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当前位置:文档库 › 人教版八年级数学上名校课堂周周练(14.1)(含答案)






1.下面是一位同学做的四道题:①a3+a3=a6;②(xy2)3=x3y6;③x2·x3=x6;④(-a)2÷a =-a.其中做对的一道题是( )

A.①B.②C.③D.④2.(泉州中考)下列运算正确的是( )





3.(黄冈中考)下列计算正确的是( )





4.化简(-2a)·a-(-2a)2的结果是( )

A.-4a2B.-6a2C.4a2D.2a2 5.如图是变压器中的L型硅钢片,其面积为()






A.m=3,n=2 B.m=3,n =-2

C.m=1,n=-6 D.m=-1,n=6


7.若实数a,b满足:|3a-1|+b2=0,则a b=________.

8.一个正方形的边长若增加3 cm,则它的面积就增加39 cm2,这个正方形原来的边长是________cm.









2017年七年级数学下周周练(8.1~8.3(人教版含答案) 周周练(8.1~8.3) (时间:45分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题4分,共32分) 1.下列方程是二元一次方程的是(D) A.x+2=1 B.x2+2y=2 C.1x+y=4 D.x+13y=0. 2.(黔东南中考)二元一次方程组x+y=3,x-y=-1的解是(B) A.x=2y=1 B.x=1y =2 C.x=1y=-2 D.x=2y=-1 3.(巴中中考)若单项式2x2ya+b 与-13xa-by4是同类项,则a,b的值分别为(A) A.a=3,b=1 B.a =-3,b=1 C.a=3,b=-1 D.a=-3,b=-1 4.用代入法解二元一次方程组3x+4y=2,①2x-y=5②时,最好的变式是(D) A.由①得x=2-4y3 B.由①得y=2-3x4 C.由②得x=y+52 D.由②得y=2x-5 5.下列说法中正确的是(D) A.二元一次方程3x-2y =5的解为有限个 B.方程3x+2y=7的自然数解有无数对 C.方程组x-y=0,x+y=0的解为0 D.方程组中各个方程的公共解叫做这个方程组的解 6.在等式y=kx+b中,当x=-1时,y=-2,当x=2时,y=7,则这个等式是(B) A.y=-3x+1 B.y=3x+1 C.y =2x+3 D.y=-3x-1 7.已知某轮船载重量为500吨,容积为2 000立方米,现有甲、乙两种货物待装,甲种货物每吨体积是7立方米,乙种货物每吨体积是2立方米,求怎样装货才能最大限度地利用船的载重量和容积?设装甲、乙两种货物分别是x吨、y吨,于是列方程组为(A) A.x+y=5007x+2y=2 000 B.x+y=2 0007x+2y=500 C.x =500-y2x+7y=2 000 D.x+y=2 0002x+7y=500 8.(黑龙江中考)为了丰富学生课外小组活动,培养学生动手操作能力,王老师让学生把5 m长的彩绳截成2 m或1 m的彩绳,用来做手工编织,在不造成浪费的前提下,不同的截法有(C) A.1种 B.2种 C.3种 D.4种 二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分) 9.已知方程x-2y=3,用含x 表示y的式子是y=12x-32,用含y表示x的式子是x=2y+3. 10.已知x=1,y=12是方程ax+4y=2的一个解,那么a=0. 11.(南充中考)已知关于x,y的二元一次方程组2x+3y=k,x+2y=-1的解互为相反数,则k的值是-1. 12.(扬州中考)以方程组y=2x+2,y=-x+1的解为坐标的点(x,y)在第二象限. 13.方程组2x


八年级下第三周周练数学试卷(有答案) 一、选择(3*8=24) 1.下列各式中,①,②,③,④﹣,⑤,⑥x+y,⑦=,⑧,分式个数为() A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个 2.点M(﹣3,2)关于y轴对称的点的坐标为() A.(﹣3,﹣2)B.(3,﹣2)C.(3,2) D.(﹣3,2) 3.下列可以判定两个直角三角形全等的条件是() A.斜边相等B.面积相等 C.两对锐角对应相等D.两对直角边对应相等 4.下列分式,,,,中,最简分式的个数是() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 5.当x为任意实数时,下列分式一定有意义的是() A. B. C.D. 6.下列式子计算正确的是() A. B. C. D. 7.将中的a、b都扩大为原来的4倍,则分式的值() A.不变B.扩大原来的4倍 C.扩大原来的8倍 D.扩大原来的16倍 8.已知关于x的分式方程=1的解是非正数,则a的取值范围是() A.a≤﹣1 B.a≤1且a≠﹣2 C.a≤﹣1且a≠﹣2 D.a≤1 二、填空(每空2分,20) 9.要使分式无意义,则x的取值范围是.

10.分式表示一个正整数时,整数m可取的值是. 11.填写出未知的分子或分母: (1). (2). 12.若,则m=,n=. 13.若﹣=2,则的值是. 14.已知==,则=. 15.若关于x的方程有增根,则k的值为. 16.若关于x的分式方程﹣2=无解,则m=. 三、解答题 17.计算: (1)﹣ (2)? (3)÷ (4)﹣a+b. 18.解分式方程: (1)﹣=0 (2)+1=. (3)5+=﹣. 19.先化简÷(a+1)+,然后a在﹣1、1、2三个数中任选一个合适的数代入求值.


周周练八年级英语unit1 I. 按照要求写出下列词或短语。(2*10) 1. exercise (现在分词) _________ 2. health (形容词)________ 3. usual ( 副词) __________ 4. read (过去式) ________ 5. different (名词) _________ 6. watch (现三单) _______ 7. always (反义词) _________ 8. well (比较级) ________ 9. foot (复数) __________ 10. two times (同义词) ______ II. 词组互译。(2*10) 1.垃圾食品___________ 2. 饮食习惯_____________ 3 .步行去上学_____________ 4. 一年四次________________ 5.和......一样___________ 6. situation comedy_______________ 7. kind of _______________ 8. stay healthy ___________________ 9. hardly ever _______________ 10. how often ____________________ III. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(1*10) 1. ______ he ______ ( tell ) you a story last Sunday 2. Tom always ______ ( get ) up at six o'clock in the morning. 3. ___________ ( not close ) the door. 4. They want ___________(cook)real English food. 5.Let me _____________(help)you ________(open)the window. 6. The girls like dancing very much. They practice ________(dance)every day. 7. What ________you________(do) this weekend 8. Listen! Someone________(sing) in the next room. 9. I was ____________ (ill) yesterday, but I feel ____________ (well)today. 10. He goes skateboarding ____________ (two) a week. IV. 把A栏的问句与B栏的答语进行匹配,答案代号写在题前的横线上。(2*5) V. ( )1. ------ Do you like the cloth ------ Yes, it ______ very soft. A. feels B. feel C. is feeling D. felt ( )2. _____ is wrong to copy the other students’ homework. A. This B. That C. It D. There ( )3. The book is ______ . Most of the teachers are ______ in it. A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested ( )4. These are _____ questions. You can answer them ____ .


七年级第一学期数学第二周周周练 (第二周 9.1-9.6) 班级 姓名 学号 得分 一、填空题:(2分×15=30分) 1、当=x 时,21-x 的值为2 1. 2、若2=-b a ,则=---+-)()(3)(2a b b a b a . 3、如果长方形的周长为C ,它的长是a ,那么长方形的宽是 . 4、x 与y 的平方差的倒数是 . 5、x 与y 和的平方的相反数是 . 6、若127 1--n xy 与4y x m 是同类项,则m+2n=___________。 7、多项式a b a a b a 57274932423-++--是______次______项式,二次项系数是______。 8、多项式1323423-+---+n n n n x x x x (n 是大于3的整数),按x 的升幂排列为____________________________。 9、(_______)]23(______)][23[)1253)(253(+---=--++--c a c a c b a a c b a 10、化简:___________________________)23()(2=-+--y x y x x 11、化简:)]}21(39[7{3x x x x -----=________________________。 12、比2234y xy x ++少2 232y xy x ++的代数式是_______________。 13、某市出租车收费标准是:起步价7元,当路程超过4千米时,每千米收费1.5元,如果某出租车行驶)4(?p p 千米,则司机应收费______________。 14、已知622=+b a ,则代数式)32()23(2222b ab a b ab a -----的值为____________。 15、求一个多项式与7322+-x x 的差时,因误算成与7322 +-x x 的和,得答案4252--x x ,那么这个问题的答案是______________。

八年级数学下学期第7周周练试卷(含解析) 新人教版

2015-2016学年四川省凉山州昭觉中学八年级(下)第7周周练数学 试卷 一.选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1.在式子:、、、、中,分式的个数是() A..2 B..3 C..4 D..5 2.如果把分式中的x和y都扩大10倍,那么分式的值() A.扩大10倍B.缩小10倍C.是原来的 D.不变 3.若代数式的值为零,则x的值为() A.2或﹣1 B.﹣1 C.±1 D.2 4.下列四个多项式中,能因式分解的是() A.a2+4 B.a2﹣a+ C.x2﹣5y D.x2+5y 5.无论x取什么数时,总是有意义的分式是() A. B. C. D. 6.分式﹣可变形为() A.﹣B. C.﹣D. 7.化简的结果是() A. B. C. D. 8.一个正方形的边长为acm,若它的边长增加4cm,则面积增加了()cm2. A.16 B.8a C.(16+4a) D.(16+8a) 9.如图,直线y=﹣x+m与y=nx+4n(n≠0)的交点的横坐标为﹣2,则关于x的不等式﹣x+m >nx+4n>0的整数解为() A.﹣1 B.﹣5 C.﹣4 D.﹣3 10.若a≠0,则的值为() A.0 B.2或0 C.0或﹣2 D.1 二.填空题(每题3分,12分) 11.计算:20152﹣2015×2016=______;93﹣92﹣8×92=______. 12.约分: =______; 化简: =______. 13.如果把多项式x2﹣8x+m分解因式得(x﹣10)(x+n),那么m=______,n=______.14.如图,将△ABC沿CB边向右平移得到△DFE,DE交AB于点G.已知∠A:∠C:∠ABC=1:2:3,AB=9cm,BF=5cm,AG=5cm,则图中阴影部分的面积为______cm2. 三.解答题 15.因式分解: (1)2x2﹣18 (2)y2﹣7y+12 (3)x2﹣y2﹣z2﹣2yz (4)(a2+9)2﹣36a2. 16.化简:


新人教版八年级英语下册Unit2周周练 一、翻译短语 1、清洁日__________________ 2、养老院__________ 3、修理、装饰_____________ 4、曾经… … ;过去_________ 5、关心;照顾______________ 6、影响、有作用___________ 7、打电话给_________________ 8、打扫(或清除)干净 9、推迟______________ 10、分发;散发_______________ 11、想出;提出________________ 12、(外貌或行为)像_______________ 15、赠送、捐赠___________ 二、单项选择 ( )1. You should___________. Everything will be better. A.cheer up B. give up C.fix up D. put up ( )2. He ____________plenty of money to the people in the earthquake area________. A.put out; to work out well B. handed out; help them out C. gave out; work out well D.gave away; to help them out ( )3. We can't put off_______a plan. Clean Up Day is coming. A.make B.to make C. making D. to making ( )4. My father decided to _______smoking. A.give up B.give out C.give in D.give to ( )5. We should work hard to make our dream_______true. A. come B. to come C. coming https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1a3828196.html,es ( )6. -My aunt goes to climb mountains every Sunday. -Oh?But she________hate climbing mountains. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1a3828196.html,ed to B.was used to C. is used to D. use to ( )7. The old man lives ______,but he never feels_______. A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone D.alone;lonely ( )8. My bike is broken.Could you help me to _______? A.fix it up B.set it up C.make it up D.put it up ( )9. -Diaoyu Island belongs to China!! -Surely it does! We Chinese will never _______it up. A.cut B.give C.mix D.set ( )10. My uncle is repairing some old bikes these days.He plans to _______to charity. A.give them away B.give them up C.take them away D.pick them up ( )11. Although he is in trouble,he won't ask his friends ______help. A.for B.with C.about D.to ( )12. Don't throw away the waste paper. It needs______so that it can be used A.to destroy B.destroying C.to collect D.collecting


周周练(14.1) (时间:45分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分) 1.下面是一位同学做的四道题:①a3+a3=a6;②(xy2)3=x3y6;③x2·x3=x6;④(-a)2÷a =-a.其中做对的一道题是( ) A.①B.②C.③D.④2.(泉州中考)下列运算正确的是( ) A.a3+a3=a6 B.2(a+1)=2a+1 C.(ab)2=a2b2 D.a6÷a3=a2 3.(黄冈中考)下列计算正确的是( ) A.x4·x4=x16 B.(a3)2·a4=a9 C.(ab2)3÷(-ab)2=-ab4 D.(a6)2÷(a4)3=1 4.化简(-2a)·a-(-2a)2的结果是( ) A.-4a2B.-6a2C.4a2D.2a2 5.如图是变压器中的L型硅钢片,其面积为() A.4a2-b2 B.4ab-b2 C.4ab D.4a2-4ab-b2 6.若(x+3)(x-2)=x2+mx+n,则m,n的值分别为() A.m=3,n=2 B.m=3,n =-2

C.m=1,n=-6 D.m=-1,n=6 二、填空题(每小题4分,共16分) 7.若实数a,b满足:|3a-1|+b2=0,则a b=________. 8.一个正方形的边长若增加3 cm,则它的面积就增加39 cm2,这个正方形原来的边长是________cm. 9.化简a(a+1)-(a+1)(a-1)的结果是________. 10.如果(x-1)5÷(1-x)4=3x+5,那么x的值为________. 三、解答题(共66分) 11.(24分)计算: (1)[(a2)3·(-a3)2]÷(-a2)2; (2)[(2x2y)2(-2xy)3-xy2(-4xy2)2]÷8x2y3; (3)(2x+3)(3x-2)-(2x-3)(x-2);


大屯中学八年级英语周周练(13)2014.11 班级姓名学号得分 一单项选择. ( )1 ---Red-crowned cranes need more people’s help. ---Yes. People working in the reserves are doing everything they can ________ these birds. A.protect B.protecting C.to protecting D.to protect ( )2 ---There _______ lots of fish living in the river. ---Yes. It’s an ideal home for fish. A.has B.have C.are D.is ( )3 More space for farms and buildings ________ there will be ______ space for wildlife. A.mean; more B.mean; less C.means; less D.means; more ( )4 Nobody can hunt birds in this reserve. All birds can feel ______ in this place. A.safely B.happily C.safe D.dangerous ( )5 Heilongjiang is _________ of China. It’s usually very cold in winter there. A.to the north-east B.in the north-east C.in the north-west D.to the north-west ( )6 ---How many students are there in your school? ---__________ the students in our school ________ over seven hundred. A.The number of; is B.The number of; are C.A number of; is D.A number of; are ( )7 Betty is a _________ girl and she does everything _________. A.careful; careful B.carefully; carefully C.carefully; careful D.careful; carefully ( )8 Jim fell off his bike yesterday. __________, he didn’t hurt himself. A.Lucky B.Unlucky C.Luckily D.Unluckily ( )9 It’s ________ for the students to talk __________ in class. A.correct; noisily B.incorrect; noisily C.incorrect; noisy D.correct; noisy ( )10 How _________ she dances to the music! A.beautiful B.beautifully C.wonderful D.good ( )11 The question is __________ for that little boy to answer. A.easy enough B.enough easy C.easily enough D.enough easily ( )12. Japan is______the east of China and _____ the east of Asia. A. in, in B. in, to C. to, in D. to, to ( )13 Kitty is _____________ tomorrow. A.going bird-watch B.going bird-watching C.go bird-watching D.go bird-watch ( )14 Our teacher is coming. Please stop ________ and keep _________. A.talking, quiet B.to talk, quiet C.talking, quietly D.to talk, quietly ( )15. Zhou Jielun is good at . He is a good . A. singing; sing B. sing; sing C. singing; singer D. sing; singer 二用所给单词的适当形式填空. 1 Many of my classmates come from the __________ (north) areas of China. 2 It’s __________(wet) today tha n yesterday. 3 The farmers in China are living more and more ____________(comfort). 4 The boy students in our class take part in sports _____________(active) after class. 5 My teacher looks __________. He is looking ________ at Tom at the moment. (angry) 6 Simon, __________ (not drop) litter carelessly. 7 Swans usually have white ________ (feather). 8 Her brother often tells a lie. He is __________(honest). 9 He is ________(able) to speak English well because he doesn’t know a word. 10 It is ________ cold today. What ________ weather it is! (terrible) 三根据句意.中文或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词. 1 People should share the __________ (大自然) with all the animals. 2 The Maths problem is not difficult at all and you can work it out very e___________. 3 It is gong to rain. We must find a house for s________. 4 People usually say they love birds, w________ many of them don’t know their problems. 5 Who came and ________(使) them cry? 6 The boy doesn’t know the _________ (重要性) of study. 7 The Chinese _________(政府) wants to protect these ____________(濒临灭绝的) birds. 8 Every year, a lot of t_________ go to Zhalong N________ Reserve. 9 “Gaden” is an i________ spelling. It must be “Garden”. 10 Please do your homework as carefully as p_________. 11 It’s _________(必要) to take an umbrella with you in London. 四、翻译句子 1 我们最好为野生生物腾出更多的空间. We’d better ________ ________ __________ __________ wildlife. 2 扎龙是世界上最有名的湿地之一. Zhalong is one of _______ _________ ___________ __________ in the world. 3 我们需要更多的人采取措施来帮助鸟类. We need more people _________ ___________ __________ to help birds. 4 通过研究鸟类数量的变化,我们可以了解它们的生存状况. We can learn how birds live by studying the __________ __________ ____________ ______________. 5 那位老师常年在这个小山村里工作. That teacher works in the small mountain village _________ __________ __________. 8 对于你来说清晰地写出报告是很重要的. It is ____________ for you to write your report ___________. 第1页共2页第2页共2页 1


八年级数学(上)周周练(1.1~1.3) (满分:100分时间:90分钟) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.下列图案中,是轴对称图形的是( ) 2.下列四幅图案中,不是轴对称图形的是( ) 3.下列图案中,是轴对称图形的有( ) A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 4.下列轴对称图形中,对称轴最多的是( ) 5.如图是小华在镜子中看到的身后墙上的钟,你认为实际时问最接近8点的是( ) 6.把一个图形先沿着一条直线进行轴对称变换。再沿着与这条直线平行的方向平移,我们把这样的图形变换叫做滑动对称变换.在自然界和日常生活中,大量地存在这种图形变换(如图①).结合轴对称变换和平移变换的有关性质,你认为在滑动对称变换过程中,两个对应三角形(如图②)的对应点所具有的性质是( ) A.对应点连线与对称轴垂直B.对应点连线被对称轴平分 C.对应点连线被对称轴垂直平分D.对应点连线互相平行 7.如图,把一张长方形纸片对折,折痕为AB,再以AB的中点O为顶点把平角∠AOB

三等分,沿平角的三等分线折叠,将折叠后的图形剪出一个以O为顶点的等腰三角形,那么剪出的等腰三角形全部展开铺平后得到的平面图形一定是( ) A.正三角形B.正方形C.正五边形D.正六边形 8.下列语句:①关于一条直线对称的两个图形一定能重合;②两个能重合的图形一定关于某条直线对称;③一个轴对称图形不一定只有一条对称轴;④两个轴对称图形的对应点一定在对称轴的两侧,其中正确的是( ) A.①B.①③C.①②③D.①③④ 9.剪纸是中国的民间艺术,剪纸的方法很多,如图是一种剪纸方法的图示,先将纸折叠,然后再剪,展开即得到图案,则下列的四个图案中,不能用上述方法剪出的是( ) 10.如图,六边形ABCDEF是轴对称图形,CF所在的直线是它的对称轴,若∠AFC+∠BCF=150°,则∠AFE+OBCD的度数为( ) A.150°B.300° C.210°D.330° 二、填空题(每小题2分,共16分) 11.长方形有______条对称轴,正方形有_______条对称轴,圆有______条对称轴.12.在缩写符号SOS、CCTV、BBC、WWW、TNT中,成轴对称图形的是___________.13.计算器上显示的0~9这十个数字中,是轴对称图形的是__________. 14.如图,把图中某两个小方格涂上阴影,使整个图形是以虚线为对称轴的轴对称图形. 第14题第15题第16题 15.星期天小华去书店买书时,从镜子内看到背后墙上普通时钟的时针(粗)与分针(细)的位置如图所示,此时时钟表示的时间是___________________(按12小时制填写).16.张军是学校足球队的运动员,他在镜子里看到衣服上的号码如图所示,则他是________号运动员. 17.如图,桌面上有A、B两个球,若要将B球射向桌面任意一边,使一次反弹后击中A 球,则图中的8个点中,可以瞄准的点有__________个.


八年级英语测试题(12月7日) ( )1 .Her doctor said: “________ work so hard” A Stop B Don?t C Can?t D No ( )2. Sindy, ________ to be here at 8 o?clock A is sure B is sure that C will be sure D be sure ( )3.________ when you cross the road. A Do care B Care C Do be careful D Be careful ( )4. ________him the secret, will you? A Don?t tell B Not to tell C Not telling D No telling ( )5. ________ in bed. It?s bad for your eyes. A Not to read B Don?t read C Don?t to read D Not read ( )6. ________ your child. We?ll look after him. A Not to worry about B Don?t worry about C Not worry for D Don?t worry with ( )7.They are very tired. Why ________ have a rest? A not they B do not they C don?t they D not to ( )8 --You look rather tired. ________ stopping to have a rest? -- All right. A Why not B How about C Why not to Dwhy don?t ( ) 9 ______ tell a lie. A Hardly B Not C No D Never ( )10.Please ________ look outside. Look at the blackboard. A not B don?t C aren?t D can?t ( )11. Why don?t you join us in the game? A What not B Why not C Why to D How to ( ) 12 ______ go for the book alone, Ms Zhang. A Let?s B Let me C Letus D Allow ( )13 John, read the text for us,________? A does he B will he C do you D will you ( )14. Let?s do it at once, ________ ? A shall we B will you C do we D do you ( )15. Let us do it at once, ________ ? A shall we B will you C do we D do you What?s your idea about success? Some people say that beginners have all the luck, while others believe that success 46 only with practice. In fact, I fell both of these statements (陈述) are not true all the time. Each is true in some ways 47 not in others. For example, I went to a drawing competition many years ago and 48 surprisingly. As a prize, I got a film ticket to see “Titanic”. I was reall y 49 because it was the first time I had taken part in any competition, Thinking that I might be lucky again, I 50 joining in other art competitions, …But the result was that I 51 won again. I accepted the fact that the other people had a 52 artistic ability than I did. Art was not something I was especially interested in and I had never practiced the different art skills. So, the 53 I produced were not of a very high standard.

七年级数学上册 1.1-1.2周周练 (新版)新人教版

周周练(1.1~1.2) (时间:45分钟 满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.在+5,0,314,-0.5,-15 ,+3.2,-10,0.001中,负数的个数是( ) A .3 B .5 C .6 D .8 2.既是分数又是正数的是( ) A .+2 B .-413 C .0 D .2.3 3.|-2|的相反数是( ) A .-2 B .-12 C.12 D .2 4.(重庆中考)-3的绝对值是( ) A .3 B .-3 C.13 D .-13 5.-a 一定是( ) A .正数 B .负数 C .正数或负数 D .正数或零或负数 6.数轴上表示-2和3的两点之间的距离是( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .5 7.某次数学测试的成绩若以70分为基准,老师公布的成绩为小丽+28分,小明0分,小亮-12分,则小亮的实际分数是( ) A .98分 B .70分 C .58分 D .88分 8.绝对值不大于11.1的整数有( ) A .11个 B .12个 C .22个 D .23个 9.绝对值等于其相反数的数一定是( ) A .负数 B .正数 C .负数或零 D .正数或零 10.有理数a 在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,则a 、b 、-a 、|b|的大小关系正确的是( ) A .|b|>a >-a >b B .|b|>b >a >-a C .a >|b|>b >-a D .a >|b|>-a >b 二、填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 11.如果向西走12米记作+12米,则-120米表示的意义是____________,向东走-150米表示的意义是____________. 12.比较大小:-2.25________-|-2.5|. 13.从数轴上表示-1的点出发,向左移动2个单位长度到点B ,则点B 表示的数是________,再向右移动5个单位长度到达点C ,则点C 表示的数是________. 14.-2的相反数是________;57 的相反数是________.


八年级数学周周练 一、选择题: 1.下列图形中,轴对称图形有( ) A .1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 2.下列轴对称图形中,对称轴最多的是( ) A .等腰直角三角形 B.正三角形 C.正方形 D.圆 3.电子手表上的“0,2,4,6,8”这几个数字在镜子中的像与原来一样的有( ) A .1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 4.如图,ABC ?首先沿DE 折叠CDE ?与BDE ?完全重合,然后沿BD 折叠ABD ? 与EBD ?也完全重合,则ABC ∠的度数为( )A .30? B.40? C.50? D60? 5.到三角形三个顶点距离相等的点,是这个三角形的( ) A .三条中线的交点 B.三边的垂直平分线的交点 C .三条高的交点 D.三条角平分线的交点 6.如图,ABC ?中,90A ∠=?,BD 为ABC ∠的平分线, DE BC ⊥,E 是BC 的中点,则C ∠等于( ) A .20? B.30? C.40? D.50? 7.Rt ABC ?中,90C ∠=?,点D 是三个角平分线的交 点,若 3,4,5AC cm BC cm AB cm ===,点D 到三边的距离为( )A .25cm B.20cm C.1.5cm D.1cm 二、填空题: 8.轴对称指____个图形的位置关系,轴对称图形指____个具有特殊形状的图形。 8.两个全等的三角形____关于某条直线对称;关于某条直线对称的两个三角形_____全等。(填“一定”或“不一定”) 9.如图,五边形AEBCD 是一个轴对称图形,则点A 的对称点是____,点C 的对称点是____,在对称轴上的点是_____,相等线段有___对。 10.如图,由小正方形组成的L 形图形中,请你在下图中添画一个小正方形,使它成为轴对称图形,有_ ___种不同添法。 11.如图,直线L 是线段AB 的垂直平分线,交AB 于点C ,M 为L 上任意一点,CD AM ⊥ 于D ,CE BM ⊥于E ,试写出三个你能得到的结论 :________ 。 12.如图,已知,35O ∠=?,CD 为OA 的垂直平分线,则ACB ∠的度数为__. 13.Rt ABC ?中,90C ∠=?,A B ∠∠与的平分线的夹角为______。 14.如图ABC ?中,90C ∠=?,AD 平分CAB ∠交BC 于D ,若CD 5cm =,则点D 到AB 的距离是_________ E D C B A O E D C B A D C B A O D C B A L M E D C B A E D C B A


新人教版七年级数学上册(3.1~3.3))周周练卷 (时间:45分钟 满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题4分,共32分) 1.下列方程中是一元一次方程的是( ) A .2 x +2=3 B .3x -12 +4=3x C .y 2+3y =0 D .9x -y =2 2.(梧州中考)一元一次方程3x -3=0的解是( ) A .x =1 B .x =-1 C .x =1 3 D .x =0 3.解方程2(x -3)-3(x -4)=5时,下列去括号正确的是( ) A .2x -3-3x +4=5 B .2x -6-3x -4=5 C .2x -3-3x -12=5 D .2x -6-3x +12=5 4.下列说法中,正确的是( ) A .若a =b ,则a c =b d B .若a =b ,则ac =bd C .若ac =bc ,则a =b D .若a =b ,则ac =bc 5.方程2-2x -43=-x -7 6 去分母得( ) A .2-2(2x -4)=-(x -7) B .12-2(2x -4)=-x -7 C .12-2(2x -4)=-(x -7) D .12-(2x -4)=-(x -7) 6.(南平中考)闽北某村原有林地120公顷,旱地60公顷,为适应产业结构调整,需把一部分旱地改造为林地,改造后,旱地面积占林地面积的20%,设把x 公顷旱地改造为林地,则可列方程为( ) A .60-x =20%(120+x) B .60+x =20%×120 C .180-x =20%(60+x) D .60-x =20%×120 7.(南宁四十七中月考)已知某商店有两个进价不同的计算器都卖了120元,其中一个盈利20%,另一个亏损20%,在这次买卖中,这家商店( ) A .不盈不亏 B .盈利10元 C .亏损10元 D .盈利50元

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