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Test of English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP)

Chinese Advanced Placement (CAP)



Section I Listening Comprehension 20 minutes

Section II Reading Comprehension 50 minutes

Section III Integrated Reading & Writing 50 minutes

The Speaking Test is held separately.




姓名_______________________ 班级_______________________

学号_______________________ 准考证号____________________

学校_______________________ 考场号______________________

Note:This test is designed only for the students of CAP EAP course


Part I Listening Comprehension [20 minutes] [20 points] Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage. (3 points)

1. Who was the museum built for?

A. People who died in wars.

B. People who fought in wars.

C. People who worked for help victims.

D. People who lost their families in disasters.

2. What is reason for the businessman putting forward such idea?

A. He fought in a war.

B. He was wounded in a war.

C. He helped the wounded in war.

D. He saw death and cruelties of war.

3. Which of the following is NOT true about the symbols of the Red Cross?

A. The red cross was the original one.

B. Both symbols are officially recognized.

C. Both symbols are used regardless of races.

D. The red crescent was adopted in certain regions.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following talk. At the end of the talk, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the talk. (4 points)

4. What is the focus of the talk?

A. The time management.

B. The subjects in the school.

C. The application for activities.

D. The plans of English courses.

5. Whom does the conversation class aim at?

A. Adult learners.

B. Young learners.

C. Foreign students.

D. Native-speakers.

6. How long does the writing course last?

A. Five week.

B. Six week.

C. Five week.

D. Eight week.

7. What should a student do if he wants to have the exam skill class?

A. Pay for the class.

B. Sign up the class.

C. Take a written test.

D. Come to the first class.

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage. (3 points)

8. How old was Leonardo da Vinci when he moved to Milan?

A. 14.

B. 30.

C. 42.

D. 51.

9. Where did Leonardo da Vinci paint the famous Mona Lisa?

A. In France.

B. In Florence.

C. In Milan.

D. In Tuscany.

10. Leonardo da Vinci did the following work EXCEPT________.

A. building

B. designing

C. engineering

D. painting

Mini-lecture: In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now listen to the mini-lecture. Please fill in each blank with ONE word.

(10 points)(笔记纸上做笔记,每空一词,答题时间:10分钟)

The speaker talks about his interesting experiment on people's (11)_______ curricula. Such behavior is related to the (12) _______ _______ of our brain. The speaker tells the following story. The setting of the story

The organization the speaker worked with: (13) _______ _______ _______ _______

Time: a (14) ________ afternoon.

Place: in the (15) ________.

The man the speaker met

Language that the man spoke: (16) _________.

Financial situation: (17) ________.

Things that the strangers gave to the man: (18) ______, ______, and (19)_____ _____ _____. Summary of the speaker

All the strangers did was out of a simple act of (20) ________.

Part II Reading Comprehension [50 minutes] [35 points] Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following text from an academic journal. Please select the BEST option to each question. (5 points)

Ancillary Markets

Bordwell, David (2006)

1. When a film leaves theatrical exhibition, it lives on. Since the late 1970s, video has created a vast array of ancillary markets, and these typically return more money than the theatrical release. Distribution companies carefully plan the timing of their video release, putting the film first on airline flights and hotel television systems, then on pay-per-view television, then on DVD release, and eventually on cable broadcast, network broadcast and cable reruns. ___________. Foreign and

independent films yield slim theatrical returns, but video markets can make these items profitable. 2. The new frontier of video distribution is cyberspace, with video on demand as the ultimate goal. As broadband delivery increases its capacity, films of any length could be available online. Video on demand promises huge profits and can limit consumers‘ access by blocking copying. The distributors‘ aim is to create a system depending les s on buying or renting an object than on purchasing a service.

3. Will the major distributors control online distribution to the degree that they control theatrical distribution? A step toward ―citizen film-making‖ was taken in January 2006 when Google announced that it would establish a site allowing anyone to upload a video for sale. The filmmaker would set the price, and Google would take a percentage. Although the primary content on the G-Video Store would be films, sports, and television shows supplied by the media conglomerates, sites like this and YouTube could provide global distribution for innovative work, too.

4. Once a film has been distributed, it can continue its life in adjacent media. Star Wars spawned best-selling paperback novels, while Buffy the Vampire Slayer was spun off as a comic book and TV series. The Lion King and The Producers were adapted into Broadway shows, and many films have been the basis of video games.

5. With the rise of digital distribution and the boom in ancillary markets, the conglomerates police their products vigilantly. They are alert for piracy all along the ―value chain‖ and demand licensing fees for what has become defined as intellectual property. Thanks to cable and satellite television, DVD, and the Internet, distributors can squeeze more money out of movies than ever before. But the same technology has allowed films to be freely copied and circulated without authorization. While major distributors struggle to provide movies on demand, hundreds of sites already offer illegal copies of recent releases. Piracy has proved to be as efficient a way to distribute movies as the system presided over by the media companies.

21. The missing sentence in paragraph ONE most likely is _________

A. Video has offered great chances to TV stations, too.

B. Small distributors relied entirely on video release.

C. Video has proved a boon to smaller distributors, too.

D. Major distributors earned little money from video release.

22. Which of the following detail CANNOT support the idea that the internet is at the center of film distribution?

A. Films can be reached online.

B. Films live on in different forms of media.

C. Customers are encouraged to buy services not objects.

D. Filmmakers and internet service providers are united.

23. The underlined word ―adapted‖ in paragraph FOUR possibly means _______.

A. accepted

B. changed

C. get used

D. selected

24. What is the focus of the last paragraph?

A. The issue of film piracy.

B. The policies of filmmakers.

C. The future of online distribution.

D. The problems of media companies.

25. The style of the essay is _________.

A. descriptive

B. informative

C. narrative

D. persuasive

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following text from an academic journal. Read the essay first and complete the summary. Please fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. For item 30, no more than TEN words should be used.

(5 points)

In the past, (26) __________were not dealt with seriously in Arab society. Now, they are the focus of (27) _________due to the changes of Arab world brought by globalization. Many young people are faced with (28)__________from schools and families, etc. One important factor that changes the life of young Arabs is media because it leads to the (29) _________ and production. It can be predicted that the article is going to provide the viewpoint of (30) ________from various perspectives.


1. 'Traditionally, Arab society dealt with youth in a superficial and slightly condescending manner', an Arab columnist wrote recently, 'offering the occasional sports club and scout troop, a usually underfunded and dysfunctional government ministry or organization for youth issues, and a correspondingly non-credible occasional speech by a high-ranking official stressing that youths are the promise of the future'. In light of this somber diagnosis with which many analysts of the Arab world would concur, it appears paradoxical that, today, Arab youth is at the center of some of the most important and controversial debates, from the impact of Western modernity on gender roles and social relations of consumerism and radical political violence. The scope of these debates transcends the borders of the 22 states making up the Arab world in a post-September 11, 2001, environment where Arab youth has become a site that is contested both internally and externally. Young Arab women and men are simultaneously subjected to competing and oftentimes conflicting messages from their parents, educational and religious institutions, the vibrant Arab satellite television industry, 'public diplomacy' from the USA, Iran and others, and the interlocking economic, technological and cultural forces of globalization.

2. The central role of the media play in the life of young people is widely acknowledged by

scholars and policy-makers. Media and information technologies are instrumental in both youth cultural consumption and production; as such, they shape the dynamic of youth culture. In acknowledgment of this context, the exhaustive United Nations Youth Report 2005, states that '… it is impossible to undertake and effective examination of youth cultures without exploring young people's relationship with the media'. Like youth in other parts of the world, young Arabs are avid users of mobile telephones, and text-messaging, the internet, satellite television and popular music. Aggressive advertising campaigns and synergies between telecommunications and media companies promote these media consumption activities. The explosion of commercial television genres has contributed to the creation of a 'hypermedia space' by activating interactive multimedia uses for television, the internet and mobile telephony. As the development of this commercial hypermedia space has intensified debates about the socialization of youth and children, these communication possibilities have empowered youth expression in new ways. The multifaceted and complex relationship between Arab youth and media may, therefore, be difficult to comprehend through traditional research approaches that focus on one type of media (television, internet etc.) or one issue (violence, sexuality, etc.).

Questions 31 to 36 are based on the following text from an academic journal. Please select the BEST option to each question and paraphrase the underlined sentences. (15 points, Question 31 is 10 points)

Intelligence may be different things in different cultures

Robert J.Sternberg & Elena L. Grigorenko (2004)

1. Intelligence may be conceived in different ways in different cultures. Yang & Sternberg (1997) reviewed Chinese philosophical conceptions of intelligence. The Confucian perspective of intelligence emphasizes the characteristic of benevolence and of doing what is right. As in the western notion, the intelligent person expends a great deal of effort in learning, enjoys learning and persists in life-long learning with a great deal of enthusiasm. The Taoist tradition, in contrast, emphasizes the importance of humility, freedom from conventional standards of judgment and full knowledge of oneself as well as of external conditions.

2. _______________. Ruzgis & Grigorenko (1994) argued that, in Africa, conceptions of intelligence revolve largely around skills that help to facilitate and maintain harmonious and stable intergroup relations; intragroup relations are probably equally important and at times more important. For example, Serpell (1996) found that Chewa adults in Zambia emphasize social responsibilities, cooperativeness and obedience as important to intelligence; intelligent children are expected to be respectful of adults. Kenyan parents also emphasize responsible participation in

family and social life as important aspects of intelligence.

3. It is difficult to separate linguistic differences from conceptual differences in cross-cultural notions of intelligence. In our own research, we use converging operations to achieve some separation. That is, we use different and diverse empirical operations to ascertain notions of intelligence. So we may ask in one study that people identify aspects of competence; in another study, that they identify competent people; in a third study, that they characterize the meaning of ?intelligence‘, and so forth.

4. The emphasis on the social aspects of intelligence is not limited to African cultures. Notions of intelligence in many Asian cultures also emphasize the social aspect of intelligence more than does the conventional western or intelligence quotient-based notion.

5. It should be noted that neither African nor Asian notions emphasize exclusively social notions of intelligence. These conceptions of intelligence focus much more on social skills than do conventional US conceptions of intelligence, while at the same time recognizing the importance of cognitive aspects of intelligence. In a study of Kenyan conceptions of intelligence (Grigorenko et al. 2001), it was found that there are four distinct terms constituting conceptions of intelligence among rural Kenyans—rieko(knowledge and skills), luoro(respect), winjo(comprehension of how to handle real-life problems) and paro (initiative)—with only the first directly referring to knowledge-based skills (including but not limited to the academic).

6. It is important to realize, again, that there is no one over-all US conception of intelligence. Indeed, Okagaki & Sternberg (1993) found that different ethnic groups in San Jose, CA, had rather different conceptions of what it means to be intelligent. For example, Latino parents of school- children tended to emphasize the importance of social-competence skills in their conceptions of intelligence, whereas Asian parents tended rather heavily to emphasize the importance of cognitive skills. ?White‘ parents also emphasized cognitive skills more. Teachers, repr esenting the dominant culture, emphasized cognitive skills more than social-competence skills. However, social aspects of intelligence, broadly defined, may be as important as or even more important than cognitive aspects of intelligence in later life.

31. Rewrite the underlined sentences in paragraph FIVE in your own words.

32. In paragraph ONE, an intelligent person in Taoist tradition can be best described as _______.

A. a kind person

B. a freedom-lover

C. a life-long learner

D. a hard-working person

33. The word ―maintain‖ in paragraph TWO means _______.

A. fight for

B. look after

C. keep

D. say

34. The topic sentence of paragraph TWO most likely is ________

A. Yet another way to look at the differences can be provided from studies in Africa.

B. Researchers have found out different meanings of intelligence in an African study.

C. People in Africa can provide us with many chances of noticing the great differences.

D. Studies in Africa in fact provide yet another window on the substantial differences.

35. The notion of intelligence in American society tends to be _______.

A. cognitive

B. emotional

C. linguistic

D. social

36. The passage is developed mainly by ______.

A. categorization

B. comparison and contrast

C. problem and solution

D. processing

Questions 37 to 41 are based on the following text from an academic journal. Please fill in each blank with the BEST option. Each option can be used only once and two more options are given. (5 points)

A. This book is about how people use language

B. Or to reading novels on a lazy summer afternoon

C. We, lazily, turn to reading novels in a summer afternoon

D. The psychological study of language is called psycholinguistics

E. Because scientists think language is by nature social and psychology studies mainly individual

human beings

F. Such specialized language serves to bind us more closely with our peers while at the same time

excluding those who are not our peers

G. An important consideration is that although language is intrinsically a social phenomenon,

psychology is principally the study of individuals

Introduction to Psychology of Language

Carroll, David W. (2008)

1. (37) ______. Few things play as central a role in our everyday lives as language. It is our most important tool in communicating our thoughts and feelings to each other. Infants cry and laugh, and their facial expressions surely give their parents some notion of the kinds of emotions they are experiencing, but it is not until children are able to articulate speech that we gain much understanding of their private thoughts.

2. As we grow, language comes to serve other functions as well. Most young people develop jargon that is more meaningful to those of the same age than to older or younger individuals. (38) ________. Language becomes a badge of sorts, a means of identifying whether a person is within a social group. Similar processes are at work in gender and social class differences in language use.

3. Over time, for many of us language becomes not merely a means to an end but an end in itself. We come to love words and word play. So we turn to writing poetry or short stories. Or to playing

word games, such as anagrams and cross- word puzzles. (39) _________. A tool that is vital for communicating our basic needs and wants has also become a source of leisurely pleasure.

4. The diversity of how we use language is daunting for psychologists who wish to study language. How can something so widespread and far-reaching as language be examined psychologically? (40) ________. The psychology of language deals with the mental processes that are involved in language use. Three sets of processes are of primary interest: language, language production, and language acquisition.

5. (41) _________. This book explores the principles of this field along with selected applications. This introductory chapter deals with two questions: What is psycholinguistics? and How has this field evolved over the last century?

Questions 42 to 46 are based on the following text from an academic journal. Please answer each question in your own words BRIEFLY with complete structure. (5 points)

Globalization and World Heritage Protection

Droste, Bern von (2012)

1. Explained most succinctly, globalization means increasing interconnection of people and places as a consequence of advances in transport, communication, and information technologies which in turn results in political, economic and cultural convergence. Roughly, globalization encompasses above all: the international flow of ideas and knowledge, and that of goods and services; the sharing of cultures; the global civic society, and the global environmental movement.

2. The globalization process has a long history as will be described later. This process accelerated in the 1990s when globalization was greeted with euphoria. Capital flows to developing countries increased six fold in just six years between 1990 and 1996. The establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1995, a goal that had been sought for half a century, was to bring the semblance of a rule of law to international commerce. Everyone was supposed to be a winner –those in the developed countries as well as those in the so-called developing world. Globalization was expected to bring unprecedented prosperity to all.

3. However, the environmentalists soon felt that globalization undermined their more than a decade-long struggle to establish regulations by which to preserve our natural heritage. In a similar vein those who wanted to protect and develop their own cultural heritage also saw globalization as an intrusion. The protesters did not accept the argument that economically at least globalization would ultimately leave everyone better off.

4. The core of the problem is not globalization itself but rather the way globalization has been managed so far. Two facts stand out in this regard. The first is that economics – especially through

the decrease of communication and transportation costs –has been the main driving force of globalization. And secondly, politics – largely set by the advanced industrial countries – has so far failed to create a fair set of rules. More precisely, they have failed so far to consider even minimal standards of a global ethic which humanity urgently needs for its own survival.

42. What does paragraph ONE talk about?

43. What does the underlined word ―accelerated‖ in paragraph TWO mean?

44. What do environmentalists worry about globalization?

45. What is the viewpoint of the writer on globalization?

46. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

Part III Integrated Reading and Writing [50 minutes] [25 points] Read the text quickly and do the tasks.

Task 1: Summary Writing (20 minutes)

Write a one-paragraph summary of the text in around 100 words. (10 points)

Task 2: Academic Writing (30 minutes)

The text is about a culture of creative innovation. The writer points out “It (innovative culture) is less a funding issue and more one of creating an environment” and concludes that “there is no reason whatsoever why China cannot develop a more substantial innovative culture”. Do you agree or disagree with the writer. Write an essay on your own title about 200 words.(15 points)

You need to refer to the text when writing your own essay.

Your viewpoints should be supported with details.

Use proper academic language.

Be logically clear, and coherent.

China needs a culture of creative innovation

Beardson, Timothy (2014)

1. Here are several tools by which we can measure the level of innovation in a country. In China there is often a focus on numbers of patents, university graduates and scientific papers.

2. The authorities have set quantitative targets for patents as a measure of innovation, and the number granted has subsequently increased. However, a recent European Chamber of Commerce in China paper has shown that the number of invention patents, which represent innovative advances, is substantially lower than the number of utility patents, which represent incremental adjustments. Moreover, there are a worrying number of malicious patent grants that appear to be aimed at

litigation gains. There is also a higher proportion of foreign to domestic patent filings than elsewhere.

3. Subsidizing domestic entities to file patents does not encourage quality but quantity. China's emphasis on patent quantity targets can have the effect of undermining the development of patent culture. Five year plans and numerical targets can damage the flowering of innovation in society.

4. Official attention has turned to scientific papers. It is felt that China must produce more research papers. The difficulty here yet again is that this policy encourages the publication of lower quality work. In 2012, China produced the world's second largest number of research papers, but 18 of the world's top 20 paper-publishing countries had their papers more frequently cited than China's.

5. China is now the largest car market in the world. We might expect this to allow domestic industry to demonstrate a gathering innovation. However, domestic brand passenger cars have steadily lost market share for some years. By early this year, they were down to 23 per cent. China doesn't have one globally competitive auto brand. No Chinese car has yet been certified for sale in the United States. A partner in the US consultancy Booz & Co said in April that "the industrial policy of trying to build up a capable, competent, world-class Chinese automotive industry has been in place for decades and it has essentially failed".

6. Ethnic Chinese scientists have been successful at winning Nobel prizes and also the Asian-based Shaw Prize for science. However, only one scientist had ever won such a prize when pursuing career in post-1949 China. This suggests that there is nothing wrong with ethnic Chinese scientists but that there are institutional constraints within Chinese science that need attention.

7. Qian Xuesen, one of China's top scientists, told former premier Wen Jiabao that a major issue retarding science and technology was that "the country's universities were unable to produce innovative scientific and technical personnel". Many universities have been built during one recent eight-year period, one every three days. However, it is frequently remarked that graduates often fail to exhibit those characteristics employers require. This contributes to very high graduate unemployment.

8. The gaokao, or university entrance examination, encourages rote learning, not critical thinking. It has been criticized for filtering out the people with the highest analytical intelligence. Many parents reluctantly prefer maintaining the gaokao on the basis that it is at least objective, whereas a move to a more critical-thinking driven process might allow the children of some officials to circumvent the system.

9. Problems in the scientific culture include excessive deference to age and seniority and a pervasive culture of plagiarism where little criticism is made of wholesale copying of passages from other scientists.

10. Building innovation in China requires a radical reform of education, encouraging creativity

and critical thinking. It is less a funding issue and more one of creating an environment. The academic community needs to firmly censure plagiarism amongst both professors and students. The cult of hierarchy in science needs to be replaced by a desire for truth. Quality must be recognized as more important than quantity. The priorities are a vibrant civil society and the cultivation of critical thought. We need China to become more innovative, and there is no reason whatsoever why China cannot develop a more substantial innovative culture.


2015年安全考试题库(一) (单选140道,多选30道,共计170道) 一、单选题(140道) 1. 移居《职业病防治法》的规定,下列关于职业病病人享受国家规定的职业病待遇的说法,正确的是(B) A、职业病病人变动工作岗位的,其依法享受的治病待遇岁工作岗位改变 B、职业病病人变动工作岗位的,其依法享受的职业病待遇不变 C职业病人退休后,不再享受职业病待遇 D职业病病人单位分立为两个单位的,其依法享受的职业病待遇由社会承担参考答案:B 答案解析:职业病病人变动工作单位,其依法享有的待遇不变。用人单位发生分立?合并.解散.破产等情形的,应 当对从事接触职业病危害作业的劳动者进行健康检查,并按照国家有关规定妥善安置职业病病人。 2. 某贸易公司.煤业公司.当地投资公司分4:3:3的比例共同成立一家化工公司。该化工公司的董事长由常住海外的 贸易公司张某担任,总经理由贸易公司王某担任,全面负责生产经营活动,副总经理由煤业公司孙某担任,负责日 常生产管理;安全总监由投资赵某担任,负责安全管理,依据《安全生产法》的规定,负责组织制定并实施该化工公司安全生产应急预案的是(B) A、张某 B、王某 C孙某D赵某参考答案:B 答案解析:生产经营单位主要负责人必须是实际领导?指挥生产经营单位日常生产经营活动的决策人。在一般情况 下,生产经营单位主要负责人是其法定代表人。但是某些公司制企业特别是国内外一些特大集团公司的法定代表人, 往往与其子公司的法定代表人(董事长)同为一人,他们不负责日常的生产经营活动和安全生产工作,通常是在异地或者国外。在这种情况下,那些真正全面组织?领导生产经营活动和安全生产工作的决策人就不一定是董事长,而 是总经理(厂长)或者其他人。还有一些不具备企业法人资格的生产经营单位不需要并且也不设法定代表人,这些单位的主要负责人就是其资产所有人或者生产经营负责人。《安全生产法》针对生产经营单位主要负责人的安全责任 不明确的问题,规定了生产经营单位主要负责人依法应当负有的建立?健全本单位安全生产责任制,组织制定本单 位安全生产规章制度和操作规程,保证本单位安全生产投入的有效实施,督促?检检查本单位的安全生产工作,及 时消除生产安全事故隐患?组织制定并实施本单位的生产安全事故应急预案和及时?如实报告生产安全事故等6项基本职责。 3. 某企业有基层员工146人,管理人员10人,主要经营环氧乙烷,并提供运输服务,依据《安全生产法》的规定, 下列关于该企业安全生产管理机构设置和人员配备的说法,正确的是(C)。 A、已委托某注册安全工程师事务所提供安全生产管理服务 B、应委托某注册安全工程师提供安全生产管理服务 C应配备专职的安全生产管理人员D应配备兼职安全生产管理人员参考答案:C 答案解析:《安全生产法》对此又分两种情况分别作出规定,一是强制性规定必须配置机构或者专门人员的,即除 矿山.建筑施工和危险物品生产.经营.储存单位以外的其他生产经营单位,其从业人员超过300人的,应当设置安 全生产管理机构或者配备专职安全生产管理人员。二是选择性规定,即从业人员在300人以下的,可以不设专门机构,但应当配备专职或者兼职的安全生产管理人员,或者委托具有国家规定的相关专业技术资格的工程技术人员提供安全生产管理服务。 4. 依据《安全生产法》的规定,企业与职工订立合同,免除或者减轻其职工因生产安全事故伤亡依法应承担的责任, 该合同无效,对该违法行为应当实施的处罚是(D A、责令停产整顿 B、提请所在地人民政府关闭企业C对企业主要负责人给予治安处罚 D给责任负责人给予罚款 参考答案:D 答案解析:生产经营单位与从业人员订立协议,免除或者减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故伤亡依法应承担的责任 的,该协议无效;对生产经营单位的主要负责人?个人经营的投资人处2万元以上10万元以下的罚款。 5. 烟花爆竹色和年国产企业危险工序的作业人员应当接受专业技术培训,并经设区的市人民政府安全监管部门考核


PTE 学术英语考试 PTE 简介 PTE学术英语考试是于2009年10月26日推出的新一代的国际性英语水平测试,由金融时报的母公司英国培生集团以及GMAT 的开发机构管理专业研究生入学考试委员( GMAC )共同研究主办。 PTE 学术英语考试,英文名称Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic),也被译为培生英语考试,是由培生教育集团(Pearson开发并得到GMAC(Graduate Man ageme nt Admissio n Cou ncil)认可的一款新的基于电脑的国际学术英语考试。它为那些需要学术英语的机构例如大学,高等学府以及政府部门提供了一个真实的衡量考生能力的工具。为需要通过英语考试获得赴英语国家学习机会的非英语国家的学生提供了一种新的选择。 PTE 学术英语考试融合了听说读写四种考试形式,考试时间为独立的三小时,所有听说读写四项技能的考核均在三小时内完成。考试分为三部分,口语与写作部分、阅读部分和听力部分。通过电脑自动评分,避免人为因素带来的不公正性。总分90分,分为6个分数等级,考试成绩5个工作日内网上可查。成绩两年内有效。 所有程序包括报名、付费、修改考试时间、修改考试地点、查阅成绩以及后续的向申请大学寄送考试成绩单的服务安排均在网上完成。 考试结构 全场考试需一次完成,考试总时间约为三个小时。每台考试终端计算机的屏幕上都有计时显示,提醒考生每节考试剩余的答题时间。整个考试分成说写,阅读和听力三个部分。除此之外,还有一个短暂的自我介绍以及10分钟的选择性休息。除考试成绩以外,考生会获得一份详细的成绩报告单,包括考生的个人信息和照片,考生的总分,以及各部分的分项成绩。这有助于考生了解自己的优势和薄弱环节,以便在今后的学习中将重点放在需要提高的方面。 口语与写作


社区考试题 一、判断题: 1、异地入伍的义务兵不予优待(∨) 2、从地方直接招收的军队学员家属享受优待金(×) 3、义务兵因病可以评残(∨) 4、二等乙级(含二等乙级)以上伤残军人享受公费医疗(∨)

5、领取伤残保健金的伤残军人享受所在单位伤残职工相同的生活福利待遇和医疗待遇(∨) 6、转变观念,调整思路是社区自治的前提。(∨) 7、资源共享、共驻共建是社区自治的关键。(×) 8、社区建设是前提,社区自治是主题,社区服务是目的。(∨) 9、民政部从国情出发,借鉴国外的经验1991年提出了社区建设这个新的概念。西方叫社区发展。(∨)

10、推进社区建设是党中央、国务院做出的重大决策。(∨) 11、救灾工作的原则是实行政府领导,统一管理,分部门负责。(∨) 12、中小灾害一般由灾区所在街道、村委会组织本行政区域内的救灾工作,区政府有关部门协助。(∨) 13、大灾、特大灾害由区政府直接负责救灾工作。(×) 14、五保供养是保证“三无”对象在吃、穿、住、医、葬方面给予的生活照顾和物质帮助。(∨)

15、五保供养是城市的集体福利事业。(×) 16、农村居民的最低生活保障标准为160元。(×) 17、最低生活保障线是指能够维持城市居民在正常条件下的最基本生活需要的平均支出水平,它表现为人们只购买绝对必需的生活资料。(∨) 18、农业与非农业户口混合型的家庭,应将家庭在职人员的工资、奖金等收入与其他家庭成员从事农副业生产等收入一并计入收入内。(∨) 19、家庭月人均收入达不到最低生活保障标准的农业户口与非农业户口混合型的家庭中,只对非农业户口人员予以保障。(∨)


2015年甘肃输油气分公司电气春检安规考核试题 单位:姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择(每题1分,共计40分) 1、装设接地线应先接接地端,后接导体端,接地线应接触良好,连接应可靠。拆接地线的顺序与此(d )。 A、一样 B、过程 C、工作 D、相反 2、装设接地线(c )单人进行。 A、严禁 B、必须 C、不宜 3、在高压回路上工作,需要拆除部分接地线应征得(c)或值班调度员的许可,工作完毕后立即恢复。 A、站长 B、工作许可人 C、运行人员 D、工作负责人 4、在一经合闸即可送电到(b )的隔离开关操作把手上,应悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”的标示牌。 A、检修地点 B、工作地点 C、工作现场 D、停电设备 5、雷雨天气巡视室外高压设备时,应穿绝缘靴,不应使用伞具,不应靠近( B )和避雷针。 A、设备架构 B、避雷器 C、带电设备 D、接地网 6、巡视高压设备时,( c)进行其他工作。 A、可以 B、严禁 C、不宜 D、保证安全的前提下可以 7、依据国标《电力安全工作规程(发电厂和变电站电气部分)》规定:( b)指能关合、承载、开断运行回路正常电流,也能在规定时间内关合、承载及开断规定的过载电流(包括短路电流)的开关设备,也称开关。 A.变电站 B.断路器 C.隔离开关 D.熔断器 8、在发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,(D)有权停止作业并组织人员撤离作业现场。 A、各类作业人员; B、现场运行人员; C、有关领导; D、现场负责人 9、在电气设备上工作应有保证( b )的制度措施,可包含工作申请、工作布置、书面安全要求、工作许可、工作监护,以及工作间断、转移和终结等工作程序。 A.施工质量 B.安全 C.工期 D.技术 10、在发现直接危及( c)安全的紧急情况时,现场负责人有权停止作业并组织人员撤离作业现场。 A.设备 B.电网 C.人身 D.操作 11、工作许可后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待工作内容和现场安全措施。工作班成员( A )方可开始工作。 A 履行确认手续后 B.检查好安全措施的布置后 C.熟悉工作流程后 D.了解后 12、安全组织措施作为保证安全的制度措施之一,包括工作票、工作的许可、监护、间断、转移和终结等。工作票签发人、工作负责人(监护人)、工作许可人、( B )监护人和工作班成员在整个作业流程中应履行各自的安全职责。 A.专业 B.专责 C.专工 D.专职 13、依据国标《电力安全工作规程(发电厂和变电站电气部分)》规定:( C),填用电气第一种工作票。 A.高压设备上工作不需要部分停电者 B.高压室内的二次接线和照明等回路上的工作,不需要将高压设备停电或做安全措施者


精心整理 Unit Two Task1Familiarizing Yourself with Classif ication 1.Skim the f ollowing passage f or the answ ers to the questions below. 1) Man-made or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes. 2) Pollution (burning fossil fuels, mining coal and oil, etc.), the production of CO( the increase of population, the demolition of trees, etc.) 1. 2. 3.Listen again,paying a ttention to the f ollowing classif ica tions and then complete the tables below. Idea One: The existence of an unconscious motivation Idea Two: The notion of unconscious dynamics or conflict 4.Listen again and piece y our notes together into a shor t summar y.Then r etell the lectur e to y our par tner. There are two interesting ideas in Freud’s theory: first, the existence of unconscious motivation; second, the concept of unconscious conflict. Freud believes that unconscious motivation might play an important role in a lot of situations, such as marriage, forgetting a person’s name, calling out the wrong name etc. In his view, there are three processes going on in the head,


社区党建工作: 一、填空题(15道) 1、科学发展观的第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾。 2、党在同级各种组织中发挥领导核心作用的原则是总揽全局,协调各方。 3、党的纪律处分有警告、严重警告、撤销党内职务、留党察看、开除党籍。 4、党的基层组织包括党的基层委员会、总支部委员会、支部委员会三种。 5、党的基层委员会每届任期三至五年,总支部委员会、支部委员会每届任期二至三年。 6、党委议事和决策的原则是集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定。 7、每个党员都必须遵守党章的规定,尤其要遵守党的政治纪律、组织纪律、经济工作纪律、群众工作纪律。 8、党的领导主要是指政治、思想和组织方面的领导。 9、“三个一课”制度具体是指支部党员大会、支部委员会、党小组会和上党课。 10、党员经常性教育的主要目标是提高党员思想政治素质、增强党员工作能力、发挥党员先锋模范作用。 11、党员的预备期从支部大会通过之日起算起。 12、党员的党龄,从预备期满转为正式党员之日算起。 13、党的三大优良作风是理论联系实际,密切联系群众,批评与自我批评。 14、党的纪律处分有警告、严重警告、撤销党内职务、留党察看、开除党籍。 15、每个党员都必须遵守党章的规定,尤其要遵守党的政治纪律、组织纪律、经济工作纪律、群众工作纪律。 二、单项选择(30道) 1、科学发展观的核心是( C ) A、统筹兼顾 B、全面发展 C、以人为本 D、可持续发展 2、党员如果没有正当理由,连续( B )个月不缴纳党费就被认为是自行脱党。 A、5个月 B、6个月 C、7个月 D、8个月 3、中国共产党的宗旨是( A ) A、全心全意为人民服务 B、立党为公,执政为民 C、走群众路线 4、“三个代表”重要思想的本质是( A ) A、立党为公,执政为民 B、全心全意为人民服务 C、加强党的作风建设 D、维护社会稳定 5、党的领导主要从( A )方面进行领导 A、政治、思想和组织 B、政治、思想和工作 C、政治、思想和作风 6、中国共产党的优良传统是( C ) A、团结奋进 B、艰苦朴素 C、艰苦奋斗 D、纪律严明 7、党章规定、总支和支部委员会每届任期是( A ) A、二年或三年 B、三年或四年 C、四年或五年 8、成立党支部必须有正式党员几人( A ) A、3人以上 B、7人 C、5人以上


模拟试题十五 1、购销合同的管理实行专人管理登记造册,合同执行结束不须详情报告企业负责人。 正确答案:错 2、安全管理现代化包括管理职责、管理组织、管理手段和管理方法的变革。 正确答案:错 3、整改工作结束后,整改单位直接向公司报告全部整改资料。 正确答案:错 4、商品品质检验须在专门的检验场所进行,禁止在库区周围检验烟花爆竹的品质状况。 正确答案:对 5、烟花爆竹企业对重大危险源实行登记建档,并进行重点监控。 正确答案:对 6、安全生产原则是指在生产管理原理的基础上,指导安全生产活动的通用规则。 正确答案:对 7、我国目前实行的是国家监察、地方监管的安全工作体制。 正确答案:错 8、职业健康安全管理体系产生的一个主要原因是企业职业病泛滥。 正确答案:错 9、烟花爆竹企业仓库安全检查标识内容包括建筑物编号、名称、危险等级、面积、定员、定量、负责人等。正确答案:对 10、待销毁的烟花爆竹应停滞在无人有防护屏障的偏僻处。 正确答案:对 11、行政处罚主要是对国家机关和国家工作人员以外的生产经营单位及其有关人员的安全生产违法行为给予的行政制裁。 正确答案:对 12、对于危险性较大或一时难以整改的安全隐患,不能实行停业整改。 正确答案:错 13、安全生产,指的是“不发生工伤事故、职业病、设备或财产损失”。 正确答案:对 14、推行安全管理现代化不仅是社会主义建设的需要,也是企业管理改革的重要组成部分。 正确答案:对 15、烟花爆竹企业安全管理人员对违章行为敢于处理,对违章指挥敢于抵制。 正确答案:对 16、管理失误是造成事故的罪魁祸首。 正确答案:对

17、烟花爆竹企业雷雨气候停止检验验收作业。 正确答案:对 18、未经有关部门批准和企业领导同意,调拨单不得任意转借、更改、销毁。 正确答案:对 19、我国生产安全事故按照其性质、严重程度、可控性和影响范围等因素,分为Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级。 正确答案:错 20、烟花爆竹企业周边及危险品仓库的门窗应设置可靠的隔离防护设施与外界隔离,以防无关人员、火源进入。正确答案:对 21、现场应急处置完成后,经现场应急救援指挥部批准,现场应急处置工作结束,应急救援队伍撤离现场。 正确答案:对 22、组织体系主要包括应急救援的领导决策层、管理与协调指挥系统以及应急救援队伍。 正确答案:对 23、每一个重大危险源都应有现场事故应急救援预案。 正确答案:对 24、在高温季节,药物的敏感性增强,另外人的情绪也容易烦燥,所以高温季节容易诱发事故。 正确答案:对 25、烟花爆竹安全生产的应急管理是社会管理和公共服务的一项重要内容。 正确答案:对 26、事故险情和支援请求的报告必须严格按照分级响应的原则逐级上报。 正确答案:错 27、一套完整的防雷装置包括接闪器(针、线、网、带)、引下线和接地装置三部分组成。 正确答案:对 28、互救是发生意外灾害事故时,在灾区或受灾影响区域的每个工作人员进行避灾和保护自己的方法。 正确答案:错 29、事故的现场处置必须有正确的、统一的,现场指挥和维持秩序的治安人员,疏散围观者,让开通道,协助救护人员迅速、有效地开展工作。 正确答案:对 30、铝、镁粉类遇水会引起燃烧爆炸的物质不能用水扑救。 正确答案:对 31、当发生烟花爆竹事故时,现场人员必须根据各自企业制定的事故预案采取积极而有效的抑制措施,尽量阻止事故的蔓延,同时向有关部门报告。 正确答案:对 32、烟花爆竹生产安全事故中,迅速开展自救、互救和抢救,可以减少伤亡和财产的损失。


Keys to Task Extensions Unit1 Task6:Extensions 6.1(for reference only) Introduction The purpose of this project is to find out the real situation in which the students in a particular college spend their time surfing Internet.It includes how much time they spend doing so,for what reason they work with Internet,and what impact it has on students’learning. To find out the facts about Internet,a survey will be conducted among the students,teachers,and administrative staff.The main proposed problems related to Internet at most colleges can be the overuse of it and overspending of time on it.The serious impact resulted from overdoing Internet needs to be discovered in this project. At most colleges in China,one policy is that freshmen are not allowed to possess a computer,and there are some limitations for them to surf online,which is regarded as one kind of protection to them.In this way,they will not be easily exposed to unhealthy films,pictures,or essays.Also,they can spend not so much time on it and their study will not be affected.In the information society, it is necessary to get information quickly.One of the main sources is Internet.Therefore,it would be wiser to let college students make use of Internet and offer them some guidance. Main body For senior college students,overuse of Internet has become a serious problem.Some students stay up very late surfing the lnternet.Some play video games,some do a lot of chatting,and some spend more time watching films.One student said that on average he spent five hours a day surfing the lnternet.Due to the large number of hours spent on Internet,some students have,to some extent,ruined their academic study and their health. At present,the policy is flexible to the senior students at some colleges.To reserve Internet use, it would be wise for the college to set up an appropriate policy on the one hand and carry out education on the other.It will be important to let students know the passive effect the overuse of Internet might bring to them.At the same time,some rules should be set up.For example,there could be a limit on the use of Internet:after11p.m.no students are expected to surf online. Conclusion To sum up,it is imperative for college students to obtain information they need for their academic learning through Internet,and it is also necessary to let the students know the bad impact the overuse of Internet would cause on their study and health. 6.2(for reference only) Introduction The purpose of this project is to find out the main reasons why some families like to send their teenagers to study abroad,and what problems might be brought about to these families and the children.Several articles in various newspapers reported that it had become a social phenomenon for parents to send their children abroad to study.This phenomenon has drawn much public attention.For some families,it has become a big financial burden,and some teenagers could not manage to study and live independently in a foreign country.The project is trying to expose a real picture about it and see how serious problems it might bring about.The project will also try to search for a better policy to help solve this problem.


社区矫正考试试题 姓名:_________________单位:___________________得分:__________________ 一、单选题(每题2分,共30分) 1、社区服刑人员应当自人民法院判决、裁定生效之日或者离开监所之日起(C) A、三 2,每() A 3 A C 4 A 5 A、四 B、八 C、十六 D、三十二 6、社区服刑人员违反监督管理规定或者人民法院禁止令,依法应予治安管理处罚的,县级司法行政机关应当及时提请同级(A)依法给予处罚。 A、公安机关 B、人民检察院 C、人民法院 D、监狱

7、社区服刑人员符合法定减刑条件的,由居住地县级(D)提出减刑建议书并附相关证明材料,经地(市)级()审核同意后提请社区服刑人员居住地的中级人民法院裁定。 A、人民法院、人民法院 B、人民检察院、人民检察院 C、公安机关、公安机关 D、司法行政机关、司法行政机关 8 A 9 A 10 A B C、采用易为未成年人接受的方式,开展思想、法制、道德教育和心理辅导; D、协调有关部门为未成年社区服刑人员就学、就业等提供帮助。 11、县级司法行政机关出具社会调查评估报告,提出能否适用管制、缓刑或者假释的建议,在(D)个工作日内提交委托机关。 A、三 B、五 C、七 D、十

12、下列关于分级管理的说法错误的是(D) A、分级管理按季度实施; B、拟调整为宽松管理的,应当报县级司法行政机关批准; C、社区服刑人员上季度月度考核结果均为合格的,可以下调管理等级一级; D、社区服刑人员有法定立功或者重大立功表现的,可以下调管理等级一级。 13 A C 14 A 15 A B C D 1 A、未按规定时间报到的; B、违反关于报告、会客、外出、居住地变更规定的; C、不按规定参加教育学习、社区服务等活动的; D、保外就医的社区服刑人员无正当理由不按时提交病情复查情况,或者未经批准进行就医以外的社会活动的;



模拟试题四 1、地方性法规由省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定。对 2、安全科技对安全生产的保障作用主要体现在为政府安全生产监管监察提供技术支撑。错 3、安全生产管理的对象是企业的员工,涉及到企业中的所有人员、设备设施。错 4、因整改责任不落实造成事故的给予必要的经济处罚,情节严重者按事故责任追究制度追究有关责任人的责任。对 5、调拨单分进货原始调拨单和企业销售自制的调拨单两种。对 6、严禁在烟花爆竹企业库房内翻、装箱操作。对 7、违章作业造成的事故为责任事故,应对当事人追究责任。对 8、主要负责人受刑事处罚或者撤职处分的,自刑罚执行完毕或者受处分之日起,3年内不得担任任何生产经营单位的主要负责人。错 9、生产经营单位对国家明令淘汰的危及生产安全的落后工艺、设备,可采取加强管理和加强安全教育措施后继续使用。错 10、安全生产原则是指在生产管理原理的基础上,指导安全生产活动的通用规则。对 11、烟花爆竹企业报废商品实行定点销毁,销毁场动火实行专人管理、专人负责制。对 12、管理失误是造成事故的罪魁祸首。对 13、预防事故的发生,一方面要依靠技术进步,但关键是要树立安全第一的思想,形成一套新的安全管理模式。对 14、安全生产中介服务属于其他组织不属于政府监管,其从事相关业务活动的不受法律保护。错 15、行政规章是由国家机关依照行政职权所制定发布的,能对某一类事件、行为或者某一类人员行政管理起规范性作用。对 16、烟花爆竹企业库区内确需进行动火作业,可以直接实施动火。错 17、烟花爆竹的储存应通风、防潮、防雷、无火险、无电源、门外开启。对


社区工作考试试题 一、填空题 1、社区是指聚居在一定地域范围内的人们所组成的(社会生活共同体)。 2、党的十七大报告指出:要把城乡社区建设成为(管理有序)、(服务完善)、(文明祥和)的社会生活共同体。 3、社区组织机构由(社区党支部)、(社区成员代表大会)、(社区议事委员会)和(社区居民委员会)组成,任期均为(三)年。 4、社区居民委员会根据日常工作需要可下设(民政事务)、(治安调解)、(服务保障)、(计生妇女)、(经济发展)等工作委员会。 5、社区成员代表包括(社区居民代表)、(社区单位代表)、(驻社区的各级人大代表、政协委员)。 11、社区走访“五必问”指:(孤寡老人)、(下岗失业)、(失学儿童)、(流动人口)、(残疾人员); 12、社区事物“五必记”指:(居民意见)、(新L访接待)、(安全防范)、(重大事项)、(好人好事); 13、社区“三有一化”,是加强社区建设的重要措施,其内涵是:加强社区工作队伍建设,做到(有人管事);加强社区工作经费保障机制建设,做到(有钱办事);加强社区办公用房和活动场所建设,做到(有场所议事);整合社区资源,构建(城市基层区域化党建)格局。 14、2010年我区深入实施“一网一话一册”社区便民工程。其中的“一网”指的是(碑林社区网);“一话”指的是(碑林区便民服务热线、党员服务热线 88890100);“一册”指的是(碑林区便民服务手册)。 15、2010年碑林区在全区开展“星级社区”创建和考评活动。其目标任务是:力争到2015年全区(40)的社区达到“五星级”,(60)的社区达到“四星级”,(80)的社区达到“三星级”标准。 16、所谓“双拥”工作,就是地方党委、政府的(拥军优属)和军队的(拥政爱民)两项活动紧密结合、相互促进的简称。17、民政优抚工作是指(优待)、(褒扬)、(抚恤工作)的统称。18、现役军人死亡一次性抚恤金的标准是:烈士(40)个月工资,牺牲军人(20)个月工资,病故军人(10)个月工资。


安全资格考试试题2 1、突发事件发生地的公民应当服从人民政府、居民委员会、村民委员会或者所属单位的指挥和安排,配合人民政府采取的应急处置措施,积极参加应急救援工作,协助维护社会秩序。√ 2、除矿山、建筑施工单位和易燃易爆物品、危险化学品、放射性物品等危险物品的生产、经营、储存、使用单位和中型规模以上的其他生产经营单位外,其他生产经营单位应当对本单位编制的应急预案进行论证。√ 3、现场处置即根据事故情景,按照相关应急预案和现场指挥部要求对事故现场进行控制和处理。√ 4、单位要根据需要,没有必要引进、采用先进适用的应急救援技术装备。× 5、现场处置方案的应急组织与职责主要包括:基层单位应急自救组织形式及人员构成情况。× 6、为使应急救援预案更有针对性和能迅速应用,一般要制定不同类型的应急预案。√ 7、有关人民政府及其部门为应对突发事件,可以征用单位和个人的财产。√ 8、救援过程中,救援人员在做好自身防护的基础上,应快速实施救援,控制事故发展。√ 9、各应急救援专职队伍平时就要组建落实并配备相应器材。√ 10、专项应急预案应按照综合应急预案的程序和要求组织制定,不作为综合应急预案的附件。× 11、杂质对于爆炸品的敏感度也有很大影响,在一般情况下,固体杂质,特别是硬度高、有尖棱的杂质能够降低爆炸品的敏感度。×

12、安全生产责任制的内容包括纵向从上到下所有类型人员的安全生产职责和横向方向各职能部门的安全生产职责。√ 13、汽车、拖拉机不准进入易燃易爆类物品库房。√ 14、装卸对人体有害及腐蚀性物品时,操作人员应佩带相应的防护用品。√ 15、有毒品在水中的溶解度越大,其危险性也越大。因为人体内含有大量水分,所以越易溶解于水的有毒品越易被人体吸收。√ 16、严禁将有毒品与食品或食品添加剂混储混运。√ 17、遇湿易燃物品库房必须干燥,严防漏水或雨雪浸入,但可以在防水较好的露天存放。× 18、危险化学品的标志设主标志由表示危险化学品危险特性的图案、文字说明、底色和危险类别号四个部分组成的菱形标志。√ 19、对放射工作场所和放射性同位素的运输、贮存,用人单位必须配置防护设备和报警装置,保证接触放射线的工作人员佩戴个人剂量计。√ 20、剧毒化学品以及储存数量构成重大危险源的其他危险化学品, 应当在专用仓库内单独存放,并实行双人收发、双人保管制度。√ 21、建设单位应当在试生产(使用)前,将试生产(使用)方案,报送出具安全设施设计审查意见书的安全生产监督管理部门备案。√ 22、购买某种危险化学品进行分装(包括充装)或者加入非危险化学品的溶剂进行稀释,然后销售或者使用的,不适用《危险化学品生产企业安全生产许可证实施办法》。√ 23、用人单位的职业卫生管理人员对本单位的职业病防治工作全面负责。× 24、危险化学品生产企业根据需要确定是否设置安全生产管理机构或配备安全生产管理人员。×


《学术英语写作(本科)》章节测试题与答案 第1章单元测试 1、我不需要做研究,所以我不需要学习学术英语写作。 答案:错 2、做旅游攻略的过程,就是一个简单的 research 过程。 答案:对 3、et al 就是 and others 的意思。 答案:对 4、下面哪些选项是学术英语写作的原因? 答案:To report on a piece of research the writer has conducted;、To answer a question the writer has been given or chosen;、To discuss a subject of common interest and give the writer’s view;、To synthesize research done by others on a topic. 5、学术英语写作中的一般文本特征包括: 答案:sentence、heading、sub-title、paragraph、title、

phrase 第2章单元测试 1、在细化主题时,需要考虑你的写作目的是什么以及预期读者是谁。 答案:对 2、My Most Embarrassing Moment是一个可以写的论文题目。 答案:错 3、选题不一定是自己感兴趣的和好奇的。 答案:错 4、1. 在本章中,提到的四个写作技巧是: 答案:Research Log、Work Schedule、Mental Inventory、Brainstorming 5、计划书包含下面哪些内容? 答案:your topic and your thesis、the kinds of sources you plan to consult、the problems you anticipate、any special aspects of your project 第3章单元测试


社区考试题目 一、单项选择题 1. 法的适用是指: A.国家司法机关根据法定职权和法定程序,具体应用法律处理案件的专门活动 B.国家行政机关及其公职人员在行使职权过程中,贯彻和实施法律的活动 C.国家立法机关制定法律的活动 D.法律在社会实际生活中的具体运用和实现 2. 公民在法律面前一律平等是我国: A.社会主义法的基础 B.社会主义立法的基本原则 C.社会主义法的实施的基本原则 D.宪法的总的指导思想 3. 成为中华人民共和国公民的条件是: A.具有中华人民共和国国籍 B.具有中华人民共和国国籍且年满十八周岁 C.具有中华人民共和国国籍且有选举权和被选举权 D.具有中华人民共和国国籍且年满十六周岁 4. 下列选项不属于国家机构的是: A.法院 B.检察院 C.政府 D.国家总工会 5. 正常情况下,全国人大________召开一次会议。 A.每年 B.两年 C.三年 D.五年

1.【答案】A。解析:法的适用,通常称为司法,是指国家司法机关依据法定职权和法定程序,具体应用法律处理案件的专门活动。A正确。B项是法的执行,C项是法的创制,D 项是法的实施。故本题答案为A。 2.【答案】C。解析:公民在法律面前一律平等的含义是:守法上的平等,公民不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况,居住期限都一律平等的享有宪法和法律规定的权利和义务;所有公民平等地享有权利和平等地履行义务;在我国,任何公民都受宪法和法律约束,不允许有超越法律规定的任何特权;所有公民在司法上一律平等,即实施法律、执行法律和适用法律上平等;法律面前人人平等是指法律赋予公民权利能力上的平等,同等条件下公民具有获得相同权利的资格。但是这并不包括立法上的平等,如我国立法上对不同民族是有区别的,不可能适用一律平等的基本原则。故本题答案为C。 3.【答案】A。解析:在我国,凡是具有中华人民共和国国籍,并依据我国宪法和法律的规定,享有一定的权利,承担一定义务的人,就是中华人民共和国的公民。故本题答案为A。 4.【答案】D。解析:国家总工会属于中国共产党领导下的中华全国总工会,是“参加中国人民政治协商会议的人民团体”之一,是免于在中华人民共和国民政部登记的社会团体。不属于国家机关。而其他选项都属于国家机关,法院与检察院是司法机关,政府是行政机关。故本题答案为D。 5.【答案】A。解析:《宪法》第六十一条规定:“全国人民代表大会会议每年举行一次,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会召集。如果全国人民代表大会常务委员会认为必要,或者有五分之一以上的全国人民代表大会代表提议,可以临时召集全国人民代表大会会议。全国人民代表大会举行会议的时候,选举主席团主持会议。”故本题正确答案为A。


安全生产知识大赛考试试题 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,当浓酸倾撒在室内时,应先用()中和,再用()冲洗。 A、碱、水 B、水、碱 C、稀酸、水 D、水、稀酸 【正确答案】A 2、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,工作如不能按计划期限完成必须由()办理工作延期手续。 A、值长 B、签发人 C、工作负责人 D、工作许可人 【正确答案】C 3、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,油罐测油孔应用有色金属制成。油位计的浮标同绳子接触的部位应用铜料制成。运行人员应使用()或专用防爆工具操作。 A、铜制工具 B、金属工具

C、铁制工具 D、一般工具 【正确答案】A 4、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,发现制粉设备的厂房积粉自燃时,不得用()直接浇注着火的煤粉,以防煤粉飞扬引起爆炸。 A、压力水管 B、喷壶 C、灭火器 D、可将水喷成雾状的器具 【正确答案】A 5、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,给水泵在解体拆卸螺丝前,工作负责人必须先检查进出口阀门确已关严,然后将()打开,放尽存水,防止拆卸螺丝后有压力水喷出伤人。 A、进口门 B、出口门 C、泵体放水门 D、泵体排气门 【正确答案】C 6、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,没有得到运行班长许可时,禁止进入电缆沟、疏水

全,通风是否良好,并检查有无()存在(应用小动物、仪器或矿灯检查,不准用()检查)。 A、瓦斯、明火 B、氧气、明火 C、氮气、火柴 D、瓦斯、探照灯 【正确答案】A 7、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,进入喷水池或冷水塔的储水池内工作不得少于()人,其中一人担任监护。在池内水中工作须使用(),()或()。 A、二、安全带、戴救生圈、穿救生衣 B、三、安全带、戴救生圈、穿救生衣 C、二、防坠器、戴救生圈、穿救生衣 D、二、安全带、系安全绳、穿救生衣 【正确答案】A 8、《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,在空冷塔内工作时,应做好防止人员()、高空坠落的安全措施,进行风机、减速箱等转动设备和电气设备检修时,必须切断电源,挂上“禁止合闸,有人工作”警告牌,严禁踩踏在叶片和散热片上工作。 A、烧伤 B、电灼伤


2017—2018学年度第一学期期末考试 学术英语阅读 院/系_________________ 姓名_________________ 班级_________________ 学号_________________ Direction Read the following passage. While you’re reading, please pay special attention to the underlined or shaded words, phrases and sentences. You’ll be asked to explain them in English later after reading. The Price of Preference Shelby Steele 5 10 15 20 25 30 In a few short years, many blacks and a considerable number of whites would say that I was sanctimoniously (圣洁地) making affirmative action①into a test of character. They would say that this small preference is the meagerest recompense for centuries of unrelieved oppression. And to these arguments other very obvious facts must be added. In America, many marginally competent or flatly incompetent whites are hired every day—some because their white skin suits the conscious or unconscious racial preference of their employers. The white children of alumni are often grandfathered into elite universities in what can only be seen as a residual benefit of historic white privilege. Worse, white incompetence is always an individual matter, but for blacks it is often confirmation of ugly stereotypes. Given that unfairness cuts both ways, doesn’t it only balance the scales of history, doesn’t this repay, in a small way, the systematic denial under which my children’s grandfather lived out his days? In theory, affirmative action certainly has all the moral symmetry that fairness requires—the injustice of historical and even contemporary white advantage is offset (补偿) with black advantage; preference replaces prejudice, inclusion (1) answers exclusion. It is reformist and corrective, even repentant and redemptive (忏悔与救赎的). And I would never sneer at these good intentions. Born in the late forties in Chicago, I started my education (a charitable term in this case) in a segregated (种族隔离的) school and suffered all the indignities that come to blacks in a segregated society. My father, born in the South, made it only to the third grade before the white man’s fields took permanent priority (永久性优先) over his formal education. And though he educated himself into an advanced reader with an almost professorial authority, he could only drive a truck for a living, and never earned more than $90 a week in his entire life. So yes, it is crucial to my sense of citizenship, to my ability to identify with the spirit and the interests of America, to know that this country, however imperfectly, recognizes its past sins and wishes to correct them. Yet good intentions can blind us to the effects they generate when implemented. In our society affirmative action is, among other things, a (2) testament to white goodwill and to black power, and in the midst of these heavy investments its effects can be hard to see. But after twenty years of implementation I think that affirmative action has shown itself to be more bad than good and that blacks—whom I will focus on in this essay—now stand to lose more from it than they gain. In talking with affirmative action administrators and with blacks and whites in general, I found that supporters of affirmative action focus on its good intentions while detractors (反对者) emphasize its negative effects. Proponents talk about “diversity” and “pluralism”; opponents speak of (3) “reverse discrimination”, the unfairness of quotas (指标) and set-asides (保留名额). [1] It was virtually impossible to find people outside either camp. The closest I came was a white male manager at a large computer ①Affirmative action is the policy of favoring members of a disadvantaged group who suffer or have suffered from discrimination within a culture. 平权运动,扶持政策

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