解,进行合理的分析和预测,这样才能更好地跟上讲话人的思路,缓解“听”的压力,使口译理解更轻松更准确。 II Skills practice Teaching suggestions: Tell the students to form a mind picture or logic tree while listening, trying to associate main points with the corresponding sub-points, and then do the retelling to check the effectiveness of their logic analysis. Instruction: retell the passage, paying attention to the logic 2.1 有偿搭车 “上班族”借助网络发帖联络搭乘“顺风车”,这种出行方式最近在北京、上海、深圳等一些大中


中高级口译最新高频词汇汇编:(07、3) (上海新东方口译教研组专用) 历年口译考试都有大量特色词汇出现,而且呈现较高的重现率,新东方发现了这一现象,从而对历年口译笔试中高频词汇作了总结汇总如下,希望对参加07年3月笔试的考生的备考有所帮助! Allocate 分配 Arise 出现 Attach 赋予粘上 Characterize 以。。。为特色的 Charge 收费 Collect 收集 Contaminate 污染 Degrade 使降级 Depreciate 贬值 Desert 抛弃 Endanger 危害 Imitate 模仿 Incur招致,引发 Inflict 造成 Lavish 浪费 Maximize 最大化 Oblige 强迫 Overcome 克服 Prohibit 禁止 Pursue 追求 Quit 放弃 Sacrifice 牺牲 Spread 传播 Steer 驶向,掌舵 Trigger 引发,触发 Abuse 虐待,滥用

Acquire 获取 Detect 侦查 Innovate 改革创新Participate 参与 Survive 生存 Vanish 消失 Wither 退化,萎缩Coexist 共存 Boom 繁荣,兴旺发达 Blossom 兴旺发达 Perform 履行,表演Roam 闲逛 Abolition/abolish 废除Accommodate 供给,调节,住宿Adore 崇拜;爱慕 Alter 改变 Arouse 激发 Assume 承担 Attend 参加,就读 Censor审查 Commute 来回往返于 Consul 咨询 Cultivate 培养 Determine 取决于,决定Discourage 不鼓励;妨碍Diversify 使多样化 Divert 使分心 Dominate占优势 Enlighten启发 Exaggerate夸张


中高口译词汇整理 汉英口译分类词汇(01)--社会发展词汇 211工程211 Project 安居工程housing project for low-income families 安居小区a neighborhood for low-income families 保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan. 裁定保险赔偿adjudication of benefits 城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas. 城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees 创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind 促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics 大家庭extended family 大力推行个人助学信贷Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted. 大专文凭associate degree (conferred to junior college students) 代培training-on-contract program 代培生trainee on contract 带薪分流assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits 待业人员job seekers


第一章经济与改革 A hedge against inflation 防止通货膨胀的措施 A prudent monetary policy稳健的货币政策 Absolute advantage 绝对优势 Accounting 会计学账目清算财会 Accountant 会计师 Accounting fraud 作假账 Accounting scandal 财务丑闻 Bookkeeping 记账n. Financial statement 财务报表 Keep the public informed of the financial affairs 财务公开Acquire V.购置获取购买取得所有权 Acquisition 购置资产 Active balance (passive balance/unfavorable balance) 顺差逆差Advanced technology 先进技术 Aggregate demand 总需求 Aggregate supply 总需要 Allocation of financial resources 金融资源配置 Ample supply 供应充裕 An average annual increase 年均增长 Annual return 年利润 Anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施

Areas for the market access 市场准入领域 Asset 资产 Associate company (subsidiary/affiliate ) 联营公司子公司附属公司Autarchy n.自给自足;经济独立(政策地区国家)Authorization bill 授权书 Bad loans 不良贷款 Banking 银行业 Investment bank 投资银行 Goldman sachs 高盛 Citibank 花旗银行 HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) 汇丰银行Bank of America 美洲银行 Deutsche Bank 德意志银行 Bankruptcy protection 破产保护 Block release 脱产进修 Boom n. /v.(经济)突然膨胀 Bottom line 账本底线底线 Brand loyalty 对某个牌子的忠诚度 Brand names 品牌 Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森里体系 Budget n. /v.预算 Budget deficit预算赤字

高级口译 口译词汇

Accord 协议 wages accord reached air 直播 TV airs “facts” on Arms Delivery Assail 抨击 Soviets assails US on A-tests Axe 削减 Labor axe colleges in Tory Towns Back 支持 Unions back peace move Balk 拒绝 Union balks at court order bar 排除 Club faces shutdown for barring women Bid offer Union rejects latest bid Bilk 欺骗 Clerk bilks city of $1m. Blast 抨击 Regan blasts Democrats Blaze 大火 Blaze destroys factory Cite 提到,引用 Management cites Labor Unset for shutdown Claim 杀死 Bombs Claim 40 Clash 冲突,不同意 Mayor clashes with City Council Cool 不情愿的 Hanoi cool to aid offer Coup 变革 Generals ousted in coup Curb 限制 New curbs on immigration Deadlock 死结 Jury deadlock in kidnap trial Drive 造就 Peace drive succeeds

Ease 放宽 1000 freed as Poland eases Martial Law Eye To watch with interest Women’s group eye court vote Eve 前一天 Violence on eve of independence Fault 误导 Study faults police Flay 指责 US flays Soviet Block Foe 对手 Reagan talks with congressional foes Foil 阻止,阻挠 FBI foils bid to hijack plane to Iran Gems 珠宝,人气 Actress loses Gems Go-ahead 许可 Go-ahead for dearer gas Grip 困扰 Cholera fear grips Japan Gunman 持枪歹徒 Gunman raids 3 banks Gut 烧毁 Y ear’s biggest fire guts 178 homes Halt 暂时关闭 Channel tunnel Halt Haul Large quantity which has been stolen and later discovered Cannabis haul(cannabis大麻) Head 领导 Buchanan to head peace mission head off 阻止,防止 President heads off rail strike Heist 抢劫 Jewel heist foiled(foil挫败) Hit 遭遇 Fuel strike hits hospitals Hold/detain 拘留


㈠比较 1.The advantages far outweigh(比?重要) the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable(更可取的) to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 4.It is reasonable to maintain that?but it would be foolish to claim that? 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.A and B has several points in common. 7.A bears some resemblances to B. 8.However, the same is not applicable to B. 9.The same is true of B. 10.Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks. ㈡原因 1.A number of factors are accountable/responsible for this situation. 2.The answer to this problem involves many factors. 3.The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that... 4.We may blame.. ,but the real causes are... 5.Part of the explanations for it is that ... 6.Another contributing factor (cause) is ... 7.We have good reasons to believe that? ㈢措施 1.Overcome/conquer the difficulties 2.Do our utmost(极限) in doing? 3.Take measures/steps/action/approach ㈣变化 1.A great change will certainly be produced. 2 ? .bring about many changes. ㈤事实、现状 1.We can’ t ignore the fact that 2.No one can deny the fact that 3.There is no denying that??? ㈥后果 1.It may give rise to/trigger a host of problems. 2.The immediate result it produces is ... 3.It will exercise a profound influence upon... 4.Its consequence can be so great that... ㈦批驳 1.It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.(遗漏省略) 2.There is a grain of(一些) truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact. 3.Some people say ..., but it does not hold water(说得通,站得住脚). 4.Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ... 5.Such statements mainly rest/rely on the assumption that ...

新东方中高级口译词汇必备MP3+文本 Chapter 08 Education

第八章教育 SECTION I: 英译中 1. Alma Mater 母校 2. Bachelor’s degree 学士学位 3. brain drain人才流失 4. Cambridge 剑桥大学 5. college equivalency大学同等学力 6. degree 学位 7. diploma毕业文凭 8. division 分校 9. doctoral degree / Ph.D degree博士学位 10. dropout辍学 11. eliminate illiteracy 扫盲 12. generation gap 代沟 13. Harvard 哈佛大学 14. intercultural exchange 国际文化交流 15. Jurist Master (JM)法律硕士 16. Jurum Doctor (JD)法学博士 17. life-long learning 终身学习 18. Master’s degree硕士学位 19. MIT 麻省理工学院 20. non-residential college 不提供住宿的大学 21. on -job training 在职培训 22. open universities (采用电视、广播、函授进行教学的)开放大学 23. Oxford 牛津大学 24. polytechnic adj./ n. 工艺学校,工艺的, 25. Princeton 美国普林斯顿大学 26. qualifying examination 资格考试 27. residential college 提供住宿的大学 28. school dropout / leaver 辍/失学青少年 29. self-discipline 自我约束 30. self-training 自我训练 31. Stanford斯坦福大学 32. study by correspondence 通过函授学习 33. the Open University, UK (英国)开放大学 34. tuition (fee)学费 35. UC Berkeley 加洲伯克利大学 36. Univ Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 37. Univ Munich 慕尼黑大学 38. Univ Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 39. Univ Toronto 多伦多大学 40. vocational school 职业学校 41. Yale 耶鲁大学 SECTION II: 中译英 2.1 中国教育界热门词汇 1. 电视广播大学television and radio broadcasting university


高考英语作文的高级词汇和短语分析 高考英语作文的高级词汇和短语 1、引出开头 It is commonly believed that人们一般认为 Recently the problem of has been brought into focus最近问题引起了关注 It is universally acknowledged that + 句子全世界都知道... A lot of people seem to think that很多人似乎认为 2、表示结尾 In short, it can be said that总之,他的意思是 From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论 Only in this way can we 只有这样,我们才能 Spare no effort to + V 不遗余力的 There is no doubt that 有优点也有缺点 3、学校生活及学习成绩 Be getting on well with ones study某人的学习越来越好 put ones heart into专心于;致力于 arise from 由....引起 Some people while others一些人而另外一些人 acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能 make joint efforts做出共同努力 4、彼此沟通信息 Write sb a letter saying给某人写信说... express ones idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情)

英语作文常用高级词汇 英语作文常用高级短语讲课讲稿

英语作文常用高级词汇英语作文常用高级短语 英语作文一直是中学英语教学的薄弱环节,如果教师对于学生的引导不到位,就会出现阅读教学的读、写分离现象。下面,是小编为你整理的英语作文常用高级短语,希望对你有帮助!英语作文常用高级短语篇1 1. 经济的快速发展the rapiddevelopment of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长theremarkableimprovement/ steady growth ofpeople’s livingstandard 3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw publicattention 8.不可否认Itis undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/争论a heated discussion/ debate 10.有争议性的问题 a controversialissue 11.完全不同的观点a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少be indispensableto … 19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exception英语作文常用高级短语篇2 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on… 22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages。 23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon 25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation 27. 开阔眼界widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision 28.学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills 29.经济/心理负担financial burden / psychologicalburden 30.考虑到诸多因素take many factors into account/ consideration 31. 从另一个角度from another perspective 32.做出共同努力make joint efforts 33. 对…有益be beneficial / conduciv e to… 34.为社会做贡献make contributions to the society 35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for… 36.综合素质comprehensivequality 37.无可非议blameless / beyond reproach 38.加大了…的可能性increase the chances of


口译中的逻辑分析指的是对讲话进行纵向和横向的分析,纵向分析是指分清关键信息和辅助信息,即找出逻辑的层次;横向分析则是明确各信息点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比对照、举例说明等。逻辑分析的目的是为了透彻地理解原语讲话的内容,对信息的点(具体的信息内容)、线(各点之间的联系)和面(即整体概念)进行全面的把握,以便于记忆和表达。信息经过分析加工,便能在记忆中留下更深的印象。 逻辑分析练习可分为纵向分析和横向分析练习。纵向分析的训练方法和概述练习有些类似,但侧重点不一样。纵向分析要求进行逻辑分层训练,即在听完一篇讲话后首先用一句话概括出讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层;围绕这一中心问题讲话人谈了哪几个方面的内容,这是第二层关系;而每个方面又具体谈了些什么,这是逻辑的下一个层次。将信息一层一层地剖析下去,形成一个清晰的逻辑线路图,然后按照逻辑线路对原语讲话进行复述,复述时不必拘泥于原语的顺序和结构。 横向分析的练习则要求我们找出信息之间的逻辑关系。一般的信息结构都遵从一定的逻辑关系模式,如:概括(generalization)、分类(classification)、因果(cause-effect)、对比对照(compare & contrast)、按照时间、空间、步骤、重要性的顺序排列(sequencing)、列举(simple listing)、提出问题-解决问题(problem-solution)等。找逻辑关系可以根据线索词汇,如英文里表示概括关系的线索词汇有:to sum up, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short, on the whole等;表示顺序的词汇有:first, second, furthermore, before, preceding, during, when, finally, meanwhile 等;表示对比的词汇有:likewise, as well as, in common with, both, similarly,compared to等;表示对照的有:on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, instead, still, yet, whereas, differently等;表示因果的则有:so, since, because, as a result, consequently, lead to等等。 逻辑分析要求在听取信息时不是被动地接收,而是在全神贯注地收听的同时,结合自己对口译情境和讲话人背景的了解,进行合理的分析和预测,这样才能更好地跟上讲话人的思路,缓解“听”的压力,使口译理解更轻松更准确。


中高级口译口试词汇必备-词汇表 后发现代化国家 a new comer striving for modernization 借鉴国际经验draw experience from international practice 在和平崛起进程中in the process of (its/her) peaceful rise 以自己为主rely on itself 关注和解决问题address and resolve problems 走出……道路blaze a trail 能源节约energy conservation 形成中国特色的节约方式shape up a China style. energy-saving approach 农村富余劳动力superfluous rural labor force 有中国特色的stamped with Chinese characteristics 解决这个世界级的大难题tackle the formidable universal problem 引导农村富余劳动力有序流动provide guided and orderly flow of redundant rural labor force between the countryside and the city 提高就业和创业本领enhance one’s skill to enter the workforce or to start his own business 保持东部沿海城市发展活力maintain the dynamics of economic growth of eastern costal areas 掠夺别国资源loot resources of other countries 输出意识形态和价值观念export its own ideology and values 掠夺式经营the predatory operation model 消耗人类不可再生资源consume unrenewable resources 己所不欲;勿施于人What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 极其需要be badly in need of 在……进程中in the process of (中国的现代化一定要)有(中国特色)bear 比如for instance 在……问题上with regard to 人均per capita 热衷于be bent on 不做某事refrain from doing sth. 绝非易事it is anything but easy (it is no easy thing …) 排在后列lag behind (the world) 人均资源占有量per capita hold of resources 短缺be in tight supply 生态环境ecological environment


高级口译笔记文化交流 高级口译笔记-文化交流一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声) the four tones of chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone, the falling-rising tone, and the falling tone 笔画 stroke 部首 radical 偏旁 basic character ponent 象形文字 pictograph 独角戏 monodra ___/one- ___n play 皮影戏 shadow play 折子戏 opera highlights 单口相声 monologue ic talk

对口相声 ic cross talk 说书 monologue story- ___ing 传说 legend 神话 mythology 寓言 fable 武术 ___rtial art 气功 controlled breathing exercise 气功疗法 breathing technique therapy 春联 spring couplet 剪纸 paper-cut 戏剧脸谱 theatrical ___sk

草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉 four properties of medicinal herb: cold, hot, warm and cool 草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸 five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty ___四节气 the twenty-four solar terms 天干地支 the heavenly stems and earthly branches 清明节 the pure brightness day 端午节 the dragon boat festival 中秋节 the mid-autumn festival 文化事业 cultural undertaking 民族文化 national culture 民间文化 folk culture


在高考作文阅卷过程中,老师会对一些“高级”词汇尤为偏爱。但就是,大多数同学根本不具备单词升级意识,一想到“好”,就就是“good”;一想到“坏”,就就是“bad”;一想到“美丽”就就是“beautiful”。当老师一天批阅上千份“内容相同、语言低龄”得作文时,她得痛苦感受可想而知。 因此,您一定要避免这些“低能词汇”,让自己得词汇升级、升级再升级! 那么,什么样得单词最能够吸引阅卷老师得好感? 【原则一:晚词优先】 老师偏爱“学得晚”得单词,因为使用学得比较晚得单词,可以体现一个人“学以致用”得意识。如果一个意思既可以用初中单词来表达,又可以用高二、高三单词来表达,那尽量选择高二、高三得单词,如: (1)Adj、困难得 黯然低分词:difficult 闪光高分词:challenging 有挑战性得 (2)Adj、重要得 黯然低分词:important 闪光高分词:vital 至关重要得;essential 必不可少得;significant 有重要意义得;

(3)Adj、美丽得 黯然低分词:beautiful 闪光高分词:appealing动人得;attractive 吸引人得;charming迷人得;fascinating 迷人得 注:以上五个词既能修饰人,又能修饰物,非常好用,务必记熟! 【原则二:短语优先】 在阅卷老师瞧来,活用短语就是一个考生能力得体现。因此,我们可以掌握一些将某些常见单词转化为短语得用法,如: (4)v、参加 黯然低分词:join 闪光高分词:take part in (5)v、使用 黯然低分词:use 闪光高分词:make good use of (6)v、拜访 黯然低分词:visit


口译中的逻辑分析 口译中的逻辑分析指的是对讲话进行纵向和横向的分析,纵向分析是指分清关键信息和辅助信息,即找出逻辑的层次;横向分析则是明确各信息点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比对照、举例说明等。逻辑分析的目的是为了透彻地理解原语讲话的内容,对信息的点(具体的信息内容)、线(各点之间的联系)和面(即整体概念)进行全面的把握,以便于记忆和表达。信息经过分析加工,便能在记忆中留下更深的印象。 逻辑分析练习可分为纵向分析和横向分析练习。纵向分析的训练方法和概述练习有些类似,但侧重点不一样。纵向分析要求进行逻辑分层训练,即在听完一篇讲话后首先用一句话概括出讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层;围绕这一中心问题讲话人谈了哪几个方面的内容,这是第二层关系;而每个方面又具体谈了些什么,这是逻辑的下一个层次。将信息一层一层地剖析下去,形成一个清晰的逻辑线路图,然后按照逻辑线路对原语讲话进行复述,复述时不必拘泥于原语的顺序和结构。 横向分析的练习则要求我们找出信息之间的逻辑关系。一般的信息结构都遵从一定的逻辑关系模式,如:概括(generalization)、分类(classification)、因果(cause-effect)、对比对照(compare & contrast)、按照时间、空间、步骤、重要性的顺序排列(sequencing)、列举(simple listing)、提出问题-解决问题(problem-solution)等。找逻辑关系可以根据线索词汇,如英文里表示概括关系的线索词汇有:to sum up, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short, on the whole 等;表示顺序的词汇有:first, second, furthermore, before, preceding, during, when, finally, meanwhile等;表示对比的词汇有:likewise, as well as, in common with, both, similarly,compared to等;表示对照的有:on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, instead, still, yet, whereas, differently等;表示因果的则有:so, since, because, as a result, consequently, lead to等等。 逻辑分析要求在听取信息时不是被动地接收,而是在全神贯注地收听的同时,结合自己对口译情境和讲话人背景的了解,进行合理的分析和预测,这样才能更好地跟上讲话人的思路,缓解“听”的压力,使口译理解更轻松更准确。


中高级口译综合词汇 buy on credit赊购financial statements财务报表market capitalisation市值provisions准备金acquisition收购业务off-balance-sheet表外的 income statement/profit-and-loss account损益表 consolidation总公司与其子公司合并contigent liability或有负债 operating lease营运租赁overly leveraged过度借款 conglomerate集团公司antitrust反垄断smooth earning使收入平衡goodwill商誉write-off销账pension fund养老基金posting入账amortization分期偿还closing结算lien留置权title所有权title search产权调查loan-to-value贷款 余额比率reserve accounts储备账户supply-side economics供给经济学 real bill doctrine真实票据说buying the dip股市低价时买进 interest-rate spread利率差core inflation核心通胀credit ration信用限额margin call追加保证金的通知capital adequancy资本充足率 capital gain资本收益irrational exuberance非理性繁荣 merger and acquisiton合并与收购outstanding未偿付的 overdue过期的economics of scale规模效益endowment捐赠基金 hedge one's bets两头都下注IPO(initial public offering)股票的首次公开发售payroll工资单pledge抵押working capital营运资金subsidiary子公司 maturity到期treasuries国债nest egg养老储蓄reimburse报销social security 社会保障float在途期(time between the check is deposited and available) statement对账单list上市collateral可抵押的liability负债inventories存货real estate不动产repurchase回购kick in支付balance余额honor承兑

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