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Ⅰ. 听小对话, 选择图片(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

Ⅱ. 听长对话,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B 10. C

Ⅲ. 听独白,填表格(共5小题; 每小题2 分,满分10 分)

11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A

Ⅳ. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

16. D 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C

21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A

26. B 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. D

V. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. D

36. B 37. A 38. A 39. D 40. C

41. B 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D

VI. 词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

46. born 47. guy 48. tourists/travel(l)ers 49. patient 50. support

51. selling 52. corner 53. several 54. business 55. teaches

56. chose 57. my 58. bad 59. then 60. anyway

VII. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

61. example 62. relatives 63. how 64. was killed 65. sat

66. angry 67. though 68. longer 69. again 70. himself

VIII. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)

71. D 72. B 73. A 74. C 75. E

IX. 书面表达(共1小题;满分20分)

One Possible Version

Homework Help APP is more and more popular among the students in China. Here is the survey made by my class. Some students think they can spend less time finishing homework and solve the problem without teachers’ help, so they will have more time to do something they’re interested in.

However, some of them are worried about the APP. They say some students will be lazy to think when they meet difficult exercises, so they get used to doing homework with APP on the mobile phones and computers. There are also some wrong answers in it.

In my opinion, spending too much time on Homework Help APP is bad for eyes, and it’s really dangerous to get into the bad habit, we can’t do very well in all kinds of exams in this way.

(113 words)



1. 本题总分20分,按5个档次给分。

2. 根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整。

3. 词数少于60或多于120的,从总分中减去3分。

4. 应注意的主要内容:内容要点、应用词汇、语法结构及上下文的连贯性。

5. 如书写较差以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。


1. spend less time finishing homework

2. have more time to do something they’re interested in

3. be lazy to think

4. get used to doing homework with APP











W: Hi, Fred. Nice to see you here.

M: Me, too.

W: What were you doing from 7:30 to 9:00 last night?

M: I was doing my homework from 7:30 to 8:30.Then I read some newspapers.

W: Then what about your sister, Rose?

M: Let me see. Oh, she was writing a letter then.

W: And how about your parents?

M: They were watching TV.



Ⅰ. 听小对话, 选择图片。本题共有五个小题,在每一小题内你将听到一个小对话,我们把对话念一遍。请你从试卷上的A、B、C三个选项中,选择一幅恰当的图片。


1. W: Hey, Andy. Would you give me some advice for a spring outing?

M: Ok, Lisa, why don’t you take an umbrella? (停顿00’10’’)

2. W: Do you know why David asked a day off today, Jack?

M: Yes, he had a terrible toothache this morning and then went to the dentist’s. (停顿00’10’’)

3. W: Sorry, I’m late. It’s already three thirty. How long has the movie been on?

M: For about half an hour. You’d better hurry up. (停顿00’10’’)

4. W: How was your weekend, Paul?

M: It was so boring, I did nothing but water the flowers. (停顿00’10’’)

5. W: May I take your order, sir?

M: Yes. A cup of coffee and a sausage pizza, please. (停顿00’10’’)

Ⅱ. 听长对话,回答问题。本题共有两段较长的对话,我们把对话念两遍。请你从试卷上的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。



(停顿00’10’’ )

W: Hey, John! What do you want to be when you grow up?

M: Well, I am interested in painting, so I want to be an artist in the future.

W: Will you study in England?

M: No. I don’t like the weather there.

W: Me, too. I want to live and study in France.

M: Wonderful! I think you can learn a lot from that country.

W: Sure. May be we can meet next time in Paris.

M: Definitely, I wish we can meet soon, bye.

W: Goodbye.

(停顿2秒后, 朗读第二遍)





W: Have you ever been to Orlando in the USA?

M: Yes. I have been there for twice.

W: Did you go to the biggest Disneyland World?

M: No, I had no time to visit it because I went there on business.

W: Do you have any plans for going there again?

M: Yes. I will go there next month for my holiday. Would you like to go with me?

W: Yes, of course. But I want to visit the Disneyland.

M: I would like to go with you. As far as I know, it is an interesting and exciting place.

W: Yes. I hope to take photos with Micky Mouse. It is my favorite cartoon character.

(停顿2秒后, 朗读第二遍)


Ⅲ. 听独白,填表格。听下面一段独白,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的信息记录表。独白念两遍。(停顿00’02’’)


Welcome to Kanghua Swimming Pool! Do you worry about your weight? Are you tired of boring exercise? Come here!

Our swimming pool will be open every day from ten o’clock in the morning till nine thirty in the evening. It costs 25 yuan for adults. There is a special cheap price for students. The student price is only ten yuan. But don’t forget to bring your student ID card with you. On Thursday the pool is open only for mothers and babies. It’s cool for mothers to enjoy a quiet time with their babies in the water. Please call us at 62367952 for more information.


(停顿2秒后, 朗读第二遍)



2017年烟台市初中学业水平考试 英语试题 一、听力洲试(20分) (一)听录音,从A,B,C三个选项中选择与函面一致的选项。录音内容读一遍。 1. ABC 2.ABC 3. ABC 4.ABC 5.ABC (二)听录音,选择适当的答语。录音内容读两遍。 6.A. A week ago. B. Once a week. C. In a week. 7.A.Good luck! B. What a pity! C. Congratulations! 8. A. It's Wang Lin’s. B. She is Miss Green. C. It's under the desk. 9. A. Yes. I do. B. Sorry, I wont. C. No,I haven’t. 10.A.A cup of coffee,please. B. A bowl of noodles,please. C.Two slices of breed. please (三)对话理解 你将听到两段对话,在每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话.回答11和12小题。 11. What sport does Frank like better? A. Baseball B. Badminton. C. Soccer 12. What club will Gina join? A. The swimming club. B. The dance club. C. The chess club. 听下西一段对话.回菩13至15小题。 13. Where is the science museum? A. At the end of New Star Road. B. Nest to the post office. C. Near the bus station. 14.How far is it to the science museum? A. About five kilometer B.About nine kilometers. C About three kilometers. 15. How will the girl go to the science museum? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi. (四)听短文,很据短文内容完成下列表格(每空不超过两个单词)。短文读两遍。


2016英语中考模拟试题 二.笔试部分(共100分) 第一节单项选择(15分) ()21、There is some in the fridge. A.tomato B.oranges C.milk ()22、In China, more and more teenagers love playing basketball . A./ B.the C.a ()23、This is book, please give it to . A.my; me B.me; I C.mine; me ()24、The girl is famous her songs. A.of B.in C.for ()25、—How’s the weather —It’s . We all go out and enjoy the sunshine. A.rainy B.cloudy C.sunny ()26、—How often do you go online, Ann — , because it is bad for my eyes. A.Always B.Sometimes C.Often ()27、— is your Chinese teacher, Peter —Miss Li. A.When B.Who C.How ()28、My father didn’t sleep he finished his work. A.but B.or C.until ()29、Spring Festival is coming, parents are busy for it. A.shop B.to shop C.shopping ()30、—Whose book on the ground —It be Tom’s. Because his name is on it. A.must B.can’t C.might ()31、Teenagers should learn to themselves. A.give up B.put on C.look after


惠州市2016年中考试题及答案汇总(Word版)(九科) 语文------------------ 2~11 数学------------------12~18 英语------------------19~30 物理------------------31~40 化学------------------41~50 生物------------------51~58 思想品德----------------59~67 历史------------------68~75 地理------------------76~86

惠州市2016年中考语文试题及答案 (全卷满分为120分。考试用时为120分钟) 一、(24分) 1. 根据课文默写古诗文。(10分) (1)子夏曰:?博学而笃志,□□□□□,仁在其中矣。?(《论语》)(1分) (2)□□□□□,关山度若飞。(《木兰诗》)(1分) (3)□□□□□□□,□□□□□□□。四面边声连角起,千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭。(范仲淹《渔家傲·秋思》) (4)刘禹锡在《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》中用?□□□□□□□,□□□□□□□?的诗句,说明了新事物终将取代旧事物的道理。(2分) (5)请把白居易的《钱塘湖春行》默写完整。(4分) 孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。 □□□□□□□,□□□□□□□。 □□□□□□□,□□□□□□□。 最爱湖东行不足,绿杨阴里白沙堤。 2.根据拼音写出相应的词语。(4分) (1)人,是jiàn wàng()的。不记仇,很对。但是,不能忘记。 (2)我母亲对我们的jié jū()生活感到非常痛苦,那时家里样样都要节省。 (3)每一朵盛开的花就像是一个小小的张满了的帆……又像一个rěn jùn bù jīn()的笑容。(4)峰环水抱的萨尔茨堡,高高低低的房屋lín cì zhì bǐ()。 3.下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是()(3分) A.奶奶刚才还有说有笑,突然收敛起笑容,我们一脸茫然,不知哪儿冒犯起了她。 B.人生的价值不在于有多大的建树,只要你善于发掘快乐,再平凡的工作也是有意义的。 C.英语老师非常幽默,把语法讲得惟妙惟肖,让同学们觉得轻松,记得牢固。 D.他聪慧好学,多才多艺,阳光帅气,在我们年级鹤立鸡群,是校草的热门人选。 4.下列对病句的修改不正确的一项是()(3分) A.最近发生在马里北部加奥地区联合国维和人员营地的恐怖袭击事件,激起了全世界人民的无比 愤怒和谴责。(删去?和谴责?) B.只要聊起时事要闻,王林经常充当?主播?,原来他每天都看中央13台的?新闻24小时?,


英语 (满分:120分时间:100分钟) 一、听力理解(略) 二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21.Mr Smith is old man and he usually walks his dog after supper.? A.a;the B.an;a C.an;不填 D.the;不填 22.—Is this photo taken in Tibet? —Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the of the photo.? A.form B.background C.shape D.introduction 23.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she can??t keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.? A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 24.I heard a new song on the radio.I high and low in the music store,but I can??t find the song.? A.search B.have searched C.am searching D.will search 25.—What a clear blue sky it is! —Yes.I have never seen sky.? A.a more beautiful B.a most beautiful C.the more beautiful D.the most beautiful 26.—What??s the matter with Tom?He has been absent for two days. —Oh!He be ill.Let??s go and ask Ms Brown.? A.can B.need C.may D.would 27.Soccer is a wonderful game for children.It great exercise,such as running and kicking.? A.provides B.remains C.practises D.receives 28.Wild animals are our friends.We shouldn??t kill them food or clothing.? A.in B.with C.about D.for 29.Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to.? A.deal with B.keep up with C.agree with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1613651358.html,e up with 30.we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship brings us.? A.Since B.If C.Unless D.Though 31.—Did you watch the football match on TV last night? —I wanted to,but my mother her favourite TV programme.? A.watches B.watched C.was watching D.had watched 32.Now it??s much easier to shop online.When your order is ready,the things you want to buy to you soon.? A.send B.were sent C.are sending D.will be sent 33.—Why don??t you like fishing? —Fishing is a hobby needs much patience,but I??m not patient at all.? A.who B.that C.it D.what 34.kind and helpful to the people around us,and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.?


英语中考模拟试题一 一、听力理解(共30分,略) 二、单项填空。(共20分,每小题1分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. The workers will build 800-metre long bridge across the river. A. one B./ C. an D. a 22. Boys, don't touch the machine, or you may hurt A. yourself B. themselves C. himself D. yourselves 23. If these shoes are too small, buy a big __________. A. set B. copy C. one D. pair 24. We should try our best to make _____ possible. A. as fewer mistakes as B. as few mistakes as C. mistakes as few as D. as less mistakes as 25. 16-year-old school leavers in England should understand 15 ______ words. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 26. In the UN , six languages ______ for business. A. have chosen B. have spoken C. are chosen D. are speaking 27. Mr White said ______ was still unknown. A. that B. what to do C. what D. how to do 28. If we work with a strong _______ , we'll overcome any difficulty. A. will B. heart C. hard D. head 29. We _____ that Mary _____ a lot of housework yesterday. A. are told, was made to



2016年全国中考语文原创模拟试题及答案 2016年全国中考语文原创模拟试题及答案 本套2016年全国中考语文原创模拟试题及答案由六十铺教育网网上搜集整理,内容全部与新教材同步,在中学语文试题下载版块里覆盖有各个版本的单元、期中、期末试卷,资料全部供大家免费使用下载打印,转载请注明出处。 如果你想下载本套试卷,无需注册,拉到底部的附件,选择右键另存为,保存在你的电脑里即可!下面附上本套试卷部分题目。2016年全国中考语文原创精品模拟巡展试题一 一、语文知识积累与运用 1.你热爱读书吗?请写出一句与读书有关的名言、格言等。要求端正、整洁。(3分) 2.下列词语中加点的字,注音全都正确的一项是( ) (2分) A.阻遏(hè) 琐屑(xiāo) 劣质(lǜe) 扣人心弦(xián) B.重荷(hè) 贮蓄(zhù) 纤维(xiān) 风雪载途(zài) C.面颊(xiá) 粗糙(zāo) 执著(zhuó) 重蹈覆辙(zh é) D.两栖(xī) 挑衅(xìn) 疮疤(chuānɡ)

(1)_____________ ,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》) (2)我寄愁心与明月,_____________ 。(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》) (3)________________________ ,只缘身在最高层。(王安石《登飞来峰》) (4)范仲淹《渔家傲?秋思》中用典故表达征人既思念亲人又渴望建立军功的句子是:_________________________________________ (5)杜甫在《望岳》中写到:“会当凌绝顶,________________________”;范仲淹说若在春和景明之时登上岳阳楼,面对上下天光、一碧万顷的洞庭湖,一定会“____________ ,____________ ,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣”。 6.名著阅读与综合性学习(10分) 读下列材料,完成下面的问题。 材料一:经济上带来的沉重负担很容易让贫困学生产生抑郁的心理,他们不愿意向别人吐露心声,不愿别人知道自己的家庭情况,害怕遭到别人的耻笑。这对贫困生健全人格的形成是不利的。 材料二:同处一个校园,有的学生花钱如流水,追求时尚,从头到脚尽显“气派”。调查显示:有48.6%的中学生表示喜欢自己购买服装;大多数学生表示自己注重服装的品牌,


病句修改——2016年中考试题汇编及参考答案 【2016·北京卷】 4.为影响校团委“新春致敬子弟兵”的倡议,有位同学给边防战士写了一封慰问信。下面是信中的一段文字,其中字、词、句各有一处错误,请把你找出来。(3分) 新春佳节,万家团圆,你们却依然坚守在住过最北端的边防线上。那里风雨交加,天气恶劣,但你们舍小家为大家,克服重重困难,为我们站岗巡逻。迷们的钢铁之躯为万家和乐奉献着自己的青春。 字:_______ 词:_____ __ 句:________ 【2016·天津卷】 3.下列句子中,没有病句的一项是()(2分) A.有关领导在会议上明确要求,各部门必须尽快提高传染病防控工作。 B.曹文轩获“国际安徒生奖”,实现了中国作家在该奖项上零的突破。 C.随着部分地区高大树木的减少,使某珍稀鸟类只能选择在高压电塔上筑巢。 D.在巡检排查过程中,我市电部门解决并发现了居民用电方面的问题。 【2016·浙江省杭州卷】 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A.本着“服务G20,奉献G20”作为目的,杭州市政府发出志愿者征集令,希望广大市民以主人翁姿态踊跃报名。 B.执法人员近日加大了对上市蔬菜抽样检测,以防止不合格农产品出现在百姓的餐桌上,确保舌尖上的安全。 C.史铁生以亲身经历为基础,描写了他多年来在地坛公园观察到的风景、世态以及对人生独特而深刻的感悟。 D.一篇有关中国人在5000年前就酿制啤酒的论文在《美国国家科学院学报》发表,第一作者是位90后的杭州姑娘。 【2016·福建省福州卷】 2.下面这段文字中画线的句子有语病,请改正。(3分) 福州地铁1号线全线采用标准化、统一化的设计手法,设计5座了主题车站。每座主题主题车站均有艺术展示墙,墙面分别选用镇海雄风、屏山古韵、闵都春韵等进行装饰,充分体现了福州地铁福满闽都、有福之州的线路文化特征。 修改后的句子: 【2016·福建省泉州卷】 历史文化名城泉州,各种艺术形式异彩纷呈。梨园剧种是现宋元南戏的活文物。南音溯源晋唐,是我国中原的古乐遗响。提线木偶则举世闻名的优秀艺术形式。民间花灯、剪纸等________________,美不胜收。而泉州石雕技术之高,艺术之妙,在国内另辟蹊径,独树


吉林省2017年初中毕业生学业水平考试 英语试题 英语试题共8页,包括五道大题。全卷满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。其中听力部分满分20分,考试时间为20分钟。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘贴在条 形码区域内。 2.答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡的指定区域作答,在草稿纸、试题上答题无效。 一、听力(共20分) I. 情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) 1. A. Good afternoon, Mr. Li. B. Good evening, Mr. Li. C. Good morning, Mr. Li. 2. A. It’s fast. B. It’s 9 o’clock. C. It’s your watch. 3. A. I have a cold. B. I’m Laura. C. I can dance. 4. A. He is tall. B. He is cute. C. He is 11 years old. 5. A. Twice a week. B. For two weeks. C. In two weeks. 1. C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A II. 对话问答根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) 6. A. Country music. B. Pop music. C. Rock music. 7. A. Windy. B. Snowy. C. Sunny. 8. A. His son. B.His daughter. C. His cousin. 9. A. Next to the park. B. Across from the park. C. In front of the park. 10. A. On foot. B. By car C. By bus. 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B III. 图片理解看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与你描述内容无关)(5分) 11.__________ 12.____________ 13.__________ 14.__________ 15.____________ 11. F 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. E IV. 短文理解根据你所听到的缎纹内容,选择正确答案。(5分) 16. When will Mike leave school?


2012年人教版英语中考模拟试题 一、单项选择(共20小题,计20分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 16. We Chinese people are very _______ our long history. A. famous for B. good at C. proud of D. worried about 17. Jack started to work at _______ early age because his family was very poor. A. a B. an C. the D. / 18. —Bob! Is this your dictionary? —No, it isn’t. Ask Sally. She is looking for_______. A. his B. hers C. mine D. yours 19. Look at the flowers! They are in different _______: red, yellow, pink… A. colors B. sizes C. prices D. names 20. —Have you ________ read the poem If? —Yes. I really enjoy it. A. still B. ever C. yet D. never 21. When I returned to my hometown, I was nearly lost. Almost_______ had changed. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything 22. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us _______. A. less B. more C. closer D. farther 23. Lin Lin often practices English _______ chatting with her American friend. A. in B. by C. for D. with 24. —_______ will it take you from your school to the library? —About half an hour. So I’ll be there by 9 o’clock. A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How many 25. —How is your friend coming? —I’m not sure. He _______ drive here. A. may B. can C. must D. will 26. _______ hamburgers are junk food, many children like them. A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although 27. Linda can’t see the blackboard because the boy who sits her is very big and tall. A. behind B. beside C. in front of D. in the front of 28. —The 11th National Games will be held in Shandong in October, 2009. —________ exciting news! A. How B. What C. How an D. What an 29. —Dear, what time is the flight to Beijing on Saturday?


2016年中考模拟试卷英语卷 考生须知: 1. 本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2. 答题前,在答题卡上和答题卷的密封区涂、写校名、和号。 3. 必须在答题卷的对应答题位置,写在其他地方无效。1至50小题在答题卡上涂 黑作答,答题卡答题方式详见答题卡上的说明。 4. 做听力题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音容结束后,你将有一分钟的时间将试卷 上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 5. 考试结束后,试卷、答题卡和答题卷一并上交。 试题卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man like doing? A. Playing the piano. B. Playing tennis. C. Playing the violin. 2. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Waiter and customer. 3. When did the woman stop doing homework? A. At 8: 30. B. At 8: 35. C. At 8: 40. 4. Where did the man go for last vacation? A. England. B. France. C. America. 5. How does the woman learn English? A. By talking with foreigners. B. By studying grammar. C. By listening and reading. 第二节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) (原创) 听下面一段对话,回答第6至8小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这3个小题。 6. What city does the woman think is touristy? A. Mexico City. B. Hong Kong. C. Hawaii. 7. Why does the woman want to go to Hong Kong? A. Delicious food. B. Friendly people. C. A lot of things to do. 8. Does the woman want to visit the Yellow Stone Park? A. Yes, she loves the sight there.


二○一六年初中毕业暨升学考试 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1、My host family is taking me to ________ English film festival next weekend、 A、an B、a C、the D、不填 2、—What do you call your father’s sisters? —_______、 A、Uncles B、Cousins C、Aunts D、Parents 3、 A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday、He became the ________ person to complete the long-distance running in the world、 A、youngest B、best C、biggest D、oldest 4、—What does your new English teacher look like? —She is a pretty lady ________ long hair、 A、at B、for C、with D、of 5、—Do you need a new dictionary, Susan? —No, Mum、My uncle bought me ________ yesterday、 A、one B、it C、the one D、another 6、My friend Frank sings well, and he is _______ good at playing guitar、 A、not B、also C、yet D、too 7、As one of the school rules, middle school students are not ________ to smoke、 A、ordered B、refused C、allowed D、forbidden 8、—Have you ever seen the movie 2012? —Yes, but I don’t believe ________ the year 2012 will see the end of the world、 A、that B、what C、how D、if 9、Some of the students are nearsighted _______ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games、 A、when B、though C、because D、unless 10、—Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the People’s Park? —Walk along this road and turn right, and the park is on your right、You _______miss it、 A、needn’t B、mustn’t C、may not D、won’t 11、Our foreign teacher Mr Green ________ us English since three years ago、 A、has taught B、is teaching C、taught D、teaches 12、—Steve, ________do you play basketball after school? —Twice a week、It can keep me healthy、

2020年中考英语试题(含解析答案) (21)

2020学年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 温馨提示: 1.本试卷共10页,满分120分;考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡并交回。 2.答题前,务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号填写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置上。 3.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。 4.非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色签宇笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带 5.在试卷上和答题卡指定区域外的答案无效。 第一部分听力(满分30分) Ⅰ.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听句子选图片。听下面5个句子,根据所听到的内容,从A—F六个选项中选出相应的片。每个句子读两遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听句子选答语。听下面5个句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出适当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 6.A. I agree with you. B. Please help yourself. C. It doesn't matter 7. A. Go ahead. B. You're welcome. C. Sure I'd love to. 8. A. This weekend. B. For two months. C. In the bus station. 9. A. The food is delicious. B. We're good friends. C. I play the guitar. 10.A. I usually ride there. B.It's about 5 minutes' walk. C. Once a week. III.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。 11. How much did Amy pay for the skirt? .A. $ 6. B. $60. C. $600. 12. What does the boy want to be? A. A reporter. B. A singer. C. A dancer. 13. Who is the tallest in the girl’s class? A. Nancy. B. Jack. C. Alice. 14. How does Linda want to go to Shanghai? A. By bus. B. By train. C. By air. 15. Where does the conversation probably take place?


2018吉林省中考英语模拟试题一 Ⅵ根据句意和首字母填空。 1 Look at the s on the wall. It says "No parking!" So you mustn't smoke here. 2 The new car might b to Tom. I heard his father bought it for him yesterday. 3 I am going to buy my mother a gift b her birthday is two weeks from now. 4 His family is even r now because his father makes more money than before. 5 Can you give me some a on how to learn English well ? It's difficult for me to study it. as 2 Mr Cooper didn't finish the book until last Sunday. 3 When they met again, they were too excited a word. 4 Which subject is in your school? 5 I live on floor. The air is quite fresh there. Ⅷ选择填空 ( )1 Ted, take some to school, it's so hot and you may feel thirsty. Abread Bbananas C oranges D juice ( )2 ----Which would you like, tea, milk or coffee? --- is OK. I really don't mind. A Both B Either C Any D None ( )3 ----I like the party so much, but I go home, It's too late. ---- What a pity! A mustn't B have to C may D can't ( )4 It’s a little impolite him to turn my invitation.Afor downB of toC for toDof down ( )5 The boy showed English when he began to learn it, so he liked to it. A interested, say B interest in, say C interest in, speak D interested in, speak ( )6 ---- I hope you don't mind my pointing out your mistakes. ----- . A .Of course B. Not at all. C .You're welcome. D. Yes, I don't. ( )7 Carmen likes musicians different kinds of music. Awhich play B who plays C which plays D who play ( )8 Although he loves junk food, he tries to only once a month. A / , eat it B but, eat them C / , eat them D but, eat it ( )9 ----Oh, Mrs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new? -----No, I it since two years ago. A had B bought C have had D have bought ( )10 ---Can you cook eggs with tomatoes? ---Yes, of course. can do it, it is easy. A Anyone B Someone C No one D Everyone else ( )11 Now children, turn to page and look at the picture in Lesson Two. A twentieth, one B twenty, one C twentieth, first D twenty, first ( )12 ---Do you still remember me somewhere in Shanghai? ---- Yes, of course. Two years ago. A to see B seeing C see D saw ( )13 Could you tell me ? A where I can put my bike B where I could put my bike C where could I put my bike D where can I put my bike. ( )14 ---- What makes you ? --- Someone jumps the queue when others are waiting in a line. A annoy B annoyed C annoying D to annoy ( )15 A stamp is made paper. Do you know what paper is made ? A of. of B from. from C of, from D from. of 三、交际运用 Ⅸ根据对话内容,填上所缺的句子。 A: Hi, David. Did you have a good time on your day off? B: Yes, I did. I went to Blue Water Aquarium. A: ? B: With my parents. We saw a lot of animals there. A: ? B: Of course there were sharks. And we also enjoyed some animal shows. A: Oh, you were really lucky. I hope to go there some day.


2016年广东省中考数学试卷 一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) 1.(3分)﹣2的相反数是() A.2 B.﹣2 C.D.﹣ 2.(3分)如图所示,a与b的大小关系是() A.a<b B.a>b C.a=b D.b=2a 3.(3分)下列所述图形中,是中心对称图形的是() A.直角三角形B.平行四边形C.正五边形D.正三角形 4.(3分)据广东省旅游局统计显示,2016年4月全省旅游住宿设施接待过夜游客约27700000人,将27700000用科学记数法表示为() A.0.277×107B.0.277×108C.2.77×107D.2.77×108 5.(3分)如图,正方形ABCD的面积为1,则以相邻两边中点连线EF为边正方形EFGH的周长为() A.B.2 C.+1 D.2+1 6.(3分)某公司的拓展部有五个员工,他们每月的工资分别是3000元,4000元,5000元,7000元和10000元,那么他们工资的中位数是()A.4000元B.5000元C.7000元D.10000元 7.(3分)在平面直角坐标系中,点P(﹣2,﹣3)所在的象限是()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限 8.(3分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标为(4,3),那么cosα的值是()

A.B.C.D. 9.(3分)已知方程x﹣2y+3=8,则整式x﹣2y的值为() A.5 B.10 C.12 D.15 10.(3分)如图,在正方形ABCD中,点P从点A出发,沿着正方形的边顺时针方向运动一周,则△APC的面积y与点P运动的路程x之间形成的函数关系图象大致是() A.B.C. D. 二、填空题(共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分) 11.(4分)9的算术平方根是. 12.(4分)分解因式:m2﹣4=. 13.(4分)不等式组的解集是. 14.(4分)如图,把一个圆锥沿母线OA剪开,展开后得到扇形AOC,已知圆锥的高h为12cm,OA=13cm,则扇形AOC中的长是cm(计算结果保留

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