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阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

The Homeless Hero

For many,finding an unattended wallet filled with £400 in cash would be a source (来源)of temptation(诱惑).But the (1) would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money. All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith (2) more remarkable.

After spotting a (3) on the front seat inside a parked car with its window down,he stood guard in the rain for about two hours waiting for

the (4) to return.

After hours in the cold and wet, he (5) inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact(联系)the driver, only to (6) it contained £400 in notes, with another £50 in spare change beside it.

He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after (7) a note behind to let the owner know it was safe.When the car's owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the car﹣which was itself worth £35,000﹣in Glasgow city centre, they were (8) to find two policemen standing next to it. The policemen told them what Mr.Smith did and that the wallet was (9) .The pair were later able to thank Mr.Smith for his (10) .

Mr.Anderson said:"I couldn't believe that the guy never took a penny.To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight (11) he could have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in. This guy has nothing and (12) he didn't take the wallet for himself;he thought about others (13) . It's unbelievable.

It just proves there are (14) guys out there."

Mr.Smith's act (15) much of the public's attention. He also won praise from social media users after Mr.Anderson (16) about the act of kindness on Facebook.

Now Mr.Anderson has set up an online campaign to (17) money for Mr.Smith and other homeless people in the area, which by yesterday had received £8,000." I think the faith that everyone has shown (18) him has touched him.People have been approaching him in the street; he's had job (19) and all sorts, " Mr.Anderson commented.

For Mr.Smith, this is a possible life﹣changing (20) . The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another.

1. A. hope B.

aim C.

urge D. effort

2. A. still B.

even C.

ever D. once

3. A. wallet B.

bag C.

box D. parcel

4. A. partner B.

colleague C.

owner D. policeman

5. A. turned B.

hid C.

stepped D. reached

6. A. discover B.

collect C.

check D. believe

7. A. taking B.

leaving C.

reading D. writing

8. A. satisfied B.

excited C.

amused D. shocked

9. A. safe B.

missing C.

found D. seen

10. A. service B.

support C.

kindness D. encouragement

11. A. when B.

if C.

where D. because

12. A. rather B.

yet C.

already D. just

13. A. too B.

though C.

again D. instead

14. A. honest B.

polite C.

rich D. generous

15. A. gave B.

paid C.

cast D. drew

16. A. learned B.

posted C.

cared D. heard

17. A. borrow B.

raise C.

save D. earn

18. A. of B.

at C.

for D. in

19. A. details B.

changes C.

offers D. applications

20. A. lesson B.

adventure C.

chance D. challenge





We're all looking for the right answers.We look in self-help books and churches and seek out teachers and therapists(治疗学家)and even hire fortune-tellers.But what if I told you the best way to find what you're looking for is to stop looking?

Seriously. Sometimes we look and search too much.Our minds are filled with knowledge and facts but we never find peace because we can't stop thinking!

Many Buddhist teachers refer to this phenomenon as 'monkey-mind' because it's similar to the way a monkey will swing from tree to tree tasting a banana from each one before dropping it and moving to the next tree.Like these monkeys,we often jump from thought to thought without ever really being in the present moment. The cure for this is to make a conscious(有意识的) effort to quiet the mind.

Or take what I like to refer to as a‘mental vacation'. There are many different techniques for this but the easiest way is to find a quiet place, close your eyes and simply concentrate on your breathing. That's it.

Now,when your mind starts to wander(and it will),do not be too much concerned.

Let that thought float away like a cloud in the sky and bring your attention back to your breathing. The goal is to quiet your mind as much as possible. With a little bit of practice you'll get good at this!When you first start out try it for five or ten minutes. Even in this short amount of time you'll notice a difference in the way you think and feel. But with daily practice you'll see major improvements in your physical and mental health.

There are many reasons for this but all we really need to know is that a calm mind is a vibrant mind. It is alive and full of ideas with creative energy. It has the ability to perfectly control millions of activities happening at the same time without any conscious effort.

So next time you can't find the answer you're looking for, remember to stop swinging from tree to tree. Take a deep breath,quiet your mind and enjoy every precious minute of your mental vacation.

21. According to the text, in what way are we humans similar to monkeys? ______

A. We like jumping from tree to tree.

B. We have a taste for fresh bananas.

C. We feel a strong desire for knowledge.

D. We keep jumping from thought to thought.

22. What does the author suggest to find our peace of mind? ______

A. Solve every problem we have.

B. Relax and focus on our breathing.

C. Swing from tree to tree like a monkey.

D. Take a few days off and have a vacation.

23. The underlined word "vibrant"(Paragraph 5)is closest in meaning to ______ .

A. lively


peaceful C.

curious D. complex

24. The text is mainly about ______ .

A. The benefits of taking vacations.

B. The importance of peace of mind.

C. The cure for monkey mind.

D. The risks of monkey mind.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


It is important that you teach your baby to read as young as possible. Why?

Because there is simply no better time in a child's life for learning than when they are between 3 months old and their 5th birthday.(1) As a result, they are sponges (海绵)for knowledge.Moreover,being able to read is the basis for any successful education, so the earlier they start,the better. All too often, parents leave educating their children up to schools, which probably explains why the United States is currently ranked 18th in its rate of reading and writing.

Teaching your baby to read provides brain exercise during the very time when his or her brain is developing. It has also been shown to increase the baby's IQ.

The sooner they begin to read, the sooner they can begin to learn other subjects.

This way, by the time your children begin school, they will already know what's being taught, and will be put on the fast track. (2)

One of the cases that really began to bring the fact that babies can learn to read to the public's attention was 17-month-old Elizabeth Barrett. (3) She was given

a series of words and even sentences that she could read quite well. Her parents

had been reading to her since she was born and had provided her with a very early education.

Reading is the most important thing to teach babies at a young age. (4) Learning can be fun at such an early age, and it can be accomplished so easily that they won't have to struggle in order to learn. In fact, when you use the proper materials, they will look forward to learning.

If you're interested in teaching your baby to read, the best way to start is by spending just a few minutes a day. (5) Simply show your baby matching picture on the opposite side.There are also videos that help to teach babies to read.

There is no better time to teach your baby to read than the present. Begin by looking for learning materials that your baby might enjoy.

A.Flash cards are an effective tool.

B.She appeared on the Today show.

C.Maybe they will even skip a grade down the road.

D.During this time, their brains are developing rapidly.

E.What's more, your child will be able to read so successfully.

F.It doesn't have to be stressful or difficult for your child though.G.Parents talk about the pride that their children can read at an early age.


It?s a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing in front of a shoe store on Broadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold. A lady approached the boy and said (1) (gentle)," My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?" "I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes," the boy (2) (reply). The lady took him by the hand, went into the store, (3) asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked (4) he could give her a basin of water and a towel. The clerk quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel. By this time, the clerk (5) (return) with the socks. (6) (place) a pair upon the boy?s feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to the boy. She patted him on (7) head and said," My little fellow, do you

feel (8) comfortable now than before?" As she turned to go, the astonished boy, (9) caught her hand and looked up in her face, (10) tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words, "Are you Good's wife?"


注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分

Freddy as well as his friends were very sensitive to music. Just look at music books briefly, they could sing and play well. It was not long that they formed a band, which all of them had dreamed of. When they first appeared on the TV program, they became known to people. In fact, the band was such popular that they couldn’t go out without being followed. They couldn’t go out to eat in public. So could they go shopping freely. They were tired of the situation and lost their heart about their future. Then they realized they had come to a position when they had to break up because the fame was no longer worth all their efforts and there was something important. At last they went back to the lake and live a quiet and peaceful life. 答题区域


空1-5 6-10 11-15



解 21 22 23_________ 24_______

七选五 1_________ 2________ 3________ 4_______ 5________


1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8

9 10





1gently 2replied 3and 4 if/whether 5had returned 6Placing/Having placed

7the 8more 9who 10with

Freddy as well as his friends were very sensitive to music. Just look at music books briefly, they could sing and play well. It was not long that




they formed a band, which all of them had dreamed of. When they first appeared on the TV program, they became known to people. In fact,


the band was such popular that they couldn't go out without being followed. They couldn't go out to eat in public. So could they go shopping



freely. They were tired of the situation and lost their heart about their future. Then they realized they had come to a position when they had


to break up because the fame was no longer worth all their efforts and there was something ^important. At last they went back to the lake


and live a quiet and peaceful life.lived


高中英语兴趣小组活动计划 一、指导思想 兴趣是学生的内驱力,引发学生浓厚的情感是学好英语的关键。小学英语学习缺乏语言环境,学生遗忘现象比较比较严重,出现学时会、用时忘的现象。长此以来,会导致一部分学生成绩偏差,慢慢对英语学习失去兴趣,影响老师的正常教学。课外活动是课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的补充和延伸。英语兴趣小组旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的听、说、读、写能力,帮助学生树立学英语的自信心,形成有效的学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,丰富小学生的课余生活,同时也为他们今后的英语学习打更牢固的基础。二、活动重点: 增加学生的词汇量及常用的日常短语、句子,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。三、活动目的: 1(通过有效的课外活动,培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣。 2. 给学生一个良好的语言学习环境,以促进学生进行口语交流的欲望。 3. 进一步建设校园英语环境,加强学生口语交流能力,积极开展形式多样的英语角活动。四、活动对象: 高中三个年级学生,原则上各个兴趣小组人数不超过30人。 五、活动内容: 在具体操作上,有多种模式。教师可以听、说、读、写等几种基本机能为着眼点,以词汇、句型、语音、语法等为素材,融入情感和文化的小组设置模式。 (一)训练听力 我们可以建立“听力活动室”,采用磁带广播放听,也可采用人物现场说听。现场听,语音要标准、清晰,可单人说,也可双人、多人相声形式进行。 听的方式很多,如:听辨、听写、听拼、听读、听画、听填、听演、听并归 类、听并造句、听后描述、听后例举同类、欣赏外语影视等等,主要看我们如何恰

当地运用起来,运用得科学生动,比如:教词汇bird,可让学生听声声鸟鸣,辨音画出鸟的模样或例举同属禽类的chicken、duck等;教学fly一词时,让听音[flai],拼出F-L-Y,FLY“飞”,并作“张翼欲飞”状;而在高级阶段,可以力求情景化,选择内容生动、贴近生活实际的文段,先让大家听(例如:听主题为Learn to ride on a bike的文段,并适当配上了“车铃声”,同伴担心的 1 口气、欢呼声,自行车的摔落声等),而后开展各种诸如分析难点、学习常 识、抢答问题、完成习题之类的活动。 (二)训练口语 建议开辟英语角,现场布置一些挂图、轻音乐、实物,黑板上设计主题宣传画、简笔漫画来营造一种轻松、和谐、活泼的氛围。师生在这样的氛围中自由就座,活泼交流;或者让学生走人大自然走进社会,直接进行情景运用。 话题一定要以恰当形式提出,要能刺激大家说的欲望和热情:形式却可多样 化,可看图讲话、看图猜去向、听词讲话、听文段后评论,也可以人言亦言仿说、做游戏、讲故事、竞赛、排练短剧、演讲、复述、绕口令、讲笑话等。 英语原是一门活生生的表达和交流人们思想或情感体验的语言。如果我们能够充分协调运用眼口鼻的感知功能,那对于英语的学习可望有较大的提高。 (三)培养阅读能力 指导阅读,(1)要注重技巧的指导,要指导学生学会使用工具书,学会带着问 题有目的地阅读,学会泛读、精读、跳读等几种读法;(2)要启发思考,帮助分析材料,深入探究,把握文段大意;(3)提供给他们的材料应该是近水平而略高的,趣味故事、寓言幽默、名人轶事、各地风情、新闻报道、游戏、文学作品之类的材料,青少年喜闻乐见,可读性强,都在推荐之列:(4)要有计划地组织他们从朗读到默读,从词到文段,从同步材料到课外读物,从浅易到深难循序渐进去读,从而实现

1. 高中英语应用文背诵大全

高考英语冲刺阶段应用文素材汇总 一、邀请函 ●特别注意: 1.邀请的语气和口吻 2.时间和地点的表达(通常从小写到大) 3.慎用强调句型和first, second 等关联词 ●邀请信/函的一些句式表达: (一)开头: 1. I’m writing (this letter) to invite you to do sth. (give us students a lecture on English literature.) 2. We would like to invite you to + sth. (the presentation of our new product.) 3. I’m very / greatly honored to invite you to do sth. (二)关于活动:(也适用于通知类应用文) ☆总起句 1. During the …., there will be interesting activities. 2. A variety of well- organized activities are waiting for you. ☆总起句后,按活动顺序逐一介绍,加些表示时间的关联词。如: 1. The party will begin / start with a big dinner, after which we will play games and appreciate performances together. 2. We will first express our sincere thanks to him, closely followed by sending gifts. 3. At the end of the party, there will come the most exciting part: … ☆地点和时间的表达:从小到大表述 在学校餐厅: at / in the school canteen / dining hall 在操场:on the playground 在校园里:on campus 在晚会期间:at / during the party 在报告厅:in the lecture hall 英国伦敦橡树街100号:at No. 100 Oak Street, London, England 周六下午:on Saturday afternoon 周日下午5点:at 5 p.m. this Sunday / at 5 this Sunday afternoon 2016年9月26日上午8点开始:start at 8 a.m. on September 26th/ 26, 2016 ☆常用句型: 1.We will do … + 时间和地点 例:We will gather on the school playground at 4 p.m. on October 13th, 2016 to make a vow. (宣誓) 2.sth. will be done … + 时间和地点(被动语态) 例:The party will be held in the school canteen at 5 p.m. this Sunday. 3.Sth. is scheduled to be done … + 时间和地点(被动语态) 例:The speech is scheduled to be given on April, 28 at the School hall. ☆表达活动的目的: 1. In order to …, we will … 2. Sth. is intended / designed / meant to do … 3. The purpose of sth. is to do … (三)结尾: 1. I believe you will be interested in … as it will help you … 2. The party won’t be complete without you. Do come along and enjoy yourself.


浙江省温州市五校联盟(十二中,第二实验中学,十四中,九中,鹿城实验中学)2015-2016学年八年级 数学上学期期中试题 (满分:100分考试时间:90分钟); 一、选择题(本题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.在△ABC中,∠A=50°,∠B=70°,则∠C的度数是() A.40° B.60° C.80° D.100° 2.下列选项中的三条线段的长度,能组成三角形的是() A.1,2,4 B.4,5,9 C.4,6,8 D.5,5,11 3.下列学习用具中,形状不是轴对称图形的是() A B C D 4.下列命题中,是真命题的是() A.有两条边相等的三角形是等腰三角形 B.同位角相等 C. 如果

,那么 D.面积相等的两个三角形全等 5.下列各图中,正确画出AC边上的高的是( ) 6.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,D是AB的中点,若AB=8, 则CD的长是() A.6 B.5 C.4 D.3 7.已知命题:若a>b,则 。下列哪个反例可以说明这是个假命题() A.a=2,b=1 B.a=2,b=- 1 C.a=1,b= 2 D.a=-2,b=-1

8.如图,一副分别含有30°和45°角的两个直角三角板,拼成如图所示, 其中∠C=90°,∠B=45°,∠E=30°,则∠BFD的度数是() A.10° B.15° C.25° D.30° 9.如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=900,AC=4,BC=3,DE是AC边的中垂线, 分别交AC,AB于点E,D,则△DBC的周长为() A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D.9 10.如图所示,某人到岛上去探宝,从A处登陆后先往北走9km, 又往东走6km,再折回向北走3km,往西一拐,仅走1km就找到宝藏. 问登陆点A与宝藏埋藏点B之间的距离是()km


英语兴趣小组活动计划 一、英语兴趣小组目标 为了激发学生学习英语的的热情,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,丰富学生的课余生活,增强语感,培养听说能力和口语表达能力,并且使学生的英语发音纯正,能够在一定的英语语境中用英语思维并表达,锻炼学生的胆量,使其能够更好的辅助英语教学,以及创造良好的校园英语学习氛围和练习口语的场所,帮助他们解决英语口语学习上的困难,同时加强教师与学生的交流和沟通,分享学习心得,从而达到促使学生轻松学好英语的目的。 二、英语兴趣小组实施计划 1.参与对象:初三全体学生中立志提高自己英语口语水平和学习能力的学生。 人数:预初每班优秀学生5—10名。预初英语基础好的学生在自愿报名的基础上由老师筛选。 2.时间:每星期二的活动课(每逢一举行一次)。 3.地点:集中在五楼多媒体教室。 4.容:游戏活动与英语会话。 5.奖励:年级将表彰一批在本活动中表现突出的同学 6.指导思想:围绕教材现有的知识点设置活动素材。 7.组织者:高中英语科科组。 三、活动形式 1、在英语老师的帮助下,根据不同话题,创设情景,用英语进行对话交流。 2、同学之间用英语交流,提高互动性。 3、学唱经典英文歌曲。 4、经典外国电影欣赏。 5、英语游戏,如猜谜、猜词等。 6、表演英文歌为背景的舞蹈、英语短剧,英语演讲等。 7. 复习英语语法项目,阅读,听力和写作训练。

四、活动要求 1、参加英语角的同学和指导老师应按时到达地点。 2、进入英语角场所后一律用英语交流。 4、参加英语角的全体学生应增强自信,积极主动参与各项话题活动,保证英语角活动的顺利进行。 五、活动主题(Topic)(供参考) 1、介绍自己喜好。、家庭及交朋友。(Introduce yourself, family and friends)介绍自己的(Likes and dislikes) 2、谈谈自己的课余生活。(Your spare time) 3、说说将要做的事(Sentence patterns: be going to do; want to do) 4、谈位及地点(Direction and location) 5、谈购物(Shopping) 6、谈谈外出旅行(Outing and travelling) 7、看图说话(Talking about pictures) (活动主题可根据年级组的课程作相应的调整) 第一次英语兴趣小组活动计划(11月11日) 1.游戏容:学唱“Do Ray Me”。 2.会话主题:My New friends / My pen pals 3.活动过程: Part 1 学唱“Do Ray Me”,缓和第一次英语角的紧气氛,为会话作过渡。带唱几次后,由


互联网在高中英语教学中的应用【摘要】在科技日新月异的信息时代,互联网的发展带动了社会各行各业的迅猛发展,出现了翻天覆地的变化,作为培养人才的教育行业也正在接受着互联网时代浪潮带来的改革。英语课堂正在从传统以教师为主体,教与学的被动单向传递走向以学生为主体,老师为引路的互联网参与的师生互动新课堂模式。在这种新形势新背景下,怎样将互联网运用到高中英语教学中去需要探寻一条有效的途径。打造互联网+高效课堂教学新思维也成为了关注焦点。高效英语课堂应该借助于互联网+发现教育新资源、建立新形态、探索新模式。 【关键词】互联网;高中;英语;教学 1引言 互联网恰当的与高中英语教学相结合不仅能提高学生学习英语的兴趣,而且能活跃课堂气氛,提高学习效率,收获学习成果,这对英语课堂教学改革有着深远的意义。探索这种思路可以从四方面实践。 2激发兴趣,优化导入环节,通过课堂应用实现与课堂传统教学的结合,收获生动、有趣的课堂教学效果 高中英语课堂的导入是成功教学案例的关键,互联网资源丰富,在备课过程中可以引入合适的部分恰到好处的插入到课堂中来,而导入部分是引起学生兴趣的第一步,多媒体图片,小视频,课件展示等是课堂运用最多的网络资源,因其便利性,简洁性,低难度等特点广受师生喜爱,更是教师备课一大高效辅助手段,这些资源图文并茂,生动活泼,具有直观性,能很好的抓住学生眼球,引起学生兴趣,学生做好积极参与课堂学习的准备。

如果教师进一步抛砖引玉,设置开放性的问题结合图文,更能有效的锻炼学生思维发展和创新。 3发现整合网络教育资源,利用互联网多媒体平台,实现简练清晰明了的授课目的高中英语课堂容量大,优质,高效是高中各个学科追求的目标,面对教学内容难度大,基础知识量大的现状,网络教育平台和多媒体展示就可以解决这一问题,通过搜索网络教育资源,在备课过程中添入实时教育资源,利用多媒体平台展示课程框架脉络或精准内容,实现信息简单化,问题系统化和直观化,一目了然,关键是实现了分解了看文章的复杂度又不破坏文章的完整性这一目的。教学内容,重难点也简单明了,全程以学生为主体自行思考,独立学习,既传达了教学意图,也抓住了教学重点,更好的保证了教学效果。而传统英语课一节课一般包括单词,词组,文章,语法,口语及拓展阅读等,传统课堂的局限性不得不将一节课分几个课时讲解,这个过程中需要在经过老师花大量时间讲解和板书后,学生再经过自己知识多次加工处理才能掌握,这无形中增加了信息与学生间的距离,同时在在这个过程中可能也会存在理解有误,知识理解有偏等突出问题,教与学不能很好的衔接,也就保证不了高效优质的教学。 4翻转课堂,启动在线学习模式,让学生有资源有目标的主动参与,自主学习 翻转课堂译自"FlippedClassroom"或"InvertedClassroom",也可译为"颠倒课堂",是指重新调整课堂内外的时间,将学习的决定权从教师转移给学生。在这种教学模式下,课堂内的宝贵时间,学生能够更专注于主动的基于项目的学习,从而获得更深层次的理解。教师不再占用课堂的时间来讲授信息,这些信息需要学生在课后完成自主学习,他们可以看视频讲座、看微课,还能在网络上与别的同学讨论,能在任何时候去查阅需要的材料。教师也能有更多的时间与每个人交流。其中微课在翻转课堂中有着重要的角色,微课

2018-2019年浙江省温州市鹿城区实验中学第一学期九年级期中英语试卷(解析版 无听力部分)

2018-2019学年浙江省温州市鹿城区实验中学第一学期九年级期中英语试卷 笔试部分(95分) 二、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分。) --Can I use _____ umbrella in front of the door? --Of course, but remember to put it back later. 【A】a 【B】an 【C】the 【D】/ 【答案】C 【解析】:考查冠词。根据“in front of the door”可知是特指,故用冠词the,选C --Who helped you with the homework yesterday, Kitty? --________. I did it all by myself. 【A】Nobody 【B】Everybody 【C】Somebody 【D】Anybody 【答案】A 【解析】:考查不定代词。根据回答“I did it all by myself.”选项A符合题意。 To invent a new kind of invention. he did lots of_______. 【A】experiences

【B】experiments 【C】exhibitions 【D】operations 【答案】B 【解析】:考查名词。根据句意“为了一种新的发明,他做了很多实验”。选项B符合题意 --Is it always ______ to look up the words in the dictionary while reading? --Of course not. Sometimes we need to guess. 【A】impossible 【B】interesting 【C】necessary 【D】useless 【答案】C 【解析】:考查形容词。根据“Of course not. Sometimes we need to guess”可知necessary“必要”,符合题意 --What would you do after you graduate from the university? --I'd like to work _____ I needn’t depend on my parents. 【A】as soon as


中学英语兴趣小组活动策划 一、指导思想 英语兴趣小组是课堂教学的补充和延伸,在于培养学生对英语的兴趣、爱好、增长知识、提高技能、丰富学生的课余文化生活,与课堂教学相比更具灵活性、可塑性,因而学生非常乐意参加。本学期我们将根据学校的具体情况有计划有目的的开展活动,重视教学质量,调动学生的极积性,努力把英语兴趣小组活动搞得有声有色。为了给爱好英语的同学一个良好的学习环境。 二、活动目的 1、培养学生英语学习能力。养成学生良好的行为习惯,形成健康的个性心理。 2、通过有效的课外活动,从小培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣; 3、授人以渔,培养学生英语学习的能力; 4、提高学生的词汇量,语感,常用话题等等整体素质,为日后更多的比赛打好基础。 5、通过兴趣小组的活动,使学生的特长得到更好的发展,进一步提高学生语音语调的准确性,丰富学生的词汇量,提高学生的口语表达能力及表演能力。 三、活动对象: 初一至初三年级的全体学生

四、活动时间: 活动时间待定,(个人建议每周二下午课外活动时间和每周五中午放学时间); 五、活动地点: 活动地点待定;(建议天气好的时候地点学在水池附近,恶劣的天气在大会议室内) 六、活动要求: 由于初一与初二、初三存在一定的英语能力差异,所以建议进行层次兴趣培养(附表1)。 1.确定英语组成员名单。 2.开英语兴趣小组成员会,选拔相关负责人。 3.每两周为一个主题,有成员带动,一起交流。每周每次确定一个课堂内容,提前一周进行预先安排,学生参与准备,待到下周英语角时间进行畅所欲言的交流。 4.积极开展形式多样的英语角口语练习辅导。 5.训练学生对词汇的积累与运用。 6、小组成员应严格遵守纪律,不准在活动室大声喧哗,破坏、损坏活动室的财产; 7、每次老师布置的作业,学生都应按时完成;


温教学〔2007〕78号 温州市教育局关于表彰2007年 全市第二批德育工作先进集体和个人的通知 各县(市、区)教育局,市局直属各学校: 为了贯彻落实《温州市教育局关于加强和改进中小学生思想道德教育的实施意见》(温教学〔2005〕17号),根据市教育局《关于做好2007年教育系统各级各类先进集体和个人评选推荐工作的通知》(温教政函〔2007〕106号),今年6月以来,各地各校推荐上报各类先进集体和个人材料。经研究,决定授予温州市第十四中学等53所中小学“温州市德育工作先进集体”称号,授予吴君宏等79位老师“温州市优秀德育工作者”称号,授予严晓清等103位老师“温州市优秀德育课教师”称号。 希望受表彰的德育工作先进集体和先进个人戒骄戒躁,再接 — 1 —

再厉,为提高我市中小学德育工作水平作出新的贡献。 温州市2007年中小学德育工作先进集体(53个) 市局直属学校(4个) 温州市第十四中学温州市第二十二中学 温州市职业中等专业学校温州市实验小学 鹿城区(3个) 温州市广场路小学温州市第十七中学 温州市仰义第二小学 瓯海区(3个) 瓯海区郭溪镇燎原小学瓯海区娄桥中学 瓯海区职业中等专业学校 龙湾区(2个) 龙湾区沙城中学龙湾区永中二小 瑞安市(7个) 瑞安市职业中等专业学校瑞安市第四中学 瑞安市安阳实验中学瑞安市飞云镇中心小学 瑞安市广场实验小学瑞安市塘下镇中心小学 瑞安市莘塍镇第六小学 — 2 —

乐清市(7个) 乐清市柳市镇第六小学乐清市乐成镇第一小学 乐清市白象中学乐清市虹桥镇第九小学 乐清市第三中学乐清雁荡镇第二中学 乐清市虹桥中学分校 永嘉县(7个) 永嘉县乌牛镇中学永嘉县瓯北镇第三中学 永嘉县上塘镇城西小学永嘉中学 永嘉县瓯北镇第六小学永嘉县西源乡中心小学 永嘉县职业中学 平阳县(5个) 平阳县鳌江中学平阳县昆阳镇第三小学 平阳县闹村乡中学平阳县萧江镇第三小学 平阳县鳌江镇第六中学 苍南县(7个) 苍南县莒溪镇初级中学苍南县金乡镇第三小学 苍南县龙港镇凤江辅导小学苍南县灵溪镇第四中心小学苍南县矾山高级中学苍南县灵溪中学 苍南县仁英高级中学 文成县(3个) 文成中学文成县玉壶镇中心小学 文成县珊溪镇中心小学 — 3 —


互联网与高中英语教学的应用 摘要:在信息技术快速发展背景下,互联网技术也在教育领域得到了更广泛的应用推广,并使得课堂教学实效性得到了大幅度提升,尤其是在高中英语课堂教学中的应用,不仅能够全面激发学生的英语学习积极性,也有助于提升教师的综合素养,增强课堂教学效果,因此,对于互联网的应用研究,广大高中英语教师应给予足够重视。 关键词:高中英语互联网教学 新课标要求教师要充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生的学习方式,提高学生的学习效率。传统的英语教学长期采用“一支粉笔,一块黑板,一本书”的教学模式,这种以教师讲为中心的教学模式已经很难适应当前新课标的教学宗旨,改变势在必行。因此在这个信息和网络发达的时代,互联网辅助教学就成了一种必然的趋势。互联网辅助教学集声音、图像、动画、文字于一体,为学生提供了直观、生动、活泼、丰富多彩的语言学习环境,优化了课堂教学,还能激发学生学习的热情,发挥学生的主体性,扩大学生的视野,提高学生听、说、读、写等综合语言运用能力。跟传统英语教学比起来,互联网辅助教学有许多明显的优势,它为英语教学注入新的活力,使教师更容易创设多种多样的教学情境,从传统的单一教学模式中解放出来,打开一个全新的局面,从而提高教学的效率。下面将对互联网在高中英语教学中的应用谈一些看法。 一、激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性 著名教育家陶行知先生说:“教学艺术就在于设法引起学生的兴趣,有了兴趣就肯用全部的精力去做事情。” 俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师”。因此,兴趣是学生能否学好的关键,没有浓厚的兴趣和积极的主动性,学习就变成了学生沉重的负担。学生只有对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣和积极的情感,才能保持学习英语的动力并取得良好的成绩。在传统的教学模式中,单一、机械的教学方式让学生容易产生枯燥、乏味的感觉,久而久之学生学习的兴趣和积极性就会下降,学习的效率也会下滑,成绩也会不如人意。但是在互联网教学中,通过直观、生动、形象、多彩的文字、图形、视频和音频等信息,将视觉和听觉结合起来,能长时间的吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习主动性,让学生以轻松愉悦的心情主动参与到课堂教学中来,学生学习的效率当然也会得到很大的提高。 二、加强互联网技术与传统教学模式的整合 新课改强调,高中英语教师应不断加强英语教学方式与模式的创新改革,进一步推进互联网教学发展,所以,为了全面适应教育改革发展需求,高中英语教师应积极转变英语教学理念。但就目前来看,仍有很多教师在沿用传统的教学模式,其原因一方面是在于高中学校为对英语教师、教学制定标准要求,而过于注重学生考试成绩,另一方面,是在于传统教学模式,对英语教师、技术等方面没有过高的要求,英语教师学习、掌握起来也比较容易。对此,各高中英语教师应积极向拥有优秀经验的英语教师请教,或是观摩其教学过程,学校也应该积极组织英语教师学习、掌握最新的媒体技术,不断优化自身的互联网理论知识结构,并在此过程中促进其教师积极更新自身教育理念,真正认识到采用互联网技术开展教学活动的优势。 三、重视互联网教学素材的选取 就目前来看,互联网技术的运用,通常都是以互联网课件的表现形式呈现的,如PowerPoint、Flash和一些视频等。互【下载更多免费课件、上传文档做兼职日赚100元、发表教师职称论文+V:ch661134】联网教学强调,应在听说读写四个方面加强革新,并做出科学、合理的编排,这一过程往往都是复杂且漫长的。主要是因为目前市面上还未制定出一套较为完善、合适的互联网教学素材,具有系统化编排,且与课程安排相适应的英语课件系统。而且,要想开发出与上述要求相一致的课件系统,也往往需要耗费大量的人力、物力与财力,以及较为漫长的研发时间,因此,高中英语教师若想利用互联网技术为学生设计出


2015学年第一学期期中试卷七年级语文学科 亲爱的同学: 欢迎参加本次检测!答卷时,请注意以下几点: 1.本卷满分总计100分(含书写分3分),考试时间100分钟。 2.答题前务必在答题卷密封区内写好班级、姓名、学号、准考证号等。 3.答案请写在答题卷相应的位置上,书写要规范、清楚,不要使用涂改液、修正带等。 祝你成功! 一、书写(3分) 卷面分3分,要求:卷面整洁,字迹清楚;字迹潦草,随意涂改酌情扣分。 二、语文积累和运用(27分) 1.读下面这段文字,根据拼音写出相应的汉字。(4分) 我喜欢在春风中穿过小径,树梢尖尖的(nèn)(1)芽透着一片黄绿;我喜欢夏日的黄昏,独坐在阳台上,看绚丽的云霞遮(bì)(2)远方;我喜欢看秋风里开得烂(màn)(3)的芦花,飘飘忽忽,随风摇曳;我喜欢冬天的阳光,没有喧哗的光和热,安(shì)(4)宁静。 2.根据语境,为空格处选择恰当的词语。(填写序号)(4分) (1)母亲就▲地躲出去,在我看不见的地方▲地听着我的动静。 (A.偷偷 B.悄悄)——(史铁生《秋天的怀念》)(2)不知道睡了多久,也不知道是夜里的什么时辰,我忽然爬起来,▲地往外走。母亲喊住我: “你要去干什么?” “找蔡老师……”我▲地回答。 (A.迷迷糊糊 B.模模糊糊)——(魏巍《我的老师》)3.解释下面加点的文言词语。(4分) (1)学而时习之,不亦说.乎▲(2)温故.而知新▲ (3)陈太丘与友期.▲(4)元方入门不顾.▲ 4.古诗文名句默写。(9分) (1)烈士暮年,▲。(曹操《龟虽寿》)(2)▲,青山郭外斜。(孟浩然《过故人庄》)(3)曲径通幽处,▲。(常建《题破山寺后禅院》)(4)我寄愁心与明月,▲。(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》)(5)枯藤老树昏鸦,▲,古道西风瘦马。(马致远《天净沙》)(6)子在川上曰:“▲,不舍昼夜。”(《论语·子罕》) (7)子夏曰:“博学而笃志,▲,仁在其中矣。”(《论语·子张》)


浙江省温州市第二十一中学2019-2020学年九年级上学期10 月月考语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.阅读艾青的诗歌,根据拼音写出诗歌中相应的汉字。 他睁开了眼睛, 在通(xiāo)(1)____不熄的微弱的灯光里 他看见了那挂在身边的号角, 他困惑地(níng)(2)____视着它 好像那些刚从睡眠中醒来 第一眼就看见自己心爱的恋人的人一样欢喜—— 在生活注定给他的日子当中 他不能不爱他的号角; 号角是美的—— 它的通身 发着健康的光(cǎi)(3)_____,它的颈上 结着(fēi)(4)____红的流苏。 ——选自艾青《吹号者》 二、综合性学习 2.综合性学习 (任务一)下面是某班同学以“古典诗文的功用”为专题整理的古诗文材料。请在画线处填写相应的古诗文名句。

(任务二)在“最美教室”评比中,学校要求班级布置一个“诗中有画”的墙面,宣传组同学设计出了三种版面,究竟哪一种更适合挂在教室里呢?请你选择一种并说明理由。 我选__________,理由:______________________________ 三、选择题 3.下列是对我国相关传统文化、文学常识的理解,其中说法有误 ..的是()。A.(纪年)我国古代用干支或皇帝的年号纪年。元丰六年(《记承天寺夜游》)、文帝之后六年(《周亚夫军细柳》)、晋太元中(《桃花源记》)所用纪年方法相同。 B.(称谓)古人讲究礼节,对对方或对方亲属用敬称,如“令郎”“家君”“贤弟”,对自己一方则用谦辞,如“尊君”“舍妹”“小儿”等。 C.(年龄)古代对于不同的年龄有相应的不同的称呼,如:豆蔻——女子十三四岁,弱冠——男子二十岁左右,花甲——六十岁。 D.(文体)词在隋唐兴起,宋代进入全盛时期,又称“曲子词”,也叫“长短句”“诗余”等。 4.暑假里同学们读了不少艾青写的诗歌,对其人其诗有一定的探究和发现。请你根据 自己的探究和发现,选择出以下关于艾青“其人其诗”的表达有误 ..的一项()A.从诗歌风格上看,新中国成立前,艾青以深沉、激越、奔放的笔触诅咒黑暗,讴歌光明;新中国建立后,他又一如既往地歌颂人民,礼赞光明,思考人生。 B.艾青之所以写下《大堰河——我的保姆》这首长诗,是因为他加入中国左翼美术家联盟,被捕入狱,失去了绘画的条件,于是借诗“控诉、抗议”,抒发了对当时社会的


高中英语10大应用文优秀满分范文全集! 1. 感谢信假如你是李华,上月,你去新加坡参加了一个为期一周的国际交流活动。在此期间,导游凯茜(Cathy)给你留下了深刻的印象。回国后,你决定给她写一封感谢信。内容包括: 1. 她的周到服务使交流活动进展顺利; 2. 她的全面讲解使你了解了新加坡的文化; 3. 她帮你找到遗忘在旅游车上的一本英语小说; 4. 邀请她来中国旅游。【优秀满分范文】Dear Cathy,I am writing to thank you for your good service and kind help, which made my stay inSingaporea pleasant memory. First of all, I appreciate your careful arrangements, which made the exchange activity a complete success. You’re so skilled at introducing the scenery and history ofSingaporethat I now have a clear picture of the country. What moved me most was that you took a lot of effort to get back my English novel, which I had left on the tourist bus.I hope you’ll pay a visit toChinaone day and I’ll be delighted to be your guide. Thank you again for your excellent service and kindness. Yours, Li Hua


浙江省温州市鹿城区实验中学2020-2021学年九年 级上学期期末数学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. sin60°的值为() A. B.C.D. 2. 抛物线的顶点坐标为() A.B.C.D. 3. 某同学连续抛掷硬币2次,都是正面朝上,则抛掷第3次出现正面朝上的概率为() A.1 B.C.D. 4. 如图,在2×3的方格中,画有格点△ABC,下列选项的方格中所画格点三角形(阴影部分)与△ABC相似的是() A.B.C.D. 5. 如图,直线l 1、l 2 、l 3 分别交直线l 4 于点A、B、C,交直线l 5 于点D、E、 F,且,已知DE:DF=3:7,BC=14,则AB的长为() A.10.5 B.6 C.7 D.8

6. 如图,在⊙O中,点B是弧AC上的一点,∠AOC=140°,则∠ABC的度数为() A.70°B.110°C.120°D.140° 7. 点,,是二次函数图象上 的三点,则y 1,y 2 ,y 3 的大小关系是() A.B. C.D. 8. 在正方形网格中,∠AOB如图所示放置,则sin∠AOB的值为() A.B.C.D. 9. 如图,一把直角三角板的顶点A、B在⊙O上,边BC、AC与⊙O交于点D、E,已知∠C=30°,则∠AED的大小为() A.90°B.100°C.110°D.120°

10. 已知抛物线与x轴交于点A,B两点(A在原点O左侧,B 在原点O右侧),与y轴交于点C,若OC=OB,则点A的横坐标为() D. A.B.C. 二、填空题 11. 已知,则=_______. 12. 已知一个扇形的半径长是4cm,圆心角为45°,则这个扇形的面积是 _________cm2. 13. 若某斜面的坡度为,则该坡面的坡角为______. x的值0 4 6 ax2+bx+c的值 3 3 5


浙江省一二三级重点中学名单 一、省一级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州高级中学杭州第二中学浙江大学附属中学杭州学军中学 杭州第四中学杭州第十四中学杭师院附属三墩高级中学杭州长河高级中学 杭州外国语学校萧山中学萧山区第二高级中学萧山区第三高级中学 萧山区第五高级中学余杭高级中学余杭第二高级中学富阳中学 富阳市第二高级中学富阳市新登中学桐庐中学临安中学 临安昌化中学临安市於潜中学淳安中学严州中学 宁波市: 镇海中学宁波效实中学宁波中学鄞州中学 慈溪中学余姚中学宁海中学象山中学 奉化市第一中学北仑中学鄞州区姜山中学鄞州区鄞江中学 慈溪市浒山中学宁波第二中学宁波万里国际学校中学(民办) 宁波华茂外国语学校(民办) 鄞州区正始中学宁波市李惠利中学镇海区龙赛中学宁海县知恩中学 慈溪市杨贤江中学 温州市: 温州中学温州第二高级中学瓯海中学瑞安中学 乐清中学平阳县第一中学苍南县第一中学永嘉中学 嘉兴市: 嘉兴市第一中学嘉兴市高级中学平湖中学海宁市高级中学 桐乡市高级中学海盐元济高级中学嘉善高级中学嘉兴市秀州中学 桐乡市第一中学平湖市当湖高级中学桐乡市茅盾中学海盐高级中学 嘉善第二高级中学 湖州市: 湖州中学湖州市第二中学湖州市菱湖中学德清县第一中学 德清县高级中学安吉高级中学长兴中学德清县第三中学 长兴县华盛虹溪中学(民办) 绍兴市: 绍兴市第一中学上虞春晖中学诸暨中学绍兴县柯桥中学 嵊州市第一中学绍兴市稽山中学上虞中学新昌中学 绍兴县鲁迅中学诸暨市牌头中学绍兴县越崎中学 金华市: 金华市第一中学浙江师范大学附属中学(金华二中)金华市汤溪高级中学兰溪市第一中学 东阳中学义乌中学永康市第一中学武义第一中学 浦江中学磐安中学金华艾青中学义乌市第二中学 衢州市: 衢州第二中学衢州第一中学江山中学龙游中学 丽水市: 丽水中学缙云中学遂昌中学青田中学 云和中学龙泉市第一中学庆元中学松阳县第一中学 景宁中学 台州市:


篇一:高一英语阅读理解应用文专练 高一英语阅读理解 广告,图表等应用类阅读. (1) now is the best time for hong kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are having their seasonal sales. with the same amount of money, you can find different kinds of goods in this city. women, young and old, rarely resist the attraction of this shopping paradise(乐园) at this time of year. lovers will surely have an exciting christmas and new year’s eve celebrations at the time square or in the western styled bars. spending your holiday in hong kong will be easy too, as several packing tours are available from czl travel service, with four-day tours for less than 15,000 yuan. 2. if you want to decide by yourself , you’d better choose tour package ________. a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. both2&3 3. according to the text , if you want to visit the victoria harbor at night with the tour guide, you can choose your package____________.a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1&2 4. if you are a shopping lover and you want to go to the golden beach, you’d better choosetour package ___________.a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1&3 5. this advertisement probably was shown ______________. a. on new year’s day b. at christmas c. between new year’s day and christmas d. before christmas and new year’ s day( c b a b d) (2) stress (压力) is everywhere in our daily life . and it is not just men who suffer from it, but women and young people , too. the main causes of stress are : death, divorce , marriage, money, moving house, changing jobs, ending relationships and taking exams. so how do you know if you suffer from stress ? do the stress test and find out ! stress test do you yes no often sleep badly ? 2.get headaches a lot ? 3.find it difficult to relax ? 4.need alcohol or cigarettes to keep clam ? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1313435714.html,ually hide your feeling ? 6.find it difficult to put your heart into something ? 7.take sleeping pills ? 8.get angry when things go wrong ? if you answer yes to more than two of these questions, you are one of many people who suffer from stress. so what can you do about it ? 1. what can you learn from the passage ? a. young people suffer a lot from stress than the old. b. many social (社会的) problems cause stress. c. if your answer yes to more than three of these questions , you are one of many people who suffer from stress. d. doing yoga is the most useful way to relieve stress. 2. how do you know you’ re suffering from stress ? (1) drink too much (3)usually hide your feeling (2) often sleepy (4) find


高中英语应用文写作优秀范文全集 1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报) your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是李华,你上星期参观伦敦,当时你爸的一个朋友Rogers先生对你照顾有加,请写封信表达你对他的感谢。

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