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HND 出口援助学1
HND 出口援助学1


Ueng daily life is a countryside’s company targeting household appliances and children’ instruments.


About washing machine, the standard concerning exploding and fire should comply with EN 1127-1. In China, the rated voltage’s standard is 220V and can fluctuate 1% upwards or downwards, and rated frequency’s standard is 50HZ and can fluctuate 1% upwards or downwards. Ambient temperature when washing, is 23 centigrade fluctuate 2 unit upwards or downwards, and relative humidity is 60% to 70%. The water pressure of washing machine’s inlet is bigger than 0.22 Mpa and less than 0.26 Mpa. Stirring washing machine’s electricity consumption must be less than0.032kWh/kg and the rolled should less than 0.350kWh/kg. In stirring machine’s specification aspect, standard load is 2.75kg; washing tub diameter is 540mm (outside diameter); wash bucket of water is 50L (net); agitator radius is 340mm; number of stirrer leaf is 4; blender height is 76mm (maximum); agitator swing angle is 214; oscillating agitator is 51 times / min.


About children’bicycles, in China, if seat’s height is more than 560mm, the brake must be 2. The one exists in front wheel and the other is in latter wheel. Both front and latter brakes should be used by hands. Handbrake’ s intensity is 300N after test. China’s standard requires that there is no salient substance in the place that is distant 300mm with seat and the upper frame of bicycles does not exist salient substance. About handbrake grip size, the length between point B and point C should be less than 75mm, point A and point B should be not more than 60mm according GB14746. The eligible intensity of handle is 500N.



Japan’s industrial standard is Japanese Industrial Standards(JIS). JIS specifies the standards used for industrial activities in Japan. The standardization process is coordinated by the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee and published through the Japanese Standards Association. JIS includes 19 items such as civil construction, general machinery, electronic equipment and electrical machinery, automobiles, railways, etc. In February 7th, 2007, JIS has 10,124 standard totally. Partly relevant code, A- civil engineering and construction; B- general mechanical W- aviation; X- information processing; Z- other.

South African

The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) is a South African statutory body that was established in terms of the Standards Act, 1945 and continues to operate in terms of the latest edition of the Standards Act, 2008 as the national institution for the promotion and maintenance of standardisation and quality in connection with commodities and the rendering of services. As the national standardisation authority, the SABS is responsible for maintaining South Africa's database of more than 6,500 national standards, as well as developing new standards and revising, amending or withdrawing existing standards as required. Washing machine and air condition belong to SANS IEC 60335


The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC or Commission) is an independent agency of the United States government. It was created in 1972 through the Consumer Product Safety Act. The CPSC is an agency that reports to Congress and the President and is not part of any other department or agency in the federal government. The CPSC has five commissioners, who are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate for staggered seven-year terms. The commissioners set policy for the CPSC. The CPSC is located in Bethesda, Maryland.


Washing machines in JIS C 9606

In JIS, the rated voltage’s standard is 110V and can fluctuate 2% upwards or downwards, and rated frequency’s standard is 60HZ and can fluctuate 1% upwards or downwards. The ambient temperature when washing, is 20 centigrade fluctuate 2 unit upwards or downwards, and relative humidity is 60% to 70% as much as GB/T4288. The water pressure of washing machine’s inlet is bigger than 16 L/min and less than 14 L/min. Electricity consumption must be below the rated energy consumption’s 115% unit. In stirring machine’s specification aspect, standard load is 1.5kg; washing tub diameter is 468mm (outside diameter); wash bucket of water is 30L (net); agitator radius is 155mm; number of stirrer leaf is 3; blender height is 50mm (maximum); agitator swing angle is 220; oscillating agitator is 50 times / min and its model has no standard. There are no relevant standard in the model, specification and washing procedure of rolling washing machine.

Children’s bicycles in CPSC 1512

In salient substance aspect, CPSC 1512 is similar to GB14746, apart from this, it requires that the place parallel to the handle’s rear with 89mm, rear seat and the place in front of seat do not exist salient substance. In brake aspect, if seat’s height is more than 560mm, CPSC 1512 asks for not only handbrake, but also foot brake. Handbrake’ s intensity is 445N and foot brake’s intensity does not belong to CPSC 1512. In handbrake grip size aspect, CPSC 1512 is different with GB14746. It maintain that makes handbrake end as starting point, the length should be less than 76mm and width should less than 12.7mm. CPSC 1512 adopted the static load test so that stipulating the eligible intensity of handle is 1000N.


Washing machines in Japan.

In Japan, GB/T4288’s rated voltage is higher than JIS C 9606, so when exporting, domestic washing machines should reduce their voltage. GB/T4288’s rate frequency is less than JIS C 9606, so that they should add frequency. GB/4288’s ambient

temperature is higher than JIS C9606, so they should reduce it. About water pressure, GB’s unit of measurement is distinct from JIS, the former is in L/min and the latter is in Mpa, therefore, the unit should convert L/min to Mpa. JIS has no explicit standard in model and specification for rolling washing machine, so Chinese rolling washing machine may has less limitation. About stirring washing machine, standard load will reduce; washing tub diameter will reduce to 155mm; net wash bucket of water will reduce to 30L; agitator radius will reduce; number of stirrer leaf will reduce to 3; maximum blender height will reduce; agitator swing angle will add to 220; oscillating agitator reduce from 51 times / min to 50times/min.

Children’ bicycles in US. CPSC 1512

CPSC 1512 has more strict safety standard. Salient substance has less place to exist. GB 14746 should strength regulation about salient substance and reduce the number of salient substance. If exporting to America, they ought to add foot brake and improve the intensity of handbrake to 445N. In handbrake grip size aspect, GB 14746 need to change test method to adjust CPSC 1512 because their original test means is greatly different. For the intensity of handle, they should test it by static load test rather than torque test.


An investigative report on Welfare Policy in the U.K. Market Outcome 3 Candidate Name: WANGGAI Grade and Class: 11 Financial services class 6

Catalog ●Introduce ●Section 1 ●Section 2 ●Research

Introduce:This report is market failure and government's role and the social welfare policy survey report, report the information from the website as well as books, in a report last may elucidate. 1、Market failure:Market malfunction is due to intrinsic functional defects and external conditions caused by the defect of market mechanism in the allocation of resources in certain areas of operation. Because the market monopoly and price distortion or for the public goods character because of the asymmetric information and the external reasons, causes the resources disposition of invalid or small effect, which can realize resource to configure zero opportunity cost of resource allocation state. Usually used for invalid rate of special major, or non market mechanism is more efficient and the ability to create wealth is better when the private choice. On the other hand, the market failure is usually used to describe the market forces can not meet the status of public interest. Market failure establishes the basis for government intervention. The roles of government in attempting to correct these failures: merit goods, public goods, externalities and imperfect competition。Specific policy measures used by the government of the UK, such as competition, health care, transport etc. The market mechanism may fail to provide the optimal mix of output. The optimal mix of output is the most desirable combination of output attainable with existing resources, technology and social values. Government intervention in economic activities, but complementary, grant of. The government in market economy economic role, is to remedy market flaw or insufficient needs a decision. The role of government can be divided into regulation of human character, commonweal character, control characters, the arbitrator roles and role of night watchman. 2、Public goods:The market mechanism works efficiently only if the benefits of consuming the good or service are available only to individuals who purchase it.


绝密★启用前 学院 学年第一学期期末考试 级 专业(本/专科)《 投资学 》试卷C 注:需配备答题纸的考试,请在此备注说明“请将答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效”。 一、单项选择题(共 15 题,请将正确答案的代号填写在指定位置,每小题 2分,共 30分) 1、其他条件不变,债券的价格与收益率 ( ) A. 正相关 B. 反相关 C. 有时正相关,有时反相关 D. 无关 2、 市场风险也可解释为 ( ) A. 系统风险,可分散化的风险 B. 系统风险,不可分散化的风险 C. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险 D. 个别风险,可分散化的风险 3、考虑两种有风险证券组成资产组合的方差,下列哪种说法是正确的?( ) A. 证券的相关系数越高,资产组合的方差减小得越多 B. 证券的相关系数与资产组合的方差直接相关 C. 资产组合方差减小的程度依赖于证券的相关性 D. A 和B 4、证券投资购买证券时,可以接受的最高价格是( )。 A .出售的市价 B .到期的价值 C .投资价值 D .票面的价值 5.某一国家借款人在本国以外的某一国家发行以该国货币为面值的债券属 ( )。 A .欧洲债券 B .扬基债券 C .亚洲债券 D .外国债券 6、 市场风险也可解释为。( ) A. 系统风险,可分散化的风险 B . 系统风险,不可分散化的风险 C. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险 D. 个别风险,可分散化的风险 7.如果某可转换债券面额为l 000元,规定其转换比例为50,则转换价格为( )元。 A .10 B .20 C .50 D .100 8. 根据马柯威茨的证券组合理论,下列选项中投资者将不会选择( )组合作为投资对象。 A .期望收益率18%、标准差32% B .期望收益率12%、标准差16% C .期望收益率11%、标准差20% D .期望收益率8%、标准差 11% 9.就单根K 线而言,反映多方占据绝对优势的K 线形状是( )。 A .带有较长上影线的阳线 B .光头光脚大阴线 C .光头光脚大阳线 D .大十字星 10.某公司股票每股收益0.72元,股票市价14.4元,则股票的市盈率为( )。 A .20 B .25 C .30 D .35 11、按投资标的分,基金的类型不包含( ) A. 债券基金 B. 封闭基金 C. 股票基金 D.指数基金 12、以债券类证券为标的物的期货合约,可以回避银行利率波所引起的证券价格变动的风险是() A. 利率期货 B. 国债期货 C. 外汇期货 D.股指期货 13、投资者在确定债券价格时,需要知道该债券的预期货币收入和要求的适当收益率,该收益率又被称为( ). A .内部收益率 B .必要收益率 C .市盈率 D .净资产收益率 14、一般地,银行贷款利率和存款利率的降低,分别会使股票价格发生如下哪种变化( ). A .上涨、下跌 B .上涨、上涨 C .下跌、下跌 D .下跌、上涨 15.( )是指过去的业绩与盈余都有良好表现,而其未来的利润仍能稳定增长的股票 A .成长股 B .投机股 C .防守股 D .绩优股 二、 判断题 (共15题,每小题1分,共15分) 1、股份制实现了资本所有权和经营权的分离。( ) 2、普通股股东只具有有限表决权。 ( ) 3、实际投资是指投资于以货币价值形态表示的金融领域的资产。 ( ) 4、只要经济增长,证券市场就一定火爆。( ) 5、一般来讲,基本分析不能准确预测某种证券的中短期市场价格。( ) 6、市盈率是衡量证券投资价值和风险的指标。( ) 7、基金单位资产净值是指某一时点上每份基金份额实际代表的价值。( ) 8、买进期货或期权同样都有权利和义务。( ) 9、一般认为,市净率越低,表明企业资产的质量越好,越有发展潜力。( ) 10、普通股没有还本要求,股息也不固定,因而不存在信用风险。( ) 11、技术分析是以证券市场的过去轨迹 为基础,预测证券价格未来变动趋势的一种分析方法。( ) 12、技术分析中市场行为涵盖一切信息的假设与有效市场假说不一致。( ) 13、道氏理论认为股市在任何时候都存在着三种运动,即长期趋势、中期趋势、短期趋势运动。( ) 14、实际投资是指投资于以货币价值形态表示的金融领域的资产。 ( ) 15、债券投资的风险相对于股票投资的风险要低。( ) 三、名词解释(共3题,每小题5分,共15分) 1. 可转换债券 2、金融期货 3.市盈率


Assessment task instructions Read the following passage and answer the questions which follow. SteamScot is a privately run rail company, which provides steam train journeys in Scotland. At present they operate three specific rail journeys in various parts of Scotland. These journeys are aimed at the tourist market and operate throughout the summer months. Around 70% of passengers are domestic tourists with the other 30% overseas visitors. The company has been fairly profitable over the last decade, and with the help of various grants available, they are considering an expansion of its operations. However, it is also aware that within the next five years a major overhaul of its capital stock as well as major repairs will have to be undertaken. It is this dilemma that the board of the company faces. It is estimated that in the coming year it will have £2.5 million to spend. This money could be used to open a new line between Inverness and Fort William, or to begin the repair and replacement plan on its current routes. A recent report has highlighted that following recent terrorist threats, visitors from the USA are expected to fall within the next three years, but that European visitors are likely to increase as the Euro rises in value. It is also expected that Visit Scotland (the tourist organization) will mount a major advertising campaign in England to encourage more visitors from that country. The boards of directors of SteamScot are also considering a change in their pricing


一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分) 1、二次世界大战前,国际投资是以( )为主。 A(证券投资 B.实业投资 C.直接投资 D.私人投资 2、国际货币基金组织认为,视为对企业实施有效控制的股权比例一般是( )。A(10, B.25, C.35, D.50, 3、以下哪个不是中国发展对外投资的目的( )。 A(有利于充分利用国外自然资源 B(有利于充分利用国外资金 C(有利于扩大出口,加快国际化进程 D(有利于提高国民收入,增加就业机会 4、下面关于国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应描述不正确的是( )。 A(国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应主要是通过跨国公司直接转移发挥的 B(跨国公司将技术转让给东道国的全资子公司的方式效应最低 C(合资方式下技术转移效应较高,但转移的技术等级一般较低 D(跨国公司通过与东道国当地企业或机构合作研发将有助于推进东道国技术进步 5、以下国际投资环境评估方法属于动态方法的是( )。 A.道氏评估法 B.罗氏评估法 C.闽氏评估法 D.冷热评估法 6、以下不属于国际投资环境特点的是( )。 A.综合性 B.稳定性 C.先在行 D.差异性 7、被誉为国际直接投资理论先驱的是( )。 A.纳克斯 B.海默 C.邓宁 D.小岛清 8、以下不属于国际储备管理原则的是(a ) A.多样性 B.安全性 C.流动性 D.盈利性

9.一个子公司主要服务于一国的东道国市场,而跨国公司母公司则在不同的市场控制几 个子公司的经营战略是(a )。 A.独立子公司战略 B.多国战略 C.区域战略 D.全球战略 10、对外国政府贷款的说法中不正确的是( d ) A(外国政府贷款常与出口信贷混合使用 B(外国政府贷款利率低,期限长,有时还伴有部分赠款 C. 使用外国政府贷款要支付少量管理费 D(外国政府贷款可用于购置任何国家或地区的设备或原料 11、在证券市场线上,市场组合的β系数为( c )。 A.0 B.0.5 C.1.0 D.1.5 12(以下不属于国际投资环境评价形式的是(b )。 A.专家实地考察 B.问卷调查 C.东道国政府评估 D.咨询机构评估 13、弗农提出的国际直接投资理论是( a )。 A.产品生命周期理论( B.垄断优势理论 C.折衷理论 D.厂商增长理论 14(以下关于国际直接投资对东道国资本形成直接效应的描述不正确的是( )。 A.在起始阶段,无疑是资本流入,是将国外储蓄国内化,一般会促进东道国的资本形成, 形成新的生产能力,对东道国经济增长产生正效应 B.绿地投资能够直接增加东道国的资本存量,对东道国的资本形成有显在的正效应,而 购并投资只是改变了存量资本的所有权,对东道国的资本形成没有直接的效应


ommunication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication Assessments for Outcomes 1 and 3 Page 1 Outcome 1 Reading text Page 3 Outcome 1 Assessment Questions Page 6 Outcome 3 Assessment Page 8 Marking guide for Outcome 1 Page 13 Record Sheets

Outcome 1 Read the following passage, and then answer the questions. You must answer all the questions to pass the Outcome Business Communication Ways of communicating in business vary from country to country, and an important part of successful international business activity is being aware of the types of behaviour which are acceptable to the people with whom you hope to work. Where people come from will affect their expectations of working customs, procedures and ways of negotiating. Even corporate culture varies according to the country where the company is based. Emphasis on seniority, formality, reporting lines and business procedures can differ significantly between countries. In this age of global communications, millions of pounds are being lost everyday because language barriers get in the way of potential customers, both nationally and overseas. Improving skills in communication with customers is important to a range of business organization. Overcoming barriers is not just about learning languages, but about bringing in strategies-employing people who speak the customers’language, sending staff on overseas placements or offering translations on company websites. Staff training in business communication skills is also very important. There are many books, web sites and training courses for those who wish generally to improve their business communication both nationally and internationally. Staff who need to negotiate face to face or by telephone in the international market can learn about the importance of cultural factors in business success. The emphasis of training courses is often on speaking and listening, and on practical role play of meetings and sales presentations. Attention is also given to using the correct style of English to ensure customer care will be of the highest level. By becoming familiar with the business protocol of different cultures and developing communication skills people should gain the confidence of the people with whom they hope to work in international business. People from Britain, for example, have particular approaches to doing business which reflect their culture. In decision making, people will follow company policy and established business rules, rather than their personal feelings. Any business proposals are more likely to be successful if they conform to the way thins have been done in the past. Meetings are used for many reasons, including discussing issues, negotiating, decision making and problem solving. There are rules of procedure for formal meetings. A notice is sent out up to six weeks in advance giving details of the date, start and finish times and place. A written agenda is prepared and distributed before the meeting to be certain that everyone is aware of the meeting purposes, and issues to be discussed, beginning with the most important matters. It is essential to prepare for a meeting and to become well informed by reading background papers and any reports which may be circulated with agenda. Wearing acceptable clothing gives a good impression and shows how serious people are about


《投资学》练习题及答案 一、单项选择题 1、下列行为不属于投资的是( C )。 A. 购买汽车作为出租车使用 B. 农民购买化肥 C. 购买商品房自己居住 D. 政府出资修筑高速公路 2、投资的收益和风险往往( A )。 A. 同方向变化 B. 反方向变化 C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化 D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化 3、购买一家企业20%的股权是( B )。 A. 直接投资 B. 间接投资 C. 实业投资 D. 金融投资 4、对下列问题的回答属于规范分析的是( C )。 A. 中央银行再贷款利率上调,股票价格可能发生怎样的变化? B. 上市公司的审批制和注册制有何差异,会对上市公司的行为以及证券投资产生哪些不同的影响? C. 企业的投资应该追求利润的最大化还是企业价值的最大化? D. 实行最低工资制度对企业会产生怎样的影响? 5、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于( B )。 A. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样 B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样 C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样 D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样 6、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是( D )。 A. 分配机制 B. 再分配机制 C. 生产机制 D. 价格机制 7、以下不是导致市场失灵的原因的是( A )。 A. 市场发育不完全 B. 垄断 C. 市场供求双方之间的信息不对称 D. 分配不公平 二、判断题 1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。(√) 2、无形资本不具备实物形态,却能带来收益,在本质上属于真实资产范畴。(√) 3、证券投资是以实物投资为基础的,是实物投资活动的延伸。(√) 4、直接投资是实物投资。(√) 5、间接投资不直接流入生产服务部门。(√) 6、从银行贷款从事房地产投机的人不是投资主体。(×) 7、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。(√) 8、产权不明晰或产权缺乏严格的法律保护是市场本身固有的缺陷。(×)


山东大学《金融投资学》试题 经济学院2003级(B卷) 姓名:学号:成绩: 一、单项选择题(5分,每题0.5分) 1.我国公司法规定发行公司债券的条件正确的是()。 A.股份有限公司的净资产额不低于人民币6000万元 B.有限责任公司的净资产额不低于人民币3000万元; C.累计债券总额不超过公司净资产的40%; D.最近三年对股东连续分配 2.英国属于一种典型的()的证券市场管理体制。 A.集中立法管理型 B.自律管理型 C.二级分级管理型 D.三级分级管理型 3.公司破产后,对公司剩余财产的分配顺序是()。 A.银行债权,普通债权,优先股票,普通股票 B.普通债权,银行债权,普通股票,优先股票 C.普通股票,优先股票,银行债权,普通债权 D.优先股票,普通股票,银行债权,普通债权 4.以下关于保证金交易的说法错误的是()。 A.是一种融资融券交易 B.有多头和空头交易两种情况 C.本质上是一种期货交易 D.又称信用交易 5.除按规定分得本期固定股息外,还可再参与本期剩余盈利分配的优先股,称为()。 A.累积优先股 B.非累积优先股 C.参与优先股 D. 股息可调优先股6.不是普通股股东享有的权利主要有()。 A.公司重大决策的参与权 B.选择管理者 C.剩余资产分配权 D.股票赎回权 7.道-琼斯工业指数股票取自工业部门的( )家公司。 A.15 B.30 C.60 D.100 8.马科维茨资产组合理论的基本假设不包括()。 A.投资者的风险厌恶特性 B.有效市场假说 C.投资者的不满足性 D. 不计税收和交易成本 9.关于契约型基金和公司型基金的区别错误的说法是() A.资金的性质不同 B. 基金投资方式不同 C.发行的证券不同 D.投资者的权限不同 10.下列说法正确的是()。 A.资本市场线描述的是单个证券与市场组合的协方差与其预期收益率之间

北航SQA HND项目专业介绍及就业分析

北航SQA HND项目专业介绍及就业分析 北航HND项目介绍: 2004年5月苏格兰首相、教育部长和苏格兰学历管理委员会主席访问北京航空航天大学,正式启动了北航英国高等教育文凭项目。办学10年来,北航共培养HND学生千余名,目前有七届毕业生,出国签证率100%,出国同学大多数在本科毕业后继续深造,其中部分同学进入世界名牌大学攻读硕士学位,包括牛津大学、伦敦政治经济学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院、杜伦大学、约克大学、布里斯托大学等位于英国大学前10名的著名高等学府。2010年7月,北航HND被SQA总裁珍妮特·布朗博士授予“杰出教学中心”的荣誉称号,成为中国获此殊荣的两所高校之一。北航HND在全国发挥了良好的示范带头作用,受到了各方的高度赞誉。 苏格兰教育与终身教育内阁大臣迈克尔·拉塞尔、SQA总裁珍妮特·布朗博士授予北航HND “杰出教学中心”奖 专业介绍及就业分析 一、国际贸易与商务 1、课程设置 核心课程:商务会计、经济学导论、人力组织管理、国际营销导论、国际市场组合、国际商业组织、微观与宏观理论及其应用、经济学、财务报表分析、国际贸易惯例 其它专业课程:商务契约关系、世界经济、商务沟通技巧、商务信息与通讯技术、商务文化与策略、财政预算、商法导论、出口援助资源、国际物流等 2、专业特色 课程覆盖面非常广,基本涵盖商科所有课程;专业要求较细,以市场需求为导向培养专业技能;就业范围广泛,就业起点高,薪资高,工作环境舒适。 3、就业分析 本专业旨在培养能熟练掌握并运用英语、国际经济与贸易的基本理论和基本知识,具备开展国际贸易业务的基本技能,能在涉外企业及政府机构等从事国际经济与贸易实际业务以及相


Outcome 2 1. 书178,179二个图 Households buy commodities from firms, using the income individuals receive for their labour and capital supplied to firms The firms use the income received from the sale of commodities to pay for the labour and to invest in new premises,plant and equipment. 2. Injections: Investments:Loan from banks, building societies, insurance companies etc. Money saved by household can be re-injected back into the inner flow as investment by business sector (firms) after they borrow the money out of financial institutions. Government Spending:Roads, hospitals, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1414221122.html,ing the fund largely collected through taxation, the government can be the biggest buyer spending money on the products and services provided by firms If government wishes to expend the flow of income in circulation, it may choose to increase the amount of its spending and probably adopt a tax-cutting. Exports:These are goods and services that are sold abroad. The payment for them will return to the firms in this country. For example, if someone buys textiles of China, then the proceeds of the sale belong to our country. This increases the circular flow and creates more economic activity in the economy for our country. Withdraws: Savings:Amount of income that consumers choose not to spend but retain for the future uses (normally deposit in financial institutions, e.g. banks and building society). Ability or desire to save out of income is measured by …marginal propensity to save (MPS)?. Level of income is the biggest factor affects level of savings, i.e. the higher the income is, the greater savings (withdrawal) out of circular. Taxation:Through forms as personal income tax, V AT, corporate income tax, the disposable money circulated in the economy is drawn out by the government as its revenue. This can be in the form of direct tax on our income or indirect tax on purchases, for example V AT. Imports:Part of the consumption of both households and firms are on foreign products or products contain imported components. So that portion of expenditure will eventually go into foreigners? pockets therefore reduce the total income circulated


《投资学》复习题 一、单项选择题 1、如果你相信市场是()有效市场的形式,你会觉得 股价反映了所有相关信息,包括那些只提供给内幕人士的信息。 a. 半强式 b. 强式 c. 弱式 d. a 、b 和c 2.很多情况下人们往往把能够带来报酬的支出行为称为。 A 支出 B 储蓄 C 投资 D 消费3、当其他条件相同,分散化投资在那种情况下最有效?()a. 组成证券的收益不相关 b. 组成证券的收益正相关 c. 组成证券的收益很高 d. 组成证券的收益负相关 4.如果强式有效市场假定成立,下列哪一种说法是正确的?()A、未来事件能够被准确地预测。B、价格能够反映所有可得 到的信息。 C、证券价格由于不可辨别的原因而变化。起伏。 5. 市场风险也可解释为( )。 a. 系统风险,可分散化的风险 b. 散化的风险 c. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险 D 、价格不 系统风险,不可分 d. 个别风险,可分散

6.半强式有效市场假定认为股票价格( 测的。 7. 对已经进行贴现,尚未到期的票据转做一次贴现的行为称为 () A.再贴现 B .承兑 C .转贴现 D .多次贴现 8 、其他条件不变,债券的价格与收益率( )。 a. 正相关 b. 反相关 c. 有时正相关,有时反相关 d. 无关 9. 在红利贴现模型中, 不影响贴现率 k 的因素是( ) A 、 真实无风险回报率 B 、 股票风险溢价 C 、 资产回报率 D 、 预期通胀率。 10. 我国现行的证券交易制度规定,在一个交易日内,除首日上 市证券 外,每只股票或基金的交易价格相对上一个交易日收市价 的涨跌幅度不得超过。 A 5% B 10 % C 15% D 20 % 11、在合约到期前,交易者除了进行实物交割,还可以通过来结 束交 易。 A 投机 B 对冲 C 交收 D 主动放弃 A 、反映了已往的全部价格信息 公开可得信息。 B 、反映了全部的 C 、反映了包括内幕信息在内的全部相关信息 D 、是可以预

HND 商务沟通技巧报告

Communication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication Outcome 1 DE3N 34 Candidate name: Class and Grade :


TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0Introduction (1) 2.0Procedure (1) 3.0Customer care (1) 4.0The teaching system of school (1) 4.1The teaching facility (1) 4.2T eacher resource and quality (2) 4.3The library of school (2) 5.0 The life in the school (3) 5.1 Canteen (3) 5.2 Dormitory of school (3) 6.0 The entertainment of school (4) 6.1 Sports (4) 6.2 Activity and amusement (4) 7.0 Conclusion (5) 8.0 Recommendation (5) 9.0 Bibliography (6) 10.0 Appendixes (6)

1.0Introduction The aim of this report is to describe the customer service in Cambridge University. The objective of the report is to improve the customer service of Cambridge University and do assessment of customer care. The readership of the report are the people who working in Cambridge University. This report will cover 4 parts. They are the definition of customer care, the research sections, conclusion and recommendation. 2.0Procedure In order to collect the information to produce this report, the internet and various search engines have been used to access the customer service information of Cambridge university, this is the most effective way of obtaining the up-to-date information needed. Also the questionnaires have been used in this customer service resreach. 3.0Customer care A customer care is the way to improve customer satisfaction. The customer care could response customer’s request. In university, the students are the prime customer. As a student, the most important aspect for them is study, so the investigation divided into 3 sections, including: study, life and entertainment. 4.0The teaching system of school 4.1The teaching facility

HND 大二经济学

The micro economic about Sony 詻筱敉 Summary: As a manager of a company, he should consider the economic of scale. It relation to many problems, like the range of cost in the long run, how to get the profit maximization, how to choose the market structure and the characters of the market and so on. This report will relation to these problems. Also it will talk about the alternatives to profit maximization. Key words: cost, profit, price and output, the structure of market Sony is a famous company in the world. The play station 2 represents a huge gamble that will pay off only if it sells in vast quantities. Sony is conscious that if the product sells in limited quantities, that its costs will be about $ 100 per unit, however , if they sell about 50 million worldwide, that its costs will drop to about $ 10 per unit. Long run is defined as that period of time when all the factors of production can be varied. If for example, a firm had been restricted because of space and now finds it can expand or move to a bigger production unit it could also perhaps purchase more equipment, employ more labor. All the factors of production can be varied a firm should be able to expand the scale of its operations to continue obtaining falling costs as output level increases. These activities should allow reductions in costs, coming about because of size and know as economies of scale. The purpose of a company is to get more profit. Sony hope that their new machine will be a focal point for devices such as TVs, audio systems, digital cameras and will connect customers to the internet. Profits can also be termed ‘Normal’or ‘Supernormal’. Profit is the reward to entrepreneurs and the incentive that encourages them to take risks. It has two functions, one hand is that for an entrepreneur profit is an incentive to undertake a risk in the belief that a gain can be made. On the other hand, profit is also a reward. It must be earned, as we have seen, generally in an imperfect competitive situation. Many business fail and for many different reasons. To some extent we have already touched on this premise in suggesting that profit maximization is not always the main goal of a firm. This relate to alternatives to profit maximization. I will give two theory-Satisficing Behaviour Theory and Sales Revenue Maximization Theory. Satisficing Behaviour theory This particular theory was expounded by H A Simon and his colleague A Cyert. It is based on the fact that achieving specific targets with regard to sale, profit and market share will result in ‘satisficed behaviour’ by those who own and those who run firms. They know that it may be possible to do better but in the long run to press for further profit may result in unintended damage. Sales Revenue Maximization theory Propounded by Professor W J Boumal based on the following: 1. Managers get better perks and salaries from sales than profit. 2. Market share is considered a better sign of progress of a firm. 3. Because of the above, heavy adverting will take place to maximise sales.
