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The SEC Post-Madoff Reforms

The SEC Post-Madoff Reforms
The SEC Post-Madoff Reforms

The Securities and Exchange Commission

Post-Madoff Reforms

In December 2008, Bernard L. Madoff admitted to perpetrating a massive Ponzi scheme. Shortly thereafter, the SEC began taking decisive and comprehensive steps to reduce the chances that such frauds will occur or be undetected in the future. Today, the agency is continuing to reform and improve the way it operates. Among other things, the SEC has been:

Revitalizing the Enforcement Division: Under the leadership of a new Enforcement Director, the SEC is restructuring the division to better ensure that it focuses on significant cases that will have a meaningful impact. The restructuring will reduce bureaucracy and speed up the enforcement process by removing a layer of management in the 1,100 person division. The newly structured division will include specialized units that will enable staff in those units to concentrate their expertise in focused areas and help detect patterns, links, trends and motives. In addition, the Division has streamlined internal processes to make investigative procedures more efficient.

Revamping the Handling of Complaints and Tips: Each year, the SEC receives a massive number of tips and complaints. In order to improve the way it handles them, the agency contracted with a federally funded research and development center to create a centralized system for managing this information. Already, the team has reviewed and analyzed existing intake procedures and is currently working to improve the process for collecting, recording, investigating, referring and tracking this data. As part of the process, the agency is also working on a system that will apply risk analytics, which will help to reveal links, trends, and patterns that might not be visible when each complaint is examined one at a time. Additionally, the Enforcement Division is in the process of creating a special unit to carefully screen and assign tips to the proper investigators.

Encouraging Greater Cooperation by 'Insiders': The SEC is crafting agreements to secure the cooperation of individuals who are on the "inside" of companies engaged in fraudulent activity. These cooperation agreements, similar to those used by criminal law enforcement authorities, provide that insiders who offer truthful evidence and agree to cooperate and testify would be eligible for a possible reduction in sanctions. Such cooperation agreements could produce witnesses and key information early in investigations, enabling the agency to build stronger cases more quickly.

Enhancing Safeguards for Investors' Assets: In December the SEC will consider adopting rules that would better protect clients of investment advisers from theft and abuse. The rules, proposed in May, would provide greater assurance to investors that their accounts contain the funds that their investment adviser and account statements say they contain. Among other things, the proposed rules would

encourage investment advisers to place their clients' assets in the custody of an independent firm, unlike Bernard Madoff did.

Surprise Exams: One proposal would require investment advisers who control or have custody of their clients' assets to hire an independent public accountant to conduct an annual "surprise exam" to verify those assets actually exist. This surprise examination would provide another set of eyes on the clients' assets, thereby offering additional protection against the theft or misuse of funds.

Third Party Reviews: A second proposal would apply to investment advisers who do not use independent firms to maintain their clients' assets. Such advisers would be required to obtain a third party written report assessing the safeguards that protect the clients' assets. The report — prepared by an accountant registered and inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board — would, among other things, describe the controls that are in place to protect the assets, the tests performed on the controls, and the results of those tests. Existing rules make no distinction between an investment adviser whose affiliate holds its clients' funds and an investment adviser that uses a truly independent custodian.

Improving Risk Assessment Capabilities: The SEC is improving its risk assessment procedures and techniques, agency-wide, to better identify areas of risk to investors. For instance, the agency is enhancing the information that financial firms submit and is improving techniques to better identify those particular firms that warrant a closer look. The agency is also increasing collaboration with third parties and other government agencies. Finally, the agency created a new Division of Risk, Strategy and Financial Innovation which will provide new expertise in risk assessment, financial products and financial engineering.

Conducting Risk-Based Examinations of Financial Firms: The SEC dispatched its examiners to conduct a "sweep" of firms that present certain risk characteristics to ensure, among other things, that the clients' assets in fact exist. Such risks include advisers whose clients' assets are held with an affiliate, as opposed to an independent entity; hedge funds that seem to have "smooth" or outlier returns; firms that use an unknown auditor or no auditor at all; firms with a disciplinary history; and broker-dealers that sell an affiliate's hedge fund or limited partnership.

Improving Fraud Detection Procedures for Examiners: The SEC instituted measures to improve the ability of examiners to detect fraud and other types of violations. Examiners across the country now routinely reach out to third parties such as custodians, counter-parties and customers during exams to verify the existence and integrity of client assets managed by the firm. In addition, the measures include more rigorous reviews of firms before the examiners enter the premises, and a more complete exam guide that focuses not only on obvious signs of fraud but also more subtle signals that deserve closer inspection, such as a firm using an unknown accountant. The measures also include expanded use of exams of

an entire entity when firms have joint or dual registrants such as affiliated

broker-dealers and investment advisers.

Recruiting Staff with Specialized Experience: The SEC has been bringing in new staff with diverse skill sets to expand its knowledge base and improve its ability to assess risk, conduct examinations, detect and investigate wrongdoing, and focus our priorities. Some initial examples included:

Senior Specialized Examiners: The agency has hired new staffers to the examination unit — and will bring on board more — who have specialized experience in areas such as trading, operations, portfolio management, options, compliance, valuation, new instruments and portfolio strategies, and forensic accounting.

Additional Staff with Capital Markets Expertise: The agency has been hiring additional staff with expertise in modern financial products and techniques — such as derivatives and hedge fund activities. Now, other staffers can tap into that expertise to help them identify emerging issues and understand the ways the industry is changing. Such expertise can also be helpful in efforts to improve the techniques used in examinations and the collection and analysis of data.

Expanding and Targeting Training: The SEC has provided — and will continue to provide — staff training related to hedge funds and specialized products; derivatives and options; the verification of trades and custody arrangement; and the use of databases maintained by exchanges and clearinghouses, among other things. Additionally, hundreds of staffers have been training to become Certified Fraud Examiners, and the SEC is expanding the availability of programs for staffers to become Certified Financial Analysts and Chartered Alternative Investment Analysts.

Improving Internal Controls: The examination unit and enforcement division each has implemented a quarterly review program to help ensure that important issues are resolved in a thorough and timely manner and that no exam or investigation falls through the cracks. As part of the quarterly review programs, managers will meet to review and discuss all open exams and investigations and address whether additional expertise is needed to resolve issues, finalize exams and bring investigations to conclusion.

Advocating for a Whistleblower Program: The SEC has requested expanded authority from Congress to reward whistleblowers who bring forward substantial evidence about significant federal securities violations. In proposed legislation that the Chairman sent to Congress, a fund would be established to pay whistleblowers using money collected from wrongdoers that is not otherwise distributed to investors. Variations of this legislation are being considered by both the House and Senate.

Seeking More Resources: The SEC has been seeking additional funding to hire more examiners who can go into more financial firms to see whether they are in compliance with the law, as well as for more enforcement staff who can bring more enforcement cases when fraud and other violations of the law are found. In recent years, the SEC has not had adequate resources to oversee the securities industry. For example, the SEC has just over 450 people in its exam program to examine the more than 11,000 regulated investment advisers and 8,000 mutual funds. Congress is considering legislation that would increase both the level and flexibility of funding for the SEC.

Integrating Broker-Dealer and Investment Adviser Examinations: The SEC has instituted several measures to integrate the broker-dealer and investment adviser examination programs. The New York Regional Office, for example, has adopted a protocol that will integrate examination teams to make sure people with the right skill sets are assigned to examinations. Under the new protocol, a single team of examiners, drawn from the broker-dealer and investment management units, will jointly examine selected firms to ensure that the examination team includes those most expert in the subject of the exam. In addition, the examination program has expanded opportunities for examiners to cross-train and increase coordination between broker-dealer and investment management staff on their examination plans.

Enhancing the Licensing, Education and Oversight Regime for

"Back-Office" Personnel: Working with senior SEC staff, FINRA has committed to establish a new system to enhance the oversight and professional requirements of personnel performing back-office functions at broker-dealer firms. "Back-office" personnel typically perform critical custody, accounting, transfer agency and account maintenance functions. They have an important role that must be performed with skill and integrity. Under the regime FINRA is developing, certain back-office personnel would be subject to licensing and education requirements as well as enhanced oversight. Such a regime would further promote the qualifications and professionalism of those performing back-office functions so that client accounts are better protected.


特殊角三角函数值表: 函数名 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,从点O引出一条射线OP,设旋转角为θ,设OP=r,P点的坐标为(x,y)有 正弦函数sinθ=y/r余弦函数cosθ=x/r正切函数tanθ=y/x余切函数cotθ=x/y 正弦(sin):角α的对边比斜边余弦(cos):角α的邻边比斜边 正切(tan):角α的对边比邻边余切(cot):角α的邻边比对边 特殊函数人倒数关系: tanα ?cotα=1sinα ?cscα=1cosα ?secα=1特殊函数人商数关系:tanα=sinα/cosαcotα=cosα/sinα 特殊函数人平方关系:sinα2+cosα2=11+tanα2=secα21+cotα=cscα2 以下关系,函数名不变,符号看象限 sin(π+α)=-sinα cos(π+α)=-cosα tan(π+α)=tanα cot(π+α)=cotα sin(π-α)=sinα cos(π-α)=-cosα tan(π-α)=-tanα cot(π-α)=-cotα sin(2π-α)=-sinα cos(2π-α)=cosα tan(2π-α)=-tanα cot(2π-α)=-cotα 以下关系,奇变偶不变,符号看象限 sin(90°-α)=cosα cos(90°-α)=sinα tan(90°-α)=cotα cot(90°-α)=tanα sin(90°+α)=cosα cos(90°+α)=sinα tan(90°+α)=-cotαcot(90°+α)=-tanα 特殊三角函数人积化和差的关系: sinα ?cosβ=(1/2)*[sin(α+β)+sin(α-β)] cosα ?sinβ=(1/2)*[sin(α+β)-sin(α-β)] cosα ?cosβ=(1/2)*[cos(α+β)+cos(α-β)] sinα ?sinβ=(1/2)*[cos(α+β)-cos(α-β)] 特殊三角函数 - 和差化积公式 sinα+sinβ=2*[sin(α+β)/2]*[cos(α-β)/2] sinα-sinβ=2*[cos(α+β)/2]*[sin(α-β)/2]


角度 函数 0 30 45 60 90 120 135 150 180 270 360 角a 的弧度 0 π/6 π/4 π/3 π/2 2π/3 3π/4 5π/6 π 3π/2 2π sin 0 1/2 √2/2 √3/2 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0 -1 0 cos 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0 -1/2 -√2/2 -√3/2 -1 0 1 tan √3/3 1 √3 -√3 -1 -√3/3 1、图示法:借助于下面三个图形来记忆,即使有所遗忘也可根据图形重新推出: sin30°=cos60°=2 1 ,sin45°=cos45°=22, tan30°=cot60°=33, tan 45°=cot45°=1 正弦函数 sinθ=y/r 余弦函数 cosθ=x/r 正切函数 tanθ=y/x 余切函数 cotθ=x/y 正割函数 secθ=r/x 余割函数 cscθ=r/y 2、列表法: 说明:正弦值随角度变化,即0? 30? 45? 60? 90?变化;值从0 2 1 22 23 1变化,其余类似记忆. 3、规律记忆法:观察表中的数值特征,可总结为下列记忆规律: ① 有界性:(锐角三角函数值都是正值)即当0°<α<90°时, 则0<sin α<1; 0<cos α<1 ; tan α>0 ; cot α>0。 ②增减性:(锐角的正弦、正切值随角度的增大而增大;余弦、余切值随角度的增大而减小),即当0<A <B <90°时,则sin A <sin B ;tan A <tan B ; cos A >cos B ;cot A >cot B ;特别地:若0°<α<45°,则sin A <cos A ;tan A <cot A 若45°<A <90°,则sin A >cos A ;tan A >cot A . 4、口决记忆法:观察表中的数值特征 正弦、余弦值可表示为 2m 形式,正切、余切值可表示为3 m 形式,有关m 的值可归纳成顺口溜:一、二、三;三、二、一;三九二十七. 30? 1 2 3 1 45? 1 2 1 2 60? 3


目前世界大多数国家电力市场上的竞争日趋激烈,迫使电力生产商和它们的供应商更加关注它们的运行成本和投资的盈利能力。现有的核电系统在这样的市场上显得初投资太高、建设期太长和项目规模太大。核工业要生存下去并保持繁荣,就需要执行商业化的、以利润为导向的方针。从总体上看,核动力在中期和远期的市场中都具有竞争潜力。但是,要使这种潜力变为现实,还要在许多方面付出极大的努力,包括必须能在不危及安全的前提下大幅度降低成本,包括运行和维护费用,并使电厂的可利用率达到较高水平。面对上述挑战,国际核能界正在进行多方面的研究和调整,其中一项举措就是对第四代核能系统的研发。包括有关国家政府、工业界、电力公司、大学、实验室、研究院所都不同程度地关注或参与这个研发。每年的研发费用超过20亿美元。按广泛被接受的观点,已有的核能系统分为三代:(1)上个世纪50年代末至60年代初建造的第一批原型核电站;(2)60年代至70年代大批建造的单机容量在600~1400 MW的标准型核电站,它们是目前世界上正在运行的439座核电站(2002年6月统计数)的主体;(3)80年代开始发展、在90年代末开始投入市场的先进轻水堆(AL WR)核电站。 Gen-IV的概念最先是在1999年6月召开的美国核学会年会上提出的。在当年11月该学会冬季年会上,进一步明确了发展Gen-IV的设想。美国、法国、日本、英国等核电发达国家在2000年组建了Gen-IV国际论坛,拟用2~3年的时间完成制定Gen-IV研发目标计划。这项计划总的目标是在2030年左右,向市场上提供能够很好解决核能经济性、安全性、废物处理和防止核扩散问题的Gen-IV。 2 Gen-IV的研发目标目前Gen-IV先进核能系统的概念还比较模糊,国际上也没有一个确切的定义。但是,这里已经明确的是"先进核能系统",而非"先进反应堆"。其应满足安全、经济、可持续发展、极少的废物生成、燃料增殖的风险低等基本标准。具体来说,研发Gen-IV的目标有三类: 2.1 可持续能力目标按照比较权威的定义,可持续能力的本质是如何维系地球生存支持系统去满足人类基本需求的能力。对一个特定系统而言,是其在规定目标和预设阶段


c o m p u t e r s e c u r i t y 工控安全专题 导语 :本文将从 IT 领域熟悉的信息安全管理体系的基本理论和潜在威胁的角度,借鉴国际上有关工业控制系统安全保护要求及标准,分析当前我国工业控制系统存在的风险,并提出一套基于 I C S 系统的威胁发现与识别模型。 工业控制系统安全现状与风险分析——ICS 工业控制系统安全风险分析之一 张帅 2011年 11月 12日,待测伊朗弹道导弹收到控制指令后突然爆炸。事故经媒体披露,迅速引发各国政府与安全机构的广泛关注,对真凶的质疑直指曾攻击布什尔核电站工业控制系统的 Stuxnet 蠕虫病毒。截至目前,事故真相与细节并未公布,但工业控制系统长期存在的风险隐患却已是影响国家关键基础设施稳定运行重要因素,甚至威胁到国家安全战略实施。为此工信部于 2011年 10月份发布文件,要求加强国家主要工业领域基础设施控制系统与 SCADA 系统的安全保护工作。 1 工业控制系统介绍 工业控制系统(Industrial Control Systems, ICS ,是由各种自动化控制组件以及对实时数据进行采集、监测的过程控制组件,共同构成的确保工业基础设施自动化运行、过程控制与监控的业务流程管控系统。其核心组件包括数据采集与监控系统(SCADA 、分布式控制系统(DCS 、可编程逻辑控制器(PLC 、远程终端(RTU 、智能电子设备 (IED ,以及确保各组件通信的接口技术。 目前工业控制系统广泛地应用于我国电力、水利、污水处理、石油天然气、化工、交通运输、制药以及大型制造行业,其中超过 80%的涉及国计民生的关键基础设施依靠工业控制系统来实现自动化作业,工业控制系统已是国家安全战略的重要组成部分。


核电设备名词及系统简介 1、装备制造业名词:RCC-M 来源:发改委 RCC-M是法国《压水堆核岛机械设备设计和建造规则》的简称,由法国核岛设备设计和建造规则协会(AFCEN)为规范法国压水堆核电站机械设备设计和建造而编制,已被法国政府采纳,是法国核电标准RCC系列的一个分支。RCC系列(RCC-C、RCC-E、RCC-M、RCC-MR和RSE-M五部分)规范标准的原始基础是美国轻水堆核电标准,法国在20世纪70年代初期引进了美国西屋公司的90万千瓦级核电机组技术,启动了压水堆核电发展计划,按照美国ASME-III等标准陆续建成一批90万千瓦级核电机组。为适应法国核安全管理的要求并根据工业实践经验和业主(EDF)对制造和检测的要求,法国相关部门对引进的标准增设了相关的附加规定。此后,法国相关部门又把附加规定与设计和建造标准全部收集到一套完整的文件中。这就是RCC系列标准的由来。自1980年10月出版第一版以来,应法国国内及国外项目建设的需要,AFCEN不断对RCC-M进行升级或补遗,截至目前最新版本2007版,共计有7个版本。RCC-M是针对不同核电项目建设而不断进行升级的。在RCC-M标准的使用过程中,世界上任意一家使用方均可提出修改要求。AFCEN定期举行小型会议(每年10~20次),由50~100个会员参加,综合考虑各种情况和问题,如法规和涉及标准的变化、国际范围内管理要求的更新以及工业发展情况等对RCC-M标准进行更新。 RCC-M主要用于安全级设备,在法国和其他国家(如中国)供买卖双方在合同签订时作为依据性文件使用。RCC-M中所给出的规则主要借鉴了"ASME锅炉及压力容器规范"第III卷核动力装臵设备(NB、NC、ND、NG、NF)



目 录 0102 03工控事件攻击技术概述工控系统安全技术工控系统防护体系思考04 结束语 信息化和软件服务业司

HAVEX病毒 ?2014年,安全研究人员发现了一种类似震网病毒的恶意软件,并将其命名为:Havex,这种恶意软件已被用在很多针对国家基础设施的网络攻击中。 ?就像著名的Stuxnet蠕虫病毒,Havex也是被编写来感染SCADA和工控系统中使用的工业控制软件,这种恶意软件在有效传播之后完全有能力实现禁用水电大坝、使核电站过载、甚至有能力关闭一个地区和国家的电网。

篡改供应商网站,在下载软件升级包中包含恶意间谍软件 被攻击用户下被载篡改的升级包 恶意间谍代码自动安装到OPC客户端 OPC服务器回应数据信息黑客采集获取的数据 恶意间谍代码通过OPC协议发出非法数据采集指令 1 24将信息加密并传输到C&C (命令与控制)网站 3 5 7 6 通过社会工程向工程人员发送包含恶意间谍代码的钓鱼邮件 1 供应商官方网站 工控网络 OPC客户端OPC客户端 OPC服务器 OPC服务器 生产线 PLC PLC HAVEX病毒攻击路径概述

Havex 传播途径 在被入侵厂商的主站上,向用户提供包含恶意代码的升级软件包 利用系统漏洞,直接将恶意代码植入包含恶意代码的钓鱼邮件 l有三个厂商的主站被这种方式被攻入,在网站上提供的软件安装包中包含了Havex。这三家公司都是开发面向工业的设备和软件,这些公司的总部分别位于德国、瑞士和比利时。 l其中两个供应商为ICS系统提供远程管理软件,第三个供应商为开发高精密工业摄像机及相关软件。


现代工业控制总线的发展趋势 前言 随着计算机、通信、自动控制、微电子等技术的发展,大量智能控制芯片和智能传感器的不断出现,以及在传感器、通信和计算机领域所取得的巨大成就使人们对系统综合性能尤其是安全性能提出了越来越高的要求:希望能对系统设备的工作状况进行实时监测和控制,并在此基础上实现设备的智能维护。对企业自动化设备而言,对其工作状况进行远程监测和控制,不仅可方便设备管理者随时了解设备工作状态,设备出现异常时主动报警,便于及时维修,还可拓宽设备服务范围,提高工作性能,延长使用寿命。这一目标的实现对控制网络在开放性、互连性、分散性等方面提出了更高要求。 一分散控制系统(DCS) 当前工业控制计算机的应用范围仍以大系统、分散对象、连续生产过程(如冶金、石化、电力)为主,采用分布式系统结构的分散控制系统仍在发展。由于开放结构和集成技术的发展,进一步扩展了大型分散控制系统的应用。 1. 应用现状 DCS自1975年问世以来,大约有3次比较大的变革,70年代操作站的硬件、操作系统、监视软件都是专用的,由各DCS厂家自己开发并没有动态流程图,通信网络基本上是轮询方式;80年代通信网络较多使用令牌方式;90年代操作站出现了通用系统,90年代末通信网络有的部分遵循TCP/IP协议,有的开始采用以太网。20多年来,DCS已广泛应用于各工业领域并趋于成熟,成为工业控制系统的主流。 虽以现场总线为基础的FCS发展很快,最终将取代传统DCS,但其发展仍面临一些问题,如统一标准、仪表智能化等。而传统控制系统的维护和改造还需DCS,因此FCS完全取代传统DCS尚有较长过程。现DCS的新产品的特点为:系统开放、管控一体化及带有先进控制软件,DCS生产厂家也从事FCS的研发、生产和推广应用。


三角函数特殊值 1、图示法:借助于下面三个图形来记忆,即使有所遗忘也可根据图形重新推出: sin30°=cos60°= 21 sin45°=cos45°=2 2 tan30°=cot60°=3 3 tan 45°=cot45°=1 2 30? 1 2 3 1 45? 1 2 1 2 60? 3

说明:正弦值随角度变化,即0? 30? 45? 60? 90?变化;值从0 2 3 1变化,其余类似记忆. 3、规律记忆法:观察表中的数值特征,可总结为下列记忆规律: ① 有界性:(锐角三角函数值都是正值)即当0°<α<90°时, 则0<sin α<1; 0<cos α<1 ; tan α>0 ; cot α>0。 ②增减性:(锐角的正弦、正切值随角度的增大而增大;余弦、余切值随角度的增大而减小),即当0<A <B <90°时,则sin A <sin B ;tan A <tan B ; cos A >cos B ;cot A >cot B ;特别地:若0°<α<45°,则sin A <cos A ;tan A <cot A 若45°<A <90°,则sin A >cos A ;tan A >cot A . 4、口决记忆法:观察表中的数值特征 正弦、余弦值可表示为 2m 形式,正切、余切值可表示为3 m 形式,有关m 的值可归纳成顺口溜:一、二、三;三、二、一;三九二十七. 巧记特殊角的三角函数值 初学三角函数,记忆特殊角三角函数值易错易混。若在理解掌握的基础上,经过变形,使其呈现某种规律,再配以歌诀,则可浅显易记,触目成诵。 仔细观察表1,你会发现重要的规律。


特殊角三角函数值表 函数名 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,从点0引出一条射线0P,设旋转角为0,设OP=r , P点的坐标为(x, y )有 正弦函数sin 0 =y/r 余弦函数cos 0 =x/r 正切函数tan 0 =y/x 余切函数cot 0 =x/y 正弦(Sin ):角a的对边比斜边余弦(COS ):角a的邻边比斜边 正切(tan ):角a的对边比邻边余切(cot ):角a的邻边比对边 特殊函数人倒数关系:tan a ?COt a =1 sin a ?CSC a =1 COS a ?SeC a =1 特殊函数人商数关系:tan a =Sin a /COS a COt a =COS a /Sin a 特殊函数人平方关系:sin a 2+COS a 2=1 1+tan a 2=sec a2 1+cot a =CSC a2 以下关系,函数名不变,符号: 看象限 sin (n + a) =-Sin a COS (n + a) =. -COS a tan (n + a) =tan a cot (n + a) =cot a sin (n — a) =sin a cos (n —-a) =-COS a tan (n — a) =-tan a cot (n —-a) =-COt a sin (2 n — a) =-Sin a COS (2 n —a )=COS a tan (2 n — a) =-tan a COt (2 n —a )=-cot 以下关系,奇变偶不变,付号看象限 sin (90° - a) =COS a COS (90°-a ) =sin a tan (90° - a) =COt a cot (90°-a ) =ta n a sin (90° + a) =COS a cos (90°+ a )=sin a tan (90° + a) =- COt a(90°+ a ) =-ta n a 特殊三角函数人积化和差的关系: sin a ?cos 3 = ( 1/2 ) *[si n (a + 3) +sin (a — 3) ] COS a ?si n 3 = ( 1/2 ) *[si n (a + 3) —sin (a — 3) ] COS a ?cos 3 = ( 1/2 ) *[cos (a + 3) +COS (a — 3) ] sin a ?si n 3 = ( 1/2 ) *[cos (a + 3) —COS (a — 3) ] 特殊三角函数-和差化积公式 sin a +sin 3 =2*[sin( a + 3 )/2]*[cos( a - 3 )/2] sin a -sin 3 =2*[cos( a + 3 )/2]*[sin( a - 3 )/2]


1、图示法:借助于下面三个图形来记忆,即使有所遗忘也可根据图形重新推出: sin30°=cos60°=2 1 ,sin45°=cos45°=22,tan30°=cot60°=33,tan45°=cot45°=1 正弦函数sinθ=y/r 余弦函数cosθ=x/r 正切函数tanθ=y/x 余切函数cotθ=x/y 正割函数secθ=r/x 余割函数cscθ=r/y 2、列表法: 说明:正弦值随角度变化,即0?30?45?60?90?变化;值从0 21222 3 1变化,其余类似记忆. 3、规律记忆法:观察表中的数值特征,可总结为下列记忆规律: ① 有界性:(锐角三角函数值都是正值)即当0°<α<90°时, 则0<sin α<1;0<cos α<1;tan α>0;cot α>0。 ②增减性:(锐角的正弦、正切值随角度的增大而增大;余弦、余切值随角度的增大而减小),即当0<A <B <90°时,则sin A <sin B ;tan A <tan B ;cos A >cos B ;cot A >cot B ;特别地:若0°< α<45°,则sin A <cos A ;tan A <cot A 若45°<A <90°,则sin A >cos A ;tan A >cot A . 4、口决记忆法:观察表中的数值特征 正弦、余弦值可表示为 2m 形式,正切、余切值可表示为3 m 形式,有关m 的值可归纳成顺口溜:一、二、三;三、二、一;三九二十七. 函数名正弦余弦正切余切正割余割 符号sincostancotseccsc 正弦函数sin (A )=a/c 余弦函数cos (A )=b/c 正切函数tan (A )=a/b 余切函数cot (A )=b/a 其中a 为对边,b 为邻边,c 为斜边 三角函数对照表 30? 1 2 1 45? 1 1 2 60?



两角和公式 sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+sinAsinB tan(A+B) = (tanA+tanB)/(1-tanAtanB) tan(A-B) = (tanA-tanB)/(1+tanAtanB) cot(A+B) = (cotAcotB-1)/(cotB+cotA) cot(A-B) = (cotAcotB+1)/(cotB-cotA) sin3A = 3sinA-4(sinA)^3; cos3A = 4(cosA)^3 -3cosA tan3a = tan a · tan(π/3+a)· tan(π/3-a) 公式 sin(A/2) = √{(1--cosA)/2} cos(A/2) = √{(1+cosA)/2} tan(A/2) = √{(1--cosA)/(1+cosA)} cot(A/2) = √{(1+cosA)/(1-cosA)} tan(A/2) = (1--cosA)/sinA=sinA/(1+cosA) sin(a)+sin(b) = 2sin[(a+b)/2]cos[(a-b)/2]

sin(a)-sin(b) = 2cos[(a+b)/2]sin[(a-b)/2] cos(a)+cos(b) = 2cos[(a+b)/2]cos[(a-b)/2] cos(a)-cos(b) = -2sin[(a+b)/2]sin[(a-b)/2] tanA+tanB=sin(A+B)/cosAcosB sin(a)sin(b) = -1/2*[cos(a+b)-cos(a-b)] cos(a)cos(b) = 1/2*[cos(a+b)+cos(a-b)] sin(a)cos(b) = 1/2*[sin(a+b)+sin(a-b)] cos(a)sin(b) = 1/2*[sin(a+b)-sin(a-b)] 诱导公式 sin(-a) = -sin(a) cos(-a) = cos(a) sin(π/2-a) = cos(a) cos(π/2-a) = sin(a) sin(π/2+a) = cos(a) cos(π/2+a) = -sin(a) sin(π-a) = sin(a) cos(π-a) = -cos(a) sin(π+a) = -sin(a) cos(π+a) = -cos(a) tgA=tanA = sinA/cosA 万能公式


特殊三角函数数值表 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

两角和公式 sin(A+B) = sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B) = sinAcosB-cosAsinB cos(A+B) = cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B) = cosAcosB+sinAsinB tan(A+B) = (tanA+tanB)/(1-tanAtanB) tan(A-B) = (tanA-tanB)/(1+tanAtanB) cot(A+B) = (cotAcotB-1)/(cotB+cotA) cot(A-B) = (cotAcotB+1)/(cotB-cotA) sin3A = 3sinA-4(sinA)^3; cos3A = 4(cosA)^3 -3cosA tan3a = tan a · tan(π/3+a)· tan(π/3-a) 公式 sin(A/2) = √{(1--cosA)/2} cos(A/2) = √{(1+cosA)/2} tan(A/2) = √{(1--cosA)/(1+cosA)} cot(A/2) = √{(1+cosA)/(1-cosA)} tan(A/2) = (1--cosA)/sinA=sinA/(1+cosA) sin(a)+sin(b) = 2sin[(a+b)/2]cos[(a-b)/2] sin(a)-sin(b) = 2cos[(a+b)/2]sin[(a-b)/2] cos(a)+cos(b) = 2cos[(a+b)/2]cos[(a-b)/2] cos(a)-cos(b) = -2sin[(a+b)/2]sin[(a-b)/2] tanA+tanB=sin(A+B)/cosAcosB sin(a)sin(b) = -1/2*[cos(a+b)-cos(a-b)] cos(a)cos(b) = 1/2*[cos(a+b)+cos(a-b)] sin(a)cos(b) = 1/2*[sin(a+b)+sin(a-b)] cos(a)sin(b) = 1/2*[sin(a+b)-sin(a-b)] 诱导公式 sin(-a) = -sin(a) cos(-a) = cos(a) sin(π/2-a) = cos(a) cos(π/2-a) = sin(a) sin(π/2+a) = cos(a) cos(π/2+a) = -sin(a) sin(π-a) = sin(a)


特殊角三角函数值表: ? 函数名 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,从点O引出一条射线OP,设旋转角为θ,设OP=r,P点的坐标为(x,y)有?正弦函数sinθ=y/r余弦函数cosθ=x/r 正切函数tanθ= y/x 余切函数cotθ=x/y?正弦(sin):角α的对边比斜边余弦(cos):角α的邻边比斜边 正切(tan):角α的对边比邻边余切(cot):角α的邻边比对边 特殊函数人倒数关系: tanα ?cotα=1sinα ?cscα=1 cosα ?secα=1 特殊函数人商数关系:tanα=sinα/cosαcotα=cosα/sinα?特殊函数人平方关系:sinα2+cosα2=1 1+tanα2=secα21+cotα=cscα2?以下关系,函数名不变,符号看象限 sin(π+α)=-sinαcos(π+α)=-cosα tan(π+α)=tanα cot(π+α)=cotα sin(π—α)=sinα cos(π—α)=—cosα tan(π—α)=-tanαcot(π—α)=—cotα sin(2π-α)=-sinα cos(2π-α)=cosα tan(2π-α)=-tanα cot(2π—α)=-cotα?以下关系,奇变偶不变,符号看象限 sin(90°-α)=cosα cos(90°-α)=sinα tan(90°-α)=cotα cot(90°—α)=tanα?sin(90°+α)=cosαco s(90°+α)=sinα tan(90°+α)=-cotαcot(90°+α)=—tanα 特殊三角函数人积化和差的关系:?sinα ?cosβ=(1/2)*[sin(α+β)+sin (α-β)] cosα ?sinβ=(1/2)*[sin(α+β)—sin(α-β)] cosα ?cosβ=(1/2)*[cos(α+β)+cos(α—β)] sinα ?sinβ=(1/2)*[cos(α+β)-cos(α—β)]?特殊三角函数 - 和差化积公式?sinα+sinβ=2*[sin(α+β)/2]*[cos(α-β)/2] sinα-sinβ=2*[cos(α+β)/2]*[sin(α—β)/2] cosα+cosβ=2*[cos(α+β)/2]*[cos(α-β)/2]cosα—cosβ=-22*[sin(α+β)/2]*[sin(α-β)/2]


(1)特殊角三角函数值 sin0=0 sin30=0.5 sin45=0.7071 二分之根号2 sin60=0.8660 二分之根号3 sin90=1 cos0=1 cos30=0.866025404 二分之根号3 cos45=0.707106781 二分之根号2 cos60=0.5 cos90=0 tan0=0 tan30=0.577350269 三分之根号3 tan45=1 tan60=1.732050808 根号3 tan90=无 cot0=无 cot30=1.732050808 根号3 cot45=1 cot60=0.577350269 三分之根号3 cot90=0 (2)0°~90°的任意角的三角函数值,查三角函数表。(见下)(3)锐角三角函数值的变化情况 (i)锐角三角函数值都是正值

(ii)当角度在0°~90°间变化时, 正弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小) 余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大) 正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小) 余切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大) (iii)当角度在0°≤α≤90°间变化时, 0≤sinα≤1, 1≥cosα≥0, 当角度在0°<α<90°间变化时, tanα>0, cotα>0. “锐角三角函数”属于三角学,是《数学课程标准》中“空间与图形”领域的重要内容。从《数学课程标准》看,中学数学把三角学内容分成两个部分,第一部分放在义务教育第三学段,第二部分放在高中阶段。在义务教育第三学段,主要研究锐角三角函数和解直角三角形的内容,本套教科书安排了一章的内容,就是本章“锐角三角函数”。在高中阶段的三角内容是三角学的主体部分,包括解斜三角形、三角函数、反三角函数和简单的三角方程。无论是从内容上看,还是从思考问题的方法上看,前一部分都是后一部分的重要基础,掌握锐角三角函数的概念和解直角三角形的方法,是学习三角函数和解斜三角形的重要准备。 附:三角函数值表 sin0=0, sin15=(√6-√2)/4 , sin30=1/2, sin45=√2/2, sin60=√3/2, sin75=(√6+√2)/2 , sin90=1, sin105=√2/2*(√3/2+1/2) sin120=√3/2 sin135=√2/2 sin150=1/2 sin165=(√6-√2)/4 sin180=0 sin270=-1 sin360=0


创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者: 别如克* 只想上传这一个表 下面的都是无用的话 不用看了。 1、图示法:借助于下面三个图形来记忆,即使有所遗忘也可根据图形重新推出: sin30°=cos60°= 2 1 sin45°=cos45°=22 tan30°=cot60°=3 3 tan 45°=cot45°=1 230? 1 2 3 1 45? 1 2 1 2 60? 3

说明:正弦值随角度变化,即0? 30? 45? 60? 90?变化;值从0 23 1变化,其余类似记忆. 3、规律记忆法:观察表中的数值特征,可总结为下列记忆规律: ① 有界性:(锐角三角函数值都是正值)即当0°<α<90°时, 则0<sin α<1; 0<cos α<1 ; tan α>0 ; cot α>0。 ②增减性:(锐角的正弦、正切值随角度的增大而增大;余弦、余切值随角度的增大而减小),即当0<A <B <90°时,则sin A <sin B ;tan A <tan B ; cos A >cos B ;cot A >cot B ;特别地:若0°<α<45°,则sin A <cos A ;tan A <cot A 若45°<A <90°,则sin A >cos A ;tan A >cot A . 4、口决记忆法:观察表中的数值特征 正弦、余弦值可表示为 2m 形式,正切、余切值可表示为3 m 形式,有关m 的值可归纳成顺口溜:一、二、三;三、二、一;三九二十七. 创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者: 别如克*


文案大全 初中三角函数值表 特殊角三角函数值 sin0=0 sin30=0.5 sin45=0.7071=22 sin60=23=0.866 sin90=1 cos0=1 cos30=23 =0.866 cos45=22=0.70 cos60=0.5 cos90=0 tan0=0 tan30=33 =0.577 tan45=1 tan60=3=1.732 tan90=无 cot0=无cot30=3=1.732 cot45=1 cot60=33 =0.577 cot90=0 (2)0°~90°的任意角的三角函数值,查三角函数表。(见下) (3)锐角三角函数值的变化情况 (i )锐角三角函数值都是正值 (ii )当角度在0°~90°间变化时, 正弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小) 余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)

正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小) 余切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)(iii)当角度在0°≤α≤90°间变化时, 0≤sinα≤1, 1≥cosα≥0, 当角度在0°<α<90°间变化时, tanα>0, cotα>0. 附:三角函数值表 sin0=0, sin15=(√6-√2)/4 , sin30=1/2, sin45=√2/2, sin60=√3/2, sin75=(√6+√2)/2 , sin90=1, sin105=√2/2*(√3/2+1/2) 文案大全

sin120=√3/2 sin135=√2/2 sin150=1/2 sin165=(√6-√2)/4 sin180=0 sin270=-1 sin360=0 文案大全


1、图示法:借助于下面三个图形来记忆,即使有所遗忘也可根据图形重新推出: sin30°=cos60°=2 1 ,sin45°=cos45°=22, tan30°=cot60°=33, tan 45°=cot45°=1 正弦函数 sinθ=y/r 余弦函数 cosθ=x/r 正切函数 tanθ=y/x 余切函数 cotθ=x/y 正割函数 secθ=r/x 余割函数 cscθ=r/y 2、列表法: 说明:正弦值随角度变化,即0? 30? 45? 60? 90?变化;值从0 2 1 22 23 1变化,其余类似记忆. 3、规律记忆法:观察表中的数值特征,可总结为下列记忆规律: ① 有界性:(锐角三角函数值都是正值)即当0°<α<90°时, 则0<sin α<1; 0<cos α<1 ; tan α>0 ; cot α>0。 ②增减性:(锐角的正弦、正切值随角度的增大而增大;余弦、余切值随角度的增大而减小),即当0<A <B <90°时,则sin A <sin B ;tan A <tan B ; cos A >cos B ;cot A >cot B ;特别地:若0°<α<45°,则sin A <cos A ;tan A <cot A 若45°<A <90°,则sin A >cos A ;tan A >cot A . 4、口决记忆法:观察表中的数值特征 正弦、余弦值可表示为 2m 形式,正切、余切值可表示为3 m 形式,有关m 的值可归纳成顺口溜:一、二、三;三、二、一;三九二十七. 30? 1 2 3 1 45? 1 2 1 2 60? 3

函数名正弦余弦正切余切正割余割符号sin cos tan cot sec csc 正弦函数sin(A)=a/c 余弦函数cos(A)=b/c 正切函数tan(A)=a/b 余切函数cot(A)=b/a 其中a为对边,b为邻边,c为斜边 三角函数对照表
