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Alice Walker小说《The Color Purplr》的读书报告

Alice Walker小说《The Color Purplr》的读书报告
Alice Walker小说《The Color Purplr》的读书报告

In Search of One’s Self

--- Afterthoughts on The Color Pirple

PartⅠ Plot Summary

The Color Purple is a 1982 epistolary novel by American black female writer Alice Walker, which won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. And the novel was later adapted into a film by Steven Spielberg, a famous director in America, which has been nominated for 10 Oscar Awards.

The Color Purple is an epistolary novel of 92 letters, among which 70 letters are written to God and Nettie by the heroine Celie, and other 22 letters are written by Nettie to Celie. The story sets in a southern American village roughly between 1916 and 1942. When Celie is four years old, her father is lynched to death by the white. Her mother then becomes plagued by mental disorder. Consequently, Alphonso marries with the poor mother, merely for the property left by Celie’s father. Without knowing this, young sisters Celie and Nettie regard Alphonso as their biological father. When Celie is 14,her stepfather begins to rape her. She gives birth to two children, both of whom are taken away by her father. Later, Celie is forced to marry Mr._, a widower with four children.Mr._ terrorizes her and treats her as a labor tool as well as a sexual slave. At the same time, he advances on Nettie, Celie’s sister, and drives Nettie away when being refused. Nettie then goes as a junior missionary to Africa, and keeps writing letters to Celie for thirty years. However, Mr._ conceals the numerous letters that have arrived in the mail. Therefore, Celie wrongly assumes that Nettie is dead, because Nettie promises to write to Celie as long as she is alive.

Celie is beaten down for many years by her life of drudgery and abused by Mr. _ and his children. But Nettie, Kate, Alphonso’s sister, Shug Avery, Mr._’s lover, and Sophia, Celie’s daughter-in-law all provide emotional support to Celie. Witnessing her submissiveness to Mr._ , Nettie exhorts her, “Don’t let them run over you, Nettie say. You got to let them know who got the upper hand…You got to fight. You got to fight.” (Walker 18) Kate feels sorry for Celie, and tells her to fight back against Mr.

_rather than submit to his abuses. Sofia defiantly refuses Mr._ and Harpo’s attempts to treat her as an inferior. Frustrated with Harpo’s consistent attempts to subordinate her, Sofia moves out, taking her children. Shug and Celie becomes friends as Celie takes charge of nursing Shug. Gradually, Celie becomes infatuated with Shug and develop a sexual relationship with her despite Shug’s marriage. With Shug’s help, Celie finds dozens of letters that Nettie has sent to Celie over the years. The letters indicate that Nettie marries a missionary named Samuel, who actually adopts Celie’s children. Meanwhile, Celie visits Alphoso, who confirms Nettie’s story, admitting that he is actually Celie’s stepfather. Celie begins to lose her faith in God, but Shug tries hard to get her to reimagine God in her own way, rather than in the traditional image of the old, bearded white man. One night, Celie releases her pent-up rage, angrily cursing Mr._ for his years of abuse, and announcing that she is moving to Tennessee with Shug and Squeak. Celie spends her time designing and sewing individually tailored pants, eventually turning her hobby into a prosperous business. After Alphonso dies, Celie inherits the house and the land, so she moves there. In the end, Mr._ reforms his ways. Celie and Mr._ reconcile and begin to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Celie becomes independent financially, spiritually, and emotionally independent. Meanwhile, Nettie, Samuel, Adam and Olivia returns to America. The whole family finally gets reunited.

PartⅡ A Feministic Approach to The Color Purple

2.1 The Loss of Self

In the American society, as a result of economic dependence, black women are considered to be inferior to men. Consequently, women are oppressed both physically and mentally by men. In The Color Purple, patriarchal oppression to women can be seen through patriarchal domination of Celie’s body and mind by her stepfather and her husband. Women, in the male-dominated society, have to keep silent and accept their misery. At the beginning of the novel, Celie is threatened by her stepfather: “ You better not never tell nobody but God. It’ll kill your mammy.” (Walker 1) From then on, the male voice haunts Celie’s first half of life. Celie is a girl silenced. She has

to turn to writing to God to vent her confusion, shame and the silence that has imposed on her. What is more, she thinks that death is the only way to get rid of the miseries and holds a hope in next life. Celie says , “ But I don’t know to fight. All I know how to do is stay alive.” , “I think about Nettie, dead. She fight, she run away. What good it do? I don’t fight, I stay where I’m told. But I’m alive.”, “I make myself wood, I say to myself, Celie, you are a tree, that is how come I know trees fear man.”

In the eye of men, women are thought to be created to feed and support men. Many of them serve as housekeepers, maidservants, or even sexual tools for men. They bear babies, do the housework, and toil in the field year after year, but find themselves captured enslaved, sexually abused, starved, whipped.

Celie, our protagonist, is exactly a labor tool and sexual servant to her stepfather and her husband, Mr._. She is denied a status as subject. She has no choice over her life, including her marriage. When introducing Celie to Mr._, her father says: “ She ugly. But she ain’t no stranger to hard work. And she clean. And God done fixed hen. You can do everything just like you want to and she ain’t gonna make you feed it or clothe it.”( Walker 9-10) When Mr._ decides to marry Celie, he does not regard Celie as his wife at all, as he says to her stepfather, “ My poor little ones sure could use a mother.”(Walker 9)Here he chooses the word “use”, from which we can see that Celie is not even a human being in her husband’s eye. Celie, instead, is some kind of marketable product waiting to be sold and merely judged by how well she does housework.

Alphonso and Mr._ are typical of the patriarchal men who strive to establish their masculinity and superiority through degrading and abusing women, while Celie, as well as many other women, in the long time of male dominance, are deprived of power and discourse, eventually completely losing their voices. Yet more unfortunately, many black women passively accept and endure all this. Blindly accepting badly hinders black women's proper evaluation of themselves, and their self-liberation as well. Therefore, it is vital for women to recognize themselves—their rights, dignity and value in the society.

2.2 The Awakening of Self

Without love and care, Celie just lives a life like a withered tree. One day her desire for physical and spiritual self-fulfillment is sparked with the emotional support of other sisters. Nettie advises Celie to fight: “You got to fight. You Got to fight.”(Walker 18) Mr._’s sisters also admonish that “You got to fight them…You got to fight them for yourself”(Walker 22). Moreover, Sofia elucidates the significance of fighting for Celie in both words and action. “I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles. A girl child ain’t safe in a family of men. But I never thought I’d have to fight in my own house. She let out her breath. I lovesickness Harpo…God knows I do. But I’ll kill him dead before I let him beat me.”(Walker 42)Sofia never submits to her husband, though she deeply lovesickness him. She fiercely beats him when he tries to follow his father’ example to be a familial patriarch. By fighting, Sofia gains her dignity in the family as a black female.

Shug symbolizes beauty, self-confidence, self-respect and self-independence that Celie just explores for. She exists as something other than the reality in which Celie lives. She opens for Celie the realm of the unconscious, giving her another dimension of being. Shug helps to make Celie aware of her sexuality, arouse her hidden and repressive feelings to love and to be loved, and significantly, free her from self-negation to self-awaren ess. Shug creates a “Miss Celie’s song”, which punctuates her importance in C elie’s growing self-awar eness: “First time somebody made something and name it after me”( Walker 77). With the help of sisterhood, the female characters gradually get rid of male prejudice and establish themselves in the patriarchal society.

2.3 The Autonomy of Self

The exploration for independence has two layers of meaning: familial independence and social independence. Familial independence means to gain equality, respect and understanding in the family; social independence implies black woman’s exploration in a broader sense--economical, political and cultural independence. For

familial independence, women explores to free herself from familial bondage and quests for equality between the two sexes in the family, in which husband and wife are not master and slave or enemies but close friends who can understand and support each other. For social independence, women seeks for self-realization, by exploiting black woman’s potential from black feminine household activities, which indicates the view on black woman's self-independence-making full use of black women’s strong points and realizing social independence with their own efforts.

Celie’s goal of familial equality is achieved when she finally decides to leave her husband and moves to Tennessee to begin her new life. She bravely confronts her husband, warning him that all the suffering that he has inflicted on her will be inflicted on him twofold. With the newly found voice, she openly defies her oppressor, Mr._: “You a lowdown dog. That is what’s wrong. It’s time to leave you and enter into the Creation. And your dead body just the welcome mat I need.”A bit later, Celie springs to her feet and points a knife at Mr._’s neck. Then she curses her oppressor, “Until you do right by me, everything you touch will crumble.”Desperately Mr._ rushes out and shouts to Celie with angry eyes, “I should lock you up and just let you out to work.” In a fit of rage, Mr._ raises his hands and threatens to beat Celie, just like he has done for the past years. However, our heroine, bravely stares at Mr. _ with steady and sharp eyes, and raises her hand, ready to hit back and take revenge. In the patriarchal hierarchy, men are powerful and women are powerless. But from this scene we can see that Mr._ no longer has the power over Celie,. Now Celie has extricated herself from mental fetters and become a new black woman. She heralds her glorious transformation into self-presence by shedding her scarred historical body as she leaves Mr._: “I’m pore, I’m black, I may be ugly and can’t cook, a voice say to everything listening. But I’m here.”(Walker 214) In this scene, Celie performs her triumphant being---“I’m here”. It is the powerful voice of an indignant black woman, and “the Declaration of Independence”of an awakening woman. With the help of Shug, she starts her own pant business, which receives good reputation there. She also take her house and land back after her stepfather’s death. In this way, Celie has conquered her foe, Mr._, representative of the patriarchal society, and the silence in

her self, and finds her status as an individual subjectivity in the patriarchal society.


Plato says that the only difference between men and women is one of the physical function s—one begets, the other bears children. Apart from that, they both can and should perform the same functions (though men on a whole perform them better) and receive the same education to enable them to do so; for in this way society will get the best value from the both (455). However, the fact is that men stands in the center, while women in the periphery. Men distort women’s images so as to further marginalize them. Both Mr._ and Alphonso are the representatives of the patriarchy, treating women as an object to be sold and slaved. However, the female would not accept their fate obediently. By acquiring knowledge and with the help of sisterhood, women gallantly and persistently protest against the male. Celie’s rebellion against men, for example, safeguards her and makes her an independent woman. In this way, women express their sexuality and subjectivity which has long been repressed, construct their ego and find their meanings as individuals instead of the signifier of the other.

Works Cited

Plato. The Republic. In the Collected Dialogues of Plato. Edith Hamilton and Huntington Caims, trans. New York: Random House,1966.

Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. New York: Washington Square, 1982.


《射雕英雄传》的读书笔记 郭靖拜江南七怪为师,但他的五师傅张阿生却被梅超风害死,郭靖也无意中杀死了梅超风的丈夫陈玄风。不久,郭靖为了报杀父之仇而来到江南,遇到了东邪之女-----聪明漂亮的黄蓉,两人一见钟情。但西毒欧阳峰的儿子-----欧阳克却暗暗喜欢黄蓉,千方百计要杀掉郭靖,而郭靖却发现义弟杨康认贼作父,好心想帮他;而杨康却怕郭靖多事,使自己失去荣华富贵,不但不改,还想法设法害郭靖黄蓉,梅超风和欧阳峰父子也从中插事。故事由此展开……… 范文一 《射雕英雄传》是金庸先生的第三部作品,金庸至此眼界始大,感慨遂深。比较之前的《书剑》与《碧血》,宛如秋水时至之江湖与浩瀚磅礴之大海。书中刻画了郭靖‘刚毅木讷’‘可亲而不可劫,可近而不可迫,可杀而不可辱’的‘刚儒’形象,金庸后期的《笑傲》《天龙》《鹿鼎》虽明显高于《射雕》,但《射雕》之精神魅力更能激励出世,故其放射的光芒亦更璀璨。主人公郭靖从一个朴质忠厚的少年,通过艰辛的奋斗,坚韧不屈,不断成长,终成为侠之大者。从射雕到复仇,从少年将军到功成名就,再到积极奔赴国难,完成了人生使命与价值之升华,使后来者望尘莫及。这部小说历史背景突出,场景纷繁,气势宏伟,具有鲜明的

“英雄史诗”风格;在人物创造与情节安排上,它打破了传统武侠小说一味传奇,将人物作为情节附庸的模式,坚持以创造个性化的人物形象为中心,坚持人物统帅故事,使这部小说达到了事虽奇人却真的妙境。 书中刻画的人物各具特色,个个呼之欲出:郭靖的淳朴仁厚,黄蓉的玲珑百变,黄药师的率性孤傲,欧阳锋的心狠手辣,一灯大师的慈悲为怀,洪七公的正义宽厚,周伯通的天真烂漫……就连段天德、张阿生、拖累这样的出场不多的人物也刻画得惟妙惟肖。 《连城诀》里的人物,血刀老祖的徒弟,奉血刀老祖之命前往在荆州监狱袭击丁典,夺取“连城诀”,不料反为丁典所败,和宝象同去的几个师兄弟皆死,只有宝象侥幸逃脱,后因饥饿吃了狄云煮的含有“金波旬花”剧毒的老鼠汤而死。 而后黄药师娶冯衡为妻,早年所收的徒弟除去陈玄风、梅超风、曲灵风、陆乘风四大弟子之外还有两个小弟子武眠风和冯默风。 阅读一般是3篇文章,每篇文章14道题,答题时间为每篇文章20分钟。做完3篇文章后,可能会遇到加试的2篇文章,每篇文章也是14道题,答题时间也是每篇20分钟。所以,阅读部分在没有遇到加试时应该是1个小时,如果遇到加试,阅读部分是1个小时40分钟。 主人公的爱情,正如三毛所说:“至拙配至巧,竟也天


小说我欲封天经典语录 导读:本文是关于小说我欲封天经典语录,希望能帮助到您! 我以为看到了你,便拥有了世界,却不知你的梦里,早就拥有了我。 ——耳根《我欲封天》 父爱,与母爱完全不同,他更含蓄,更无言,如山一样,你幼年去看,他是你的保护神,少年去看,他似乎变成了阻挡你眼睛的障碍,青年时。或许你会觉得,他变矮了,你认为你已比他高。可中年时。当你再次去看那座山,你会忽然发现。他一直都在那里,一直都在默默的看着自己的骄傲,狂妄,自私,以及狭隘,他都在包容,无声无息的包容。你会心底酸楚,你会恍然大悟。这……就是父爱。你拥有时,或许感受不深,可一旦你失去了,你就失去了心中的天!子欲养而亲不在,这是何等的悲伤,这是一生中,最深的哭泣。 ——耳根《我欲封天》 “什么又是人生?”“人生?”“这雪,唯有冬天才可出现,它只能活在寒风中,所以这隆冬,就是它的人生。”“雪,只可以活在冬天,靠近火,它就会死去,这也是它的人生,无论如何向往夏天,可它……只能远去。雪在我掌心内成为了水,因为这里不是它的世界……” ——耳根《我欲封天》 落叶虽美,只活一世 ——耳根《我欲封天》 彼岸花开七色天,花落成仙一千年。仙山之门藏因果,斩花之路莫问天。

“我是寒冬里的雪,靠近不了夏天,因为夏天……雪会融化,那不是它的世界,不是我的世界。” ——耳根《我欲封天》 仙桥何期重现天……问君何日能相见…… 你问何日能相见……我已寻你三千年…… ——耳根《我欲封天》 曾经时,我认为我已长大,面对您诸多的言辞,诸多的干扰,我觉得您变了,我觉得自己已能单独飞翔。直至我折了翅膀,满身疲惫,飞了很久很久,偶然的一次回头。我忽然想起了您,想起了您所说的一切。可当我回头时,只能看到您的坟。坟前,我哭了,我想说,父亲……我错了。曾经,我低下头看着您,转身离去只为证明自己,若干年后,当有一天我赢了世界,带着我的荣耀来到您的面前时,我本想看您吃惊的样子,可我看到的,是您为我骄傲的目光,那一刻,我忽然心痛,我抱住了白发苍苍的您,轻声说着。“父亲,我回来了。” ——耳根《我欲封天》 “人生,如同旅途,是一次又一次的经历,亦或者说,不同的经历,造就不同的风景,如经历了寒风,会成为雪,经历了炙阳,会成为雨……经历什么样的人生,就会成为什么样子,如此,生命才会精彩。” ——耳根《我欲封天》 有些事,没有做之前,我迟疑,可做了后,我不后悔。 ——耳根《我欲封天》 无面一言烽火连,残云血雨海滔天,拘神遣将烨摩塔,众灵血脉炼九杀!


英语读书报告范文 there is no standard form for a book report. however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1. identification. give the title and author’s name. if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages. later to relocate quotations or other information. 4. evaluation. your opinion is the most important part of the report. it may be either your immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study. in either case, your opinion impression of the material after you have finished the book. writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own. *** 题目统一为: a book report of thirty-nine steps 内容的四个部分可以成四个段落写,不能出现1,2,3,4字样;英文中没有书名号, 每 个词用大写就可以或再加上下划线表示, 不用引号; 省略号为三点; 常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version 故事大意如下 the gist of the story is as follows 主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine 以……为背景 it is set on the eve of…/it is set on the background that… sample 1 a book report of the black tulip by li minli, class 5, 2005 the black tulip is a novel written by alexandre dumas pere, simplified by micle wester, and was published by shanghai translation press in 1983. the story is set in the 17th century in holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society rioted. in this story, cornelius van baerle being so crazy about tulips tries to grow a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner. however, boxtel, a man living in the next door, also has a crush on the money. he then supervises every movement of cornelius secretly for fear that cornelius may grow better tulips than his own. besides this, he also carries out many surreptitious activities to destroy cornelius’ tulips by all means. once a while, he accuses cornelius of harbouring letters that might be harmful to the government so that cornelius is sent to the prison without giving provocation. this nearly causes him to death. even here, cornelius manages to grow tulips with the help of rosa, the daughter of the prison-keeper. but unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by boxtel. it’s rosa who proves the truth and saves coenelius by


金庸的《射雕英雄传》读后感想内容简介 翁寅 原本我对武侠小说一点也不感兴趣,最喜欢的还是玄幻小说一类的。可听很多人说金庸的武侠小说写得很好,让他们个个看了都回味无穷,忍不住在多看几遍,甚至有的人还把书给翻烂了。我也让爸爸买了几本,想领教领教金庸大师的厉害。不读不知道,一读吓一跳!我读过之后,我觉得金庸的头脑简直是棒极了!竟然可以想出那么多的武侠故事,那么多的武功名称,真让我佩服得五体投地!书中处处都是机关陷阱,等到真相大白的时候,往往都会出乎你的意料,往往让你大吃一惊,但最后还是为圆满的结局而高兴。每本金庸的书中在一个故事之前,总是先作下一个铺垫,而你却没有注意到,直到故事快结束时,你这时才会发现,原来前面这样写是用意为了这里啊!这样才会吊起读者的胃口,让他继续往下读而不感到无聊,而这恰恰是我写作中所欠缺的最重要的因素。 先来说说《射雕英雄传》这部书,这是我读的金庸的第一本书。它巧妙地利用了宋朝时宋、金、蒙古三国的微妙关系,为我们讲述了一代英雄——郭靖的成长为盖世武侠的过程,以及江湖上的恩怨情仇。 郭靖的父亲是水浒英雄——郭盛的后代,他的母亲李萍

与杨康的母亲包惜弱在混乱中不幸失散,而他的父亲郭啸天也被一名投靠金国的宋官——段天德所杀害。李萍拼尽全力逃到了大漠,生下了郭靖;而包惜弱却无奈的嫁给了金国的六王子——完颜洪烈,杨康也改名为完颜康。 郭靖从小就拜江南七怪为师,但他的五师傅张阿生却被江湖人称“黑风双煞”中的“铁尸”——梅超风所杀害,郭靖也无意之中杀死了梅超风的丈夫陈玄风。不久后,郭靖为了报杀父之仇而来到江南,遇到了东邪之女——聪明漂亮的黄蓉,射雕英雄传读后感1000字两人一见钟情。但西毒欧阳峰的儿子——欧阳克却暗暗喜欢黄蓉,于是,他就想尽千方百计来杀掉郭靖这个“大情敌”,而郭靖却发现义弟杨康认贼作父,好心想帮他;而杨康却怕郭靖多事,使自己失去荣华富贵,不但不改,还想法设法害郭靖与黄蓉,梅超风和欧阳峰父子也从中插事。故事由此展开…… 在书中,我最佩服的人就是郭靖和他的师傅——北丐洪七公了。你也许会问:黄蓉不也很好吗?再说她那么聪明伶俐。一开始我也这么想,就连做梦中都羡慕黄蓉的聪明伶俐。当时武林中武功盖世的主要有东邪、西毒、南帝、北丐、中神通五个,而黄蓉既是东邪之女,又是北丐洪七公的得意徒弟,还是丐帮帮主,简直是于众人宠爱于一身,但我却不是很喜欢她。为什么呢?因为在书中,黄蓉处处都要耍小心眼儿,而郭靖却憨厚老实。郭靖十分讲信用,是个说一是一,


66句很有内涵的句子,值得品味。 寄语:当你珍惜自己的过去,满意自己的现在,乐观自己的未来时,你就站在了生活的最高处;当你明了成功不会造就你,失败不会击垮你,平淡不会淹没你时,你就站在了生命的最高处。66句很有内涵的句子,值得品味。由整理推荐,与君共享。 1. 人生最低处有一个好处,就是无论从哪个方向努力,都是向上。 2. 有趣和感动孩子并不是儿童文学的全部。人事沧桑,如此快捷。粗粗一看,好像很多东西在流失,很多观念昙花一现,很多人事匆匆而过,有些看好的作品并没有恒久存在。最好的儿童文学,形式与内涵是一体的,仿佛天成。 3. 生活有时就像金庸小说里的江湖,杨过没有胳膊,老顽童属于智障,梅超风是盲人……,永远微笑吧!在人生的旅途中,最好的身份证就是微笑。朋友,微笑着面对一切吧!微笑是给予他人,送给自己最好的礼物,它价值丰盛,却不费分文。 4. 不要合适的清淡节制,不要随随便便就老掉的人生。一定要用力读书,用力爱,用力痛,用力体验生活。 5. 两个人为什么吵架,不是没感情,而是用情太深。两个人都爱深时,一点点矛盾都会让人受伤很重。因为太重视对方,所以放不下。其实很可惜啊,如果不爱,分手无所谓。但有感情,还是相互宽解和容忍吧。爱一辈子没有不吵架的,但底线是不分手。因为爱就是坚持在一起。 6. 当一头大象在莽林中所向披靡地前进的时候,计较几个苍蝇或几个蚊子叮几口又有什么意义呢? 7. 人生有苦有乐,我知道,爱情不能永恒,我知道,太在乎了,会受伤,我也知道。 8. 如果你为自己定的所有目标都已达到,那么说明你定的目标还不够远大。 9. 生活如果不宠你,更要自己善待自己。这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己,如此而已。 10. 未来的路还很长,不要忘了当初为何而出发;是什么让自己坚持到现在。


The Reading Report of Vanity Fair Student number: 1.The author: Thackeray William Makepeace was an English journalist, novelist, famous for his novel VANITY FAIR (1847-48), a tale of middle-class families in London. Most of Thackeray's major novels were published as monthly serials. Thackeray studied in a satirical and moralistic light to describe middle-class English life .He was once seen as the equal of his contemporary Dickens. William Makepeace Thackeray was born in Calcutta in 1811. His parents returned to England in 1817 and Thackeray was educated at Charterhouse and Trinity College, Cambridge. His father was an officer of the East India Company. When he was 4 years old, his father died and a wealthy merchant became his stepfather who always moved in polite society. However, Thackeray became addicted to gambling and left Cambridge in 1830 without a degree and heavily in debt. And then he began writing. Thackeray moved to Paris where he became the French correspondent for the radical newspaper The Constitutional. When The Constitutional ceased publication, Thackeray moved back to England and began


著名作家金庸作品射雕英雄传读后感《射雕英雄传》,该书阐释了侠义精神的真谛——侠之大者、为国为民。以下是本人整理的关于该书的读后感相关内容,欢迎借鉴参考! 著名作家金庸作品射雕英雄传读后感最近我读了《射雕英雄传》,觉得非常好看。 《射雕英雄传》里面塑造了许多人物形象,有狡猾奸诈的欧阳峰,有认贼作父的杨康,有行侠仗义的江南七怪,有贪吃美食的洪七公,有慈悲为怀的一灯大师,有凶残成性的梅超风和陈玄风……每一个人物形象都是那么的栩栩如生,呼之欲出。其中,我最喜欢的人物是郭靖和黄蓉。 郭靖反应迟钝,傻里傻气。他虽然头脑不聪明,但是做任何事情都非常有恒心有毅力。他的师傅江南七怪教他练武功时,他好多招数都是起初的时候怎么学也学不会,为此没少挨师傅的责骂和痛打。师傅骂过之后,他继续练习,一遍不行两遍,两遍不行三遍……直到学会为止。他的坚韧不拔是他能成为一代大侠的重要原因。他非常热爱自己的师傅,对师傅的话言听计从,有一次他在密室疗伤时,忽然听见欧阳峰要杀他的师傅,他拼了自己的性命不要,也要冲出去救自己的师傅。他说话算数,一诺千金。他答应欧阳峰只要放了黄蓉就饶他三次不死。后来他捉到欧阳峰三次,就真的放

了欧阳峰三次,尽管欧阳峰是他的死对头。他可真是一个言必行行必果的大侠。 黄蓉聪明伶俐,鬼点子特别多,她三捉狡诈无比的欧阳峰就是她聪明伶俐的最好体现。第一次,她让郭靖在中军帐前挖了个坑,上面铺了毛毡,还放了把椅子。她料定自负的欧阳峰一定会坐下去,果然欧阳峰就连人带椅子一起掉进坑里。第二次,她还是用同样的方法对付欧阳峰。郭靖不解:老毒物怎么可能再次上同样的当黄蓉说:”虚者实之,实者虚之,虚虚实实,人不可测。”果然,欧阳峰又掉入坑中。第三次,她把欧阳峰骗上冰山,他俩找个借口先溜了下去。下山的同时,她把羊腿做的梯子偷偷地撤下来,害得老毒物没法子下山,被冻成了一尊冰雕。看到这里,我哈哈大笑,对黄蓉简直是佩服得五体投地。她是那么的足智多谋,简直就是女中诸葛,要是我有这样一个同学该有多好! 看这套书的时候,我如痴如醉,一起床就是看书,上厕所也在看,坐汽车时不顾妈妈的责骂偷偷地看。我真想穿越到书中所描绘的世界,做一个既有郭靖那样绝世武功又有黄蓉那么绝顶聪明的女大侠! 著名作家金庸作品射雕英雄传读后感临近期末考试,快递员送来了一个包裹。我看了看上面的发货单,是寄给爸爸的。爸爸把包裹打开,是在当当网上购买的一本金庸写的小说《射雕英雄传》,这本书又厚又大。我对爸爸说:“我能不


首推《东邪西毒》金庸的人物,古龙式台词 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:44 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 2楼 你越想忘记一个人时,其实你越会记得他。人的烦恼就是记性太好,如果可以把所有事都忘掉,以后每一日都是个新开始,你说多好。 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:45 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 3楼 知不知道饮酒和饮水有什么区别?酒越饮越暖,水越喝越寒。 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:45 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 4楼 我以为有一些人永远都不会嫉妒,因为他太骄傲。在我出道的时候,我认识了一个人,因为他喜欢在东边出没,所以很多年后,他有个绰号叫东邪。 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:45 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 5楼 很多年之后,我有个绰号叫西毒,任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过什么叫做嫉妒。我不介意其他人怎么看我,我只不过不想别人比我更开心。 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:46 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 6楼 当你不能拥有,你唯一可以做的,就是让自己不再遗忘。

一部比较另类的武侠,甚至已经不能叫做武侠。不过真的很经典 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:48 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 7楼 人就是江湖,你怎么退出? 《东方不败》鬼才徐克总是这么拽,没办法 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:49 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 8楼 天下风云出我辈,一如江湖岁月摧。皇图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 哎!感觉,神马叫感觉,这就是。 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:53 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 9楼 提剑跨骑挥鬼雨,白骨如山鸟惊飞。尘世如潮人如水,只叹江湖几人回! 这句也不错。 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-3 23:54 回复 情圣 卫清明 59位粉丝 10楼 《七剑》徐克这部电影我挺失望的。 傅青主:“自从我脱下这身官服,就不记得什么是明,现在更不知道什么叫清……不变的只有这片江山和百姓。” 这条留言是通过手机发表的,我也要用手机发表留言!2011-1-4 00:01 回复 情圣


篇一:英文读书报告撰写格式 英文读书报告撰写格式 1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中 学生姓名、专业班级、学号、正文及参考文献均为小4号 双倍行距 3.报告第一页第一行应为:报告题目 第二行靠右应为:学生姓名、专业班级、学号 附: 英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1. three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life. it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book. to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book. 2. writing of the book report 1) the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand. above all, it should be objective. 3) the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work. 篇二:英语读书报告要求及范文(1) 英语读书报告格式要求范文 there is no standard form for a book report. however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1. identification. give the title and author’s name. if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages. writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own. 注意: 题目统一为: a book report on 英文书名(斜体),标题居中,正文两端对齐; 内容的几个部分可以成若干个段落写,但不能出现1,2,3,4序号字样; 英文中没有书名号, 书名斜体;注意其他英文标点符号使用及字母大小写的规范;字体


《连城诀》读书笔记 第一篇:浅谈《连城诀》浅谈《连城诀》 一 论者谈小说,往往会给某部作品冠以“最??”头衔。此处亦落此俗套,未能免之。倪匡曾称《连城诀》为金庸作品中“最独特的一部”。此论自有其正确性,却也未免失之偏颇。金庸作品每部有每部的气势派头,哪部最为奇特,要下这个评议确实并不容易。但若将命题稍稍变动,谓之“最独特的两部”,则我可答之:非《侠客行》与《连城诀》莫属了——自然,冠以“最”字头衔,而仍有“两”字缀后,雅士大可讥之。 说它们奇特,不是依据作品自己的优劣,也不是依据作品受人追捧水平的崎岖。追究这两点,并没有太大的实际意义。读者的态度可以将一部二三流的作品吹捧成一流,同样也可以将一部一流作品生生扼杀(这一点,在影视作品中尤为常见)。《侠客行》与《连城诀》,拿到小说界,都是 第一流的作品;但受人追捧水平,纵在金庸小说中,亦居末流。读者如此,论者如此,历来最能借鸡生蛋的影视剧改编者,亦是如此。 说它们奇特,纯粹只是我自己的见解,不敢代表其他任何一个人的看法。《侠客行》的独特,在于它是金庸作品中惟一一部让读者从头至尾笑着读下来的作品。其它的,纵然是喜剧风格的《鸳鸯刀》,也未曾收到如许的结果。而《连城诀》呢,恰恰相反,它却是金庸作品中惟一一部从头到尾读下来,读者都没有机会发出一点笑声的作品。纵然偶或会有一两个温馨的

场景蜜意的片断,但置身于全书那种无尽的悲惨绝望中,也让人觉得犹似鬼蜮中一点朦胧的灯火,那么地凄惨、那么地不真实、那么地遥不可及。当然,这些只是我自己的阅读体验,别人是否云云,可就不敢说了。二 《连城诀》的独特,还跟它的主角有关。金庸笔下的男主角,多半都有一个悲凉的出身,都有一段不堪回首的人生履历,都有过心理上的彷徨、孤单与绝望,都有过生与死边缘上痛苦的挣扎;但能够痛苦到用一段绳子去告终本身生命的,舍却狄云,却再没有 第二人了。固然,杨过也曾在断肠崖上耸身一跃投入无底深渊,但那只是用情所致。他大可不必投崖的。在这天下上,他另有相称好活,还能够活的相称精美。在这个天下上,还有着很多许多的人在注目着他,关爱着他,仰望着敬服着暗恋着他。 而狄云呢? ——狄云,已经空空如也。 初涉江湖,即遭人陷害;身陷牢狱之灾,遭受非人折磨,永无出狱之想。右手被斩, 琵琶骨被穿,今后成为废人。满心敬重的师傅,却成了杀害师长践踏糟踏同门的无耻匪徒。相亲相爱的师妹,却深深猜疑了本身,已经嫁作仇人之妇??我每读《连城诀》至此,都只感觉到深深的绝望:狄云除了一死,确实没有也不须要再有其他念想了。更可悲痛者,甚至吊颈用的那条绳索,还要将自己衣衫“撕成了一条条布条,搓成了一根绳子”,真让人由衷地觉得到无尽的悲惨。“他并不悲痛,也不再感触恼恨。人间已无可恋之处,这是最爽快的摆脱痛楚的办法。”真是绝望到了极处。


金庸小说经典语句 1、人生在世,去若朝露。 魂归来兮,哀我何悲。 ——金庸《天龙八部》2、萧峰心中一动:瞧这些毒蛇的阵势,倒似是我丐帮兄弟亲在指挥一般。 ”——金庸《天龙八部》3、小丐摇头道:我不求人家的。 ”谢烟客心中一凛,忙问:为什么不求人?”小丐道:我妈妈常跟我说:‘狗杂种,你这一生一世,可别去求人家什么。 人家心中想给你,你不用求,人家自然会给你;人家不肯的,你便苦苦哀求也是无用,反而惹得人家讨厌——金庸《侠客行》4、少年游本意青衫磊落险峰行,玉壁月华明。 马疾香幽,崖高人远,微步毂纹生。 谁家子弟谁家院,无计悔多情。 虎啸龙吟,换巢鸾凤,剑气碧烟横。 ——金庸《天龙八部》5、.秋风清,秋月明;落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊,相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。 ——金庸《神雕侠侣》6、18天的时间太短了,为什么老天这么残酷,只给我们这么短的时间!我想永远和你在一起,一百年,一千年,一万年!——金庸《神雕侠侣》7、苏幕遮本意向来痴,从此醉,水榭听香,指点群豪戏。 剧饮千杯男儿事,杏子林中,商略平生义。

昔时因,今日意,胡汉恩仇,须倾英雄泪。 虽万千人吾往矣,悄立雁门,绝壁无余字。 ——金庸《天龙八部》8、与其奔波劳碌,厮杀拼命,还不如和你一起安安静静,快快乐乐的度过!——金庸《神雕侠侣》9、"败笔很多,胜笔没多少!——金庸《鹿鼎记》"10、师父,你得不到心爱的人,就将她杀死。 我得不到心爱的人,却不忍心让他给人杀了。 ——金庸《白马啸西风》11、做人要能瞎蒙,就瞎蒙,生活尽量放轻松——金庸《鹿鼎记》12、萧峰道:封不封公主,小阿紫还是小阿紫。 ”——金庸《天龙八部》13、大闹一场,悄然离去。 ——金庸14、孩儿,你长大了之后,要提防女人骗你,越是好看的女人越会骗人。 ——金庸《倚天屠龙记》15、你要就随我来,不要就快些和新娘子拜堂成亲。 男儿汉狐疑不决,别遗终身之恨。 ——金庸《倚天屠龙记》16、兄弟,每个人都要死,我说那谁也躲不了的瘟疫,便是大限到来,人人难逃。 ——金庸《射雕英雄传》17、你姓杨,那我便姓柳吧。 ”——小龙女——金庸《神雕侠侣》18、那知石破天哈哈大笑,拍手道:是啊,对啦!我本来就叫狗杂种。


活着英语读书笔记和感悟 导语:人的幸福要等到最后,在他生前和葬礼前,无人有权说他幸福--出自余华的短篇小说《活着》的自序。下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 活着英语读书笔记和感悟 The happiness of man waits until the end, before he is born and before the funeral, no one has the right to say that he is happy -- the self-ordering of yu huas short story, to live. I love this book, because every time when reading this book, I will feel all of the difficulties faced by actually doesnt consider as what, people are always so, if he did not feel the real pain, he would be naive to think he is facing great difficulties, so he was upset and frustrated. Reading this book gives me great courage to pursue the happiness I want. What is happiness? This is what a person is pursuing from life to death, which is also the value of a persons life, but there are still many people who cant find the happiness they want. And I read living after the feeling of the book to talk about my happiness some ideas! What is life for? Or just live to live? Alive, is the most basic nature gives us the potential, the two simple words is full of desire for the life and the


英文读后感的标题 篇一:怎么写英文读书报告, and,ifpossible,abriefintroductionaboutthewriter. body beforeyougetstartedonthebodyofthereport,spendafewminutescon sideringthefollowingpoints. ?canyouidentifythewritersthesis? ?whatarethemajorpointsinthebook?thesummaryofthebookshou ldbeself-contained,clear,andeasytounderstand.aboveall,itsho uldbeobjective. 3)thesummaryofanoveloraplayisusuallywritteninthepresenttens e,whilethatofnonfiction,inthetenseoftheoriginalwork:forexam

ple,thepasttenseshouldbeusedforahistory,andthepresentforasc ientificwork. 篇四:英语读书报告要求及范文 eautiful,intelligent,versatile,grace,romanticgirlwhoconside rsFranceashisdreamdestiny.Undoubtedly,sheisexcellent.Howeve r,sheisalsoagirlwithseriousrebelliousspirits,eventhoughtshe alwaysgetsthefirstinhisschool. Suchagirllikehermeetsamaninhersixteen’ s.Shebelievesthatthemanistheonesheneeds.Heisrich,humorous,t alkative,gentleandwithgoodtaste.HealwaystakeshertotheUpscal eDining-room,totheartexhibition,totheconcert,makingallherdr eamcomestrue,instillingdeeperedificationinhermind. Atlast,shesadlyfoundthatthemanhasbeenmarried.Throughtheabun dantexperience,sherealizestheshamanddelusionintheadultworld


《碧血剑》 —读后感 我很喜欢金庸的小说,金庸一共写了十五部小说,但很可惜在上大学以前都没有时间去好好的欣赏他们,都只是从影视作品中有所了解,更谈不上有什么进一步的思考了。记得那时真正读过的原著好像只有《笑傲江湖》的一部分,不过现在也差不多都忘了。 对于金庸的一部分小说,通过影视作品我多少有所了解,虽然它们与原著可能会有很大的不同,但是其中的主角人物不会有很大的出入。但是对于《碧血剑》我却是一无所知,影视和原著都没看过,所以现在我选择了先将《碧血剑》好好的看一遍。 全书主要讲述了袁崇焕的幼子袁承志为给父亲报仇,刻苦的练习武功,拜华山的“神剑仙猿”穆人清为师,在华山之巅学习武艺长达十年之久。他博采武林诸家之长,又因机缘偶得武林怪杰“金蛇郎君”夏雪宜的剑学秘籍,学成身法奇诡的蛇剑之术,武艺更加精湛超群。袁承志下山之后,以一身超高的武艺征服了众多武林豪杰,调解了数起武林中的恩怨纠纷,他武艺高超但心性忠厚,至诚待人,深得武林弟兄的崇敬,被拥戴为七省盟主。当时正值李自成率领的农民起义军声威大振,势如破竹,袁承志为报父仇杀崇祯皇帝,带领群豪帮助闯王李自成拦劫官银、筹集军资,屡挫官军,并与入侵清兵浴血奋战的故事。 看完后,觉得故事很精彩,但却存在很多迷惑,有好多地方都看不懂。全书主要讲述袁承志,但他的个性却不突出。但是后来老师在课堂上讲到在《碧血剑》中的主角其实是袁崇焕和夏雪宜,而袁承志只能说是第三位的主角,全书主要目的是要表现袁崇焕和夏雪宜这两个没有真正出场的人物,只不过这一切都由袁承志来体现了。所以听老师这样一讲,我再细细一想,就觉得明朗多了。 作为书中的第一主角—袁崇焕,对袁承志的生活的影响是很深远的,可以说他是为他的父亲而活的。在他出生后不久,他的父亲就被杀害了,他是被他父亲手下的人拼命救下来的,这以后他就担起了为父报仇的责任。袁崇焕的手下应松等组织的山宗就是以他为中心的,以他为少主,为将来的报仇做准备。他们除了教他读书外,还负责教他习武,并将他父亲身前的事迹讲给他听,所以从小他的心里就种下了为父报仇的种子。 带这颗种子,袁承志来到了华山,随着师父穆人清学习精深武艺。十年以后,他从华山派艺成下山,他从小种下的种子也发芽长大了,他的性格在这十年也就基本上已经定型了,其后的故事情节中,他的性格并没有太大的变化。他下山后去为他的父亲报仇。但是他所经历的并不只是他一个人的江湖故事,而是一个有关江山社稷的历史演变的故事,以他为父报仇为主线发展故事,而其中很多时候却是为了体现袁崇焕这个历史人物的存在。袁崇焕是一个为了江山社稷奋不顾身、数十年生命都献身于明王朝、汉民族和中原的苍生百姓,可以算得上是一个真正意义上的历史的英雄,虽然全书中袁崇焕并没有出现过,但是他的身影一直都可以从袁承志身上找到,所以袁崇焕才是真正的主角。袁承志只不过是在袁崇焕的为江山社稷而奋不顾身的故事中充当一个表达的工具。


【金庸小说经典句子】金庸小说中的 几幅经典对联 【--经典手机短信】 对联,是中华民族传统的艺术形式。它讲究成双成对的上下两句之间字数相同,并且相同位置的字词词性相同,词义相对。下面是为你带来的金庸小说中的几幅经典对联,欢迎阅读。 桃花影落飞神剑, 碧海潮生按玉箫。

这是《射雕英雄传》中,桃花岛试剑亭有一幅对联:这也是网络上传得错字最多的对联。很多人把"影落写做"落影,也有写成"落英的;很多人把"潮生写做"潮声;还有人把"按玉箫写做"弄玉箫。 虽短短14个字的对联,但细细品来,却是气势夺人。 单头双头缠头,头头是道; 正面侧面背面,面面皆灵。 这副对联,出自于《飞狐外传》第五回,写到胡斐遇到平阿四一家被凤天南欺负,于是为他们打抱不平去找凤天南。他自称为"拔凤毛,意为专门找凤天南的麻烦。在打斗中,凤天南用棍棒使出一招"驱云扫月,以横扫为主,但后招中有点有打,有缠有挑。于是,金庸先生用了这副对联来概括这一招。

上联的五个"头字,对下联的五个"面字,对仗非常工整。 不来辽东,大言天下无敌手; 邂逅冀北,方信世间有英雄。 这副对联,出自于《雪山飞狐》第二回:宝树、曹云奇等一行人收到了雪山主人的邀请前来助拳,这副对联正是主人家中的笔迹。其提款,上款是"希孟仁兄正之,下款是"妄人苗人凤深惭昔年狂言醉后涂鸦。可见写下对联的是苗人凤,他的意思是不遇到胡一刀(辽东大侠)就可以大言不惭地说自己打遍天下无敌手,直到遇到他(邂逅冀北)才相信世间真的有英雄。由此我们可以读出两点意思:一,苗人凤武功高强,并且对自己十分自信;二,胡一刀是一位更加厉害的高手,让苗人凤都感到棋逢对手。 这副对联上下联都有十一个字,如此长的对联没有断句



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

3 篇一:飘 英文读书报告 tomorrow is a new day reading on gone with the wind another day. gone with the wind has a very significant position in our society. we feel america is an incredible and strange country, but gone with the wind uncovers her too softhearted veil, making people see many things that dirty and glorious are coexisted. it also has a special significance to adolescents. this novel became famous overnight as soon as it published. this novel which reached a length of 1000 pages shocked american. the movie gone with the wind was adapted from this novel. the movie made the novel even more famous. it is quite worth reading. 篇二:《飘》读书笔记 《飘》读书笔记 《飘》 是美国作家马格丽特 . 米歇尔所著 , 作者以美国南北战争为背景 , 写乱世中佳人的命 运,写飘然而逝的美国南方文化。 小说中的主人公思嘉总是追求着自己得不到的东西。她对于一切好奇的都想知道都想得 到。她在困境中不屈服于命运,勇于抗争,追求自己想要的生活。 她爱的艾希礼喜欢制造种种颜色鲜明的梦让自己在梦的世界里活动,他不愿回到现实中 来,对人生冷眼相待,不乐观也不悲观。现实中的希礼是懦弱的无能的,就像瑞德说的,艾 希礼是个君子, 只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代。 他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活。 爱 他的瑞德是一个对现实有清醒认识的人。他和艾西礼是唯一真正了解战争结果的人。但是不
