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Module9 Population

Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200000 people. 学案















1.Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.

2.Read the passage and answer the questions.

(1)Why do people like to move to Arnwick?

(2)What problems does Arnwick have now?

3.Check the true sentences.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1e16914785.html,plete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

5.Read the passage and find out the important phrases, then remember them.







Work in groups to discuss the language points.小组内讨论并解决课文中出现的知识点,若课文中仍有疑问可以做出标记,然后在全班讨论解决。

1.They had a small house, close to fields and hills.

be close to “靠近,接近”,close 是形容词;close 还可以作动词,意为“关上”,短语“关闭,关停”是反义词是open。closed 是形容词,表示“关闭的,不开放的,停业的”。

这家工厂一周前关闭了。The factory a week ago.

2.Jo’s family lives in one of those flats. 乔的一家就住在那些公寓的一座中。

family 意为“家,家庭”,强调整体时,若做主语,其谓语动词用单数;强调个体时,若做主语,其谓语动词用复数。

几乎家家都有一台电视机。Almost every family .

他的家人正在野餐。His family .

3.There is a lot of traffic and pollution. 有许多车辆和污染。



4.Many young people want to leave the countryside because they want to find jobs in the city.

leave the countryside 意为“离开农村”。leave 作及物动词,其后可以直接跟宾语,意为“离开,舍弃”。她没吃早饭就离开了家。He without breakfast. leave 还有“忘了带,留下”之意。我把书忘在家里了。. leave for 表示“启程去(某地)”。




1.它需要新鲜的空气,干净的水和更好地公共服务。(better public services)

2.但是钱能解决所有的这些问题吗?(solve all these problems)

3.但是它描述了全世界正在发生什么。(It describes)


1. Don’t make any n . Your father is still sleeping now.

2. Do you think money can s all the problems?

3. The air p will get worse if there are more cars in the future.

4. That was a very q village. Few people lived there.

5. How many p are there in this school?


1. Those poor children need somewhere (live).

2. How long does it take you (finish) your homework?

3. No one (know) when he will be back.

4. Finally, his wife made the big (decide).

5. There (be) a lot of traffic and pollution.






在北方的;朝北的adj. 在南方的;朝南的adj. 去式等) 更好的adj. 下午放学后的;课外的adj. 开心的;满足的adj. 传递;传送v. 可惜;遗憾n. 可能性;机会n. 响亮地;大声地adv. 打败;战胜v ?(过去式等) 粗心的;疏忽的adj. 用欢呼声鼓励;为……加油 路;(尤指)公路n. 教练n. IIW , rul Zw 令人愉悦的;使人放松的adj. (体育比赛中)得(分)V. (体育)训练,操练匕 已经;早已adu 练习n. 问题;麻烦n. 使暖和;使温暖v ? 怎么了? 热身;做准备活动 (使)疼痛;(使)受伤V.(过 通常的;平常的adj. 令人愉快的;有乐趣的adj. 更好地adv. 奥林匹克运动会n. 体育场n. 未击中;未达到V. 介意;讨厌;反对v. 大量;众多pron. 大量;众多 自信的adj. M4 交通事故;意外事件n.

生育;繁殖v ? 终于;最后 西南的;朝西南的adj. 允许;准许v ? 想到;想出 保护;保卫V ? 政府n ? 设 然而;但是adv. 价钱为;花费v ?(过去式等) 描写;描述v ? 社会n. 价钱;成本;代价n. M5 校长 大学;学院n ? (长篇)小说n. 足够的;充分的adj. 和平;太平n ? 给……取名;给……命名匕 和平地;平静地 如果;若conj. 魔术的;戏法的adj. M6 布告;告示n ? 照顾;照管 筹集(钱款);抚养;养育 蛇n. 研究;探讨n. 颈;脖子n ? 婴儿;婴孩m 薄的;细长的adj ? 危险;危害n. 形势;情况m 科学家n. 关心的;感兴趣的adj. 为了 处于危险中 西南n. 开办;设立;创办;建立


Module 1 Unit 1 1 Listen and number the pictures. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. Tony: Don’t drink it. 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. Lingling: Try a harder bed. 4 Lingling: T om looks very strong! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 21听录音,把图画标上序号。 1 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?2 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 托尼:别喝了。 3 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 2再听一遍录音并完成句子。 1 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?2 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 托尼:别喝了。 3 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 3听一听,读一读。 托尼:呣……好香的味道啊!你的比萨饼看起来很好。 贝蒂:谢谢!你想尝一尝吗? 托尼:好的。它看起来令人愉快,闻起来很香,呣,它尝起来很 好吃。 大明:顶上的是什么? 贝蒂: 噢,那是奶酪。你想尝一块吗?大明:呃!不,谢谢。恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。它闻起来不新鲜。它气 味太强烈并且尝起来有点儿酸。贝蒂:嗯,我的巧克力甜饼现在做好


外研社初二英语上册课文(中文) M1 U1 同学们,欢迎回来!今天,我们打算谈论一下学习英语的好方法。准备好了吗?谁有一些建议? 在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。 好!让我们尽可能多地讲英语。 为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢? 那是个好主意,而且不要忘记在错误旁边写上正确的答案。还有其他的什么吗? 每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。 非常感谢你,玲玲。听广播怎么样? 是的,那也有益于我们的发音。但有很多生词。 你们不必理解每个单词(的含义)。你们只需要听关键词和主要意思。 阅读也一样。英语故事如此有趣。通过阅读我逐渐了解了世界上的许多事情。 我认为写作也很重要。我们为什么不尽量去找些讲英语的笔友呢?我们可以给他们写信。太棒了!我同意你(的提议)。 U 2 很多学生咨询如何提高他们英语水平的建议。这儿是三个基本问题。 第一个问题是关于理解英文电影和歌曲的问题。来自湖北的李浩写道:“我喜欢看英文电影,听英文歌曲,但我只能理解一点儿。我可以怎么做呢?” 看电影和听歌曲是学习英语的很好的方式!看上或听上几遍,并猜测生词的含义。每一遍你都会学到新东西。我还建议你和朋友们谈论一下这些电影或歌曲。 第二个问题是关于说的。来自吉林的王帆写道:“我们学校有一位来自美国的老师。我很腼腆,不敢与她说话。我该怎么办呢?” 你可以说:“嗨!你好吗?”“你喜欢中国吗?”这些都是展开交谈的好方式。在你开始(讲英语)前,你应该向她微笑!记住这一点:不要害羞,去试一试。 第三个问题是关于词汇的。来自安徽的张雷写道:“我写下生词,但我很快就忘记了它们。我怎样才能记住它们呢?” 不用担心,忘记生词是很自然的!我建议你每天把4个或5个单词写在纸片上并放在你的房间里。看到这些单词的时候就读一读,并且尽量使用它们。 M2 U1 嘿,大明!你的周末过得怎么样?很好!我去深圳了。 深圳在哪儿? 哦,它在靠近香港的海岸线上。大约30年前它是一个小村庄,但现在它是一个非常大的城市。 这么说它是一个比香港更新的城市? 是的,它是一个很新的城市。实际上,它只是在20世纪80年代才变得重要起来。它正变得更大、更繁华。我相信有一天它会变得和香港一样繁华。 深圳的人口是多少? 我认为有1000多万,比中国的许多其他城市的人口都多。它的街道也更宽、更干净。我认为它是一个美丽的城市。 我想有一天去那里。 记住去参观一下帝王大厦,它比深圳的许多其他建筑物都高。


外研版初中英语八年级上单词表 Module 1 1.两个人,一对 2.改正,正确的 3.拼写 4.练习 5.意义,意思 6.把…填完整 7.句子 8.词典,字典 9.语法 10.字母 11.查找 12.错误 13.犯错误 14.理解,明白 15.(过去式) 16.意见,建议 17.应该 18.可能的 19.写下,记下 20.笔记本 21.忘记 22.(过去式) 23.发……音 24.大声地 25.电台,广播 26.发音 27.关键性的 28.主要的 29.优秀的 30.赞同31.同意某人 32.词汇 33.请求 34.改进,改善 35.主要的,基础的 36.提出意见 37.羞怯的 38.谈话 39.快地 40.合理的 41.建议,提议Module 2 1. 小山 2. 人口 3. 宽的 4.百万 5. 相当地,很 6.相当好 7. 比 8. 北方 9. 南方 10. 西方 11. 故乡,家乡 12. 尤其 13. 因…而闻名 14. 大学 15. 岛屿 16. 地区 17. 矮的,低的 18. 山 19.农村地区Module 3 1.棒球

2.排球 3.烦人的 4.令人激动的 5.已经 6.问题,麻烦 7.怎么了? 8.使受伤 9.令人愉快的 10.奥林匹克运动会 11.体育场 12.未击中 13.介意,讨厌 14.打败 15.粗心的 16.用欢呼声激励 17.教练 18.球迷 19.对 20.训练,操练 21.练习(n.) 22.使温暖 23.热身 24. 通常的 25.更好的 26.开心的 27.传递 28.机会 29.响亮地 30.自信的Module 4 1.路,公路 2.交通事故 3.除…之外 4.遥远的 5.远离 6.拥挤的 7.旅行,旅程 8.预订 9.在…之外 10.选择 11.然而,可是 12.价钱为,花费Module 5 1.女演员 2.茶馆 3.提议 4.结束,结尾 5.最后,终于 6.不知道 7.一幕 8.展示,显示 9.普通的 10.描写,描述 11.社会 12.开始,起初 13.校长 14.大学 15.小说 16.如果 17.魔术的Module 6 1.蛇 2.薄的,细长的 3.危险 4.处于危险 5. 终于,最后


外研版英语八年级上册全册知识点汇总 Module 1 1.study plan学习计划 2. a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数):。。的数量 3.advice不可数名词 a piece of advice一条建议 give sb. some advice给某人一些建议 advise sb. to do sth.建议某人去做某事 4.write it/them down把它写下来 5.what else?还有什么其他的? 6.It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 7.It is a good idea to do sth. 8.meet sb.接某人 9.this term这学期 last term上学期 next term下学期 10.help sb. do sth. help sb. with sth. 11.ask for advice征求意见 12.basic questions基本问题 13.spend on sth. spend (in) doing sth.花费时间做某事 物cost It takes sb. some time to do sth. 人pay for 14.the meaning of。。的意思 15.speak to sb.与某人谈话 16.take a deep breath深呼吸 17.start a conversation开始一段谈话 18.talk about sth. with sb.跟某人谈论某事 19.表示建议的句子 ①What about doing=How about doing…? ②Why not do=Why don’t you do..? ③Try (not) to do sth. ④should do ⑤It’s a good idea to do sth. ⑥Would you like to do sth. ⑦Let sb do sth. ⑧Remember to do sth.=Don’t forget to do sth. ⑨you’d better do sth.


Module 1 怎样学英语 Unit 1 让我们尽可能多的讲英语: 詹姆斯老师:同学们,欢迎回来!今天,我们打算谈论一下学习英语的好方法。准备好了吗?谁有一些建议? 玲玲:在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。 詹姆斯老师:好!让我们尽可能多地讲英语。 大明:为什么不在我们笔记本上记下我们的错误呢? 詹姆斯老师:那是个好主意,而且不要忘记在错误旁边写下正确的答案,还有什么其它的建议? 玲玲:每天拼写并大声朗读新单词是个好主意。 詹姆斯老师:非常感谢,玲玲,听广播怎么样? 大明:是的,那也有益于我们的发音。但有很多生词。 詹姆斯老师:你(们)不必理解每个单词(的含义)。你(们)只需要听关键词和主要意思。 大明:阅读也一样。英语故事很有趣。通过阅读我逐渐了解了世界上的许多事情。 玲玲:我认为写作也很重要。我们为什么不尽量去找些英语笔友呢?我们可以给他们写信。 詹姆斯老师:太棒了!我同意你的提议。 Unit 2 你应该向她微笑: 把你的问题发送给语言博士黛安娜。 很多学生请求给予如何提高他们的英语水平的建议。这儿是三个基本问题。 第一个问是关于(如何)理解英文电影和歌曲。来自湖北的李浩写道:我喜欢看英文电影和听英文歌曲,但我理解的不多。我该怎么办呢? 看电影和听歌曲是学习英语很好的方式!看和听几遍,并猜测生词的含义。每一遍你都会学到新东西。我还建议你和朋友们谈论一下这些电影或歌曲。 第二个问题是关于口语的。来自吉林的王帆写道:“我们学校有一位来自美国的老师。我很腼腆,不敢与她说话。我该怎么办?” 你可以说:“嗨!你好吗?”“你喜欢中国吗”这些都是展开交谈的好方式。在你开始(讲英语)前,你应该向她微笑!记住这一点:不要害羞,去试一试。 第三个问题是关于词汇的。来自安徽的张雷写道:我写下生词,但我很快就忘记了,我怎样才能记住它们呢?


练习1 Do you need some advice on learning English? These will help you learn (1) E______ more easily! Become interested Find something (2) i_______ about your English study. You can make English (3) c________ with your classmates. Don’t study for too (4) l_______ Studying for fifteen minutes(分钟) each day is much better than (5)s_______ for two hours each day. Studying is much more fun if you don’t feel tired(劳累的). Learn through reading Read English as often as you can. It could be (6) n________, short stories or novels. Don’t look up every new word—you can understand a lot without a (7)d_________. Learn through movies and songs Choose your favorite movies, (8) L_______ to your favorite English songs is another cool way. Read first and find out what the song is (9) a________. Pick some words or phrases(短语) that you would like to (10)l________. 练习2 More and more people like traveling during their holidays. (1)S_______ people like to do some sightseeing, so they like to visit some places of (2) i________. Some people like the sea and want to go (3)s_______ so they like to go to the seaside(海边). In many countries, the travel agency(旅行社) can help you (4) p______ your holiday. You can tell the travel agent(代理人) what kind of holiday you like, where you want to go and how much you want to (5)s_______, and then the travel agent will give you a lot of (6) i________ about where to go, how to get there and what kind of (7) a_______ you can do there. There are many different (8) k______ of holidays. For example, one of the holidays is (9) c________ the “package” holiday. That is, you just pay the money, and the travel agent will plan (10) e________ for you: the ticket for the train, bus or plane, the hotel, the activities and so on. 练习3 At school we have to study. We need to l_______ (1) something because we can read books and w______ (2) letters to people. Our town is lucky to have a school, b_______ (3) most town don’t have one. In our school there is only one room and one t_______ (4). We eat in room in winter a____ (5) we eat outside in summer. In winter we have to bring some wood(木材) to make a fire to make the room w_______(6). The children in the classroom are all from six to twelve years old. We learn our lessons by repeating the same things many t_______ (7). This can help us r_______ (8) our lessons better. One of the bad things is that school starts very e_______ (9) and we have to walk all the way to school. If we do s_______(10) wrong(错误的), the teacher will punish(惩罚) us. I got punished one day because I di dn’t do my homework. I think school life is very hard. 练习4 There was a stone in the centre(中心) of a garden of a family. When the family went through the garden, (1)t_______would always be tripped(绊倒) by the stone. One day, the son said to his father, “I h ate(讨厌) that stone. (2) W_______ don’t we move it away?” His father said, “It was there when your grandfather was alive(活着的). It is so big. I’m (3)a_______ we can’t move it. Just be careful when near it.” Twenty years later, the son (4) g______ up and had his son. One day, his son said to him,”There is a big stone in the garden. Shall we (5) m_______ it away?” The father said, “That stone is too (6) h_______. If I could move it, I would have done it twenty years ago.” But the (7) s_______ wanted to move it. One morning, the son brought some tools(工具) to the (8) g______. He dug(挖) around the stone. He thought that it would take him the whole (9) d______ to move it. But he only spent ten minutes (10) b_______ the stone was moved. The stone wasn’t as big as it looked at all. 练习5 At school we have to study. We need to (1) l_______ something because we can read books and (2) w_______ letters to people. Our town is lucky to have a school, (3) b______ most towns don’t have one. In our school there is only one room and one (4) t______. We eat in the room in winter (5) a______ we eat outside in summer. In winter we have to bring


Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Darning: What’s that on top? Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake. Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt! Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. I hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo — you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each other! Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team — I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder. You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China?” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the right way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China! See you next week! Love, Sally


外研版初二英语上册的所有语法的详细讲解 so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词 2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样. 3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点... 4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth 5. 不完全同意I don’t really agree. 完全不同意I really don’t agree. 6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原则 既不..也不..neither…nor….就近原则既....又...both…and….谓语用复数 7. 看起来,似乎It seems/seemed that….. 8. 由于...而闻名be famous for…. 9. 餐馆就餐用语:a table for two/sit at the table by the window/here’s the menu/May I take your order?/could we have the bill?/That’s all. 10. 问路Which is the way to…/where is…/How can I get to…/Is there a..near here/Can you tell me the way to…/Can you tell me how I can get to…? 11. turn right at the third crossing/traffic lights在第3个路口往右拐=take the third crossing on your right 12. 过桥go across the bridge=cross the bridge 13. 走到路的尽头go up this road to the end=go on until you reach the end. 14. at the street corner在街角 15. on sb’s way to….在sb去…的途中/路上 16. what’s the matter?=what’s wrong?=what’s the trouble?怎么了?


外研版八年级上册英语单词表 Module 1 translate v.翻译 translation n.翻译 correct v.改正;纠正 adj.正确的,对的 match v.将……配对 number v.给……标号码 n.数字;号码 repeat v.重复 grammar n.语法 pronunciation n.语音;发音 writing n.写作;文章 punctuation n.标点符号 spelling n.拼写 term n.学期 advice n.建议 write down写下,记下 mistake n.错误 notebook n.笔记本 *else/els/adj.&adv.其他 *radio n.收音机

newspaper n.报纸 message n.(书面或口头的)信息,信 pen friend笔友 *each pron.各个,每个 other pron.不同的人(或物) 外研八年级上册词汇 *each other互相 excellent adj.<口>好极了;卓越的,极好的orchestra n.管弦乐队 send v.发送;寄 language n.语言 improve v.提高 basic adj.主要的;最重要的 *watch v.看;注视;观察 n.手表 guess v.猜,猜测 *just adv.(引起注意、表示允许等)请,就.yourself pron.你自己 enjoy yourself过得快乐 *shy adj.害羞的 conversation n.谈话

deep adj.深的 breath n.呼吸 smile v.&n.微笑 *remember v.记住;想起;记着*forget v.忘记 piece n.一张(或则、件等) *place v.放置 *count v.数 all the time总是;一直 accent n.口音 wish n.&v.祝愿 *borrow v.借 *group n.组 mark n.分数 club n.俱乐部 *start v.创办;开办;发动together adv.一起;共同 *hear v. 听见


外研版八年级上册英语复习资料 Module1 复习资料 1 .give you some advice给你一些建议(advice 不可数名词) 2 .讲…语(speak +语言) 3.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 4.talk to sb.对某人谈话 5.read+文字类物;look与at 连用, have a look 3. how (what) about doing sth 做什么怎么样 4. ask (sb.) for sth. 请求某人获得…… 6.have a message(短信,信息) for sb. 有某人的信息 / give sb. a message给某人一条信息/ take a message for sb. 捎某人一个口信 leave a message for sb. 给某人留个口信 7. help sb with sth=help sb. to do sth.在某方面帮某人 8.translate sth. into sth.把……翻译成…… 9.send sth to sb=send sb. sth. 把某物寄(送)给某人 10.match sth. with sth. 把某物与某物搭配 11.不定代词,疑问副词(something, nothing, anything, everything,what)接else表其他某物 12. enjoy (doing) sth 享受(做)某事 13.take a long time 花很长一段时间 11. the meaning ofsth. 某物的意思 12 enjoy oneself =have a good time 过得开心 13 lots of sth. =a lot of sth. 许多 14 start a conversation 开始谈话 15 take a deep breath 深呼吸一下 16 a piece of paper一张纸 18 best wishes给予最好的祝愿 19 the number of sth. 某物的数量(后接动词单数) 20. a number of sth.许多某物(后接动词复数) 21. show / take sb around 带某人参观 22.write down sth. 写下 23.make mistakes 犯错 24.do some concerts开音乐会 25.on the Internet 在网上 26. a good idea 一个好主意 27. a pen friend 一个笔友 28. school orchestra 学校管弦乐队 29. in groups 分组 30. each other 各自 31. first of all= at first 首先 32. what else 还有其他什么 33. a piece of advice 一条建议 34. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人借入某物lend sth. to sb.借某物给某人 35.basic questions 基本的问题

外研版八年级上册英语 单词

外研版八年级上册英语Module 1 翻译 翻译 改正;纠正 正确的,对的 将……配对 v.给……标号码 数字;号码 重复 语法 语音;发音 写作;文章 标点符号 拼写 学期 建议 写下,记下 错误 笔记本 &其他 收音机 报纸 信息,信 笔友 各个,每个 不同的人(或物) 互相 好极了;卓越的,极好的 管弦乐队 发送;寄 语言 提高 主要的;最重要的 看;注视;观察手表 猜,猜测 (引起注意、表示允许等)请,就.你自己 过得快乐 害羞的 谈话 深的呼吸 微笑 记住;想起;记着忘记 一张(或则、件等) 放置 数 总是;一直 口音 祝愿 借 组 分数 俱乐部 创办;开办;发动一起;共同 听见 Module 2 经验; 曾经 竞争,竞赛 机场;航空港 (飞机的)客舱 乘务员 机长;船长; (运动队)队长 国家 起飞 以前;在……之前 问题,难题 绝妙的;了不起的;奖品,奖金 考虑;认为 听起来 <口>好极了 梦想:;梦 做梦;梦想 某人;有人 种类 西方的 成为现实

在国外;到国外 极好的 任何地方 中国城,唐人街 意人利(人)的;意大利语的意大利人;意大利语 美味的 比萨饼 三明治 超过,多于 卖 卖光(词组) 乐手;音乐家 匕首;短剑 座位 在……旁边 有……味道;品尝 仅仅;只 还,尚 石头 爬;攀登 烤鸭 宫殿 又一的;再一个(批)的 又一个;再一个 海鲜;海产品 娱乐 次 说出……的名字Module 3 地球 火星 已经,早已 刚刚,刚才 模型 站;所;局;车站 太空站;宇宙空间站(使)感到惶恐 最近的;最新的 几个的;数个的 月 发现 最近航天飞机 展示;给……看 多于(某时间、数量、花费等) 行星 太阳系 也;同样 没有一个 环境 空气 生长;种植 部分 星系 十亿 宇宙 光线;电灯 在……之外 孤单的,孤独的 人口 价钱为;花费 更喜爱 日记 甚至 木星 秘密秘密的 真实的;真正的 两次 勘探;探测 任务 不载人的 Module 4 学习;研究 教 校长 从……以来 与……相处(融洽) 相同的,同一的 听说 贫穷的 计划;工程 仍然;依旧 筹集 参加 描述;形容


Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious. 1 Listen and number the pictures. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 Ton y: Don’t drink it. 托尼:别喝了。 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 Lingling: Try a harder bed. 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 Lingling: Tom looks very strong! 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 2 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 Tony: Don’t drink it. 托尼:别喝了。 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 Lingling: Try a harder bed. 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4


Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. Ms James: Welcome back, everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about good ways to learn English. Ready? Who has some advice? Lingling: We should always speak English in class. Ms James: Good! Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. Daming: Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? Ms James: That’s a good idea. And don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistak es. What else? Lingling: It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. Ms James: Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about listening to the radio? Lingling: Yes, that’s good for our pronunciation too. But there are so many new word. Ms James: Y ou don’t need to understand every word. You just need to listen for key words and main ideas. Daming: That’s the same for reading. English stories are so interesting. I get to know a lot about the world through reading. Lingling: I think writing is also important. Why don’t we try to find some English pen friends? We can write to them. Ms James: Excellent! I agree with you. Unit 2 You should smile at her! Send your questions to Diana, the Language Doctor. Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. Here are three basic questions. The first question is about understanding English films and songs. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I li ke watching English films and listening to English songs, but I can only understand a little. What ca n I do?” Watching films and listening to songs are great way to learn English! Watch and listen several tim es, and guess the meaning of the new words. Each time you will learn something new. I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. The second question is about speaking. Wang Fan from Jilin wrote, “Our school has a teacher fro m the US. I am shy and I am afraid to speak to her. What should I do?” You can say, “Hello! How are you?”“Do you like China?” These are good ways to start a conversat ion. And before you begin, you should smile at her! Remember this: Do not be shy. Just try. The third question is about vocabulary. Zhang Lei from Anhui wrote, “I write down new words, but I forget them quickly. How can I remember them?” Do not worry. It is natural to forget new words! I suggest you write four or five words a day on piec es of paper and place them in your room. Read the words when you see them, and try to use them. Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings. Tony: Hey, Daming! How was your weekend? Daming: Pretty good! I went to Shenzhen.

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