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Leaning over the desk, she grabbed the phone. (身体在桌之上)

I put another blanket over the baby. (覆盖整个身体,用on则体现不出这层意思)

Spray some sugar ove r the strawberries.

There was broken glass all over the road. (覆盖整个路面)

One minute he’s all over me, and the next he’s pushing me away. (比喻,心思全在她身上)I’ve been looking all over for you.(足迹遍及了所有地方)



Over here!(从那边到这边)

I’m gonna have the girls over for dinner. 我要叫姑娘们过来吃饭。(从她们那儿到我这儿)

I came ove r for help. 我是过来帮忙的。(从我这儿到你那儿)

Move over, that’s my side.(指在床上,从这边一到那一边)

I’d prefer to talk about it over phone.(从电话一头到电话另一头)

She told me one day over coffee.(从开始喝咖啡到结束)

I gotta get up really early, so you can’t stay over.(从现在到明天早上)

A waiter brought over a bottle of wine.(从吧台到我这儿)


The game is designed for children over 6 years old.

In this office there is one manager over a staff of 15 workers.(经理级别高于普通员工)

It’s like she’s got this power over me and I’m helpless.(力量胜过我)

You’re freaking out over a name.(把名字看得很重)

I’m so over men.我看透男人了(我已超脱对男人的依恋)

That would’ve put him over the edge.(比喻,超过了界限)

You want to break up with me over a suit? (感情不如衣服重要)

Now there’s one advantage we have over girls in their 20s. 现在我们比起20来岁的小妞们有一项优势了。
