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Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

About 50 miles west of Stonehenge, buried in the peat bogs of the Somerset flatlands in southwestern England, lies the oldest road known to humanity. Dubbed the “Sweet Track” after its discoverer, Raymond Sweet, this painstakingly constructed 1, 800-meter road dates back to the early Neolithic period, some 6, 000 years ago. Thanks primarily to the overlying layer of acidic peat, which has kept the wood moist, inhibited the growth of decay bacteria, and discouraged the curiosity of animal life, the road is remarkably well preserved. Examination of its remains has provided extensive information about the people who constructed it.

The design of the Sweet Track indicates that its builders possessed extraordinary engineering skills. In constructing the road, they first hammered pegs into the soil in the form of upright X’s. Single rails were slid beneath the pegs, so that the rails rested firmly on the soft surface of the bog. Then planks were placed in the V-shaped space formed by the upper arms of the pegs. This method of construction—allowing the underlying rail to distribute the weight of the plank above and thereby prevent the pegs from sinking into the marsh—is remarkably sophisticated, testifying to a surprisingly advanced level of technology.

Furthermore, in order to procure the materials for the road, several different species of tree had to be felled, debarked, and split. This suggests that the builders possessed high quality tools, and that they knew the differing properties of various roundwoods. It appears also that the builders were privy to the finer points of lumbering, maximizing the amount of wood extracted from a given tree by slicing logs of large diameter radially and logs of small diameter tangentially.

Studies of the Sweet Track further indicate a high level of social organization among its builders. This is supported by the observation that the road seems to have been completed in a very short time; tree-ring analysis confirms that the components of the Sweet Track were probably all felled within a single year. Moreover, the fact that such an involved engineering effort could be orchestrated in the first place hints at a complex social structure.

Finally, excavation of the Sweet Track has provided evidence that the people who built it comprised a community devoted to land cultivation. It appears that the road was built to serve as a foot-path linking two islands—islands that provided a source of timber, cropland, and pastures for the community that settled the hills to the south. Furthermore, the quality of the pegs indicates that the workers knew enough to fell trees in such a way as to encourage the rapid growth of long, straight, rodlike shoots from the remaining stumps, to be used as pegs. This method is called coppicing and its practice by the settlers is the earliest known example of woodland management.

Undoubtedly, the discovery of the Sweet Track in 1970 added much to our knowledge of Neolithic technology. But while study of the remains has revealed unexpectedly high levels of engineering and social organization, it must be remembered that the Sweet Track represents the work of a single isolated community.

One must be careful not to extrapolate sweeping generalizations from the achievements of such a small sample of Neolithic humanity.

1.According to the passage, which of the following contributes to the preservation

of the Sweet Track?

A.The wood used to build it was damp.

B.Few animals visited the area in which it was located.

C.It’s components were buried beneath the peat bog.

D.The chemical properties of the peat bog inhibiting the development of


2.What is the author’s purpose to refer to the peat bog as “acidic” in paragraph 1?

A.To suggest that acidic conditions are important in restraining decay.

B.To prove the relevance of knowledge of chemical properties to archaeological


C.To emphasize that noncorrosive material could be used to construct a road like

the Sweet Track.

D.To distinguish between the effects of acidic and basic conditions on ancient


3.The author’s purpose to describe the construction of the road in paragraph 2 is

to .

A.highly praise the cleverness of ancient people

B.convincingly prove the sturdiness of the structure

C.vividly demonstrate its builders’ team spirit

D.sufficiently indicate its builders’ superb techniques

4.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that the builders of the Sweet Track .

A.were geeks in the realm of lumbering

B.were experts at increasing the amount of wood extracted from a tree

C.had an intimate knowledge of lumbering techniques

D.were consciously aware of the importance of the construction of the road

5.In paragraph 4, the author mentions tree-ring analysis in order to prove

that .

A.old trees were strong enough to be used to construct a road

B.builders constructed the Sweet Track without spending much time

C. a complex social structure had long been formed

D.the techniques used to construct the road were quite sophisticated

6.In paragraph 5, “woodland management”is most likely to refer to a system in

which trees are .

A.planted in special ways in order to yield special materials

B.cultivated among trees of their own species

C.harvested for use in construction

D.felled in controlled quantities

7.The last paragraph suggests that the Sweet Track .

A.is constructed with high technologies about which our modern world has not

known much

B.shouldn’t be used to make conclusions about all Neolithic communities

C.is only one of the roads human beings have hitherto discovered

D.will bring about a fundamental revolution in historical thought about the

whole Neolithic period

8.The author discusses the remains of the Sweet Track in terms of all of the

following EXCEPT .

A.advanced technologies in the early Neolithic period

B.workers’ ability to manage woodland

C.highly organized society

D.archaeologists’ knowledge of chemical properties

9.The author’s attitude toward the remains of the Sweet Track can best be described

as .

A.generally indifferent

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1716057831.html,dly suspicious

C.moderately complimentary

D.solemnly respectful

10.The passage primarily emphasizes on .

A.how the Sweet Track’s remains reveal aspects of a particular Neolithic society

B.how the methods of woodland management are applied to lumbering

C.how the Sweet Track can survive over 6, 000 years

D.what the construction and composition of the road tells us about the builders Passage 2

Once upon a time I taught school in the hills of Tennessee, where the broad dark vale of the Mississippi begins to roll and crumple to greet the Alleghanies. I was a Fisk student then, and all Fisk men thought that Tennessee was theirs alone, and in vacation time they set out in vigorous bands to meet the county school-commissioners. Y oung and happy, I too went, and I shall not soon forget that summer, seventeen years ago.

First, there was a Teache rs’ Institute at the count y-seat; and there distinguished guests of the superintendent taught the teachers fractions and spelling and other mysteries—white teachers in the morning, Negroes at night. A picnic now and then, and a supper, and the rough world was softened by laughter and song. I remember how—but I wander.

There came a day when all the teachers left the Institute and began the hunt for schools. I learn from rumor (for my mother was mortally afraid of firearms) that the hunting of ducks and bears and men is wonderfully interesting, but I am sure that the man who has never hunted a country school has something to learn of the pleasures of the chase. I see now the white, hot roads lazily rise and fall and wind before me under the burning July sun; I feel the deep weariness of heart and limb as ten, eight, six miles stretch relentlessly ahead; I feel my heart sink heavily as I hear again and again, “Got a teacher? Y es.” So I walked on and on—horses were too expensive—until I had wandered beyond railways, beyond stage lines.

Sprinkled over hill and dale lay cabins and farmhouses, shut out from the world

by the forests and the rolling hills toward the east. There I found at last a little school. Josie told me of it; she was a thin, homely girl of twenty, with a dark-brown face and thick, hard hair. I had crossed the stream at Watertown, and rested under the great willows; then I had gone to the little cabin where Josie was resting on her way to town. The gaunt farmer made me welcome, and Josie, hearing my errand, told me anxiously that they wanted a school over the hill; that but once since the war had a teacher been there; that she herself longed to learn—and thus she ran on, talking fast and loud, with much earnestness and energy.

Next morning I crossed the tall round hill, plunged into the wood, and came out at Josie’s home. The father was a quiet, simple soul, calmly ignorant, with no touch of vulgarity. The mother was different—strong, bustling, and energetic, with a quick, restless tongue, and an ambition to live “like folks.”There was a crowd of children. Two growing girls; a shy midget of eight; John, tall, awkward, and eighteen; Jim, younger, quicker, and better-looking; and two babies of indefinite age. Then there was Josie herself. She seemed to be the center of the family: always busy at service, or at home, or berry-picking; a little nervous and inclined to scold, like her mother, yet faithful, too, like her father. I saw much of this family afterwards, and grew to love them for their honest efforts to be decent and comfortable, and for their knowledge of their own ignorance. There was with them no artificialness. The mother would scold the father for being so “easy”; Josie would roundly criticize the boys for carelessness; and all knew that it was a hard thing to dig a living out of a rocky sidehill.

1. According to the second paragraph, it is clear that .

A. white teachers and black teachers at the Teachers’Institute cooperated with

each other harmoniously

B. the Teachers’ Institute at the county-seat was famous enough to invite experts

to deliver lectures

C. segregation policy was being implemented throughout the United States

D. the author did not enjoy the entertainment but preferred listening to mysteries

2. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that the author .

A. did not want to become a hunter himself because he had sympathy for the

hunter’s prey

B. had never hunted living creatures because arms weapons had been forbidden

in his home

C. were busy with his studies so that he had no time for recreational activities

D. viewed hunting as an inappropriate activity for teachers

3. All of the following can be used to describe the author’s journey through the

Tennessee countryside EXCEPT .

A. pleasing

B. tiring

C. untroubled

D. never-ending

4. In paragraph 3, the “stage lines” are most likely to refer to .

A. post house

B. train station

C. village boundary

D. horse-drawn carriage

5. According to the passage, the author regarded his school-hunting days as one

of .

A. nostalgia

B. exasperation

C. misery

D. amusement

6. According to paragraph 4, Josie’s keen interest on meeting the author

was .

A. motivated by her desire to break away from her poor family

B. intensified by her longing to gain an education

C. exaggerated by her substantially social nature

D. triggered by her need for killing her time on the long road to town

7. According to the passage, what does Josie’s mother want to emphasize by saying

she wished to live “like folks”?

A. a longing for her family to improve their lot

B. an expanding greed for material life

C. the authority who forced them to live a backward life

D. misgiving about falling to the bottom of society

8. The author’s attitude toward Josie and her family can best be characterized

as .

A. gratefully reverent

B. distinctly affectionate

C. obviously curious

D. deeply regretful

9. In the last paragraph, the word “roundly” means .

A. approximately

B. lovingly

C. bluntly

D. sharply

10. The theme of the passage can best be described as .

A. an illustration of the severe realities of searching for a job

B. a demonstration of the success of a graduate from a distinguished school

C. a discussion of adult education in a remote mountain village

D. a recollection of an unforgettable time in a person’s life

Passage 3

The ozone layer, the fragile layer of gas surrounding our planet between 7 and 30 miles above the earth’s surface, is being rapidly depleted. Seasonally occurring holes have appeared in it over the Poles and, recently, over densely populated temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. The threat is serious because the ozone layer protects the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to all living


Even though the layer is many miles thick, the atmosphere in it is tenuous and the total amount of ozone, compared with other atmospheric gases, is small. Ozone is highly reactive to chlorine, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Of these chlorine is the most dangerous since it is very stable and long-lived. When chlorine compounds reach the stratosphere, they bond with and destroy ozone molecules, with consequent repercussions for life on Earth.

In 1958, researchers began noticing seasonal variations in the ozone layer above the South Pole. Between June and October the ozone content steadily fell, followed by a sudden increase in November. These fluctuations appeared to result from the natural effects of wind and temperature. But while the low October levels remained constant until 1979, the total ozone content over the Pole was steadily diminishing. In 1985, public opinion was finally roused by reports of a “hole” in the layer.

The culprits responsible for the hole were identified as compounds known as chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs. CFCs are compounds of chlorine and fluorine. Nonflammable, nontoxic and noncorrosive, they have been widely used in industry since the 1950s, mostly as refrigerants and propellants and in making plastic foam and insulation.

In 1989 CFCs represented a sizeable market valued at over $1.5 billion and a labor force of 1.6 million. But with CFCs implicated in ozone depletion, the question arose as to whether we were willing to risk an increase in cases of skin cancer, eye ailments, even a lowering of the human immune defense system—all effects of further loss of the ozone layer. And not only humans would suffer. So would plant life. Phytoplankton, the first link in the ocean food chain and vital to the survival of most marine species, would not be able to survive near the ocean surface, which is where these organisms grow.

In 1990, 70 countries agreed to stop producing CFCs by the year 2000. In late 1991, however, scientists noticed a depletion of the ozone layer over the Arctic. In 1992 it was announced that the layer was depleting faster than expected and that it was also declining over the northern hemisphere. Scientists believe that natural events are making the problem worse. The Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines, which erupted in June 1991, released 12 million tons of damaging volcanic gases into the atmosphere.

Even if the whole world agreed today to stop all production and use of CFCs, this would not solve the problem. A single chlorine molecule can destroy 10, 000-100,000 molecules of ozone. Furthermore, CFCs have a lifespan of 75-400 years and they take ten years to reach the ozone layer. In other words, what we are experiencing today results from CFCs emitted ten years ago.

Researchers are working hard to find substitute products. Some are too dangerous because they are highly flammable; others may prove to be toxic and to contribute to the greenhouse effect—to the process of global warming. Nevertheless, even if there is no denying that the atmosphere is in a state of disturbance, nobody can say that the situation will not improve, either in the short or the long term, especially if we ourselves lend a hand.

1. In the first paragraph, the author raises the problem of .

A. the reduction of the ozone layer

B. the threat of global warming

C. the ultraviolet radiation from the sun

D. the environmental exacerbation of the northern regions

2. Which of the following can be inferred from the scientists’ research in 1958?

A. The interaction of wind and temperature were regarded as a threat to Earth.

B. Industrial substances contributed to the seasonal variations in the ozone layer.

C. The seasonal variations in the ozone layer were the most instable between

June and November.

D. The public didn’t fully understand the serious threat of ozone depletion.

3. Paragraph 4 is included in the passage in order to .

A. identify industry-produced CFCs as the chief offender in ozone depletion

B. explain the important role CFCs played in producing industrial products

C. inform the public of the benefits brought about by CFCs to their life

D. display the unique features of CFCs as compounds of chlorine and fluorine

4. In paragraph 5, market and workforce figures concerning CFC production are

mentioned to indicate that .

A. profits from CFCs have made the public against the industry’s practices

B. the wide use of CFCs has rendered marine species to be extinct

C. the dangers of using CFCs overshadow the economic considerations

D. All the manufacturers that produce CFCs should be condemned for the


5. In paragraph 6, the evidence of changes in the ozone layer over the northern

hemisphere indicates that .

A. ocean biologists haven’t worked out an efficient way to stop the effects of


B. there are other theories to explain the ozone depletion

C. volcanic gases from Philippines also contribute to the ozone depletion in

such areas

D. the hazards of ozone decrease are getting increased

6. The example of the volcanic gases emitted by the Pinatubo volcano in paragraph

6 implies that the volcanic gases .

A. are more responsible for the ozone depletion than CFCs

B. are accelerating the ozone shrink at present

C. have a greater long-term effect than CFCs on human beings

D. contain substances that are less destructive of ozone than CFCs

7. It can be inferred from the author’s reference to lifespan of CFCs that .

A. there is plenty of time for scientist to deal with the problem

B. the long-term effects of ozone loss on human health may never be known

C. scientists may use lifespan of chlorine molecules to delay the occurrence of

global warming

D. favorable measures against ozone loss may take years to have an effect

8. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. It is possible for people to reduce the dropping of the ozone layer.

B. People must prepare themselves for the damage of the ozone layer.

C. Researchers may not find appropriate substitutes for CFCs.

D. People should learn to live together with the industrial pollutants.

9. The author’s tone about ozone decline at the end of the passage can be concluded

as a note of .

A. pessimism

B. optimism

C. sadness

D. discourage

10. According to the description in the passage, the major function of the ozone layer

is closest to that of .

A. a first-aid treatment plan for a drowning kid

B. a traffic light at a busy intersection

C. the structural support for a suspension bridge

D. the filtering system for a city water supply

Passage 4

Nobody has ever forgotten the day Howan first came to the Weldon Zoo. Howan is a three-hundred-pound male orangutan whose origins are unknown. Contradictory to the manner in which apes, or all animals for that manner, typically come to live in a cage, Howan walked onto zoo grounds of his own volition. When he was first sighted, zoo security guards were prepared to trap him to return him to his exhibit, but they were surprised to find him weaving his way, on his own, back to the exhibit through a crowd of panicked visitors. Once security arrived in the Asian Forest, the orangutan keepers were quick to point out that Howan was not one of theirs.

For the five years his human caretakers have known Howan, they have been unable to stop frittering away hours hypothesizing about his origins. Some surmise that he is a captive-bred Sumatran orangutan who was forced to spend his early years as an expensive, but inappropriate, family pet who was regularly tortured by children, locked in a small cage for days on end by adults, and taunted by a family dog unsympathetic to the unfortunate situation of his peer. Others believe he was kidnapped from his native Borneo as a young ape, sold to a circus, but then later escaped. This belief is affirmed every time Howan skillfully juggles his emptied cups before returning them to his keepers, always with a look of mischief.

While these two explanations are the ones that most zoo staff and volunteers discuss openly, there is a small yet growing constituency that believes in a far more mystical interpretation of why Howan came to be at the Weldon Zoo. Orang Hutan, “people of the forest” in Indonesian, were traditionally protected in their native lands, as it was felt that each was simply a person hiding in the trees, trying to avoid having to go to work or become a slave. The destruction of the jungles of Borneo brought not only a marked decrease in the orangutan population, but also was correlated to insurgent tensions among local ethnic and religious groups. Indonesian folklore

includes the belief that these tensions will only subside when the orangutans’homeland is restored.

Strangely, the day Howan was given sanctuary at the Weldon Zoo also marked the day that tense negotiations between the labor union and zoo management shifted and quickly resulted in a five-year contract for zoo staff. Others point out that keepers Sally and her on-again, off-again beau of seven years eloped the week Howan came to stay. The proximity of these two incidents to his arrival, and the story of how Howan came to stay at the Weldon Zoo, have fueled the belief that Howan is a magica l peacemaker.

Respectable zoos are regularly monitored and accredited by a national organization, and this organization has strict guidelines for when and how an animal is adopted by a zoo. The introduction of a strange animal of unknown origins with no medical and behavioral documentation is frowned upon, because it poses a threat to the safety of the current zoo residents, and because it makes obsolete the long waiting list of captive apes who come with medical records and behavioral histories and need a safe home. At a minimum, Howan should have been kept in solitary confinement and quarantined until his risk factors were assessed. Instead, he became a permanent member of the Weldon Zoo community.

1. It can be implied from the first paragraph that .

A.orangutans do not like to live in cages

B.animals rarely choose to stay in captivity

C.apes seldom walk at zoos

D.zoo security guards are not professional enough to tranquilize Howan

2.In the second paragraph, the author hypothesizes Howan’s history in order

to .

A.explain some aspects of his behavior

B.reprimand children’s cruelty to animals

C.indicate that people shouldn’t spend much money on a pet

D.suggest that his human caretakers know something about his origins

3.According to paragraph 3, in Indonesia, orangutans were traditionally .

A.extinct because of religious conflicts

B.worshipped by local people

C.viewed as dangerous to local residents

D.safeguarded as if humans

4.It can be inferred from the passage that some Weldon zookeepers and Indonesian

folklore share the belief that orangutans .

A.are the most human-like creatures in this planet

B.may be key players in producing peace

C.must be protected in their native lands

D.are physically large and extremely gifted

5.At the end of paragraph 4, the author uses the phrase “magical peacemaker”to

emphasize .

A.the puzzling power of orangutans to behave like humans

B.that animals have greater powers to persuade than humans

C.that it was Howan’s presence at the zoo that brought about the labor

negotiations to be settled

D.how Howan made the Weldon Zoo to accept him

6.It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that Weldon Zoo keepers .

A.frequently disagree with zoo policy

B.seldom choose to marry

C.have contracts negotiated by labor unions

D.wish that the zoo would employ more volunteers

7.According to the last paragraph, decision makers at the zoo .

A.acted in a way that was incompatible with respectable zoo policy

B.adored Howan so much that they ignored the safety of any other animal

C.adopted Howan without causing disaffection among some people

D.never kept animals in solitary confinement

8.It is implied by the last paragraph that Howan .

A.is faced with the removal from the zoo at any time

B.will be isolated because of his dangerous factors

C.seems not to leave the zoo, for all his unknown origins

D.will be punished severely if he wanders at the zoo again

9.According to the passage, Howan was assumed by zoo staff to be all of the

following EXCEPT .

A. a juggler

B. a victim

C. a mystical influence

D. a slave

10.What is the author’s attitude toward the Weldon Zoo’s adoption of Howan?

A.Intense criticism.

B.Qualified approval.

C.Utter indifference.

D.Exuberant praise.


七年级下期末阅读专题训练 一、文言文阅读 (一) 金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币丐之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 余闻之也久。明道中,从先人还家,于舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能称前时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到舅家问焉。曰:“泯然众人矣。” 王子曰:仲永之通悟,受之天也。其受之天也,贤于材人远矣。卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。彼其受之天也,如此其贤也,不受之人,且为众人;今夫不受之天,固众人,又不受之人,得为众人而已耶? 1、解释下列字词。 (1)邑人: (2)利其然: (3)扳: (4)环谒: 2、给下列句子中画线的字注音。 (1)不能称()前时之闻 (2)泯()然众人矣 3、翻译下列句子。 (1)、其诗以养父母、收族为意。 _______________________________________________________。 (2)、日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 __________________________________________________________。 4、从最后一段的议论看,作者通过方仲永5岁到20岁才能发展变化的故事,意在说明什么道理? __________________________________________________________。 (二) 忽一人大呼“火起”,夫起大呼,妇亦起大呼。两儿齐哭。俄而百千人大呼,百千儿哭,百千犬吠。中间力拉崩倒之声,火爆声,呼呼风声,百千齐作;又夹百千求救声,曳屋许许声,抢夺声,泼水声。凡所应有。虽人有百手,手有千指,不能指其一端;人有百口,口有百舌,不能名其一处也。于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂,两股战战,几欲先走。 5.解释下列加点词。 ①.会宾客大宴宴: ②.几欲先走走:


春天,阳光灿烂,田野里百花盛开。白的梨花,粉红的桃花,还有金黄的油菜花,散发出一阵阵浓浓的香味。 1、短文共有()句话,写的是()季的的景象。 2、春天有灿烂的();田野里(),散发出浓浓的()。3、用“—”画出文中表示颜色的词。 4、春天,()、()、()都开花了。除了这些,还有许多春天开的花,它们是()。 二、 我家院子里有一棵古老而又高又大的枣树。春天,枣树上开满了浅黄色的枣花。夏天,花落了,枣树上结满了小青枣。到了秋天,小青枣慢慢地变红了,变成了红红的大枣。这时,树上好像挂满了圆圆的小灯笼。 1、读短文,找出合适的词填在括号里。 ()的枣树()的枣花 ()的大枣()的小灯笼 2、文中“小灯笼”指的是()。 3、想想枣树在不同季节的变化,再填空。 春天,枣树上()。 夏天,枣树上()。 秋天,枣树上()。

小鸡们跟着老母鸡跑,就像许多小球在地上滚一样。它们跟着妈妈学着找食物,小小的嘴到处啄(zhuó),有时,就在伙伴们的头上、腿上啄。冷了,老母鸡张开翅膀,那些小鸡就连忙躲到妈妈肚子底下暖和暖和。这些小鸡真可爱。 1、这篇短文共有()句话。 2、短文里写了()和()。 3、小鸡们冷了,就会()。四、 天亮了,鸟儿醒了,叽叽喳喳地唱着:“露珠儿,晶晶亮。好像小珍珠,挂在小草上。”太阳听见了,说:“露珠是什么样?让我看看。”太阳睁大眼睛对着小草使劲儿看,可是什么也没看见。太阳呆住了,“咦,露珠儿呢,哪儿去了?” 1、天亮了,()醒了,叽叽喳喳唱着歌。 2、露珠儿,晶晶亮,好像()挂在小草上。 3、露珠为什么不见了,是因为() A、太阳出来了。B、露珠掉在地上了。 五、 冬姑娘来到公园。她看到许多许多的人,有的在滑雪,有的在滑冰,有的在打雪仗、堆雪人,写诗画画、拍照留影。他们都被美丽的风景迷住了。 1、这段短文共有()句话。第二句中写的活动有()、


中学生课外阅读书目推荐 (一)教育部《大纲》指定书目中学生课外文学名著必读书目《西游记》吴承恩著 《水浒传》施耐庵著 《朝花夕拾》鲁迅著 《骆驼祥子》冰心著 《繁星〃春水》冰心著 《鲁滨孙这漂流记》(英)笛福著 《格列佛游记》(英)斯威夫特著 《童年》(俄)高尔基著 《钢铁是怎样练成的》(俄)奥斯特洛夫斯基著 《名人传》(法)罗曼〃罗兰著 (二)中学生课外阅读书目推荐扩展版 文学名著 1.《论语译注》李申编中华书局 2000年8月第1版 2.《三国演义》罗贯中人民文学出版社 1998年5月第2版3.《西游记》吴承恩人民文学出版社 1980年5月第2版4.《水浒传》施耐庵人民文学出版社 1997年8月第2版5.《红楼梦》曹雪芹人民文学出版社 2000年5月第1版6.《鲁迅作品选读》(自编)(凡自编者可以书名相同或相类似书

籍代替,下同,且不再说明) 7.《子夜》茅盾人民文学出版社 1960年4月第3版8.《家》巴金人民文学出版社 1981年9月第3版 9.《骆驼祥子》老舍人民文学出版社 1955年1月第1版10.《围城》钱钟书人民文学出版社 1991年2月第2版11.《男生贾里全传》秦文君少年儿童出版社 1998年5月第2版 12.《花季〃雨季》郁秀海天出版社 1999年9月第1版13.《射雕英雄传》金庸三联书店 1999年4月第1版14.《汪洋中的一条船》郑丰喜华夏出版社 2000年11月第1版 15.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(美)斯陀夫人王家湘译人民文学出版社 1998年10月第1版 16.《少年维特之烦恼》(德)歌德人民文学出版社 1998年5月第2版 17.《钢铁是怎样炼成的》(前苏)奥斯特洛夫斯基梅益译人民文学出版社 1995年10月第5版 18.《哈利。波特》(英)J.K.罗琳人民文学出版社 1998年5月第2版 19.《唐〃吉诃德》 (西班牙)塞万提斯杨绛译人民文学出版社1998年5月第2版 20.《第二军团》张之路中国少年儿童出版社 1998年5月第2

四年级下语文试题 期末阅读训练人教部编版(含答案)

四年级下语文期末阅读训练(二) 一、阅读下文,完成习题。 二维码时代 ①如今,大部分人都接触过二维码。用专业名词来解释,二维码又称二维条码,可看作传统条形码的升级版。它是用某种特定几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向)上分布的黑白相间的图形,当用特定软件扫描这些图形时,其中包含的文字、图像、音频、视频等信息就能显示出来。 ②二维码的广泛应用正在改变我们的生活。信息获取方面,初次见面交换名片,用手机扫一下对方名片上的二维码,姓名、电话、单位等信息一下就可以存入你的手机中,不用再进行复杂的输入;超市购物,扫描一下食品包装上的二维码,该食品的生产日期、保质期等就会映入眼帘;扫描广告画面中的二维码,就可以直接进入相关公司网站,获取更多信息。快捷支付方面,出门只带手机不带现金,目前在很多城市已成为常态。吃完饭“扫一扫”,在便利店扫码支付,甚至连买菜也不再需要找零,菜摊上早就挂上了打印出来的二维码,无论是消费者还是商户,都觉得“码上支付”方便又快捷。 ③然而,二维码支付在信息安全方面存在一定的隐患。目前,人们使用的二维码有两种,一种是静态码——日常在商店、餐馆里看到的打印在纸上或者制作成塑料牌的,都属于此类;另一种是动态码,即消费者在手机里使用微信、支付宝等付款时,手机上会自动生成付款码,并且只在限定的较短时间内有效。据了解,与静态码相比,动态码的安全系数相对较高。央行有关负责人明确表示,静态二维码易被篡改,易携带木马或病毒,真伪难辨,导致支付风险较高。 ④二维码给人们带来了极大的便利,也为生活增添了不少乐趣,虽然安全隐患尚且存在,但这并不妨碍我们经历二维码时代这一奇妙之旅。 1.本文介绍了二维码是什么、________、________等相关知识。 2.用“”在文中画出什么是二维码。 3.第②自然段运用____________说明_________________。 4.请写出“码上支付”的双重含义。 5.用波浪线在文中画出静态码不如动态码安全的原因。 6.除了文中提到的之外,你还知道哪些二维码使用场景?请写两个。 试卷第1页,总6页


一、阅读短文,回答问题。 我爱荷叶 古人的诗文中赞美荷花的确不少,荷花固然值得赞美,然而,我却更爱荷叶。 如果没有荷叶,只剩一枝枝光秆荷花,孤独无依地站着,就显得单调。()没有荷叶,()不能进行光合作用,也就长不出这些漂亮的荷花。 看啊,那满塘荷叶,墨绿、浑圆、厚重。久旱初雨,雨点儿哗啦啦地洒满荷塘。对像珍珠一样宝贵的水,荷叶一点一滴都沾唇。它们总是小心地保存起来,留给湖中的鱼。风雨袭来,它们紧密团结,连成一片,不怕风吹雨打,就是身子翻过来也忘我地保护荷花。烈日吐火,它们个个撑起翠绿色的伞,挡住炎热,静静地看着荫凉处的鱼戏虾游。 荷叶作为药材,可以去热清火。荷叶作为特别的包装材料,不怕浸,不怕油污。用荷叶煮成粥,碧绿馨香,清爽可口…… 荷叶()功德无量,()它从不居功自傲。当人们指点荷花时,荷叶从不计较,不争名,不求利,不出风头,不论地位,总是默默地尽职尽责。 荷叶是美的,它的心灵更美,()我爱荷叶,我觉得荷叶更值得赞美! 1、在文章的括号里填上恰当的关联词语。 2、按要求画句子。

用“——”画出一对前后照应的句子。 用“~~~~”画出荷叶作用的句子。 用“……”画出文中的比喻句。 3、摘录文中的四字词语(至少五个)。 4、填空。 荷叶不仅( )美,而且( )美,作者赞美了荷叶的精神。 二、读下面两段话,按要求做题。 在洞口抬头望,山相当高,突兀森郁,很有气势。洞口像桥洞似的,很宽。走进去,仿佛到了大会堂,周围是石壁,头上是高高的石顶,在那里聚集一千或八百人开个会,一定不觉得拥挤。泉水靠着洞口的右边往外流。这是外洞。 1、这段话描写了( )和( )。 2、外洞的特点是( ),用“——”画出这段话中具体表现外洞的特点的语句。 3、作者在具体介绍外洞的特点时,用了()、()两种方法。 A、打比方 B举例子 C列数字 D拟人 三、阅读短文完成答题。 8月6日,天气晴朗,我们来到了普陀山。


部编版一年级语文下册阅读训练50篇(含答案) 1.阅读文段,按要求作答。 春天来了,小草慢慢地染(rǎn)绿了大地,树木开始长出了嫩嫩的绿叶。蓝蓝 的天空飘着淡淡的白云,红红的太阳撒下温暖的阳光。远处一片片野花都开了,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。春天真美丽呀!我爱春天。 (1)这段共有________句。 (2)从短文中选出合适的词语填空。 嫩嫩的________ ________的天空 温暖的________ ________的太阳 (3)照样子填空。 飞来飞去 ________来________去 ________来________去 2.阅读短文,回答问题短文。 (一)小壁虎借尾巴 小壁虎借不到尾巴,心里很难过。他爬呀爬,爬回家里找妈妈。 小壁虎把借尾巴的事告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说:“傻孩子,你转过身子看看。小 壁虎转身一看,高兴得叫了起来:“我长出一条新尾巴啦!” (1)从选文中找出一对反义词写下来。 ________-________ (2)小壁虎因为()而难过。 ①借不到尾巴②自己没有尾巴 (3)想一想,读一读,连一连。

小鱼的尾巴________ 掌握方向 老牛的尾巴________ 拨水游泳 燕子的尾巴________ 驱赶蚊蝇 (4)小壁虎需不需要借尾巴呢?为什么? 3.阅读片段,完成练习 到了学校,已经上课了。元元红着脸,低着头,坐到了自己的座位上。李老师看了看手表,说:“元元,今天你迟到了二十分钟。” 元元非常后悔。 (1)照样子写词语。 看了看:________了________ ________了________ ________了________ (2)元元红着脸是因为________。(填序号) ①他没考好,老师批评他。②他迟到了,自己觉得不好意思。 (3)元元后悔的原因是________ 4.阅读下文,回答问题 鸭妈妈孵出一只又大又丑的小鸭,大家都要赶走他。丑小鸭想:“我还是到广大的世界里去,自己学会生活的本领吧!” 丑小鸭来到小溪边,一会儿捉虫吃,一会儿跑进水里捉小鱼吃,吃饱了,他就练习游泳,练习拍翅膀。 一年过去了,春天来了。丑小鸭拍拍翅膀,啊!自己会飞了。他飞到一个大湖里,低头看见清清的水里是一只天鹅。 (1)照样子,写词语。 例:又大又丑、________、________ (2)用划线的词写一句话。


初中生阅读书目推荐 语文能力"读"占鳌头,阅读可以说是语文学习最根本的途径。可是,许多初中生的 具体说来,是因为阅读中还存在以下几个误区: 一.读而不记 阅读只为看热闹,消磨时间,满足好奇心,书漫无目的地看过了,也就忘了。没有记忆的的阅读是无效的阅读,是"白读"。青少年是阅读的黄金时节,也是记忆的黄金时代,要口读心记,适量背诵,多背诵一些古今中外名家名篇,多积累一些终身受益的文化知识。 二.读而不思 阅读的过程应该是质疑问难、联想比较的过程。有的文章较深,不少地方不懂,有疑难,自然要质疑。有的文章深入浅出,一读就懂,似乎没有疑难,其实许多疑难我们还没有发觉。不妨"于无疑处生疑",不能浅尝辄止,满足一知半解。 三.读而不写 在边读边思的过程中,有了很多感受、体会、心得与灵感,这些思维的火花稍纵即逝。有的同学却没有动笔写下,多么可惜!它们是写作时珍贵的"百宝仓库"呀。所以,要养成写读书笔记的好习惯。可以摘录,可以做札记,也可以写读后感。 四.读而不悟

许多同学阅读只求读懂,不求感悟,不求致用,不能把作者的人生经验化作自己的心灵体会,或者只有感觉而无理性的认识,没有心灵的巨大震撼,没有对人生对社会的深层审察,这样的阅读就不能完成从有字书向无字书的转换。 五.读而不选 逮到什么读什么,毫不选择,随波逐流,率性而读,这是初中生阅读易犯的通病。现代社会信息多源,书海茫茫,读之不尽。故初中生的阅读一定要在老师和家长的指导下进行,严格筛选。语文大纲规定了初中生必读的文学名著,初中生必背的文言诗文,这些为我们明示了阅读的范围和方向。 六.读而不博 初中生的阅读还有单凭举和只讲功利的"偏读"病,偏爱武打、言情小说,偏爱作文选,怕读古代文言文,怕读现代科技文。其实读书不妨杂一点,面广一点,博约结合,这样都能文理兼通,全面发展。 愿同学们克服以上的阅读毛病,做到博闻强记、读思结合、读悟兼容、读写同步,这样阅读质量就会得到提高,阅读才会发挥它应有的重要作用。 初中生语文新课标必读必买中外十大名著 作品目录: 1、《钢铁是怎样练成的》 2、《鲁滨逊漂流记》 3、《格列佛游记》 4、《繁星.春水》 5、《朝花夕拾》 6、《西游记》 7、《水浒传》8、《骆驼祥子》9、《名人传》


2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试 部编版四年级语文试题 一、基础知识(50分) (一)字词大舞台(31分) 1.看拼音我能正确、美观书写词语.(6分) huìdiàn lánɡ 智 宫长 lónɡ 红葱冬 2.在加点字的正确读音下面画“√”(6分) 凶.猛(xōnɡxiōnɡ)静谧.( mì nì )召.开(zhāo zhào) 冒昧.( wèi mèi ) 脸颊.( xiá jiá )欺侮.( wú wǔ) 3.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()(3分) A.树稍碉刻耀武扬威 B.洋溢选泽滕云驾雾 C.规津敏截横贯江面 D.轻盈懒惰平安无事 4.辨字组词.(4分) (笼茏)罩葱 (燥躁)急热 5.补充词语,再选词填空.(5分) ()首东望气()雄伟欣()若狂 ①这个新发现让考古专家们 . ②等待观潮的人们都 . 6.我会选词填空.(4分) 镇静冷静寂静 ①即使面临危险,你也要保持(). ②如果你能置身事外,你就能()地考虑这件事. 一旦……就……虽然……但是…… 只有……才……因为……所以…… ③植物()缺少水分,()会枯萎. ④()我们的成长离不开老师的教育,()我们要尊重老师. 7.我会选择正确的解释.(3分) 博: A(量)多,丰富; B 通晓. C博取;取得. ①周恩来铿锵有力的话语,博.得了魏校长的喝彩.() ②我国地大物博.,物产丰富. () ③这位老先生博.古通今. () (二)句子百花园(6分) 8.按要求写句子. ①北京的颐和园是个美丽的大公园. 缩句: ②严冬度过了巨人漫长的孤独的(连词成句) ③一个母亲必定就是一个英雄.

改为反问句: ④经常到山里的人,大概一定都见过这样的情景. 修改病句: ⑤一伙公鹅在河里游. 改为拟人句: ⑥泉水流着(至少扩两处) 扩句: (三)课内外积累(9分) 9.根据你的日常积累填空(每空1分) ①人而无信, .(《论语?为政》) ②清风明月本无价, .(江苏苏州沧浪亭) ③,只缘身在此山中.(苏轼《题西林壁》) ④,柳暗花明又一村.(陆游《游山西村》) ⑤孤帆远影碧空尽, .(李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》) ⑥《送元二使安西》一诗中,交代送别环境的诗句“, ”. ⑦《去年的树》是一篇(体裁),歌颂了鸟儿 (坚持不懈信守诺言)的品格以及她与树的深厚友谊. (四)口语交际(4分) 10.同学们正聚在一起议论有关保护环境的事.有的同学说:“我们现在还小,保护环竟是将来的事.”你同意这种观点吗?请谈谈自己的看法. 二、阅读赏析(25分) (一)课内阅读(13分) 《鸟的天堂》节选 我们继续拍掌,树上就变得热闹了,到处都是鸟声,到处都是鸟影.大的,小的,花的,黑的,有的站在树枝上叫,有的飞起来,有的在扑翅膀. …… 当小船向着高塔下面的乡村划去的时候,我回头看那被抛在后面的茂盛的榕树.我感到一点儿留恋.昨天是我的眼睛骗了我,那“鸟的天堂”的确是鸟的天堂啊! 1.选段的作者是 .(1分) 2.文段画线部分写了鸟的形态:、;鸟的颜色: 、;还写了鸟的不同姿态:、 、 .(7分) 3.理解句意我能行. 那鸟的天堂的确是鸟的天堂啊! (1)这句话中第一个“鸟的天堂”指的是 . (2分)(2)“天堂”在这句话中应该解释为()(1分) A.人死后灵魂居住的永享幸福的地方. B.比喻幸福美好的生活环境. 4.从选文中,我们可以体会到作者怎样的感情?(2分) (二)课外阅读(12分)


语文第八册期末阅读练习题(二) 一、阅读短文,回答问题。 我爱荷叶 古人的诗文中赞美荷花的确不少,荷花固然值得赞美,然而,我却更爱荷叶。 如果没有荷叶,只剩一枝枝光秆荷花,孤独无依地站着,就显得单调。()没有荷叶,()不能进行光合作用,也就长不出这些漂亮的荷花。 看啊,那满塘荷叶,墨绿、浑圆、厚重。久旱初雨,雨点儿哗啦啦地洒满荷塘。对像珍珠一样宝贵的水,荷叶一点一滴都沾唇。它们总是小心地保存起来,留给湖中的鱼。风雨袭来,它们紧密团结,连成一片,不怕风吹雨打,就是身子翻过来也忘我地保护荷花。烈日吐火,它们个个撑起翠绿色的伞,挡住炎热,静静地看着荫凉处的鱼戏虾游。 荷叶作为药材,可以去热清火。荷叶作为特别的包装材料,不怕浸,不怕油污。用荷叶煮成粥,碧绿馨香,清爽可口…… 荷叶()功德无量,()它从不居功自傲。当人们指点荷花时,荷叶从不计较,不争名,不求利,不出风头,不论地位,总是默默地尽职尽责。 荷叶是美的,它的心灵更美,()我爱荷叶,我觉得荷叶更值得赞美! 1、在文章的括号里填上恰当的关联词语。 2、按要求画句子。 用“——”画出一对前后照应的句子。 用“~~~~”画出荷叶作用的句子。 用“……”画出文中的比喻句。 3、摘录文中的四字词语(至少五个)。 4、填空。 荷叶不仅美,而且美,作者赞美了荷叶的精神。 二、读下面两段话,按要求做题。 三、读课文中的一段话,完成练习。 在洞口抬头望,山相当高,突兀森郁,很有气势。洞口像桥洞似的,很宽。走进去,仿佛到了大会堂,周围是石壁,头上是高高的石顶,在那里聚集一千或八百人开个会,一定不觉得拥挤。泉水靠着洞口的右边往外流。这是外洞。 1、这段话选自《》。 2、这段话描写了和。 3、外洞的特点是,用“——”画出这段话中具体表现外洞的特点的语句。 4、作者在具体介绍外洞的特点时,用了()、()两种方法。 A、打比方B举例子C列数字D拟人 四、阅读短文完成答题。 8月6日,天气晴朗,我们来到了普陀山。 我们先到了莲花池。只见池水碧绿,清澈见底,水中倒映着葱茏的树木、宏伟的琳宫、起伏的峰峦、高大的塔形,诸景会聚,真别有一番诗情画意。此时,荷花盛开,在碧绿的荷叶的衬托下,朵朵粉红的荷花亭亭玉立,显得那么娇艳、妩媚。阵阵花香传来,沁人心脾。一阵微风过后,叶摇花动,次武器彼伏。我情不自禁地想起了宋代诗人杨万里,“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。”的诗句。 接着,我们来到了建在佛顶山山腰的大乘庵。卧佛殿里那尊长达9米的大卧佛,真有意思,侧着身,右手枕于头下,左手搭在身上,两脚并着,神态安详,面带笑容。听导游介绍说,


新版部编一年级下册语文课外阅读练习题-精选含答案 一、阅读理解题 1.阅读文段,按要求作答。 春天来了,小草慢慢地染(rǎn)绿了大地,树木开始长出了嫩嫩的绿叶。蓝蓝的天空飘着淡淡的白云,红红的太阳撒下温暖的阳光。远处一片片野花都开了,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。春天真美丽呀!我爱春天。 (1)这段共有________句。 (2)从短文中选出合适的词语填空。 嫩嫩的________ ________的天空 温暖的________ ________的太阳 (3)照样子填空。 飞来飞去 ________来________去 ________来________去 【答案】(1)五 (2)绿叶;蓝蓝;阳光;红红 (3)走;走;跳;跳 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题 一个人玩,很好! 独自一个,静悄悄的, 正好用纸折船,折马…… 踢毽子___跳绳___搭积木___ 当然还有看书___画画, 听音乐___ (1)照样子,写词语。 例:静悄悄(ABB式)、________、________、________ (2)在横线上填上正确的标点。 踢毽子________跳绳________搭积木________当然还有看书________画画________听音乐________ (3)一个人还可以________。 【答案】(1)胖乎乎;红润润;喜洋洋 (2),;,;,;,;,;…… (3)玩拼接图片 【解析】 3.阅读下文,回答问题 有一天,小猴子下山来,走到一块玉米地里。

他看见玉米结得又大又多,非常高兴,就掰了一个,扛着往前走。 小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵桃树下。他看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米,去摘桃子。 (1)选文一共有________个自然段,讲了________下山的故事。 (2)仿写词语。 例:又大又多(ABAC式)、________、________ (3)小猴子看见________结得又大又多,就掰了一个;当他看见又大又红的________时,就扔了________去摘________。 【答案】(1)2;小猴子 (2)越来越好;一五一十 (3)玉米 ;桃子;玉米;桃子 【解析】 4.阅读下文《文具的家》,回答问题 贝贝一回到家,就向妈妈要新的铅笔、新的橡皮。妈妈说:“你怎么天天丢东西呢?”贝贝眨着一双大眼睛,对妈妈说:“我也不知道。” 妈妈说:“贝贝,你有一个家,每天放学后,你都平平安安地回家。你要想想办法,让你的铅笔、橡皮和转笔刀,也有自己的家呀。” 贝贝想起来了,她书包里的文具盒,就是这些文具的家。 (1)贝贝有个坏习惯,她________。 (2)贝贝以后是怎么做的?你平时又是怎么做的? (3)读一读,发挥想象写一写。 例:文具盒是铅笔的家。森林是小鸟的家。 ________是________的家。________是________的家。 【答案】(1)爱丢东西 (2)贝贝每天放学后,都会把文具整齐地放在它们的家——文具盒里。我也和贝贝一样。(3)大海;小鱼;土地;蚯蚓 【解析】 5.阅读下文,回答问题棉花姑娘生病了,叶子上有许多可恶的蚜虫。她多么盼望有医生来给她治病啊! 燕子飞来了。棉花姑娘说:“请你帮我捉害虫吧!”燕子说:“对不起,我只会捉空中 飞的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!” 啄木鸟飞来了。棉花姑娘说:“请你帮我捉害虫吧!”啄木鸟说:“对不起,我只会捉树干里的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!” 青蛙跳来了。棉花姑娘高兴地说:“请你帮我捉害虫吧!”青蛙说“对不起,我只会捉田里的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!” 忽然,一群圆圆的小虫子飞来了,很快就把蚜虫吃光了。棉花姑娘惊奇地问:“你们是谁


一年级阅读书目推荐 必读书目:《小猪唏哩呼噜》《木偶奇遇记》《日有所诵》选读书目:《爱心树》、《安徒生童话》、《日有所诵》、《神奇校车》、《一年级的小豌豆》、《一年级的小蜜瓜》《今年你七岁》《窗边的小豆豆》《会 走路的小房子》。 《猜猜我有多爱你》(绘本)《爷爷一定有办法》(绘本)《妞妞的鹿角》(绘本)《我的爸爸叫焦尼》(绘本) 好书推荐 1.《猜猜我有多爱你》(绘本) 2.《逃家小兔》 3《.我爱我爸爸》(绘本) 4.《红鞋子》 5.《爷爷一定有办法》(绘本) 6.《安徒生童话选》(拼音读物或绘本) 7.《格林童话选》(拼音读物) 8.《哪吒传奇故事》童趣出版社 9.《王一梅童话系列》王一梅 10.《小企鹅心灵成长故事》汤素兰等(共5册,拼音读本) 11.《晚上的浩浩荡荡童话》梅子涵著 12.《可爱的鼠小弟》(日)中江嘉美、上野纪子著 13.《丁丁历险记》(英)迈克。法尔著邹晓平译 14.《雷梦拉八岁》(美)贝芙莉。克莱瑞著 15.《小猪唏哩呼噜》孙幼军 16.《大个子老鼠小个子猫》周锐 17.《豆蔻镇的居民和强盗》(挪威)埃格纳 18.《兔子坡》(美国)罗伯特。罗素 19.《稻草人》叶圣陶 20.《大林和小林》张天翼 21.《文字的奥秘》(共7册,拼音读本) 22.《阿罗系列》 23.《恐龙的温馨故事绘本》 24.《《“我在这儿”成长阅读丛书系列》(共9册,拼音读本) 25.《365夜故事》 26.《一年级的小豌豆》(注音版,适合女生阅读) 27.《一年级的小密瓜》(注音版,适合男生阅读)

28.《夏洛的网》(非常好的一本书) 29.《窗边的小豆豆》(适合家长读给孩子听)


期末复习说明文阅读 一、阅读说明性文本,完成练习. 绿地是城市之肺 绿地是城市之肺。科学实验表明,每人呼吸需氧量须由约150 平方米的绿叶面积提供,也就是说每人须依靠一株枝叶繁茂的乔木产氧才能健康生存。在绿树成荫的城区,空气中的细菌可减少3至6成,二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氟化氢等有害气体被绿色植物 _______________________ 、__ 、___ ,灰尘减少10%至27%,城市噪音减弱。清洁、安静的绿色世界有利于心脏病、高血压、神经衰弱患者的调养和康复,可延长人均寿命2 至3 岁。工作节奏不断加快的都市人,在园林化的环境中,中枢神经、呼吸、血流能得到调节,视、听、嗅觉和思维的灵敏性也能得到增强。人的生命与绿树的生命本是交融一体的,绿树是人类生命之源。那些为眼前利益而肆意伐树毁绿的人们,可曾意识到他们的举动无异于操利刃戳杀自己的心肺、残害自己的身躯啊!据专家估算,我国某个大城市每年因呼吸系统疾病引起的工作日损失数量为620 万个,经济损失达4 亿元。如增加城市绿地,无疑可大大减少这笔损失。1.这段话主要是围绕“ __ ”来写的。 2.选段的三个横线处,依次填入的词语最恰当的一组是( )。A.阻挡过滤 吸收B.过滤吸收阻挡C.吸收阻挡过滤D.过滤阻挡吸收3.与文中对城市绿地的作用表述不一致的一项是( )。 A.能为人类提供氧气 B.可减少细菌、灰尘,减弱城市噪音C.有利于心脏病、高血压、神经衰弱

患者的调养和康复D.可使都市人视、听、嗅觉和思维的灵敏性得到增强,还能加快都市人的工作节奏4.“据专家估算”中“专家”一词不能删去的原因是( )。 A.影响了说明内容的权威性、科学性B.无法强调绿地是“城市之肺” C.无法强调呼吸系统疾病带来的危害D.无法呼吁加大投入,增加城市绿化 5.面对那些为眼前利益而肆意伐树毁绿的人们,你想对他们说些什么?二、阅读说明性文本,完成练习. 爱听“高雅音乐”的跳舞草①跳舞草可有“灵性”了。只要听到优美的音乐,或者有人对着它唱一首抒情的歌曲,它就会随着音乐的节奏开始舞动。它的两片绿色的嫩叶像一对舞伴,时而合抱,时而交叉,时而各自向后旋转180 度,又深情相拥,再分开翩翩起舞。音乐响起,整株跳舞草就像开始了一场友谊舞会。 ②跳舞草绝对是一位洁身自好的舞女,因为它有个怪癖:如果放的是怪腔怪调的音乐,它就会皱眉,停步罢舞。跳舞草是没有夜生活的。在晚间,跳舞草所有叶片竖贴于枝干,像个规规矩矩的淑女,安静而眠。 ③跳舞草长得像少女一般灵秀,每一根纤细的枝干上都嵌着一大 两小三片叶子,像美女的眉,形状有点像竹叶,但质地要柔软得多。跳舞草最高能长到半米左右,疏朗的枝叶之间仿佛蕴藏着一种灵气。 ④跳舞草不只会跳舞,还能入药和美容。李时珍的《本草纲目》中就有过记载:跳舞草的根、茎、叶均可入药,用来泡酒,早晚各服一杯,对治疗骨病、风湿病、关节炎、腰膝腿痛有特别的疗效。而用它的嫩叶泡水洗脸,


人教版三年级上册语文期末阅读专项练习 人教版三年级语文上期末复习题(阅读 ) 冒险 春天到了。两颗种子躺在肥沃的土里,开始了下面的对话。 第一颗种子说:“我要努力生长!我要向下扎(zā zhā)根,还要, 出人头地 ?,让茎叶随风摇摆,歌颂春天的到来——我要感受春晖照耀脸庞的温暖, 还有晨露( lùl òu)滴落花瓣的喜悦。”于是,它努力向上生长。 第二颗种子说:“我没那么勇敢。我若向下扎根也许会碰到硬石。我若用力 向上钻,也许会伤到我脆弱的茎。我若长出幼芽,难( nán nàn)保不会被蜗牛吃掉。我若开花结( ji ēji é)果,只怕小孩子看了会将我连根拔起。我还是等情况安 全些再做打算吧。” 于是,它继续瑟缩在泥土里。几天以后,一只母鸡在院子里东啄西啄,这课 种子就这样进了母鸡的肚子。 1.给文中带点的字选择正确的读音。 2.在()里填上合适的词。()的泥土()的茎叶()的春天 3.写出下列词语的反义词。脆弱()危险()胆怯() 4.用“——”划出文中的一组排比句。 5.文中谁冒险?它为什么要冒险?———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 6.第二颗种子为什么不敢冒险?结果怎样?———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 天空中的风筝越来越多,热闹极了。那金黄色的“小蜜蜂”,翘着两只绿色 的翅膀,好像在百花丛中飞来飞去。那鲜红色的“大金鱼”,尾巴一摆一摆的, 好像在水里游。还有那精致的“小卫星”,闪着金光,仿佛在宇宙中飞行 ⑴、这段话共有几句话,是围绕哪句话写的? __________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ⑵、这段话写了哪几种风筝?用了哪些表示颜色的词语?找出来,写在横线上。风筝名: _________________________________________________表示颜 色的词: ___________________________________________ ⑶、作者在具体描写风筝时都是先写看到的,再写想到的。请你仔细读一读, 用“ ______”画出写看到的句子,用“ ~~~~~~~”画出写想到的句子。


部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读练习题-精选含答案 一、阅读理解题 1.阅读下文,回答问题 从前,这里只有一棵树,树上只有一个鸟窝,鸟窝里只有一只喜鹊。 树很孤单,喜鹊也很孤单。 后来,这里种了好多好多树,每棵树上都有鸟窝,每个鸟窝里都有喜鹊。 (1)给下列词语中划线字注音。 ________________________________ 从前只有鸟窝孤单 (2)填量词。 一________树一________鸟窝一________喜鹊 (3)仿写词语。 例:好多好多(ABAB式)、________、________ (4)原来只有________喜鹊的时候,它很孤单。 【答案】(1)cóng;zhǐ;wō;dān (2)棵;个;只 (3)打扫打扫;活动活动 (4)一只 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题 忽然,一群圆圆的小虫子飞来了,很快就把蚜虫吃光了。棉花姑娘惊奇地问:“你们是谁呀?”小虫子说:“我们身上有七个斑点,就像七颗星星,大家叫我们七星瓢虫。” 不久,棉花姑娘的病好了,长出了碧绿碧绿的叶子,吐出了雪白雪白的棉花。她咧开嘴笑啦! (1)用文中划线词造句。 惊奇:________。 (2)谁治好了棉花姑娘的病? (3)七星瓢虫长什么样? 【答案】(1)她惊奇地睁大眼睛看着我。 (2)七星瓢虫 (3)身上有七个斑点,就像七颗星星。 【解析】 3.阅读下文,回答问题小老鼠过河 小老鼠灰灰走在去奶奶家的路上,可是必经的一座小桥被河水淹没了。灰灰急得都要哭了,但是他想:哭有什么用,一定要想个办法过河。 灰灰看见旁边有一棵柳树,他拉住柳枝想荡过河去,可是一试不行,河太宽,荡不过


五年级课外阅读书目推荐 中外诗歌 01.冰心:《雨后》《纸船寄母亲》02.郭风:《童话》《林中》(组诗)03.高洪波:《我想》04.戴望舒:《在天晴了的时候》05.金波:《春的消息》06.圣野:《夏弟弟》 07.余光中:《乡愁》08.徐志摩:《再别康桥》 09.泰戈尔:《寄给小城》、《花的学校》10.美国桑德堡:《雾》 中外童话、寓言 11.《格林童话》:《渔夫和他的妻子》、《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》 12.《安徒生童话》:《丑小鸭》、《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》《海的女儿》13.《王尔德童话》:《自私的巨人》《快乐王子》 14.《叶圣陶童话》:《稻草人》 15.《伊索寓言》:《狐狸和葡萄》、《狮子和狐狸》 16.《克雷洛夫寓言精选》:《狮子和蚊子》、《鹰和鸡》、《天鹅、梭鱼和大虾》 中外散文 17.朱自清:《匆匆》《背影》节选《绿》节选 18.鲁迅:《从百草园到三味书屋》节选 19.老舍:《济南的冬天》20.冰心:《往事》 21.魏巍:《我的老师》22.望安:《校园交响诗》 23.席慕荣:《白色山茶花》24.宗璞:《紫藤萝瀑布》 25.王文吉:《可爱的小鸟》26.冯骥才:《珍珠鸟》 27.郑振铎:《海燕》28.郭风:《山村书简》《草虫的村落》30.泰戈尔:《英雄》31.米斯特拉尔:《女教师的祈祷》 中外小说: 32.罗贯中《三国演义》节选:《青梅煮酒论英雄》《三气周瑜》《空城计》33.曹文轩:《草房子》34.钟丽思:《顽童时代》节选35.梅子涵:《女儿的故事》36.张天翼:《宝葫芦的秘密》37.刘厚明:《阿诚的龟》38.任大霖:《掇夜人的孩子》39.三毛:《巨人》40.林海音:《冬阳童年骆驼队》41.雨果:《诺曼底号遇难记》42.屠格涅夫:《乞丐》 43.法布尔:《昆虫记》44.高尔基:《童年》 45.皮尔斯:《汤姆的午夜花园》46.梅特林克:《青鸟》 47.加纳:《布里辛格门的怪石》48. 吴承恩:《西游记》 49 .施耐庵:《水浒传》50. 曹雪芹:《红楼梦》


专项复习二阅读 (一)拾贝的小女孩 辽阔的海滩上,潮水退了。一个拾贝的渔家小女孩,明亮的黑眸子搜寻着彩色的贝壳。突然,她停住了脚步。在脚下的沙滩上,一条银闪闪的小鱼在痛苦地蹦跳着。 头上的太阳,无情地蒸发着泥洼里的海水,小鱼在干涸中痉挛。她似乎听到了小鱼越来越响的哭声。 她的目光停滞了,流露出同情,充满了怜悯。她弯下腰,小心翼翼地用双手捧起了这条小鱼。小鱼在她的手里蹦跳着。她轻舒一口气,直起腰。慢慢地、一步一个脚印地走向大海边。小鱼被送进大海了。小鱼欢快地冲进大海的浪花里,好似奔向美丽的生活花园和它不能离开的奇妙世界。 我看到:小女孩的黑眸子里闪射出爱的光彩,她脸蛋上的那对圆圆的酒窝里盛满甜蜜…… 1.从短文中找出下列词语的近义词。 干枯()可怜()欢乐() 2.我能照样子写词语: 例:小心翼翼____________________________________ 3.短文主要写了什么? ________________________________________________________________________ 4.“圆圆的酒窝里盛满甜蜜……”,小女孩为什么感到甜蜜? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5.你觉得小女孩是一个怎样的人? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (二)给我一个承诺 在美国得克萨斯州的一个风雪交加的夜晚,一位名叫克雷斯的年轻人因为汽车“抛锚”被困在郊外。 正当他万分焦急的时候,有一位骑马的男子正巧(走过路过)这里。见此情景,这位男子二话没说,便用马帮助克雷斯把汽车拉到小镇上。事后,感激不尽的克雷斯拿出一沓美钞对他表示(酬谢感谢)时,这位男子说:“这不需要回报,但我要你给我一个承诺,当别人有困难的时候,你也要尽力帮助他。” 于是,在后来的日子里,克雷斯主动帮助了许许多多的人,并且每次都没有忘记(转述讲述)那句同样的话给所有被他帮助过的人。 几年后的一天,克雷斯被突然爆发的洪水困在一个孤岛上,一位勇敢的少年冒着被洪水吞没的危险救了他。当他感谢少年的时候,少年(竟然突然)也说出了克雷斯曾说过无数次的话:“我不需要回报,但我要你给我一个承诺……”克雷斯的胸中顿时涌起了一股暖流。 1.用“√”选择短文括号里恰当的词语。 2.写出下列词语的反义词。 勇敢()危险()困难() 3.在骑马的男子帮助克雷斯后,要求克雷斯给一个什么承诺? ________________________________________________________________________ 4.克雷斯是怎样实现自己的承诺的?用“______”在文中划出有关句子。 (三)________________ 去年生日那天,爸爸送我一只美丽的“小花鹿”。它既不会跑,也不会跳,是个泥制的储蓄罐。 “小花鹿”可真讨人喜欢。圆圆的脑袋上,一对粉红的耳朵向上竖着,仿佛在倾听周围的动静。脸上嵌着两只明亮的眼睛,透蓝的眼眶里,那圆溜溜的黑眼珠还真有神采呢!一张小嘴微微撅着,像是要跟我说话。“小花鹿”的身体是橘黄色的,上面还有大红色的梅花斑纹。它那条又小又短的尾巴向上翘着,显出一副调皮的样子,它整天静静地蹲在我的写字台上。我在它的脖子上系了一条绿丝带,打了个蝴蝶结,这一下,它变得更加神气和漂亮了。 自从我有了“小花鹿”以后,那些话梅啦、山楂啦、橄榄啦,不像过去那么吸引我了。我不再随便买零食吃,把节省下来的钱,从“小花鹿”后脑勺上的小口子里塞进去。每当我这样做的时候,“小花鹿”就像吃到了鲜嫩的树叶一样,高兴得眯起眼睛笑了。一天又一天一个月又一个月不到一年“小花鹿”变得沉甸甸了我抚摸着它高兴地说这下我就可以去买许多书啦你的功劳真不小啊1.给没有加标点的地方加上标点。


五年级上册期末试卷 一、基础知识与积累运用 1、看拼音写词语 yú lè mó nàn zào yīn jǔ sànɡ ()()()() qǐ qiú ténɡ xiě qí qū dàn shēnɡ ()()()() 2、给下面加点字选择正确的读音,并用“——”画在正确的音节下面。 玷.污(diàn zhān)哺.乳(bǔ pǔ)拘束.(sùshù) 奔赴.(pū fù)拖沓.(dátà)勉强.(qiánɡ qiǎnɡ) 3、把下列词语补充完整。 ()钉截铁安然无()()不犹豫排山()海 藕断()连()然大物临危不()再接再() 一如()往()盆大雨破烂不()不屈不() 4、按查字典的要求填空 “肃”字用部首查字法,应查()部,用音序查字法应查音序()。“肃”在字典里主要有这几种解释:①1.恭敬;②严正,认真;③清除; “肃穆”的“肃”应取第()种解释。“肃清土匪”的“肃”应取第()种解释。“肃然起敬”的“肃”应取第()种解释。 5、选词填空。(有序号填序号) ①伤害②损害 (1)2004年底,印度洋发生海啸,上千万人受到了()。 (2)行人乱穿马路的行为()了我们这个城市的形象。 ①失望②绝望 (3)王大爷得了重病,在他几乎()的时候,医生治好了他的病。 (4)爸爸本来答应这个星期带我去划船,但他出差了,我感到很()。 6、按要求写句子。 (1)用关联词将两句话合并成一句话,意思不变。 我仔细观察小松鼠的生长情况。我了解小松鼠的生活习性。 汉字神奇、有趣。汉字有着悠久的历史,蕴涵着丰富的文化。 (2)阿曼达对爸爸说:“无论发生了什么,我知道你总会跟我在一起。”(改为第三人称转述句)


语文一年级下册试题阅读训练专项训练带答案解析 一、部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读理解 1.我会读短文,按要求答题。 太阳和彩虹 ①刚下过雨,太阳出来了,天上出现了一道七色彩虹,人们都赞美彩虹美丽。彩虹听见了,就骄傲起来,说自己比太阳还美丽。 ②太阳对彩虹说:“你美丽,这是真的。不过,要是没有我,也没有你。”彩虹不相信,反而更加骄傲了。 ③太阳摇摇头,躲进云里去了,彩虹立刻消失了。 (1)短文共有________个自然段,第①自然段有________句话。 (2)“你美丽,这是真的。不过,要是没有我,也没有你。”这句话中的“你”指的是________,“我”指的是________。(填序号) ①太阳②云③彩虹④雨 (3)彩虹不见了,是因为________(填序号) ①彩虹到别的地方去了。 ②人们都赞美彩虹。 ③太阳躲进云里去了。 解析:(1)3;2 (2)③;① (3)③ 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 小松鼠,修仓库,一(颗棵)松子儿修一处。挖个坑儿,盖点土,修了多少没记数。想吃松子儿找不到,春天来了怪事出。 一(坐座)仓库一(颗棵)苗,山坡长满小松树。 (1)选择括号内正确的字。 一________(颗棵)松子一________(坐座)仓库 一________(颗棵)苗 (2)想一想,小松鼠埋松子的季节应该是________季,找松子的季节应该是________季。(3)山坡上的小松树是哪里来的? 解析:(1)颗;座;棵 (2)秋;冬 (3)山坡上的小松树是小松鼠秋天埋下的松子长出来的。 【解析】 3.课外阅读 我问大自然 请你告诉我,大自然,我怎样才能同你交谈? 我问过小河,可是,派出去的纸船都已沉没(méi mò)。 我问过大山,可是,大山又送回我的呼喊。

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