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9A Unit 5 Art world


1. 艺术世界art world

2. 令人愉快的事情something pleasant

3. 停止做某事(同一件事情)stop doing sth.

4. 停下来去做某事(另一件事情)stop to do sth.

5. 你最喜欢的艺术形式(2)the art form you like best = your favourite art form


6. 更喜欢流行音乐(2)prefer pop music=like pop music better

7. 更喜欢、宁愿做某事prefer to do sth

8. 相对于B更喜欢A prefer A to B

9. 相对于做B更喜欢做 A prefer doing A to doing B

10. 流行音乐之王the king of Pop

11. 他的音乐天赋his musical talent

12. 你为什么在那儿停止Why do you stop there

13. 我已经发现了比艺术更令人愉快的事情。I’v e found something more pleasant than art.


14. 你喜欢什么艺术形式What art form do you like

15. 你最喜欢什么种类的音乐What kind of music do you like best

She prefers to live in a quiet . 她更喜欢住在一个安静的地方。

17. 比起咖啡,他更喜欢茶。He prefers tea to coffee.

18. 相对于踢足球,他更喜欢去游泳。He prefers going swimming to playing football.

19. 音乐无边界music without boundaries

20. 给获胜者颁发奖牌present a medal to a winner

21. 由……写的be written by…

22. 一个世界著名的作曲家a world-famous composer

23. 在湖南省中部地区in central Hunan

24. 对音乐表现出乐趣show an interest in

25. 淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind

26. 来自自然come from nature

27. 用像石头和纸之类的普通东西来制作音乐make music with common objects like stones and paper

28. 八年过后eight years later

29. 继续去美国学习go on to study in the USA


30. 来自世界各地的伟大的音乐家great musicians from around the world

31. 一首令人惊奇的乐曲an amazing piece of music

32. 通过控制水流的速度by controlling the speed of water flow

33. 在不同的人的脑海中产生不同的画面create different pictures in different minds

34. 帮助搭建东西方之间的桥梁help build a bridge between the East and the West

35. 成功地把中西方音乐融合在一起successfully bring Chinese and Western music together

36. 一种中国古钟an ancient Chinese bell

37. 以西方的形式in a Western style


38. 融合在一起制作一种新的类型mix together to make a new type

39. 在…的中心in the centre of

40. 尤其是在重要的场合especially at an important event

41. 自然的声音the sounds of nature

42. 世界上最伟大的作曲家之一one of the greatest composers in the world

43. 过去常常做某事used to do sth.

44. 习惯做某事be used to doing sth.

45. 中国传统音乐traditional Chinese music

46. 在2008年北京奥运会上,每当给获胜者颁发奖牌时,颁奖音乐就会响起。

Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played.

47. 1958年出生于中国湖南省的中部地区,谭盾是在浏阳河边长大的。

Born in 1958 in central Hunan, China, Tan Dun grew up near the Liuyang River.

48. 他喜欢淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声,因为对他来说,最美妙的音乐来自于大自然。

He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because, to him, the best music comes from nature.

49. 因为当时没有任何乐器,他就用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸什么的,来创作音乐。

Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper.


50. 作为一位作曲家,也许他最为人知的是为电影《卧虎藏龙》作Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 作曲而赢得奥斯卡大奖。

As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

51. 她过去曾是为老师。(as)She used to work as a teacher.

52. 因为喜欢天籁之音,谭盾多次将其运用于他的音乐中。As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lot in his music.

53. 我的音乐就是梦想无边。My music is to dream without boundaries.

54. 被选择为北京奥运会写乐曲be chosen to write music for the Beijing Olympics

55. 能够做某事be able to do sth.

56. 高度评价think highly of


57. 拉小提琴play the violin

58. 在歌舞表演中at the song and dance show

59. 努力操练practise hard

60. 为艺术节设计海报design the posters for the art festival

61. 学生艺术展 a students’ art show

62. 对所有的学生家长开放be open to all students and parents

63. 给我们一场歌剧的免费门票give us free tickets to an opera

64. 帮助我们了解更多不同的艺术形式help us learn more about different art forms


65. 等某人wait for sb.

66. 门口的那个男的the man at the door

67. 过了一会after a while

68. 看到Amy朝我们跑来see Amy running towards us

69. 急忙进入剧院hurry into the theatre

70. 持续一个半小时(2)last for one and a half hours

71. 我喜欢听音乐,因为它使我感到放松。I like listening to music because it makes me feel relaxed.

72. 我迟到了,因为交通太拥挤。I’m late because there was too much traffic.


73. 我们最好快点,因为歌剧20分钟后开始。We’d better be quick since/as the opera will begin in 20 minutes.

74. 因为歌剧刚开始,我们没有错过许多。Since / As the opera had just started, we did not miss much.

75. 我们到达的时候,Kitty已经在那儿了。When we arrived, Kitty had already been there.

76. 我们一点也不感到无聊。We did not get bored at all.

77. 歌剧马上就要开始了。The opera is going to start in a minute.

78. 每个人都受欢迎。Everybody is welcome.


80. 不同种类的音乐different kinds of music

81. 各种各样的all kinds of

82. 艺术节的音乐会concerts at the art festival

83. 古典音乐classical music

84. 有持久的价值have a lasting value

85. 由美国黑人创造be created by African American

86. 在玩的过程中编音乐make up the music while playing

87. 以传统的方式in the traditional style

88. 有很强的地方特色have strong local colour


89. 一场音乐演出a music show

90. 参加所有的音乐会attend all the concerts

91. 太吵be too noisy

92. 由于鼓because of the drums

93. 在剧院门口at the gate of the theatre

94. 来享受音乐的一天吧!Come and enjoy a day of music!

95. 这种音乐是有关乡村生活和牛仔的。This kind of music is about country life and cowboys.

96. 今晚你想要去音乐会吗Would you like to go to a concert tonight

97. 叫他下车tell him to get off

98. 农业科学the science of farming

99. 闻起来难闻smell bad

100. 对…产生了兴趣become interested in

101. 夸奖我为艺术节做的设计praise my designs for the art festival

102. 由于某事称赞某人praise sb. for sth.

103. 真的很有绘画的天赋have a real gift for painting

104. 和某人玩play with sb.


105. 玩、摆弄某物play with sth.

106. 像往常一样as usual

107. 把颜料盒水混在一起mix the paint the paint with water

108. 拿走,拿开take away

109. 四处跑run in all directions

110. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.

111. 痴迷于蜡笔和颜料be crazy about crayons and paints

112. 你觉得这种艺术形式怎么样(2) As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper.


What do you think of/How do you like this art form

113. 我曾经不喜欢美术课,因为我不能画得很好。

I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well.

114. 当我拿开刷子时,我滴了点颜料在纸上。I enjoy myself in the world of colours every time I paint.

115. 看着这块水彩印,我决定吹一下。Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it.

116. 我忘了是在上课,直到罗老师来到我的桌子旁边。I forgot that I was in class until Ms Luo came by my desk. 117. 她鼓励我继续尝试并创作出更多精彩的画。She encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.

Unit 6 TV programmes


电视台 a TV station

电视频道 a TV channel

遥控器 a remote control


演播室 a studio

电视节目TV programmes



谈话内节目chat show


游戏类节目game show


连续剧drama series

1整天all day

2 和…一样忙as busy as as +adj./ adv. 原级as

3 变得无聊get bored ( get + adj.)


4 但你无事可做But you have nothing to do .

无事可做have nothing to do 有…要做have … to do

5 我要稍稍休息下I need a little sleep

一点米饭 a little rice = a bit of rice

有点趣 a bit/ a little funny ( a little / a bit + 形/副的原级和比较级)

6 到晚饭时间了。It’s dinner time.

在早/中/晚饭时间at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner (time)

7 狗儿的活是干不完的。A dog’s work is never done!


8 我希望有一天我能参加一个这种节目I hope one day I can take part in one of them .

希望做某事hope to do sth.

Hope +that 从句

参加take part in (参加活动)

Join 加入团体,组织

attend 出席或参加

9 总会有一些名人出现在这些节目中谈论他们的生活。


There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives .

有。。。在做某事There be + n, + doing sth

10. 一周新闻综述,有很多体坛最新消息

A weekly round-up of what is happening in sports, with lots of up-to-date / the latest information.

(weekly adj. 每周的n. 周刊

daily adj.每天的n. 日报

monthly adj.每月的n. 月刊

quarterly adj. 每季度的n.季刊


yearly adj. 每年的n. 年刊)

up-to-date 最新的---- out-of-date 过时的

11.(1)节目包括了不同的运动。The programme covers /includes different sports.

(2)现场直播be covered live

(3)被…覆盖be covered with /by …

(4)10元够付这本书的价钱吗Will 10 yuan cover the cost of the book ( cover v.够付钱)


If you are not a football fan, you will not wan t to miss this week’s programme.(fan 迷;风扇)

13.也有大量关于一些著名足球运动员的采访。(interview n./ n. 采访者)There are also a number of interviews with some famous football players.

A 与

B 会面,A 采访B A have an interview with B= A interview B

14.还包括一篇为即将到来的世界杯而准备的报道。on 关于(正式)

A report on the coming World Cup will also be included. (include prep 包括)

15.今年的北京音乐颁奖大会this year’s Beijing Music Awards

16.许多亚洲的流行明星将会参加。Many Asian pop stars will attend. (Asians 亚洲人)

参加会议attend the meeting (Asia n.亚洲—Asian adj.亚洲的)

参加活动join in / take part in the activities

积极参加…. take an active part in…

17.网上投票选。。。vote online for…


The results will be announced during the show . (announce v.—announcement n. 宣告,声明)

19.将信息发送至1396 send text messages to 1396

(information 不可数资料,信息

news 不可数新闻,消息

message 可数口信,消息,电报为某人捎个口信

take a message for sb 留个口信给某人leave a message to sb

20 赢得两张免费的音乐会票win two free concert tickets

21.一个新导演执导的恐怖片a horror film directed by a new director (direct v.导演)

( horror n.—horrible adj.恐怖的—horribly adv.恐怖地)

一个直接的回答 a direct answer (direct adj. 直接的)

他直接回了家. He went home directly.

(directly adv.直接地)在。。。方向上

in the direction of… (direction n.方向)


22.被谋杀be murdered ( murder v./n.谋杀—murderer n. 谋杀者)


In the film , a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house.

(dying adj. 快死的—dead adj. 死的—die v. 死--- death n, 死)

24 .直到电影的结尾你才能找到答案. You will not find out the answer until the very end.

( until 与till 可以互换,但till 不可以放于句首,只用于句中。但until 可以。)

直到。。。。一直。。。do…..until/ till ( do 是延续性动词)

直到。。。才。。。not do….until/ till ( do 是短暂性动词)


25.(1)充满恐怖和神秘色彩be full of / be filled with horror and mystery

一个装满水的瓶子 a bottle full of / filled with water

(2)喜欢探究悬疑enjoy solving mysteries

26.容易被吓倒get scared easily

害怕….. be scared of


This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India. =this one hour’s documentary…

28.意识到这些老虎面临着多大的危险realize how much danger these tigers face


面临危险face the danger

面对困难face the difficulty

29.一个动物爱好者an animal-lover

30.看印度的风景see scenes of India

(scene n.(具体的某个)风景scenery n.风景的统称,更只自然风光)

31.因它的令人赞叹的拍摄获了一个奖win an award for its amazing photography

赢了一个大奖win a big prize

(prize n.(可数)奖赏,奖品,奖金) 比赛赢了

win the competition (win + 比赛项目赢了…)

击败某人beat + sb

32.一个电视节目单a TV guide

33. 被录制be recorded

(record v.录制—recorder n.录音机)

34.去世pass away 经过;忽略pass by (past 介词)

35 与…不同be different from

36 浪费时间a waste of time


37 我已经采访了我们学校的三名学生关于他们看电视的习惯。

I have interviewed three students at my school about their TV viewing habits .

(可数) 好/坏习惯good / bad habits

38 农村周围的人people around the country

39 长大grow up 长成grow into

40 收到来自某人的信息receive a message from sb.

41 三个穿着警察制服的人three men in police uniforms

42 从…走出come out of …


43 阻止某人做某事stop sb. from doing

44 推进…. push into …

1 if 的用法:

(1)表“如果” 主句用的时态是将来时,那么if 引导的从句时态是一般现在时。


If I am free tomorrow , I will go hiking with you .


He asked us if English is our major subject .


Nobody knows if it will rain .

2 if 与whether 都是连词,表“是否”

但下面几种情况不能用if , 只能用whether

(1) 在动词不定式之前


I can’t decide whether to go abroad for further study .


(2) 后面有or not


The police didn’t confirm whether or not the man with blood on his shirt was the murderer . (3) 前面有介词


They are talking about whether they will take part in the game show .

(4) 宾语从句放在句首表强调


Whether they keep trying has not been decide .

3 Unless 表“除非…”“如果不…”引导条件从句


You will fall behind others unless you work hark .

(2) unless 在意义相当于if…not , 可以进行替换。

但是在否定条件句中,if…not 就不能替代unless

除非你真不懂,不然别让我解释Don’t ask me to explain unless you really don’t understand .

9A Unit 7 Films



romantic adj.浪漫的western n.西部电影;西部小说

industry n.工业;产业storyteller n.讲故事的人

script n.剧本all-time adj. 一向的;空前的

actress n.女演员loss n.丧失,损失;失败

beauty n.美人;美丽humanitarian n.人道主义者

ballet n.芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧dancer n.舞蹈者


charm n.,魅力insist vt.&vi.坚持认为;坚持

lead n.主角,扮演主角的演员role n.角色

base vt.以……为基础major adj.主要的;较大的

mark vt.表明;标志princess n.公主

lifetime n.终身,一生nomination n.提名

final adj.最终的,最后的appearance n.出现,露面;外貌

angel n.天使beyond prep.超出,除……之外

effort n,努力;艰难的尝试peacefully adv.宁静地;和平地

attractive adj.漂亮的,有吸引力的

row n.(一)排,(一)行amazed adj.大为惊奇

mistake vt.误以为area n.领域

DVD abbr.(=digital videodise)数码影碟

actor n.演员tale n.故事;讲述,叙述

dinosaur n.恐龙cancel vt.取消;终止

stupid adj.愚蠢的superstar n,超级明星

stuntman n.特技替身演员consider vt. 认为;考虑


1.film star电影明星2.in your dream你做梦,你妄想

3.so…that以至于4.action movie动作片

5.science fiction科幻电影;科幻小说

6.be suitable for适合做某事


8.would rather宁愿9.one of……之一

10.catch one's attention吸引某人的注意


11.insist on坚持12.be based on以……为基础

13. play the role of扮演……的角色

14. World WarⅡ第二次世界大战

15.the lead role主演16.the beginning of …的开始

17.pass away去世18. mistake for把……弄混

19. fall in love with爱上某人

great success 一个巨大的成功

21.rush hour交通高峰期22.parking lot停车场


23.special offer特价优惠24.consider as把……看作


1.Do you know who I am7你知道我是谁吗

who I am是宾语从句,作know的宾语;宾语从句要用陈述句的顺序来表示,不能说成“who am I”。

he died in 1993, the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian,当她在1993年去世时,世人对于这个伟大的美人,女演员,以及人文主义者的去世而伤心。

(1) the world代替全世界的人们。


(3) beauty作名词,意为“美人;美丽”。其形容词形式为beautiful。

(4) act, actor, actress, action, active和activity

3. Hepburn's beauty and charm caught the writer's attention.赫本的美貌和魅力吸引了这位作家的注意。

短语catch one's attention意思是“引起某人的注意”。

insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play based upon her novel, although Hepburn had never played any major roles before.


(1) insist作动词,意为“坚持认为;坚持”。


①坚决要求;坚持要;一定要。常见短语为insist on,后接名词或者动名词。


The young men insisted that they( should) be sent to the front.



①base on“以……为根据”,用法应是base A on B。

You should base your opinion on facts.



②be based on“以……为根据”;“根据……”;“基于……”用法是A be based on B。

What he said is based on fact.


5. Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday,两年之后,赫本被选中在好莱坞电影《罗马假日》中扮演女主角,一位年轻的公主。

be chosen to为被动语态,意为“被选中”。play the role of意为“扮演什么角色”。

6. Hepburn’s achievements went beyond the film industry.赫本取得的成就不仅仅在电影业。

句中的go beyond意思是“超出,除……之外”。如:

As a nurse, her work goes beyond taking care of the patients.作为护士,她的工作不仅仅是照顾病患。


7. On 20 January 1993, she passed away peacefully in her sleep.1993年1月20日她(赫本)在睡梦中安然辞世。

短语pass away是委婉语,表示“去世”。

people mistook her for a real princess. 一些人把她误认为真的公主。

(1)mistake作动词,意为“误以为”。mistake的过去式为mistook。常见短语为mistake for“把……误认为”。

(2) mistake作名词,意为“错误”。常见短语为make a mistake“犯错误”;by mistake“由于失误”。

I took your pen by mistake.由于失误我拿了你的钢笔。

9. Here is some information about the films now showing at the cinemas.这里是影院正在上映的影片信息。


句中的showing at the cinemas是现在分词短语作定语,修饰前面的films。show的意思是“上映,演出,展览”,可以用作及物动词或不及物动词。如:

Tales of Old Beijing is now showing at Olympic Cinema.


, the talk on films has been cancelled this Saturday.丹尼尔,这周六关于电影的讲座取消了。

句中的has been cancelled是现在完成时的被动语态。

All the work has been done.所有的工作都做完了。

11. Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his、success in action films, but also for his efforts in charity work.


Not only Jack's friends but also his sister is interested in that film.



A although和though的使用




I'd quite like to go out,(al) though it is a bit late.





Poor though/as he is, he is happy.


2.although只用作连词,而though除作连词外,还可用作副词,常置句末,句子较长时,也置于句中。如:It's hard work, I enjoy it though.



3. I though可用于even though,as though等结构,although则不能。如:

You look as though(= as if) you know each other.



Though( he is) alone, he is happy.



B so. that和such. that的使用


A.so. that用法



He did so well in the examination that everyone praised him.他考得那么好,人人都称赞他。

2.so+形容词+a(n)十单数名词+ that从句。如:

It was so good an exhibition that l went to see it several times.展览是那么好,结果我就去看了好几次。

3.so+ many/much/few/little+名词+that从句。如:


I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.


B.such. that用法


1.such +a(n)+形容词+单数名词+that从句。如:

It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.




C.so. that和such. that的转化


She is so honest that everybody trusts her.

→She is such an honest girl that eve rybody trusts her.

→She is so honest a girl that everybody trusts her.

C so that的使用


I always write so carefully that I may make my meaning clear.我写作总是字斟句酌,是为了让人看懂我的意思。


1.western n.

[考点点拨] western作名词,意为“西部电影,西部小说”,复数是westerns: 作形容词,意为“西方的,西部的”。如:The number 13 is unlucky in Western minds.


There're different types of films in the cinema, such as action films, horror films, westerns and so on.


2.actress n.



Audrey Hepburn was one of the greatest actresses in history.


My favourite actor is Jackie Chan He has acted many famous characters.


3.mark vt.


This speech may mark a change in government policy.



The teacher marked her absence.


I got full marks in the spelling test.


4.consider vt.

[考点点拨]consider意为“认为;考虑”。consider sb. as…意为“认为某人是……,把某人当作……”;常用句型有“consider+ that 从句”以及“consider+ it+宾语补足语+不定式”。如:

Mr Yang is considered as the most popular teacher in our



We consider that the driver is not blamed.


I consider it impossible to get on well with him.


We consider you as our friend. 我们把你当朋友。

consider还意为“考虑”,consider sth. /doing sth. 意为“考虑……”。如:

I'm considering changing a job.我正在考虑换份工作。

The Smiths are considering moving to the south to try their luck there.


5. Hepburn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.


[考点点拨] so that引导目的状语从句时,意为“以便,为了”,从句中常使用can/could/may/might/will/would/should 等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句

中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意为“因此,所以”。如:

I work hard so that I can enter a good high school.



6. On 20 January 1993, she passed away peacefully in her sleep. 1993年1月20日,她在睡梦中安详地去世了。


(1) pass away委婉语,意为“死去,去世”,一般用于名人或伟人。如:

Our great Premier Zhou Enlai passed away, but he is still alive in people's heart.


pass away还可意为“消失;消磨时间”。如:

The day passed away pleasantly as we talked about our happy childhood.


(2) peacefully副词,意为“安静地,宁静地;爱好和平地”;形容词是peaceful,意为“和平的,安宁的”;名词是peace,意为“和平,安宁”。如:

I hope you can solve the problem peacefully.


People in Iraq hope to live a peaceful life.



although相当于though,意为“尽管,虽然”,用来引导让步状语从句。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but,and,so 等连用,但可以和yet,still等词连用。如:

There is air all around us, although we cannot see it.




(1)so…that…意为“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句,常和too…to…以及not enough to…互换。如:

My daughter is so young that she can't dress herself.

=My daughter is too young to dress herself.

=My daughter isn't old enough to dress herself.


(2) so…that常用于下列句型:



He ran so quickly that we all couldn't catch up with him.



This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.



He has so many balls that I can't count them




(1) such…that意为“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句,such后接名词或名词短语。如:

He is such a funny boy that everyone likes him


(2) such…that的常用句型:


He is such an honest man that we all believe him very much.



There are such interesting storybooks in this bookshop that it is filled with people every day.



He has made such great progress that his parents are pleased with him.




There are so many beautiful bikes in this shop that I can't decide which one to buy.这家商店里有许多漂亮的自行车,以至于我不能决定买哪一辆。

10.so that的用法

so that意为“为了,以便”,引导目的状语从句;in order that=so that引导目的状语从句;in order to后面只能跟动词原形。如:

They got up early so that they could see the sunrise.

=In order to see the sunrise, they got up early.

=They got up early in order that they could see the sunrise.





( )1. John asked the boy to take another seat_______ he could sit next to his wife.

A because

B so that

C so D.in order to

( )2, Learning a foreign language needs a certain _______, no matter how easy it is.

A luck

B effort

C excuse D.chance

( )3. Exercising more is good for us.

- So, I'd rather_______ an hour's walk to school than consider _______ a bus.


A take; take

B taking; taking

C. take; taking D taking; take

( )4. _______ jeans were invented over 100 years ago, they're still in fashion today.

A Because

B If

C Although D.Since

( )5. The movie is_______ wonderful _______ I want to see it again.

A.too; to B. so; that C.as; as D.so; as


1. The doctor's sudden death is a great_______ (lose) to the hospital.


2. Do you still_______ (insist) on your price

3. Why not consider_______ (do) it in another way Maybe you'll succeed.

4. He hopes to live a simple and _______ (peace) life.



______________ into protecting the environment by the government in/he next few years.


I am sorry to hear that he_______ last month.



The programme is_______ many people don't like it.


一、1—5 BBCCB

二、1. loss

三、1. More effort(s) will be put away 3.so boring that





动作片action films

恐怖片horror films

爱情片romantic films

科幻片science fiction films

西方影片western films

电影节the film festival

1.你很幸运You are very lucky


( luck n. –lucky adj. –luckily adv. 幸运) ( unlucky adj. – unluckily adv. 不幸运)

2 你做梦,你妄想in your dream (n/v . dream )

梦想某物dream of / about sth. 梦想做某事dream to do

3 遇到一位法国作家meet a French writer

(meet – met – met )

(France 法国—French 法国的,法语—Frenchman/ Frenchmen 法国人)

(England 英国—English 英国的,英语—Englishman/Englishmen 英国人)

(Germany 德国—German 德国的,德语—German/ Germans 德国人)


4 你认为谁适合进入电影界Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry

(1)适合… be suitable for sth. / be suitable to sb.

(2)进入… enter sp.= go into sp.

5 .尽管我喜欢表演,我宁愿做过导演。Though I like acting , I would rather be a director. Reading

6.你最喜欢的电影明星your favourite film star

7.好莱坞空前的最伟大的女演员之一one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses

8.全世界伟失去一个美丽的化身而难过。The world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty.

(lose v.—lost adj.迷路的,丢失的—loss n.消失,损失)


9 她热爱舞蹈,梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞演员。She loved dancing and dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer.

10 科莱特坚持赫本是扮演《琪琪》这部戏里女主角的完美人选。Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for play the lead role in Gigi...

扮演…的角色play the role of sth

扮演主角-一个年青的公主play the lead role of a young princess

坚持做某事insist on / upon doing

11 以…为基础base upon

12 这件事标志着她的成功的职业生涯的开始。The event marked the beginning of Her successful career.

标志着…的开始mark the beginning of …

一个职业运动员 a career player

(mark n.(1)分数get full marks



(1)评分mark the exam paper

(2) 标志


13 被选上做某事be chosen to do sth


14 一次巨大的成功a big success

15.变得出名become world-famous

因。。出名be famous/ well-known for…

作为…出名be famous/ well-known as…

。。。是众所周知的. It’s well-known that…

。。。是不为人知晓的. It’s unknown that…

16 .她因在这部影片中的角色而获得了一次奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film.

因为…赢得… win… for …

17 .在某人一生中in /during one’s life/ lifetime

18 某人最后一次露面make one’s final appearance

(appear v.—appearance n. disappear v.—disappearance n.)

19 赫本的成就超出了电影的范畴Hepburn’s achievements went b eyond the film industry.

(achieve v.取得—achievement n.成就可数)

20 与某人亲密合作work closely with sb

22 因为在这个领域的努力,她获得了很多奖项She won many awards because of her efforts in this area.

将某人精力投入到… put one’s effort into sth (effort 精力不可数)


努力做某事make efforts to do sth (effort 努力可数名词)

23 赫本发现她得了癌症。Hepburn discovered the she had cancer ( discover that…. (首次)发现)

24 在睡梦中平静地逝去pass away peacefully in one’s sleep

25 做出决定make a decision (n.) (decide v. )

26. 保持安静keep quiet/silent ( quiet adj.—quietly adv. )

安静in silence (silent adj.—silence n.)

27 我早早离开是为了避开高峰期I left early to avoid the rush hour .

避免做某事avoid sth. / doing sth. 交通高峰期rush hour


28 一些人误将她当成了真的公主Some people mistook her for a real princess .

把… 误认为mistake …for (mistake—mistook – mistaken )

29 被她的美丽而惊叹be amazed by her beauty

30 适合所有的年龄be suitable for all ages 不同年龄层次的人people of all ages

31 与某人落入爱河fall in love with sb

32 将恐龙的鲜活形象搬上荧屏bring dinosaurs alive on screen

33 特价a special offer

34 .出生日date of birth 出生地place of birth

35 建立set up

36 成龙被很多人看成一个巨星Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar

(1) 把…看做consider …as

(2) 把…看做consider … to be

(3) 考虑做某事consider doing sth.

(4) consider +that 从句

1 though 与although 的用法

(1)though 与although 意为“尽管,即使”一般情况可以互换使用。只是though 常用语口语或书面语,although 比较正式。虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。Though / Although it was raining , we went there .


(2)though 与although 引导让步状语从句时,常采用省略形式虽然很疲劳,但他继续工作Although tired (= Although he was tired ), he kept on working . 这个问题虽然比较复杂,但还是比较容易解决。The problem , though complicated (= though it is complicated ) , can be solved without much difficulty .

2 so …that 与such …that 用法。

(1) 如此。。以致。。。so+ adj./ adv. …that…… 我们的很多病人很穷以致他们负担不起到医院的费用。Many of our patients are so poor that the can’t afford to travel to hospi tal.

(2)如此…的一个… so+ adj.+ a/an+名词:如此重要的工作such an important job= so important a job

(3) 如此。。以致。。。。such+名词短语+that ….. 如此好的消息such good news d 对的so good news 错的

(4) 如此多/少so+ many/much/ few/little ….

(5)为了让他们保持健康,所有的孩子该有干净水喝,干净食物吃。All children should have clean water and food so that they can be healthy. 为了,以便so that

9A Unit 8



detective n.侦探,警探clue n.线索

missing adj.缺少的;丢失的

murder vt.谋杀;杀害suspect v.犯罪嫌疑人

medium adj.中等的untidy adj.不整洁的

guess vt.猜,猜测guilty adj.有罪的

truth n.事实,真相lie vi.说谎

might modal v.或许,可能murderer.n,杀人犯,凶手confirm vt.证实,确认victim n.受害者,罹难者

crime v.犯罪活动;罪行somewhere adv.在某处

contact vt.联系steal vt.偷,窃取

experienced adj.有经验的;老练的

system n.系统suppose vt.猜想,假定,料想only adj.仅有的,唯一的witness n.目击者;证人


report vt.举报,报告breathe vi.& vt.呼吸

heavily adv.沉重地;猛烈地

reward n.报酬,奖金arrest n.逮捕

couple n.夫妇,一对fingerprint n. 指纹,手印probably adv.大概,或许criminal adj.犯罪的,犯法的female adj.女(性)的;雌性的

boss n.老板,上司hurry n. 急忙,匆忙

kidnapping n.绑架,劫持wealth n.财富

prison n.监狱hairdresser n.理发师,发型师kidnap vt.绑架,劫持safety n.安全,保险

lock vt.锁shut vt.关上,封闭;合拢stranger n. 陌生人necklace n.项链

diamond n.钻石theft n.偷窃

jewellery n.(英)[总称]珠宝=(美)jewelry


1. look for寻找2.make notes做笔记


3.medium height中等身材

4.according to根据5.think about考虑

6.as a result作为结果7.tell the truth说出事实

8.a 25-year-old man 一个二十五岁的人

9.a computer engineer 一个电脑程序师

10. take place发生11. between.…an d在两者之间12. find out查出;找到13. somewhere else在某个地方14. police officer警官15.bleed to death失血而死


16. be charged with承担,被控告

17.break into闯入18.so far到目前为止

19. at the time of在……的时间

20. turn out原来是;结果是

21. have nothing to do with与……无关

22. in a hurry急忙;赶快23. lead to引起,造成,导致

24. against the law违反法律

25. catch a bus/train/plane赶公交车/火车/飞机


26. in prison坐牢27. safety tips安全规则

28. lose time doing sth浪费时间做某事

29.get along on/with与……和睦相处


1. Why are you dressed like that, Eddie


dress作及物动词,意为“给……穿衣服,打扮”,其后常接“人”作宾语;如果接“衣服”,则用dress sb in或bedressed in结构。


2.My food has gone missing.我的食物不见了。


was last seen leaving his office in New Town at about 7 pm。有人大约是在晚上七点钟左右最后一次看见他离开位于新镇的办公室。

此句中be seen doing sth是看见某人正在做某事,是see sb doing sth的被动结构;句中last表示“最后地”。

are still working at the scene of the crime to find out Whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town, or killed at the place where he was found.他们仍在案发现场工作,查明被害人是否被害于别的什么地方然后移尸到峡谷镇还是被害于现场。

(1) whether用作连词,表示“是否”,有疑问的含义。一般情况下whether和if可以互换,都可放在ask,know,see,learn,understand,wonder等词的后面引导宾语从句。但在以下几种情况中通常只能用whether。


whether与or not连用。




(2) else意为“其他的;别的”。else用在不定代词或特殊疑问词后面。

What else do you think we can do with it


5. The victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result.




