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1、( )uncle sun ( ) grape name

( ) about playground ( ) not welcome

( ) English long

2、Let (我) have a look.

3、We like PE.

Like PE? No, .




Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground. In this building(楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on t he second floor. It?s big and clean. I like it.

()1、There are classrooms in my school. A、thirty B、thirteen

()2、The playground is . A、small B、big

()3、The library is on the floor. A、first B、second

()4、My classroom is A、clean B、small

()5、I my school. A、don?t like B、like


1、( )table skate ( )food good

()down window ()books lessons

()pity swim


Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at sc hool. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven o?clock. I go to bed at nine thirty.

()1、I get up at .A、6:40 B、6:30

()2、I have at 7:10 A、lunch B、breakfast

()3、I have classes all day.(全天;一整天) A、four B、six

()4、I have lunch . A、at school B、at home

()5、I go to bed at . A、seven o?clock B、nine thirty


1、()get she ( )football school

()sleep meet ()watch afternoon

( ) school Chinese

2、our (单数形式)



I?m ZhangPeng. It?s 6:40. It?s time to get up. I wear my new T-shirt. It?s yellow. And

I wear my green shorts. They?re old. But I like them very much. I have P.E. class today, so I wear my white shoes. At 7:00, I have some hamburgers and milk for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:20.

()1、I get up at 6:40.

()2、I have a yellow shirt. It's new.

()3、I like my green shorts.

()4、I wear green shoes today.

()5、I have breakfast at 7:20.


1、( )ten desk ( )red behind

( )lake grape ()she meet

()easy great

2、-where is helen?it’s time for home。



3、-Can you seebirds?

-Yes,they are cute.

4、Read and judge.(读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示)10分 Dear Grandma:How are you? Thank you for the new shirt. It?s beautiful. I like it. Now I am writing

(写) at the new school. This is a nice school. The trees are green; the flowers are red and yello w. We have a music room, an art room, a computer room, a canteen and a library. The playground is so big. We can play football there.

Oh, it?s time to go home now. Let me stop here. Welcome to my school and welcome to my h ome.

( ) (1) John is writing to his mother.

( ) (2) John has a new jacket.

( ) (3) John?s school is nice.

( ) (4) The playground is big.

( ) (5) They can play football on the playground.




I'm Alice. This is our school. It is big. This is my classroom. It's big and clean. Loo k! That is my desk. It is yellow. My teacher is Miss Li. She is in the classroom. She is

a good teacher. I like my teacher.

1、 ( ) My name is Alice.

2、 ( ) My school is small.

3、 ( ) My classroom is dirty( 脏的 ).

4、 ( ) My desk is yellow.

5、 ( ) Miss Li is not in the classroom.



Today is Sunday. The weather is warm and windy. I can wear my shirt and jeans. I fly a kite o n the playground. Tom and Jack wear their T-shirt and shorts. They play football. But in Harbin, it' s cold. It's snowy. People put on their coat and hats. They can make a snowman and skate(滑雪). It’s funny.

()1、It’s cloudy and windy today.

()2、It's windy. So I can fly a kite.

()3、It's hot. Tom can wear his T-shirt and shorts.

()4、It's snowy in Harbin today.

()5、I can make a snowman, too.



1、( ) How much are the slippers? A、It’s twelve yuan.

2、( ) Can I help you ? B、Yes, please.

3、( )Are they cheap? C、 There are 12.

4、( ) How many desks are there? D、No, they are too expensive.

5、( ) How much is the T-shirt? E、They’re 78 yuan.

十、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(10分) Assistant: Can I help you, Miss White? Miss White: Yes. I want a pair of sandals, please. Ass istant: What size? Miss White: Size nine.

Assistant: How about this pair? They are black. They are good. Miss White: How much are th ey? Assistant: They are 60 yuan.

Miss White: Oh. They are too expensive.

Assistant: These brown sandals are cheaper. They?re 30 yuan. Miss White: OK. I will take the m.

()1、Miss White wants a pair of sneakers.

()2、The sandals are size nine.

()3、The black sandals are 60 yuan.

()4、The brown sandals are 60 yuan.

()5、Miss White takes the black sandals..

Dear Uncle:

Thank you for the new jeans. They are very pretty. It?s cool in Beijing. It?s sunny, too. I can w ear my jeans and sweater. I have a pair of new sneakers. My old sneakers are too small. Today is g randma?s birthday. I want to buy some apples for grandma. She likes apples. What?s the weather li ke at the farm? Is it warm? How many ducks are there?

Your love, John

( )1.It?s sunny and cool in Beijing.

( )2. John can wear the jeans.

( )3. J ohn?s old sneakers are too big.

( )4. Today is John?s birthday.

( )5. Uncle is at the farm.



1: How many _______ (兔子)are there in the picture? _______.(十只)

2: There are many _________(猪)and ________there.(狗)

3: I see ________(八) ________(鸭子)and ten ________.(猫)

4: What can you in the picture?

I can see two ______,(马)six _______,(绵羊) one______,(山羊) and one_______.(母鸡)

5: Can you spell _______(十一), _______(十二), ______(十三), ________(十五), and _________(二十)?

6: A: Are these cucumbers? B: Yes, ______ ______.

7: The dress is _______ (好的), and the skirt is _______ (便宜的)

8: It?s _______(热的)in China, and it?s ________(寒冷的)in Australia.

9: It’s three o?clock, it?s _______ for ________class.(三点了,该去上英语课的时候了)10: ____________ (多少)slippers do you have? Two.

11:Can I help you ?

Yes, I want ______ _______(三个苹果),______ ______(两个橙子) and _______ _______(五个梨子)。

12:Do you want a _______(大的)_____________(西瓜)? Yes, I do.

13: ______ ______(多少钱) are the bananas? ______ ______ 20 Yuan.

14: The mouse is _______(小的), but the elephant is ________.(大的)

15: How much are the ________?(梨子) _______ _______eleven Y uan.

16: I want five ________(香蕉) and three ________(桃子)。

17: It?s cold. You?d better take your ________. (夹克)

18:It?s ________ (晴朗的) in Guangzhou. Is it ________(下雪的) in Hong Kong? 19: It?s cool, I can _______(穿) my ________. (衬衣)

20:Good morning, here is the _________ __________. (天气预报)

21:It?s cool. _______(让我们) go to play __________. (足球)

22:My ________(牛仔裤)are blue.

23: _____ time is it now? It?s _______(12) o?clock. It?s time for_______ _______(语文课) 24:What _________is the _________?(连衣裙) It’s _________.(红色的)

25:Where are my _______(短裤) and ________(袜子)。 On the bed.

26: I like the _______(黄色的)T-shirt with the _______(白色的) skirt.

27: It______ 7:00. It’s _______for school.

28: Let?s go to the _______(教室),it?s time for ______ ______.(英语课)

29:Time for ________(午餐), Let?s go to the _________. (餐厅)

30:Go to the _________(图书馆)read some books.

31: We have a new ___________(电脑室), two _________(风扇) and four ________ (灯) in our classroom.

32: This ________(操场) is green, That _________(美术室)is white.

33: Look, this is my ________(学校)。 There is a _________(音乐室)on the second floor. There is a _______(图画)on the _______.(墙壁)

34: Today is warm, let?s go to the __________.(农场)。My _______(爸爸)is a ______(农民), my _______(妈妈) is a _______ (医生),my _______(姐姐)is a ________(学生),my __________(哥哥) is a ________ (教师)。

35:_______ ________(多少钱) is this skirt?

36: I like _______(音乐)and _______(数学)。

37:Where is the _________(电脑)? It?s on the _____________.(讲台)

38:This ________(尺子) is too ________ (长的),I want a _______(短的)one.

39: The _________(地板)is ________(绿色).

40: ______, _______, _______, ________, five, ______, ________, _______, ______, ten la mbs. I love them.

41: What?s in your ______?(书包)

There are one__________,(铅笔盒) ten __________,(铅笔) three _________,(尺子) and many_________(书本) in it.

42: Mike is a ______.(男孩) Amy is a _________.(女孩). They are ________(学生).

43: Welcome to my ________.(家).Look, This is my _________(房间), there is a________(书桌), a________(椅子), a________(床), a big ________(窗).

44: Amy is my good ________(朋友),she has big ______(眼睛), a small ______(鼻子), ______black hair and a small _______.(嘴巴)

45: I?d like some ______(鱼), _______(米饭), _______ (鸡肉)for my dinner, and have some _______(面包) and ______(牛奶).




1.时间、节日前面要用a t,月份前面用i n,具体某月某日用o n。

2.s h o u l d应该,s h o u l d n?t不应该,后面要接动词原形。n e e d t o需要,w a n t t o想要,to后面用动词原形。

3.H o w o f t e n多久,询问时间频率,o n c e a d a y一天一次,t w i c e a w e e k 一周2次,t h r e e t i m e s a mo n t h一个月3次。H o w ma n y 多少,后面要接名词复数形式,H o w mu c h多少,接不可数名词。

4.i n t h e f u t u r e在未来t h e h o u s e o f t h e f u t u r e未来的房子

5.第三人称h e,s h e,i t等做主语,后面动词要变化,一般加s,如:

I t o f t e n r a i n s.I t n e v e r s n o w s。s h结尾就加e s,如w a s h e s t h e d i s h e s,c o mb s h e r h a i r

6.用w i l l来问,肯定回答用w i l l,否定回答用w o n?t。

7.用w h y问,用b e c a u s e回答。


E a s t e r—e a t c h o c o l a t e e g g s--A p r i l H a l l o w e e n---p l a y t r i c k o r t r e a t—O c t o b e r

t h e D r a g o n B o a t Fe s t i v a l—w a t c h b o a t r a c e s C h r i s t ma s—g e t p r e s e n t s—D e c e mb e r

C h i n e s e N e w Ye a r—g e t l u c k y mo n e y—F e b r u a r y

C h i l d r e n?s

D a y i s i n J u n e.M a y D a y i s i n M a y.

N e w Ye a r?s D a y i s i n J a n u a r y.C h r i s t ma s i s i n D e c e mb e r.

C h i n e s e N e w Ye a r i s i n Fe b r u a r y.H a l l o w e e n i s i n O c t o b e r.

M i d-a u t u mn D a y i s i n S e p t e mb e r.E a s t e r i s i n A p r i l.


1. A: Wi l l t h e r e b e c a t s a n d d o g s i n t h e f u t u r e?B:I t h i n k s o.

2. A:I w i l l g o s h o p p i n g a t f o u r o?c l o c k.D o yo u w a n t t o c o me?B: Ye s,

I d o.

3. A:C a n w e g o t h e r e f o r o u r n e x t h o l i d a y?B:S u r e.

6.I t?s v e r y c o l d i n H a r b i n i n w i n t e r.I t o f t e n s n o w s.

7.I n S h a n g h a i,i t?s c o o l i n s p r i n g.

8.I n S h e n z h e n,i t?s c o o l a n d d r y i n w i n t e r.B u t s o me t i m e s i t?s c o l d,i t n e v

e r s n o w s.

9.I n w i n t e r,i t?s c o l d i n C h a n g c h u n.I t o f t e n s n o w s.

10.I n a u t u mn,i t?s c o o l a n d d r y i n B e i j i n g.B u t i t?s v e r y h o t i n s u m me r.

11.I n s u m m e r,i t o f t e n r a i n s i n G u a n g z h o u.I t?s h o t.

12.I n H a n g z h o u,i t?s w a r m a n d w e t i n s p r i n g.I t o f t e n r a i n s.

13.To m d r i n k s a l o t o f C o k e e v e r y d a y.

14.S a m a n d D a v i d b r u s h t h e i r t e e t h t w i c e a d a y.

15.P a u l o f t e n r e a d s b o o k s w h e n h e w a l k s.

16.P e n n y r e a d s b o o k s e v e r y d a y.

17.C a n d y o f t e n s a y s…p l e a s e?a n d…t h a n k y o u?.

18.J o h n d o e s n?t w a s h h i s h a n d s b e f o r e me a l s.

19. Ti m l i k e s e a t i n g me a t,b u t h e d o e s n?t l i k e v e g e t a b l e s.

20.P a t g e t s u p l a t e e v e r y d a y.

21.S a l l y a l w a y s t h r o w s r u b b i s h i n t h e b i n.



E v e r y d a y,T i m g e t s u p l a t e s o h e a l w a ys r u n s t o s c h o o l.H e d o e s n?t l i k e E n g l i s h,s o h e n e v e r r e a d s E n g l i s h i n t h e mo r n i n g.H e e a t s l u n c h a t s c h o o l.B e f o r e me a l,h e w a s h e s h i s h a n d s.H e l i k e s e a t i n g me a t a n d v e g e t a b l e s, b u t h e d o e s n?t l i k e s p o r t s.


M y h o u s e o f t h e f u t u r e w i l l b e l i k e t h i s.

I n t h e l i v i n g r o o m,t h e r e w i l l b e a b i g T V a n d a l o n g s o f a.W e w i l l w a t c h

T V a n d p l a y t h e r e.

I n t h e b e d r o o ms,t h e r e w i l l b e b i g b e d s a n d w a r d r o b e s.

I n t h e l i b r a r y,t h e r e w i l l b e a l o t o f b o o k s a n d C D s.W e w i l l r e a d b o o k s a n d l i s t e n t o mu s i c t h e r e.

T h e k i t c h e n w i l l b e b i g.W e w i l l c o o k a n d e a t t h e r e.

T h e r e w i l l b e a b i g s w i m mi n g p o o l.W e w i l l s w i m t h e r e.


T e a c h e r:T h e r e a r e f o u r s e a s o n s i n a ye a r.W h a t a r e t h e y?

K i t t y:T h e y a r e s p r i n g,s u m me r,a u t u mn a n d w i n t e r.

T e a c h e r:V e r y g o o d,K i t t y.A l i c e,d o yo u l i k e s p r i n g?

A l i c e:Y e s,s p r i n g i s n i c e.I t?s w a r m.I t?s n o t c o l d.

T h e l e a v e s a r e g r e e n.T h e g r a s s i s g r e e n,t o o.W e c a n s e e ma n y b e a u t i f u l f l o w e r s.

T e a c h e r:D o yo u l i k e s p r i n g,P e t e r?

P e t e r:N o,I d o n?t.I l i k e a u t u mn.I t?s c o o l a n d d r y.T h e l e a v e s a r e b r o w n a n d ye l l o w.W e c a n f l y k i t e s i n t h e p a r k a n d p l a y f o o t b a l l o n t h e p l a yg r o u n d.


C h i n e s e N e w Y e a r i s t h e mo s t i mp o r t a n t f e s t i v a l i n C h i n a.W e a l s o c a l l i t “S p r i n g Fe s t i v a l”.W e c a n h a v e a h a p p y h o l i d a y.I n t h e e v e n i n g b e f o r e t h e C h i n e s e N e w Y e a r,w e h a v e a b i g d i n n e r.I n s o me p l a c e s p e o p l e l i k e t o h a v e d u mp l i n g s.C h i l d r e n l i k e t h e f e s t i v a l v e r y mu c h,b e c a u s e t h e y c a n h a v e d e l i c i o u s f o o d,w e a r n e w c l o t h e s a n d g e t l u c k y mo n e y.T h i s mo n e y i s g i v e n t o c h i l d r e n f o r g o o d l u c k .P e o p l e v i s i t f a m i l i e s a n d f r i e n d s w i t h s o me p r e s e n t s.P e o p l e l i k e t h e S p r i n g Fe s t i v a l,d u r i n g t h i s t i me t h e y c a n h a v e a g o o d r e s t.


W e s a y,'T h a n k yo u.'W e s a y,'P l e a s e.'

W e l i s t e n w h e n p e o p l e t a l k t o u s.

W e s h a r e(分享)o u r t o ys a n d t a k e o u r t u r n.

G o o d ma n n e r s a r e n…t t o o h a r d t o l e a r n.

I t…s r e a l l y e a s y,w h e n yo u f i n d.

G o o d ma n n e r s me a n s J U S T B E I N G K I N D!



0.38+0.68= 11.68-5.27= 14.03-13= 5.6+0.71= 7-0.96= 0.7-0.42= 18÷8= 150×4= 2.9÷10= 95-11= 96+46= 32÷2= 100÷20= 7.3+0.7= 200×2= 790+23= 11×16= 35×9+35= 125×3×8= 4×57×25= 3×9÷3×9= 0.00349读作:0.00975精确到百分位≈ 0.398保留一位小数≈ 8.06米=()厘米 3千米853米=()千米1.79千克=()千克()克 7米2分米=( )米 6千克635克=( )千克0.84+0.54= 14.01-5.36= 77.68-70= 2+0.67= 4-0.36= 0.7-0.13= 4÷8= 120×4= 2.9÷1000= 93-39= 54+18= 40÷2= 630÷70= 2.9+0.2=

150×4= 210+34= 11×12= 78×9+78= 125×27×8= 4×75×25= 2×8÷2×8= 0.00631读作: 0.00937精确到百分位≈ 0.018保留一位小数≈ 8.13米=()厘米 5千米854米=()千米4.63千克=()千克()克 5米7分米=( )米 3千克886克=( )千克0.29+0.91= 17.09-7.79= 33.12-29= 9.8+0.78= 6-0.8= 0.9-0.26= 6÷4= 180×9= 3÷1000= 96-46= 27+11= 24÷4= 400÷80= 5.2+0.9= 190×4= 270+48= 11×17= 4×9+4= 125×51×8= 4×25×25= 3×8÷3×8= 0.00466读作: 0.00135精确到百分位≈ 0.09保留一位小数≈ 3.14米=()厘米 6千米322米=()千米7.1千克=()千克()克


月日 zhèng què dá 一、在正确的回答前画√。 xù hào tián 二、把对应的序号填到()里。 三、连线 bird 猫dog 鸟cat 狗cup 棒球帽cap 帽 hat 杯子 月日一、英语算术题 two + three =()① five ② four six + four = ()① nine ② ten seven + one =()five + four =()① seven ②nine six + three =()① ten ②nine three + seven=()① ten ② eight two + six =()① nine ②eight three + three =() ① four ②six eight – five = () ① four ②three seven – four = () ① two ②three nine – eight =() ① two ②one one + six – four = ()①five ②three ten – eight + five =()

①nine ②seven liè dān tú dùi yìng yán 二、在下列单词下涂上对应的颜色。 red green blue black yellow brown pink orange purple grey white 月日 xuǎn zé shì hé tián kòng 一、选择适合的句子填空。 1. Amy:Good afternoon. Sam: A. Good morning B. Good bye C. Nice to meet you D. Good afternoon 2. Lingling: How old are you Daming: . A. I’m fine B. Thank you C. No, it isn’t ’m six 3. Tom: What’s this Amy: . A. He’s my father ’s my kite C. That’s my pencil ’s my pencil 4. Tim:Who is she Sam: .


每日一练Unit 1(六年级) 填空题 1.Did Carol ____ (camp) with us? 2.Let’s go _____ (boat) next. 3.I ______ (clean) my room last night. 4.They _______ (play) badminton yesterday morning. 5.I ______ (not hear) from her last week. 6.He _____(not play) tennis after school yesterday. 填空题 1.上周末你干什么了? —————— you do last weekend? 2. 在星期日上午,我们去划船了。 We _____ _____ on Sunday morning. 3.在2011年的一个晚上,他在湖边宿营了。 He ______ by the lake on an evening of 2011. 4. 周六晚上我在家做作业。 I my homework on Saturday evening. 5. 昨天我们一家人去看电影了。 Our family _____ to the _____ last night. 6. 昨天下午放学后,你见到Jane了吗? ______ you _____ Jane after school yesterday afternoon?

一.翻译下列短语 1.玩游戏 2. 学习听力 3. 练习听力 4. 学习单词和句子二.按要求完成各题。 (一). 写出动词的过去式 Play---learn---talk---read---speak---take---(二)写出动词过去式的原形形式 Practiced---listened--- Did---went--- Visited---taught--- 每日一练Unit 2(六年级) 一.根据中文意思写出英文单词或短语 1.挥手再见 2. 上学迟到 3.做她的家庭作业 4. 看报纸 5.下象棋 6. 散步 二.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 have---play--- get---do--- go---watch---


7、300×30= 50×50= 20×6= 70×3= 60×50=40×20=260×10= 10×80= 10×20= 30+60=80÷80= 300÷50=150÷30= 60÷10= 100÷20=900÷90= 800÷80= 240÷60= 2700÷90= 5000÷50=76×54= 27×93= 66×84= 653×14= 356×78= 879÷33= 627÷26= 89÷53= 62÷31= 97÷29= 8、57×40= 65×74= 89×56= 123×88= 523×26= 626÷12= 632÷21= 321÷13= 96÷4= 289+337= 10×30= 60×20= 240÷80= 22×30= 40×40= 20×30=80÷8= 210÷70= 80×60= 640÷80= 40×20= 60×70=10×70= 300÷50= 600÷60= 11×40=450÷50=50×60=6×800=360÷60=

9、60×300=400÷80= 10×8= 50×20=50×80= 10×80= 50÷50= 100×50=150÷50= 720÷90 = 100×800= 70÷70= 10×30= 20×20= 10×60=10×90= 200÷50= 10×50= 270÷30= 900÷90 = 33×22= 54×46= 5×67 869×35= 777×20= 541÷67= 835÷44= 561÷19= 96÷24= 92÷46= 10、300×30= 70×50= 200×60= 10×30= 20×50= 40×20= 30×2= 50×80= 90×20= 40×60=600÷60= 3000÷50=15÷3= 100÷10= 60÷20=900÷90= 800÷80= 600÷60= 900÷90= 50÷50= 49×34= 82×97= 16×11= 213×12= 365×32= 55÷11= 569÷35= 852÷27= 84÷14= 76÷23=


每日一练1 are you today --________ ’m fine.B.I’m Toby.C.I’m 10. 2.--What's your name--________ A.I’m Lisa.B.I’m 0k.C.Hello 3.--What's this --___________ A.It’s cat B.My new skateboard.C.It’s nine. 每日一练2 家庭关系 1.( ) is my father. 2.( )She is my . 3.( )--Who is he -- A.He is my mother is my sister is my grandfather 每日一练3 介绍朋友 连词成句 1.Jim is this . 2.she who is 3.to meet nice you ! 每日一练3 数字 ( )’s one plus three--It’s . ( )’s seven minus two --It’s . ( )’s ten minus six --It’s .

每日一练颜色 1.( )--What’s your favorite --My favorite is green. A.color; color ; number ; color 2.连词成句 favorite color my is red 3.连线 红色orange 黑色blue 绿色black 蓝色red 橙色green 每日一练5 水果 选择题 ()The apple is . ( )--Look at my red apple. -- . you. , it’s nice. ( )It’s orange orange. 每日一练6 动物 1.选择题你和彼得玩扮演小动物的游戏,你想让他扮演一只熊,应该这样说:like a bear, Peter! , Bear! 2.圈出下列单词中与其他三个不同类的单词: Watch lion rabbit bear 3.选择题:Jump like a .


一、乘法 ①624×17 = ②15×914= ③422×74= ④460×704 = ⑤509×650= 二、除法 ①8900÷27= ②6090÷35= ③7223÷36= ④5009÷25= ⑤4156÷23= 三、四则运算 ①(15+509)×50 ②12505÷(25+36)④89×99+89 ③178+265+22+35 ⑤263+58+737+42

①24×607= ②103×80= ③445×32= ④980×68= ⑤506×23= 二、除法 ①8034÷78= ②52932÷66= ③3776÷13= ④1521÷23= ⑤17260÷85= 三、四则运算 ①100-24×3 ②80+(146-46×3)③4800-(52+203×10)④45×25+75×45 ⑤2500÷8×4

①230×52= ②80×450= ③304×56= ④98×123= ⑤102×38= 二、除法 ①906÷32= ②2500÷63= ③5003÷33= ④4020÷25= ⑤1008÷12= 三、四则运算 ①72-44+85 ②3200÷25÷4③99×125×8 ④125×64 ⑤235-28-72

①55×102= ②45×67= ③98×405= ④29×800= ⑤203×450= 二、除法 ①345÷56= ②2000÷67= ③9080÷28= ④1002÷40= ⑤3020÷81= 三、四则运算 ①258-16+342 ②52×15-5×52 ③5865-(32+865) ④32×15+(326+809)⑤987÷3×65


小升初英语每日一练(39) 一、根据汉语写单词 1. I said a lot to them, and at last they (同意). 2. You’d better say that (再). He can’t follow you. 3. Oh, how (优美) this piece of music sounds! 4. Flower will soon (死) if we d on’t often water them. 5. Five (外国人) were shown around their factory last Saturday. 二、普通阅读 Leaves are nature’s food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and CO2 into glucose. Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for energy (f&ft) to grow. The way plants turn water and CO2 into glucose is called photosynthesis. That means "putting together with light.” A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is green. It gives plants their green color. As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how the trees "know" to begin getting ready for winter. During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and live on the food they have stored during the summer. They begin to close their food—making factories. The green

四年级上册 口算天天练 一天一套 .

1000÷2=17×5=20×420= 8700÷300=88÷8=120×600= 50×11=36×2=910-190=560÷80=34+48=54-21+78= 14×2=24×30=61-54+81= 12×8=180+55=32×6= 4200÷30=530+280=1900÷20= 15+54-13=35×10=37+45= 100÷4=65÷13=98÷14= 320-90=4×15=6×15= 96÷8=72÷2=56÷2= 20×420=42×20=84+46-25= 200×48=180×500=300×330= 140×7=580-490=2400÷200=7600÷200=18+16=12+65-12= 4×14=13×7=46×2= 30÷6=63÷9=300÷6= 24÷6=3500÷70=330÷30= 21+98-52=35×4=5400÷90= 83-45=410-7052-21= 70÷10=300÷6=450÷90=

104×5=55÷5=23×20= 280+270=320÷8=76+25-28= 84+21-65=60×15=36÷4= 16×50=84÷21=440÷4= 3600÷400=5600÷700=560÷80= 100÷4=65÷13=98÷14= 78÷6=52÷4=76÷2= 70÷14=72÷18=60÷15= 42+87-42=135×20=42-22= 60×500=94÷2=90+240= 76÷2=20×35=66÷7= 390+140=9×500=12×50= 24+94-28=330×3=5×1280= 480÷60=120÷3=560÷70= 75÷15=70×70=58+85-16= 15×4=729÷3=4000÷40= 7600÷400=473+427=73+45-32= 420-90=3500÷7=40÷20= 200÷50=70÷5=27+45= 140×7=580-490=2400÷200=123×4=32÷4=40×12=


四年级下册英语1-3 单元天天练-写句子-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

英语天天练 班级________姓名__________ 3月13日星期一 根据上下文提示,补全对话。 1.___________________________________(图书馆)The library is on the first floor. 2. _____________________________________ (教师办公室) It’s next to the gym. 3. _____________________________________ (美术室) It’s on the second floor. 3月14日星期二 根据上下文提示,补全对话。 1.___________________________________(电脑室) No, it isn’t. It’s the art room. 2. _____________________________________ (音乐室) Yes, we do. 3. _____________________________________ (操场) Yes, it is the playground. 3月15日星期三 1._____________________________ 2.It’s 6 o’clock. 2

3.It’s 6:25.It’s time__________________________.(起床) 4.It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time ______________________.(英语课) 3月16日星期四 1.________________________________________ It’s 5 o’clock. 2.It’s 7:10.It’s time _________________________.(早餐) 3.It’s7:30. It’s time ______________________.(去上学) 3月17日星期五 1.__________________ _________ It’s 12 o’clock. 2.It’s 2 o’clock. It’s time _______________________.(音乐课) 3.It’s 4:30. It’s time _________________________. (回家) 周末综合小练 根据图片提示完成对话练习 1.A:Is this the art room? 2. B: No,________________________. (音乐室) 3.A: Where’s the computer room? 4. B: It’s __________________________. (电脑室在一楼)5.Is that the art room? No,____________________________. (电脑室) 3


小升初英语每日一练(37) 一、智力测试 1. What number comes next? 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ? A. 18 B. 22 C. 21 D. 24 2. It's one to one.what time will it be two mintues later? A. one one B. two two C. one two D. one three 3. I’m round (圆的), but I’m not a basketball. I’m your good friend and you can kick (踢) me with your foot. Do you know my name? A. Ball B. Football C. Egg D. Apple 4. What is that we never borrow but often give back? A. Book B. Ruler C. Money D. Thanks 5. We will go before you can say Jack Robinson. A. as soon as possible B. before twelve o’clock C. right away D. at last 二、单选 1. Though the clothes are new, she has decided to give ________ to the people in disaster areas(灾区) A. it away B. them away C. away it D. away them 2. ________ exciting news! We will have ________ long holiday after the exam. A. What an; a B. What; a C. How an; the D. How; the 3. --How often do you send an e-mail to your uncle? -- ________.


60÷6=160×3=9分=()秒 10×3=200×6=80分米=()米 15×2=130×3=9×9-20= 22×2=100×7=498×4≈ 18×3=440×2=9分=()秒 13×3=900×5=7×6+9= 32×2=222×4=7分=()秒 11×2=200×9=58厘米=()毫米23×4=140×4=199×8≈ 30×5=102×3=760+50= 19×2=600×7=38×5≈ 24×4=140×3=1分=()秒 10×6=150×2=90分米=()米 60÷5=313×3=67厘米=()毫米47×2=307×3=360秒=()分 48÷4=200×4=7吨=()千克 10×3=800×5=45-40= 72÷6=100×7=200厘米=()分米14×4=211×3=30×4≈ 90÷3=110×4=120秒=()分 21×2=433×2=7000米=()千米11×3=230×4=48-30=

50×6=100×3=4千米=()米 70×2=230×4=1吨=()千克 18×3=324×2=7+2×9= 90×9=105×2=120秒=()分 30×8=500×2=60×3≈ 26×2=700×4=102×3≈ 13×2=100×8=75厘米=()毫米15×2=500×8=1分=()秒 17×2=108×4=8000米=()千米21×2=400×2=16+3×5= 70×9=190×3=91×2≈ 10×2=240×3=90分米=()米 30×4=126×3=50分米=()米 11×2=200×4=40+34= 16×2=200×7=40分米=()米 12×2=224×3=50分米=()米 90×8=800×6=500+360= 24×2=130×2=50分米=()米 20×3=190×3=420秒=()分 31×2=220×3=11+4×3= 13×2=180×2=10+2×4= 15×4=136×2=9千米=()米


一、用所给词的合适形式填空 1. --- __________ (not smoke) here. --- I’m sorry. ---Can you see a sign on the wall? It means“No __________ (smoke)”. 2. Their father __________ (swim) very fast. Look, he __________ (swim) in the sports hall now.3.---Where’s my camera? ---It __________ (is) on the table a moment ago. 4.__________ (do) Nancy’s brothers usually get up at six? 5. There are a lot of books. Please put __________ (they) into the library. 6. ---What can I do for you? ---I want to have two __________ (glass) of milk. 7. Hearing the __________ (excite) news, the students are getting __________ (excite). 二、阅读理解 In1834,theclocktowerinLondonwasburneddown.Peopleplannedtobuildanewcloc kwhichwould be the biggest and the best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. Several yearslater the towerwas finished. The people put the big clock in the tower, andmade it ring out forthe first timeon July 11, 1859. In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting. Someone wanted to call it the Queenof Bells , and someone thought Victoria was good . At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a bigman. Before he started to speak, someone shouted,“Why not call it Big Ben?”Everybody laughed and agreedwith him. From then on, Big Ben became its name. And it also became a famous building of London. People allover the world write to Big Ben. They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only aclock but also a dear friend of people.


四年级下册英语天天练 A 1、( )uncle sun ( ) grape name ( ) about playground ( ) not welcome ( ) English long 2、Let (我) have a look. 3、We like PE. Like PE? No, . 4、翻译: 什么科目 5、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。 Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground. In this building(楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on t he second floor. It?s big and clean. I like it. ()1、There are classrooms in my school. A、thirty B、thirteen ()2、The playground is . A、small B、big ()3、The library is on the floor. A、first B、second ()4、My classroom is A、clean B、small ()5、I my school. A、don?t like B、like B 1、( )table skate ( )food good ()down window ()books lessons ()pity swim 2、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。 Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at sc hool. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven o?clock. I go to bed at nine thirty. ()1、I get up at .A、6:40 B、6:30 ()2、I have at 7:10 A、lunch B、breakfast ()3、I have classes all day.(全天;一整天) A、four B、six ()4、I have lunch . A、at school B、at home ()5、I go to bed at . A、seven o?clock B、nine thirty C


小升初英语每日一练(50) 一.选出不同类的词 ( ) 1. A. sour B. young C. hour D. our ( ) 2. A. pig B. potato C. horse D. sheep ( ) 3. A. Mon. B. Wed. C. A.M. D. Fri. ( ) 4. A. pork B. fish C. beef D. onion ( ) 5. A. sour B. salty C. sweet D. swim 二.完形填空 The term home schooling means educating children at home or in places other than a normal setting such as a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children. Some parents are 1 with the quality of education in the public schools. Others do not want their children to have to worry about “peer pressure”, or social pressure from friends. They say it may have a(n) 2 effect on the child’s studies. T hese parents 3 this type of pressure will lead to bad behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. Bullying(欺负) from other students is another concern. Still other parents choose this type of 4 for religious reasons. Whatever the 5 may be, it is evident that more and more children are being taken out of normal schools every year. 6 , many questions have emerged, encouraging the debate over home schooling against public schooling.


评价等级:优秀〇 良好〇 及格〇 家长签字: 14÷2= 200×2= 1÷1000= 57-35= 88+25= 32÷4= 540÷90= 9.5+0.9= 170×10= 970+11= 101×19= 12×9+12= 125×97×8= 4×8×25= 4×2÷4×2= 0.0068读作: 0.00209精确到百分位≈ 0.07保留一位小数≈ 2.05米=( )厘米 6千米888米=( )千米 5.4千克=( )千克( )克 5米3分米=( )米 7千克161克=( )千克 0.89+0.48= 9.82-5.62= 26.5-19= 5.4+0.31= 2-0.39= 0.9-0.43= 30÷4= 170×6= 5.3÷1000= 60-52= 51+97= 64÷2= 270÷30= 7.7+0.2= 200×10= 150+22= 11×17= 44×9+44= 125×74×8=

评价等级:优秀〇 良好〇 及格〇 家长签字: 4×9×25= 8×4÷8×4= 0.00347读作: 0.00303精确到百分位≈ 0.063保留一位小数≈ 9.82米=( )厘米 6千米136米=( )千米 8.43千克=( )千克( )克 9米1分米=( )米 3千克397克=( )千克 0.25+0.83= 16.36-7.73= 28.66-20= 7.4+0.96= 1-0.08= 0.6-0.4= 25÷4= 150×9= 4.5÷10= 76-44= 61+55= 64÷2= 420÷60= 0.3+0.8= 170×1= 240+37= 11×15= 39×9+39= 125×58×8= 4×71×25= 9×3÷9×3= 0.00815读作: 0.00269精确到百分位≈ 0.445保留一位小数≈ 3.97米=( )厘米 7千米835米=( )千米 8.72千克=( )千克( )克 5米8分米=( )米 5千克126克=( )千克 0.95+0.99= 4.03-1.68= 71.86-66=


小学英语总复习每日一练(9) 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. The old man is ____ _____ (恼火) his son. 2. I did _____ ______(更好) maths than English. 3. When the UFO _____ _____ (起飞), the man was riding the bike. 4. Beijing is a beautiful place. I fall _____ _______ ____ (爱上) it. 5. My mom is _____ ______(为---做准备)the party. 二、完形填空 Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast (海岸)the USA. He tried to get work as an artist but still he was unsuccessful. One day he remembered the mouse got ____1___ of his home. He ___2___ his pencil and started ___3___. Day after day he practiced and drew ___4___ pictures of the mouse that he had known. At last he was ___5___ with one of the pictures of the mouse. He ___6___ it Mickey Mouse. Disney’s success as a cartoon-maker had begun. He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made ___7___ cartoons about ___8___. These cartoons were all ___9___ ones. Before the days of television, they used to be shown in ___10___ all over the country before the main (主要的)film was shown. Later Disney made longer films. 1. A. in B. at C.from D.out 2. A. picked up B.looked up C.got up D.wrote with 3. A.to draw B.draw C. to drawing D. drew 4. A. important B.different C. wonderful D.much 5. A.boring B.angry C.tired D.pleased 6. A.bought B.drew C.called D.asked 7. A.a lot of B.a lot C.lot of D.lot 8. A.their B.them C.they D.it 9. A.short B.small C.long D.big 10. A.homes B.offices C.cinemas D.theatres 一、根据汉语提示完成句子


一周四年级数学“天天练”班姓名成绩 仔细审题,认真检查,相信你行! 1、207003读作( ),是一个( )位数,7在 ( )位上,表示( )个( )。 2、10个十万是( ),10个一百万是( ), 一亿里有10个(),30个一千万是( ). 3、5083420是由5个()、8个()、3个()、4个 ()和2个()组成的。 4、356700 读作:( ) 800300 读作:( ) 2016038 读作:( ) 6008070 读作:( ) 5、在整数数位顺序表上,从右起第五位是()位,第九位是 ()位。

6、在3中,从最高位起,第一个“3”表示(),中间的 “3”表示(),第三个“3”表示()。 7、把数与正确的读法连起来。 一千五百万 一千零五十万 一千零五万 一千万五千 一千万零五百 一周四年级数学“天天练”班姓名成绩 仔细审题,认真检查,相信你行! 1.按我国计数习惯,每______个数位分为一级,万级的数位有____ __、___ _ _、____ _ _ 、_____ _。 2.读作___ ___,是一个______位数,最高位是位,7在______位上,表示______个______。 3.0 读作: 00 读作:

01读作: 五百万零九百写作: 七千四百万零二十三写作: 三亿五千万写作: 五千三百六十万写作: 六亿零四十八万八千五百写作: 4.用8、0、6、9、3、1组成一个最大的六位数是,最 小的六位 数是。 5.由3个亿、2个百万和9个十组成的数写作__ ____,读作__ ___。 6. 在7070606、7606706、6070760和6707060中,读出所有零的数是___ __,只读一个零的数是___ ___和___ ___,一个零不读的 数____ __,其中____ __最大,__ ____最小。 7.最大的七位数是,最小的八位数

六年级英语 小升初每日一练(69)(无答案) 闽教版

小升初英语每日一练(69) 一、单项选择 1. John never comes to school late, ____? A. does he B. doesn’t he C. is he D. isn’t he 2. I’ll give you a ring if Mike____tomorrow. A. comes B. will come C. came D. is coming 3. Picking apples was hard work,____they really enjoyed it. A. and B. so C. but D. or 4. A:What shall we do this evening? B:____. A. It’s a pleasure B. That’s OK C. Sure

D. I’ve no idea 5. A:Which would you like , tea or milk? B:____. A. Yes ,thank you B. Tea, please. C. Yes, please D. Certainly. I’d love to. 二、阅读理解 When Kyle walked into Ernie’s Pet World, he looked very anxious. The shop owner, Ernie, jumped out of his seat to greet Kyle. He was the shop’s first customer of the day. “Good morning, sir!” Ernie said, “What can I help you with?” “Well, I ……” Kyle started to say. “Wait, don’t tell me,” Ernie stopped him. “You’re looking for a …a little dog… for your daughter’s birthday, Right?” “Not really, I just…” Ernie didn’t let him finish. “Ah, I’ve got it. You just moved to a new office, and you want some fish for it, I have some very nice fish bowls over here.” “In fact, I…” Kyle was starting to look very nervous and strange. “No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernie’s Pet World, we have the best cats. Take a look at this lovely one with long, white hair, She’s looking at you. She’s thinking, ‘Take me home. Take me home.’ Would you like some cat food and toys, too?” “No, thank you,” Kyl e said. By this time, he was walking up and down. He had a terrible look on his face. “Really, I’m not interested in cats or fish or little dogs.”

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