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John invites Han Meiinei to watch the video of Harvard-Yale Game 20XX?

J:Han, how about going to my house and watch Harvard-Yale Game 20XX?


H: Id love to. Thank you.


(They are watching The Game)


J: God damn it! What the hell are you doing? Only 2 minutes and 25 seconds are left God! Come on!


H: You look excited.


J:Yale now leads 10 to 7. The Crimsons going to lose this game.


H:Never say “give up” so easily.


J; Maybe it,s Yales turn to win. In the past 8 years, the Bulldogs won only once.


H: I believe itll win again. Lets make a bet on it.


J:Ha! Han, dont forget its last years game. Ive already known the result.


H:Have you? Why did you behave so excitingly just now?


J:I didnt want to tell you the result in advance. Besides, thats normal reactions when we boys are watching a game. Still, I restrained myself from saying dirty words in front of you.


H: Its over. Harvard wins. It beats Yale 14 to 10.


J: I knew the last minutes of the game was really exciting, but I havent got the chance to watch the whole game before. Its the Crimsons 8th win in 9 years against the Bulldogs.


H: Its really something.


J:In recent years, the Crimson has really done a good job. But Yale still leads the series 65-53-8.


H: The Crimson is rising now.


J: Be that as it may, Yale ended a five-game losing streak against Harvard in 20XX,wining 34 to 13, the biggest margin in recent ten years.


H: Both teams are awesome.


J:Players contest fiercely, so do spectators. Yale students often tease Harvard students. During the game, if you go to Yale campus, youll be astonished to find that Yale students wear sports shirts with “Harvard” on them.

J:选手们激烈对抗,观众们也是。耶鲁的学生就经常调侃哈佛的学生。你如果在比赛期间到耶鲁去,就会惊奋地发现耶鲁学生身上竟穿着印有"哈佛” 二字的运动衫。

H : What for?


原版英语口语情景对话第0079集:初恋的故事 Tara白天的时候没事情做,也不爱看书,想来想去买了个新吉他,可是新手怎么学是个问题。 Todd: So Tara, I see you've just bought a new guitar. Tara: Yeah, I have, yeah. Todd: Yeah! Tara: It's very nice. Todd: So, what's the reasoning behind buying a guitar? Tara: Well, I work at nights so I have the daytime free, and to be honest, most people they work in the day so I'm often on my own, and I just want something to keep me entertained in the daytime, and I don't really like reading books, so I want something to do with my hands, so I thought buying a guitar is a good idea. Todd: Do you have any kind of music you would like to sing or learn to play? Tara: I'd like to learn, have you heard, there's some English bands, like Cold Play and Turn Break so I'd like to learn that kind of style. Todd: OK. Do you plan to take lessons or just learn on your own? 111


导论-五个入门结论 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/Q/2/S7KDBTEQ2.flv 2: 学会换位思考 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/Q/L/S7KDC64QL.flv 3: 迭代剔除和中位选民定理 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/J/Q/S7KDBUDJQ.flv 4: 足球比赛与商业合作之最佳对策 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/6/0/S7KDC7960.flv 5: 纳什均衡之坏风气与银行挤兑 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/6/R/S7KDCAC6R.flv 6: 纳什均衡之约会游戏与古诺模型 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/5/E/S7KDB145E.flv 7: 纳什均衡伯川德模型与选民投票 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/4/1/S7KDCB541.flv 8: 立场选择种族隔离与策略随机化 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/D/D/S7KDBQ6DD.flv 9: 混合策略及其在网球比赛中的应用

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/E/7/S7KDBUFE7.flv 10: 混合战略棒球,约会和支付您的税 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/F/0/S7KDC3GF0.flv 11: 合作,突变,与平衡 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/B/E/S7KDEBLBE.flv 12: 社会公约,侵略,和周期 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/2/J/S7KDE8L2J.flv 13: 道德风险,奖励和饥饿的狮子 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/1/P/S7KDED31P.flv 14: 承诺,间谍,和先行者优势 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/L/T/S7KDEAKLT.flv 15: 国际象棋,战略和可信的威胁 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/T/4/S7KDEENT4.flv 16: 声誉和决斗 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/6/F/S7KDEFS6F.flv 17: 最后通牒和讨价还价 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1911384869.html,/movie/2011/12/A/T/S7KDEK0A T.flv 18:


哈佛大学研究生博士生录取条件 一、基本资料 哈佛大学全校共设有13所学院。其中:本科生院2所,即哈佛学院与拉德克利夫学院;研究生院11所,即文理学院、商业管理学院、肯尼迪管理学院、设计学院、教育学院、法学院、神学院、医学院、牙医学院、公共卫生学院及大学扩展部等。 文理学院分为生物化学与分子生物学系、生物科学部、应用科学部、地质学系、化学系以及计算机技术研究中心等。 医学院分为细胞与进化生物学系、微生物与分子遗传学系、神经生物学系、生物化学系、生物学与生物物理学系、药物学系、免疫学委员会、与MIT合建的健康科学部等。 公共卫生学院的微生物学系。 设计学院的建筑系和设计专业等。 教育学院分为计划、管理和社会政策专业,教学、课程和学术环境专业,阅读、咨询心理专业和人的发展等。 二、硬性条件 (一)哈佛商业管理学院博士生项目(Harvard Business School-Doctor Program) Doctor Program(即博士课程)分两种,一种叫DBA(Doctor of Business Administration即工商管理博士),

另一种是PHD Program(即哲学博士学位) 材料要求: 1、完整的在线申请 2、简历 3、Statement of Purpose(即意向声明) 4、所有大学期间的课程的官方成绩单,要求在线上传(DBA:工商管理学博士的申请人可以自己汇报成绩,无需官方成绩单) 5、GMAT或者GRE成绩(成绩的有效期有规定,具体可查询官网) 6、TOEFL成绩不低于100分 7、三封推荐信--至少一封来自学术方面,只接受在线提交,不接受纸质版。 8、105美金的申请费(只接受信用卡支付) (二)哈佛文理学院研究生院 材料要求: 1、TOEFL成绩不低于80,只接受iBT(新托福)考试成绩 2、三封推荐信,至少一封来自以前就读的全日制大学的教师 3、GRE成绩单,部分专业也要求GRE subject(即单项成绩单)

高中英语 口语情景对话 介绍过去的工作素材

原版英语口语情景对话第0172集:介绍过去的工作 Alexandra之前在机场工作,是什么样的工作呢?学习情境口语顺便了解一下。 Todd: Alexandra, you worked at an airport before. You said you worked in Aviation. Alexandra: Yes, my previous job was write contracts for an aviation company and we bought and sold airplanes and aircraft engines, so we did a lot of marketing and leasing and speaking to people from different countries, and airlines wanting to buy equipment, so a lot of negotiations. Todd: Can you explain what leasing is? Alexandra: Leasing is when our company owns a piece of equipment, either an airplane or an engine and a customer has a need, for example, if their airplane has to do some maintenance, and they need a replacement, then we will let them use our airplane for a certain amount of months, like you rent a car, same thing, same idea. Todd: Oh, wow. And you lease not only the plane but engines as well? Alexandra: Sometimes you have an airplane that's delayed at the airport because of some reason and they need to swap an engine out, or whatever. Todd: Right before the plane takes off, they sometimes switch engines? Alexandra: They'll take the passengers off and put them on another plane cause it takes a lot longer than the 10 or 15 minute turn around, but, you will have, it's more an emergency type of situation, so they'll take the engine off, and it might be and overnight deal so we go ahead and furnish a replacement engine until they can move that plane back to where it belongs or have the engine repaired. Todd: So can you lease a pilot? 1

美国最富有的30所大学排名 哈佛耶鲁均在列

美国最富有的30所大学排名哈佛耶鲁均在列美国最富有的30所大学排名 1. Harvard University 哈佛大学 位置: Cambridge, Massachusetts 捐赠基金: $36.43 billion 总费用: $62,250 2. Yale University 耶鲁大学 位置: New Haven, Connecticut 捐赠基金: $23.86 billion 总费用: $63,970 3. Stanford University 斯坦福大学 位置: Stanford, California 捐赠基金: $21.47 billion 总费用: $62,801 4. Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 位置: Princeton, New Jersey 捐赠基金: $20.58 billion 总费用: $58,965 5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院 位置: Cambridge, Massachusetts 捐赠基金: $12.43 billion 总费用: $61,030 6. Texas A&M University at College Station 位置: College Station, Texas

捐赠基金: $10.52 billion Total cost: $22,975 (in-state);$39,837 (out-of-state) 7. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 位置: Ann Arbor, Michigan 捐赠基金: $9.6 billion Total cost: $26,984 (in-state);$55,404 (out-of-state) 8. University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 位置: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 捐赠基金: $9.58 billion 总费用: $64,200 9. Columbia University哥伦比亚大学 位置: New York, New York 捐赠基金: $9.22 billion 总费用: $66,604 10. University of Notre Dame圣母大学 位置: Notre Dame, Indiana 捐赠基金: $8.19 billion 总费用: $62,461


校园英语情景对话:休闲娱乐 平时的休闲娱乐是很多人的宝贵时间,那么关于休闲娱乐的对话是怎么样的呢?以下是小编给大家整理的关于休闲娱乐的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk. H: Don’t tell me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself? H:别告诉我这就是你生活的全部内容,只有学习和工作,你休息娱乐吗? L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I’m good at playing basketball. L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得很好。 H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games? H:你参加校际比赛吗? L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural competition. It’s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates. L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很多同学的好机会。 H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports competition. H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注重体育比赛。 L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a comprehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly competitive educational environment.


哈佛大学 Harvard University 哈佛大学申请范文 College: Harvard University A few months ago, I looked in the mirror and saw, as usual, a youngish face, which perceived as about twelve, maybe thirteen years old. But this time I realized a deeper reason for that perception: I actually identified myself, my mind and personality, with the boy I was at that age. So, I struggled with the question, “How do I differ from that seventh-grader?” Distinguishing between my thoughts then and my thoughts now perplexed me: I recalled a similar way of working, intellectual capacity, and motivations. Yet the problem gnawed at me because I knew something fundamental had changed in me. After all, I was looking on that seventh-grader as a distinct personality. But why did I? What distinguished him from me? I realized eventually that the difference between that seventh-grader and me was that, since seventh grade, I ad gained an outlook, a way of examining the broader world I had never considered before. The separation was clear: before the spring of tenth grade, I had lived but had never really examined life. Nigel Calder’s Einstein’s Universe finally ignited my mind with ardent inquiry. Calder’s lucid but mentally taxing explanation of Einstein’s theories forced my perspective to dilate many times over. Instead of thinking in feet and miles, suddenly my fifteen-year-old mind was trying to consider millions of light years, curved space, hopping from star to black hole and back to Earth. Naturally, I was not entirely successful, but more important, the experience plunged me into a new realm of thought, visions of the vast universe floating in my mind. At first, thinking of the astronomical expanse, I delved into the obvious questions of ultimate meaning, an exceedingly elusive goal. Yet because of this errant speculation, my mind was still churning with my new view, an extremely expanded perspective about life on earth which impelled me to find out about the universal principles of existence. Now, more than ever, I gravitated toward scienc e. Before reading Einstein’s Universe and undertaking my mental voyage, I had been interested in science because it was tidy, neat. Suddenly, that interest was ablaze with a passion for truth, knowledge, and not just in science. The hazy ideas that history was a study in human failure and triumph, that literature laid bare the human experience, and that science, science would reveal unifying principles of our chaotic, swirling existence burst from mist into light. In the eleventh grade, the logic of evolution, the wonder of genetics,


高中英语口语20个主题情景对话 高中英语早已告别了“哑巴英语”,锻炼的是高中生英语口语的表达能力和交流能力,下面是为大家整理的高中英语口语20个主题情景对话,帮助大家练习日常英语口语。 相貌 A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she? B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her. A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered. B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones? B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair. A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself. B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you? A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently? B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend. A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you. 身体部分 A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too? B: sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done? A: I want to have a foot massage and haircut. B: a foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with your complexion.


美国耶鲁大学网络公开课《金融市场》视频笔记4 耶鲁大学网络公开课《金融市场》由罗伯特.J.希勒(Robert J. Shiller)教授主讲。共26课(集),每课时长均为一个多小时,配有字幕。 [第4课] 多元化投资组合和辅助性的金融机构(时长1小时07分) 本课内容是多元化投资组合(Portfolio Diversification),辅助性的金融机构(Supporting Financial Institutions),尤其是共同基金(Mutual Funds)。 希勒介绍,这也是他长期研究的一类课题。 希勒相信,世界需要更多的多元化投资组合。这也许会让人们觉得有点怪,但希勒认为这是绝对正确的。 埃米特.汤普森也研究过这类起因的相同课题,即,为了帮助世界上的穷人,可以通过多元化投资组合来改进。 希勒说他完全就是这样认为的。 (世界上)有大量的人类困难,都可以通过多元化(分散)投资来解决。 本课要讲的,不仅只适用于安逸的富人,而对每一个人都适用。 实际上这还是关于风险的问题。 当任何人遇到惨境时,那都是某些随机遇到的结果。 当人们在生活中陷入实际麻烦时,那是由于一系列糟糕事件将人们推到不幸的境地。 金融风险管理常常就是防止发生这种不幸情况的部分(措施)。 本节课将从一些数学问题讲起,是对第二节课的继续。 希勒在第二节课讲过关于风险分摊的原理,今天接着拓展到某些方面,即,将略微集中到投资组合问题。 先讲怎样构建一个投资组合,其中有哪些数学问题,由此引入到资产定价模型,这个模型是金融中许多思考的基石。 关于这一部分内容,在耶鲁的其他课程会讲得详细些,尤其像约翰.吉纳科普洛斯(John Geanakoplos)讲的经济类251号课程(Econ 251)。 从这节课可以获得基本要点。下面从基本概念开始讲。 希勒说他只用最简单的术语来讲述。 1

哈佛 耶鲁 普林斯顿 建筑系申请经验分享

哈佛耶鲁普林斯顿建筑系申请经验分享今年是在国外生活学习的第十年了,回想自己到目前为止的生命中将近一半时间是在北美大陆的生活求学中度过的。一步一步经历了北美的高中和本科教育,在留学路的第十年开始写一点小总结,希望对即将或已经踏上留学路的同学有些帮助。 2015年申请的结果 在2015年秋季的研究生申请中我申请了六个项目program,拿到了五个项目的录取结果。包括哈佛大学的建筑系GSDM.ArchII,城市设计系MAUD,景观设计系MLAAP,耶鲁大学的建筑系M.ArchII,和普林斯顿建筑系M.ArchII。 在录取结果出来后,去了每个学校给录取学生的openhouse,也和本科的教授们探讨过去向。虽然都是2年的建筑硕士,但是每所学校都有着自己的特点和教学理念。在很长时间的纠结和考虑后,最终选择了哈佛的建筑和景观设计双硕士M.ArchII&MLAAPconcurrentdegree。因为在康奈尔本科五年系统的建筑学习已经给学生打下了一个比较牢固的基础,所以我想在研究生学习阶段除了对建筑设计水平进一步提高,同时也系统的学习些相关领域的知识。而且GSD 非常注重学习的多元化和多样性,鼓励学生跨领域探索学习,这个教育理念非常的吸引我。 本科的学习生活 在康奈尔大学本科的学习是非常自由同时又有着专业的针对性的。康奈尔建

筑系本科在美国常年排名第一,每届招的学生很少。我们届不到50个学生,专业课都是分小班教学,教授都非常的负责任并且课上课下和学生的交流非常多,五年下来,就是一个大家庭。除了专业课外,我们也可以根据兴趣,灵活的选各个学院的课。 康奈尔建筑系有着一套自己的教学传统,但是并没有特定的建筑风格。在每学期的设计studio中,教授鼓励学生自由的探索设计而非刻意去追寻某一种风格。除了在本校学习,建筑系在高年级时有一学期在罗马学习,一学期在纽约学习加工作。这种可以长时期在不同的国家文化中学习生活的经历,我想对于任何专业的同学都是知识,眼界,和自我的一次提高。 本科的实践 国外的教育非常重视知识和实践的结合,所以很多学生在假期时都会主动的去公司实习。我大二的暑假在上海的马达思班建筑事务所实习,大四在纽约高线公园的设计公司DS+R建筑事务所实习了接近半年。很幸运的是我从大三开始有机会在中国独立设计实际项目,在大四时和欧美建筑师共同进行在中国的实际项目的设计和研究。 在本科期间的这些经验对我的专业能力和实践能力提高非常快。学校里更关注概念和理论的讨论,而在工作中我体会到怎么把这些概念和设计落在实处,这些是在课堂中学不到的。 在康奈尔本科的学业压力是非常大的,在学习和实践同时进行的过程中我学会了管理时间,处理事情的优先级。 关于作品集

校园英语情景对话 休闲娱乐

校园英语情景对话休闲娱乐 平时的休闲娱乐是很多人的宝贵时间,那么关于休闲娱乐的对话是怎么样的呢?以下是给大家的关于休闲娱乐的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk. H: Don’t ___ me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself? H:别告诉我这就是你生活的全部内容,只有学习和工作,你休息娱乐吗? L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I’m good at playing basketball. L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得很好。 H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games?

H:你参加校际比赛吗? L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural petition. It’s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates. L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很多同学的好机会。 H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports petition. H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注重体育比赛。 L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a prehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly petitive educational environment.


Personal Statement Applied Program: LL.M. Degree at Harvard Law School Requirements: Please read parts (a) and (b) below carefully and write an essay addressing both questions, with (a) constituting at least half of the total length. Your entire statement should be no more than 1,500 words ---anything exceeding the word limit will be disallowed. Please type or word-process your statement, with your full name on the top of each page and your signature at the end, and attach it to your application. Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a strategy you would use to address this issue. (b) Please tell us something about yourself – in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future. Part A A current legal problem facing China is the judicial corruption and injustices. China’s existing judicial system, established under the conventional framework, is increasingly failing to facilitate the development of the market economy and the formation of a society ruled by law. Judicial injustices have constituted the most serious obstacle that are seriously endangering China’s social and economic programs, jeopardizing social stability and resulting in the general public’s skepticism, distrust and even contempt for the authority of law. China’s accession into the WTO, a drastic event which marks China’s determination to conform to international practices, has further rendered the existing judicial system obsolescent. The system of market economy, which China is assiduously trying to establish, will be inconceivable without a sound judicial system. With the reform in China’s judicial system becoming inevitable, several strategies can be adopted. First, as the core of judicial reform, judicial independence is the guarantee for overcoming the weak condition of the judicial realm and for creating a just judicial system and implementing constitutional government. The core of judicial independence is the exercise of complete autonomy in the execution of judicial power, with no interference of any external factors, especially the interference from other components of the political system. Judicial independence can be understood on three levels: the independence of the judicial power, the independence of the court and the independence of the judge. The independence of the judicial power necessarily requires the independence of the court. When the independence of the court reaches a certain point, the independence of the judge will correspondingly

高中英语 口语情景对话 讨论最喜欢的事物素材

原版英语口语情景对话第0221集:讨论最喜欢的事物 你最喜欢的颜色、水果、季节和电影都是什么?和Shawn一起讨论下吧。 Todd: OK, Shawn, I'm going to talk about your favorites. Shawn: Sure Todd: What's your favorite color? Shawn: I say, green. Todd: Green. Shawn: Yes. Todd: OK. And what's your favorite fruit? Shawn: My favorite fruit: orange. Todd: Orange! Shawn: Oranges. I love oranges. Very sweet and good for the body. Todd: Yeah, have you had any of the oranges in Japan? Shawn: I've had a couple. Much better than the ones I have back in Canada. Todd: Oh, really. OK. Um, what's your favorite season? Shawn: I'd say spring, cause it's a combination of warm weather, at the same time it's not hot like it is in the summer. In spring it's a bit cool. You can walk around very relaxed. It the best. It's a combination of all the seasons in one. Todd: OK. what's your favorite movie? Shawn: My favorite movie! I'd have to say "Gladiator." Russel Crow. It's a tragic movie about a very strong leader who, how-should-I-say, triumphs over,


PHIL 176 Death Professor Shelly Kagan (第一课没什么实质内容,可以略过)教授在第一课列举了这门课将要讨论的一些问题:1.人能否幸免于死2.人是什么?“我”是什么?3.有没有来生?4.自杀一定是恶的吗?……然后他摆出了自己的观点:1.不存在灵魂2.永生并不是好事情3.对死亡的恐惧是很正常的4.自杀在特定情境下有可能是理性的,并且在道德上是正当的…… 他希望通过这门课:学生能够自己独立思考。他不是要灌输给学生这些观点,而是要引导学生运用自己的理性,无论是支持还是反对这些观点,都要有合理的根据,给出论证。 第二课 要回答“我能否幸免于死”“我死后我是否还存在”,就需要先回答:“我”是什么?或人是什么?什么叫“幸免于死”?什么叫“活着”?一个人过了一段时间仍然是这个人,这是怎么一回事?…… 反驳:有人认为这个问题是混淆概念造成的,根本毫无意义,因为1.如果“死亡”的意思是生命的结束的话,那么2.“是否来生”就相当于“生命结束之后是否还有生命”,这就好比“碗里的饭吃完后碗里还有饭吗”,那么3.“是否有来生”或“我能否幸免与死”的答案当然就是否定的(因为很明显这些提问自相矛盾),这能从问题里直接得到答案。△回应:1.如果,“死亡”指的是身体的死亡(即一系列的生理过程);那么,2.之前的问题将变成“我的身体死后我是否还存在”,这和“生命结束之后是否还有生命”不同,不能从提问中直接得到答案。YYets 3.所以,在这个意义上提问和回答“我能否幸免与死”是有意义的。 要回答“我能否幸免于死”(在上面的那个理解下),就需要先弄清楚:“我”是什么?“我”是什么东西组成的?或者人是什么?人由什么组成? 一般来说,有两种主流观点:一、二元论(Dualism)◎1.人是由身体和心灵(灵魂)两部分组合而成严格说来,人的本质是灵魂,它与某具肉身密切联系着;“我”就是指我的灵魂,尽管与我的身体紧密联系着。2.身体和心灵是完全不同的两种东西,身体是物质的,灵魂是非物质的(不是由原子、分子构成的)3.心灵指挥身体,“身体反作用于心灵”4.死亡就是指身体的死亡,灵魂离开肉体(?)二、物理主义(Physicalism)○1.人只有身体,尽管2.这个身体能够实现多种功能3.人就是一个物理对象,一个纯物质的存在4.谈论心灵,实际上就是谈论大脑(或大脑的功能),正如微笑就是特殊的肌肉运动5.死亡就是指身体丧失了正常功能 第三课 二元论与物理主义的分歧:是否存在灵魂? 证明事物存在的方法:1.通过五感获得的经验证据来证明但是,灵魂是非物质的(如果二元论正确的话),我们无法通过感官来感觉到灵魂。所以2.对于无法通过五感感觉到的事物,需要通过“最佳解释推理”来证明其存在:我们必须假设a 存在,才能解释现象P,而且能给出最佳解释。(例如:原子、X 射线)注意:这里要求的是可能的“最佳”解释,而非任一看似可行的解释。 所以,二元论者要论证灵魂存在,就必须:找到我们身上的某个现象或特性F,只有通过假设灵魂存在才能给出最佳解释(物理主义无法解释或者只能给出较差的解释)。 灵魂存在论证◎YYets 根据F 的不同,有不同种类的论证。第一类诉诸普通的事物(情感、理性之类);第二类诉

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