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lesson46 handout

lesson46 handout

Nov. 17

Lesson 46 I want to be……

Teaching Aims:

ⅠLearn the rest words of Unit 4. (学习第4单元剩余的生词)

ⅡImprove aural learning ability. (提高听力水平)

Emotion Aim:

Build your goal in the future and study hard for it! (树立个人目标为之学习奋斗) Teaching Procedures:

1 Correct exercises answers. (订正习题答案) 10’

1a—P.19 3a—P.21 1a—P.22

2 Learn the rest new words. (学习剩余单词) 10’

3 Listen to MP3 materials and finish the exercises. (听MP3 资料完成练习题) 16’Assignment (作业):

Review Unit 3 and Unit 4, prepare for the weekly test on Friday.


Try to finish Unit 4 test paper as much as you can.


Key points

New words


at按照;依据summer夏季;夏天young年轻的;年纪小的play戏剧;剧本teach教;讲授story故事;事迹;小说children (child的复数) 孩子们international国际的skill技能;技巧sir先生;阁下madam女士;夫人

Set structures

as a +职业作为(职业)的人 e.g.: as a waiter当侍者

work with sb. 与某人一起工作 e.g.: work with young people 与年轻人一起工作

an international school 一所国际的学校(注意international前用an)

like doing sth.与like to do sth.的区别:

?like doing sth指习惯性的,已成自身的一种爱好。

I like playing computer games(已成为长期的习惯)

?like to do sth指短时的,目前马上去执行的。

I like to play computer games today(今天我要去玩游戏)


Do you like to do sth.? 你想/喜欢做某事吗?

Call sb./place at +phone number 请拨打某人/某地的电话(注意介词at)


第14章 碳、硅、硼 14.1. 对比等电子体与N 2的分子结构及主要物理、化学性质。 解:和N 2是等电子体(14e ),分子轨道能级图相似,分子中都有三重键:∶N ≡N ∶、 C O δ+δ- ∶∶ ,键能相近。一般条件下,两种物质都是气体,很少溶于水;熔、沸点, 临界压力,临界温度等一些物理性质也相似。 但和N 2分子中三重键特点并不完全相同,N 2分子中负电荷分布是对称的,而却是不对称的。C 原子略带负电荷,再加上C 的电负性比N 小,因此比N 2较易给出电子对向过渡金属原子(离子)配位,除形成σ―配键外,还有π―反馈键形成,故生成的配合物较稳定。而N 2的配位能力远不如,分子氮配合物远不如羰基化合物稳定。所以的键能虽比N 2略大,但化学性质却比N 2要活泼,不象N 2那样“惰性”。 14.2 概述的实验室制法及收集方法,写出与下列物质起反应的方程式并注明反应的条件:(1) ; (2) ;(3) ;(4)H 2 ;(5)2 解:的实验室制法: HCOOH 浓H 2SO 4 CO + H 2O 用排水集气法收集。 (1) Ni + 4CO 100 -250atm 423 -493K Ni(CO)4 (2) (3) CO + NaOH HCOONa 1.01×103kPa 473K (4) CO + 3H 2 CH 4 + H 2O Fe 、Co 、Ni 523K,101kPa (5) + 2 + H 2O ↓ + 2 + 2 14.3. 某实验室备有4、干冰和泡沫灭火器(内为2(4)3和3),还有水源和砂。若有下列失火情况, 各宜用哪种方法灭火并说明理由: (1)金属镁着火; (2)金属钠着火;


第12章氧族元素 12.1 空气中O2与N2的体积比是21:78 ,在273K和101.3kPa 下lL 水能溶解O2:49.10mL , N2:49.10mL。问在该温度下溶解于水的空气所含的氧与氮的体积比是多少? 解:己知空气中氧、氮分压比为21:78。在273K、10 1.3 kPa 下lL 水能溶解O2为49.10mL,N2为23.20 mL。溶解于水的空气中氧的体积分数为 49.10×0.21 =0.36 (49.10×0.21)+(23.20×0.78) 氮的体积分数为:1-0.36=0.64 因此溶解于水的空气所含的氧与氮的体积比是1:1. 8 。 12.2 在标准状况下,750 mL 含有O3的氧气,当其中所含O3完全分解后体积变为780mL ,若 将此含有O3的氧气lL 通入KI溶液中,能析出多少克I2 ? 解:设750mL 氧气中有x mL O3: 则有: 2 O3 → 3 O2 增加的体积 2 3 1 x30 所以2/x=1/30 x=60mL 即此氧气中O3百分比为60/750=8 % ,lL 氧气中含80mL O3 . 设能析出I2y g ,已知M (I2)=254 2I-+ 2H+ + O3 → I2 + O 2+ H2O 1mol 254g (0.08/22.4)mol y 所以 1/(0.08/22.4)=254/y y=254×0.08/22.4=0.91(g) 12.3 大气层中臭氧是怎样形成的?哪些污染物引起臭氧层的破坏?如何鉴别O3,它有什么特征 反应? 解:( 1 )O2+hv →O +O (λ<242nm ) O + O2 → O3 ( 2 )氟氯烃:CFCl3,CF2Cl2等,以及氮氧化物:NO2、NO 等可引起臭氧层的破坏。如NO2、CF2Cl2对臭氧层的破坏反应 CF2Cl2+hv→CF2C l·+C l·(λ<221nm) C l·+O3→Cl O·+O2 Cl O·+O→C l·+O2 即O3+O→O2+O2 NO2+h v→NO+O (λ<426nm) NO+ O3→ NO2+O2 NO2+O→NO+O2 即O3+O→O2+O2 所以Cl原子或NO2分子能消耗大量O3


nail:n.指甲v.钉牢 name:n.名字 namely:ad.即,也就是 narrow:a.狭窄的 Nat Nakasa:纳特·纳卡萨(南非作家) nation:n.国家;民族 national:a.国家的 nationwide:a.全国性的ad.在全国范围内 native:n.本地人a.本国的nativespeaking:a.说本族语的,讲本国话的 navigational:a.航行的,导航的navy:n.海军 near:a.不远;亲近的 nearby:a.附近的ad.在附近nearly:ad.几乎 neat:a.整洁的;简洁的;整齐的necessarily:ad.必然,必定necessary:n.必需品 necessity:n.需要,必要性;必需品neck:n.脖子 need:v.&n.需要 need for:对…的需要 needless:a.不需要的,不必要的needless to say:不用说 negative:a.否定的;负的,阴性的n.底片;负数 neglect:vt.忽视,忽略;疏忽n.忽略;疏忽 negotiation:n.谈判,协商 Negro:n.黑人 neighborhood:n.四邻,邻近地区,附近 neighbour:n.邻居 neither:pron.两者都不neither...nor:既不…也不 nerve:n.神经;勇气,胆量nervous:a.神经系统的;神经紧张的nest:n.巢,窝 network:n.[纺]网眼织物;网状物,网络 neurotic:a.神经病的;神经过敏的neutral:a.中立的;中性的 neutron:n.[物]中子 never:ad.从未;决不 never for a moment:通常;多半nevertheless:ad.仍然,然而,不过new:a.新的 New Jersey:新泽西州(美国 州名) Newfoundland:纽芬兰(加拿 大岛或省名) newly:ad.新近,最近;重新, 以新的方法 news:n.新闻 newspaper:n.报纸 next:a.下一个 nice:a.美好的 night:n.夜晚 Nile:尼罗河 nine:num.九 nineteen:num.十九 ninety:num.九十 ninth:num.第九 nitrogen:n.氮 no:n.否定 no more than:仅仅 no more(...)than:仅仅,不 过 no other...than:除…外没有, 只有;正是,就是 nobody:pron.没有人 nod:v.点头 noise:n.噪音 nominate:vt.提名;任命;命名 nomination:n.提名;任命 nominee:n.被提名者;被任 命者 none:ad.毫不 nonverbal:a.非词语的,非 语言的 nonviolent:a.非暴力的,不 使用暴力的 nor:conj.也不 normal:a.正常的,正规的n. 正常状态 north:n.北方 North Dakota:北达科他(美 国州名) northern:a.北方的 Northern:北爱尔兰 Northern Slope:北坡(美国 阿拉斯加州北冰洋之间) northwestern:a.在西北的, 向西北的;来自西北的 Norwegian:a.挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的 n.挪威语 nose:n.鼻子 not:ad.不 not (never) for a moment:通常;多半 not only...but also:不但…而且 not so much...as:与其…不如 not that...:并不是说 not that...but that:不是因为…而是因为 note:vt.记;注意 notebook:n.笔记本 nothing:ad.决不n.无 notice:n.通知v.注意到 notion:n.概念;想法,看法 noun:n.名词 nourishment:n.滋补品,营养品 November:n.十一月 now:ad.现在 now that:(连词)既然,由于 nowadays:ad.现今,现在 nuclear:a.核子的,核能的;核心的,中心 的 nucleus:n.(原子)核;核心 number:n.数字 numerical:a.数字的,用数字表示的;数值 的 nurse:n.护士 nutrient:a.营养的,滋养的n.营养物,营 养品 nxiety:n.焦虑,挂念;渴望,热望 o put...to use:使用;利用 obey:v.服从 object:n.物体;目标;对象;宾语vi.反对 objective:n.目标,目的a.客观的;无偏见 的 obligation:n.义务,责任 obscure:a.昏暗的;模糊的vt.使暗,遮掩; 使难理解 observation:n.注意,观察;观察物 observatory:n.天文台;了望台 observe:vt.注意到,察觉到;观察;遵守, 奉行 observer:n.遵守者,奉行者;观察者,监 视者 obsessive:a.缠人的,强迫性的;过分的 obtain:vt.获得,得到 obvious:a.显然的,明显的 occasion:n.时刻;场合,重大活动;时机,

4 Aerospace Lighting Handout Case

Aerospace Lighting, Inc. (ALI) Aerospace Lighting Inc. (A LI)—previously a private company based in Chicago—has been a leading supplier of airplane cabin lighting systems for nearly ten years. Until recently, A LI had been satisfied with its profits and had sold all its products to Bombardier, a major aerospace company in Canada. This comfortable position began to change in 2003, when a large publicly traded German company (BmG) acquired 100 percent of A LI. For A LI, the transition from a private, independent company to a subsidiary of a public conglomerate has not been an easy one. Before the takeover, A LI’s management was afforded the luxury of making decisions and taking risks that affected only one owner. Being just one arm of a much larger international company, however, now requires ALI to satisfy more than its own personnel. Members of BmG’s executive team dominate ALI’s board of directors. These individuals have been very critical of A LI’s management, particularly in the area of financial performance. Beginning with the first board meeting in 2003, the German executive team has scrutinized A LI’s operating results and has never hesitated to remind ALI management that BmG views ALI as an investment that is evaluated based on its return to BmG stockholders. BmG does not tolerate any failures to meet financial targets, and is willing to replace entire management teams if required. BmG’s executives take very seriously the ‘‘Financial Handbook’’ that they establish each year to communicate the parent company’s financial principles, including equity and capital borrowing guidelines, monthly reporting requirements, and profit expectations. Since the acquisition, A LI has been pursuing a rapid expansion strategy. The German parent company directed A LI to enter the U.S. aerospace supply industry in 2004, and quickly increase the number of U.S. contracts on which it bid, with the goal of increasing its revenues by 50 percent in 2005. To reach this goal, A LI adopted a strategy of submitting bid prices to U.S. manufacturers that, after adjusting for exchange rates, are approximately20 percent lower than the prices ALI charges to Bombardier. This strategy has been successful so far, as ALI now has several large contracts with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon—the largest aerospace manufacturers in the U.S. A LI has already begun preparing to work on these contracts, having accumulated a significant quantity of raw materials inventory to use in producing goods for Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon, as well as Bombardier. ALI’s management team has not discussed its new strategy with its board because management believes BmG is interested in financial results rather than the means by which t hey are achieved. ALI’s management team also wants to keep this strat egy qui et because if Bombardier’s executives were to hear about it, they would likely discontinue their relationship with ALI or immediately demand a lower price, as well as insist on a refund of any excess prices charged in previous years. Just last week, on June 29, 2005, your firm’s German affiliate was appointed worldwide audit services provider for BmG’s July 31, 2005 year-end. Another firm had provided audit services for BmG and all its subsidiaries in the previous year, but BmG’s executive team was dissatisfied with the auditors’ inability to identify significant business risks that they believed should have been brought to their attention. Your firm’s office in Munich asked your Chicago office to perform the audit of ALI for its year ended July 31, 2005, and to provide your audit working papers to the Munich office by September 5, 2005. Because BmG’s stock is not traded on a U.S. exchange, the company and its subsidiaries are not subject to the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. A recently promoted partner in your Chicago office has been assigned the responsibility for the 2005 A LI audit. She has communicated with A LI’s predecessor auditor and has provided you with the notes from her review of the predecessor’s working papers (see Exhibit 1). She also has obtained information from preliminary discussions with ALI’s CFO (see Exhibit 2). She has asked you to meet with her to discuss the client and your recommendations regarding the audit. Questions to prepare for Discussion (Qu 1-4): 1.Summar ize A LI’s business risks and financial reporting risks. 2.At what level would you set audit risk for this engagement? Why? 3.What information has been gathered on ALI prior to the start of the audit? By whom? 4.With reference to the information gathered thus far, identify any audit or accounting issues you feel are significant. 5.In-Class Segment: Assume that BMG also acquired Indianola Pharmaceuticals (info to be distributed in class). Respond to the planning questions related to Indianola.

第17章 碳硅硼 习题解答

第17章碳硅硼 17-1解:CO和N2是等电体(14e),分子轨道能级图相似,分子中都有三重键:键能相近。一般条件下,两种物质都是气体,很少溶于水;熔、沸点,临界力,临界温度等一些物理性质也相似。 但CO和N2分子中三重键特点并不完全相同,N2分子中负电荷分布是对称的,而CO却是不对称的。C原子略带负电荷,再加上C的电负性比N小,因此CO比 σπ N2较易给出电子对向过渡金属原子(离子)配位,除形成-配键外,还有-反馈键形成,故生成的配合物较稳定。而N2的配位能力远不如CO,分子氮配合物远不如羰基化合物稳定。所以CO的键能虽比N2略大,但化学性质却比N2要活泼,不象N2那样“惰性”。 17—2解:实验室制备CO的方法有 ①将CO2还原CO2(g)+C(s)====2CO(g) ②将H2C2O4或和HCOOH加热分解 H2C2O4(s)=====CO(g)+CO2(g)+H2O(l) HCOOH(l)====CO(g)+H2O(l) 或用HCOONa(s)+H2SO4(l)====(l)+NaHSO4(s)HCOOH进一步分解得CO CO仅微溶于水,可用排水集气法收集。因为有毒,制备及收集过程应在通风橱内进行。 工业上用焦炭在有限的空气中燃烧或在灼热的焦炭中通入水蒸气都可以得到CO的混合气体。 CO能与许多物质进行加成反应和还原反应: (1)Ni+4CO====Ni(CO)4条件:1atm,25℃ (2)CuCl(氨水或盐酸溶液)+CO+2H2O====CuC l·C O·2H2O (3)CO+NaOH====HCOONa条件:6~10atm,473K (4)2H2+CO=====CH3OH条件:Cr2O3·ZnO,623~673K (5)CO+PdCl2+H2O====CO2+P d↓+2HCl 17-3答:(1)金属镁着火----砂子 (2)金属钠着火-----砂子 (3)黄磷着火-------水、泡沫灭火器、干冰 (4)油着火----泡沫灭火器、干冰、砂子、 (5)木器着火----以上都可以 17—4解:T=273K P=105Pa (1)100g水中,H2CO3的物质的量为170 10-3/22.4=0.00759(mol)所以H2CO3的实际浓度为0.0759mol/L;

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes writing Ss' handout_1

Unit 4 Earthquakes 模仿写作学案 学习目标:观察,提炼范文中的文体特征,有用表达(短语,句型)并经过笔头口头训练后能准确运用在写作任务中。 课前 背一背:.熟读课文A night the earth didn’t sleep 并背诵课文第二段 挑一挑:请判断以下句子是否准确并指出哪句会更好。 1.Judge which sentence is correct A: On April 14th, 2010, a big earthquake happened in Yushu, Qinghai! B. Yushu happened an earthquake on April 14th, 2010. C. There was an earthquake struck Yushu On April 14th, 2010. 2.Choose the better one A.The people who died or were injured reached more than 14,000. B. More than 14,000 people were died or injured. 3.Choose the better one A. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors were sent to help those who were injured. B. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors came to help those injured people. 4. Choose the better one A. After the quake, people raised much money to help the survivors. B. After the quake, people all gave money to help the survivors. 课中 第一关Listen and fill in the blanks At 3:42 am, July, 28th, 1976, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century 1_____ Tangshan. It seemed as if the world was 2________. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city 3________. As a result, two-thirds of the city people died or 4__________ and many children 5_______ without parents during the earthquake. Nearly everything was 6_______. What’s worse, later that afternoon another big earthquake 7_______ the city again. Some of the 8___________ and doctors were trapped under the ruins. Luckily, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help.

公共经济学(麻省理工学院,Jonathan Gruber) handout2

14.41公共经济学 学习资料#2 外部效应 Ⅰ.生命周期效用表达式的回顾 消费者时间t 的生命效用是一生消费的PDV (当前折现价值)。 这是标准以未知数作为指数的折现。 双曲线折现加入了参数: 如果,我们回到以未知数作为指数的折现。表示双曲线折现的程度,或者说是严重度。 Ⅱ.在不确定性下的数量与价格管制(魏兹蔓方法) A. 无不确定性 -选择T 或Q R 是无差别的,使得MC=MD 。 B. 成本是确定的,收益不确定 -1MB =假定的MB ,2MB =实际的MB -如果我们在1MB =MC 的情况下固定T ,产出是多少? 最优产出为B ,我们在C 停止:过于少的减退,DWL=ABC -如果我们在1MB =MC 的情况下固定Q R ,产出是多少? 最优产出为B ,我们在C 停止:过于少的减退,DWL=ABC -不管选择T 还是Q R ,DWL 都是相同的 直观来看:厂商设定T=MC ;因为MC 已知,厂商按照我们希望的来做。

C. 成本不确定,收益确定 -1MC =假定的MC ,2MC =实际的MC -如果我们在MB=1MC 的情况下固定T ,产出是多少? 最优产出是C ,我们在B 停止:过于少的减退,DWL=ABC -如果我们在MB=1MC 的情况下固定Q R ,产出是多少? 最优产出是C ,我们在D 停止:过于少的减退,DWL=CDE -这与前一个例子有什么不同呢?在T=1MC 时,它们数量不同。 -哪一个更好呢?这取决于曲线的形状(这决定了DWL 的规模) D. 四个案例: 1)陡峭的MB 曲线:选择Q R 2)平坦的MB 曲线:选择T 3)陡峭的MC 曲线:选择T 4)平坦的MC 曲线:选择Q R Ⅲ.应用: A . Polaroid/Hyatt 例子: -建立:H H MC A = (A =污染减少的单位数) 3p p MC A = MD=3(边际损失是常数) -庇古税:令T=MD=3 减少A 的均衡水平是多少?每个厂商设MC=T Hyatt :,所以 Polaroid :,所以 两个厂商的成本为多少? 为了找到总成本线,合并MC 曲线: 这是有效率的解:MC=MD -管制:要求每个厂商相同地减少:=2,=2


碳、硅及无机非金属材料 1.下列哪些材料是新型无机非金属材料( ) ①氧化铝陶瓷;②氮化硅陶瓷;③碳化硅陶瓷;④氮化铝陶瓷;⑤氮化钛陶瓷;⑥硅化硼陶瓷;⑦二硅化铜陶瓷 A.仅①②③B.仅①③④⑤ C.仅①⑤⑥D.全部都是 答案:D 2.(2018·河南南阳期末)《天工开物》记载:“凡埏泥造瓦,掘地二尺余,择取无砂粘(黏)土而为之”,“凡坯既成,干燥之后,则堆积窑中燃薪举火”,“浇水转釉(主要为青色),与造砖同法”。下列说法中错误的是( ) A.沙子和黏土主要成分为硅酸盐 B.“燃薪举火”使黏土发生复杂的物理化学变化 C.烧制后自然冷却成红瓦,浇水冷却成青瓦 D.黏土是制作砖瓦和陶瓷等的主要原料 解析:沙子的主要成分为SiO2,不属于硅酸盐,A错误;“燃薪举火”是使成型的黏土器皿发生复杂的物理化学变化而制成陶器,B正确;烧制过程中铁的化合物被氧化为氧化铁,得到红瓦,若浇水则发生还原反应得到氧化亚铁而成为青瓦,C正确;砖瓦、陶瓷的主要原料是黏土,D正确。 答案:A 3.下列关于硅单质及其化合物的说法正确的是( ) ①硅酸盐Na2Fe2Si3O10用氧化物的形式表示为 Na2O·2FeO·3SiO2 ②水泥、玻璃、水晶饰物都是硅酸盐制品 ③高纯度的硅单质广泛用于制作光导纤维 ④单质硅是将太阳能转变为电能的常用材料 A.②③B.①③ C.①④D.④ 解析:①硅酸盐Na2Fe2Si3O10中Fe的化合价是+3价,所以用氧化物的形式表示为Na2O·Fe2O3·3SiO2,错误;②水晶的主要成分是二氧化硅,不属于硅酸盐制品,错误;③用于制作光导纤维的材料是二氧化硅,不是硅单质,错误;④单质硅是将太阳能转变为电能的常用材料,正确,所以答案为D。 答案:D 4.(2018·福建龙岩教学质量检查)“九秋风露越窑开,夺得千峰翠色来”是赞誉越窑各色青瓷的诗句,描绘我国古代精美的青瓷工艺品。玻璃、水泥和陶瓷均为硅酸盐制品,下


第16章氧族元素 16-1 写出下列物质的化学式。 (1)方铅矿; (2)朱砂; (3)闪锌矿; (4)黄铜矿; (5)黄铁矿; (6)芒硝; (7)海波; (8)保险粉 解: (1)PbS (2)HgS (3)ZnS (4)CuFeS2 (5)FeS2 (6)Na2SO4·10H2O (7)Na2S2O3·5H2O (8)Na2S2O4·2H2O 16-2 命名下列硫的含氧酸及盐。 (1)K2S2O7; (2)H2SO5; (3)K2S2O8; (4)Na2S2O3·5H2O; (5)Na2S2O4; (6)Na2SO3; (7)Na2S4O6; (8)Na2SO4·10H2O 解: (1)焦硫酸钾(2)过一硫酸(3)过二硫酸钾 (4)五水合硫代硫酸钠(俗称海波) (5)连二亚硫酸钠 (6)亚硫酸钠(7)连四硫酸钠(8)十水合硫酸钠(俗称芒硝) 16-3 完成并配平下列反应方程式。 (1)H2S+ClO3-+H+ ------ (2)Na2S2O4+O2+NaOH------ (3)PbO2+H2O2 ------ (4)PbS+H2O2 ------- (5)S+NaOH(浓)------ (6)Cu+H2SO4(浓)------ (7)H+H2SO4(浓)------ (8)H2S+H2SO4(浓)------ (9)SO2Cl2+H2O------ (10)HSO3Cl+H2O------ 解: (1)5H2S + 8ClO3- === 5SO42- + 2H+ + 4Cl2 +4H2O (2)Na2S2O4 + O2 +2NaOH === Na2SO3 + Na2SO4 + H2O (3)PbO2+H2O2 === PbO + H2O + O2↑ (4)PbS+4H2O2 === PbSO4 + 4H2O (5)3S + 6NaOH(浓) === 2 Na2S + Na2SO3 + 3H2O (6)Cu +2H2SO4(浓) === CuSO4 + SO2↑+ 2H2O (7)S + 2H2SO4(浓) === 3SO2↑+2 H2O (8)H2S + H2SO4(浓) === S↓+ SO2+ 2H2O (9)SO2Cl2+2H2O === H2SO4+2HCl (10)HSO3Cl+H2O === H2SO4+HCl 16-4 完成下列各反应的化学方程式。 (1)Na2O2与过量冷水作用; (2)几滴热水滴在Na2O2固体上; (3)电解硫酸与硫酸铵的混合溶液; (4)将难溶于水与酸的Al2O3变成可溶于水的硫酸盐; (5)无氧条件下Zn粉还原酸式亚硫酸钠溶液; (6)将SeO2溶于水,然后通SO2Q气体;


翻译难点和疑点:英汉语言的两种倾向对比 静态vs.动态物称vs.人称 静态vs.动态(dynamic vs. static) He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler. Vietnamese war is a drain on American resource. The people are with him. He came to me with a smile. 英语中动词的弱化和虚化 I am doubtful whether she is still alive. I'm afraid he is out, but he'll be in soon. There was a tropical storm off the east coast of Florida. 汉译英中体现英语的静态倾向 汉语动词转换成名词,介词,或形容词,副词等。他谋杀了老板。 他在工作。他在睡觉。 演出已经开始了。 服下药很快见效了。 非本单位人不得入内。 他回家去取钥匙。 物称/非人称(non-personal)vs. 人称(personal) A terrible thought suddenly struck me-had I locked the door? A strange peace came over her when she was alone. It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest. 非人称的手段: 1. 非人称主语句采用"无灵主语" (inanimate subject) 2. 用非人称代词"it"作主语。 The forty years, 1840-1880, brought almost ten million migrants to America.


第十三章 氧族元素 1.试用论分子轨道理描述下列各物种中的键、键级和磁性(顺磁性、逆磁性)和相对稳定性。 (1)+2O (二氧基阳离子);(2) O 2 ;(3)-2O (超氧离子) ;(4)- 22O (过氧离子)。 答:O 2分子阳、阴离子的分子轨道能级与O 2分子的相同。 (1) + 2O ] )()()()()()(K K [1*py 22pz 22py 22px 22*s 22s 2πππσσσ +2O 有一个σ键,一个π键,一个三电子键: 5.22 16)O ·B (=-=键级 有1个成单电子,显顺磁性。 (2) O 2 ] )()()()()()()(K K [1 *pz 21*py 22pz 22py 22px 22*s 22s 2ππππσσσ 22 2 6)O ·B (=-= 键级 有一个σ键,2个三电子键;有2个成单电子,显顺磁性。 (3) - 2O ] )()()()()()()(K K [1 *pz 22*py 22pz 22py 22px 22*s 22s 2ππππσσσ 5.12 36)O ·B (=-=键级 有一个σ键,一个三电子键;有1个成单电子,显顺磁性。 (4) - 22O ] )()()()()()()(K K [2 *pz 22*py 22pz 22py 22px 22*s 22s 2ππππσσσ 12 2)O ·B (==键级 - 22 O 无成单电子,为反磁性。 分子或离子的键级大,其稳定性就强,所以稳定性: +2O > O 2 >-2O >- 22O ;分子或离子的磁性与成单电子数有关,成单电子数越多,磁性越强,所以磁性 O 2>+2O =-2O >- 22O , 2.重水和重氧水有何差别?写出它们的分子式。他们有何用途?如何制备? 答:重水为D 216O 或D 2O ;重氧水为H 218O 。 重水D 2O 是核能工业中常用的中子减速剂;重氧水H 218O 是研究化学反应特别是水解反应机理的示踪物。二者的差别是:H 218O 不能维持动植物体的生命,电解水时,H 2O 优先分解,而重水D 2O 聚集在残留液中,经长时间电解后蒸馏其残留液可得到重水D 2O 。 3.解释为什么O 2分子具有顺磁性,O 3具有反磁性? 答:O 2分子中有2条三电子п键,电子未完全配对,有2个单电子,所以有顺磁性,而O 3分子中有2条σO -O 键,1条4 3π键,电子均已配对,所以有反磁性。 4.在实验室怎样制备O 3?它有什么重要性? 答:在实验室里制备臭氧主要靠紫外光(<185nm)照射氧或使氧通过静电放电装置而获得臭氧与氧的 混合物,含臭氧可达10%。臭氧发生器的示意图见图13-10。它是两根玻璃套管所组成的,中间玻璃管内壁镶有锡锚,外管外壁绕有铜线,当锡箔与铜线间接上高电压时,两管的管壁之间发生无声放电(没有火花的放电),产生电弧,02就部分转变成了03。

Handout 3 Nature

IELTS Vocabulary雅思词汇教程3 填空 1.She is smarter than me. I am out-fox ed. 2.They are good at imitating people. They always ape the way we do things. 3. A ball was flying towards her. She duck ed her head in time. 4.She got cold feet and chicken out in the last minute. 5.I am so hungry. I cannot wait to pig out on the cake. 6.She is fat. She is a cow. 7.This bike belongs to the three of us. It is not yours alone. So don’t hog it. 8.She keeps lots of weird stuff like a magpie. 9.Fierce competition escalated into rat race. 10.Girls fighting girls is a cat fight. Bible,Old Testament,the Genesis《创世纪》Gen- = birth; to give birth to 1.Genetic engineering is sophisticated technology.基因工程 2.Gende r and race are invisible barriers.性别 3.Greatness engenders jealousy, jealousy spawns hatred, hatred leads to libel.产生4.In this small village he found few persons congenial to him.志同道合 5.She is a language genius and he is a mathematics whiz. Wizard天才 6.Ingenious gadgets and widgets frequent cloak-and-dagger movies.精巧 7.Congenital defects are linked to hereditary disease.先天 8.Hydrogen, H2 + O2 = H2O氢气 9.Eugenics优生学 10.C aucasian白种人 11.M ongolian黄种人 gyn 妇女的 andro 男性的 阴性表达Duke公爵→Duchess公爵夫人 She is an air hostess.空姐 He had a mistress in town.情妇 actress princess We went nuts on her bachelorette party. A brunette is a woman with brown hair. She is the heroine in the play.女主角Farewell, my concubine is a classic starring Leslie Cheung.妃子 小称 The ugly duckling grew up to be a swan.丑小鸭 His part-time job is to giving out booklets to passers-by.小册子 She is a B-list Hollywood starlet.小明星Nuclear physics deals with particles.粒子 ●-ette Novelette, cigarette ●-en chicken ●-cle/-cule particle ●-ling duckling ●-let booklet, pamphlet, leaflet小册子 ●-kin wolfkin狼崽子 Band-aid邦迪 Hoover吸尘器 Post-it即时贴 Q-tip棉花棒 Jacuzzi极可意 aqua & hydro I love such aquatic sports as swimming, rowing, and surfing.水上运动


铝基复合材料综述 XXXXXXXXXXX 摘要铝基复合材料凭借密度小、耐磨、热性能好等优点在航天航空等领域占有优势地位。文中综述了铝基复合材料的种类、铝基复合材料性能、各种铝基复合材料的制备和应用以及发展前景。 关键词铝基复合材料种类性能制备应用 Abstract Al-based alloys have advantages in the field of the aerospace by the advantages of small density , anti-function ,good thermal performance and so on. This article discussed the kinds ,performance ,approach , use and development prospect of Al-based alloys. Key words Al-based alloys kind performance approach use

1.引言 自20世纪80年代金属基复合材料大规模研究与开发以来,铝基复合材料在航空,航天,电子,汽车以及先进武器系统等领域得到迅速发展。铝基复合材料的制备工艺设计高温、增强材料的表面处理、复合成型等复杂工艺,而复合材料的性能、应用、成本等在很大程度上取决于其制造技术。因此,研究和开发心的制造技术,在提高铝基复合材料性能的同时降低成本,使其得到更广泛的应用,是铝基复合材料能否得到长远发展的关键所在。铝在制作复合材料上有许多特点,如质量轻、密度小、可塑性好,铝基复合技术容易掌握,易于加工等。此外,铝基复合材料比强度和比刚度高,高温性能好,更耐疲劳和更耐磨,阻尼性能好,热膨胀系数低。同其他复合材料一样,它能组合特定的力学和物理性能,以满足产品的需要。因此,铝基复合材料已成为金属基复合材料中最常用的、最重要的材料之一。2.铝基复合材料分类 按照增强体的不同,铝基复合材料可分为纤维增强铝基复合材料和颗粒增强铝基复合材料。纤维增强铝基复合材料具有比强度、比模量高,尺寸稳定性好等一系列优异性能,但价格昂贵,目前主要用于航天领域,作为航天飞机、人造卫星、空间站等的结构材料。颗粒增强铝基复合材料可用来制造卫星及航天用结构材料、飞机零部件、金属镜光学系统、汽车零部件;此外还可以用来制造微波电路插件、惯性导航系统的精密零件、涡轮增压推进器、电子封装器件等。 3.铝基复合材料的基本成分 铝及其合金都适于作金属基复合材料的基体,铝基复合材料的增强物可以是连续的纤维,也可以是短纤维,也可以是从球形到不规则形状的颗粒。目前铝基复合材料增强颗粒材料有SiC、AL2O3、BN等,金属间化合物如Ni-Al,Fe-Al和Ti-Al也被用工作增强颗粒。 4.铝基复合材料特点 在众多金属基复合材料中,铝基复合材料发展最快且成为当前该类材料发展和研究的主流,这是因为铝基复合材料具有密度低、基体合金选择范围广、热处理性好、制备工艺灵活等许多优点。另外,铝和铝合金与许多增强相都有良好的接触性能,如连续状硼、AL2O3\ 、
