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Book Two Lesson One

accomplishment[ ]n.[ac-=ad -

=to][com-=with;together;wholly][pli=fill;full ][-ish动词词尾,表示“做”][-ment名词词尾]1.[C]something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work成就;成绩:It was one of the President’s greatest accomplishments.

2.[C]an ability to do sth. well;skill才能;才艺:Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments.

3.[U]skill in doing sth. 技能:a high level of accomplishment

4.[U](formal)the act of finishing or achieving sth. good成就;完成,实现:Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.


1.accomplish[ ]v.[T] to succeed in doing or completing sth.完成:The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.计划的第一部分已顺利完成。

2.accomplished[ ] adj.



We can ___ whatever we set out to do.

A. finished

B. achieved

C. completed

D. accomplished


本题是近义词辨析题,答案为D。句意:我们能完成我们想要做的事情。accomplish 指成功地完成预期的计划任务等,后面可以不接具体的事物;achieve指排除困难去完成计划或大业;complete指完成某一工程建筑等,也可指使某一事物完整完善,多接具体的事物为宾语;finish 是一般用语,多指完成应完成的工作,也可用于指完成日常小事,如吃完、看完等。acquire[ ]v.[T][ac- =ad-=to] [quire = seek]1.(formal)to buy or obtain sth.,especially sth. expensive or difficult to get购得,得到(尤指昂贵的或难以得到的东西):The museum has managed to acquire

an important work by Dali. 2.to get or develop knowledge,skills etc. by your own efforts掌握,获得(知识、技能等):I looked on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.

3.to become well-known because of your abilities(因自己的能力而)赢得(名声):The team has acquired a fearsome reputation. [补充意义]

vt.(humorous)to get sth. by dishonest means 以不正当的方式获得


acquire a taste for开始喜欢上……

be an acquired taste是后来喜欢上的东西[典型例题]

He gradually ___ a habit of smoking.

A. gained

B. acquired

C. derived

D. won


本题是近义词辨析题,为答案B。句意:她渐渐养成了抽烟的习惯。acquire指经过一个过程养成习惯,或经过努力获得知识名声等;earn 通过劳动获得报酬荣誉等,如earn money, earn friendship;derive多与from连用,指从……中获得(乐趣等);win 赢得。

arrogantly[ ]adv.[ar-=ad-=to][r og= ask] [-ant形容词词尾][-ly副词词尾,大多接于形容词之后]behaving in a proud,self-important and unpleasant way, showing little thought for other people傲慢地;自大地;趾高气扬地:He strutted about the room arrogantly.


1.arrogance[ ] n.[U] 骄傲自大,傲慢

2.arrogant[ ] adj.傲慢的,自大的[典型例题]

It is your ___ insistence that compelled me to do as you asked.

A. conceited

B. arrogant

C. blunt

D. confident [试题详解]


求做。arrogant 傲慢的,傲慢无礼的;conceited(多修饰人)自大的,自负的;blunt 指粗鲁无礼的;confident自信的,用在典型考题句中,与句意不符。

aspirin[ ] n.[C.U](plural aspirins or aspirin)a drug used to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation 阿司匹林(镇痛解热消炎药):Take two aspirin(s) for a headache.头痛服两片阿司匹林。

assume[ ]v.[T][as-=ad-=to][sume=tak


1.to think or accept that sth. is true but without having proof of it 假定,假设;认为:It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.

2.(formal)to take or begin to have power or responsibility承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力):The court assumed responsibility for the girl’s welfare.

3.(formal)to begin to have a particular quality or appearance呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征):This matter has assumed considerable importance.


v.1.(formal)to pretend to have a particular feeling or quality 装出;假装:He assumed an air of concern.他装出关心的样子。2.to be based on the idea that sth. else is correct 以……为先决条件;预先假定:Your theory assumes that we are willing to pay for services by taxation.


assume guilt/innocence 认定(某人)有罪/无罪

assume control/power/responsibilities etc.开始控制/掌权/承担责任等

assume a/an manner/air/expression etc. 装出……的态度/样子/表情等

assume (that) 假定,假设

we can safely assume (that)我们可以肯定[词形变换]

1.assumed[ ] adj.(only before n.)假定的;假设的

2.assumption[ ] n.(1)[C]假定,假设;(2)[U](formal)承担;担任[+of]:the

assumption of responsibility


1.resume[ ] v.[I,T](formal)(1)(中断之后)继续(2)(中断之后)重新开始(3)resume your seat/place/position回到座位/原地/原职位

2.consume[ ] v.[T](1)消费;消耗(时间、能量、时间、金钱等) (2)吃、喝、饮(3)(formal)(火)吞噬,烧毁(4)consume sb. with sth.使充满(强烈的感情)常用被动态:be consumed with被(某种强烈的情感)所折磨

3.presume[ ] v. (1)[T](没有证据地)相信,认为;推测(2)[T]to accept that sth. is true until it is shown not to be true,especially in a court of law(尤用于法律)推定;假定;姑且认定:In English law,a person is presumed innocent until proved guilty. (3)[I](formal)冒昧做某事,放肆;擅作主张;越权行事:presume to do sth.

(4)[T](formal)to accept sth. as true or existing to act on that basis意味着;以……为先决条件/前提:The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.


You ___ his innocence before hearing the evidence against it.

A. confirm

B. assume

C. believe in

D. convince


本题是近义词辨析题,答案为B。句意:在听到不利于他的证据之前,假定他是无辜的。assume 没有证据、证明的情况下认为……,假定……;confirm 指肯定、确定某种说法和想法;convince 多用于convince sb. of sth. 或convince that 结构中;believe in 相信,用于典型考题句中与句意不符。

available[ ]adj.[a-=ad-=to][vail= strong;worth][-able 形容词词尾,表示“有能力”“适合”,被修饰的名词有被动的意义]1.(of things)that you can get,buy ,use or find可获得;可购得的;可用的;可找到

的:Tickets are available free of charge from the school. 2.(of a person)(not before n.)有暇的,有空的;可接待客人的:The president was not available for comment. 3.(of a person)未婚配的;没有对象的


be available for/to

make oneself available for使自己有空……[词形变换]

availability[ ] n.[U]可用性;可得性:the availability of cheap flights [典型考题]

These dresses are not ___ in your size, I am afraid.

A. average

B. favorite

C. available

D. convenient


本题是词义辨析题,答案为C。句意:这些衣服恐怕没有你的尺寸。available 指可得到的,现成有的(可利用的);average 平均的,一般的;favorite 最喜爱的;convenient 方便的,便利的。

bachelor[ ] n.[C]1.a man who has never been married未婚男子,单身汉:confirmed/eligible bachelor 2.(usually Bachelor)a person who has a Bachelor’s degree学士:a Bachelor of Arts /Engineering /Science

bull[ ]n.[C]an adult male animal of the cattle family公牛


n.1.[C]the male of some other large animals such as the elephant or whale雄性动物(如象或鲸等庞大动物中的雄性) 2.[U](AmE informal)大话;废话;空3.[C](finance)(预期证券价格上升的)买空者,多头:a bull market牛市


take the bull by the horns挺身/勇敢面对困难

a bull in a china shop(不顾环境)笨拙莽撞的人,冒失鬼

like a bull at a gate猛烈地;凶猛地certify[ ] v.[T] (certifies,

certifying, certified, certified) [cert=sure][-ify=make,动词词尾,表示“做成”“使……化”] 1.(1)to state that sth. is correct or true,especially after some kind of test (尤指经过某种检验)证明……无误(真实);证实:You have to get these accounts certified by auditor. (2)to state officially,especially in writing that sth. is true(尤指书面)证明,证实:He handed her a piece of paper certifying (that) she was in good health. 2.certify sb. (as sth.)( usually passive)to give an official paper to sb. which states that they have completed a course of training for a profession颁发(或授予)专业合格证;授予(某人)证书(文凭):She was certified as a teacher in 1990.


1.certificate[ ] n.[C]

(1)证明;证明书:a birth/marriage/death certificate (2)(毕业)文凭;结业证书;合格证书

2.certificate[ ]v.[T](BrE)发给结业证书;(尤指)发给职业培训证书

3.certificated[ ] adj.(BrE) 持有职业培训证书的;有职业资格的;合格的:a certificated nurse

civilized[ ] adj. [civil=citizen][-ize动词词尾,表示“使成……状态”“使……化”等意思]1.well-organized socially with a very developed culture and way of life文明的;开化的:the civilized world/peoples 2.having laws and customs that are fair and morally acceptable有法制伦理的;有道德的:No civilized country should allow such terrible injustices.


1.having or showing polite and reasonable bahaviour有礼貌的;有教养的;举止得体的;心平气和的:We couldn’t even have a civilized conversation any more.

2.typical of a comfortable and pleasant way of life(生活)惬意的,愉快舒适的:Breakfast on the terrac e—how civilized!


1.civilize[ ] v.[T] 教化;使文明;使开化

2.civilization n.(1)[U]文明(2)[U,C](特定时期和地区的)社会文明(3)[U]文明世界;文明社会:Environmental damage threatens the whole of civilization.

client[ ] n..[C]someone who pays for services or advice from a person or organization客户;顾客:meeting with an important client


n.[C]委托人,当事人:a well- know lawyer with many famous clients

continuity[ ]n.

[con-=wit h][tinu= hold] [-ity表示抽象名词字尾]1.[U]the fact of not stopping or not changing连续性;持续性:to ensure/provide/maintain continuity of fuel supplies 2.[U,C]a logical connection between the parts of sth,or between two things(逻辑上的) 连接,联接:The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity.




1.continual[ ] adj. 持续的,一再重复

2.continuous[ ] adj. 持续的;不间断


She was tired of ___ trips to the grocery,school and office.







以continual符合题意。constant意为“不断的,经常的”,指某个行为没有变更,没有间歇的反复出现;continuous表示不间断的连续进行,中间没有任何间歇,可用于时间和空间;nonstop不断的,不停的,直达的。democratic[ ]adj.

[demo=people] [crat=rule][-ic形容词词尾]1.( of a country , state , system , etc. ) controlled by representatives who are elected by the people of a country;connected with this system民主的;民主政体的;民主制度的:a democratic country 2.based on the principle that all members have an equal right to be involved in running an organization,etc.民主管理: a democratic management style 3.based on the principle that all members of society are equal rather than divided by money or social class有民主精神的;平等的:democratic values/reforms [补充意义]

Democratic(美国)民主党的:the Democratic Party民主党(美国两大政党之一,通常被视为社会改革的支持者)


1.democracy n.(1)[U]民主政体;民主制度(2)[C]民主国家;(3)[U]民主作风(精神、权利)

2.democrat n.[C](1)民主主义者;民主人士(2)Democrat美国民主党员;美国民主党支持者

3.democratize v.[T]使民主化

disaster[ ]


[aster=star]1.[C]an unexpected event such as a very bad accident,a flood or a fire that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage灾难;灾祸;灾害:a natural disaster 2.[C,U]a very bad situation that causes problems不幸;祸患:Losing your job doesn’t have to be such a disaster.


n.[C,U](informal)a complete failure彻底失败的人(或事):As a teacher,he is a disaster.




disastrous adj.灾难性的;极糟糕的;以失败告终的

drugstore[ ] n.[C](AmE)a shop/store that sells medicines and also other types of goods, for example cosmetics (兼售化妆品等的)药房

enroll[ ] v.[I,T][en-=in][roll(名册)](使在名册中登记)to arrange for yourself or for sb. else to officially join a course,school,etc.(使)加入;注册;成为……的成员;登记[+on(BrE)/in(AmE)]:to enroll on/in a new course


enrollment n.[C,U]入学;注册;登记(人数)

expertise[ ] n.[U]special skills or knowledge in a particular subject专门技能;专门知识:professional expertise


expertise in sth.:expertise in the field of literary criticism

expertise in doing sth.:They have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills.

expose[ ]

v.[T][ex-=out][pose=put](置于外面)1.to show sth. that is usually covered显露;暴露;露出:He smiled suddenly,exposing a set of amazingly white teeth. 2.to tell the truth about sth.,or show what it is really like,especially because you think it is harmful,illegal etc.揭露;揭发:a radical group that works to expose and condemn racism 3.to learn about beliefs, ideas etc.,

especially by seeing things or having new experiences使接触(新事物):Travel abroad exposes children to different languages and cultures.


v.1.to put someone in a harmful or unpleasant situation,position etc.,where they have no protection against sth. dangerous使暴露于险境,使置于危险之中;使遭受(危险或不快):The report revealed that workers had been exposed to unacceptably high levels of radiation.2.to show other people feelings that you usually hide,especially by behaving in a particular way显露(情感):Eric broke down and wept,exposing the vulnerable side of his nature. 3.(照相机胶片)使曝光


expose sth. to sth.使暴露于……:Wounds that are exposed to the air heal more quickly. expose sb. as sth.揭发某人是……;揭穿某人的真面目(常用被动态):She was exposed as a liar and a fraud.

expose sb. to sth.:(1)使接触新事物:We want to expose the kids to as much art and

culture as possible.(2)使某人遭受……:

expose yourself to ridicule/criticism


1.exposure n.[C,U](expose的名词形式)

2.exposed ]adj.(1)(of a place)无

遮蔽的;不遮风挡雨的;暴露(于风雨中)的(2)(of a person)易受攻击或批评的;无保护的(3)(finance)风险高的;很可能遭受经济损失的


As a result of these ___, the government took strong measures against bribery and corruption.

A. explosion

B. disclosure

C. uncover

D. exposure


本题是词义辨析题,答案为D。句意:由于这些揭发,政府采取了强硬措施以惩治贪污和受贿。exposure 是expose的名词形式,意为:暴露,揭露(秘密等),揭穿坏人的真面目。explosion意为“爆炸”,disclosure 意为“无意间暴露或泄露”,exposure“是有意揭发”,uncover意为“揭露”(动词)。faculty[ ] n.[C]1.(usually plural)any of the the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with天赋,能力;官能[+of]:(1)She retained her mental faculties until the day she died. (2)the faculty of sight 视觉 2.(singular)a particular skill that sb. has才能;技能[+for/of]:She has a great faculty for absorbing information.


n.1.a department within a university(大学的)系部,院:the Faculty of Law/the Arts Faculty 2.the faculty(AmE):all the teachers in a university(大学的)全体教师


in full possession of all you faculties心智健全的;拥有一切官能的(能够说、听、视、理解等)

fragment[ ]n.[C]a small part of sth. that has broken off or comes from sth larger 碎片;片段:1.Police found fragments of glass near the scene.2.I overheard a fragment of their conversation.


fragment[ ]v.[I,T](often passive) (written) to break or made sth. break into small pieces or parts(使)碎裂,破裂,分裂:His day was fragmented by interruptions and phone calls.


1.fragmentation[ ] n.[U]分裂:the fragmentation of the country into small independent states

2.fragmented[ ] adj.分裂的:a fragmented society

3.fragmentary[ ] adj.碎片的;片段的;不完整的;残缺不全的:There is only fragmentary evidence to support this



She dropped the bowl and it broke into tiny ___.






本题是词义相近、词形相近词辨析题典型考题,答案为B。句意:她把碗掉在地上,摔成了许多碎片。A、B、C词义相近,D与B词形相近。fraction[ ]意为“微不足道的一部分”;fragment主要指碎片,破片;ection意为“从整体中切开或分开的明显的一部分”;fragrance[ ]意为“芳香,香气”。

generate[ ] v.[T][gener=produce] [-ate动词词尾,最常作动词词尾]to produce or create sth.产生;引起:The program would generate a lot of new jobs.


v.1.to produce heat,electricity,or another form of energy产生(热能、电能或其他能量) 2.generate excitement/interest (在一大群人之中)引起兴奋/兴趣


1.degenerate[ ]v.[I]恶化;退化;堕落[+into]

2.degenerate[ ] adj.(formal)(性格或品质)没落的,衰退的;(道德)败坏的,腐败的

3.regenerate[ ]v.[T](formal)


grind[ ]v.(groun d,ground)[T]grind sth. (down/up) / grind sth. (to/into sth.)to break or crush sth. into very small pieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine磨碎;碾碎;把……磨成粉:to grind coffee/corn


v.1.[T]to produce sth. such as flour by crushing磨(粉):The flour is ground using traditional methods. 2.[T]grind sth. into sth./grind sth. in:to press or rub sth. into a surface用力挤压,用力擦(入表层):He

ground his cigarette into the ashtray. 3.[T]to make sth. sharp or smooth by rubbing it against a hard surface 使磨利;磨光:a stone for grinding knives and scissors 4[T]to rub together, or to make hard objects rub together,often producing an unpleasant noise摩擦(发出刺耳的声音):She grinds her teeth when she is asleep. 5.[T]to turn the handle of a machine that grinds sth.摇动手柄(操纵机器):to grind a pepper mill

n.1.(singular)(informal)an activity that is tiring or boring and takes a lot of time令人疲(或厌倦的)工作;苦差事:the daily grind 2.(singular)the harsh noise made by machines 3.[C](AmE informal)埋头学习的学生;死读书的学生


grind sb. down(长期) 虐待,压榨,折磨(某人):Do not let them grind you down.

grind on[I]令人厌烦地继续下去:Winter grinds on until March.

grind sth. out大量生产,(尤指)粗制滥造;大量撰写,大量提供(信息、文字或音乐作品等):She grinds out romantic novels at the rate of five a year.

grind to a halt / come to a grinding halt慢慢停下来:Production ground to a halt during the strike.

bring sth. to a grinding halt使渐渐停下来

grind the faces of the poor压榨穷人

hip[ ] n.[C]the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist ; the joint at the top of the leg臀部;髋:She stood with her hands on her hips. [补充意义]

n.(usually plural)rose hip(红色的)野蔷薇果

adj.(hipper,hippest) (informal) following or knowing what is fashionable in clothes, music etc. (衣服、音乐等方面) 时髦的,赶时髦的

interjection:Hip,hip,hurray!加油!万岁!(表示赞许的喊声)humanity[ ] n.[U]1.people in general (统称)人;人类:crimes against humanity 2.the state of being human and having qualities and rights that all people have人性,普遍人具有的特性:We must never forget our common humanity.

3.kindness, respect and sympathy towards other people 仁慈,人道,博爱,同情心:The judge was praised for his courage and humanity.


(the) humanities人文学科(如文学、历史、哲学等)


1.humanize[ ] v.[T] 使更适合人;使更人道;使人性化

2.humane[ ] adj.人道的,仁慈的;善良的

3.humanism[ ] n.[U](1)人道主义;人文主义(2)(文艺复兴时期)对古希腊古罗马思想的研究;人文主义

4.humanitarian [ ] adj. (usually before n.)博爱的;人道主义的(主张减轻人类痛苦,改善人类生活);慈善的[词义辨析]


1.humane[ ]主要指人类对动物及孤苦伶仃的人的怜悯或同情之心或行为。

2.human[ ]有同情心的,有人情味的,尤指人类之感情,如:He’s quite human when you get to know him.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1415182472.html,passionate[ ]指对个人的痛苦和不幸怀有更强烈和直接的同情

4.humanitarian[ ]指从哲学角度而不是出于多愁善感来体现对人类的关心,具体指提供人类更好的居住条件来改善人们的生活以及修改法律,尤其是那些太严厉的惩罚。

implicitly[ ]


in an implied way含蓄地:It reinforces,implicitly or explicitly,the idea that money is all-important.


implicit[ ] adj.1.含蓄的;不直接言明的:implicit criticism 2.be implicit in(formal)隐含其中;不言明;成为一部分的;内含的:The ability to listen is implicit in the teacher’s role. 3.完全的;无疑问的:She had the implicit trust of her staff.

inevitable[ ]adj.[in-=not][evitare (拉丁文)=avoid][-able形容词词尾]1.certain to happen and impossible to avoid 必然发生的,难以避免的:A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable. 2.(only before n.)happening so regularly that you know it will happen again照例必有的,惯常的:the English and their inevitable cups of tea


the inevitable(singular):sth. that is certain to happen不可避免的情况/事;必然发生的事:You have to accept the inevitable.


1.inevitably[ ] adv.必然地;不可避免地

2.inevitability[ ] n.[U]必然性

maintain[ ]

v.[T][main=hand][tain= hold](保有于手掌中)1.to make sth. continue at the same level, standard, etc.维持;保持:The two countries have always maintained close relations. 2.to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly 维修;保养:The house is large and difficult to maintain. 3.to keep stating that sth. is true, even though other people do not agree or do not believe it 坚持意见;固执己见:[maintain (that)]Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards. 4.to support sb./sth. financially over a long period of time 供养,抚养;赡养:Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.


maintenance[ ] n.[U]

1.maintenance (of sth.)维护;养护;保养:

the maintenance of the school buildings 2.maintenance(of sth.)维持;保持:the maintenance of international peace 3.(BrE, law)(依法应负担的)生活费;抚养费


maintain life维持(动植物等的)生命maintain one’s family供养家庭

maintain your innocence坚称自己无罪maintain your silence/opposition etc.保持沉默/坚持反对意见

nevertheless[ ]adv.(sentence adv.) (formal) in spite of a fact that you have just mentioned然而,不过;尽管如此:What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.

peculiar[ ] adj.1.strange, unfamiliar, and a little surprising,especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying 奇怪的;罕有的;怪异的:This meat tastes peculiar.2.behaving in a strange and slightly crazy way(行为)怪癖的,有点疯狂的:Aunt May has gone a bit peculiar lately.


adj.1.be peculiar to:if sth. is peculiar to a particular person, place, or situation, it is a feature that only belongs to that person, place, etc.为(某人,某地方或某情况)所特有的:The problem of racism is not peculiar to this country.2.(BrE,informal)feel peculiar感到有点不舒服,不适


peculiarity[ ] n.1.[C](仅为某人、某地方或某情况所独有的)特点;独特性[+of] 2.[C]怪癖;奇异的性质 3.[U]奇怪;怪异

penetrating adj.1.(of sb’s eyes or the way they look at you)making you feel uncomfortable because the person seems to know what you are thinking锐利的;犀利的(目光或眼神等):penetrating blue eyes 2.(of a sound or voice)loud and hard(声音或嗓音)响亮的,刺耳的,尖锐的:a penetrating whistle 3.showing that you have understood sth.quickly and completely深刻的;精辟的:

a penetrating comment 4.spreading and reaching everywhere弥漫的;渗透的:the penetrating cold

pest[ ] n.[C]1.a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies (毁坏庄稼或食物的)有害小动物;害虫:a chemical used in pest control2.(informal)anannoying person or thing讨厌的人(或物):That child is being a real pest.

pharmacy[ ]n.1.[C](especially AmE) a shop/store,or part of one,that sells medicines and drugs[尤美]药店;药房;医药柜台;(商店的)药品部:an all-night pharmacy 通宵营业的药店2.[C] a place in a hospital where medicines are prepared (医院的)药房,配药室 3.[U]the study or practice of preparing drugs and medicines [词形变换]

1.pharmacist[ ] n.[C](药店或医院的)药剂师

2.pharmaceutical[ ] adj.(only before n.)制药的

3.pharmaceuticals[ ]n. [plural] (technical术语)药物,药品


1.chemist’s/ / n.[C](plural chemists) (BrE)a shop/store that sells medicines and usually also soap, male-up,etc.药房;(通常也出售肥皂、化妆品等的)药店

2.drugstore/ / n.[C](AmE)a shop where you can buy medicines,beauty products etc.[美](兼营药品、化妆品等的)药店、药房

philosophy[ ] n. [philo-=love][soph= wisdom][-y名词尾]1.[U]the study of the nature and meaning of existence and reality, good and evil, etc.哲学:moral philosophy 2.[C]one of the many systems of thought that has this study as its base (以哲学为基础的)思想体系;哲学体系:the development of different philosophies 3.[C]a rule you follow in living your life, doing your job etc.人生哲学;生活(工作)准则:current management philosophy [词形变换]

1.philosophical[ ]adj. (1)哲学的

(2)豁达的,达观的;出论不惊的[+about]:He was surprisingly philosophical about losing his job.

2.philosopher n.[C]哲学家;思想家

pill[ ]n.[C]a small solid piece of medicine, that you swallow whole 药丸,药片:sleeping pills


n.1.sugar/sweeten the pill:to do sth. to make an unpleasant job or situation less unpleasant for the person who has to accept it给药丸加糖衣;使不愉快的工作(局面)变得较易接受2.the Pill: a pill taken regularly by some women in order to prevent them having babies 口服避孕药:be/go on the Pill 3.[C](AmE,informal)令人讨厌的人(通常指小孩)


a bitter pill (to swallow)不得不接受的现实;不得不忍受的耻辱:His failure was a bitter pill to swallow.

preside[ ]

v.[I][pre-=before][side=sit] (坐在前面)to be in charge of a formal ceremony, meeting etc.(在正式仪式、会议等)担任主持,负责:They could find no clergyman who would agree to preside at the funeral.


preside over[T]:(1)负责(无力控制的局面):The president found himself presiding over the worst economic depression in the history of the US. (2)掌管;管辖;领导(3)主持professional[ ] adj.[pro-=before] [fess =speak][-ion名词词尾][-al形容词词尾,表示“有关……”“有……性质”]1.(only before noun) connected with a job that needs special education and training 职业的,专业的:professional qualifications 2.showing that someone has been well trained and is good at their work 专业的,内行的:a more professional approach to work 3.doing a

job,sport or activity for money职业性的;专业的;非业余的:a professional army 4.done by or connected with people who are paid 由职业人员参加的;职业性的:a professional hockey team


adj.1.(of people)having a job which needs special training and a high level of education 有职业的;专业的:Most of the people on the course were professional women. 2.suitable or appropriate for sb. working in a particular profession 职业上的;专业上的:professional conduct /misconduct

n.[C]1.someone who earns money by doing a job, sport or activity that many other people do just for enjoyment把(别人通常作为消遣的活动)作为职业的人;职业选手2.someone who works in a job that requires special education and training 专业人士,专家3.someone who has a lot of experience and does sth very skilfully技术精湛且经验丰富的人;内行


1.profession/ / n.[C](1)(需要专业教育和训练的)职业(2)by profession:作为职业:Mary is a social worker by profession.

(3)某职业的全体人员;同行(其后谓语动词用复数) (4)(信念、观点或感情的)公开表示,表白:a profession of his beliefs

2.professionalism/ /



Fire-fighting as a ____was unknown in ancient times.

A. job

B. occupation

C. work

D. profession


此题测试词语用法,典型考题答案为D。句意:消防是一门古代没有的职业。job 指任何职业或工作,长期的或临时的,须做之事,应尽之责;occupation 是个中性词,指行当,行业;work 任何工作或劳动;


pursuit[ ] n. [pur-=pro-=forth][sue= follow](继续向前进)1.(singular)the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined way追求:[+of]the right of all people to the pursuit of liberty and happiness 2.[U]the act of chasing or following someone 追赶;追踪:There were no fewer than four police cars in pursuit. 3.[C](usually plural)(formal) an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing花很多时间做的事情;工作;消遣;追求:She immersed herself in academic pursuits.


in pursuit of 在追求……时

in pursuit 追赶

in hot pursuit紧紧追随;穷追不舍outdoor/leisure/intellectual/artistic pursuits户外活动/休闲活动/知识的追求/艺术事业


v.[T]pursue[ ]1.to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth. over a long period of time追求,继续进行:Helen pursued her acting career with great determination. 2.pursur the matter/ argument/question追究某件事/继续争论/追查某问题 3.(尤指为抓捕袭击等而)紧随……之后;追捕,追击4.追求(某人) qualified[ ] adj.1.having suitable knowledge,experience or qualifications, especially for a particular job(尤指对某项工作)有资格的;合格的,胜任的:a qualified accountant 2.(usually before n.)(of agreement, approval ,support etc.) limited in some way有限制的,有保留的;有条件的


be qualified to do sth.有资格做某事:He is qualified to teach in elementary school, but not in high school.


He had every ___ for the job except impartiality.







rear[ ] v.1.[T]to care for young children or animals until they are fully grown抚养;养育;培养:She reared a family of five on her own. 2.[T]to breed or keep animals or birds,for example on a farm饲养:to rear poultry/cattle


v.1.(又作rear up)[I](of animal,especially a horse)to raise itself on its back legs,with the front legs in the air用后腿直立:The horse reared,throwing its rider. 2.[I](of sth. large)to seem to lean over you,especially in a threatening way(尤指可怖地)巍然耸立:The great bulk of the building reared up against the night sky.

n.1.the rear:the back part of an object, vehicle or building,or a position at the back of an object or area后部,后面,背部:a garden at the rear of the house 2.[C](informal)the part of your body which you sit on屁股;臀部

adj.(only before n.) at or near the back of sth.后部的,后面的:the rear door of the car [常用短语]

rear sb./sth. on sth.(usually passive) (用……)喂养;(以……)娱乐,培养

be reared on(小时候)总是吃(某种食物);看(某类书);玩(某类游戏):reared on a diet of potatoes

rear its (ugly) head(问题、困境)冒头,出现:Scandal rears its ugly head again.

bring up the rear处于(队列或比赛中)最后的位置;殿后;落在最后:Bringing up the rear is the smallest yacht in the race. [典型考题]

My parents ___ me in all the honoured traditions.






此题测试词意,答案为B。句意:我父母以一切受人尊崇的传统为准则将我抚养成人。uproot拔除;uphold支持,维护,维持(法规、制度或原则等);resume重新开始。resource[r ] n.1.[C](often plural)sth. such as land,minerals,or natural energy that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth(土地、矿产或能源等)资源:a country rich in natural resources 2.resources (plural) all the money , property , kills etc. that you have available (钱财、技能等)资源:resources for research and development


n.1.resources (plural):personal qualities , such as courage and a strong mind, that you need to deal with a difficult situation (对付困境所需的)个人素质;勇气;才智;谋略:inner resources 2.[C]sth. that can be used to help achieve an aim,especially a book,equipment,etc. that provides information for teachers or students有助于实现目标的东西;资料:resources for learning 3.[U](formal)ability in dealing with practical problems机智,应变能力:a man of great resource

v.[T](technical)to provide money or other resources for sth.为……提供资源


1.resourceful[ ]adj.[褒]足智多谋的;机智的

2.resourcefully[ ] adv.足智多谋地;机智地

3.resourcefulness[ ] n.[U]足智多谋;机智

savage[ ] n.[C](old-fashioned) an insulting word for someone from a country where the way of living seems very simple

and undeveloped (侮辱性用语)未开化的人;野蛮人


adj.1.very cruel and violent凶猛的,残暴的:a savage dog恶狗2.criticizing sb. or sth. very severely(批评)猛烈地,恶狠狠的:savage criticism猛烈地抨击/批评 3.very severe and harmful极严重的,有害4.(only before n.)(old-fashioned)at an early stage of civilization; primitive(侮辱性用语)未开化的;野蛮的;原始的

v.[T]1.[usually passive] (of an animal) to attack sb. violently,causing serious injury凶猛地攻击(或伤害);动物(乱咬):She was savaged to death by a bear. 2.(written)to criticize sb. or sth. very severely激烈地批评;激烈攻击:Her latest novel has been savaged by the critics.


1.savagely[ ] adv.

2.savagery[ ] n.[C,U]野蛮,残暴(行为);凶恶行径


The inhabitants were still in the ___ state. A.violent B.fierce C.savage D.sausage



semester n.[T]one of the two periods into which a year at high schools and universities is divided,especially in the US(尤指美国中学和大学的)一学期,半学:the spring /fall semester

sensitive[ ] adj.1.(to people’s feelings)aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings体恤的;体贴的;善解人意的[+to]:she is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. 2.easily offended or upset易生气的;易被惹恼的;神经过敏的[+to/about]:she is very sensitive to criticism.

3.(to cold / light/ food/pain, etc.)reacting

quickly or more than usual to sth.敏感的过敏的[+to]:My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. 4.(to art/music/literature)able to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them感觉敏锐的;艺术感觉好的;有悟性的: a sensitive musician/poet


adj.1.a situation or subject that you have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry(情况、问题等)需谨慎对待,小心处理的;敏感的:Health care is a politically sensitive issue. 2.(to small changes)able to measure or react to very small changes in heat,light etc. (对热、光等的细微变化)能准确计量的;灵敏度高的:a sensitive barometer /instrument


1.sensitively adv.

2.sensitize v.[T] (1) (usually passive) 使(某人对……)敏感(尤对问题不好的事);使意识到:People are becoming more sensitized to the dangers threatening the environment. (2)(technical)使(设备等)灵敏;使有感应


Photographic paper is highly ___ to light.






此题测试形近词辨析,答案为B。句意:感光纸对光非常敏感。sensitive to 对……十分敏感;sensible懂事的,明智的;sentiment感情,情操;senior年长的,地位高的。

shudder v.[I]1.to shake uncontrollably for a short time because you are frightened, or cold, or because you think sth. is very unpleasant(因恐惧、寒冷或想到不快的事而短暂地)打颤,颤抖:I shuddered at the thought of all the trouble I’d caused.

2.(of a vehicle, machine, etc.)to shake very hard(交通工具或机器)强烈震动;剧烈抖动:The bus shuddered to a halt.


shudder at[T]对……感到恐惧

shudder to think一想到……就颤抖(用于表示不愿想某种不用愉快之事) specialize v.[I]to limit all or most of your study, business etc. to a particular subject or activity 专门研究,专门从事,专攻[+in]:He specialized in criminal law.


specialized adj专门的;专用的;经过专门训练的:highly specialized 高度专业化的

species[ ]n.[C] [plural species] [spec = see;look](外观相同的整体) a group into which animals,plants,etc. that are able to breed with each other are divided ,smaller than a genus and identified by a Latin name (动植物的)种,物种(分类上小于属):endangered species



1.variety[ ] n.[C]a type of plant or animal that is differrent from others in the same group(动植物的)品种:a new variety of apple苹果的新品种

2.breed[ ] n.[C]a type of animal or plant that has been developed by people in a controlled way,especially a type of dog,cat or farm animal(尤指人工培育的动植物)品种

3.strain[ ]n.[C]a particular type of plant or animal,or of a dieease caused by bacteria,etc.(动植物的)系,品系,品种;(疾病的)类型



1.注意以species作主语的主谓一致问题:species随后动词的单复数形式取决于它是用作单数,还是用作复数。试比较(1)(2):(1)A new species of mammal([C]哺乳动物)

has been found.

(2)Altogether,about 450 species of flatfish([C]比目鱼) are known.





(1)kingdom[ ]n.[C]自然三界之一:the animal/plant/mineral kingdom动物/植物/矿物界

(2)phylum[ ] n.[C] (plural phyla [ ]) (动植物分类的)门

(3)class[ ] n.[C](动植物等分类的)纲

(4)order[ ] n.[C](动植物分类的)目

(5)family[ ]n.[C](动物、植物等的)科

(6)genus[ ] n.[C] (plural genera [ ])(动植物的)属

(7)species[ ] n.[C](动植物的)种,物种

specimen[ ]n.[C][spec=see;look](专门展示的东西)1.a small amount or piece of something that is taken from a plant or animal,so that it can be tested or examined样品,样本,标本:a zoological specimen 2.a single example of sth.实例;范例


n.[C]1.specimen也可指(化验的)抽样,如血样、尿样等:The doctor will need a specimen of your blood. 2.(humorous)a person you are describing in a particular way,usually in an unpleasant way(幽默)某种类型的人,家伙[常用短语]

a specimen of sth.……的样品/样本spiritual[ ]adj.[spir=breathe](u suallybefore n.)1.connected with your spirit rather than your body or mind精神(上)的,心灵的:a lack of spiritual values in the modern world 2.connected with religion宗教(上):

the spiratual authority of the church 3.spiritual home:a place where you feel you belong because you share the ideas and attitudes of that society乐土,精神家园


n.[C]a religious song of the type sung originally by the black people of the US灵歌(一种原为美国黑人唱的宗教歌曲)


1.spiritually[ ] adv.

2.spirited [ ]adj.(usually before n.) [褒]精神饱满的;坚定的;有决心的;勇猛的:a spirited young man

3.spiritless[ ] adj.(formal)(1)没精打采的,无朝气的;没有决心的(2)悲伤的, 情绪低落的;垂头丧气的

4.spirit[ ] n.(1)[singular,U]an inner part of someone that includes their thoughts and feelings,and is thought of as making them what they are精神,心灵:the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties (2)spirits(plural):a person’s feelings or state of mind情绪;心境;兴致(3)[C](always with an adj.总是与形容词连用)a person of the type mentioned(某种类型的)人:a brave/generous/mean/proud spirit (4)[U] courage, determination or energy[褒]勇气;志气;意志;活力:fighting spirit斗志;锐气(5)[U] loyal feelings towards a group ,team or society(对团队、队伍、社会的)忠心:team spirit (6)(singular)a state of mind or mood;an attitude心态;态度:a true spirit of friendship (7)(singular)the typical or most important quality or mood of sth.本质;精髓;基本精神:the spirit of times (8)[C]鬼,鬼魂;灵魂;幽灵(9)[C,usually plural](尤英)烈(性)酒;[U]工业/医用酒精

5.spirit [ ]v.[T][[VN+adv./prep.] spirit sb./sth. away/off秘密(神秘)地把某人/物带(弄)走


be in good/low spirits心情好/不好

be in high spirits情绪高涨

keep sb’s spirits up使某人保持心情开朗

raise/lift sb’s spirits鼓舞某人的情绪

sb’s spirits lift/sink某人高兴起来/变得不高兴:My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again.

in spirit在心里;在精神上

get/enter into the spirit(英)融入欢乐的气氛中

the spirit is willing(but the flesh is weak)(humorous,saying)心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱;心有余而力不足;力不从心

as/when/if the spirit moves you要是愿意的话;当你有心要做的时候

store[ ] v.[T]1.(also又作store away)to put things away and keep them until you need them贮藏,储存,积蓄:Squirrels are storing up nuts for the winter. 2.to keep facts or information in your brain or a computer(在头脑或电脑中)储存[事实或信息]:A mass of data is stored in the computer. [补充意义]

n.[C]1.a large place that sells many different kinds of goods大商店 2.(AmE)a place where goods are sold to the public;shop[美]商店,店铺:a shoe/clothing/grocery etc. store 3.a supply of sth. that you keep to use later储备,储存物[+of]:Grandma always had a special store of chocolate for us.

4.stores(plural):goods of a particular kind or for a particular purpose(某类或作某用途的)商品,物品:medical/military stores医疗用品/军需品

5.a large building in which goods are stored so they can be used or sold later仓库:a grain store


store sth up(把强烈的感情或问题)郁积,憋在心里:She had stored up all her anger and eventually snapped.

store up trouble/problems制造麻烦/难题be in store将要发生;就要出现:He’s got a few surprises in store if he thinks he can order us around.

set/put (great,etc.) store by sth.(十分)相信某事物,看重某事:She sets great store by her appearance.


We should keep a few pounds in_for a rainy day.






此题测试形近词辨析,答案为C。句意:我们应该储蓄几镑以备不时之需。in store 储备着;stork鹳;storm暴风雨;stall畜栏,厩,货摊,摊位。

suffice[ ]v.[suf-=sub-=under][fice=m ake](not in progressive不用进行式)1.[I] (formal)to be enough足够,满足:A light lunch will suffice. 2.[T](formal)to be enough to satisfy someone足够(某人)之用,使满足:Just some bread and soup will suffice me. [词形变换]

1.sufficiency[ ]

n.(formal)(1)[U]the state of being or having enough足够;充足(2)a sufficiency of足够的(供应);足够的(量):Eating fruit should ensure a suffciency of vitamin C.

2.sufficient[ ] adj.(formal)as much as is needed for a particular purpose;enough 足够的;充足的:We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.

3.sufficiently[ ] adv.


suffice to do sth.足够……:Two examples should suffice to illustrate my point.举两个例子就足以说明我的观点了。

suffice (it) to say (that)……足以说明;只要说……就够了:Suffice to say it was a local person who called the police.

a sufficiency of足够的(供应);足够的(量) be sufficient to do sth.足够……:His income is sufficient to keep him comfortable. be sufficient for sb./sth.对某人或某事物是足够:These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.


The quality of the product is quite ___ for local purposes.




D.enough [试题详解]

本题是近义词辨析题,答案为C。句意:这种产品的质量可以达到当地的要求。本句的主语是quality质量,表示质量可以达到要求,在各选项中,只有C既能表示数量也能表示质量达到要求,因此C使正确的答案。enough指数量足够、充分,可与sufficient 互换;sufficient指能够满足物质需求,此外还可指满足精神需要;abundant指量多而有余,相当于more than enough的意思。











Lesson Eight The Kindness of Strangers Mike Mclntyre 1. One summer I was driving from my home town of Tahoe City, Calif, to New Orleans. In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside. He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time in the country when you' d be considered a jerk if you passed by somebody in need. Now you are a fool for helping. With gangs, drug addicts, murderers, rapists, thieves lurking everywhere, "I don't want to get involved" has become a national motto. 2. Several states later I was still thinking about the hitchhiker. Leaving him stranded in the desert did not bother me so much. What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. I never even lifted my foot off the accelerator. 3. Does anyone stop any more? I wondered. I recalled Blanche DuBois's famous line: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." Could anyone rely on the kindness of strangers these days? One way to test this would be for a person to journey from coast to coast without any money, relying solely on the good will of his fellow Americans. What kind of Americans would he find? Who would feed him, shelter him, carry him down the road? 4. The idea intrigued me. 5. The week I turned 37, I realized that I had never taken a gamble in my life. So I decided to travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny. It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar. I would only accept offers of rides, food and a place to rest my head. My final destination would be Cape Fear in North Carolina, a symbol of all the fears I'd have to conquer during the trip. 6. I rose early on September 6, 1994, and headed for the Golden Gate Bridge with a 50-pound pack on my back and a sign displaying my destination to passing vehicles: "America." 7. For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4223 miles across 14 states. As I traveled, folks were always warning me about someplace else. In Montana they told me to watch out for the cowboys in Wyoming, In Nebraska they said people would not be as nice in Iowa. Yet I was treated with kindness everywhere I went. I was amazed by people's readiness to help a stranger, even when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interests. 8. One day in Nebraska a car pulled to the road shoulder. When I reached the window, I saw two little old ladies dressed in their Sunday finest." I know you're not supposed to pick up hitchhikers, but it's so far between towns out here, you feel bad passing a person," said the driver, who introduced herself as Vi. I didn't know whether to kiss them or scold them for stopping. This woman was telling me she'd rather risk her life than feel bad about passing a stranger on the side of the road. 9. Once when I was hitchhiking unsuccessfully in the rain, a trucker pulled over, locking his brakes so hard he skidded on the grass shoulder. The driver told me he was once robbed at knifepoint by a hitchhiker. "But I hate to see a man stand out in the rain," he added. "People don't have no heart anymore." 10. I found, however, that people were generally compassionate. Hearing I had no money and would take none, people bought me food or shared whatever they happened to have with them. Those who had the least to give often gave the most. In Oregon a house painter named Mike noted the chilly weather and asked if I had a coat. When he learned that I had "a light one," he drove me to his house, and handed me a big green army-style jacket. A lumber-mill worker named Tim invited me to a simple dinner with his family in their shabby house. Then he offered me his tent. I refused, knowing it was probably one of the family's most valuable possessions. But Tim was determined that I have it, and finally I agreed to take it. 11. I was grateful to all the people I met for their rides, their food, their shelter, and their gifts. But what I found most touching was the fact that they all did it as a matter of course.


大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2Unit1答案上海外语教育出版社 一) 1. bare 2. empty 3. empty 4. bare 5. empty 6.empty 二) 1. shortly 2.track down 3.faint 4.motioned 5.at the sight of 6.feel like 7.slamming 8.rang out 9.contract 10.made for 11.heated 12.emerged 三) 1. host 2. sprang up/rang out 3. impulse 4. came to 5. track down 6. unexpected 7. outgrow 8. widened 9. shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. crisis 14. colonial 四) 1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago. 2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation? 3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit. 4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent? 5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.


大学英语精读第一册课后练习部分答案 Unit 1 Cloze (A) 1. aware 2. performance 3. average 4. adequate 5. set aside 6. mentions 7.look over 8. commit (B) 1. if/once 2. about 3. it 4. know 5. up 6. as 7. from 8. words 9. into 10.other 11. for 12. when Translation 1、他这次考试的失败使他意识到定期复习功课的重要。 His failure in the exam has made him aware of the importance of reviewing his lessons regularly. 2、请一定不要忘记离家前你父母对你说过的话。 Be sure not to forget what your parents said to you before you left home.3、我确信她的英语知识对这项工作来说是足够的了。 I'm sure her knowledge of English is adequate for the job. 4、这篇文章的目的是告诉学生怎样培养良好的学习习惯。 The purpose of this article is to tell the students how to develop good study habits. 5、在当今时代,人们越来越多地依靠计算机(computers)来解决各种各样的问题。 In our age, people depend more and more on computers to solve various kinds of difficult problems.


Preview 1 Listen to the recording of the text and Choose the statement that best reflects your understanding. 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. B Vocabulary 1 Become familiar with the rule of word formation. 1 Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs. 1. improvement 2. endurance 3. success 4. allowance 5. supply 6. provision 7. cultivation 8. nourishment 9. fulfillment 10. attempt 11. elimination 12. refusal 2 Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns. 1. garden 2. fertilize 3. mix 4. liberate 5. require 6. fail 7. endure 8. alternate 9. result 10. satisfy 3 Translate the following expressions. Point out which –ing form is a gerund and which a present participle. 1.一家建筑公司(gerund) 2.缺少一个环节(present participle) 3.一个动人的故事(present participle) 4.阅读技能(gerund) 5.一件泳衣(gerund) 6.落日(present participle) 7.起居(gerund)室 8.睡美人(present participle) 9.安眠药片(gerund) 10.乏味的讲演/报告(present participle) 11.饮用水(gerund) 12.流血的鼻子(present participle) 13.藏身之处(gerund) 14.太笼统/绝对的话(present participle) 15.狩猎的季节(gerund) 16.最后的润色(gerund) 17.指导原则(present participle) 18.下个星期(present participle) 19.颤抖的双腿(present participle) 20.一张渔网(gerund) 21.一根手杖(gerund) 22.现有的制度(present participle) 23.饮食习惯(gerund) 24.(比萨)斜塔(present participle) 25.一个有前途的学生(present participle) 26.正在增长的人口(present participle) 4 Compare the following expressions and translate them into Chinese.


综合英语 1 Comprehensive English1 【学分】4 【学时】64 【编写】袁邦照【审核】程莹 (一)授课对象 四年制本科英语专业学生 (二)课程的性质和地位 本课程是是本科英语专业低年级的一门学科基础课程,是英语专业基础阶段全面培养和提高学生语言能力和交际能力的一门课程,在整个基础英语教学中具有重要奠基作用。本课程的教学,是在学生已初步掌握一定的英语词汇、语音、语法基本知识和听、说、读、写基本技能的基础上进行的,因此,主要教学目的在于进一步提高学生综合运用英语的能力,特别是要加强口笔头语言表达能力,同时加深对词汇、语法、写作、修辞等方面的知识,同时指导学生学习方法,培养逻辑思维能力,为进一步接受英语专业高年级教育打下全面的牢固的基础。本课程以课文教学为中心,采用精讲多练、讲练结合的方式,主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,启发学生学习语言的积极性和自觉性,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力,并逐步形成用英语思维的能力。 (三)课程教学的目标 1.改变观念:帮助学生尽快熟悉大学学习环境和自主学习方法;使学生养成良好的学习习惯;培养学生的独立工作能力。引导学生改变应试学习的观点,逐步树立“To know English is to speak English.”的观念。 2.语音:通过一对一纠音练习,语音模仿秀等,整顿学生的语音面貌,提高学生的朗读技巧。 3.词汇和语法:盘活中学所学语法和词汇,使之成为语言交际的实际技能。认知词汇3000-4000个(其中含中学已学2 000个),熟用其中1600-1800个及其最基本的搭配。听力:能在15分钟听写根据已学知识编写的材料(词数120左右,念四遍,第一、四遍语速为每分钟100个词,第二、三遍根据意群停顿),错误率不超过8%。要求学生每天收听CRI及VOA的Special English。熟悉新闻广播的特点和语速。 4.口语:能使用课文中的重点词汇和短语复述课文;能用英语正确表达所学的功能意念,以达到实际交流运用的目的。 5.阅读和写作:能读懂词汇量为2000-2500的浅易材料及简易读物,阅读速度每分钟60-80个词,理解基本正确,能抓住中心大意。对重点句子能够释义。学会初步使用“英英”


翻译 Unit1 1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。 Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word. 2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。 The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American. 3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。 Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone. 4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。 While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane. 5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。 The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself. 6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。 While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth. 7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他? What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home? 8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay) 的陷阱(trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。 The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid. Unit 2 1) 会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。 It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution. 2) 这些青年科学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一手资料。 By making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work. 3) 他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍。 It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.


大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册答案Book 1 Unit 1 Study&Practice Vocabulary Activities 1. 1)e 2)g 3)j 4)a 5)b 6)i 7)c 8)d 9)h 10)f 2. 1) handling 2) summarized 3) process 4) absorb 5) are bound to 6) feel free 7) for instance 8) strategies 9) complained 10) has committed... to memory 11) Nevertheless 12) rely... on 13) Apart from 14) command 3. 1) over and over again 2) at a time 3) put it into practice 4) watching out for 5) by no means 6) concentrate on 7) In addition to 8) in detail Enriching Your Word Power 1. 1)action 2)employ 3)announce 4)examination 5)communication 6)express 7)compose 8)improvement 9)concentration 10)management 11)consider 12)motivate 13)development

15)discuss 16)operate 17)division 18)production 19)educate 20)repeat 2. 1) a) additional b) add c) addition d) addition 2) a) effectively b) effect c) effective d) effect 3) a)helpful b) help c) helpless d) help e) helplessly f) helpfully g) helpful 4) a) reliant b) reliable c) reliance, reliable d) relies e) reliably 5) a) repetition b) repeating c) repeatedly d) repeated e) repetition Usage 1) In my opinion 2) According to Mary 3) In our opinion 4) According to today’s papers 5) In most doctors’ opinion ( According to most doctors) Structure 1. 1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor. 2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered. 3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer. 4) There is always a black market not only in Britain, but also in other European countries. 5) At the Athens Olympics in 2004, Liu Xiang not only won a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles, but also broke the Olympic record. 2. 1) It is true that your sentences are all gramma tically correct, but they don’t make any sense. 2) It is true that they lost that battle, but they still went on fighting. 3) It is true that Tom’s very clever and hardworking, but I still don’t think he is the right person for the job. 4) It is true that learning English is by no means easy, but we can make the task easier by using some learning strategies. Cloze 1. 1) strategies 2) frequently 3) over and over again 4) commit to memory 5) acquaintance 6) watch out for 7) communicate 8) process


大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1 一) 1. bare 2. empty 3. empty 4. bare 5. empty 6.empty 二) 1. shortly 2.track down 3.faint 4.motioned 5.at the sight of 6.feel like 7.slamming 8.rang out 9.contract 10.made for 11.heated 12.emerged 三) 1. host 2. sprang up/rang out 3. impulse 4. came to 5. track down 6. unexpected 7. outgrow 8. widened 9. shortly

10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. crisis 14. colonial 四) 1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago. 2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation? 3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit. 4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent? 5. Her face lit up with joy at his return. 6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away. 五) 1. Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous curious Dangerous educational Emotional famous Industrial intentional Medical mountionous Musical mysterious National occasional Personal practical 2. Heated colored pigtailed gifted bearded pointed experienced aged skilled diseased 六) 1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue. 2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock? 3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.


Lesson One Half a Day Naguib Mahfous 1. I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand. All my clothes were new: the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap. They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time. 2. My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help. We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops: pears, and date palms. 3. "Why school ?" I asked my father. "What have I done ?" 4. "I'm not punishing you, " he said, laughing. "School's not a punishment. It's a place that makes useful men out of boys. Don' t you want to be useful like your brothers?" 5. I was not convinced. I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building. 6. When we arrived at the gate we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls. "Go in by yourself, " said my father, "and join them. Put a smile on your face and be a good example to others. " 7. I hesitated and clung to his hand, but he gently pushed me from him. "Be a man, " he said. "Today you truly begin life. You will find me waiting for you when it's time to leave. " 8. I took a few steps. Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view. I did not know a single one of them, and none of them knew me. I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way. But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, "Who brought you?" 9. "My father, " I whispered. 10. "My father's dead, " he said simply. 11. I did not know what to say. The gate was now closed. Some of the children burst into tears. The bell rang. A lady came along, followed by a group of men. The men began sorting us into ranks. We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard surrounded by high buildings; from each floor we were overlooked by a long balcony roofed in wood. 12. "This is your new home, "said the woman. "There are mothers and fathers here, too. Everything that is enjoyable and beneficial is here. So dry your tears and face life joyfully. " 13. Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis. From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls. I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences. 14. We played all sorts of games. In the music room we sang our first songs. We also had our first introduction to language. We saw a globe of the Earth, which revolved and showed the various continents and countries. We started learning numbers, and we were told the story of the Creator of the universe. We ate delicious food, took a little nap, and woke up to go on with friendship and love, playing and learning. 15. Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded. We had to be observant and patient. It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around. Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to


大学英语精读第三版第一册答案Unit1 1)e 2)g 3)j 4)a 5)b 6)i 7)c 8)d 9)h 10)f 1) handling 2) summarized 3) process 4) absorb 5) are bound to 6) feel free 7) for instance 8) strategies 9) complained 10) has committed to memory 11) Nevertheless 12) rely on 13) Apart from 14) command 1) over and over again 2) at a time 3) put it into practice 4) watching out for 5) by no means 6) concentrate on 7) In addition t 8) in detail 1)action 2)employ 3)announce 4)examination 5)communication 6)express 7)compose 8)improvement 9)concentration 10)management 11)consider 12)motivate 13)development

14)movement 15)discuss 16)operate 17)division 18)production 19)educate 20)repeat 1) additional 2) add 3) addition 4) addition 1) effectively 2) effect 3) effective 4) effect 1) helpful 2) help 3) helpless 4) help 5) helplessly 6) helpfully 7) helpful 1) reliant 2) reliable 3) reliance reliable 4) relies 5) reliably 6) 1) repetition 2) repeating 3) repeatedly 4) repeated 5) repetition 1) In my opinion 2) According to Mary 3) In our opinion 4) According to today's papers 5) In most doctors' opinion According to most doctors 1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor. 2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered. 3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer.


外教社大学英语精读第1册第10单元参考答案 Vocabulary V. 1.j 2.g 3.a 4.i 5.f 6.b 7.h 8.e 9.d 10.c VI. 1. have vanished 2. tightened 3. mysterious 4. handle 5. caught up in 6. pulled into 7. dreamed of 8. retreat 9. stunned 10. would come through 11. made their way 12. take (him)back 13. mask 14. brightly VII. 1. The news of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor stunned the people of the United States. 2. The wild animals started to run at the approach of the hunters. 3. I was so caught up in the film on TV that I forgot to do my homework. 4. Although the Second World War ended more than fifty years ago, many people still remember it painfully. 5. The cheerful smile vanished from her face when she heard the bad news. 6. In spite of America's high divorce rate, many Americans still dream of a happy marriage. Word Building VIII. 1. healthy 2. dirty 3. noisy 4. smoky 5. stormy 6. sunny, rainy 7. muddy 8. smelly IX. 1. ill-advised 2. well-paid 3. much-used 4. well-informed 5. poorly-dressed 6. well-travelled 7. muc h-handled 8. well-known X. 1. root 2. notice 3. retreat 4. board 5. mask 6. retreat 7. approaching 8. notice 9. rooted 10. board 1 1. dreaming 12. approach 13. mask 14. Dreams Structure XI. Model 1 1. She listened to a continual strange noise coming from the next room, her heart beating fast. 2. The old beggar sat at the corner, tears welling up in his eyes. 3. Jim continued on his way, the dog jumping around in front of him. 4. The girl in the snapshot wore a broad smile, her long hair flowing in the breeze. Model 2 1. Mother insisted that we be back before 6P. M. In the evening. 2. The salesman insisted that the money be paid before the goods were delivered. 3. The prime minister insisted that a committee be set up to look into the matter. 4. His teacher insisted that he read the book once again before he started writing the report. Model 3 1. Red flags were seen billowing in the breeze, as if greeting the soldiers coming home. 2. The brook kept murmuring all the year round, as if telling a never-ending story of sorrow. 3. The young men answered the strangers kindly, as if speaking to good friends. 4. Tom turned round from time to time, as if searching for someone in the crowd. Cloze XII. (A)

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