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As the proverb says, "Your tongue has the power of life and death." This means that your words have power to finally cause things to happen, even life or death.

We may all experience the power of words in our life, even when we were very young.

A child is blamed (责备) by teachers or parents, and after that, he might probably think of himself as a bad child. Most kids have that experience. They say it is important to praise children four times for each negative (负面的) word. Blaming will make things worse, while positive words are helpful especially when being in trouble or in need. When we fail the exam, encouraging words from our teachers or parents make us work harder at our lessons. Encouraging words can go quite a long way. They lift people up. For example, encouraging words to someone who is sad can help them make it through the day. Words can have a powerful effect on your brain. And it will in turn (相应地) have a great influence on your action. Everything you do depends on what you choose to do. It's not your parents, your past relationships or your job, but you and only you that are responsible for every goal you set. If you have dreams in life, write them down and speak them out. Your words are likely to bring you out something amazing.


A different culture keeps my eyes and mind open. When I stayed in Russia (A)an exchange student, I learned about it.

One day, a Russian trend invited me to a (B)well-known restaurant in Moscow(莫斯科)I looked forward to trying local (当地的)food. After arriving there, I found nothing on the table but several small plates, on which there were nuts, a few slices(片)of tomatoes, and several pieces of onions. Although the dishes were simple, we drank a lot and I felt the passion(热情)

from the bottom of his heart. In China, when we invite friends or relatives, we always treat them to a big dinner. We prepare as much food as we can(C) show our friendliness.

What a different culture it is l Even though we try our best, it's very (D) difficult to get used to their customs. Another Russian custom also impresses me deeply. As we know, it is very cold in winter there. When winter comes, (E)俄罗斯人喜欢游泳.They even take their kids outside together. Like their parents, (F)Russian kids rub (擦)their bodies with snow before jumping into the water. Although the water is freezing cold, they all play happily in it.

What fun it is to know about a different culture.


(A)________ (C)________


(B)________ (D)________


(4)将文中划线部分(F)改写为:Russion kids rub their bodies with snow before________ ________into the water.




(3)Russians like/love to swim/swimming./ Russians enjoy/are fond of /are keen on swimming (4)they;jump

(5)A/a different culture


Mo Ya, Nobel Prize winner in literature (文学)in 2012, believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.

Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong Province. Mo left school at the age of 12 and started to work in the fields. Mo was tired after his daily hard work, but he was always hungry for books. However, there were very few books in the village, he never gave up. He read his elder brother's textbooks and even dictionaries. He helped others with farm work in exchange for books.

After Mo left his hometown and joined the army in 1976, he began to read widely, including works by Lu Xun and many other famous writers. He studied from these writers but did not copy them. Instead, he developed his own style.

【答案】 winner;farmers;hungry for;style;reading


(1)根据Mo Yan,Nobel Prize winner in literature(文学)in 2012,可知莫言是中国第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的人,Nobel Prize winner诺贝尔奖获得者,故填winner。

(2)根据Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong Province,可知莫言是出生在一个农民家庭里,所以他的父母都是农民,parents是复数,所以农民也用复数,故填farmers。

(3)根据but he was always hungry for books.可知莫言一直对书籍很饥渴,be hungry for sth.对……很饥渴,故填hungry for。

(4)根据he developed his own style.可知莫言的书是有自己的风格的,故填style。

(5)根据believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.可知莫言的成功和他大量阅读书籍是离不开的,故填reading。



________ the latest information about the cultural activities in San Francisco


(1)根据First, bring a warm jacket and sweater so that you re prepared for changes in the temperature. 可知,为了应对变化的天气,你应该带上暖和的衣服,故答案是warm。(2)根据 Bring a comfortable pair of walking shoes if you're planning to go around on foot. 可知,要带上一双舒适的鞋子,这样可以到处走走,故答案是comfortable。

(3)根据 So a prepaid phone card is needed. I suggest you buy one at the airport. 可知,要在机场买一个电话卡,故答案是phone。

(4)根据 You'd better book your room before you come. 可知,在离开之前要预定旅馆的而房间,故答案是Book。

(5)根据 there are many wonderful cultural activities in San Francisco all year round. Use the Internet to get the latest information about the activities all the time of your visit. 可知,在网上查一下在旅游期间旧金山所有的文化活动的信息,故答案是Get。



Americans love to drive on their holidays. Usually, the family gets into a car or recreational vehicle(RV,旅行房车) and drives for a summertime trip across the country.

RVs are like our houses. There are kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms in RVs. They are big, but can be very small when you share a bed with your little brother or try to play a game.

But RV travel is a great time with the family. You can see the country in your own "home". You can spend every night in a different place. And, you don't have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas(汽油). Best of all, you are free to go everywhere you want at any time.

Something about an RV

Full name________

Parts There are kitchens , bathrooms and ________in RVs.

Advantages You can enjoy the beautiful view in your RV..

You can ________every night in a different place.


(1)根据the family gets into a car or recreational vehicle(RV,旅行房车)可知RV的全名是recreational vehicle,故填recreational vehicle。

(2)根据There are kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms in RVs.可知RV里面有厨房、卫生间和卧室,故填bedrooms。

(3)根据You can spend every night in a different place可知可以在不同地方度过每个夜晚,故填spend。

(4)根据you don't have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas(汽油).可知不需要支付旅馆或者餐馆费用,仅仅需要支付汽油钱,故填gas。

(5)根据you are free to go everywhere you want at any time.可知你可以自由去任何你想去的地方,故填free。



According to a new survey, student safety has become a big problem.Now in many big cities of China, many schools start a new lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.

Lin Li, a teacher from Yantai, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.

If you are in a traffic accident

If a car hurts you, you should remember the car number.If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go.This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt.

If it is raining hard and there is lightning

Don't stay in high places and stay away from trees.

When there is a fire

Get away as fast as you can.Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit.Do not take the lift.

If someone is drowning

If you can't swim, don't get into the water.Cry out for help.

Remember that danger is never as far away as you think.Take care of yourself at all times!

If you are robbed (抢劫)

Keep calm.If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber your money.Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.

Information Card

danger;Traffic accident(s);remember the car number;exit;appearance/look(s)/face 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章主要讲述了学生的安全措施。

(1)根据文章第一段以及整片文章可知文章讲述了学生安全问题也就是学生的自我保护问题,或者是如何处理危险,故答案为(Students'/Student)Self-protection/Students'(Student) Safety/How to deal with danger。

(2)根据文章原句If you are in a traffic accident If a car hurts you, you should remember the car number.If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go.This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt. 和表格可知这一行讲的是交通事故,故答案为Traffic accident(s)。

(3)根据文章原句If a car hurts you, you should remember the car number. 可知如果一辆车撞了你,你应该记住车牌号。故答案为remember the car number。

(4)根据文章原句Get away as fast as you can.Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not take the lift.可知着火了尽可能快的离开。在你的身上穿上湿衣物,尽力找到出口,不要坐电梯,故答案为exit。

(5)根据文章原句Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. 可知尽力记住抢劫犯的模样,故答案为appearance/look(s)/face。



It was December. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl was happy. It was Christmas, and Marie's mother was making a special cake. She put four small coins into the cake, and then she baked (烤) it.________After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake. They found three coins in the cake and put them on the table.________It was missing, but Marie's mother didn't notice.

After Christmas Marie got sick. She coughed, and she couldn't speak. After six weeks she felt better, but she still couldn't speak.________Doctors at the hospital looked her over, and then said, "We are sorry, but we can't help her. " For 12 years Marie didn't speak. She grew up, she got a job, and she got married.

But she never spoke. One day, when Marie was 25 years old, she got a sore throat at work.________She coughed up something small and black. What was it? Marie didn't know. She

took it to the hospital. A doctor at the hospital said, "This is a coin!" The doctor told Marie, "I think you can speak again.”________

A.Where was the fourth coin?

B.Marie's parents took her to hospital.

C.The four coins were for good luck.

D.The coin is difficult to find.

E.She began to cough.

F.Marie went to a special doctor, and soon she could talk.



A.Where was the fourth coin? 第四个硬币在哪里?

B.Marie's parents took her to hospital. Marie的父母带她去医院。

C.The four coins were for good luck. 四个硬币代表幸运。

D.The coin is difficult to find. 硬币很难找到。

E.She began to cough. 她开始咳嗽。

F.Marie went to a special doctor, and soon she could talk. Marie去见一位特别的医生,很快能说话了。

(1)句意:这四个硬币代表好运。根据上文Marie' s mother was making a special cake. She put four small coins into the cake, and then she baked (烤) it.可知Marie的妈妈制作了一个特殊的蛋糕,里面有四个硬币,这四个硬币代表什么,故应选C。

(2)句意:第四枚硬币在哪里?根据上下文They found three coins in the cake and put them on the table…..It was missing,可知,他们在蛋糕里只找到了三枚硬币,第四枚不见了,所以这里问第四枚硬币去了哪里,故应选A。

(3)句意:Marie的父母带她去了医院。根据下句话Doctors at the hospital looked her over 可知,医生给Marie做了检查,由此可知,Marie的父母带她去了医院,故应选B。

(4)句意:她开始咳嗽。根据上下文she got a sore throat at work. ……She coughed up something small and black.可知,Marie感到嗓子疼,而且下句话说她咳嗽出某个东西,因此这里是说她开始咳嗽,故选E。

(5)句意:Marie去看了一个特殊的医生,很快她会说话了。根据上文The doctor told Marie, "I think you can speak again.”可知,Marie咳出来的是硬币,医生说Marie可能能够再说话了,因此这里承接上文,告诉我们故事的结局,Marie又能够说话了,故应选F。


8.下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题.请从以下选项A、B、C、D、E和F中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余的。A. Think about what to do tomorrow.

B. Review the day.

C. Imagine a quiet place.

D. Exercise every day.

E. Stop doing other things.

F. Choose proper food.

If you have difficulty sleeping at night, it's time for you to take it seriously. According to Medicine Net, bad sleeping can lead to plenty of problems such as poor concentration and mood changes. Luckily, there are some tips that can help you fall asleep quickly ad may also improve the quality (质量)of your sleep.

①________ Daily exercise will reduce your stress and help you fall into a deep sleep. Consider doing exercise such as walking, swimming or bicycling between 5:00 pm to 7:00pm, as your body is at its finest physical condition. Then you can get a good quality of sleep at night.

②________ Eat food that is helpful to your sleep. Take healthy food in your food list, such as milk, cheese, bananas, eggs and honey. Have a light dinner and don't eat high-fat foods, as these foods take longer to digest(消化). Keep away from chocolate and high-sugar foods before bedtime. Drink plenty of water all through the day. But remember to stop doing so by 8:00pm, or you prevent yourself from enjoying a good sleep by visiting the bathroom from time to time.

③________ Prepare yourself for sleep and avoid eating , watching TV or doing homework in your bed. Your body will learn that when you are on your bed, it's time to fall asleep. Doing other things on your bed will make it harder to fall asleep when you finish them all.

④________ If you can't fall asleep for hours in bed, then try to review what you did during the day .Try to catch as much detail(细节) as possible. But don't think too much about anything that you worried about, since that can make falling asleep more difficult. If you finish reviewing the day, but still can't fall asleep, then go back to yesterday and even the day before yesterday. Reviewing the day can make you calm.

⑤________ If you are having trouble clearing your mind , think of a relaxing and peaceful scene. For example, imagine that you're lying on the beach under the warm and pleasant sunshine, watching the waves(海浪) breaking on the rocks again and again . And it would be better if you can do deep breathing exercises while you do this.




A. Think about what to do tomorrow.想一想明天做什么?

B. Review the day. 温习白天。

C. Imagine a quiet place. 想象一个安静的地方。

D. Exercise every day.每天锻炼。

E. Stop doing other things.停止做其它事情。

F. Choose proper food. 选择正确的食物。








On her way home from school the other day, Yang Xi found people looking at her with strange expressions.The 15-year-old Shandong girl felt embarrassed, but she knew they were looking at her school uniform.

There were some pictures and words on the back, such as“Dear Yang Xi, I will miss you after graduation.”Her friends did it in class.And Yang wrote something on her friends' uniforms too after class.

Like Yang, many students now use the school uniform as if it were a piece of white paper and draw on it.They draw pictures of their favorite singers,athletes and cartoon characters and so on.“I think(1)(wear)a school uniform with graffiti is a kind of campus fashion,”said Yang.

①As a matter of fact, most schools have strict rules that require students not to draw on uniforms. Otherwise, they will be punished (惩罚).They may be told to clean their uniform or more seriously, to buy a new one.

②However,it seems that some students are not afraid of the rules and punishment.“I think there are at least 100 students with (2)(paint) uniforms in my school.They walk around the campus ‘proudly'.I wonder if they care whether they will be punished at all,”said Li Fei,13 of Fujian.

Li Yong,14 of Heilongjiang, had his own view.“I have seen cartoon figures such as Naruto(火影忍者)and Doraemon(哆啦A梦)that students draw on their uniforms.They are really beautiful and creative.I think graffiti can make students become creative,”said Li.“But it's better not to draw on uniforms.”

Although he doesn't think his school uniform looks good, Li would never draw on it.It's a strict school rule there, after all.I have to follow the rules.”


1)How did Yang Xi feel when she found people looking at her with strange expressions?

2)Do all the schools allow students to draw on their school uniforms? If not, what will happen if students draw on their school uniforms?


⑴________ ⑵________


(4)What's the best title of this passage?

A. Do you have a school uniform?

B. Is a uniform like a piece of paper?

C. What do you think of your school uniform?

D. Can you design your school uniform?

(5)If you have a school uniform, will you draw anything on it? Why?

【答案】(1)1)She felt embarrassed.

2)No.If they draw on the school uniforms, they will be punished. They may be told to clean their uniform or more seriously, to buy a new one.





(5)No,I will never draw on it.Because the school has strict rules that require students not to draw on uniforms.


(1)细节理解题。①根据第一段第二句The 15-year-old Shandong girl felt embarrassed.可知,她觉得很尴尬。故答案为:She felt embarrassed.

②根据第四段Otherwise, they will be punished (惩罚).They may be told to clean their uniform or more seriously, to buy a new one.可知,有些学校规定不能在校服上画画,学生如果违反校规在校服上涂鸦,可能会被要求清理干净或者再买一件新的。故答案为:No.If they draw on the school uniforms, they will be punished. They may be told to clean their uniform or more seriously, to buy a new one.



(3)翻译题。①As a matter of fact为事实上,most schools have strict rules为大多数学校有严格的规定, that require students not to draw on uniforms. 要求学生不能在校服上画画。故答案为:事实上,大多数学校都有严格的不准学生在校服上涂画的规定。

②Howeve r译为然而,it seems that 译为似乎,some students are not afraid of the rules and punishment译为一些学生不害怕规定和惩罚。故答案为:然而,似乎一些学生并不害怕这些规定和惩罚。


(5)主观题(答案不唯一)。本题可回答会,支持的观点可以是涂画可以激发学生的创造性。也可以回答不会,支持的观点是要遵守学校的规定。故可能的答案为:No,I will never draw on it.Because the school has strict rules that require students not to draw on uniforms.


10.配对阅读:上栏描述了五位同学喜欢看的杂志,下栏是七份杂志的简介,请为上栏的每位同学选择一份合适的杂志。( B )

【解析】【分析】(1)由句子Vince would like to read stories that teenagers write. He is also interested in music and would like some suggestions on the best music CDs to listen to. 可知文斯喜欢读青少年写的故事。他对音乐也很感兴趣,想听听音乐光盘上的最好的音乐。又由答案D中的句子Teen Voice. This magazine depends completely on articles sent in by its teenage readers. It gives young people the opportunity to publish their creative work, such as poems or short works of fiction. They can also write reviews (评论) on the latest music CDs.可知这本杂


(2)由句子Sue wants to know more about the lives of famous people who often appear in the news. She is also interested in clothes and would like suggestions on what to wear. 可知苏想多了解一些经常出现在新闻中的名人的生活。她对衣服也很感兴趣,想知道穿什么好。又由E选项中的句子Top Teens is easy to read and full of color photos. It offers advice on fashion and beauty.可知Top青少年容易阅读,充满彩色照片。它提供关于时尚和美丽的建议。故答案选E。

(3)由句子Billy is interested in learning more about the latest (最新的)international events. He is also interested in the movies 可知Billy有兴趣学习更多关于最新的国际事件。他对电影也很感兴趣。又由G选项中的句子Teenplus is very different from other teen magazines that simply offer articles on pop stars and fashion. This exciting new magazine tells readers about what is happening in the world. It also offers all kinds of reviews on recent books, movies and music CDs. Teenplus跟其他的青少年杂志很不一样,他们只提供流行明星和时尚的文章。这本令人兴奋的新杂志告诉读者世界上正在发生的事情。它也提供各种各样的评论关于最近的书,电影和音乐。故答案选G。

(4)由句子Gina is interested in geography and the natural world. She would also like to read articles that tell her about the lives of people from other countries. 可知吉娜对地理和自然界感兴趣。她也想读一些关于其他国家人民生活的文章。又由C选相中的句子NS Teens magazine is well-known for its articles on the wildlife and environment. It also has articles on the history and culture of many other countries.可知NS青少年杂志以其关于野生动物和环境的文章而闻名。它也有关于许多其他国家的历史和文化的文章。故答案选C。

(5)由句子Luke enjoys going to concerts and wants to find out more about the people in his favorite bands. He also would like to read articles written by other teenagers. 可知卢克喜欢去听音乐会,想了解更多他喜欢的乐队里的人。他也想读其他青少年写的文章。又由B 选项中的句子Teens Now is a successful music magazine for teenagers. It lists who is playing, where and when and how to get tickets. It provides interviews with well-known singers and bands. It also gives its readers the chance to send in their own articles.可知《青少年》现在是一本成功的青少年音乐杂志。它列出了谁在比赛,何时何地以及如何买票。它提供对著名歌手和乐队的采访。它也给读者提供了发送自己文章的机会。故答案选B。




The Monkey King is the main character from the famous 1 story Journey to the West. He is wonderful because he helps 2 people.

The Monkey King has a magic stick. He 3 it to fight bad people. He can 4 the stick big or small. He sometimes does not even look like a monkey. He can turn himself 5 different animals and objects. But unless he can hide his 6 , he can't make himself a human. 7 he sees bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them. Children all over the world become 8 in reading this story.

1. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English

2. A. safe B. strong C. weak

3. A. has B. uses C. beats

4. A. make B. made C. makes

5. A. off B. on C. into

6. A. hair B. tail C. head

7. A. As soon as B. But C. Until

8. A. interesting B. interested C. excited



(1)句意:美猴王是中国故事《西游记》的主要角色。Chinese中国的;Japanese日本的;English英语的。根据Journey to the West《西游记》可知这是中国故事,故答案选A。(2)句意:他是非凡的因为他总是帮助弱者。safe安全的;strong强壮的;weak弱的。

根据he helps 可知要帮助的应该是弱者。故答案选C。

(3)句意:他用它来打击坏人。has有;uses使用;beats打击。根据to fight bad people,用它打击坏人,故答案选B。




(6)句意:但是除非他把尾巴藏起来,否则不会变成一个人。hair头发;tail尾巴;head 头;根据he can't make himself a human.不会变成一个人,人和猴子的区别主要在尾巴,故


(7)句意:他一看到坏人就想办法去打。As soon as一……就;But但是;Until直到。根据

he thinks of ways to fight them,就想办法去打,可知他一看到坏人就打,故答案选A。


趣的;excited兴奋的;become interested in对……感兴趣,故答案选B。




A small village was being troubled by a lion. It would come out at night and kill people, as well

as kill their chickens and cows.

One day, the village leader sent a 1 to a great hunter(猎人), Jones, asking him to come and kill the lion. Jones agreed and began to take action. Jones spent several 2 waiting for the lion, but it never came out.

Finally, Jones told the village leader to kill a cow and give him its skin(皮). He would 3 the skin and pretend (假装) to be a cow so that the lion would come out. This way, he could get a chance to kill the lion. After putting the cow's skin over his shoulders, Jones went to a farm to wait for the lion.

In the middle of the night, the villagers 4 to the sound of shouting coming from the farm. They thought Jones was in danger and quickly ran to the farm. When they arrived, they saw Jones 5 on the ground, crying in pain. There was no sign of the lion at all.

"What happened, Jones? Where is the lion? Did you get hurt?" asked the village leader. "Forget the lion!" Jones shouted. "Who 6 the bull(公牛) out?"

1. A. map B. message C. gift

2. A. days B. mornings C. nights

3. A. wear B. use C. eat

4. A. stopped B. woke C. listened

5. A. lying B. standing C. jumping

6. A. let B. ask C. drive




(1)句意:一天,村长发给一位伟大的猎人,琼斯,一个信息,请他来杀狮子。A地图,B信息,C礼物,send a message,固定搭配,发送信息,故选B。


据 It would come out at night可知是晚上,故选C。


根据 pretend (假装) to be a cow可知是穿上牛皮,故选A。

(4)句意:半夜,村民被农场传来的叫喊声惊醒。A停止,B醒来,C听,根据In the middle of the night可知夜晚人们在睡觉,故是惊醒,故选B。

(5)句意:当他们到达时,他们看见琼斯躺在地上痛苦地哭泣。 lie one the ground,固


(6)句意:谁把公牛赶出来了? A让,B问,C驱赶,根据Jones累的躺着地上可知,公






Mr Wu is an English teacher. Last Monday at the beginning of class, he 1 asked his students how their weekends had been. One girl said that she had spent a 2 weekend—she had her wisdom teeth pulled out and they still hurt. "Why do you always seem to be so happy,

Mr Wu?" she asked.

The girl's 3 reminded Mr Wu of something he had read somewhere before. "Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to get close to life that day,"

Mr Wu said with a smile. "I 4 to be cheerful."

"And today is my lucky day," he added.

" 5 ? " The whole class were curious.

"This morning, I 6 to school as usual. I only had to go another kilometer down the road when my e-bike broke down..."

"Your e-bike broke down and it's your lucky day?" The students were 7 . "What do you mean, Mr Wu?"

"My e-bike broke down a quarter before class, so I 8 it on the roadside, took my books, and walked down the road. It took me ten minutes to arrive at the 9 . I live eight kilometers away. My e-bike could have broken down 10 along the way. But it didn't.

11 , it broke down in the perfect place—off the main road, within walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class 12 I'll be able to get it repaired after class. If my e-bike must break down 13 ,it couldn't be arranged(安排)in a better way."

The students' eyes opened wide, and then they smiled. Mr Wu smiled back. Somehow, his story had 14 them. He was happy that they had a perfect chance to consider 15 in a new way.

1. A. proudly B. cheerfully C. seriously D. angrily

2. A. busy B. satisfying C. terrible D. meaningful

3. A. question B. suggestion C. decision D. introduction

4. A. fail B. hate C. seem D. choose

5. A. Who B. When C. Why D. How

6. A. walked B. ran C. drove D. rode

7. A. surprised B. bored C. impatient D. nervous

8. A. left B. checked C. repaired D. found

9. A. hospital B. school C. park D. bank

10. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

11. A. However B. Also C. Instead D. Otherwise

12. A. and B. but C. so D. or

13. A. yesterday B. the other day C. today D. tomorrow

14. A. hurt B. touched C. controlled D. worried

15. A. dream B. purpose C. wish D. luck



(1)句意:上周一开课时,他兴高采烈地问学生们周末过得怎么样。A.骄傲地;B.高兴地;C.严肃地;D.生气地。根据后文"Why do you always seem to be so happy, Mr Wu?" she asked.可知吴老师是高兴的,所以是兴高采烈地问,故选B。


D.有意义的。根据she had her wisdom teeth pulled out and they still hurt.可知女孩的智齿被拔了,并且牙疼,所以是糟糕的,故选C。



D.介绍。根据前文"Why do you always seem to be so happy, Mr Wu?" she asked.可知女孩问吴老师问题,故选A。

(4)句意:我选择高兴。A.跌倒;B.讨厌;C.看起来;D.选择。根据前句Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to get close to life that day每天早上你起床的时候,你可以选择如何接近那天的生活,可知是选择,故选D。

(5)句意:“为什么?”全班是好奇的。A.谁;B.什么时候;C.为什么;D.怎样。根据前句"And today is my lucky day," he added.可知吴老师认为今天是幸运的,所以学生们问为什么,故选C。


(7)句意:学生们是惊讶的。A.惊讶的;B.无聊的;C.没有耐心的;D.紧张的。根据前句Your e-bike broke down可知吴老师的电动车坏了,但是吴老师还认为今天是幸运的,所以学生们很惊讶,故选A。








D.否则。根据But it didn't. ,可知自行车并没有坏,后者说所以用however,故选C。












A Chinese student went to England to study by 1 . His name was Sun. It is spelt S-U-N just as the word "sun" is spelt.

England is a country with 2 weather. It is often cloudy and rainy, so the people there don't get 3 sunlight in the year. When the Chinese student arrived at 4 Airport, a

tall policeman opened his passport (护照) to 5 the visa (签证). The policeman was

6 to find the Chinese name "Sun" in the passport. He thought it was pronounced just

7 the English word "sun". So he said to the student, "I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here!"

The Chinese student felt surprised. So he 8 the policeman, "Is there anything wrong with my passport 9 visa? Do I have to 10 to my country?" "What?" shouted the policeman, "No, we'll 11 let you go away."

The Chinese student was worried by now. He thought he was going to be arrested (逮捕).

He was sure that he had been 12 . But he wondered 13 he had broken the British law. So he asked the policeman again, "What happened? What have I done?"

Then the policeman began to answer his question with a 14 on his face. He said, "Welcome to England! You don't know what you have done, Mr. Sun? You 15 sunlight to England already! So we don't want you to go away."

1. A. bus B. plane C. subway D. car

2. A. bad B. nice C. hot D. dry

3. A. a lot B. many C. much D. lots

4. A. London B. Beijing C. Tokyo D. New York

5. A. buy B. write C. check D. draw

6. A. excited B. worried C. scared D. bored

7. A. by B. with C. like D. on

8. A. trained B. asked C. agreed D. refused

9. A. or B. for C. so D. but

10. A. go over B. go on C. go back D. go out

11. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. usually

12. A. in silence B. in trouble C. in surprise D. in excitement

13. A. where B. whether C. what D. who

14. A. smile B. shout C. sadness D. shyness

15. A. would bring B. were bringing C. have brought D. were brought





(3)句意:天气经常多云和有雨,所以那里的人们在一年中得不到许多阳光。A.许多,修饰实义动词;B.许多,修饰可数名词复数;C.许多,修饰不可数名词;D.应该是lots of。sunlight阳光,不可数名词,所以用much修饰,故选C。




(7)句意:他认为它仅仅像英语单词“sun”一样被发音。A.通过;B.和;C.像;D.在......上面。英语单词“sun”就像汉字“sun”,just like就像,故选C。

(8)句意:所以他问警察,“我的护照还是签证有问题吗?”A.训练;B.问;C.同意;D.拒绝。根据后句"Is there anything wrong with my passport 9 visa?可知是问问题,故选B。





(13)句意:但是他想知道他是否破坏了英国的法律。A.哪里;B.是否;C.什么;D.谁。根据后句So he asked the policeman again, "What happened? What have I done?" 于是他又问警察:“发生了什么事?我做了什么?”可知中国学生想知道自己是否触犯了英国法律,故选B。


据后句He said, "Welcome to England!可知警察欢迎中国学生来英格兰,所以是带着微笑,



行时;C.已经带来,现在完成时;D.被带来,一般过去时的被动语态。根据前文You don't know what you have done,可知是已经做的事情,所以用现在完成时,故选C。




Students are always asked to do much homework. Have you read the following passage?

You'd better not work when you are very hungry. If you 1 your homework right after school, you may have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework 2 you get tired. 3 wait until very late in the evening, or the homework will seem much 4 than it really is.

Break your time into manageable(易处理的)periods. If you have more than 5 , give yourself a break after an hour. But don't break it up 6 that you can't get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time 7 . Don't put it off until the last

8 . If you put off doing your homework, you will always think of it, and you won't enjoy your

9 so much. If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have

too much work to do for the exam.

A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take

the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it all. Do your homework 10 every day. This will help you make it a habit. It will make it easier to do, and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.

1. A. decide to do B. decided doing C. have done

2. A. after B. when C. before

3. A. Not B. Please C. Don't

4. A. harder B. hard C. easy

5. A. one hour work B. an hour work C. an hour's work

6. A. so much B. so little C. so often

7. A. with a stop B. without stopping C. stopping

8. A. week B. hour C. minute

9. A. lunch B. free time C. meals

10. A. at a time B. in a short time C. at the same time






(1)句意:如果你放学后马上做作业,开始工作前应该吃点点心。决定做某事decide to

do sth.固定搭配,have done不符合情景,故答案是A。
















据This will help you make it a habit.可知为了养成习惯,要每天在同样的时间段做作业,






I like to be near water--sea, lake or river. That is probably because I was born in a village

1 the sea, and have lived most of my life close to water of some

2 . When I am in some place

3 is far from the lake, river and sea, I am restless and always

4 that there is something missing though it is sometimes hard to

5 what it is.

Of course, the sports I like are 6 which need water--sailing, rowing and swimming. It is 7 to swim in small swimming-pools, 8 rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot

of water. Rowing is the best on a river, and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can 9 some sailing on a river, and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the weather is


九年级英语任务型阅读练习 (一)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just quickly get up and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer. The Florida High School, the state's only on-line school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computers. “I'm a lot more comfortable at home,”said Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old who is taking a computer class on line. He thinks (A) the school's computer lab is so noisy that he can't study well.”Home is much better,”he says. Students in this first on-line program take classes in math, American government, chemistry, computer, and Web-page design. They also have to go to regular( 正规的) school to attend other classes. When a student is ready to begin in class, he or she (B) _______the computer, reads the teacher's instructions, and begins working on the lesson for the day. What happens if a student has a question for the teacher? Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a students is doing? The student and the teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone. Is it easy for students to cheat on tests(考试作弊) when they're working at home ? (C) The teachers have already thought about this. They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom. “You see most of the same things on-line that you see in a regular classroom,”says teacher Linda Hayes. If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida High School students will be able to take all their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their high school diplomas(毕业证书) without having to (D) 走进教室。 1.将划线部分(A)改写成the school's computer lab is _______ noisy for _______ to study well. 2.在(B)的空白处填入一个适当的词语______________________ 3.将划线部分(C)译成汉语________________________________ 4.将划线部分(D)译成英语________________________________ 5.在文中找出能够说明主题的短语

最新中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解试题(及答案)

最新中考英语英语任务型阅读理解试题(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下面的5段语言材料,请找出与前面四段相对应的标题,并完成问题。 (1)找出与前面四段相对应的标题 ________ Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do. ________ Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it may be quite a real beginning, whether you are beginning in business or you're dreaming to be a star, you have to star at the bottom. ________ Great ambition is necessary. An English student called Richard Brason opened a student magazine when he was only 16 years old. But he didn't stop here. He also opened a record business with many shops, and now his company has planes, trains and cars. ________ The only people who succeed without hard work are lottery winners. You need a "can do" attitude and you must work step by step, which will help you get what you really want. You are on the right way to win the success. Follow the leaders. If you always say someone is successful, it doesn't mean anything to you. Learn from those who have already succeeded in something, especially where they do the same as you want to do. A. A middle school student. B. A new hand in the company. C. A housewife. D. A baby. 【答案】(1)D;B;A;C (2)B 【解析】【分析】 A. Think big.立大志。 B. Start small.从小事做起。 C. Be prepared do work hard.准备努力工作。 D. Find the work you love.找到你喜欢的工作。 (1)根据Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do. 你成功的最好的机会是做你真的想做的事情。问问自己,“如果钱不是特别重要,哪类工作你想免费做?然后只要做你喜欢做的事情。可知此处是要找自己喜欢的工作。故选D。 (2)根据 Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it

最新中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(及答案)

最新中考英语英语任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.从方框中选择适当的选项填入到短文中,使短文内容完整、通顺。 cracked(裂开) a little. Half the water slowly spilled(溢出) outof the narrow opening as the carrier walked. ________ After two years, the pot said to the water carrier, "I'm so sorry." "Why?" asked the water carrier. "________ Lots of water spills through the crack. That means you have to make more trips to the river. I am a terrible pot!" The water carrier smiled. "Look at those beautiful flowers along the path. ________ They grow well there because of the water. ________" 【答案】 C;E;A;B;D 【解析】【分析】所给选项意思: A. In the past two years, I only carried half a pot of water every trip.在最近两年我每次旅行只带半壶水。 B. Do you know why they grow there?你知道它们为什么要生长在那里吗? C. Every day, he filled a pot with water at a river and carried it to a farm.每天他在河里装一壶水,把它带到农场。 D. If you did not spill any water, the path would not become so beautiful.如果你不洒水,道路将不会变得如此美丽。 E. The pot was ashamed because it could only carry half the water to the farm.水壶感到很羞愧因为他只能带一半水到农场。 (1)根据Long ago, there lived a water carrier. 从前居住着一个运水者。和Unfortunately, one day, the pot hit a stone and cracked(裂开) a little.不幸的是,一天,这个水壶撞到一个石头上裂开了一点,可知此处说的是运水者每天用壶运水。故选C。(2)根据Half the water slowly spilled(溢出) outof the narrow opening as the carrier walked.当运水者走路时一半谁慢慢地从裂开的缝中溢出了。可知此处说的是当他到达农场时只剩下一半水了。故选E。 (3)根据Lots of water spills through the crack. That means you have to make more trips to the river. I am a terrible pot! 很多水从缝中溢出。那就意味着你不得不多向河边走几趟。我是一个糟糕的壶。可知此处是壶在抱怨自己每次盛的水少,故选A。

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解精选及答案

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解精选及答案 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读短文,选择合适的选项填在横线上。 ________ Friends are important in our life, because no one wants to be lonely. However, some people have problems in making friends and they often feel lonely. ________ According to a new study from Chicago University, the reason is that this kind of people have brains(脑)different from common people. And they often feel unsafe when facing strangers. Does that mean they have no way to become happy again?________ Scientists of this study have thought up ways to help these people deal with their loneliness. They provided four steps for getting out of loneliness. ________ "It's not enough for people just to get in touch with others online. That's because most people don't show their true selves there," said Dr Cacioppo, one of this study's scientists. Another step is to get an action plan. As "actions speak louder than words", people need to be active to communicate with others. They also need to meet people with the same interests. Also, they should try to expect the best from each activity. ________ Who knows what good things are waiting for us? A.People who feel lonely B.The first step is to accept social invitations even if you don't want to go. C.After all, "tomorrow is another day". D.What's the reason behind that? E.Why don't we like them? F.New ways to deal with loneliness G.No, don't worry. 【答案】 F;D;G;B;C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文主要讲述了朋友对我们来说很重要,但是有些人交朋友有困难,他们也很害怕孤独。然后文章针对如何摆脱孤独提出了建议。主要包括:接受一些邀请;制定行动规划;认识一些有相同兴趣的人;对每一项活动都抱有最好的期望。 A.People who feel lonely.那些感觉到孤独的人们。 B.The first step is to accept social invitations even if you don't want to go.第一步是接受社会的邀请,即使你不想去。 C.After all, "tomorrow is another day".毕竟,“明天又是新的一天”。 D.What's the reason behind that?这个背后的原因是什么? E.Why don't we like them?为什么我们不喜欢他们? F.New ways to deal with loneliness.对付孤独的新方法。 G.No, don't worry.不,不要担心。 (1)根据空1位于全文的开头,且独立成段,可知这是全文的主旨句。本篇短文主要是针对如何摆脱孤独提出的一些建议,所以用New ways to deal with loneliness,处理孤独的新的方法,故选F。

中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,完成问题。 Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She has become the voice of girls throughout the world. Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a quiet life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班), an Islamic organization of violence(暴力) took control of her village. ① . They believed educating girls was against Islam. But Malala didn't agree. She wouldn't give up her education and kept going to school. ② "What is wrong with us girl students? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote. Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley. ③ On Oct.9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in his hand. A bullet immediately hit her in the face. Luckily, the shot didn't kill her. She was taken to a hospital in the UK. The shot didn't kill her courage, either. ④ Her courage made her famous. She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book named I Am Malala. OnOct.10, 2013, the EP awarded Malala the top human rights prize. They said," She is an icon(符号) of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望)." ①________②________③________ ④________ (2)What may be the best title for this passage? A. Dreans of peace B. A gun shot in Pakistan C. Voice of courage D. Education rights for girls 【答案】(1)B;D;A;C (2)C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了巴基斯坦女孩尤萨夫扎伊是有史以来获得诺贝尔和平奖最年轻的人。她不放弃教育,一直学习,她的艰辛工作鼓励着许多女孩,已成为全世界女孩勇气的声音。 (1)A. However, her actions also put her in danger.然而,她的行为也使她处于危险之中。 B. They stopped girls from getting an education.他们阻止女孩接受教育。 C. Now she is still calling for education rights for girls.现在她仍在呼吁女孩享有受教育的权利。 D. And she started to write a blog against the Taliban.她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。 ①根据后句They believed educating girls was against Islam.可知他们认为教育女孩是违背伊

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解练习题 一、英语任务型阅读 1.天晴国际学校将举行一系列主题活动,请你仔细阅读以下A-F选项中六位外教的信息,邀请其中五位外教分别给⑴-⑸题的活动做讲座。 ________ ⑴Music Festival ________ ⑵Science Festival ________ ⑶Sports Festival ________ ⑷English Festival ________ ⑸Reading Festival 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一些有着各方面擅长的人物。 ⑴Music Festival 音乐节 ⑵Science Festival 科技节 ⑶Sports Festival运动节 ⑷English Festival 英语节 ⑸Reading Festival 阅读节 (1)根据C选项说了一个擅长音乐的人,可知可以邀请她去参加音乐会,故选C。(2)根据D选项说了一个很有创造力和发明的老师,可以邀请他去参加科学节,故选D。 (3)根据F选项说了一个很擅长游泳的运动健将,可知可以邀请他参加运动节,故选F。(4)根据A选项说了一个美国人并且是一位英语老师,可知可以邀请她参加英语节,故选A。 (5)根据E选项说了一个男人写了很多书,可知可以邀请他参加阅读节,故选E。 【点评】考查了任务型阅读,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,然后带着问题到文章找出答案,匹配最佳选项,即可。

2.阅读短文,选择合适的选项填在横线上。 ________ Friends are important in our life, because no one wants to be lonely. However, some people have problems in making friends and they often feel lonely. ________ According to a new study from Chicago University, the reason is that this kind of people have brains(脑)different from common people. And they often feel unsafe when facing strangers. Does that mean they have no way to become happy again?________ Scientists of this study have thought up ways to help these people deal with their loneliness. They provided four steps for getting out of loneliness. ________ "It's not enough for people just to get in touch with others online. That's because most people don't show their true selves there," said Dr Cacioppo, one of this study's scientists. Another step is to get an action plan. As "actions speak louder than words", people need to be active to communicate with others. They also need to meet people with the same interests. Also, they should try to expect the best from each activity. ________ Who knows what good things are waiting for us? A.People who feel lonely B.The first step is to accept social invitations even if you don't want to go. C.After all, "tomorrow is another day". D.What's the reason behind that? E.Why don't we like them? F.New ways to deal with loneliness G.No, don't worry. 【答案】 F;D;G;B;C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文主要讲述了朋友对我们来说很重要,但是有些人交朋友有困难,他们也很害怕孤独。然后文章针对如何摆脱孤独提出了建议。主要包括:接受一些邀请;制定行动规划;认识一些有相同兴趣的人;对每一项活动都抱有最好的期望。 A.People who feel lonely.那些感觉到孤独的人们。 B.The first step is to accept social invitations even if you don't want to go.第一步是接受社会的邀请,即使你不想去。 C.After all, "tomorrow is another day".毕竟,“明天又是新的一天”。 D.What's the reason behind that?这个背后的原因是什么? E.Why don't we like them?为什么我们不喜欢他们? F.New ways to deal with loneliness.对付孤独的新方法。 G.No, don't worry.不,不要担心。 (1)根据空1位于全文的开头,且独立成段,可知这是全文的主旨句。本篇短文主要是针对如何摆脱孤独提出的一些建议,所以用New ways to deal with loneliness,处理孤独的新的方法,故选F。 (2)根据空2的前句句意:一些人交朋友有困难,而且他们经常感到孤独。下文又解释了造成这种现象的原因,因此中间需要用一个过渡句,所以用What's the reason behind


(英语)中考英语英语任务型阅读专题训练答案及解析 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下列短文,按照每题后的单词要求数量回答问题 The seed vault(种子地窖) A lot of countries need different kinds of seeds so that they can plant them again. There is an important reason for this, Sometimes plants can't grow in a country because of bad weather or disease, so farmers need new seeds. You can keep seeds in a" seed vault". It's a place at a special temperature. The seeds don't grow, but they can live for a long time. Norway has the biggest seed vault in the world ﹣the Svalbard Global Seed Vault﹣and it has seeds from a lot of different countries. The vault is on the island of Spitsbergen. The island is about one thousand kilometers from the North Pole. It's a very cold place so it's good for seeds. Above the ground, the doorway is small, but inside, the building is huge. You walk down a long corridor (走廊), which is one hundred and thirty meters inside a mountain. At the end of it, there are three large areas with seeds. There are about half a million kinds of seeds inside the vault. For example, there are kinds of seeds for rice from Asia and Africa, 32 kinds of seeds for potatoes from Ireland and seeds for different tomatoes from the USA. The seed vault has space for a lot more seeds. You can put about 2.2 billion(十亿)seeds inside. The seeds can live here for thousands of years because of the cold temperature of ﹣18℃. So in the future, humans can grow any seed they want. In other words, the seed vault is the difference between life and death. (1)Why can't plants grow in a country? (within 6 words) (2)Where is the biggest seed vault in the world? (within 2 words) (3)How far is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault from the North Pole? (within 4 words) (4)How many seeds can be put in the seed vault? (within 3 words) (5)What place is a seed vault? (within 12 words) 【答案】(1)Because of bad weather or disease. (2)In Norway. (3)About one thousand kilometers. (4)About 2.2 billion. (5)It's a place you can keep seeds at a special temperature. /It's a place to keep seeds. 【解析】【分析】大意:本文介绍一个保存种子的方法——种子地窖。它可以特殊的温度帮助农民保存种子。 (1)根据Sometimes plants can't grow in a country because of bad weather or disease,so farmers need new seeds. 有时因为坏天气或者疾病,在一个村子里植物不能生长,所以农民需要新的种子,故答案为Because of bad weather or disease。 (2)根据Norway has the biggest seed vault in the world. 挪威拥有世界上最大的种子库,故答案为In Norway。 (3)根据The island is about one thousand kilometers from the North Pole.可知,这个种子库

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解精选附答案50

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解精选附答案50 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,完成问题。 Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She has become the voice of girls throughout the world. Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a quiet life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班), an Islamic organization of violence(暴力) took control of her village. ① . They believed educating girls was against Islam. But Malala didn't agree. She wouldn't give up her education and kept going to school. ② "What is wrong with us girl students? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote. Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley. ③ On Oct.9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in his hand. A bullet immediately hit her in the face. Luckily, the shot didn't kill her. She was taken to a hospital in the UK. The shot didn't kill her courage, either. ④ Her courage made her famous. She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book named I Am Malala. OnOct.10, 2013, the EP awarded Malala the top human rights prize. They said," She is an icon(符号) of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望)." ①________②________③________ ④________ (2)What may be the best title for this passage? A. Dreans of peace B. A gun shot in Pakistan C. Voice of courage D. Education rights for girls 【答案】(1)B;D;A;C (2)C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了巴基斯坦女孩尤萨夫扎伊是有史以来获得诺贝尔和平奖最年轻的人。她不放弃教育,一直学习,她的艰辛工作鼓励着许多女孩,已成为全世界女孩勇气的声音。 (1)A. However, her actions also put her in danger.然而,她的行为也使她处于危险之中。 B. They stopped girls from getting an education.他们阻止女孩接受教育。 C. Now she is still calling for education rights for girls.现在她仍在呼吁女孩享有受教育的权利。 D. And she started to write a blog against the Taliban.她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。 ①根据后句They believed educating girls was against Islam.可知他们认为教育女孩是违背伊


中考英语英语任务型阅读理解 (含答案 ) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容列要点。 Today teamwork is becoming more and more important in businesses and other jobs. Our society needs people who can work with and get on well with others. John Brown, Design Works A good team needs people with different skills and talents. The best people can work with others and develop ideas with a team. It's important that everyone uses his talents in work. Lee Chung, Computer World Good team players are usually friendly and easy to talk to. They are also good at listening to other people. They are happy to share ideas. Jane Lin, Lin Electricals Most teams need a mixture of people. It is great 10 have people with ideas but you also need people who get things done on time. A team made up of people that all have the same skills would not work. Jim Khan, Northern Bank I prefer people who can bring out the best in other people. In a group you can see people that know how to get a team to work together. They understand teams and they can make a team work. A good team is the key to success. Here is an article about ________. John Brown thinks the best people in a team do well in working with others and ________. Lee Chung thinks a good team player should be friendly, easy to talk to and ________. In Jane's opinion, a good team needs not only clever people but also those who can finish things ________. Jim thinks we need people who can ________ the best in others and know how to get a team to work together. 【答案】teamwork ; developing ideas ; good at listening ; on time ; bring out 【解析】【分析】主要讲了团队合作在商业和其他工作中变得越来越重要。 (1)根据 Today teamwork is becoming more and more important in businesses and other jobs. 可知讲的是团队合作,故填teamwork 。 (2)根据 The best people can work with others and develop ideas with a team. 可知最好的人 可以和别人一起工作,和团队一起发展想法。do well in doing sth. 在哪方面做得好,所以develop 用 developing ,故填 developing ideas。 (3)根据 Good team players are usually friendly and easy to talk to. They are also good at listening to other people. They are happy to share ideas.可知优秀的团队球员通常是友好的, 容易交谈。他们也善于倾听别人的声音。他们乐于分享想法,故填good at listening 。 (4)根据 It is great 10 have people with ideas but you also need people who get things done on time. 可知准时完成事情,故填on time。 ( 5)根据 I prefer people who can bring out the best in other people. 我更喜欢能把别人的优 点发挥出来的人,故填bring out 。

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