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雅思OG全面解析TEST 8





Test 8

Listening ?Reading

Writing ?Speaking Listening

Section 1 – Retirement Home volunteers Section 2 – Plan of Learning Resource Centre Section 3 – Central Museum training Section 4 – Use of tools


Passage 1 –The Phoenicians: an almost forgotten people

Passage 2 –The Hollywood Film Industry

Passage 3 –Left or right?


T ask 1 –The annual number of rentals and sales (in various formats) of films from a particular store between 2002 and 2011.

T ask 2 –Some people get into debt by buying things they don't need and can't afford. Speaking

Part 1 – Question about your life.

Part 2 – Describe a shopping center/mall that you have visited or that you know about.

Part 3 – Different types of shop

Test 8


SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

背景信息(Background information)


听前预测(Prediction before listening)

Section 1的题型设置为填空题。整个笔记分为三部分。第一部分是志愿者活动介绍,第1题填写的是星期一晚上的电脑课程内容,培训的是如何produce一样东西,考生注意produce的替换。第2题是周二下午的活动,要求填写养老院拥有的一样可以play的东西。第3题要求填写周四上午的活动中种植的一样东西。第4题填写养老院关于gardening没有的一样东西。第二部分为面试,第5题填写的是一个日期,第6题填写的是面试助理的名字,第7题填写的是养老院地址。第三部分为公开日活动。第8题根据on 可以确定填写的是一个日期,第9题填写的是引导参观者做的一个动作,第10题填写的是某一个记者种类。

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary)

答案解析(Answer analysis)

Question 1

?定位句:We need two or three v olunteers who can help …


考生根据Monday evening在录音中定位。录音中提到培训师just moved away,他们需要另外另三个志愿者who can help the residents create documents. 此处create与题目中produce同义替换,因此答案为documents.

Question 2

?定位句: Then on Tuesday afternoons we have an informal class.

?替换词: we’ve got

根据Tuesday afternoon在录音中定位。题目要求填写的是养老院有的可以play的一样东西,而录音中在播放完定位句后,明确提到we’ve got a keyboard and someone who plays,此处定语从句还原,即play a keyboard,因此答案为keyboard.

Question 3

?定位句: Then on Thursday mornings we generally have a session in our garden.

?替换词: 无

本题要求填写周四上午的活动为种植什么。录音首先提到了周四上午在花园中有课程,紧接着提到有一些居民enjoy learning about flowers, where they grow best. 因此答案很明确为flowers.

Question 4

?定位句:Do you have …

?替换词:not very much

此题仍然是针对周四上午活动的描述。咨询者提到Do you have your own tools at the home? 考生对于section 1中出现的此类提问要非常敏感,由于回答只会出现肯定或否定,因此答案中所需要填的名词出现在提问句中而非回答句中。考生需要提前记录提问句中出现的名词。此句提问句中的名词为tools。回答句为we’ve got a few, but not very much,等于题目中的the home doesn’t have many,因此可以确定答案为tools.

Question 5

?定位句:Could you come in for an informal interview?


第5题要求填写一个时间,服务人员首先问有没有时间面试,咨询者说would Saturday be possible? 同样的,考生要先将此处的Saturday记下来,以防止错过正确答案。服务人员回答Certainly, just drop in any time during the day. 因此此处答案很明确为Saturday.

Question 6

?定位句:how do you spell that?


本题题目提示非常明显,是要填写assistant的名字。Section 1中考到填写人名,一般都会涉及人名拼写。因此当录音说到how do you spell that的时候,考生准备好记录下拼写即可。答案为MAIREAD。

Question 7

?定位句:the road that Hilary Lodge is in …


本题需要填写地址。题目中已经给出了数字73,根据英文地址的规律,数字后需要填写路名,因此当录音提到the road that Hilary Lodge is in is called Bridge Road, isn’t it的时候,考生应该要反应过来这里的Bridge Road有可能是正确答案,需要先记下来。然后当服务人员确认that’s right. Number 73的时候,考生可以确定Bridge Road即正确答案。

Question 8

?定位句:What are the dates?


第八题开始进入公开日活动的部分。根据题目中on的提示可以确定此处填写的是一个日期。服务人员首先提问咨询者是否能来公开日当志愿者,咨询者问What are the dates,考生可以开始仔细听并进行记录。服务人员首先说一个在April 9th, 还有一个在14th May,咨询者回答I can certainly manage May 14th,考生可以确定这是正确答案,咨询者接着说I’ve got another commitment on April 9th, 从而表示这个日期是错误答案。因此正确答案为May 14th.

Question 9

?定位句:Shall I show people …


本题关键词为show visitors,录音中首先提到会有很多visitors来,志愿者的一项任务是照顾表演嘉宾look after entertainers,或者在客人到来时进行组织organising people as they arrive,并帮助活动顺利进行。此处没有提到任何关于show visitors的内容。继续听录音,咨询者提到shall I show people where they can park? 考生要掌握park在此处作动词,意为指给人们看哪里可以停车。因此答案很明显为park。

Question 10



紧接上一题,录音提到公开日的目的是为养老院做宣传,因此you may find you have someone from a newspaper wanting to interview you,考生应该在考前预测中判断出空格处填的是一种记者的种类,因此此处newspaper即为正确答案,interview与talk同义替换。

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

?We’re having several guest entertainers – singers, a brass band, and so on –and we’re expecting a lot of visitors. So one possibility is to help look after the entertainers, or you could spend an hour or so organising people as they arrive, and then just be part of the team making sure everything’s going smoothly.


分析:本段话在录音中一气呵成十分连贯,由于内容貌似与题目十分相关,因此考生在听录音时会出现神经高度紧张,听到了太多信息不知道填哪个好。实际这段话非常简单。前一句话主要介绍的是guest entertainers,与第9题的题目实际上无关,但是通过了we’re expecting a lot of visitors来引出与visitors有关的内容。后一句具体介绍,结构为one possibility is to … or you could …and then …,其实可以拆为三个分句。考生分别听三句话的内容,与show visitors均无关,因此这段话只是一段普通的长句,与考点无关,考生应该避免将其中的混淆信息作为正确答案。

SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

背景信息(Background information)

Section 2介绍了一个学习资源中心。首先介绍了中心的新布局,演讲者花了很长时间分别描述了报纸,电脑,复印机,咖啡厅和运动书籍的位置。然后演讲者介绍了中心各个成员的负责内容。

听前预测(Prediction before listening)

Section 2的题目设置非常简单,一半地图题一半表格题。考生面对地图题只需要研究好地图中已有的信息即可。在本张地图中,入口在最下方,入口左侧有一张台子,离台子不远的地方就有一个楼梯,左上角很大一块区域是study area。右侧有两间房间,外面是停车场。地图左下角和右上角分别有两个选项。Study area旁边有一个选项,楼梯旁有一个选项,进门处右边有一个选项,两间房间各为一个选项。表格题部分,左栏已经给出了五个人名,考生只需要在录音中根据人名定位到每一题即可。第16题填写的是买的一样东西,第17题填写的是为课程写的一样东西,第18题写的是一个topic,第19题填写找到的一个东西,第20题填写一个名词。注意此表格题只能填写一个单词,注意单词单复数。

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary)

答案解析(Answer analysis)

Question 11

演讲者提到现在储藏的期刊比以前多,所以他们决定将期刊和报纸分开,这意味着the newspapers are now just the other side of the stairs, near the study area. 录音定位非常清晰,说newspapers在楼梯的另一边,靠近study area的地方。图中楼梯两侧只有一侧有选项C,且C选项也靠近study area,因此答案为C。

Question 12

演讲者继续提到他们把电脑搬下楼了,考生可以定位在此处。演讲者明确提到they’re now at the far side of the building on the right, in the corner overlook the car park. 这句话中提到了building的右侧,可以看到car park的corner,因此很明显答案为B。

地图题顺序出题,考生在听完computer之后,集中注意力定位photocopier。演讲者提到他们现在又多了一个复印机,放在楼下,you can see it right opposite the entrance, by the wall on the far side,此处right为副词,right opposite连用表示正对面,by the wall意为靠着墙,far side意为远处。根据这些提示,可以确定答案为A。

Question 14

本题题眼为café, 考生据此可以定位到录音中we now have a café at last这个地方。演讲者提到if you turn right as soon as you get past the desk, you’ll see the door ahead of you,考生根据这句话提供的路线选择。按照默认的入口处出发往前走,经过desk后马上向右转,对准的是两间房间中的H,而H 房间的门也正好在此侧,因此答案很明确为H。

Question 15

演讲者最后提到对sports books有很多需求,they’re all together im mediately to the right of the entrance,这句话信息很明确地指向了入口右侧,即G的位置,因此G为正确答案。

Question 16

?定位句:Jenny Reed is the person to see …


16-20题定位相对简单,根据人名在录音中定位即可。演讲者首先提到Jenny Reed is the person to see if there are any films you’d like us to stock, as she’s taken responsibility for purchasing those. 雅思听力考试中经常会运用指示代词和定语从句来对题目进行改写。此句中those指的就是前一句的films,而purchase与题目中的buy同义替换。因此在考前预测时要提前确定每一题答案的词性,这样在听录音时可以记下必要的单词,以防止错过正确答案。答案为films.

Question 17

?定位句:Phil Penshurst can help you to …


继续根据人名定位,录音在提到Phil Penshurst后马上说他会帮助我们改进写作improve writing if you need to produce reports for your course,而题目要填写的是为课程写的一样东西,因此答案为reports。

Question 18

?定位句:I must mention Tom Salisbury.


本题难度较大,提示词和替换词都不是很直接。考生首先根据人名在录音中定位。演讲者提到人名后,马上提到many people are interested in doing research or just reading about this region- the people, occupation, changes over the years, and so on. 这句话貌似与Tom Salisbury没有任何关系,但是紧接着这一句话,演讲者马上提到Tom is a specialist in this particular field,题目中要求填写某个具体的topic,因此这个具体的topic应该是this particular field,根据指代可以确定答案在前一句中,即region,因此正确答案为region.

?定位句:We have a new member of staff, Saeed Aktar.

?替换词:look for

演讲者首先提到这个人很有用,接着说if you’re unemployed and want some advice on the practical aspects of looking for a job, Saeed is the person to talk to. 本句替换词非常清晰,look for替换了题目中的find,意为如果需要关于找工作的实际建议可以找他谈一谈。因此答案为job.

Question 20

?定位句:Many of you will know Shilpa Desai, …

?替换词:look for

本题与上一题的考点一样,需要填写这个人能帮助什么,而录音明确提到Shilpa now has the additional responsibility of giving information and advice on anything to do with housing. 此处give information and advice与题目中的help同义替换,因此答案为housing.

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

?Many people are interested in doing research or just reading about this region – the people, occupations, changes over the years, and so on. Tom is a specialist in this particular field, so if you want any help, he can point you in the right direction –we’ve got a large collection of relevant documents, from old maps to studies of the wildlife.


SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

背景信息(Background information)

Section 3的背景为师生讨论一篇report。学生为博物馆协会拍摄影片后,写了一篇拍摄报告。导师一一对其涉及的问题进行讨论,其中包括了拍摄的地点、拍摄器材、如何写剧本、如何挑选演员、拍摄有没有遇到问题、如何进行剪辑以及影片封面的问题。考生一一回答了他是如何解决这些问题的。第二部分中导师要求这篇报告还需要包括影片对博物馆协会的作用,其中有几点是学生已经想到的,还有几点是博物馆工作人员的反馈,可以供学生写入报告。

听前预测(Prediction before listening)

21-27题为配对题,录音根据题目顺序播放,因此考生根据题目单词在录音中定位即可。在听前预测时,考生需要阅读选项,划出每一个选项的关键词,并将意思相近的选项联系起来,以便在听录音时快速加以区分。比如A、D、G、H的意思都为得到某某人的帮助,考生可以分别划下关键词friends, professional, manager, family。第二部分为填空题,3个空格分别填写学生拍摄影片对博物馆协会的帮助。28题填写名词,对于协会的xx的理解;29题填写名词,xx之间的合作;30题填写名词,持续的xx导致了更好的作品。此处要注意understanding, cooperation以及continuous分别的替换。

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary)

答案解析(Answer analysis)

Question 21

?定位句:You had to find a location.

导师先提到题目关键词location,学生回答他花了很长时间找地点,but I’d allowed time for it. 考生极有可能被这里的allowed time迷惑而选择C选项。实际上C选项的重点是extra time,而这里学生只提到了有时间,因此不是正确答案。学生继续说and even though it was the middle of winter, there wasn’t any snow, so I didn’t have any transport problems. 这里很明显讨论的是天气因素,是天气情况让他没有遇到交通问题,因此答案为E选项。

Question 22

?定位句:Did you have to decide what equipment you’d need for the film ing?

导师提问关于equipment的问题,学生回答很幸运,因为I’d done that project with you last year,考生可以根据last year来确定答案为I选项,因为其中提到了previous assignment.

Question 23

?定位句:What I found really hard was actually writing the script.

学生提到写剧本有困难,他有deadline, but the Association had to extend it. I couldn’t have done it otherwise. 考生根据转折词but可以确定协会延长了时间是重点,后一句也明确提出不然的话他也不可能完成。此处extend即C选项中的extra time,因此答案为C选项。

Question 24

?定位句:The casting? Yeah, I’d expected that …

考生提到了选角色的问题,他说问题是他们都太忙了有些人还要出差。正确答案再次用but作为强调来引出:But Janice King, who I was reporting to for the project, she was great. 此处report to意为对…报告,隐含义为上级manager,因此答案为G选项。

Question 25

?定位句:And it sounds like the filming itself went well.

导师说拍摄得不错,是不是you found a company who provided an online introduction to the techniques,对于此类先行出现的观点疑问句考生要记下其中的关键信息online introduction,然后考生回答说yeah, it was really informative. 因此确认了导师说的online introduction对拍摄的帮助很大,此处的信息即B选项的information on a website,因此答案为B选项。

Question 26

?定位句:And then the editing?

导师提问editing之后,学生马上回答the Association put me in touch with someone who works for one of the big movie companies and I went down to the studio and sat with him in front of his computer for a day. 这句话中出现了关键信息someone who works for one of the big movie companies,体现了professional的含义,I went down to the studio and sat with him即meet的意思,因此答案很明确为D选项。

Question 27

?定位句:But I had to design the cover for the DVD as well.

学生自己提出了DVD封面的问题,导师问之前有没有做过之类的设计工作,学生说没有,but I did a rough draft and then talked it through with a couple of my mates. 考生可以根据but来判断学生强调的是后面的内容,即他和couple of mates讨论了封面问题,mate与friends同义替换,因此答案为A选项。

Question 28

?定位句:How my project benefited the Association, you mean?


导师问学生协会如何得益,学生说他认为如果他不拍摄影片的话,他们就得到外面找人拍,but because I was actually working for the Association, I’d got much more of a feeling for what their aims are. 注意此处的but引出的内容:由于学生是在协会里工作的,所以他更能理解协会的aim是什么。Feeling 与题目中的understanding同义替换,因此答案为名词aims.

Question 29

?定位句:The Association also said …

?替换词:work together more closely

在叙述完了关于save expense的问题后,导师提到协会还说the film had a very positive effect in getting staff to work together more closely. 考生听到positive effect即可以与题目中的benefit联系起来,后面一个短语get staff to work together more closely较短,考生听完后应该能反应出work together与cooperation同义替换,因此答案为staff.

Question 30


?替换词:at every stage

紧接上一题,学生提到And certainly, people weren’t afraid to tell me what they thought about it as I was making it, so I was able to get lots of feedback at every stage,此处at every stage即题目中的continuous, so和led to属于逻辑上的同义替换,因此答案为feedback.

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

?For that, the Association put me in touch with someone who works for one of the big movie companies and I went down to the studio and sat with him in front of his computer for a day, learning how to cut and paste, and deal with the soundtrack and so on.


分析:本句话较长,考生需要分开理解。定语从句who works for … 形容someone,表示和一个在大电影公司工作的人联系。然后用了两个and连接两句简单句:去工作室/坐在电脑前一整天。Learning为现在分词作定语,形容这一天在学习的内容,最后再用and连接简单句。整段话虽然长,但是拆开后每一句句子都不难,考生在听录音时按照句子的节奏分开理解即可。

SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

背景信息(Background information)

Section 4是一篇关于乌鸦使用工具情况的介绍。首先介绍了动物使用工具的总体概况,然后介绍了各种乌鸦是如何使用工具的,并描述了一个具体的实验。牛津大学对于乌鸦使用工具做了进一步的实验,录音分别描述了各种试验方法和实验结果,最后描述了从这些实验中得出的结论。

听前预测(Prediction before listening)

Section 4采取了常规的全填空题形式,且为笔记填空,笔记结构清晰,考生可以根据前后内容进行定位。31题填关键词为Betty, 填的是一个名词,32题根据three stages定位,填一个名词。33-35题为牛津大学的研究,33题填名词,关键词object;34题填名词,关键词snake;35题填一个名词,关键词Pierre。36题关键词unclear,答案为名词;37-40题为另一项研究的内容,根据语法现象可以判断答案都为名词。37题的关键词为camera,38题关键词为food,provide,39题关键词为larvae composition,40题关键词为analyse, bird, include.

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary)

答案解析(Answer analysis)

Question 31

?定位句:One New Caledonian crow, called Betty, …


本题根据Betty定位,提到这种乌鸦bent some straight wire into a hook, and used it to lift a small bucket,这句话对题目进行了改写,lift a small bucket与题目move a bucket同义替换。题目中make … out of wire意为用wire来做…,而录音中提到将straight wire弯曲成一个hook,即用wire来做成一个hook,因此答案为hook.

Question 32

?定位句: … set captive New Caledonian crows a three-stage problem …

?替换词: pull up

根据题目中的three stages定位,32题填写移动一个东西来reach a short stick,而录音提到the crows first had to pull up a string to get a short stick,很明显pull up是对move的同义替换,get等于reach,因此答案很明确为string.

Question 33

?定位句: Further experiments carried out at Oxford suggest that …

?替换词: inspect

本题中心意思为乌鸦use sticks to investigate whether …,录音提到牛津大学的研究中,发现crows can also use sticks as tools to inspect all sorts of objects, possibly to assess whether or not they present a danger,这句话中whether or not后只有一个名词,即danger,因此正确答案为danger.

Question 34

?定位句:In all these trials, Barney began by using a stick for inspection.


根据Barney在录音中定位,提到Barney后,录音马上说One involved a rubber snake. 在读题过程中,考生可以根据a snake make of的结构判断出make of后天的是一种材料,即…组成的snake,而rubber snake中含有这个信息,因此答案为rubber.

Question 35

?定位句:Pierre used a shor t piece of …


本题根据Pierre定位,录音提到Pierre used a short piece of woodchip to touch a light which was flashing. 而题目要求填写Pierre使用stick来调查的一样东西,investigate和touch同义替换,因此很明显答案为light.



本题定位较难,conclusion结构下有两点,其中一点关于cognition,因此提到cognition部分的录音内容考生可以省去不听。本题关键词为unclear,因此当考生听到seem to …的时候应该反应过来下文即为unclear的内容:They don’t seem to be responding in a pre-programmed sort of way: it may even be possible that they’re able to view a problem and work out what the answer is. 这里提出的一个不清楚的点是这种反应行为是否是事先设定好的,也有可能是看到了一个问题然后找到了解决办法。但是此句内容无法代入题目,与evidence无关。继续听录音,马上能听到关键转折词however:However, a major difficulty is assessing whether this tool-using behaviour is a sign of intelligence. 考生听到however后应该着重听录音内容,其中提到difficulty in assessing whether …,表达的即是unclear,而sign与evidence同义替换,因此答案很明确为intelligence. 本题较难,定位十分不清晰,很容易错过答案,或者听到答案不知道。考生只需要抓住however这样的关键转折词,以及同义替换这两点,基本就能够成功解题。

Question 37

?定位句:the researchers have attached …


录音首先提到鸟很难观察到,因为他们住在都是山的森林里。注意后面提到的逻辑关系:so the researchers have attached tiny cameras to the tails of small birds. So引导结果状语从句,逻辑关系一直是雅思听力的着重考点,考生听到此类逻辑词都要十分注意,此处逻辑词后的内容基本是原文重现,只是将birds’ tails改为了the tails of birds,因此答案很明确为tails.

Question 38

?定位句:The birds are masters at using sticks to find their food …

?替换词:so much

本题关键词为beetle larvae以及food,考生在听到这两个信息后可以马上定位。题目提问food为bird 提供了足够的一样什么东西,录音提到the birds can derive so much energy from these grubs that they only need to eat a few each day. 意为鸟可以从这些grubs里获取那么多的能量,grub意为幼虫,即larvae,so much是题目中plenty of的同义替换,因此答案为energy.

Question 39



本题考核的是larvae的某种特殊的什么组成,本题的同义替换非常明显:The beetle larvae have a distinct chemical make-up,distinct=specific, make-up=composition,因此答案为chemical.

?定位句:Scientists have collected samples from crows in order to estimate …


本题处于最后一题,定位紧接上一题即可。题目考核的是科学家对鸟某个部分的分析,录音提到科学家搜集了很多乌鸦样本来估计the proportion of larvae in their diet. 考生注意此处答案不是larvae,因为题目中what引导的名词性从句表示的就是the proportion of larvae,而需要填的是哪个部分的larvae比例,因此答案为diet.

长句理解(Understanding long sentences)

?In this research, five pairs of crows – including Barney – underwent tests to see how they would react to a variety of objects, which were carefully chosen so the birds wouldn’t be tempted to view them as a possible source of food

译文:在这项研究中,五对乌鸦,包括Barney, 进行了测试来观察它们对于不同的物品如何反应,这些物品都经过了仔细的选择,这样这些鸟就不会受到吸引而将其认为食物来源。

分析:including Barney为插入语,undergo tests意为进行测试,意为五对乌鸦进行测试,来观察对物品的反应。Which引导定语从句修饰a variety of objects,其中还含有so引导的结果状语从句,表示这样做的结果是乌鸦不会被引诱。

?The birds are hard to observe, as they live in a region of mountainous forest, so the researchers have attached tiny cameras to the tails of birds, as one method of investigating their behaviour. 译文:这些鸟很难观察,因为它们住在多山的森林,因此研究者们在鸟的尾部帮上了微型摄像机,作为调查它们行为的一种方法。

分析:as引导原因状语从句,表示鸟很难观察的原因是森林山太多,so引导结果状语从句,attach to意为将…附在…上,最后的as做方式状语,表示这种方法是调查乌鸦行为的方式。

Test 8

R E A D I N G READING PASSAGE 1 Questions 1–13

篇章结构(Paragraph structure)

重要词汇(Essential vocabulary)

难句理解(Understanding complex sentences)

?For Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, Hiram provided craftsmen with par ticular skills that were needed for this major construction project. He also supplied materials – particularly timber.


考点一:for在此句中表示为了,起到的作用是引出目的,相当于目的状语从句连接词,原句可以改为in order to build Solomon’s templ e in Jerusalem.

考点二:that引导定语从句,修饰skills是建造庙宇需要的技能。Craftsmen with particular skills可以替换为skilled craftsmen.

?The African colonies clustered in particular around the great promontory which, with Sicily opposite, forms the narrowest channel on the main Mediterranean sea route.



?The subsequent spread and growth of Phoenician colonies in the western Mediterranean, and even out to the Atlantic coasts of Africa and Spain, was as much the achievement of Carthage as of the original Phoenician trading cities such as Tyre and Sidon.


考点一:本句话主语较长,中心词为spread and growth,of后具体形容发展扩张的地区,即腓尼基在西地中海地区,甚至是大西洋沿岸。

考点二:as much as结构将主语发展扩张与achievement相比较,achievement分别指迦太基的成就以及贸易城市的成就。

?From the 8th century BC, many of the coastal cities of Phoenicia came under the control of a succession of imperial powers, each of them defeated and replaced in the region by the next: first the Assyrians, then the Babylonians, Persians and Macedonian Greeks.


考点一:come under the control of意为被…控制,a succession of意为一系列的。

考点二:imperial powers指的即是冒号后的一系列帝国,each of后的内容形容他们是一个被另外一个击败并取代。

Questions 1–8

解题策略(Tips and strategies)





答案解析(Answer analysis)

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